The Story of Rainbow Six Siege

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10:18 is where the esports-focused stuff begins.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FinnsterMac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's made by a channel that usually makes videos about CSGO/DOTA/LOL Esports, I just thought it was really cool how they made a video about Rainbow 6 Siege.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/R6SKiwi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit theScore made an R6 video?? This is huge!!! Now we need the story of Canadian ;).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video at 15:55 shows the date that the pilot programme was supposed to start june 11. Where is it? u/Its_epi u/UbiJustin

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NigerianMessi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now all I want is a video about "The Ballad of IDK".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_real_fake_user πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how he pronounces Yunktis ahaha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/helloitsnotmr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

!remindme 2hours

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CrispyMemeKid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesome to see Varsity Gaming feature so heavily in this video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AScurrilousCynic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
it's the kind of situation that demands a swift and uncompromising response a hostage is taken bombs are planted a biochemical weapon is located the five defenders prepare for the coming storm these operators have gadgets weapons and abilities designed for this very purpose they erect barricades and reinforced walls to limit options for the attackers Mira can put a bulletproof window in these armored walls information is key while the defenders have access to a set of default cameras Valkyries black-eye cameras hidden in creative locations provide the edge her team needs not all attackers will be watching the objective note some like Cappy etta lurk silently in the side rooms and hallways of the building eager to pick off unaware attackers with the defense's and firepower arrayed against them this won't be a simple operation it's a veritable siege but the attackers have tricks of their own and their own skills are uniquely suited to the task a regular wall is no obstacle for Ashe a reinforced one is no deterrent to thermite and what's worse during a tense standoff than a phone call from Korea knackered Oh pity there's no respawning during the round every sound is occluded every sheet of drywall is a new potential angle of attack and when the chips are down and the barricades are crumbling it will be communication and teamwork that win the day even if the final moments are between two operators in desparate complex this is the story of Rainbow six siege Rainbow six began life as a written work by Tom Clancy a best-selling author known for his popular military thrillers what interests you about the military landscape today today well same thing that's they've still got nicest toys and they're still instruments of national policy when the president picks up the phone and says we have to do something today there the people have to go do it after publishing his first novel The Hunt for Red October in 1984 clancy would go on to write a number of books over the next seven years which would be turned into films including patriot games clear and present danger and the sum of all fears but his 1998 novel Rainbow six didn't go that route the novel feature recurring character John Clarke in charge of team rainbow Joe John's running a group called rainbow it's a NATO multinational counter-terror team and that's sort of a job for John while the book has yet to make the leap to the silver screen it was turned into a video game by Clancy's own Red Storm entertainment and in 1998 the original Rainbow six was released for PC and later ported to n64 and PlayStation by comparison to other contemporary shooters at that time Rainbow six nearly rated as a simulation and emphasized planning and tactics but as sequels were eventually released each slept a little further away from the original premise French software company Ubisoft purchased Red Storm in August 2000 and began releasing other franchises under the klancy name like splinter cell and ghost recall but by 2008 and the release of Rainbow Six Vegas to Rainbow six his original identity had dramatically changed bishop it's been a while d it has you look different the next game in the series was to be Rainbow six Patriots which was revealed in 2011 the game was powered by Ubisoft proprietary anvil engine which had been used for games like Assassin's Creed 2 it was also set to deal with the new type of antagonist in the form of a domestic terrorist organization called the true Patriots while it was set to feature a multiplayer mode the game would be focused around a narrative driven single-player experience but the game never launched between leadership changes an aging game engine and the looming release of next-generation consoles Patriots was scrapped and development on Rainbow six siege officially kicked off in 2013 leaving behind the challenging domestic terrorism narrative of Patriots the game went back to its roots Rainbow was reactivated to deal with a global terrorist threat called white masks this organization has the ability to carry out but unlike Patriots siege was designed primarily as a multiplayer only game and that was abundantly clear when the game was revealed at e3 2014 okay I say we brush no I'd rather not I mean they