The State of React Native

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obviously I'm a huge fan of react native it's great technology that's been making a ton of progress over the last few years which is why more than ever I'm curious what react native developers have to say every year software Mansion runs a survey about react native to see how developers are feeling about it what the ecosystems like all these really important things there's no better way to understand how react native devs feel then to read through it which is exactly what we're going to do now react native is not a single company initiative and its modularity allows many to step up and provide a solution for each aspect some libraries are gaining popularity some solutions are fading from the scene and some limitations are becoming more apparent all of this can make it difficult for developers to choose the right tools and libraries for their projects and be confident in their decisions the second edition of the survey presents the trends and outlines new initiatives happening in the react native ecosystem starting with this addition we can examine the popularity and usability of specific Solutions year-over-year some of these Trends were expected While others were complete surprises we find that some aspects are getting more attention from other contributors than ever before take a look at the styling or debugging sections and others the first edition of the survey was very successful major players in the ecosystem are Reading and Responding to the data we've also grown by more than 500 new respondents year-over-year reaching nearly 2400 unique respondents feel like a few more than 2400 people are going to watch this video so make sure you use the link in the description so you can sign up and fill it out next year if this is the type of thing that's interesting to you anyways shout out to Bartholomew for working on this survey so these things are so much work and we need to appreciate the people who made it I didn't get emailed when this what happened so I'm going to quickly hide my screen enter my email as y'all should as well and we're going read through it my email's been submitted let's go in about me the age demographics are fascinating these actually line up pretty closely to my YouTube analytics I'll say I have more 55 plus than I do under 18 so that part's a little different J it skew is very slightly younger but is really interesting company size this is one of my favorite questions especially for something like react native where usually Technologies like react native get stereotyped as things small companies use and big companies avoid you can see here it's not the case at all there a lot of big companies with Engineers that are filling out the survey to quickly compare this is the JavaScript survey results from 2022 so this is far from an exact comparison there's over 10 times the respondents but as a reference to the numbers for the react native site I think this will be useful we'll see here that the 100 to 1,000 category for just JavaScript in 2022 was around 22% and 1,000 plus was around 20% which is about the same for 100 to 1,000 it's about 25ish year but then that thousand plus is a bit smaller it's 10 instead of 20 so there's a difference there and you could argue that seems like there's a sweet spot between the 100 to a th000 point for react native but in the end it's not too big of a difference so I wouldn't read too far into this just an interesting detail to compare how react native is adopted in terms of company size compared to JavaScript and how it's adopted company size country or region India's very close to us for survey respondents here that's fascinating now I kind of want to go look at flutter results and see where those stand very interesting overall also weirdly aligned with my YouTube demographics Germany would be a lot higher braz brail would be a good bit higher but pretty lined up higher education 67% of people have a related degree 15% of an unrelated degree 17% of no degree that's crazy it's almost equal for degree but it's not code versus no code degree years of experience in react native 15% are less than a year 38% or 2 to 3 years 30% or 4 to 5 16% or six or more react natives knew enough that having six or more years of experience with it means you were there day one fascinating really interesting and then total years of experience is a much more traditional normal chart gender again looks a lot like my YouTube demographics while we know collecting publishing diversity data could be a sensitive issue we do think it's important to obtain the data to help measure and improve the survey's efforts in terms of inclusivity and representativeness agreed salaries oo let's compare this to the JavaScript salaries actually about 28% are 50 to 100K 18% are 100 to 200 and 4% are over 200k for the JavaScript survey last year versus here it's 4.7% 200k a little more make 200k 100 to 200 18 versus 20 seems like a general skew to the right but the 50 to 100 is a bit smaller yeah looks like a slight skew to the right not much but a slight one interesting so if you want to make like theoretically 2 to 10% more money react native might be the way to do that that is a joke react native is not going to make you more money developer backgrounds seems like most react native devs were react devs before but a lot of them were frontend devs that weren't using react or back-end devs too a much smaller portion started with Android and iOS which is interesting some of the best react native devs I know actually started as