The Strange Microsoft Root Certificate - Mass Surveillance Enabler? + Q&A

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live stream our regularly scheduled live stream on Thursday nights 8:00 p.m. Pacific time we are live on Rumble and on uh YouTube just want to make sure that we are in fact live so just verifying in here yep we're good so I don't see anybody yet on uh at least no comments yet on Rumble uh and welcome my friends and tonight's topic is going to be about C certificates specifically about Microsoft certificates yeah so it's going to be interesting it's going to be interesting topic so I I'm uh making these series of videos on web encryption and I just released a video from yesterday and the next one is also going to be about web encryption but in the meantime I'm going to focus just on a sub subtopic here that I didn't really focus on and that's the Microsoft specific root certificates that you will find uh as I described in the video but you'll find it in more places than you actually realize so before I get into that I just want to remind you that in 2024 I'm going to change the live stream format um I'm not sure I will continue doing live streaming here on YouTube uh live stream will continue un undisrupted on Rumble and then it will be uh uh hopefully also on uh locals Rob braxman so if you're not on the locals platform I recommend that you sign up to Rob ban. so you don't miss out because in 2024 I'm not going to do this uh formats especially uh I don't know if I'm uh going to transfer like a portion of it like the first 30 minutes on YouTube or not I haven't decided that but um so far I realized that it doesn't really benefit me on YouTube so if there's no benefit there's kind of no point to doing it um it's very beneficial for me on Rumble and of course the supporters on on uh locals so please speak speak straight into the mic the sound is somewhat distorted no then that means I'm too close then your advice is wrong here okay so I'm too close to the mic so creating more distance here to the mic okay uh what did you say you will lose many people if you lose YouTube no nobody's watching in YouTube what are you talking about I wouldn't leave YouTube live streams if the the live streams are of any benefit but on YouTube my live streams result in losing subscribers every time I lose subscribers on on uh on YouTube so no I'm not it it's it's of no specific benefit on YouTube itself so anyway um so so that's the plan in 2024 specifically how I'm going to do that it's not it's not yet uh it's not yet uh entirely clear so but locals needs TOA uh fake it fake it or be on on Rumble Rumble will be fine I will continue to broadcast on uh on Rumble Rumble is very receptive to to live stream so it works very well over there but the main videos the the short videos do extremely well on YouTube YouTube so YouTube is the place for the short videos for sure uh Rumble actually isn't a good place for the short videos so it's a little different for every platform so anyway we uh we got to go with uh you know with um what works here if it doesn't work it doesn't work so that's all that's all I'm saying here anyway um the uh the topic today is about the Microsoft root certificate and this is very disturbing if you actually understand what this means if you go to Windows and uh you go to control panel on Windows and you type certificates in the in the search bar in there it will actually display the certificates that are currently on Windows and uh it will show the root certificate if you go into the uh root certificate section it will actually show you the root certificates and the disturbing aspect of that is that the root certificates um include Microsoft so root certificates have a it's very distracting uh Cosmic grow I know what your concern is on that I rumbles free you don't have to to do anything on Rumble I I understand the complications of locals but we can discuss that another time here it's really very distracting for me to even look at the comments right now so anyway the problem with the root certificate issue is that any entity that inserts a root certificate into your computer computer basically can create a certificate for any company so a Microsoft certificate as a root in your system means they can actually create a root certificate for bra May for well they can't make one they can make one for but they they wouldn't be able to do it on Chrome but they can do it on Firefox on edge they could do that uh they could do a certificate for uh or just about any you know Facebook they could do a certificate for any company and when you create a certificate a fake certificate on the platform the end result is that somebody can actually put a man in the middle somebody can spy on it this is this is very very very dangerous thing it's very very dangerous thing to do so so it's it's very um iffy to me to have a Microsoft root certificate when Microsoft isn't actually a certificate Authority there is actually no reason that Microsoft would be providing root certificates I mean sorry website certificates that's not what they do now let me just explain this because this may not be clear the the actual explanation to why um some of the Microsoft certificates are there is supposedly for something called app signing so if a if an app is put into the Microsoft store or even the genuine apps from Microsoft Microsoft will check the public key of the app and then check it against uh the recorded uh uh Authority and then see if the authority is valid and then they can say if the app itself is the original uh app signature for that uh app or not that's called app signing and supposedly then that prevents somebody from inserting a bad app in Windows okay got got that that is not that is not NE that's not a bad purpose that is not a bad purpose you know I can I can accept that for cyber security reasons that's actually that's actually not bad but the uh the the main the main issue the main issue here is this uh the Microsoft certificate as placed as one of the certificates as placed in in um Windows is supposed to be for app signing but there is no restriction for somebody using a Microsoft certificate to not be for app sign it can be used for for any website now here's something that you may not realize this there something you you may not know when you are the root certificate you can actually assign somebody else to be an intermediate certificate Authority so let's say Microsoft as root says okay we're going to make a new Authority and we're going to call it uh you know XYZ uh xyc uh certificate Authority well you're not going to know who XYZ certificate Authority is per se it's not easy to look at because it will be part of what is called a hierarchy it's actually a chain so the top level would be Microsoft and then whatever next the intermediate Authority is so the this entity then can issue certificate itself as certified by the Microsoft root certificate Microsoft does not have to reveal their private key all they do is say we approve of XYZ certificate Authority and certificate Authority XYZ suddenly has all this power they can then generate uh root certificates uh all day so for example they can say okay uh you uh threater agency we're going to give you an intermediate certificate Authority uh in the certificate Authority chain and Microsoft isn't actually a valid root root Authority they're not actually you know some the requir of a root Authority is they have to be audited they have to put in a lot of money um uh to uh to have uh security physical security bonded there's a a lot of stuff that comes with being a a root Authority which Microsoft did not do they didn't do that so they're actually faking themselves because they have power they have power because they wrote the operating system they can do anything they want and