The Story of Motley Crue (Documentary)

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Oh we're motley crue and we do we do you have to laugh at yourself we outlasted everybody you know we were here first and we're the last ones still here you know so it's sort of like oh yeah those guys started in those guys are they're cliche net that's that says a lot for the band and our dirt a durable we are that was a different band back then you know we were you know basically just kids and um we never thought we were ever gonna be we just want to be the biggest band in Hollywood and that was it you know we didn't really think about that what would the next step would be would be you know the biggest band and you know in Southern California would be then the big span in California and and we never thought of it that way we just wanted to go and play the clubs and because that's what we were doing anyway it just kind of we just got lucky with the with the timing with the way that the music was at that point you know with the punk rock it was just kind of ending and we kind of filled a void put up for that genre we were totally against the grain no one would find us nobody they want us to cut our hair and play like nice little pop songs and we you know we cut out our own album cost seven thousand dollars to make the album and we played club gigs to get the money and we sweet like still four thousand dollars to the club up to the recording studio after really only like three thousand dollars now and we got a manager at the time who worked as a financial backer and we built two big drum risers and two large amp screens and everything was oversized and animated and we go into clubs where they were used to having these bands play that would have like a little fender Princeton a little tiny bass amp and they would just stand there and play we'd go in and trash the place you know our house is like the armpit of the world or something which is the worst place we live in this little tiny place that kind of look like look like this and we could we only made $20 a week that's all we got and it came like Christmastime and Thanksgiving awesome so we never had money to buy a Christmas tree or a turkey for Thanksgiving so we go down to the store and I'd wear a big jacket and Vince and Nicky and MIT would stuff my jacket underneath with turkey pot pies I mean we could mix you we couldn't even get it together enough to steal a turkey you know so we had those little turkey pot pies and so we're all sitting around he went oh this is great man and a Christmas tree some girls bought us a Christmas tree because we couldn't afford one and we had a beer can on the top for a star you know and with panties and stuff just all draped around it to make it look something like a Christmas tree it was pretty funny cockroaches TV dinners all over the place just a toilet you sweets to have an apartment all together you know every day some funny photos I'm really well some just to play The Whisky A Go Go we'd get offstage we'd walk out the back door and two places up was our apartment in the white audience where Jessica I was never coming for drinks that I cornered people trash the place so there'd be like 500 people in the tiniest little apartment in Evers like the size is great all right what a party all right is is great pretty wild times man people got launched through windows I mean just I could go on for hours we've run out of tape that's what kind of gave us our break because there wasn't very many bands doing what we were doing you know and so when we did something we really stuck out and got the attention we've mixed all different styles attitudes and looks and and you know musical styles and visual styles to become something somewhat different what is it about the band that draws that furor have you ever looked at some of these reviewers they don't exactly have groupies all right where the ones are getting all the you know the bad press and bad reviews on the videos and stuff saying or sexist this is motley crue their albums for electro silence of millions and they want the top ten grossing concert bands this year their albums include songs like bastard quote out goes the light in goes my knife pull out his life consider that bastard ed live wire quote I'll neither break her face or take down her legs is my ways it will go for the throat never let loose going in for the kill and too young to fall in love not a woman but a [ __ ] I can taste the hey we're just big kids and we'll really give a hell what parents and pull it politicians and stuff think you know we're not going to change our outlook on life in the way that we you know play a rock and roll for a bunch of politicians and people like that the devil may not well isn't to us I mean we're not religious in the sense of devil worshippers or Christians or Catholics our exact diet or just a rock-and-roll band right devil could be to a sixteen year old girl her mother which a 21 year old guy could be his boss we're seeing shout at whatever is holding you back from what you want to do and the American dream for us we were Street kids and a dream for us was to be in a rock and roll band and be successful we've achieved it we're saying go for pentagram is that the sign of and isn't that a symbol that never worshipped no it Ward's off werewolves oh yeah that's how I went to of Ozzy you know it comes becomes a good with my booze okay there's a lot of controversy behind this and reason why we put it right out here and we said look at this there's a pentagram but once you once you read what we tell is you know religious fanatics read this shout at the devil this is a shot with the devil at the devil and that's why we kind of got money in front a lot of things if you stand in the middle of it that you the evil can't get into you so it's actually a good symbol it's really a good luck symbol for whatever reason you know like the people who were talking about the Washington