The Strategy and Impact of Demonic Influences - Stephanie Ike Okafor

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to open us up in prayer for this moment Heavenly Father we thank you we thank you Lord God that it is an honor that we get Gather in your name and so with this time lord god with the word that you have given me Lord may they not hear me but hear you and so Holy Spirit glorify Jesus through everything that we do in Jesus mighty name amen amen you may be seated if you've been blessed by this conference just give a shout amen you know I re I came to pour and receive um so it has been such a rich rich rich blessing for me um and my husband U my daughter there my husband's with my daughter my daughter did not go to bed we were going through jet lag and she just decided to have a party with jet lag U so finally just I think in two hours ago she slept but I'm really excited for what God is going to do with this time um you know I love so much that Pastor has been sharing about his dreams um some of you may know some of you may not know but there was an assignment the lord gave me a few years ago and told me to write a book on dreams and shortly after he revealed that to me I got reached out by a a well-known Publishing Company um in America and they were like would you like to write a book of Christian publishing Christian Publishers and they're like is there any book that's on your heart you know that you're interested in um and then we started talking about this book on dreams and I just want to encourage you it's going to be such a blessing it comes out August 27th um it's called The Power of your dreams and you know when I encounter the Lord at nine one of the The prominent ways that he always spoke to me were through encounters and dreams and sometimes people will say like but you know I'm not a dreamer but the reality is and this is actually scientifically proven you dream every day you just don't remember and if there is a space where you're literally dreaming every day wouldn't you want to create space for that to be encounters with God in your dreams for the voice of God to reveal to you Mysteries through your dreams and so this book is an assignment for me it's not just about writing a book it's an assignment to really and I think it's on the graphic to awaken a generation to the power of their dreams we are so distracted as a people and for me dreams is part of God's mercy that outside your busyness that he can plant his word in your spirit and so um I encourage you pre-order the book amen but today we're going to dive into something that I'm very passionate about and you know this session is about understanding the impact of demonic influences on Christians in today's culture just like Pastor mentioned I had I did a series this was last year on the modernization of Witchcraft you see Witchcraft and everything of that the enemy everything that is under the enemy's terrain is all about rebellion it's Rebellion against God and that is why even in the scripture it would talk about how Rebellion is as is a sin as witchcraft so when we think witchcraft you know I know for me growing up witchcraft meant um and some of you may be familiar with the term babalao you know all these witch doctors sitting in the corner and just throwing grass you know putting water in grass or something but it's more advanced than that and in how the enemy has modernized it does not change its potency it does not change its agenda the the essence of it is to lure you you see the Bible calls Satan that he appears he masquerades as an angel of Light he appears he he presents himself in ways that would be acceptable to the generation and his ultimate goal is for you to call evil good yesterday I was sharing that that one of my favorite um portions in the in the scripture to read is the Garden of Eden because in that in what you see that the experience Adam and Eve it teaches us so much about the ways of God and the ways of the enemy you see in the garden you know often times when we talk about the interaction that Eve had with the serpent we we make it seem as though the serpent was Satan the serpent was not Satan the serpent was a serpent was a snake the Bible talks about that he would the serpent was the most cunning animal that the Lord God had made and so when the enemy was trying to gain access to the people he looked for what would be compatible to access the people so what's happening in our generation today is that the enemy is still looking for what is compatible to access the people and so in the garden it was the serpent in our generation is entertainment and even in the phrase itself entertainment he's looking for ways to enter to gain access over your mind you know Pastor was sharing this with that series that that series brought on it was interesting because I was pregnant I was like seven months pregnant at the time and there were people panicking they were like are you sure you're going to do this pregnant and for me it's that and and you must know this when the Lord gives you an assignment he is your master whoever is coming up against you has a master but my master is greater than your master so yes there was there was Warfare there was intense Warfare there was actually an organization of witches it's an established organization which was very interesting that wrote an article coming up against me and before I learned about the article like were I was having these dreams where these people were trying to shoot me um but in every dream I prevailed and I remember I was sharing with my husband I said no there is a lot of Witchcraft activity coming up against this series and the next thing I knew I saw this article that was published and it was literally an organization of witches that were challenging and wanting the videos to come down so there was an information I I saw many powerful things happen with that series you know in America there is a growing trend of African-Americans wanting to return to the motherland um to worship the gods of their ancestors right and there were many people that started flying in for deliverance I had no clue that the babalao that I saw growing up now were on Zoom having video calls with people I said you you met them on Zoom uh I said wow they are advancing these witch doctors are coming up in the world right but through that series there was a gentleman and he was a new age Shaman he was one of the key the key people that you know he was in he's in Hollywood so a lot of the actors and then people in entertainment would go to him um for various practices right aasa um and many different practices in the new age he was the one of the go-to people and here is what was interesting about his story he did not know that what he was doing was evil he was calling evil good that's the tactic of Satan and so when he got introduced and how did he get introduced into this yoga so you see what we would call the serpent in the Gard Garden the enemy calls yoga in our generation many people you would you you you even practice yoga in sometimes it's even part of your in your in your school right one of your your activities your recreational activities there is Yoga in the hospitals there is Yoga we think that yoga is just an exercise to stretch our body but the origin behind yoga these were not stretches for your flexibility these these were poses that were in service to deities in Hinduism it had nothing to do with flexibility it had everything to do with worship and