they decided they're going to put Microsoft as a root Authority and they have the power then to Grant intermediate CA authority to any entity including government now I haven't discussed this in any any video this is kind of a New Concept here so you can actually go to a website and it will say oh this certificate is uh is uh you know provided by uh let's let's so s instead of saying let's encrypt it's let's X let's XYZ something similar and you would never know or maybe it's uh let's encrypted decom they can use that as the uh as the uh name of the The Entity and we would never know unless your eyes are are really uh uh you know sharp and you can see some of the stuff that they can do and so they can say okay so you're going to uh you know a website let's say and it and it says there the certificate is guaranteed by you know the certificate Authority let's XYZ let's XYZ and you say oh okay I don't know who that is must be okay must be okay so the question that uh uh Mr us Patriot 01 is asking and which is explained by all this is if you have a private key to any website if it's a fake certificate then you can hand the private key to anyone if you have the private key to any website including a machine you can spy on any traffic intended for that domain you can fake anything meaning you can spy on any website this is in fact already proven to be so easy to do everyone in cyber security knows how to do this and for a non-cyber security person person to do this it's easy you load a vast antivirus and then you will see that antivirus the antivirus puts a root certificate in and it can read everything that's supposed to be https with encryption they can read everything okay I'm going to scare you a little bit here because it goes worse than this okay the second justification for Microsoft to be putting root certificates um uh root certificate in in fact they have several root certificates some of this is actually intended for Microsoft Azure so if uh if you have a server in the cloud and your your server is in the Azure um platform Microsoft Azure is like their own version of Amazon AWS it's so they're like a you know Microsoft version of Leno Akamai Leno they have it on they have it's called Azure uh if if you have if you have a server on Azure then you can pretty much guarantee that any Windows computer that you need to access bir directionally will be guaranteed to work with a certificate issued by Microsoft even though Microsoft isn't a certificate Authority and that's because they can guarantee that any computer running Windows always has a Windows root certificate and therefore any certificate granted by Microsoft can in fact do this so if the government set and by the way the government has uh servers in Microsoft Azure in fact they have a government division Azure is a government Division and so a government division of azure could uh then spy on every Microsoft computer in the fcking world because they can put a uh uh you know a website there and they can track all the traffic externally they can watch what goes on in Microsoft Azure they can watch any Windows computer this is the mass surveillance aspect of this now it's it's even worse folks it's even worse let me explain to you why it's worse it's worse because Linux now who would have thought this Linux has Microsoft rof certificates did you know that oh if you're searching for the Microsoft us certificates on Linux it's in the it's in the fold it's in the directory Etc sler no it's SSL Etc SSL so if you go uh to Linux and go to etc. SSL and then you go to the search folder you'll find all the root certificates in there uh and uh Microsoft is on there Microsoft is on there now exactly great go is asking L Lin scope p pying is asking yeah wh why would there be Microsoft certificates in there well their excuse could be hey this computers uh may be running in a uh in a Microsoft Azure environment and they need access to certain certificates in order to work and in case you did not know in case you did not know folks I'm going to remind you this uh Microsoft is part of the Linux Foundation you you think Microsoft's just going to sit on the background just because it's Linux no Linux is a big part of the Linux foundation in fact they donate a lot of money to it so they have control they have control because they donate a lot of money what do you mean sound is gone sound is not gone I don't I don't the sound is not gone on my end here so my goodness this is really uh this really is very very troubling now I just looked I looked at uh uh a Mac now the the Mac I have is is pretty old uh I have a older MacBook Pro and it did not have anything but apple root certificates in there so uh so it's not on Apple you may have to install some Microsoft app before they start inserting root certificate in there but there it's not an apple but what this means just just to just to uh really explain the effects of this is that somebody at Microsoft could in fact create an entity that can listen into all the traffic from any Microsoft OS computer or Linux well that's about you know isn't that 90% of all computers 95% of all computers what what is the market share of of a Mac it's not that big so so uh yeah 90% of all computers that can be spied on and then if if an entity wants to do uh spying on Apple they can go to Apple and get an Apple uh uh intermediate certif certificate CA certificate because Apple can do the same thing that Microsoft does so Apple also has uh the apple root certificate on a on a Mac it it has a mac Apple root certificate on there so they could do the exact same thing and by the way in case you didn't know Apple Microsoft Google uh all of them uh are government contractors and given the right amount of money of course they so same with Amazon given the right amount of money of course they do they do uh um uh support the government if the government says we want to do something and you know they they all uh have proven to be participants in prism and all the uh the various programs that Snowden revealed Apple microsof oft Google all of them were players in that plus all the carriers they were all willingly giving our data to these to these companies and now we have actually a mechanism here to for them to directly directly do Mass surveillance this is not really so much of a threat from uh hackers I just want to emphasize that you know what what this really applies to this is more of a threat uh to uh to mass Sur it's a mass surveillance threat because typically the threat here will be from some government so that this means that a uh a government that's cozy with apple Google Microsoft could get you know uh some intermediate certificate right and so the I actually was wrong and stating in my video that the certificate would show up as Microsoft Apple or Google but no it doesn't have to be because that they could have an intermediate certificate and unless you check specifically what the certificate looks like that is guaranteed by the root level certificate which would show on there but if you didn't know that you're not going to look at it and you're not going to know the chain so this it's important to look at the certificate and look at the chain so if if there's a I'll give you an example if you look at a let's encrypt let's look at the certificate for bra me I don't have I I don't have a a method here set up to to put a browser on here to show you this but but I showed it in my last video If you go into uh bra me my my own site and it's a leton script certificate and you look at the lon script certificate the certificate Authority for for uh Brax me is let's encrypt but let's encrypt let's encrypt is a intermediate CA the actual root certificate holder is actually X3 so you can actually see X3 on there so we'll show X3 then let's encrypt and then the website bra SMI