The Story of LSPLASH: The Dev Behind Roblox Doors

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3 billion visits a number that many developers dream of achieving even one tenth of brought forth in a game that is completely redefined the entire horror genre on Roblox inspiring numerous remakes and going viral across the internet almost immediately this game is quickly catapulted to the top of ROBLOX after being released not even a year ago this is the story of lsplash The Man Behind the hit game doors but before we delve into the world of terrifying Eldritch creatures that were shown to us indoors we must first explore Where it All Began starting his career in around 2015 l-splash worked on a few miscellaneous projects most notably developing under the user bonic 10 for his game Movie Maker 3. in Movie Maker 3 you could create your own short films using the carefully crafted animation and recording system I'm not sure to what extent l-splash worked on this one as the game's description is rather vague it just mentions him as a GUI designer and developer I don't know how much of the development he actually did but what I do know is that it's safe to say that this game was exceptionally ahead of its time I mean just look at this animation system and keep in mind this was made in 2015 like this is absolutely insane L Splash known as Lightning Splash to some was quite a talented developer doing jobs behind the scenes for a few years before finally beginning his own projects in 2017. in fact his earliest tweets display his coding prowess creating various UI systems and sharing sneak peeks of what would become his first successful game l-splash eventually teamed up with his friend and development partner readables to create their game Studio which they also decided to call lsplash for some reason it kinda makes it a little bit confusing that the group and developer are both named the same thing but they obviously know what they're doing when it comes to creating games so I digress L Splash has been so successful that his group is actually the fourth biggest on the platform as well and don't get me wrong Edibles is extremely talented too but this video is just on lsplash so I won't be talking much about him in this one now it was time for lsplash to release his first game and he most certainly would not disappoint Ragdoll Mayhem now known as Ragdoll Universe was a fun third person shooter game that combined the traditional Ragdoll mechanics many love with a new Fresh take on the shooter genre the main menu GUI is super polished now overall this game just feels so well made and I mean look at this cute little guy you can even make him Dance the game has a ton of different weapons and the gameplay is actually super fun but unfortunately the game no longer receives regular updates because you know the dev team kind of has their hands full with doors l-splash learned a ton from the development of this game knowledge that he would eventually carry on to his next release vocab Havoc vocab Havoc was an attempt to draw on the hype of the viral game Wordle bringing a unique player versus player experience to the already loved word game however this game would go on to reach limited success inevitably spiraling into a relevance quite quickly I personally think that the game was pretty fun but there must have been some issues or unfixed bugs that went unanswered behind the scenes as the like ratio in this game is particularly disappointing one thing that's pretty cool about this game is that l-splash actually took the coin sound when you win at the end of every round and implemented it indoors whenever you pick up a coin as you can see here now after these releases lsplash brought us the game that is indisputably his most popular title to date doors released on August 10 2022 and the game's rise to fame was almost meteoric it seemed as though every day you came back door's player count seemed to be multiplying and its daily visits were going absolutely through the roof in fact after not even being out for a day the game had already reached over 250 000 plays it was safe to say that this game was going to be one of the most popular games the platform had seen to date and doors went on to prove this amassing over 300 million plays in just one month after release at the game's release doors was quite a bit smaller than today's game there were only 100 doors and one floor no back rooms nothing nevertheless the fun new game attracted numerous content creators including Creek think noodles Sunday and more the biggest names in Roblox content creation were all coming together and hopping on the trend and it was beginning to look like the sky was the limit for the future of doors with the release of doors lsplash brought us 14 entities six items and even six completely original soundtracks one thing thing that I think is pretty cool about this game is that lsplash actually composed and created all of the music found in the game himself and as you probably already know because I've been using them for much of this video they're actually all copyright free things were going great so far but all it took was one bad actor with the potential to completely crumble everything else Splash had built and as I said lsplash's intent was for the music he made to be completely copyright free but back in September just a month after the game released someone actually uploaded the doors soundtrack on Spotify and was using that leverage to copyright claim a bunch of YouTubers in various videos around the internet it ended up being resolved rather quickly but it was still rather annoying for creators who wanted to upload content and they were struck with copyright claims right away but hey I'm just happy it's all resolved now because I can use the soundtracks in this video lsplash now had his hands on what could allow him to retire young so The Talented Dev was determined to play his cards right and make the hype last his first few updates consisted of various bug fixes adding redeemable codes to the game and creating various ugc products L splash's intent was to further solidify the strong base of the game game before moving on to more risky expansive updates after all it's much better to Iron Out bugs and other unintended features early rather than having to deal with it all at once later on within this time period doors was actually the second fastest game on the entire platform to hit 1 billion visits doing it in only 94 days doors went on to grow exponentially month over month with the game's first major update expected to release in late 2022 however due to unforeseen circumstances and lsplash not wanting to release an unfinished unpolished game the update was inevitably delayed to January 28 2023. L Splash took to Twitter to explain the delays citing that the game was actually growing so fast that they didn't have the proper legal framework in place and that the delays were a result of balancing that between development players were getting frustrated waiting so long for new content but in the end lsplash did not disappoint dubbed the hotel Plus update this release brought us a ton of content bringing 10 new entities 5 new items achievements and even a shop that appears Midway through the Run although my favorite part of this update was quite obviously elgoblino amidst all these crazy additions there there was one that overshadowed them all dubbed an Easter egg of sorts this update also brought 1 000 more floors to explore found in a place called the rooms this back room's-esque area was an instant hit causing many players to try it out in pursuit of the new achievements however this is widely considered one of the most rage inducing areas of the game as you can literally run for 100 plus floors with absolutely nothing happening just to die because Rush randomly decides to appear and you can't hear his audio overall this update revitalized doors as a whole and was important in restating that doors was in fact here for the long run looking to the Future one contributor to doors mentioned that the hotel update would actually be the last major update to the first floor of the Hotel this had many players hoping that the next big update would be a brand new floor however lsplash and the devs had other plans releasing the super hard mode update on April Fool's 2023 release is an obvious April Fool's gag this update was actually pretty substantial it added a variety of entities including the terrifying Creepypasta Jeff the Killer I don't know if you've ever seen this before but just look into this man's eyes he is absolute absolutely terrifying I would not want to be caught in a room alone with this guy this mode did exactly what the name entails it made your doors experience absolutely miserable but nevertheless many badge Hunters set out to complete this awful challenge my favorite part of the update was definitely the new Screech audio the devs actually replaced it with a sped up version of the why are you running meme [Music] why are you running they even added banana peels that spawned absolutely everywhere that you could slip on and I think that they most definitely completely achieved their goal of making players lives absolutely miserable or at least they made my life miserable let me know what you guys think the event only lasted for a week eventually being reverted to the pre-april fools patch but for door's first proper event I think that lsplash did an absolutely fantastic job overall lsplash has consistently proven that he is here to stay in the Roblox developer Community I think it's absolutely crazy that this guy has come out of effectively nowhere and had such a massive game blow up virtually overnight comparing with horror games it's literally only second to piggy in terms of how fast the games grew L Splash has managed to succeed where other horror games on the platform lack optimizing doors for replayability to keep players coming back it's pretty crazy when you compare this guy to some other devs in the community because most had to release quite a few games before they had their first viral hit however lsplash did it in just a few tries in my eyes this puts L Splash up there with the likes of developers such as Mini 2 considering the sheer impact he has had in such a short time on the platform I think his success is completely deserved do you guys agree let me know in the comments but please drop a like subscribe if you enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next one bye-bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Skatebtw
Views: 655,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, lsplash, doors, roblox doors, entities
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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