so even though it's become modernized the the the the the origin behind it and the agenda behind it never changed so what happened he this was a gentleman who played basketball and he was looking to get you know more flexible and get better you know at his game and all that stuff so someone said hey take a yoga class he starts taking yoga and from what seemed innocent they noticed him and they noticed this is an open vessel then they brought him into the back room they said you know what you need to go deeper in yoga so now they introduced him to the people you have to recognize I remember when the Lord began to reveal to me how they key people in the industry in entertainment in Hollywood and these are people that have meetings with Satan they have key strategic meetings on what to create to infiltrate the minds of the people you think you're just over there getting entertained and someone is looking at you as bait so this man is literally just enjoying yoga like you would go to a yoga studio but in the studio there are people watching trying to gauge people in the spirit to see who is who who who who is going to be who is right for our agenda so now they bring him into what this was all about and now he's he's practicing yoga the way they do it from the ancient from the ancient world and they're revealing to him how to open up himself for the gods in Hinduism to enter him and that's how it started and then it graduated and then all of a sudden now he he tries iasa and then he wants more he's like wow this could help people the deception of the enemy and now he becomes a shaman and he starts doing this for very key people in Hollywood and some of you may not be familiar with aaska but basically they they take this it's a plant right it's a psychedelic drug and when you drink it um before you it's not just about drinking it that's why they have shamans they have these rituals setups where they call upon spirits to be invited into that ceremony now when you hear about this in movies or in interviews you would just think about it's just a plant you drink a plant and you enter the spirit world nothing spiritual happens just because you did something in the natural there's a spirit being in operation so they invite these different spirits to be invited into the ceremony and then they drink of this plant and when they drink of the plant their Spirit leaves their body and for some people they now meet with what they call the spirit of the tree which is Aya and takes them on this journey and experiences and the idea for many people is that whatever they have been afraid of they they experience the the greatest fears in their life and they and they believe they are delivered and I remember what this gentleman said to me he said we take out demons just to put more on the back end so it's an exchange but there was a deception that he believed that what he was doing was good and so when he got exposed to the series that was when the Lord began to convict him and there was a power that came upon him that opened up his eyes and that's when he literally got rid of everything he says Jesus or nothing there was an encounter he had with Jesus and Shiva and Shiva is a God in Hinduism is is known as the God of destruction and the Lord says now you have to choose either you're going to go with shiver or you're going to choose me so all these things began to play in his mind and finally he gave his life to Jesus he got baptized baptized amen and he's a member of our of our church Community but you see why this is so important for you to understand is that the enemy never presents himself the way you would think one of an encounter this uh I've had two encounters with Satan in my life the second time I had an encounter with him or no actually that was the first the first encounter with Satan he was stunning and what what happened was this is why you have to know you have to guard yourself from Idols of the heart what happened was there was a particular Prophet who I always knew was a false prophet and this person always tried to come around my mother and I had confronted him before and I know who you I know who you are because there was a time when I was I encountered the Lord at 9: and I it radically changed my life and the Lord began to open my eyes to see many things and I was growing up I remember one day this man comes to the house and he shakes my hand and the moment he shook my hand I go into a vision and I see where he gathers I see the the the very occultic place he gathered and he pushed my hand away from his and run leaves the house and my mom is like where are you going where are you going said no no no I'll be back I'll be back and I said Mom that man is is his he's not he's not of God he's not of the spirit of God this is a false prophet and so I began to warned my mom concerning him so he knew but one day so years later now I've I've left I've left Nigeria I'm in the states and this was how he tried to he this was how he got me in the moment he reaches out to my mother and he says I would like Stephanie to pray for me I'm in college at this time and then I said wow this man must have changed his ways Pride rather than for me to consult with the Lord first my ego was being served that oh he wants to pray with you he wants you to pray for him I said oh sure let Mom in bring invite him to the house let us pray for the man so he comes over my mom calls me and I began we I prayed for him I didn't realize that that was a deception that all of that was so that he could pray for me so after I finished then he says can I just speak a prayer over you and I said yes yes yes and then the man begins to pray and he says you know as I pray for the wealth of Solomon to come into your life I said amen who won't say Amen to that and then he says and the angels that were with Solomon be released to you I continue saying amen forgetting that Solomon exposed himself to many things and then that evening I'm laying in bed and all of a sudden I see this angel that I've never seen in my life and he was beautiful stunning his whole being was jewels and I said at first in my ignorance I said wow this angel of Solomon was really really came the Lord really came through on this one you know I said God what is the abundance coming into my life and then this Angel smirked and I said that's different I've never seen an angel smirk and I began there was the there was this weird this troubling feeling I had and I started asking the Lord who is this because something doesn't feel right who is this person and there was a name I heard and when I I heard the name I didn't have an understanding of the name and literally all this is happening in real time I'm awake this is not like I'm sleeping and the angel is standing there smirking and I'm I look at my phone and I go on Google this is um not too spiritual to go on Google in this moment but I go on Google and I Google the meaning of the name I heard and The Moment I Saw the translation to Lucifer he goes from my side and then he goes in front of me and grabs my feet as he grabbed my feet it felt like my soul was leaving my body and I began I said Lord then it it hit me that I had opened the door when I asked that man to pray for me I said Lord this can be you please save me forgive me for my ignorance and then the angel Who Walks With Me Now shows up and there was this mighty sword that he used and hit his hand and he let me go but that day taught me a great lesson that the enemy does not