so so when that happens and you you can you can see the connection here if I ever see a root of any website of some unknown intermediary and I'll find a Microsoft Apple Google or anyone else that is really not directly connected I'm I'm going to just assume that there's a government interceptor machine in the middle uh if you're depending on the country this will probably be quite common so this is a very very uh scary concept here but you know that's really what happened I I showed you in the video the story about uh about um a blue Cod systems and by the way blue code systems the that story used to be mentioned on Wikipedia and now it disappeared I don't see any reference to it anymore it's like somebody uh somebody uh um somebody clean that okay it used to be on Wikipedia you know this not something this not a big mystery this was this was a big discussion I don't know S8 nine years ago uh when this was going on so just to repeat the story verine was the root certificate Authority ver sign was bought by semantic semantic then bought blue code systems blue code systems uh is the supplier of surveillance equipment for Saudi Arabia and you know uh whatever country in uh South America I forget you know uh maybe even Venezuela I can't remember now but several of them and then uh um and then uh a lot of Middle Eastern countries so what happens is is uh the the um machines put in my blue code systems could spy on all internet traffic in that country because they actually can generate any fake certificate for any domain they want and therefore they can spy on it and then after reading a content in plain text so if you're going to your bank the government can see all your bank traffic and then it forwards it to the actual site Google Facebook wherever you happen to be going and then it you don't you never notice anything except that some somebody in the middle uh actually read all the traffic that's what blue code systems did now the evil in here is that verine and blue Co systems were both owned by semantic and they they uh they did this evil thing of creating fake certificates and faking people in various places and countries into thinking that their https was safe in fact there there was a man in the middle so this is why this is this is the problem with this root certificate stuff if you just have a root certificate that's uh controlled by inserted by somebody of power and they can then distribute that to other people then you're you're uh you're uh going to promote Mass surveillance now can you modify root CCH obviously you can put any root certificate you want but unless you're a distributor of this then it doesn't having your own root certificate means you can only control yourself but Microsoft controls every suing computer not not the Macs but anything but a Mac Linux and windows so therefore Microsoft has an in to every just about every Zuck computer and every server in the world because they all have a Microsoft Zuck uh uh a Microsoft uh um certificate so just understand this if you control the certif the root CER certificate you have access to the private key if you have access to the private key you can decrypt any traffic any traffic of any certificate used by that root certificate okay so basically in in a simple explanation and watch the last video so you get more of this in a simple explanation is if you control the root certificate you can spy on the content the encryption doesn't matter the encryption does not exist for for you watch that video watch that video Mindy because uh because um you have to look at the certificate itself and um and see so uh you you can't tell 100% but you can get kind of a hint if it's uh in my video I said if the the if the certificate is not from let en Crypt I'm going to uh I'm going to have a big doubt that it's it's actually uh uh safe if it's not a leton crypt certificate I I don't I I'm not going to believe it's safe because of what they can do here so and I'm what I'm talking about is both Linux and and windows Linux and windows you can detect an mitm by using my app catch uh catch man the middle catch mitm uh which I don't believe is downloadable on newer machine so you have to take it from so you can go to download catch mitm in there because it's not on the Google Play Store right now I have to update it it's not using the the most current uh Android uh API so they don't they don't like that so so anyway um this story is much more complicated but I just am worried specifically about the Microsoft one because this one is an example of a certificate that's root certificate that's on every computer just about with the exception of a Mac but it's on uh it's on all of the Microsoft Windows computers and all Linux computers it's very very disturbing very very disturbing um solution now there is some solution to this for Linux for Linux I would just move the certificates to a c c another area uh away from the Etc SSL search directory and move it someplace else back it up somewhere uh and then that should disable that certificate on Linux and then you reboot and that should do it uh can't imagine any evil effect I've tried it before there were no evil effects on uh on Linux on Windows here's the effect depending on what you do uh those windows certificates may affect app signing so some Microsoft apps may not run so don't be too eager to delete everything just you know do it a little bit at a time and you don't really delete it you do untrust it there's an option to untrust any certificate so I've untrusted a few certificates so I selected some and put in the untrust but this is a problem because if you do this and you make the mistake and you don't have a backup of your registry then you not may not be able to go back and run those uh Microsoft programs again now fortunately Microsoft does this little procedure which is a problem for those trying to fix certificate issues because what happens is every time you get an update from Microsoft I believe it's every Tuesday Tuesday night right every Tuesday that you get your Microsoft update they update the Zuck certificates again so even if I remove the Microsoft certificates if I looked at it now what's back in there and I didn't do anything and that's because Microsoft auto updates the ducking certificate every week what is a prox MOX Des Latina I don't know what a pro MOX is so okay let me uh let me take a short break here then we'll continue on uh let me talk to you about my sponsor and my sponsor is Akamai Leno they haven't changed the name officially they're still calling themselves lenoe but you go to the website it's called Akamai lenoe Akamai bought the original lenoe lenoe is my cloud server cloud service provider so if I need servers in the cloud websites Linux servers of any sort um there are many choices out there for example there's Amazon Go Daddy uh Amazon Azure uh Google uh uh what do you call that Google Cloud uh and 10 million other isps and and there's so many of them and I've actually dealt with so many of them I can't you know I can't count in my hands how many how many isps uh I've been to a lot uh over the years and my personal experience has been that the best experience for me now I'm still on Leno currently is to go with Leno so all of my uh VPN services for example my email servers and on everything is running on Leno I don't put it on Amazon anymore I still have an Amazon account and I still run certain things on Amazon but um uh because there's certain things that um that uh uh Leno can't provide so I have to do both but the bulk of my service are in Leno and the reason I do that is because it saves me money they're definitely uh inexpensive uh and efficient for example I don't get charge extra for bandwidth it's actually uh terabytes of bandwidth are included for free so I don't have to worry about that the the