The Story of LUCIFER From Glory to CurseĀ (Bible Stories Explained)

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the story of Lucifer from glory to curse a personality referred to as Lucifer appears in Isaiah chapter 14. Lucifer's Latin root means one who brings light while the Hebrew translation is morning star Lucifer was depicted as a radiant shining and Majestic being in any language he was a high-ranking angel Lucifer was one of God's main angels and Michael and Gabriel in God's Heavenly hosts however at some point Lucifer made a grave error he challenged God Luke chapter 10 verse 18. he said to them I watched Satan fall from Heaven like a flash of lightning here Jesus describes to his disciples a scene that he had experienced in heaven this event took place before Jesus Incarnation as the son of Mary he cautioned them against The Perils of allowing Pride to control them that scene he described was God's judgment on a created angel named Lucifer Lucifer had occupied a position vision of unique honor in heaven Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 12-15 son of man take up a dirge for the king of tire and say to him thus says the Lord God you had the full measure of perfection and the Finishing Touch of completeness full of wisdom and perfect in Beauty you are in Eden the Garden of God every precious stone was your covering the Ruby the topaz and the diamond the barrel the Onyx and the Jasper the lapis lazuli the turquoise and the emerald and the gold the workmanship of your settings and your sockets was in you they were prepared on the day that you were created you were the anointed cherub who covers and protects and I placed you there you were on the Holy Mountain of God you walked in the midst of the stones of fire the sparkling Jewels you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness and evil were found in you Lucifer is described as the anointed cherub who covers the cherubim spread their wings Atop enveloping The Mercy Seat with their wings they faced each other the faces of the chairman or towards The Mercy Seat Lucifer was exemplary in Beauty Pride caused him to challenge God and to seek a place of equality with God apparently Lucifer had authority over a company of angels and he had succeeded in alienating some of those under him from their loyalty to God he led them to join him in his Rebellion against God in response God cast Lucifer and his Partners in Rebellion from his presence in order to describe Lucifer's activity in turning some angels against God through his persistent plot Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 16 through 19 Amplified Bible through the abundance of your Commerce you were internally filled with lawlessness and violence and you sinned therefore I have cast you out as a profane and Unholy thing from the Mountain of God and I have destroyed you o covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire your heart was proud and arrogant because of your beauty you destroyed your wisdom for the sake of your Splendor I cast you to the ground I lay you before kings that they look at you you profaned your sanctuaries by the great quantity of your sins and the enormity of your guilt by the unrighteousness of your trade therefore I have brought forth a fire from your midst it has consumed you and I have reduced you to ashes on the earth in the sight of all who look at you all the peoples the Nations who knew you are appalled at you you have come to a horrible and terrifying ant and will forever cease to be in some Bible versions we see the word trading which is applied to someone who behaves as a tale Bearer or slanderer in other words it could be described as someone who peddles both goods and gossip in various other books of the Bible for example Leviticus Proverbs Jeremiah this word is translated as either a tale Bearer or a slanderer for example in Proverbs chapter 20 verse 19 this practice of being a tale Bearer is closely linked to one flatters himself with his lips we are warned against both kinds of persons who goes about as a tail Bearer reveals Secrets therefore do not associate with one who flatters with his lips apparently this illustrates exactly what Lucifer did he went among the created Angelic beings and promoted an organized Rebellion against God I would give you a much more responsible position in the administration of the universe the devil has never had to change his tactics either in heaven or on Earth for one simple reason because they still work all this did not happen suddenly or even in a few days we have no way of measuring the time it took Lucifer to promote his Rebellion but it was long enough for him to organize a carefully planned revolt against God and to convince an estimated one-third of the angels to join him this estimate is based on a statement about Satan in the Bible Revelation chapter 12 verse 4 and his tale drew the third part of the stars of heaven and it cast them to the Earth it inter interprets the phrase stars of Heaven as referring to the entire company of Angels the Revolutionary acts that It produced originated in heaven and not on Earth as a master of slander or tail bearing he continues to seek to undermine various forms of authority that God has established in both the church and in the world when Lucifer was cast out of Heaven he did not stop his Rebellion but he continued it by setting up a kingdom of his own in opposition to God's kingdom Pride the original sin we read thine heart was lifted up because of thy Beauty thou Hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness I will cast thee to the ground I will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee Lucifer's heart was lifted up in Pride because of his Beauty and this was the reason that he was cast out of the Mountain of God what was Lucifer's initial motivation what was the original sin Pride the original sin was done in heaven not on Earth it wasn't alcohol intoxication it wasn't adultery and it wasn't even lying it was a matter of Pride it is still the most lethal of all sins many churchgoers would never dream of committing adultery or getting drunk but they are readily seduced into Pride without recognizing how harmful it is Lucifer was so lovely that he got proud of himself his pride finalized the transformation from Lucifer to Satan I believe it is vital for all of us to realize that the first sin in the universe was not murder nor adultery but rather Pride it was Pride that produced Rebellion furthermore it was Pride arising from the blessings of which God himself was the author God gave Lucifer his Power Authority Beauty and wisdom all those gifts were from God yet Lucifer's wrong attitude turned them into instruments for his own destruction I am shocked to realize that men and women called and equipped by God are still today making the same tragic error that Lucifer made in Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12-15 the prophet analyzes the motive behind Lucifer's Rebellion it was an ambition to be equal with God Lucifer made five succeeding statements preceded by the phrase I will he said I will Ascend into heaven I will exalt my Throne I will sit on the Mount of the congregation I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds lastly the climax I will be like the most high like God himself Lucifer self-promoting ambition was the cause of his fall scripture confronts us with a deliberate contrast between Lucifer and Jesus Lucifer was not in the form of God he was a created being he had no right to be equal with God yet he grasped at equality with God and when he reached up he slipped and fell on the other hand