Android devs very interesting that doesn't pan out here in terms of the numbers 30% of the people who did the survey have contributed to open source react native libraries yeah what that sounds insane to me that's insane that this is a combination of things this is the people who did this survey are skewing much more towards the hardcore people react native has a much more contributor friendly ecosystem for sure it's actually a pretty common meme when I talk to react cor te people where they feel like whenever someone has a problem with react native it gets to them immediately but somebody has a problem with react it doesn't get to them at all and they just end up bitching on Twitter years later so was interesting to see that with react native having a more Niche community that it's this skewed seems like a lot of somebody asked like what about the total SE respondents only 3% skipped the question so it's yeah a lot of people who did this survey that's 773 is react native contributors or react native Library contributors that have answered the survey that's a pretty pretty absurdly big number for comparison and I'll run a quick poll in my twitch chat have you contributed to an OSS Library you use yes no well you guys respond to this so we can figure out what those numbers look like which again my HUD is going to be very skewed because this isn't just the people who watch my videos this is the people who hang out late at night to watch my live streams when I'm recording my videos and even then okay that's actually a pretty buff number if anyone is not normally one to vote but you happen to be on Twitch I would appreciate if you vote because I want these numbers to be as reasonable as possible considering my audience you know what I'll I'll go one step further have you contributed to an open source library or tool that you use yes no and since it's Twitter if you want to see the results I'll put a popcorn in here I feel like the emote button on Mac OS has gotten way less stable over the last few years we give it 12 hours but we'll check the results in a little bit well looks like about 50/50 is on my twitch Community how is the Twitter poll doing are there just more open source contributors than we all think because that number shocked me the community of people who hang out in these places and respond to tweet twitter polls and stuff and do surveys like this clearly skews much heavier towards open source contributors contributions to react native this is for react native core 8% of the respondents have contributed to react native Corp that might seem insane but you all need to understand just how much more contribution react native gets than react 2,66 contributors on react native that's insane a huge part of why react native is so good isn't just cuz it's like react it's specifically because the size of the community that has built all of these crazy bindings for everything from IOS and Android to like TV OS to Vision OS and Oculus Quest and all these other crazy environments you never would have thought of there's even like Xbox bindings for react native and that happens because there's 2,000 plus people contributing them if we compare to the react code base that's 1,600 contributors that's a bit over half for something that's significantly older and used significantly more it's a huge gap very interesting we also have the industry sector section here it seems like a lot of finance and education apps being built with react dative makes sense interesting mobile OS versions reasonably current versus most recent old and as old as possible very few targeting really old this doesn't surprise me Target platforms Android's slightly higher than iOS also very interesting to me good to know web is also higher than I thought almost a fourth of iOS very interesting actually react native skia is very low as well and of the desktop Os Oh is this just which desktop os are they using interesting not surprised it's mostly Mac users number of released apps this is actually very interesting that most of the people working in react native have released more than one app with it that's fascinating and then team size also very interesting especially when you consider the earlier number with the size of the company that the team size are still 3 to five people or solo pretty small percentage were more than 10 developers on their team and you also have to consider that when there's more than devs on the team that number skewed up because there's 10 people per 10 plus person Dev team so this number would skew higher just because there's more people on those teams it doesn't so that's really telling it's not lots of big teams building with react native I will also say that questions like this are not super clear usually because sadly these types of questions are different depending on what you view a team as cuz when I was at twitch I was effectively on like five different teams depending on the size and scope of things because I was on the web team which had 800 plus people contributing but my immediate team was the safety moderation tools team which was a three-person team and what your team is varies a lot depending on how your company structured how do you use react native professionally almost all professionally your biggest react native apps user count seems like a lot of apps in that 10 to 100K range a decent number in the 100K to 1 mil and then a decent bit in the 1 mil plus I wish they fli this in normal charted it but I get it also only me being 10% hilarious it is actually really nice to use something like react native to build