stated value of the server is $5 a month and I don't have to worry about it it's $5 a month which is a small server you can use $5 a month not bad now if you go to Leno and you uh sign up with the code Rob braxman they're going to give you a $100 credit which you can apply uh towards any purchase for a period of two months and uh you can use it for cloud servers websites uh uh goodness there's so many things you can install on servers that you can put on the cloud and uh you know like nextcloud the there's so many things you can do uh jitsy servers um xmpp servers if you're running an office you can make your own private Communications and you can do that on um on uh Leno pretty easily and they have very good tech support very good tech support I talk to them almost every day and uh or me and my staff we communicate with with Leno almost every day so yes so uh consider them in your future Cloud needs okay uh now now that I've at least gone through the main topic here in the first half an hour uh I I still don't know what proxy what what is proxmox is that a device that a modem a uh router what what is proxmox that's some corporate uh type device I actually am not familiar with that so yeah I don't know everything some people say oh how come you don't know that I don't I don't know everything because not what I do it's a Debian drro that is a virtual environment hypervisor H okay why would you need that versus uh Docker or any of the normal uh VM VM options that I discussed in other videos like KVM uh so prox MOX is like a KVM oh okay so it's like a quo or KVM or virtual box okay same thing okay uh easy run VM with a web UI okay got it okay yeah they're all yeah I have a video on uh my video on the Linux one for virtual machine is KVM then I have uh another one on Virtual box so uh yeah so normally I just use that KVM or virtual box oh prox MOX is KVM yeah but I I use I use KVM natively so okay so prox M Moss is a uh is a UI prox MOX is a UI a web UI for KVM got it okay that's cool yeah I just do it from the command line is it's not that hard it's on my video so um and if you if it's hard for you use Virtual box uh uh KVM is faster than virtual box significantly faster Docker is a little different uh methodology it's another kind of isolation uh it uh Docker is uh is is almost an indirect kind of virtual machine because it's really just running Linux within Linux versus an actual managed machine so so uh I think you have kind of more control with KVM so okay so so um so anyway that's uh not good we discuss that yeah catch mitm can detect if you have a man in the middle uh pretty much by checking the certificate and comparing it so if it the problem is it's not foolproof because it depends on uh on where the network is if the if the um mitm is is you know uh in the route of my mitm server then it might it might also get the wrong information but it's very very very unlikely so catch mitm app is on uh is on uh uh if you want to download it it only works on Android on a non-android device like a computer it's very easy to do this you just look at the certificate itself and see who the certificate Authority is and look at the chain and and the clue is uh if the root certificate Authority is Microsoft and the site has nothing to do with Microsoft I would I would really I would really be very very suspicious very very suspicious so who wrote this mitm app I did of course it's safe it's not doing anything but compare looking at certificates it's actually a very very simple app it just looks at the signature certificates in two different locations and Compares them and it finds any difference will reported to you okay so what what is kamakazi AI discussing what what uh what is that subject matter that you can't educate me on I I unfortunately it's hard to scroll back that far okay let me just address um the issue that the cosmic Rose was talking about earlier in regards to my live stream on YouTube so again I just want to make that that this clear each platform YouTube versus Rumble versus X versus Odyssey uh well those are the four platforms I'm on each platform has some advantages and disadvantages uh in some cases whatever I do is neutral it doesn't have any bad effect or good effect which case there's no issue life life can life can go on uh what I'm trying to tell you guys which you know is is a global thing it's not it's not specific to each individual because some of you obviously want to do everything on YouTube the problem is as a as a rule over the population of of uh YouTube itself live streams are hurting my numbers on YouTube it causes YouTube to uh to basically not serve up my main videos because people aren't responding to my videos on the live stream on YouTube and because of the bad numbers the algorithm just doesn't like it and it's uh uh for one uh when when I put on on live stream on on YouTube I always get uh unsubscribers typically around 50 so every time I do a live stream I lose 50 people so and because of that the live the algorithm doesn't actually share the videos for the live stream so unless you're looking for it specific Al they don't even push it so it's a very big negative on YouTube it's it's not neutral it's a negative on YouTube so being sensitive to those people who want to watch something on YouTube alone it's a problematic for me just because of the fact that it has a negative effect on the algorithm and so the answer is why am I why am I doing that why am I doing the live stream where the platform or the algorithm and it must be you guys reaction that's the general audience you know the uh 423,000 of you are subscribers get offended when I do a live stream you you actually click it off and you get upset and you you unsubscribe I mean a lot of you do that and certainly very few of you watch it it you know the the the numbers are very low on a typical live stream so so because of this then the algorithm behaves in a very negative way when I do the live stream and it's really really very bothersome uh because it affects a channel negatively so it's it's it's an un unappreciative market so the market on YouTube doesn't appreciate the live stream so so my answer is uh yeah it's it's not it's not good to do it do something like my standard videos are gaining subscribers constantly it's doing very well but the live streams are negative they're are drag and the algorithm is actually using it as a way to punish me and saying well we're not going to share your videos because you're you don't get much of a response and that's because of the live stream they used to promote live stream separately but they don't anymore so that's just the response of the algorithm it's very hard to beat the algorithm so if the algorithm decides that you as the audience don't like me then they stop feeding me to to new users and the channel doesn't grow it's been like that for a long time so the solution is to uh to not uh to not uh cause any more Pro not rock about on YouTube and the way to not rock about on YouTube is is okay algorithm doesn't like it if the algorithm doesn't like it then uh then don't do that so it's you you basically have to react and say if somebody doesn't like it so basically I'm saying that in general YouTubers people on YouTube leave when they see me do a live stream leave the the you know as subscribers it has a negative effect they don't like it because maybe they think it's too long I'm not really sure why uh some people say well you you you you talk in a unorganized way because I don't have a script it's free form they don't like that okay I can't help that as the format and the format doesn't do well on YouTube but here's strange thing guys very very strange thing the strange thing is that the live stream does extremely well on Rumble so on Rumble I have I don't know 44,000 subscribers on uh Rumble and