wives and the perforating records it didn't really do their homework I think they could embarrass themselves the board we're hated we're hated by the industry for not kissing their ass at the time they were kind of a good thing I guess we get off we get off on missing people off sometimes maybe it's maybe it's that that keeps us thriving on you know pulling silly stunts and just being motley way up boy to feel man Oh Hey we're hated we're hated by the industry for not kissing their ass kind of a good thing we had to do something real real real visual to get people's attention so I believe we got their attention our attitudes in our whole frame of mind comes more from man like the Sex Pistols a punk band we're like punk type of an attitude you know I'm good glam it thinks about us because do we want to do I guess we get off on it we get off on pissing people off sometimes maybe it's babies that that keeps us thriving on you know pulling silly stunts and just be motley if you can expect something from us we'll probably not do it yeah it's been like that I mean what son Ozzy and kiss were the first two bands that really gave us a shot kiss took us out for seven shows on the west coast and threw us off the tour - you're too rambunctious and gene kept telling us you know that you know pointing his finger like he likes to you know that you shouldn't do that kind of stuff which made us want to do it more you know I'm a dreamer my heart you know after this is rich his misfortune we obviously came together and helped the cat out known became Blake closers as friends as well as band members I get in a bad car accident and so it Tommy previous to that and we were both very drunk when it happened and then to happen events who wasn't nearly you know this intended influences us and we all said you know this could have happened to me or Kevin Tommy or Nick or any of our friends and it's something that you said you know it's time to like straighten up about that you know by drinking and driving sometimes drink if you want great or thought don't drive and so we've made us title Oh nobody has stayed a hundred percent straight everybody's kind of fallen off the wagon a couple times but you know what I enjoy what's so good about motley crue they're the best why they're the best complete the power power the music man we're all the way behind when they're on stage they're like some kind of God they're like we aren't on stage they're ten times above us just kind of sneaks up on you you know I mean you're you know you're playing clubs and all sudden you're headlining on a weekend and that's a plateau you know then you're opening up at a 3,000 seater and there's another one then you're headlining that 3,000 seater then you're opening up at a and you know a 15,000 seater and then you get on a tour and then all of a sudden you're headlining those shows and then all of a sudden people go you made it you know go go wait a second what it wait a minute what happened here okay how did I get from here to here everyone leaves our show naked yeah long as it printed pictures spell our name way doesn't matter what they say about us you're talking to a couple of guys from a band who gets shitty reviews every single time so nothing matters to us I mean next up we go alright there's a good picture yeah throw it away I would never make affairs you learn and you learn that starting an eight ball of cocaine before the first song is probably not a good idea everybody expects you to be this ultimate rock pig you know and walk around the big bottle of Jack you know and then like the day you don't feel like drinking somebody doesn't see you with a bottle of Jack anemia and all the sudden you're win you're like then I'm hungover man my head hurts I feel like dog [ __ ] you know and so that it's yeah it's a tough job but uh it's cool though and I wouldn't trade it for the world we as drug addicts stopped growing at a certain point how long can people just drink every day and and party every single day in 24 hours a day and live I'm here I'm sorry though we're human no and it's just like you know I don't want to die I mean I don't think your fans will want you to die eat it because if one of us dies and there's no more accrue when all this happened we started growing again and everything is exciting musically and personally and say like a kid again you know none of us want to die we want to keep making records and come in everybody's town and feeling the best rock shows they've ever seen we continued like we were continuing it wasn't going to happen ten years we've been waiting for this ten years rat number one with a bullet with a bullet we like over two million records now and selling hahaha we're happy you we like change and we did a lot of things in the beginning to to get people's attention you know it's big hey you know this is this is this is the crew everybody knows who we are who motley crew is and what we represent and right now we're just we're just being ourselves and we're just uh just a rock and roll band we changed a bit you know we've we've wizened up a little bit and we've pretty much got our ourselves together you know and you know we're just we're so tight as a band match-three see brand I've done the sex I've done with drugs have done with rock-and-roll lifestyle lyrics that's where my head was at the time I mean I wasn't kidding and now that there's new stuff coming up you know no disrespect events I wish them luck with this thing you know we'll go on to do ours magic see our sound is is a very route oriented right and it's very much from where we come from you know it's it's just a I just don't hear any other bands sound like us everybody looks the same and everybody sounds you saying you know it's just this and there should be like a cutoff point okay everybody has to start sounding and looking different from here on basically as soon as we did something you know like was shout the devil and all sudden like