a oneoff app for random use cases but interesting to see that be such a big number let's take a look at the platform apis this doesn't surprise me seeing camera is one of the most used platform apis I I've said this for a while the reason you go from web to react native is the need for specific native functionality and behaviors like the camera or permissions for accessing all of the different things you might need on iOS or sometimes even on Android Now notifications deep links web view like all of these are things okay I guess deep links isn't but like these first three are things you can only do on apps that you can't really do from the web so it makes sense they're some of the most common also file system is something you can't really do from the web seem like a decent chunk of these are things that aren't trivial in the browser which is a huge incentive to start building an app with react native State Management this will be interesting quick prediction I think mobex is going to be much more represented in here than it is in most JavaScript surveys because I know there's a big mobex cult within the react native community so let's take a look I don't love the way the percentages are done here because this is yeah this is retention let's do interest cool looks like react Que query is pretty dominant I will say when I was doing react native react query was a godsend it was essential for working in react native and I am very thankful to see it overly represented here we also see zustand going up very slightly zust stand's phenomenal makes a lot of sense for these use cases as well react hooks fell in interest fascinating to see that huge of a drop and Jodi maintaining almost exactly Legend State not even being included fascinating recoil moving up in position but down in interest I will say recoil is in a weird spot especially now that Jodi's as good as it is the speed at which Jodi killed recoil is fascinating to me I've never even heard of react easy State here's were things that interesting with MC state tree Apollo client finally going down that's good to see Mo state tree at like 42 Mo state tree and Apollo having the same levels of interest is hilarious to me and Redux toolkit being tied with that all mobx still pretty high up here and Redux falling in rank but having the same exact level of Interest fascinating let's take a look at actual usage so what are people using obviously they're all using react hooks painful number using Redux although it is going down Redux toolkit appeared and is doing well tan stack query is up a huge chunk not surprising it's pretty great technology Apollo's down good to see zust stand's up almost like doubling huge recoil is exactly the same mobex is 20% Which is fascinating Jodi is up to 14% moex beating out Jodi is crazy to me though again like this this is a different world we're peering into as web devs it's fascinating to see experience overtime oh of course Jamon came in my own mobc State like I called this so hard without even scrolling I love that yeah Jamon if you guys don't know him he runs infinite red great dude really deep on react native and hangs out in this place a ton and built my state tree experience overtime overview of opinions of the technology surveyed over time po clients going down Jodi is going up tan going up recoils steady to declining Redux is declining react hooks are flat and maxed out and zustand is growing pretty alarmingly checks out sentiment split this is the W use again chart that's in all these surveys oh no I'm sorry I'm so sorry Jamon that's a pretty big not interested bar I will I will make it a point to try mobx state tree because this spread makes me sad but this spread makes me feel great seeing tanat query and zustand killing it at the top up here and anything with the word Redux in it having a huge push left doesn't surprise me yeah this this lines up almost exactly with my expectations if you just trim the mobex part at the bottom everything else here is roughly what I expected overall happiness this is very different from the other charts I've been seeing in the other surveys people seem very happy with the react native ecosystem overall at least for State Management it's like 6% are unhappy everyone else seems happy and a bunch of other wrens nothing too interesting there oh look at that Sebastian anyways where things get really interesting is data fetching I'm actually very curious have to say there and yes I pronounced us stand wrong it's just a meme at this point I'm sorry data fetching tanat query stays at the top this is retention we want usage I would say fetch very common axios why is axio so common what the why are 88% of react native Dev still using axios what what I'm going to not hang out there for too long it'll stress me out paollo dropping a bunch is nice to see T going up is nice to see rdk query appearing is nice to see Ste going down oh trpc skyrocketed almost doubled yeah see that Spike up there for trpc that's really cool axio flatlining is a little less cool why does everyone like axios what why are axios sentiment scores better than fetches someone in the comments let me know what I'm missing because I feel like I'm going insane okay this is also very interesting I've talked to a bunch of react native people specifically on the Expo side and the conclusion was that data fetching and data loading in react native was miserable and that's why they are pushing as hard as they are on things like server components this suggests otherwise which is very interesting to me that react native devs don't perceive an issue