The Story of Why Wario Hates Mario

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I remember as a kid stepping into this room in Super Mario Land 2 and looking at this obnoxious nightmare fuel [Music] a blood curdling 8-bit laugh coupled with this great value version of Mario hopping off this throne and charging at you raid a Nintendo weirdness this is the very first appearance of Wario an enigma within the Mario franchise that has gone from this hot mess to a well-established and dare I say Charming character [Music] oh yeah but how did he come to meet Mario and eventually get two series that stood on their own feet let's dig a little deeper into the origins of Wario and find out I am the men talk and welcome everyone to origin Oracle kick back grab some snacks and let's head back in time [Music] Wario's debut game was none other than Super Mario Land 2's six golden coins released in 1992 for the Game Boy this time the game takes place on Mario's Own Private Island known simply as Mario Land complete with his own castle and a massive mechanical version of himself I guess saving the Mushroom Kingdom a couple of times made Mario a very rich man and possibly a narcissist please bring me pizza and uh make sure that these boxes are not recycled The Story begins shortly after the events of Super Mario Land as Mario returns from saving Princess Daisy from the evil alien to Tanga in the Empire of sarasaland you should go check that video out but before Mario can head back to start sipping my ties in his throne room it looks like Wario is hypnotized all the inhabitants of the island and conquered Mario's Castle while he was away I also like that the story and the instructions booklet is told from Mario's perspective who mentions that Wario has been jealous of his popularity ever since they were boys we'll look more into that later for now Mario has to go track down the six golden coins that Wario spread around the island since they serve as the keys to his castle and you'd think Mario would take these with him if Wario's tried this multiple times already anyway Mario sets off to the six major zones on his Island to get back each of the six golden coins each guarded by a different boss like witch and Big Bird I know I complained about the lack of localization for the boss names from the first Super Mario Land but these are definitely a bit plain so Mario Land is split up into the tree zone space Zone macro Zone pumpkin Zone play sure feels haunted Turtle Zone and Mario Zone which gives this game a really diverse set of levels each with much more elaborate backgrounds and level design than the first game yes they even featured tatanga as a boss in the space Zone returning as Wario's minion to get revenge against Mario so while Mario here is collecting the golden coins let's see how this game and Wario came to be Super Mario Land 2's development was once again handed back to Nintendo R D1 the team responsible for the first Super Mario Land Title and gunpe yokoi would return as the producer this would be yet another title without the involvement of Shigeru Miyamoto who worked with another department Nintendo Entertainment analysis and development and if you're curious they're probably working on Super Mario Kart around this time the developers of Super Mario Land 2 wanted to take another departure from what was already established in Mario titles one of these major changes was removing a princess from the equation and instead having to have Mario strive to get something back that once belonged to him but who would he be fighting against well the team made several attempts to determine this and rejected many designs for the game's antagonist in the process hiroji kiyotake was a young developer on the team at the time and served as one of the directors for the game he'd be the one to introduce the idea of Wario with his name being one of the very first things they all agreed upon the name itself is a combination of warui the Japanese word for bad and Mario and it just so happens if you flip the M on Mario's cap you get a w I guess we can thank the alphabet for that one you're welcome so kiotake would work with the assistant character designer takahiko hosokawa to flesh out the details wanting to give a Bluto to Mario's Popeye and seeing they did the same thing to come up with Donkey Kong Popeye really deserves our thanks for all the inspiration he's brought into the Mario Universe the design would be finalized by none other than yoichi kotabe the lead artist for the Mario series at that time with him drawing inspiration from both Pluto and Stromboli one of the antagonists from Disney's Pinocchio oh and if you guys are wondering why are 308 pounds and this is what he looks like on the inside I never asked for this so this detail isn't crazy important but I found it funny that kiyotake's favorite enemy in the game was the bee fly and the tree and macro zones the way they're programmed you can take them out by just jumping on them since they fly away too fast and apparently this amuse kyotake to the point where he was laughing out loud when he first interacted with them and mentioned how excited he was to see players get frustrated while struggling to take them out so if you all ever wondered if game developers laughed themselves to sleep at your most fortune in a video game laughs the answer is yes this game is a classic Gem and even though it obviously served as a sequel to Super Mario Land it's an improvement in every possible way it's lengthier more challenging has interesting level themes and a banging soundtrack by Nintendo's sound veteran and Yoshi's voice actor Kazumi totaka I definitely recommend checking this out if you haven't it still holds it pretty well and even has a rom hack called Super Mario Land 2dx that gives the entire game a splash of color which honestly breathes new life into it anyway let's see how Mario's doing oh nice you have the last golden coin well it's off to Mario's Castle to finally take down