come in the appearance that you believe he does not come in a way that you would see him coming and as I began to pray concerning this topic because you see there are there's so much depth when we talk about demonic influence but the area that the Lord was telling me to emphasize on was on the mind you see the scripture says in Proverbs 23:7 for as he thinks in his heart so is he if the enemy can gain access to your mind then he can control the soul the soul of man is his intellect his will his emotions his heart the one who controls the mind has Mastery over the soul and one of the agendas of the enemy in our time is how to infiltrate your mind because if he can shape how you think then he controls how you live if he can shape what you come into agreement with then you cannot fully surrender to God you will make excuses for your limitation not knowing that there is a grace of God available for you to live above that limitation you see in the Garden of Eden before Eve fell if before Eve was deceived and all that stuff before they ate the fruit the sin did not start because of just her eating the fruit it started when her mind conceived that what was evil she called good when she looks at it and says this is good to eat if he can get you to start seeing evil as good he has the upper hand and this is where entertainment comes in this is where music comes in anything that has access to translate information into your soul you have to be a guard over that you see nothing in this life is here to entertain you everything has an agenda everything is representing a culture yesterday we talked about how culture reflects nothing is just to make you laugh and happy and and and distracted in your day everything is serving an agenda when you think about it you see we we we live in times where in the society when we talk about how witchcraft is infil filtr in our society and the church I I saw a witch literally a woman who Pro proclaimed witch on social media say that she loves Jesus she said wow I I really like that Jesus character you know he was just he's awesome she reads the Bible yet she's a proclaimed witch where is the problem dilution people don't uh the the the rich and authentic undiluted word of God is not being preached in the manner that it should and so now the people going back to the gentleman who I interviewed when I when he shared his testimony what he said to me is that he had never known that this was how Satan also operates that when he thinks of Satan he thinks of you would know this is evil he did not think that the enemy could operate in ways that look good I received this question a lot of times in Hollywood people will ask me what about white magic I said white magic black magic your master is still Satan and he may not be after you but he may be after your seed so his agenda might not manifest in your lifetime but it will corrupt the seed that you produce so we have to get back to the place of Rec recognizing that God has called you as sheep amongst wolves I remember when the Lord was speaking to me he said you must see yourself as a soldier in battle everything around you is designed to kill you if you lose sight that you're a soldier in battle you would befriend what looks nice and cuddly have you ever seen the movies where a soldier sees a little boy a little child a little girl and they go to make sure hair are you okay and the child kills them because everything in an enemy's territory is designed to kill you it's not for your good so if you don't have a god Consciousness if you don't if you're not seeking the holy spirit for discernment in what you watch and what you allow in you you don't realize when the cracks open up you see there is this saying sometimes amongst men right where you see how men feel as though in order to be you know before they get married they need to sow their Wild Oats right they need to just get be out there and Reckless and people think that Purity was only for women and so men believe that it's okay for me to have a have a time of my life and then when I want to get married I'll settle down let me just sleep around and and then when I want to get married I'll settle down but do you know where that thought came from what you watch there was something about the programming that you exposed yourself to that made you believe that in order to be a man this is how I must live you watch movies and you watch shows where they introduce crystals and people are saging and you're like well let me introduce this into my life yet you're a Believer because you don't realize the spirit spiritual consequences of what you're doing you see you cannot serve God and another Master whenever something else is introduced to the picture you're serving that thing not him whatever else you introduce that you find your whatever you run to in times of chaos that is where you see what your God is that when a shaking comes what you run to reveals to you who your Master truly is and so we look at demonic influence in the lives of Christians and Christians we we are the last people to want to believe that we could be influenced by the enemy but it shows up in your marriage many marriages are failing because people are not able to discern their thought life you're having a good time and then all of a sudden the enemy starts projecting the images to you these things this a conversation that was had a year ago but it was not resolved then you start asking your your husband you know what what last year you said this what did you mean by it fight starts because of how you see women empowerment and feminism in films and on television now women when women hear the word submission it sounds like slavery they said no I don't do that and the marriage is over before it ever started and so when the enemy can bring his culture into your programming you don't realize how already you're being shaped to model a different Kingdom yet you call yourself a Christian any area of your life that is not according to the standard of God you have to bring that before the altar God where did corruption come in and I did not know it even when you think about music do you know that there are certain songs that before they record it they have a ceremony these are not the things that are exposed to you but there are certain songs that before it's recorded they have their own ceremony to Satan the same way that when we you know as Believers When We Worship the Lord sometimes when you're in prayer you begin to hear chants you begin to hear uh Melodies that begin to come in and you're worshiping God before you ever release that Melody that in the Demonic there's ceremonies that take place and there are chants that come from the Demonic Realm and just like Pastor said you're doing a dance but you don't realize that that dance in itself is a form of worship to a daty and so when you begin to do it you're in agreement you're showing that hey I look like you have access you will be surprised that some of the chaos that people experience in their lives if they were to ask the Lord where did I open the door it would look like something mundane as I was praying for you the Lord showed me a lady who has a a a a a serious fear of death it's crippling you but the reality is that what opened that door was a film you watched and that's where it came in you cannot be be exposed like that you see something the Lord began to teach me about demonic spirits number one when you think about racism there is a we we we it's hard to to