with the current state of data fetching navigation everyone's favorite as a web dev I'll say mobile dev has a lot more going on in navigation it's really interesting right navigation flatlined Expo router more than doubled from 12 to 40% cuz it's really out and stable now react native navigation plummeting react router is plummeting people use react router on mobile that scares me and the navigation router which I've never heard of and hopefully don't have to look at that Evan was the one who wrote this little blurb here he's the creator of Expo router and Legend over at the Expo team he also talks about here that there were so many reasons to be excited about navigation in 2023 mainly due to the incredible orchestration big part was his collab with software Mansion which again people created the survey huge shout out they make a bunch of the necessary libraries for good animation and such in react native and they helped a bunch with the router stuff too so they could build better routing better navigation better animations between views and things like that the rec navigation team presented exciting new improvements for V7 including a static API more streamline development and obviously XEL router which he wrote experience over time basically everything is declining other than Expo router that's an inter in Trend and my suspicion will be Expo router continues to grow sentiment split Expo router really killing it here R navigation is really good so I expect that to stay for a while but Expo router for a one and a half-year-old thing doing that well is nuts overall happiness lean him pretty happy and tanack rouder got written in by one person for other that's hilarious styling styling and react native is an interesting thing I'm very curious to see how this one goes let's take a look at you usage style sheet API which is the built-in for creating Styles went down a little bit still over 90 inline styles again built-in stuff went up a bit seems like inline styles are getting less scary to people style components went up 1% from 60 to 61 I will say I've seen a lot more styled components on mobile recently than web they seem to have enjoyed it a lot and stuck with it tail and react native has lost a lot of positioning in the chart even though its percentage has stayed the same restyle again actually went up but fell a bunch because of the new things that have been introduced and the growth that they've seen native to jump from 9% to 22% more than doubling huge also the native one Creator works at Expo now so I would expect some much cooler tail windy things in the future then tamagi went from 6% to almost 20 huge huge jump and a bunch of these other new solutions that have been coming out too and here we can see the chart of sentiment over time tomag GOI is one of the most vertical upwards lines I've seen here in the bit good for them and obviously inline styling growing a weird amount sentiment split tamagi similar to Expo rout are really killing it with these sentiment splits a lot of people are cool with the style sheet API too native wind has a surprisingly big not interested chunk very small used and wouldn't again though which is for a Tailwind alternative is probably the better thing to index on very interesting overall this is the most unhappy I've seen any of these charts so far it's over 10% unhappy but only 10ish per are unhappy with the style Solutions really interesting the number of styling libraries doubled in 2023 does this mean that developers are still looking for fresh approaches or are not satisfied with the current one the most important aspect for every library is to be crossplatform especially as react native extends Beyond Mobile support Advanced theming which will easily style complex applications the overall happiness with styling R native is satisfying for the creators almost 90% of devs feel positive or neutral means that we the library authors did a good job in the past year the doubled number of libraries could finally meet the needs of the market sounds pretty fair to me component libraries this is a more Niche version of the style stuff we saw so Tom magui is going to rank real high here cuz it's one of the best component libraries for react native yep Tomi really assment split here we're going to see a bit more unhappiness because component libraries in general suck but component libraries and react native extra suck graphics and animations ranking interesting seeing react native skia doing this well let's switch to usage I don't think its usage will be that high yeah react native skia for those who don't know is a react native binding to the skia engine if you don't know skia it's the engine that runs flutter the reason I hate flutter so much is it forces you to put everything in this like game engine type layer where it's not rendering native text or native buttons or using any of the parts of your native platform it's almost like if you're a web dev putting everything in a canvas react native ski is much more interesting to me because you don't have to use it for everything if you have specific views where it makes sense to have that level of like animation and graphical Fidelity that isn't using the native platforms instead using the GPU so if you're doing all that type of Animation stuff this makes sense but if you're doing more like having a little notification pop up in your phone that's like Hey we're doing this thing press okay the way you do that with skia is screenshots of the original native UI which is why Everything feels so uncanny in like a flutter IOS app react native skia