The STRANGEST Theme Park in the United States!

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good morning coaster fans it is that coaster dude back with another video for you today we're doing an Oregon coaster tour at the two major amusement parks in the entire state number one here at Oaks Amusement Park and number two at Enchanted Forest but again starting off Oaks Amusement par let's check it [Music] out Oaks Park is located in Portland Oregon and opened in 1905 making it one of the oldest continually operating amusement parks in the United States it features two roller coasters and 24 total attractions over 44 Acres I just want to take a second to thank Oaks Park for hooking me up with this wristband today so I can show you guys all the awesome rides here at the park let's go get the first coaster in all right our first roller coaster is going to be adrenaline Peak which is a 2008 18 gers flower Euro Fighter let's ride sorry Andrew I guess Abby and I aren't tall enough to ride this ride F now guess I'll have to go by [Music] myself [Music] [Music] right all right rapid reaction uh adrenaline Peach is a lot of fun it's got a little bit of a rattle to it so it's not super smooth but the best part of the ride are the two inversions that give some great hang tis highly recommend so Oaks Amusement park opened in 1905 which is the same year that Las Vegas actually became a city the more you know all right our second roller coaster is going to be Zoom coaster here which is an enf Myer family roller coaster built back in 1999 [Music] well it's fun it's a fun little thing super for Jank but got the credit out of something [Music] [Music] else now that I've done the two coasters it's time to do the other intense ride here in the park atmosphere that's Ry I'm oh man oh man we're rotating folks look at him calmly waving Cal waving what a psycho [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my [Music] [Applause] word that one the ride is crazy um and actually I honestly think that's the best ride here even better than the roller coaster that is awesome now that I've done the roller coasters and all the major rides here I think that it's time to leave Oaks Park and head to our second location but my final impression of Oaks Park is that it really gives you that old timey Classic Fair feel you can feel the history here it's a really fun park even though it's not very big I highly recommend a visit if you ever get the chance all right guys we've made it to our second stop here at the Enchanted Forest which might be the strangest amusic Park in all of America let's go check it out located in Turner Oregon enchanted forest was completely built by Roger Toof and his family in the late 1960s the park is still owned by the Toof family today and is currently home to two roller coasters and 10 total rides covering 20 acres now before coming to Enchanted Forest you do need to know they charge an admission price for adults which is $25 but they also charge for ride tickets it's a dollar per ticket and most of the rides here are three to five tickets per ride so you're looking at $25 plus an additional $3 to5 for every single ride that you want to do so my advice is to optimize the rides you want to do because if you do everything it's going to get a little bit pricey all right guys we are here again with Lydia and Abby for the first time since SeaWorld and making our entrance into the park through the castle oh my oh my okay couldn't put Humpy Dumpy all right I'm a little weirded out by Little Miss Muffet and this Spiderman creature thing back here it's a little weird lamb little lamb Mary had a little lamb was at the now we're going to walk through hunel and grle [Music] house no that's not weird at all is all right guys I'm about to take this tunnel I'm not really sure what it's going to look like in there but let's see out of the H I think that coaster dude is inside the tunnel underneath us right now Abby and I are going to go try to figure out where he's going to come out [Music] of that is unbelievably claustrophobic I'm not sure if he's GNA come out the other side the forest has taken no you're officially haunted now dude you're officially haunted I think that should be your thumbnail and your bursting out oh come here little girl wow that caterpillar is interesting not as bad the other all right guys we're making our way through the maze now I do like pink wait where do you enter I guess here nope that's a dead end okay oh dead end hi pretty okay I keep okay hey I found the exit so the Enchanted Forest opened in 1971 and the rumor is is that this place is super haunted I am already feeling The Vibes well this doesn't look cursed or anything oh her head that's CED energy it look at this Trail you guys this is beautiful has it that Bigfoot has been spotted in this very Forest this this Forest this Forest okay look closely around you into the seven door D's mine we shall [Music] go leg I actually kind of like [Music] this need to wait look there go the door it's [Music] working that is one schnaz right there right up the nostrils yeah right on his tongue too oh we're going into his throat it's obviously a witch oh oh boy what is this the slide at your own risk all right W hold on to her all right go ahead Lydia porridge too my goodness my favorite story it careful your head not creepy at all o she's just sleeping there oh good what is