understand racism in the natural because it's not natural at all that someone can just hate you because of your skin color the spirit behind racism is a is a demon is a demonic spirit right Point Blank but the same way that Spirit speaks to how Satan sees you and his kingdom when demons see you they hate you you are only good to be their slave they only see you as one that should be their slave and the worst thing that a Believer can do is come in agreement with some something that sees you as a slave they want you to be a slave to lust they want you to be a slave to immorality they want you to be a slave to masturbation and then you are you you you're struggling with it not because you're it's not just that you're saying God take this away from me you love it and you love what someone else is experiencing through you a spirit is expressing themselves through you and you're saying I'm comfortable here yet you're asking God for change you see until you hate your bondage there's no way out you cannot love what ke keeps you bound and there's something the Lord began to show me again about demonic spirits which which really blows my mind Matthew 12:43 says this when an unclean Spirit goes out of a man he goes through Dry places seeking rest and finds none so when the spirit was in a man that was his resting place the the reason I'm I'm I'm painting this picture is so that you recognize that there agenda is to keep you in a place of ignorance so they would have a resting place can you imagine what it's like when you have no rest you would do everything to at some point find some rest in your day and so if a spirit if an evil spirit looks at you as a resting place then their agenda is to find out how can we Infiltrate The System and the culture that all of a sudden the culture would make room for us and give us invitation to come home because when they look at you they call you their house you see there are many things that you have to come out of agreement with today because culture has made you believe that it is your anxiety it is your depression people claim these things they say oh it's just my anxiety and you don't realize there is a spirit that work behind it and the spirit needs you to claim him as your identity so he has a res in place you say oh I was just born this way no you were not born that way God did not make a mistake when he said and he made them male and female and I will say this and I know this this always this is always a topic people are are you know don't want to touch on but here's the truth even when it comes because in in Christianity we still see people who say I was born this way they feel betrayed because they're like but but God made me this way this is all I've known since I was a child that this was my sexual orientation no God does not make mistakes but here is what happens and this is why conversations about the mind is so important because no matter what the generational curse is no matter what the bondage is it traces back to someone in that lineage that agreed with Satan concerning a matter that there was deception that and and the deception brought agreement and that agreement opened the door for familiar spirits that agreement opened the door for bondage in a family it all came back down to the mind but if you continue to agree with it there is no freedom I remember asking the Lord because I I I had many people around me who had this notion of I was born this way they they didn't they didn't they were wrestling with the word of God concerning their sexuality because they said I was just born this way and for me I could see the spirit behind it but I said God give me language because how do I explain to this person that a spirit has only found a res in place in you and he wants to make you his permanent house he doesn't want to escape this house so he has come in in a way that you would agree with him to the point that you don't know where you start or where he ends and I I remember there was a week where the Lord began to teach me particularly about the homosexual spirit and there were many days that he showed me how this Spirit gains access and one of it thank you Lord I see God is about to do something beautiful thank you Jesus one of the things the Lord began to teach me had to do with the bloodline and this is so this is this is why you have to be so careful with what you expose yourself to because he showed me this with visuals I saw a man for instance and the man was watching pornography the man was not gay but the pornography he was watching was a homosexual pornography a man would not think that him watching two women is a problem for him it's just entertainment but what he opens the door is that spirit so the man is struggling with pornography he's not doing it from a place of thinking he has you know a sexual um problem or whatever he's watching two women the spirit gains access it doesn't manifest in him but it manifests in his seed so now a child is born and as early as two years old their sexual orientation changes because the spirit that he invited into his life manifested itself through his child that's one way another way is through trauma sexual abuse because the spirit of lust has both genders this and so when there is some kind some form of sexual abuse whether it's you know same-sex abuse it opens a door that's why there I've met people that have hated themselves because they felt as though I was abused by the sex that I'm now attracted to because the trauma opened the door then another way is the principalities over our of our territory and when the culture or the government has given those principalities legal rights that we accept this then it it GS it becomes easier for people's thoughts to agree with it that they can cause you to think that you're feeling a certain way and the moment you come in agreement that Spirit gains access there was a friend of mine a very close friend of mine who was really struggling with this and we had been praying together and those was a moment of amazing and incredible breakthrough he's now married has a child and during that moment of breakthrough that night it was myself and one of my best friends and she was over at my place that night I had an encounter with the homosexual spirit and it was mad at me and it says how dare you who do you think you are and all along I see my friend in Chains and they're dragging him in Chains and the Lord says to me don't listen to them look at him and as I was looking at him a light came and set him free and when I woke up from that dream I rushed to the room cuz I had my my best friend stay in my room and I rushed to the room I said hey I just had this dream and she saw the same people in her dream and then the Lord said that was the spirit that you had challenged and set them and set that man free from why am I sharing this because you have to recognize that even in the things you identify yourself as is not you if it's against the will and the standard of God's word anything that is outside of the word of God that you have found an identity in there is deception there is corruption and if you stay in that lane you are only a allowing a spirit to make you their slave the enemy wants no good thing from you there is a passionate hate he has concerning you and so all his tactics is to bring you to a place where you can join him in Hell the Bible says that God did not create hell for us it was created for Lucifer and his angels and the hate he has concerning you is to get you