helps you find a balance where you can use react native in existing native bindings where it makes sense but you can use skia for the parts that need that animation Fidelity cool to see it getting more recognition your intuition with animation on mobile specifically with something like react native might be that JavaScript would suck for it because if your JavaScript has to run on every frame and your phone's like 120 HZ that's just going to kill performance and eat a ton of CPU right well most animations aren't something that needs to be updated from your UI layer that constantly we already know this because in C CS we don't say hey here's every single position on every frame we'll often create an animation in CSS it says hey you start here you end here here's your curve go do that on the GPU I'm going to get back to work and that's how react native reanimated works it does everything on the native iOS Android or whatever other platform layer so you're just telling the native layer hey move this here I'm going to go do more JavaScript and react native reanimated will figure out how to do that properly on the native platform again it's one of those Best of Both Worlds technologies that something like react native enables better than anything I've seen before haven't used the animated API much but I see it's growing that's really cool to see it's the built-in animation layer in react native the little bit I played with it it was Jank but I have heard it improved that's cool to see lah hurts me deeply L is a package for taking After Effects exports and rendering them in applications primarily mobile but also on web it's huge it's slow it's hideous I hate it it's allowing for Adobe to have a weird stronghold on dev that they did not earn and I yeah know it it's one of those weird Airbnb sins that is perpetuated through the industry for too long and I'm really excited to see competition like uh RVE that is going to kill L over time mod also really good Rea native skas massively growing re native animatable I haven't heard anyone talk about in a while 3js is dope Rea 3 fiber is awesome Rea 3 fiber on mobile is super underrated too Expo GL also undergraded but no one wants to write their own GL calls directly and then RVE starting to pick up a decent chunk here as I mentioned before I really want to see RVE eat lahti why is L going going up no no that hurts sentiment split everyone loves react native reanimated this this library is phenomenal if you have played with react native and haven't tried reanimated you should do it it's really really cool the skia stuff's also having a really good sentiment almost nobody who used it won't use it again it's 0% that's that's very interesting makes me more interested in checking that out in the future overall happiness is also way better than I would have expected I'll be honest I would never have guessed that when surveying a bunch of react native devs that around 6% would say unhappy with the current state of Animation my assumption would be most react native devs would not be happy with things but clearly I'm wrong the state of stuff's really good right now debugging and profiling this is where things get painful console logs are the easiest way to debug and everything especially react native I'll admit it the react native debugging tools just are not good enough compared to other Solutions flipper is better than it was but it still sucks to set up and do right compared to doing things in the browser it's just different different level never in my life have I made as many one pixel red borders as I did in react NATO just trying to figure out where things are going flutter did a much better job of this just letting you know what's rendering where react native could meaningfully improve here so I'm curious to see what the sentiment is about it let's just scroll to the sentiment the biggest problems are connecting to flipper yeah connecting to flipper sucks why wouldn't they pull for the sentiment for debugging it's one of the most interesting things I would be very curious how most react native devs feel about debugging in react native which we just don't know from this performance profiling yeah everyone just uses flipper some use the native stuff for xcode and Android Studio but not many nothing too surprising here yeah Expo built their Chrome Dev tool integration which is really nice Expo and meta are forming a debugging working group looks like they are putting a lot of work into progressing here this is good to see I would expect to see massive changes in how we debug react native apps over the next year or two and this is just the start let's take a look at react native features seems like everyone is using Hermes now at least the Hermes runtime this isn't static her if you're curious about that I have a whole video about JS at the speed of C this is the just in time compiler for your JavaScript so that the bundles can load and start up faster because we don't need to use V8 it's mobile I I have been corrected by Ethan Ms runtime is better described as an ahead of time bite code compiler where it takes the things that the JavaScript would have put into your memory and does that for you ahead so you don't have to do that also if custom native modules doing way better not surprising it's gotten much easier over time the JSC runtime gone down a bit EXO modules have gone up a bunch X modules are dope really good to see JSI dropping V8 runtime dropping massive or not massively just 4% still pretty big though new architecture going up custom native views going up fabric going down