Wario and we've come full circle with Wario grind and his feet on Mario's couch this is an interesting boss battle in itself as Wario goes through three phases using different power-ups that Mario has been utilizing within the course of the game despite Wario's best efforts Mario wins the day and Wario is reduced to a crying mess on the floor this was a nice touch but with Mario's Castle reclaimed and peace restored to his lands what happens to Wario well before we get into that I wanted to take a look at the earliest Point chronologically in Wario's timeline seeing as Mario mentions him in the manual for Super Mario Land it's safe to say that they've met before but where exactly did they meet Well we'd see their very first meeting in a game known as Yoshi's Island DS I spoke about this game in more detail in Mario's origin video but I think we need to talk about it for wargo's sake here so in Yoshi's Island DS Bowser goes back in time to kidnap a bunch of babies from the Mushroom Kingdom in hopes to find the Seven Star children a set of kids that have magical Stars within them that when collected can make someone the ruler of the Universe I don't know how that works but that's what the story Says Baby Mario Luigi and Peach are kidnapped by kamik and the Toadies but this kidnapping is cut short by the stork who's finally had it with these guys coming to kidnap babies this scuffle causes kamik and the Toadies to drop Mario and Peach and they fall into the care of the Yoshis who go on an adventure to stop Bowser and save all the children we see Baby Wario as one of these babies who was also kidnapped but the Toadies couldn't take his crying anymore so they abandoned him in a cave I gotta say that's pretty funny Yoshi along with the other babies find Wario and take him along for the adventure chronologically this serves as Mario and Wario's very first meeting there's not much to Baby Wario here as they based a lot of his personality on his future greedy Persona with him even leaving the group for a bit to join Bandits and later on he would even Feud with Baby Bowser for a bit over treasure Yoshi's Island Diaz is one of those Mario plots that you don't think too hard about especially with this baby DK being the source of a lot of debate but I'll save that rabbit hole for another video we get a little more context to Mario and Wario's earlier Encounters in 1993 from a short comic series called Mario vs Wario published within the pages of Nintendo Power issue number 44. the comic was intended to give a little bit more background on why Wario is so adversarial to Mario and it opens with Mario getting a letter from Wario inviting him to a party at his house so they can catch up after 20 years so after getting the letter Mario's actually pretty excited to go visit Wario and takes a moment to reminisce the good times that they had as children on his way there meanwhile we see that Wario never enjoyed their time together accusing Mario of bullying him the whole time especially when they played Cowboys as children out of the 1255 times they played Cowboys Wario only got to be the sheriff once you find out most of the misfortune here that wire is describing isn't exactly Mario's fault but the grudge has already been born as Wario intends to get his revenge upon Mario's arrival most of the events in this comic has Mario being ambushed by the bosses from Super Mario Land 2. but he just kind of naively stumbles his way through each of these encounters like in his fight with which she throws pot lids at him and he ends up latching it onto his shoes he ends up just thanking her and uses them to walk across water on his way to warios I don't understand any snark here from Mario I just think he legitimately thinks these bosses are playing around with him anyway Mario finally arrives Wario's castle and immediately Wario attacks but just by pulling his air plug on his clothes Wario deflates down to a much smaller size and once again accuses Mario of always being a bully this seems to be complete news to Mario and he tells Wario to let biogons be bygones and to stop being a wimp maybe Mario actually is a bully to add insult to injury the comic ends with Mario whipping out the old Sheriff outfit to traumatize Wario once again so this comic was re-released a couple of times with a reprint in the Super Mario adventures comic and later as a downloadable file on the Wario Land 4 website speaking of which this website was called Welcome to greedville which apparently is called the hometown of Wario you had the opportunity to play games at Wario's arcade and earn Wario books and then spend those books at the Wario Mart so you can get like wallpapers and screensavers and all that cool stuff yo leave me a comment if you still use a screensaver bro I had to take a second to cover welcome to greedville because I miss when web pages used to do things like that I don't think it's clear whether this was supposed to be a simple retelling of Super Mario Land 2 or if it serves as events that happen before that game I'll let you all be the judge either way it gives us a rare look at some early interactions between Mario and Wario and this also paints Wario here as a more misunderstood character if anything else so with Wario being ousted from Mario's Castle Nintendo wasn't finished with him yet with the team at Nintendo R D1 coming together again to make his very own title there was one game in between that that wasn't made by them though [Music] a Japanese exclusive puzzle platform title called Mario and Wario was released for the super famicom in 1993 but this time it was developed by a tiny Indie company at the time called game freak oh [ __ ] yeah so Not only was this exclusive in Japan but you needed a super famicom mouse to play essentially Mario Peach Luigi and Yoshi are looking for some forest fairy to find happiness I guess they were all going through something at that time anyway they lose Luigi and while heading off to find him in the forest Wario just