they're almost all from the live stream can you imagine that 44,000 subscribers on Rumble just from the live stream and I don't even talk about anything political and the reason is that Rumble promotes live streams they they actually make an extra effort to push people who do live streams and they don't push the main videos it's kind of neutral so I put my main video uh it's 45.9 now wow so I I put my uh regular videos on Rumble and it doesn't get very much views but it's not a negative it's I don't lose subscribers from it so I can keep doing it and and put it put it on on Rumble but as far as the live streams go there is no uh negative effect whatsoever it's extremely positive because like I said most of those 44 45,000 uh uh subscribers or followers on Rumble actually came from live streams for that reason for that reason it makes sense then to to uh to put to continue on Rumble and not on YouTube now uh rumble's free YouTube is free I want it to be completely free all the time uh but I have a a on alternative for those who are using let's say YouTube members program or patreon instead of doing that I'm recommending that you go to robra man. and you can do the same kind of subscription to help this channel on on Rob braxman so that's the same as um locals and uh I'm sorry the same as as patreon and uh and uh YouTube members so um and if you're on patreon and YouTube members I appreciate it thank you so much thank you so much if you're interested in another way of doing it Rob braxman is uh is another way of doing it and what's nice to me at least as a Creator when using um uh is uh uh stripe which is their payment processor doesn't really take that much money off the top the the YouTube takes a big chunk I think 33% patreon takes a big chunk too I think it's like see it's like plus plus plus they say oh we don't take more than 15% but reality is like more like 20% uh locals doesn't take that much I think they you know they don't take that much maybe 8% I'm I'm not sure it's low very low I I get most of it so it's really uh uh something that creators appreciate and so so uh uh Brian lunduke uh asked me to start a the channel he he was promoting the fact fact that Tech channel should move to to locals and and um and do it there so I tried it I set up locals I had a locals account locals set set me up locals by the way is owned by Rumble so I I um I uh set up the uh local account and I encountered problems for many of you uh you know running on locals some of you uh are required or all of you are required to uh to put in a uh credit card and uh actually give you a free coupon so you actually won't be charged on locals if you don't want to contribute I I still encourage you to go to locals because I give you a coupon code and the coupon code is called free I don't know Cosmic growth that's the only thing they offer it's what the platform offer so that's not not something I really have any control over it's just that it's it's a place and it's there uh those who want to do it on stripe can do it on uh I'm sorry on um patreon can do it on patreon I believe patreon takes PayPal uh yeah I mean use whatever is convenient to you to help the channel I I appreciate wherever wherever you are now well I'm thinking of what to do here because some of you are already contributing on another Channel and you want to you don't want to you don't have a credit card you want to put in on uh to uh locals and I believe there may be a way to do that by manually adding somebody as a member so so I uh because Brian lundu did did that to me he added me manually as a member so you sign up and then uh uh and then you know once uh I see it or somebody I assigned to see it can actually approve the person as a member without paying if they don't want to contribute I want it to be free for those who don't want to give money I don't want to force that it's not that's not my goal but what I want to do and this is the the the the different the different thing that I'm I'm trying to communicate here is that um on on um locals I may come up with a different program where those who are on locals gets to do the Q&A and maybe on Rumble there's no Q&A so I want to do the Q&A in in a more narrow group and then I can be more personal and then we can kind of like the old Periscope days where we can actually go into more detail especially for for supporters or those who can support on robman local so so anyway that's uh uh so there is a way I I I I don't know the I can't really if there you know hundreds of you trying to to have me set up a free account uh I probably can't can't do can't do it that way because I don't have the time to go do that so maybe I can assign somebody to do it uh have you thought of having guests on a podcast yeah that's uh possible in another format so anyway um if if you are willing to give your credit card to to uh locals then there's no issue this is really just for people who have difficulty with credit cards don't want to want to contribute a different way uh uh or they can't afford to I don't want to uh block anyone from from doing that if as long as you're there to to support I'm I'm happy to provide you information and help you but in a uh in a uh narrower platform that uh is appreciated I I don't want to do the Q&A in an area that's not appreciated and the Q&A is not appreciated on YouTube yes Cosmic growth so yeah I you're easy because I know who you are so sign up on there and I'll make you a free account so that's easy you don't even have to use a coupon I can make a free account I just don't want to to have uh a thousand of you having me do that it's very timec consuming but Cosmic Rose I happy to do that for you happy to do that and then you can be a moderator on there as well so so yeah it's not it's not a uh uh I did I was not aware of the mechanics of locals and that's why some of you are suffering from this uh experience with the credit card because I I did not know that I did not know the requirement I I you know because it's my own channel I can't go subscribe with my own credit card I have never subscribed with a credit card on on local so I actually have no experience so you guys told me what the experience are is so so the the rule that they gave in there is you can use a coupon only if you have a registered credit card now you actually never spend anything because you can use my credit card my coupon code called free so while you keep using the free free one then then uh you don't have to uh to actually pay but of course I appreciate it if you pay uh I see subscription but I don't want to force it I don't want to force subscription uh X is starting live streaming for verified cut creators uh yeah I'm not going to use it though that's uh X is not I'm not doing that well on X though I have 11,000 subscribers on X not really growing too fast so it's doesn't suit my format so the X live streaming is Periscope and I was big on Periscope but that's a little different platform so yeah so so I am on X so follow me on X Rob braxman Tech onx uh and I do post my videos there I do not post a live stream okay so hopefully that you know I I just want to make sure that uh uh work were clear we're clear on the uh my intent for the live streaming in 2024 uh uh Leno is no longer my sponsor in 2024 my my contract with Leno ends in 2023 and uh and I'm not sure I'm interested in taking any sponsors in 2024 so Cosmic rad you can call the periscope so um of course Cosmic Rose great gold and all of us were all on Twitter Periscope back in the day so that's all where we all many of you uh that's where we all met we're on Periscope and Twitter before became X okay so anyway um that's uh that's the plan with that um so yeah and and also if if we do a a Q&A on a platform like like uh with a smaller group on locals we can be more personal we can tell stories