slightly turbo native modules going up slightly sentiment split everyone loves the air Miss runtime most people love the new architecture you don't know the new architecture the way that react native communicates with the native layer has been rebuilt from scratch and it's in a really really good spot now people are really done with V8 and JSC which makes sense cuz those are both a mess but heres is doing very very very well do you integrate react native with applications written using other Technologies this is interesting 78% of the devs who did the survey are working in Standalone Greenfield apps which checks out but not too surprising to see just how few devs are not building react native views in existing apps this is what we I was trying to push for at twitch that certain pieces within the app like the Creator portion for the dashboard for when I'm managing my stream that that could be a react native app made by the Creator team and the rest of the mobile app be by the specific IOS and Android mobile teams the mobile teams didn't like this proposal they didn't want JavaScript the exact quote from one of the mobile enges was I would certainly quit if your janky JavaScript ever touched my beautiful Swift so knowing how mobile devs feel this doesn't surprise me too much code sharing a lot of sharing with react native web I will say my model for sharing with react native is a monor repo where shared pieces Like Your Hooks your data fetching logic your State Management all those types of things those all would exist within a separate package or folder in the Depo that both the mobile app built in react native and the web app built with I don't know next could be shared OT updating e and code push again over the air updates are one of the best reasons to use react native and it's cool seeing them get this type of support it's like yeah Oda is huge and big part of why you should use something like react native T this is awesome this is a senior software engineer at Microsoft who's also a react native contributor I had some really good talks with Lorenzo at chain react great dude they're focused on a ton of things at Microsoft to make react Windows apps a way better experience including things like react native test app bridg support Etc really cool stuff oh boy this is where I'm going to feel a lot of pain we're about to see the word Firebase come up way too often analytics a lot of fire base a little bit of mixed panel little bit of amplitude decent bit of segment nowhere near enough post hog does post hog have react native options or at least advertise them let's see yeah they have a dock for it yeah they should push that more because Firebase does not deserve to have this type of stronghold where of the total survey respondents almost half are using Firebase analytics that's terrifying to me that is terrifying to me we also have Sentry here with the crash reporting that doesn't surprise me it's nice to see them beating out Firebase I would not have guessed that I was trying out bug snag when I was using react native and it was not in a great state for react native stuff nice to see Sentry winning here cuz they have they have good path there data VI everyone uses react native SVG I did not know there was a victory native you're already familiar with victory it's a chart visualization library that makes really pretty charts in react and now I guess it works on react native too cool to see did not know that react native chart kit which I haven't heard of and recharts oh this is all data viz so for data viz most people are using svgs still which is hilarious storage native acing storage this is the standard has been for a while not surprised to see it here MKV is much faster I do remember trying this one and being much happier with it interesting so MKV was originally developed by WeChat and this is a react native binding for it and it takes advantage of the new react native stuff to go straight through the C++ lib very very nice yeah cool to see that growing Expo SQL light doing decently well too that one's interesting for those who don't know SQL light's pretty heavily used on mobile as like the storage solution because the logic can be portable between different operating systems and SQL lights something that's supported pretty well and pretty quick on almost every operating system so you can write your data logic once and reuse it between lots of things one of the crazy examples of this is that most of the logic for Messenger is written in sqlite yes Facebook Messenger is mostly built in sqlite if I should do a video about that let me know cuz I think it's really interesting testing I don't care I'm just s to see story book getting that much representation here other popular libraries safe area context should just be built in gesture Handler should probably just be built in react native web view probably shouldn't be built in but interesting that a thousand of the 2,400 or so people are using that flash list should be way higher if you guys don't know flash list this is the list everyone should use in react native stop using flatlist it is is bad flash list is really good flash list is better than most of the Swift list Solutions which I know are bad because when I open up the download tab here it freezes my arc browser because they don't have a good way to deal with the length of my download folder list I've talked to the team about it since and they're blaming Swift UI for it which shows you just how hard it is to make a list that is performant so yes flash list is the way you should do lists Shopify put a lot