throws a bucket from the sky onto Mario's head Mario I I don't know I think Mario deserves this anyway instead of pulling it off his head you control the forest fairy Wanda with the mouse helping to guide him to Luigi at the end of each level it's a pretty simple concept and this game doesn't really give any extra details on Wario himself but I thought it would be interesting to bring up seeing as this is one of the smaller titles game freak put out at the time to bring in some cash to work on the first Pokemon title they did also work on a Yoshi game before this simply called Yoshi for the Game Boy in NES which would serve as their first contract with Nintendo so to an extent Mario Yoshi and Wario all played a part in getting Pokemon off the ground how about that okay now let's talk about Wario Land Wario's first title of his own would serve as a sequel to Super Mario Land 2. they even used the subtitle Super Mario Land 3 so I guess they really wanted people to know that this was technically a Mario game released in early 1994 you play as Wario on a quest to get his own castle after getting kicked out of Mario's he sets out to steal a golden statue of Princess Peach to sell for enough money by his castle I love the Manual's version of this by the way one day Wario was practicing being mean there you go that's an actual Pastime for Wario the manual goes on to say that Wario heard a rumor that the statue of peach was already stolen by the Pirates of kitchen island known as the brown sugar pirates with their Infamous leader Captain Syrup being known worldwide for being a rotten rootless man so Wario sets out to go steal it from them and from the jump this game takes the basics from Mario but adds a nice Twist by putting more emphasis on branching paths exploration and coin collecting the amount of coins you have will slightly change the ending of the game so definitely a nice touch Wario has his indestructible charge attack and power-ups of his very own which definitely has a welcome change to the Mario formula I remember the appeal of playing as the villain for once and feeling so powerful as Wario and just growing to love how goofy he was so when he reaches the final showdown at syrup castle with the brown sugar Pirates you find out that Captain Syrup is a woman what yeah this was supposed to be a big twist they even hid that from the player in the manual but before Wario can claim the statue from her she summons a genie to kill him but Wario defeats it and grabs the lamp as treasure as well with Captain Syrup defeated and the peach statue found it's time for Wario to claim his prize [Music] oh wow maybe Mario is actually a bully I'm just kidding I know he's just reclaiming the statue but this is a pretty funny Cameo nonetheless it's okay though Wario has a whole Genie to Grant him wishes now so in the end he still gets his castle but he has to pay the genie with all the money and treasures he's gathered on his Adventure happy with this so depending on how well the player does the ending changes here with the best options being a whole planet or a castle and if you really sucked at the game the genie will give Wario his very own birdhouse for some reason this seems like the more fitting ending and so that ends Wario Land solidifying him as a permanent character in the Mario Universe the success of this game opened the door for a whole Wario Land series with the follow-up game Virtual Boy Wario Land being released for the Virtual Boy in 1995. now I won't go down the whole Virtual Boy Rabbit Hole in this video but just know this system was Nintendo's attempt at a virtual reality console but everything about it was rather lackluster kumpe yokoi a creator of the Game Boy was the head of this project and by extension got some of the Wario Land team to develop Virtual Boy Wario Land bringing Wario back for another treasure hunting Adventure ultimately the virtual boy was dubbed of failure and discontinued within a year only selling 770 000 units within its lifetime this was unfortunately when gunpeo koi would step down and Nintendo but not before he helped complete the creation of the Game Boy Pocket tragically he'd pass away a year later after being struck by two automobiles while checking the damage on his car after a minor fender bender say what you will about this man and the virtual boy but he was one hell of an inventor rest in peace yokoi son despite the failure of the Virtual Boy the Wario Land series would go on spawning several other titles that now plays the focus on Wario's treasure hunting adventures and these games introduce totally different enemies and characters from what we've already seen in Mario's games giving Wario Land Titles their own charm and identity and I gotta say Wario World for the GameCube has probably one of the best pause screens of all time because of this song right here [Music] Wario was also heavily featured in the Super Mario manga that ran from 1988 to 1998 published by kodansha I discussed this a little more in the daisy video but this manga also has adaptations of Super Mario Land 6 golden coins and Wario Land Super Mario Land 3. we see Wario introduce pretty much how he debuted in the games with him taking over Mario's Castle while Mario's busy smooching with Daisy there's a lot of hilarious gags within this manga and it even involves Luigi Peach and Daisy within the events of Super Mario Land 2. we get to see all the zones and bosses from the game as well and the manga puts its own creative and hilarious spin on these Encounters this was the same volume where Wario transforms Daisy into wallow Daisy and she starts transforming Luigi and Peach into Waluigi and walu Peach there are definitely some spicy interactions here in the end Mario and the others collect all the golden coins and he has this epic showdown with Wario at the top of the castle and honestly I'm surprised at how many pages this fight takes Kazuki Moto Yama went all out on this fight but in the end Mario is once again