everybody starts doing like that type of a look so then we like completely turn around and do theater of pain you know it's like wow you know that's like a complete turnaround and then we go then we do the girls girls girls Fame you know back back when everybody started look oh you know this is getting real glam out there and now it's just like let the music do the talking I think back on each previous album and I think of struggle and that was sort of how the band is always started we struggled out of Los Angeles to become different you know everything was new wave and punk punk was great I were very influenced by Punk you know the attitude of punk rock but what we came from was you know struggling and I still feel like we're struggling to do something different oh yeah yeah I really don't I don't think we've we've peaked out yet I can't remember a lot of melons so that's kind of describing it right there yeah a lot of that time was sort of worth a lot of to hammering this yeah the 1980s have been the best years of my life in a nutshell and that's 1980 we started and here we are almost ten-year anniversary for the crew and those have been the rudest and crudest and wild as he goes of my life and hopefully I hope I hope that we're together forever by the gun the sex I've done the drugs have done the rock-and-roll lifestyle lyrics that's where my head was at the time I mean I wasn't kidding and now like there's new stuff coming up you know conflict within the stand we're like best friends - that's what's great with scat this whole band is like I sometimes it gets you know we're brothers it's real heated and that's great do you know because we always we always make up there's a certain chemistry amongst the band that if we had a different band member it would be a different band and to go on as Motley Crue with a different member wouldn't really be Motley Crue I mean we've never been faced with that problem Jon's like no new blood we're all you know stupidly excited somebody was to die or something you know someone wanted out of the band I don't know we've always said we break up the bad I don't want to be like flaking ten years down the road have maybe one person who's in the band for like five days and nobody else is in the band anymore but still be called motley crue you know it wouldn't be the same we've been having new lead singer talks quite a few years ago and it just all came to a head a couple years ago when we're starting to rehearse and write music for this record and it was basically a gigantic lack of enthusiasm Vince didn't write anything Nikki myself and Mick wrote everything and and we just become frustrated like after all these years of you know telling him what to sing telling him how to sing when to sing when not to sing and it just became like you know we were dragging around this extra weight going you know what this isn't this isn't right you know we shouldn't be creating this person's parts for him he should you should feel them and sing them naturally and do and you know we tried to get him to write music we did everything on I'm trying to make this short he came to rehearsal and we had a meeting and we and we said you know Vince were having new lead singer talks again and he stood up and said you know what girl Katie I know I know we're on TV but what he said was I don't want to hear this [ __ ] anymore and he walked out and we know if we didn't fire him um you know she came to parting of the way he just got up and walked out and we haven't spoke to him since basically just a lot of egos going I think they said a lot of things I didn't they didn't want to say and I said some things have just ended up going hey you know this is this is great this is split up no disrespect events I wish them luck with this thing you know we'll go on to do ours I didn't want to be one of those guys are sitting in a bar going yeah I remember when I was in this band you know and I really need to get things going so then I you know I got new lawyer new management new record deal and that benefit I've always got to start some yeah other things that came with music like success and money and you know the helicopter flying lessons on you know racecar driving all these things became more important to him than the music and the other three of us that's all we did you know we lived and breathed music and he didn't and we were forced to make a decision and we had to we had to continue on and we're not ready to stop they they pretty much stab me in the back and tried to screw my life up and it didn't work at one point you said that if one of the members of the crew left that you guys would cease being the crew without each other we're not who no we're not not really what we gonna do stop I don't want to stop well the transition but it's certainly been like it's like we got a new engine you know um John's like you know new blood we're all and I stupidly excited you know about his voice and what he's added to Motley Crue and um it's been it's been like a riot man we've had a blast certainly gotten heavier because John plays guitar as well so that the sounds gotten massive and wasn't aggressive voice styles definitely made it a lot harder he was one of us he's very cool laughs 50 I still kind of believe that if that record had not the same lineup the same music everything's the same but if it had been called you know pick a name the bag of worms or something people would have heard it and said this is an awesome record but when they saw the name motley crue put it on didn't hear Vince's voice they went this is a motley crew so weird but that doesn't take away from the fact that you know it's still a good record Oh into the night see the time with you will you John came to came to use all of us are just me and Tommy and just saying it was just said you know what guys I can't take it it's like this is like way too much pressure for me you guys need to get Vince back you know the fans want the