and you know it's doesn't have to be so so serious all the time as I have to be here on YouTube uh I recommend Leno still Leno is yeah Leno is very much recommended for the long run whether they're my sponsor or not I'm going to I'm going to recommend Leno they're they're they're they're good they're good yeah okay so uh the discount is only for two months the discount the the uh the coupon is renewable I I will renew the I will renew the coupon permanently so so everyone's asking what this new reporting requirements are for llc's coming in 2024 but I don't know what it is I can't react to it on locals would you be able to play piano again uh I suppose I could but I don't have a uh setup for that anymore so maybe I can do it uh record it because I presume locals is not going to have any copyright restrictions on music so uh yeah so yeah the I I want to go back to kind of a more more relaxed Style on the Q&A because this is what causes me to lose subscribers here on YouTube because they don't like the Q&A this is the actual evil to YouTube the Q&A portion it's too long you're too disorganized whatever it's like hey this is you know the idea of a live stream it's free form and when you actually talk to me in a live stream uncontrolled unscripted unplanned uh I say a lot of stuff that uh uh I would never say in uh in an organized uh video so you actually you actually uh uh often have a different learning experience with me in the live stream yes you I told you Joe Silva go to Etc SSL searchs you go find the SE in there move it from that folder someplace else and then restart Linux and that certificate is gone so you can look for the Microsoft certificates are on there uh you can delete it uh I rather than delete it in case there's a problem just move it move it elsewhere create a new folder called untrust it and then move it there okay so Etc uh SL SSL SL search that's where the searchs are go scan them find Microsoft make a subfolder called untrusted move it there you're good okay so this kind of stuff that you know we we can have more patience in a uh Q&A uh you know thank you fellow citizen that's exactly what I'm talking about great gold rememb the old days when I used to stream every day uh great gold remember that I used to live stream every single day for years didn't make any money at all this was uh uh complete just complete sacrifice I I wasn't selling anything there was nothing it was completely free giving of information so yeah okay so if you do that on uh thank you Californication um Joe Silva's question is been answered okay so yeah it was just uh you know was more person and and we can do that I can't do locals right now I don't have uh a streaming account on locals yet because they haven't really finalized that so uh so I don't know when the locals part will start but I can start on Rumble in 2024 so I can do 100% Rumble for live streams in 2024 with Q&A and then split the Q&A uh into the uh you know into to the uh uh local section at some point or maybe I do it on uh here's another way I could do it I can do it on X and do a uh subscription uh live stream on X do same thing so yeah so that uh it it was very interesting back in the day Lin copy because you know uh people don't actually realize what I did live as an example I get attacked all the time people attack me you know here I make videos and people don't really know what my skill set is because I just talk uh on the on the uh uh Periscope live streams I get attackers all the time they attack me uh they uh they uh you know they they attack me and say negative things right on the the uh uh Broad and I'm I'll uh you know I find out who they are and doxs them the next day and then I do a live stream showing who they are and where they live what you know who they who their uh uh relationships are and uh what the real name is and what their job is and who their mother is and uh what school they went to or because some of them were kids I don't actually I don't actually uh if it's a kid I don't uh I I I uh don't publish the information if it's an adult I do uh and then uh they're surprised by the kind of information I can come up with and people would test me and there will be hackers there will be hackers that coming oh I'm going to attack you and then I attack them and uh you know I can I can do a demonstration right right on the spot and people were like uh uh so so there was more you know was kind of of a more believable concept when you actually see me live in action uh and when I was you know up up to speed a lot of that back in the day I a lot of it I'm not up to speed anymore it's been several years and some some of that you got to like uh memorize and it's hard to do it quickly um you know like command line stuff like like Mr Robot I can't I can't do that uh that fast anymore it's very timeconsuming to do that and but it was since I was live streaming every day I could do it cuz you know somebody attacked me one day I spend the evening uh figuring out and uh cuz you know I'm programming all day and then I I take a break do that and then uh show them what I found the next day and it it it was kind of a lesson to people when they say well you know I don't have any information on the internet and then when I when I uh show them how much information of their lives I can find and I don't even know who they are I I don't even know who they are and uh one time I said okay let's do a u a hackathon and all you have to do is email me and people would email me and then I would basically uh the video is is a very old video on on YouTube they would email me and um I'll find out information from from them uh just from their their email then one guy one guy uh sent uh junk picks they actually took pictures of his junk and sent on the email and live I clicked on it and sure enough you know he displayed his junk on the screen uh not visible in public because I I caught it but uh but I I caught the uh I you know I I uh said oh you're going to send junk picks and then I live this was live I said oh so you live on and then I told him where he lived and he was so ducking scared he was so scared that guy he didn't know that I could actually find where he lived uh uh no comment Lin scaring but anyway you know it's uh it's uh it was more informal versus you know what I got to do here on YouTube uh so yeah so probably watching without a VP yeah he didn't have a VPN uh you can't delete MSS on uh Windows you can delete them on Linux so anyway that's uh just uh you know to to uh kind of relay the story of what I might do if we have a different kind of Q&A experience uh in a different platform maybe it'll be more informal because there will be fewer people and then I don't have to worry about uh um you know numbers I'd rather be doing a service to people who are really interested you know uh longtime friends like Cosmic Rose and great golden meticulous they've been around forever here uh that's why they're mods uh but you know they've been around forever they've known me for you know so so many years eight eight years maybe maybe more um doing all this live streaming and all this and uh and it's a different experience when it's more relaxed so I'd rather have a fewer people that you know can benefit uh also uh obviously there's there's a benefit because if if you're in a subscription platform then uh people can show their appreciation to you know because it's direct you can ask a question I can answer do you have Affiliates in South Florida no you have to send it to me here almost a decade is it's been that long lost track uh even after you shut it down you'll have to report any change in your residence and what if you don't Cy fornication uh were you following before uh Joe Silva keeps asking the same question over and over because he doesn't get an immediate response so some of you