Victorious but shout out to the chef over at the fungi forums for archiving this manga this hero put everything he had in one place and this seems to be one of the few places to find scans of this series on the internet I'll link this in the description below so you all can check it out Wario would also go on to be featured in almost every Mario spin-off and sports title and has been a part of the Smash roster since Super Smash Brothers Brawl but before I go on to his famous WarioWare series I have to take a second to talk about his voice we first hear his voice in Mario Kart 64 but there are two different voice actors at play here the international version of Mario Kart 64 featured Charles martinet as the voice actor for Wario I didn't mention him in Mario or Luigi's video but this man breathed so much life and personality into the Mario cast he's the voice of Mario Luigi Wario and Waluigi and truly manages to capture the essence of their characters with the limited speech that they're giving within these games so even though Nintendo clearly portrays Wario as a greedy bratty and somewhat Goofy character I'd say that Martinez portrayal of him is the icing on the cake there was one other voice actor Wario had for the Japanese version of Mario Kart 64 and all versions of Mario Party 1 and 2. he was voiced by German translator Thomas Spindler in 2015 Spindler left a comment on a YouTube video called Wario speaks German which has a voice line for Mario Party with Wario saying so I missed which translates to ah darn in English spindler's comment mentions that the Nintendo staff envisioned Wario to be German and directed Spindler to voice him with that in mind but when Charles Martin a fully taking on the role at some point that German background is more or less gone with Martin a giving him a more Italian portrayal just a little side note I swore that Warrior was saying oh I missed this whole time so this little fact here has closed a chapter for me and I'm sure I'm not the only one Wario has one other popular series that gained some traction over the years and it is known as WarioWare the first game in the series wireware Inc mega micro games was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2003. this was a rather big departure from Wario's previous adventures with him deciding to settle down and start up a video game studio called WarioWare Inc to legitimately bring in some cash it's still crazy to me that after all we've discussed today Wario just said screw it and decided to open up a small business this series was made by you guessed it Nintendo R D1 who were inspired by a game they created called Mario artist polygon studio for the Nintendo 64 Dynamic Drive if you're not familiar with the 64 DD it was a disc attachment for the N64 that was only released in Japan in 1999. it was ultimately canceled in the United States since it performed so poorly regardless Mario artist polygon Studio gave players the ability to create 3D objects add textures to them and paint them within a Sandbox environment so essentially taking Mario Paint to the next level I bring up this game because there's a mini game feature called sound bomber which had the player attempt to get through several mini games in quick succession sound familiar no yes Nintendo R D1 wanted to take this formula and build an entire game from it but why Wario as the star while developer yoshio osakamoto mentions quote we got the idea of using Wario and the other characters because we couldn't think of anyone else who would be best for the role Wario is always doing stupid things and is really idiotic so we thought him and the rest of the characters would be best for the game I feel like Sakamoto here you this interview as an excuse to Rose Wario so to keep the ideas flowing each person on the team came up with their own mini-games and the programmers created their own graphics for each mini game which is why the art styles are so wildly different between rounds Miyamoto was also excited about the game giving it the slogan saita saitan saisoku meaning more shorter faster which definitely rolls off the tongue better in Japanese and with that the WarioWare series was born featuring the gameplay of mindless intuitive micro games back to back in Rapid succession as the game increases in speed and difficulty for the player the game features a whole new set of characters from a town called Diamond City and are introduced as Wario's friends helping him to make micro games for Warrior wear Inc their Ventures are actually successful but in classic Wario fashion he tries to Swindle his employees and makes a break for his Escape rocket with all the money that they earned but Dr kragor here accidentally hits the rocket oh my God foreign to fall into the sea and he dies forever just kidding there were eight more Warrior wear titles after this now I know I didn't cover everything there is to know about Wario like the fact that he had a spin-off called Wario's Woods or the fact that he likes strawberry crepes as his favorite food until it was changed to garlic I didn't cover everything but I damn near tried that's where the comments come in let me know your favorite things about Wario in the comments below and what you'd like to see with the character going forward this has been the men talk with another origin Oracle be safe out there the prophet I spoke it [Music]
Channel: TheMentok
Views: 1,305,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: origin of wario, wario's first appearance, why does wario hate mario, when did wario meet mario, super mario land 2 6 golden coins, super mario land 2 wario, warioware, wario land series, who created wario, backstory of wario, are mario and wario related, super mario manga, mario vs wario, mario & wario, is wario german, is wario a villain, warioware inc, mario and wario, wario land, super mario, wario ware
Id: Nltc9n3GOhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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