to a place of pure deception so that you can join him that I'm not going to be the only one going you see as Believers we are in a time that we have to stand on the word of God no matter what comes in our lives in our speech and in our circles there is going to be opposition but then you have to realize that the kingdom is behind you the kingdom is backing you up and there are certain things that if you don't say it then you resist the spirit of God to move on those words you're too concerned about how people would feel and what people will say about you not realizing that their freedom is resting on a word you might speak there is one who SWS there is one who Waters and then the the Lord causes it to grow but someone must seow and someone must water but if you're not bold in your convictions how do you expect the culture to respect you something the Lord had shared with me I was praying concerning our city in in Los Angeles and the Lord said every time you see a person who is far from me and you're worried in your heart concerning God about their salvation I want you to look at yourself and I said God what do you mean because it is the power of God to draw people onto him but after he does where does he send them how will they be discipled because there is more damage done to a person who is free from a demonic spirit and not discipled because in that emptiness those demons come back with a vengeance you see there are many people you're praying for them to know the Lord but the Lord is looking for Laborers he says the Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few we have to be people praying God give us Grace to labor give us the wisdom give give us Insight give us the ability to raise up other laborers because the person that you're praying for it doesn't take anything for God to encounter them but after he does are they discipled in a manner that they would be protected are they discipled in a manner that they would grow or are you only going to set them free for the enemy to get his hooks back in we have a responsibility but our responsibility starts with our convictions in our consecration you see I love what yesterday apostle arom was sharing that there are things that there dealings in how God will deal with you to show if really he is the Lord over your life now this is not Doctrine but there are very specific things and it could just be with things you might like it will be random that the Lord will just tell you you know what for one year don't eat meat it's not it's not for you to preach to people and talk about being a vegan there might be some vegans in the house God bless you okay not my Ministry but it's not about you preaching about being a vegan it's that God is dealing with you in a specific area that has Mastery over you and if you don't know how to lay lay that down then it can also be an opening for the enemy to come in because anything that has the ability to influence you no matter how small that crack is a little crack can cause the whole house to fall down if it's not taken care of so there are moments where the Lord will begin to deal with you concerning your consecration because of how he wants to use you in the land and use you in the field the only spirit that should be a house that that you that you your your temple should be a house to should be the Holy Spirit and I want to make this more practical because there were a few things that the Lord began to highlight to me even in the place of prayer wow thank you Lord because this is also an area that the Lord is working on me on you see in the African culture we have this you know thing of African time right and we just have this thing like no you know when when an African wedding says 5:00 p.m. we show up you you get ready you start getting ready at 5: actually 6 I remember when when I got married I was so I was so I was like very torn on the time to put on the event because I had black people white people and African people coming and I said wow this is going to be very interesting and I I listen let me let me not make this racial but there were certain race that came bright and early waiting for the party to start and they're like wow W every where's everybody at 3 hours later the party starts they're like wow this is a long long party for a wedding but even in time because you see the Lord is refining a Remnant that would represent his nature in everything they would represent his excellence in everything and the Lord began to deal with me concerning this because for many people you don't realize there's a spirit of sabotage at work and you just make it it's like your it's your habit now like you know I'll get there when I get there but you don't realize that there is a spirit of sabotage because if people cannot rely on you to be at a a specific place at a specific time there are things connected to your life that cannot be entrusted to you because then when the Lord is like okay we need this to start here and even in people's Humanity they're like yeah if if we're going to have this event this is not the person that maybe we should put in the beginning there are certain things that you cause to be sabotaged from your destiny even in how you show up to places recently I had to open prayer at an event back in LA and it was an event honoring you know people in politics people in leadership and all the sort and I remember that particular day and the the Holy Spirit was very heavy on me told told me exactly the time I need to leave the house and there was going to be so much time in between I was like Lord how why do I have to leave this early and he says you need to leave now because there was a word that the Lord said that you have to share this cuz I was opening prayer and I had very limited time to share just a word in that event and it's not a Christian event it's a political event but he says now you must share this word where you need to leave at this time little did I know that the vice president of the country would be at that event so if I didn't leave at the time the Lord told me to by the time Secret Service was blocking the whole Road I would be wait I I I wouldn't have gotten there at the start time and can you imagine if at an event and the minister is late then by the time I grab the microphone you don't even want to hear me there is no respect on the words that will speak if everybody is waiting for the minister to show up so when the Lord said I need you to leave that hey I felt that hey someone said Lord you see because those another Vision that the lord gave me concerning time and he says let me show you something this wasn't a dream but this was an interactive dream so in the dream he says I'm going to show you something I see a lady the lady is a prisoner and she's been waiting to get to be set free her captive comes to her the lady imagine the the lady is on the stairs and the door is right in front of her just maybe a few steps away and her captive comes to her and says I will let you go if you leave this building by 7:13 and the time was it was 7:00 he said if you're able to leave this building by 7:13 I will let you go now what this lady did not realize is that the person holding her hostage all was already planning to um resist her for 3 minutes so even though she told her 7:13 the real time was 7:10 but she says by 7:13 if you can leave this building then you will go the lady lady who was a captive was on the stairs she looks at her time she says it's 7:00 she was extremely