of work into making this I've talk to the people who worked on it they are very very smart and this list is very very performant use Flash list it's good Expo image I I loved Expo image it was so useful for so much it lets you embed images on the Fly do lots of different types of compression for different platforms I I I have been deep in this package interesting overall vision cameras fascinating to see here too local first app architecture would use again would not use interested not interested never heard this is the idea of your app doing everything locally so instead of you press a button and it makes Network request it would be you press a button it updates the UI locally while in the background making the network request or putting it in a queue to be made in the future so if you lose internet connection you can still use the app normally building up a queue of things to be submitted whenever you get internet connection again a lot of apps probably should lean into this more something like I don't know my notetaking app notion be really nice if notion had a better offline local first experience and I would expect more and more apps to be building tools for this but not everyone is and most of the time our apps are exposing a web View and we're not expecting them to work when they're not online so it's an interesting balance and surprised so many have not heard of oh boy deployment this will be a fun one EAS smoke in the top here we'll switch to usage interesting for attention and interest EAS wins but once we go to actual usage they immediately fall a ton I know I was manually building my react native app with X code up until I basically begged Evan bacon from the Expo team to jump in my repo and help us figure out why es wasn't working ended up being some dumb config stuff he just deleted half the config files and it worked as expected which was dope to see we were over complicating things but once you have your X code set up working you're really scared to change things because making mobile apps is hard but EAS build took all that pain away now the same way I do with something like versell I just push up the code when I'm done and a build pops out of my Dev tools it's great the as build and submit have made a lot of the pain I had building re native apps almost instantaneously go away so if it wasn't for EAS being in here I wouldn't use re native probably at all at this point experience over time yeah everyone's loving es build everything else is dipping downwards checks out sentiment split and again yes build and submit just winning up here three people said xcode cloud excode cloud is such a meme I almost want to do like a deep dive on it just to make fun of it a bunch interesting that Simon's at software mansion and works at Expo I did not know people were overlapping like that react native devs are increasingly interested in using automated build and deployment tools to handle the building and distribution of their apps simultaneously their interest in using manual tools like xcode and Android Studio appears to be waning this makes sense dealing with all of those weird like building a react native app is more annoying than coding react native app by a lot so nice to see that the industry is Shifting in the direction of Expo and the awesome stuff that they've been building react native tools again e slaughtering we'll switch this to usage retive Community CLI dropped a ton Expo CLI jumped a bunch Expo go do it pretty well so it goes mostly a rebranding of the Expo app so it's why it's only on this side Expo snack Expo snack I just haven't seen too much use of it's like think of it like a code sandbox embed for react native to show demos of different components and such seems really cool I just haven't seen it much asli is at a nice 56% now upgrade helpers at the same 56 config plugins 47 11 to 12 for ignite ignite's kind of like the create T3 app of react native where it's built now around Expo it's been around forever it's by the team over at infinite red it's meant to take the current state-of-the-art for react native apps and make it quick to build we have the rnx kit 2 which is doing a bit better native test app this is the Microsoft one at 8% very interesting native Community CLI is tanking this looks like the create react app story all over again cool to see sentiment split everyone loves the Expo stuff everyone loves config plugins Expo snack and go are a little less loved but still decently positive Rec native Community CLI starting to dip and ignites dipping a bunch Jamon talk to me what's going on here it comes as no surprise to me that Expos the clear lead here in terms of react native developer tooling yeah they're they're doing a great job at this JS the TS balance I want to meet this 5% who is writing their react native app entirely in JavaScript 71 people I am so sorry I am so so sorry page managers for those who don't know yarn has a very strong hold on the react native Community because getting your bundles working with other tools sucked it's better now but with like web dev you never had to use yarn it made things faster and nicer at times but it was never necessary to use yarn with react native for a long time you had to use yarn so it has a huge hold to projects and users who know that I even still instinctively reach for yarn when building react native apps thankfully things have gotten better in pnpm mostly works with react native now but you can even see here that pnpm and bun have the sameish number of users that's how long it's taken for react native to not be so yarn here we