always defend it with a shitload of booby traps I say we drop on the roof and breach the three second-floor windows we don't come in at once what do you guys think okay yeah that sounds gonna transport for a helicopter drop arrive in some ways the multiplayer only nature of the game was a gamble on the one hand the Rainbow six series name wasn't exactly in the forefront of everyone's minds at this time so attracting new players was a priority but a multiplayer only game could potentially alienate the fans who had enjoyed Vegas - and wanted a robust single-player experience during development the team at Ubisoft Montreal had focused on three main elements for the game teamwork tactics and tension right set up on three one two three good job guys yeah one ingredient that went into creating that tension was destructible environments the idea that new angles of attack could come out of nowhere and that cunning players could reshape the conflict to their advantage so hey Mona Liberty resistant visionary on touch' the resolution offensive the tuna fact the tone and intact de la fortuna back to Germany but this also played into the tactical angle the idea that a well-planned assault could carry a today offense ISA received a patent Momoko Jenner a Lisa usual six prima Nala XP my son Austin syntactic real of fresh lava lava como la very avocado brush civically decedent on deliver to duty duty liberty era to officials were able to make the addition of operators brought a new touch to the series admittedly even the first Rainbow six had you choose different team members to bring on a mission but operators in siege were different more like distinct classes with their own weapons and special abilities in siege each member of your squad has a distinct set of skills and the gang change in special ability and like most modern class based shooters the operators were designed to be distinct both from a gameplay perspective but also visually a tougher feat in a setting where tactical equipment is a must I know what you wondering what's in the canister I could tell you but they're not ethnic Pieta the game would enter a closed beta in September 2015 but server issues marred some players impressions of it and when the first Rainbow six game in seven years finally released in December 2015 the core gameplay was mostly well received Rainbow six siege may not be the rainbow game fans remember but it lays a solid foundation for the future matches are full of constant tension and meaningful kills on the one hand the moment-to-moment gameplay experience is fantastic every second of the short rounds matter Rainbow six siege is a house of cards intricate impressive and incredibly fragile if the gameplay was intriguing to reviewers the amount available at release was less so the game launched with 10 maps and 20 operators but several critics noted that the initial offering felt thin for the full box retail price my time with siege lose me feeling like this Rainbow six revival is a skeleton with not a lot of meat on its bones it's not worth it and it's not really a river 6 game it just doesn't it's nothing like the Rainbow six games that made the name Rainbow six still it was a foundation that the company planned to build on an ubisoft montreal committed to an aggressive patch release schedule to support their new game the game launches on December 1st and for the Rainbow six siege team and players this is only the beginning the game will continue to evolve with new content throughout the year while critics had spoken the players would be the ultimate arbiter of whether the game would be a long-term success just a day after its release it became clear that few people were taking part in the latest world to bear the Tom Clancy name the stats for the PC version the game on Steam showed that there were few people playing even if a majority of players bought the game through you play determined to attract players to the game Ubisoft opened a free-to-play weekend just weeks after US release a move that many saw as an admission of trouble the games post-launch players who owned the game were dealing with issues of their own including problems with hackers and lag by August 2016 Ubisoft had released three major content patches for the game operations black ice dust lime and skull rain I'm coming for you they had implemented their anti cheat system battle AI and while developers have often been hesitant to speak about player numbers except an easily digested and positive sound bytes Ubisoft revealed during skull rain that the player base was higher than it had been at launch there was a dip after the patch stabilized but siege was slowly but steadily making a comeback on the eSports side of things the game had launched with a perennial issue for many titles which platform is the official one at launch the eSports program organized by ESL supported both PC and Xbox one some players from previous games like furious G even made the swap to siege from Vegas the adults of all new innova did you confess to us only guess there is some is just a few just yeah the round-robin format League would see teams like Penta ynk and continuum become Finals champions for PC in the first year excellence gaming became the first and last ever Pro League champions for Xbox one as the platform was moved to a separate major league or than any of the results though the early Pro League showed that the game had eSports potential with incredible and exciting moments it also had an itch it had the one life high tension gameplay of counter-strike the ability interactions of many class-based games and the addition of dynamic destruction at the first six Invitational at the end of the year North America would take home the first ever trophy at the event but