exhausted very tired she looks at her time 7:00 she's like okay I have a few more minutes to sleep let me just rest for a little bit she closes her eyes She lays down the door is right there she wakes up she looks at her time 7:05 she says I have a few more minutes to sleep 710 she says okay the door is right there so I can just walk out as she stood up the lady came in front of her to resist her that was always the plan she resisted her for three minutes time was up she stayed a captive I said Lord what is this he said this is exactly what happens with my people a little sleep a little Slumber a little sleep a little slumber a little sleep a little Slumber freedom is in front of you a little sleep a little Slumber you see being on time is not just in your natural life it's being on time with the Lord being on time in the in what you commit to prayer in all these moments when Satan we're talking about demonic influences but I want to make it very practical to you when you're laying down and the Lord is waking you up you told the Lord I will show up every day 5:00 a.m. every day 4:00 a.m. then 3:30 you wake up a little sleep a little Slumber 3:55 you say oh I could just rest a little by the time you open your eyes it's 5:30 and here is something that the Lord has really been dealing with me on whenever you set a time with God he shows up at that time you may not know that he's showing up you may not even sense his presence in the room but he's right there the same way that even in a church when a church that is known by God establishes service starts at 10:00 a.m. those that show up at 10: there is a special blessing that Angels carry but then we say a little sleep a little Slumber and we're missing now and the enemy you see the enemy has a pattern he comes to steal kill and destroy it's a Cadence he starts by stealing from you little sleep little Slumber things are being taken say while men slept he slded their enemy came and sold tars amongst the weat this is a time for us to be alert in every way not in our spiritual life in our disciplines Nothing in life is here to entertain you everything is serving an agenda if you think about your favorite TV shows right now ask yourself and this would it would show you what is what is what is its messaging serving what culture is it promoting I'll be honest there are some shows that I enjoyed and when the Lord confronted me with that question I had to repent because you're thinking you're just watching it to see what happens next with the Dragon some of you already know what I'm talking about and you're like wow look at kisi some of you picked it up but what is this show promoting sexual immorality and you think you're just watching it to laugh but it's shaping how you think it's shaping what you tolerate and it's shaping what you your voice can even give you can give voice to because what you're in bed with you cannot speak against so then you become selective about what you teach on what you say and what you confront we cannot continue like this there is a generation that is literally perishing and not because they should continue in that way but there's a generation connected to the voices of people who are compromised and that is why they're perishing there are voices that God established in the land and you don't have to be a preacher to be a voice you can be called as a voice to your family as a voice to your community a voice in your workplace but if you are compromised then the the power of God will not be effective in what you say even before you want to speak it the enemy will come to you with shame remember you just did that yesterday you're thinking your your your your bondage was just about the bondage was just about you no it's so that everything connected to you would be included in those chains if the enemy can keep you bound it's not just you he kept bound he kept everything connected to you in Chains can you imagine if the Apostle Paul never discovered who God truly called him to be can you imagine the people who encountered the Lord through his teachings and preachings that we are still feeding off on today what about you the enemy's tactics in this generation is not obvious it's not it's not just um presented in a way that you can say yep that's the devil discernment is needed because where he is hiding himself is what people call fun is what people would use the phrase as living my best life this is where he's hiding himself and he has Representatives they are influencers that are now his representatives and endorsers and so then you feel as do well if this person who I love their music is endorsing this then let me pull back let me not share how I really feel on social media let me not share how I really feel in front of my friends and in your life you cannot be in agreement with what is keeping you a slave it is not you it is what it is the spirit at work through you to keep you in bondage you see there are things that you dabbled in and you started dabbling in it just for fun but consistency attracts a spirit you did it one time you were in control you did it the second time you were in control the third time you were in control the fourth time it's controlling you because whatever you practice consistently it attracts the spirit but don't agree that it is you it is not you you have to know who God called you to be and the influences at work in your life because if you agree with it then you cannot walk away from it the Bible says can two walk together except they be agreed that also means what you agree with you are walking with and if you are walking with it you can't at the same time you can't say God I'm in agreement with this but take it away from me God I'm saying this is who I am but Lord take it away from me that that that is that's confusion you're neither hot or cold and that's why people always wonder but Lord what haveen you delivered me from this because you are in agreement with it thank you Jesus thank you Lord just stand with me I see the Lord wanting to do something thank you Lord you see one of the issues and where the enemy has been thriving and how people are falling into great deception in this time what I'm understanding with the Lord is that it's not so much the Witchcraft it's not so much the practices it's not so much the go you know ancestral worship it's not the psychics it's not the crystals it's not the tarot card it's the idols of the hearts and that is what is blinding the people when an idol is marriage for instance even when you know that the prophet is false and then he tells you to do X Y and Z you do it because marriage is an idol in your heart and the moment you do it now you're in Covenant with a demonic altar when you see African Americans running to Africa for the gods of their ancestors the problem is not that it's an identity wanted to feel as though wanted to get connected to their Roots history and so then the enemy uses the pride of your race against you when people are run into psychics and you looking for crystals they're looking for an escape to break free from poverty they're wanting to know what their future holds if they would finally get that job or promotion but all these Idols are only present because you have not fully committed your life to the Lord Jesus you have not seen the reason why he is worthy of all of you it it it's a transactional relationship between you and God you see him more as your genie than your lord I always tell people if you want to know truly where you stand