expect you know doesn't matter how good of an album we make no one's going to hurt them they're not going to listen to it I said the bass I go absolutely no way I'd never do it again it could happen and I hope it could happen but I don't want to get anybody's mic holds up to say like it's going to happen yeah because there's a lot of stuff that went on at all a lot a lot a lot of water into the bridge anytime you're in any kind of relationship you know for a long period of time you know you yeah these little you know the toothpaste syndrome you know he's squeezing from the top of the bottom of little things you know little problems come up and we just a little break away from each other and we just realize that we make great music when we're together yeah and the fans let us know you know that they wanted us back together hearing Vince's voice back in the music that was just insane oh really back people made up mrs. voice is is motley crue you know and it was just it was cool to hear it in the music again you know it was a growing process I thought we grew from it we learned and now we're here Oh we are the [ __ ] magnets Vince was like so into slagging me in the press that is good yeah I broke my heart not only the boss we were very disappointed with the way generation Swan was promoted and handled maybe there's a way we can get out of doing these other two records save electro some money get our masters and all walk away happy campers and our manager made it happen I mean there's too many bands that have the situation if any there's I maybe a couple mean the guy's a Motley Crue own all the moniker masters we own everything that ever to do with Motley Crue's one of the very rare occasion somebody in the band is always in the press for something whether marriages divorces fights lawsuits you know there's always something I think that kind of keeps you going to because we are the [ __ ] magnets there's no bad fresh ever for anybody in rock and roll in the last few years you can't see it but I'm wearing a route like a clear rubber raincoat like for a lot of the drama and all that kind of stuff to sort of roll off on me you know and I just kind of I just focus on my music cuz that's truly what makes me happy that you know that and my my two sons you know so I've learned to let a lot of things slide put it that way are you going out with Heather Locklear yeah okay all right Heather really helped me through some really funky times and um she was she's been there for me when I was having some hard times Oh vince has had his crosses to bear Nikki's had his it was like my time for like this stupid button to get pressed you know reached like ridiculous levels of you know whatever I'll be the first to admit that what I did do was wrong grabbing and you know and pushing somebody there's nothing cool about that you know that's definitely wrong and I wish I could take that back and wish I didn't handle things in that manner but I also didn't know what to do when I was being hit in the face you know at some point you like you don't know what to do and you only have a couple of seconds to react I've gone through some some courses with this anger management program back home in LA and they've sort of taught me how to insert some time between the problem and the solution and that's how I've actually been put to the test twice now and it's worked I'm greatly saddened that my children are going to grow up without their mother and father being married that that really that bothers me a lot and doesn't seem to bother Pamela so much but I'm not in control of her so I never thought that this would happen I thought we'd be together forever I really did and for some reason when I went to jail I don't know who she's around or who's advising her what the deal is but she just did an about-face and it was like that guy's bad news you got to get rid of this you know that's what that's what I felt because I don't know how two people can be absolutely madly in love and it turned to that I don't get that baby naked hat my life's really fun it doesn't suck you know it's really crazy to at times I wouldn't change a thing actually Oh poor guys doing their own thing we get together musically we click but individually everybody's doing their own thing that we want to look like we're still seeing the same band together and I like that yeah totally different guys surfer lead singer a gang member drummer scuzzy guitar player and a scary old bass player your filthy build me and I love it that's great we just do it separately I was fired that's everybody quit somebody got a job racing cars that's how old Andy yeah that's right I forgot about the freshmen oh yeah Vince was like so into slagging me in the press they just really yeah I broke my heart not only the plus when when Vince came back in the band that we realized that the the chemistry of the band was complete I think Vince felt it when he was out of Motley Crue I know we didn't feel it when he was out of Motley Crue something happens with his voice the songwriting mix sound and I thought with Tommy you know - but it was interesting cuz tommy kind of abandoned us to do this this hip-hop thing that he's doing what a few weeks before the tour and we didn't see it comin we knew it was unhappy and that he was into rap music but we didn't think that it was like that that was gonna happen it's really important for me to just to stay moving forward creatively I think if people really knew the truth about some of the dysfunctions that were happening in the last several years they probably wouldn't want me to do that because I'd be unhappy it'd be like you know remarrying some dysfunctional relationship is that's essentially what it is you're with the guys 24/7 you basically married you know you're eating together living together drinking flying playing everything it's a little dysfunctional for me to step back conflict within this band a lot of dysfunctional you know personalities