as the game continued its growth throughout 2017 so too did its East Horse viewership and as the game continued to add new operators the interactions between attack and defense continued to grow Ike you can now see defenders who are using their cameras this is incredible so like you can see electrical devices 20 meters away and now she can see people using the cameras on a defensive team with the game's continued rise a community arose with it and while they loved to discuss the games tactics and intricacies so what this means is that your team should have rumors on the overall any operator can roam but the best ones are definitely the ones of three speed and one armor they also loved means it's alright it's alright to chunka is here to save us I don't know if I'd even consider I guess my videos expectations first of all you're probably considering being videos but I would follow those with sketches as opposed to means but enough to cut through nearly any barrier known to man the thing people just like to see the seriousness of siege mixed in with comedy real life and real needs I know what you're wondering what's in the canister for King laser sights no the game's content roll out took a momentary backseat with the release of Operation Health in June 2017 operation health is basically a three months period of time that we're going to be taking in order to fixing and repairing the game as well as investing in car technologies and and online text to make sure that the game is as long-lasting as possible maybe one of the most maligned periods in the games post release history operation health was supposed to bring fixes to the game's engine which had some issues with lag hit detection and matchmaking since launch but the patch got its own assortment of memes too and then when it was like one week left until blood orchid and I went through their checklist and they don't fix like one or two things that have the taunts of stuff they mentioned that like this was a meme this was three months of the exact same thing with no changes hopefully oh my god what am I am I'm the bottom of the bat for you he was authorized to came out and they talked about how they were just trying to lay the foundation they were going to fix more things in the future which they eventually did I'll get credit for that they fixed a lot of problems that were with the game once back into a more normal schedule of content releases the game has continued its growth with every new operator new interactions enter the game and the strategy deepens for me most the most appeal that I have game operators is how do you say gadget on their own just like alibi is coming out and she has Holograms okay how can I set this up the trick people at work my position to all games were filled like turn corner and the reaction will just be to shoot instead of droning it out or like check and see if attack she is a hologram the second six Invitational held in February 2018 saltpeter viewership of over 300,000 while numbers for concurrent players on Steam are only a small slice of the pie Marsh saw the game cracked the top 5 with a new all-time high of 176 thousand players and in May 2018 the game was the 11th highest watch on Twitch up from 21st a year prior and even though big tournaments helped there is some evidence to suggest that the game is still steadily growing the game crossed the 30 million player threshold in April 2018 in June at e3 Ubisoft announced the game had hit the 35 million player work the subreddit subscriber base for the game is closing in on more established games like dota 2 and major organizations like fnatic faze clan Team Liquid and cloud nine have picked up rosters for pro league while Ubisoft has announced a revenue sharing initiative that splits profits from teen themed in-game items at the six Invitational Ubisoft Montreal announced that the game would not have a sequel but instead look to a 10-year lifespan β€œHow the vision of the game is to bring it to 100 operators. Today we have 36 operators. Year three we’ll bring eight new operators. But 100 that number is not only a symbol, but it’s a testament of the longevity that we want to put in the game. Again, we are claiming extremely loud here there is no sequel planned, and we’re here for the next 10 years so expect more Rainbow Six in your life.” Whether or not the game makes it there a commitment like that would have been unbelievable in December 2015 every game wants to be the next big thing worse they want it to be that at launch but unlike the massive successes and instant flops of recent years an unlikely Ubisoft game has steadily built up a fanbase they did it by reinventing what the franchise meant while simultaneously committing to a post release support structure that would keep the game relevant for years to come in the process they built not only a devoted player base but a growing eSports scene as well but siege like its players so often do define some heavy odds to make it this thanks for watching if you want more great content just like this be sure to hit the subscribe button
Channel: theScore esports
Views: 1,846,198
Rating: 4.9084649 out of 5
Keywords: eSports, gaming, theScoreesports, thescore, rainbow six, history of rainbow six, rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege pro league, rainbow six siege gameplay, thescore esports, the score esports, rainbow 6 siege, faze banks, rainbow 6, pro league rainbow six siege, ESL, the story of, rainbow six siege all objectives, tom clancy, rainbow 6 patriots, rainbow six siege review, ubisoft, e3, rainbow, r6 esports, siege, rainbow six vegas 2, story of r6, story of rainbow six siege
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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