can answer answer him but there's no need there's no need uh to keep repeating question although it doesn't hurt I mean if I see it and I have't answered I I could respond um yeah so yeah so Rumble will be untouch at least for the uh the main the main uh uh live stream uh because it help I mean it's the only place to get subscribers on Rumble through the live stream so I I have to put the live stream on Rumble it's not an option uh something else that's very interesting guys is Odyssey is uh still around now who would have thought I thought Odyssey would be dead by now as you know Odyssey I don't even know who the new owner of Odyssey is going to be it's not going to be Library anymore so who's the new owner of Odyssey going to be because they they put it on auction I don't know who offered uh to buy Odyssey and what happened maybe I should have offered to buy it for 50 bucks so so yeah so I don't know who uh who's running uh I I am on I have an account on Twitch nobody watches yeah I I have a Twitch account I used to broadcast on Twitch and that's pretty bad no no no traffic there so yeah so Odyssey actually the the uh great goal the uh the auction is over and uh yeah so but there was an auction and I wasn't aware I found out about the auction the day of the auction so I didn't have time to go say oh maybe I'll go buy it for you know some reasonable amount like a th000 Bucks have you done I don't do torrenting period so don't ask me that kind of question that's uh what why would you feel safe about torrenting on a mobile sales network they can find you pan Quake panqui okay I don't know what pan Quake is see so I I also learned when I do these live streams you guys give give me ideas and I get to research it in things I don't know like I didn't know what proxmox is um so so so yes so rumble's going to remain uh with the main live stream and uh and then we won't hurt the algorithm on YouTube CU they don't like the live stream here on YouTube they you know uh YouTube used to like live streams then they stop liking it I think when the shorts came nobody watched the uh live streams anymore because live streams means long and they're attract trying to attract people who want to watch shorts well I'm not going to do short videos it's not my thing uh it's the same problem on X uh if you're on X the the way that the X platform works you make uh couple of sharp comments and you do it frequently like several times a day and that's your thing onx make short comments and make some statements and then rabble RS you know make make uh hype up people and post a meme with it and and so on well that's not what I do and I to to change style and do something else is very time consuming so I I'm not uh I'm not going to be the shorts kind of guy and I that's why the the X experience doesn't really work that well for me cuz that's not what I do so but I'm posting my videos the next very few people watch it uh I'm lucky to get 2,000 views on uh and I don't actually know if they watch the entire video or just watch the first 10 seconds because you don't have any stats on that so I'm going to presume if it says 2,000 people watch the video the reality is maybe 50 people did that's my guess okay I doubt if anybody actually watching is the full video on X and so it's not really um working for me there so so maybe I you know uh I do a different format uh X is Banning people FYI so so I don't know what musk is saying oh we uh we uh you know we're different now we uh we want to give you a chance and whatever they're banning people and the people I know who got banned from from X uh don't even know why they were banned on X they' have no idea why so I haven't been banned no well I got I did get banned on Twitter before uh but it was a mistake so it was a mistake and they corrected it a week a week later so if you share a video on YouTube on on uh if you do a share Cosmic roads if you share a video from YouTube on on on X X will not promote they won't even show it on the timeline uh this is something that uh musk did he he didn't want to move people from X to another platform so he discourages uh putting uh a link if so if you put a link you don't get any views uh I'm liking to get 50 views now that I'm putting the actual full video on X I'm getting 2 3,000 views okay so it's working a little bit but not much yeah uh Neil the uh uh the uh Brax Toth had Simple Mobile uh pre-installed uh the uh pixels have uh CX OS so just they have different apps installed I don't make I don't make the the OS for uh for the pixels I'm I'm using calx OS in that I like CX OS it's uh it's uh it's actually nicer than the than uh lineage OS in terms of just usability it's uh it's more usable it's it's fine they're both safe for what we're trying to do for Googling so if you if you're running um linage OS nothing's changed it's still still good operating system it's safe uh but there's some there's some conveniences on CX that are not that are not on lineage so for that reason we get less Tex support with cxos so for that reason uh I prefer to load cxos uh otherwise it comes back as tech support no they share Cosmic or they do share share the YouTube videos links they do share the links it's not they don't stop you from putting a link but they don't promote it so they have some algorithm kind of like YouTube You Know YouTube doesn't like uh live streams and and uh X doesn't like external links so they they limit it so yes you know maybe they Shadow ban it maybe the official word is shadowban simple Fork now okay uh yeah the wonder why wonder why they did that uh cuz uh somebody didn't like the original simple guy the simple guy is uh in Eastern Europe um he was selling bra St phones actually uh where was he he was in Eastern Europe somewhere uh czechoslovak maybe no there's still Czechoslovakia what I'm talking about I mean one of those I uh uh yeah I I I don't know you know if he's in uh uh if he's in like is that where he is yeah it could be it could be uh I don't know Serbia Romania I I can't I don't remember right now I I can't remember so yeah can I install CX OS on Samsung no CX OS is made for uh pixels so somebody asked uh can you install bra's OS on pixels instead of C OS no because you have to customize the OS somebody has to spend the time to customize an OS to a device so bra OS was customized for the bra 2 phone it doesn't run on a pixel uh calx OS is customized for Pixel although uh I believe they're starting to to customize it for certain models of motorolas for the first time um Lin OS works on many many models because they're many volunteers so Lin OS is the most the most uh uh supported platform there more people using linos and anything because there's so many people on it so uh they support many many devices so unless you're running a pixel you may not have a option other than to use lineage OS okay so um yeah so I just want to make that clear so it's not it's not a choice you you deal with whatever ever OS is available to you on that device so bra OS nobody has ported Brax OS on anything but a Brax 2 phone uh and you know hopefully the future Bra 3 phone which don't expect a bra 3 phone anytime soon uh it'll be uh it's months away months so there's there's so many issues we got to solve uh I I just want to tell you something here okay the the current bra 2 The Bra 3 Model that I have uh that I was testing it's the same exact model uh being marketed by E Foundation the Marina Marina Company E Foundation okay by Gail Deval D I think I don't know how to pronounce uh it name was French uh so e Foundation is using that that phone that bra 3 phone and he did a uh uh what do you call that the the funding funding platform to to fund it and he he uh he uh had a big big uh big amount of uh funding on on uh getting out the bra that that fund which is the same as the bra 3 no not