Jesus was divine by Eternal nature and enjoyed equality with God therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth and every tongue acknowledged that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father God has highly exalted him God has given him a name that is above every name at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of those in heaven that is all the created hosts who serve God in his Heaven of those on Earth this means that ultimately every creature on earth will submit to the authority of Christ of those under the Earth this refers to Satan's realm in Hades it includes death hell the grave and also the unrighteous Dead who had previously rejected God's mercy every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord there is only one Pathway to promotion self-humbling this is an absolutely unvarying principle there are no exceptions the Way Up Is Down that is the great Secret as Proverbs 18 12 declares Before Destruction the heart of man is haughty and before honor is humility referring again to Philippians we see a wonderful truth brought to light for this reason also God highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name self-humbling is an issue of will not of the emotions it is a decision each of us has to make for himself Lord I choose to humble myself before you I renounce Pride arrogance and personal ambition before you and before my fellow Believers to give a practical example of self-humbling Jesus spoke about guests invited to a wedding feast Luke chapter 14 verses 8 through 11 Amplified Bible when you are invited by someone to a wedding Feast Do not sit down at the place of honor since a more distinguished person than you may have been invited by the host and he who invited both of you will come and say to you give this man your place and then in disgrace you proceed to take the last place but when you are invited go and sit down at the last place so that when your host comes he will say to you friend move up higher and then you will be honored in the presence of all who are at the table with you for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled before others and he who habitually humbles himself will be exalted Isaiah chapter 14 11-15 Amplified Bible your pop and magnificence have been brought down to Shale along with the music of your hearts the maggots are spread out under you as a bed and worms are your covering how you have fallen from Heaven o star of the morning son of the Dawn you have been cut down to the ground you who have weakened the Nations but you said in your heart I will Ascend to Heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of God I will sit on the Mount of assembly in the remote parts of the north I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds I will make myself like the most high but in fact you will be brought down to shayol to the remote recesses of the pit Lucifer's desire was to be on the same footing with God he imagined himself to be so intelligent beautiful and Majestic that he allegedly thought to himself I could be God biblical Scholars generally agree that Lucifer was in charge of orchestrating Heaven's worship he was a musical master who continues to utilize music to enchant people to this day Lucifer had been in charge of God's sanctuary in heaven he was in charge of the religious Services he was the Cherub who guarded the location where God's presence showed itself he was in charge of the music he was an artist he had a lot of success he then rebelled and fell Pride the battle lines are drawn he was sent down from God's presence after becoming prideful of his wisdom and beauty and after devising his plotted Rebellion against God his treacherous Angels were also cast down with him Lucifer was perhaps the wisest and most beautiful of all God's creatures but scripture says his heart was lifted up the fall of Lucifer Satan Started From Within before it led to his fall after growing proud because of his wisdom and his Beauty and after hatching his plain Rebellion against God he was cut down from the presence of God and his traitorous Angels were cast down with him we should take this into account in our own lives God created Adam as unique from any other creature there was something special about Adam's mode of creation that was designed in the mind of the Creator to militate against Pride Adam came from a source different from any other created being that we know of the very lowest the very humblest yet God made him capable of becoming the very highest God combined in Adam both the lowest and highest here's the description of the creation of Adam in Genesis and the Lord God formed man of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and Man became a living being unlike Lucifer we can remember this and stay grounded and humble Satan's counter-attack Satan the already fallen angel the enemy of God and of man retaliated he had particular enmity against man for two reasons first of all he could attack God's image in man you see man visibly represented God to the rest of creation Satan could not touch God himself but he could make war against the very image of God within man his Delight was to defile that image to destroy it to humiliate it and to that end he worked tirelessly when someone stops worshiping they begin to seek worship Heaven is too small for two objects of worship and it is written in Jude 1 that the Angels who did not keep their first estate number one were cast down the lesson of Lucifer's fall number one when you refuse to worship you get down you go down if you want to be a down Christian be too proud to worship number two pride is a fast way down the devil was once the Bright Morning Star a lovely Angelic being who fell from the heavens he rebelled against God becoming Satan God's ultimate foe what you don't turn into praise becomes pride and we were never created the higher We rise the more we're supposed to give God the glory the glory to God the honor to God and the more God blesses you you're not supposed to become more arrogant look at me I don't have to worship like those Lonely People you were nothing at the time but God picked you up and blessed you according to the Bible let everything that has breath praise the Lord in the Book of Genesis God breathed on mankind be a worshiper if you've got the life of God in you then praise the Lord that is the Commandment of the scriptures we were Justified to glorify we were liberated to love him you've been redeemed to Rejoice you've been delivered to dance you've been set free to sing be humble and praise God praise is a serious Topic in the Bible however there are those who make light of it and make fun of it even in the church the only thing that can keep you in a spiritual environment and I emphasize this is to praise and worship God the day you decide not to worship God you leave his presence a fish cannot survive without water the human body cannot survive without oxygen and a Christian cannot survive without praising and worshiping God you'll have to thank God sooner or later you'll have to learn to clap your hands and say hallelujah sooner or later praise be to God thank you a lot Jesus I Adore You Lord praise be to God in any case sooner or later if you do not you will not be in God's presence and you will perish if you do not spend time in God's presence [Music] foreign
Channel: Grace Digital Network
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Keywords: grace digital
Id: DK3EIEtzOa0
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Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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