I can't think about being in this band while it's dysfunctional and having the thought be moving forward so I have to have an end in sight and to say functional right now it's always been dysfunctional always always probably why is that I mean you know strong personalities you know Tommy events don't really like each other Vince is very difficult which is a bad drinking problem and it's hard for me to to accept you know I'm on a program you've done some great stuff you know and if it's over it's over it you know it's good to look back on the memories and if it keeps going then shoot a lot of cool stuff ahead we're together and it's working I never felt anything as magical ha I guess when you quit trying you quit being pissed off it feels comfortable then I guess your no apart when it starts feeling like it is a spontaneous anymore then we'll get out of the business but just the way that uh the way things are going right now you know I just can't see that happening I still feel like a little punk I swear to God like um and it was so rad like uh I got carded to buy smokes the other day I was like I was so cool I'm so cool I got I looked at the lady I go I love you there's not an age thing on it I'm rock and roll it's not there's gonna be new bands to the middle you know bands is gonna be bands around forever that a legendary it's always going to be new blood coming in and I think that the some bands will stick around for as long as they can til they die will you guys do one of those bands that died yea what's rock and roll all about just have a good time right and nobody gets out of this thing alive so let's just all go for it and have a really good time and look fast and the kids don't have to live fast and die young I mean our job that's our job hey man something's got a snorted so he's got a drink somebody's got to go to bed though this girl's too hard life back in the 80s yeah it was a whole different time back then you know you know it was like everything was freer everything was you know and we were all younger so more stamina we did what we did yeah I hit it quite well too your parents don't hate you guys hopefull yeah mine do 80s to 90s 90s to the new millennium and you know we'll see what's after that but you have to keep reinventing yourself the book I think the book had a lot to do with because it was on the New York Times bestseller list it's been you know touted as being one of the greatest rock and roll books there ever has been and that was to me a big part of people to know and while this band was more than we don't want it to be a rock and roll movie we want it to be a story of survival and then it's the backdrop is rock and roll it just happens to be it could be athletes it could be politicians it could be models it could be anybody it just happens that the rise and fall and rise of was in the back with the background of rock and roll just like you know anybody's been together for somebody for you know 20-something years you you need to get away from people sometimes and it ends like when we go away from each other we sometimes stay ho hey we're brothers you know and we're family and and you know sometimes it takes just a little separation for a little period of time to really realize how much you need each other you know and those little those little things that really aggravated you before really don't seem like that big of a deal now you know I really don't feel that you know I don't really feel like being in the band anymore so true so you know it's probably hit for Motley Crue in motley crue you know it's supposed to be everybody has you know has a say in something but all of a sudden you see things and you go without you know or hear things like that you know like oh yeah elders at or well you know nobody bothered to tell me about it so it's that kind of stuff health-wise you know timewise I would like to be known as one of the greatest rock and roll bands and I would like to end it on and up see maybe Nicky should talk to people before he says statements like that yeah we've done some great stuff you know if it's over it's over it you know it's good to look back on the memories and if it keeps going then shoot a lot of cool stuff ahead everyone needs to be able to show up you know and then suit up and do it you know and be and be in their best physical and mental condition they can be in so that the music that comes out of them is the best that it could be so the people that are willing to lay down money to watch a band say goodbye is going to go they just knocked my dick in the dirt they were unbelievable and I will always remember that instead of I went and saw a band that struggled through it I won't go struggle through it you know we've never been about struggling through we've always been about giving 150% and I want to go out that way too it's been a cool message with motley crue on which is about freedom of expression so whatever it is that we were doing image wise visual with our show musically whatever we were going through personally in life we've always kind of expressed that and I think that we have a such a relationship with our fans that they can relate to us all these hardships we've been through they've been through a lot of same hardships and that's that gets passed on to the younger people are like you know these guys these guys are sort of like legendary for their excess but also legendary for their survival instinct when we're together and it's working I've never felt anything that's magical
Channel: Motley Crue & More
Views: 2,280,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mötley crüe, vince neil, tommy lee, nikki sixx, mick mars, rock, glam, sleeze, old, school, ozzy, usa, live, concert, full, girls, hd, highdef, songs, hq, quality, best, available, bootleg, dvd, music video, musicvideo, mvid, video, 2005
Id: o4aNjaoSZmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2015
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