GoFundMe the kickstarter yeah Cosmic R is an expert got kickstarted so they did a Kickstarter and they were the exact same model that I that I have and you notice if if Marina or E Foundation is selling that same phone why is it that I'm not well the reason is I tested it and it's just not acceptable performance for me to sell I it would it would be uh inappropriate for me to sell something that most people would probably return I was using it myself and there were places where I didn't have not have a signal so so uh obviously there's there's some there's some problems that needed some uh redesign of the hardware using different choices different bands uh and so on and that requires a a different model maybe the same form factor but it needs a different kind of motherboard so so that's not such a simple thing to do because you know you you got to change the whole motherboard so we need a different motherboard for it so morina is uh e Foundation is selling that phone uh I can tell you right now that if you're in the US you shouldn't buy that it's not going to work which I feel bad that you know he uh he's promoting that he's not in the us we can't test it I tested it EOS will be safe EOS will be fine if you're in the EU yeah so anyway I tested it and you know I would use EOS in Europe for for for sure you know Marina gild deval's company uh I know him he it'll run great in the EU the that phone will run great in the EU there's no problem with that phone in the EU it's the problem is us since most of my business 90% of my uh uh phone sales are in North America uh it doesn't make any sense for me to advertise and tell you that I have a product that doesn't actually work I I can't do that uh Marena has uh uh uh installs their uh their EOS on Samsung phones European version Samsung phone okay so so yes they uh they do have that model so like uh CX focuses on Pixel uh you know that weird one you know with weird people that starts with G that some of you have uh that's focused on pixels bra OS is focused on Brax 2 as of today uh linage OS is the one that has has flexibility it can work with everything there's S one called fairphone uh what what is that using um again that's a European phone be careful uh I have no idea what you're talking about lens scope P don't have any idea okay so uh Fair phone uh is more of a European phone I I you know I wouldn't use that in the US uh because may may not work okay so just being honest with you I I can't sell something that I I you know I don't know if it'll work but I have to tell you this uh the pixels the new ones I'm I'm selling pixel 5S pixel 6 pixel 6 A's oh they're running extremely well I can Ethan Scully we can we can uh de Google everything from Google 8 I mean pixel 8 pixel you know fall uh pixel 7 Pro we can do all that I just don't stock them I don't stock them they're very expensive and uh you know you can bring your phone own phone BYOD will do it for you but bring your own phone we're not going to we're not uh going to uh uh pre-stock them because I mean it'll be a $1,000 phone more so so I I can't uh I can't I can't do that so uh yeah so for other models we can do all of them all the way to pix to Google 8 uh pixel 8 we can do all that just bring your own phone so thank you Greg thank you Greg so okay so uh I the ones I'm selling which is you know the and is Google I mean pixel 6 is really to be honest you know why would you need to spend more than that I mean Google 6 we're selling for 620 a Google 6A we're selling for 420 that's pretty good bargain why do you need to spend more so uh you know the that's current year model pixel 6 is this year 2023 so a pixel 8 is 2024 model so yeah so I it's just not you know return on investment it's uh you know I don't see the benefit of going this is just you know half a year better but the pricing next year you know the price of Google 8 will come down that's the right time to buy but not right now too expensive right you're pretty much you know you're you're pretty much paying brand new price it's not it's not worth it buy buy it a year older where it's you have a year old price and they then maybe we'll be able to sell pixel 8 for 600 by a year from now and then uh yeah that that pixel 6 will be the cheap phone will be selling pixel 6S for 400 by then so yeah the the turnaround we usually keep it here for uh 3 days typically on on average bra bra pixel phon will work anywhere in the world anywhere in the world they're worldwide compatible Ethan Scully if you sign up for Pixel 7 with a carrier it will not be doable guaranteed it will be carrier locked okay Ethan Scully you have to make sure that it's not carrier locked an oem unlockable before you send it because I guarantee you if you got it from the carer for free that means they stuck you to a plan you are zucked never buy from a carrier never ever buy from the carrier buy from Google directly uh never from the carrier never buy from the carrier ducked what can nothing nothing uh stops you from deleting anything but uh it's against the EU certificate deleting that I don't think they've actually implemented yet that that's a plan uh uh but it's uh uh it's supposed to be against the law to delete the EU root certificate so the browser will probably restore it for you so you won't be able to delete the EU root certificate okay um does the device also we do not do root we do not root devices so there is no rooting involved okay when when we the Google Phone we don't root okay carrier locked is cheapers okay so yeah so uh if if you got a free phone from then it's not a good deal you there's no good deal because they put you in a contract yeah free phone but stay with us for three years oh yeah loed okay so uh we got uh three minutes here I know we've been just informally chatting for the last you know last hour it's not it's not like a formal thing like I had before so we're not you know and I I kind of like that and YouTube doesn't like it but you know we're more conversation and we we answer whatever is on your mind and we have fun with it that's really what I want the live the Q&A section to be and I can't do that on YouTube algorithm doesn't like it many of you YouTube subscribers don't like it uh we can do G7 plus but I don't know if you know you got to test the G7 plus just make sure it works with your carrier before you give it to me yes we can do we can install l hos on Motorola G7 plus we can do that but I I'm not going to guarantee you that it will work with your carrier so test it against your carrier first if it works put a SIM card in there if it works then we can de Google for you we can definitely de Google a moto Motorola G7 plus definitely but whether the phone actually works is something you got to figure out in advance uh thank you Chad Okay so uh couple more minutes here couple more minutes are live streams on a scheduled night yes George the live streams uh are always on Thursdays at 8:00 pm but as I announced in this video we will likely uh limited to rumble in Rob ran. in 2024 so we're going to be doing this for couple more weeks and then we'll move it so Peter is confused about what okay uh it's kind of this comment that doesn't have any anything attached to it so Peter is confused but since I don't know about what then I guess I can't answer that okay what about a you go website spammy spammy website uh Google can do the same yes they they haven't yet but they can okay so thank you very much guys we're out of time and I will be back next week so on Rumble and YouTube so I'll see you there good night guys
Channel: Rob Braxman Tech
Views: 9,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 15mx3UJTLV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 1sec (5401 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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