with God every time in the maybe the last three to four times you fasted what did you fast for if you only fasted for things concerning you that tells you this is transactional if you've never fasted for intimacy if you've never fasted to see God move in your city if you've never fasted concerning other people your relationship with God is transactional it's about what he can do for you it's not real and so he's your vehicle for gain and because you know Jesus is real it's like okay well this is the best place to be but it's not real you haven't yet committed yourself to him you haven't yet called him Lord you say he's your Lord but you have not surrendered to him as as though he is your lord and it's only in that place that life truly begins you see I share that I encountered God at nine but the truth is I encountered him as father before savior I needed a father at that age I didn't think I need a say I didn't needed a savior I had a lot of anger towards God and he was working on me he said they're teaching me and and worked on my heart but while he was while I only saw him as father and not savior and not Lord there was a limitation in my life but when he as he trained me and raised me up there was a moment that I had to choose either the god of my life would be self or it would truly be him because though I knew him and though we had a beautiful relationship I was not fully surrendered and you see you are not designed to to to just exist outside of just nothing you you you are designed to always be in service to a spirit and so when I was not in service to God in a manner of seeing him as Lord there were other vices in my life because something must occupy that space something must occupy that space What is keeping you bound is that in the in the place of you committing and surrendering your life fully to the Lord Jesus there are these things occupying the space so I'm not just telling you to come out of agreement with it I'm also telling you to come to a place of full surrender and this is only done by the grace and mercy of God but you have to desire it in your heart and you only you begin to desire something when you see what you used to desire as evil but if you keep calling evil good you stay stuck many we come to the church but we have a mask on we sing the songs we dance the dance we shout the shouts but we have a mask on and after the service is over you go back to your bondage and they you recycle repeat you come back you sing the songs you shout you go back to your bondage when people don't see you but God sees you how can you be effective God is not in the business of raising people to just work for him he's in the business of raising people to reflect him it's about his nature over your works so you can't think that you're mocking God you're in deception there is a great Darkness over our generation and my my burden concerning our generation is that we are we are losing our our boldness because we haven't exercised it you have to take a stand and if you don't take a stand in God's kingdom then witchcraft will prevail and not just in society in the church because the moment there is a shaking concerning your Idol and there is something that sounds deceiving Doctrine there's a reason it's called deceiving Doctrine not just the doctrine of demons but that it is it is deceiving why would something deceive you because there is some there's something that that in it you have an appetite for you can't be deceived by something you don't desire there is something in you that is crazy cing that thing that is why Eve could say well this is good for food this looks this looks good this looks good to make one wise so that means there was something deep down in Eve that she didn't feel as though she was on the same level with whether it was Adam or whether she was truly what God said about her there was a little piece that the enemy said let me work this crack you have to make a choice and so for a moment I just want you to lift up your hands and pray in the spirit thank you Jesus heavenly father as your children are praying before you have your way Lord have your way Holy Spirit as they are coming out of agreement with the identities that they said this is who I am and this is what I do Lord I Thank you for deliverance in the room I thank you Lord God that as they come out of agreement with these things that Lord that your power would meet them in a place of freedom I thank you Lord that where the the enemy has been hiding himself in their thought life where the enemy has been hiding himself oh God in their way of being that you would begin to expose every demonic root in the name of Jesus Lord expose every demonic Source every demonic chatter everything that has causing them has been causing them to to sabotage the spirit of self sabot sabotage Lord right now set them free from it Lord I Thank You Lord every stubborn Spirit Lord Jesus set your people free set your people free I see the angels of the Lord [Music] [Music] right now Lord right now release them release them release them from this bondage release them from this chains release them release them release them release them [Music] I see a young lady and you have been what you're struggling with the Lord won't permit me to say but it's in the place of sexual immorality against yourself and I see the Lord setting you free I see where the angels are bringing Waters to pour on your hands and how you have been defiling yourself with your hands the Lord says no more thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I see some young men thank you Lord thank you Lord and you have been living a double life because what you have been doing is accepted by culture but not in the kingdom of God not in the kingdom of God and I see the Lord calling you to a life of Purity and Holiness and if you would agree and align yourself there is a Grace that will come upon you there is an anointing that will come upon you if you would agree to say Lord no more Lord you can take it away heavenly father have your way in the lives of these gentlemen thank you Lord Jesus they will no longer defile the house Lord God that is supposed to be a house only for the Holy Spirit not a house for demonic spirits they will no longer defile the Temple of the Lord thank you Jesus Lord as these men say the heavenly father no more you can take it away heavenly father I thank you that you are setting them free in this house there is a heart work that God is performing right now thank you Jesus thank you Jesus there are areas in your heart that has been callous towards the Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus a deep heart work Lord a deep heart work Lord thank you Lord I thank you oh heavenly father that these things that have kept them Bound for years that have kept them Bound in silence Lord God set them free in the name of Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord May the angels of the Lord continue to move through this room I see keys to unlock people out of bondage thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord Heavenly Father father have your way continue to have your way in this place in the lives of your sons and daughters thank you Jesus I thank you that their life would not lack the power of the Holy Spirit they would not just give you lip service oh God but your life would have the fragrance of the Lord the fragrance of Yahweh thank you Jesus I thank you Lord that where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty I thank you Lord for what you're doing right now in this place just close your eyes for one one moment thank you Lord and with your eyes closed I want you to talk to your father and have a personal moment with the Holy Spirit concerning the areas in your life life that you have been lacking true accountability in his presence and let it begin in the heart and as you surrender these areas to the Lord there is a Grace that is coming upon you for the works that the Lord is calling you to do don't be distracted In This Moment thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord I see where the angels of the Lord are are unlocking there's keys and they're unlocking people out of chains there are certain chains that the length of them runs long runs very very deep for some of you you are a product of things that you're you were exposed to generationally you didn't realize how it started or what happened you felt as though this has always been your Norm but it's not who you are and on one hand I'm seeing the Lord move through and unlocking people out of their chains and at the same time I'm seeing where there are some that the angels are standing by and he's waiting for for you to surrender he's waiting for you to surrender and part of your surrender looks like people that you're going to send a message to to end things there are people that you have been giving yourself to that you will need to before you leave this place you need to end it you need to end it you need to end it there are people you have been I'm seeing even I'm seeing a lady and you are having Pastor was talking about ministers having Affairs but I'm seeing a lady you're having an affair with a married man and what you don't realize is that what you think is pleasure is bondage because this is keeping you from the call of God concerning your life release it in the heart have a moment with the Lord because where you are wrestling you see there are certain Graces that cannot rest on you if you lukewarm you can either you have to be hot or you're cold and if you're cold you're in the kingdom of darkness if your hot the Lord can do many things with you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord Holy Spirit I thank you for the great work that is taking place in the hearts of your people right now and I thank you oh Lord because even as I'm seeing Angels still moving around there are many of you and you feel like a weight literally like somebody took a weight off your body and that's what it feel that that's that's that's the expression of what's taking place as there these they're un locking chains you have not seen them in the natural but even in this moment it literally felt like there were weights that came off of you and you started to feel lighter there's some and it's almost as though you lost your you it's not that you can lose Joy but that's the best way I can frame this you lost your joy you have been in this place where your mind has been constantly negative and there is a weight that came up off you and before we close there's something I must do so if that is you I just want to find agree with what the Lord is is doing you could physically feel like weight came off you just come to the front right now just rush to the front you physically felt as though someone just lifted up a weight of your shoulders thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord choose this day who you would serve choose this day and I just need a few moment moments because I'm still seeing where there are few people who are still wrestling with the Lord choose this day choose this day the decisions you have to make it will cost you but it's the right price stop agreeing with what's keeping you bound and one particular person the reason that you're wrestling with the Lord is because the decision that you have to make requires you moving out of where you currently live because of what's taking place between you and that roommate but choose this day choose this day choose this day choose this day Lord I Thank you I come in agreement with what you have doing in the lives of your children I thank you Lord God that no more no more no more no more no more I thank you oh heavenly father that every chain that is broken will never find expression anymore in their lives because Lord God when you are the one who touches your children this is only an expression of what you've already done when you are the one who sets them free Lord they are free indeed I thank you Lord that even when the enemy wants to project thoughts into their minds Lord God that they would stand firm they would stand on your word and reject those thoughts knowing oh heavenly father that the work that you have done you have perfected choose this day choose this day choose this day choose this day choose this day thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord every nightmare that you've been having no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more no more every violation in the dreams every violation the Lord Lord says no more thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord the Lord says no more no more no more no more no more thank thank you Lord if I've touched you if you could just go back to your seats so I could just reach everyone very quickly thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus everything you need for your calling take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it release it release it to her Lord Jesus Take it right now take it thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord where the enemy has stolen from you the Lord is redeeming he's Redeeming the time and he is restoring unto you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord and it begins with your family it begins with your family thank you Lord thank you Lord if we can have everyone just come here really quickly very quickly thank you Jesus I come in agreement with what you've done over your children thank you Jesus and come in agreement what you've done over your children thank you Jesus thank you Jesus as I touch you just go back to your SE thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord Lord break everything not only of her but connected to her thank you Jesus Lord God may she be like a tree Lord God and that every Branch would be healthy because the trunk is healthy in Jesus name thank you Lord thank you Lord quickly quickly quickly quickly thank you Lord come in agreement with what God has done concerning you thank you Lord very quickly than agre what God has done concerning you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus it's done it's done it's done thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Jesus have your way Lord God Amen thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord have your way hallelujah thank you Lord have your way thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Jesus no more no more no more no more no more no shame no shame no shame no shame no shame no shame I thank you [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Stephanie Ike Okafor
Views: 116,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Ike, Stephanie Ike Okafor, Witchcraft, Teaching Series, It's Supernatural, Sarah Jakes Roberts, Touré Roberts, One Church LA, Woman Evolve, Modernization of Witchcraft, Sid Roth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 47sec (5327 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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