the Crooked Man into the Crooked [Applause] [Music] house oh my [Music] goodness we're now entering tville [Music] Roger starter Susan composes and Records all music for the park enchant Forest is the only theme park in America that does not pay royalties to anyone that's pretty cool [Music] [Applause] I find interesting there's AAL right [Music] [Laughter] here this is for the two of us are how scary is this going to be super scary super scary enjoy oh thank [Music] you let's go guys do not go without me I [Music] swear why is this dude standing here going to do a j oh my where is that I'm the head of [Music] this SC oh my gosh I don't like this [Music] dude if you be brave we will now'll say goodbye guys I thought this was a tunnel and I literally just smashed my face into the window just a light concussion at the Enchanted Forest guys look it's like a smaller version of the bagio fountain [Music] this is show ever but that's what makes it good an app and she like threw a note in the audience I'm blushing mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all you again Queen Vanna let me sleep mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all queen queen sad but true you ain't even number two oh the truth is oh so Nifty your numbers really oh 350 350 1 2 3 C was pretty good it was pretty good again cut care about me and and put me on magazine cover excuse me kids do you love people more when they always have to be better than you or prettier than you yes all right we've made our way out of the park now to eat our sandwiches that we brought and after lunch it's going to be time for The Coasters here's our little picnic spot in the middle of the parking lot everybody you've never picnicked in the parking lot before come on all right guys it is time for our very first roller coaster of the day finally it is Ice Mountain Bob sleds built in 1983 by Ascot design let's give it a ride well this is going to be the first roller coaster I've ever been on that's in that would be oh we are going to get the yellow woo don't think I'm like [Music] it [Music] we are really going through the forest [Music] here oh my God oh my word I think we almost just shot off of the in the car I'm literally l oh my gosh I think we just shot Off The Track about 20 times you are got to be K here we go oh great go trying to shoot off the track again oh my word okay oh [Applause] my [Music] okay Abby rapid reaction to the bob sled ride I thought I was going to fly off the tracks multiple times and the car was very cozy for two adults very cozy would not recommend riding together like Abby and I did get your own vehicle experience they said that each one of the seats fit up to 399 lbs so Abby and I decided to ride together and like Abby said it was an extremely cozy experience um very janky very rough probably wouldn't ride again but it was very unique you should ride it one time yeah it was very unique we did get to go through the forest which was cool it was cool yes all right guys rapid reaction just got off of Ice Mountain Bob sleds and that is one of the weirdest roller coasters I have ever been on no doubt that thing is rickety and janky but it's actually a lot of fun you just Cruise through the little mountain there and you're flying through the woods I'm actually surprised at how much fun I had definitely a must do definitely all right second roller coaster of the day is going to be the Big Timber log ride which is an enf Miler water roller coaster built in 1996 are we ready Lydia let's ride all right we're going up the ride guys let's go I don't oh no how tall is this like [Applause] 10 after this yeah w oh oh no I told myself no no I won't get that wet and then my head and my face are literally drenched rapid reaction guys what a fun log ride through the woods couple of nice little drops and that last drop with the water exp floating to the sides so much fun so much fun great a great time was had by all for sure all right guys uh now that we got the two roller coasters done our time here at Enchanted Forest is coming to a close and yes it lives up to the billing as the strangest amusement park that I've ever been to though it ended up being a lot more fun than I thought it would it's a really great family park and I highly recommend a visit if you ever get a chance as for the update on our count we are now sitting at 14 Parks visited and 47 total coaster credits all right what are your opinions of the Enchanted Forest you know I was actually pleasantly surprised at how big it is but it's definitely haunted definitely haunted but I was also very pleasantly surprised at how interactive it is and the level of detail there is in the exhibits especially the storybook Lane area it was like every fairy tale I read as a kid come to life animatronic really cool you could tell it'd be totally enchanting for a kid but I was pretty Enchanted as an adult especially considering it's totally hidden in the forest yeah the fact that it was inside of a forest adds a level of magic yes but it's haunted it's haunted thank you everybody for watching another one of my videos if you haven't done so already make sure you subscribe to that coaster dude on YouTube I'll see
Channel: That Coaster Dude
Views: 1,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: duvn8qZ2XmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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