have the starter templates expo's winning ignites there wow we made it in yeah I did not think creete T3 turbo was going to make it in here great work Julius I had almost nothing to do with turbo other than like communicating My Philosophy about it this is all work by Julius I mentioned before throughout how we think about react native and my goal isn't to make your react native app run everywhere it's use react native for Native stuff and use web for web stuff and crate T3 turbo makes it really easy to connect your native app your web app trpc have these all packages that all work well together really cool to see it getting enough attention to be referenced in the survey awesome really cool to see this blurb is actually important because it calls out the work Microsoft's doing I feel like I don't talk about this enough Microsoft's working really really hard to get react native to the point where you can build one code base for Windows Mac Android and iOS they want this desperately because they've failed even more so building good application development tools for modern windows and they're having circles run around them by these other platforms so if they can make a good enough experience to Target all of those plat forms including windows then Windows might not get left behind so they have a huge incentive to get this right and it's cool to see them putting their money with their mouth is react native Alternatives oh no I'm sad this is the final section oh that makes sense a lot of the Alternatives people are interested in are more web based like Cordova and ionic although flutters too high up I don't like flutter beating out swiftui that makes me sad cuz I actually like Swift UI zamarin still here I I going to skip let's just forget about zamarin jetpack compose I I'll be honest I know basically nothing about jetpack compose but I have heard really really positive things from the people I know who have played with it so I probably should look into it more let me know in the comments if I should native script from 7 to 8% o cotland multiplatform from 4 to 6% me and felgo vanished experience over time yay flutter is people dipping nice to see everyone hates Cordova holy 1.9% would use again everyone else hates it even though they're stuck on it Swift UI is getting slightly more positive checks out yeah that all makes sense yep and again with me saying Swift is nice seems like the sentiment shift here makes sense I'm realizing now a lot of y'all probably have never seen Swift UI code this might look a little familiar if you are a JavaScript or react Dev imagine if instead of function calls with all of these additional bits that this was I don't know maybe like a HTML tag and that these were all keys being passed to it this is jsx without the jsx this idea of vertical composing of components is very very inspired by react different syntax same shape and goal this is also the syntax that's being used for for the Zed UI rust thing that they're working on too seems like this type of structuring of your uis around components it won and if you're already familiar with components Swift UI is going to not be too hard to pick up I don't know jack about cin multiplatform I've again heard good things so I should look into it not enough to confidently say anything and flutter people are very unhappy with this is nice to see used it wouldn't again seven used W again five we're winning slow but sure je back compose a lot of not interested but not a lot of used and wouldn't again native scripts having a rough time though so is Ion soar and Cordova is basically a skeleton it's a corpse smells like it too oh Simon you guys don't know Simon Grim he actually just today won't be today anymore when the video comes out I did a podcast with him all about react native so if you want to check that out you we talking more in depth about react native stuff go find this we'll try to put the link in the description section resources most you go to react native docs or the Expo docs surprising number of self-directed learning and videos all the usual podcasts are low but not too low podcasts and on the job training are scary close though look at that Sebastian when wrote this part three thriving react native podcasts Expo consolidating documentation finally new architecture documentation finally happened lots of progress has been made here blogs magazines and newsletters this week in react again check out Sebastian lber stuff he's been informing this channel for a while not surprised to see him so high up in here sites courses and books react native docs and stack Overflow are really high YouTube is over Expo docs hey hey Evan I'm winning now how does that feel podcast do they have yes woo there we are was waiting for it primagen and Fire Ship being in here is also dope to see but I'm pumped I'm number two I should probably know who this is oh yeah I know William he is at 100K I will help with that I will do my part good to to have a nice win at the end people I wonder if me having my handle like that has cuss me am I the only one who has a handle here instead of like just their name why interesting cool I'll take my spot other surveys the state of JS so me referencing state of JS earlier actually made sense yeah Evan at the top Okay evan you can have your win back wait 47 versus G anyways opinions this actually be an interesting section rect natives moving in the right direction seems like a GRE strongly is actually growing quite a bit imagine this in the react survey we don't have the results from the react survey yet but I am guaranteeing guaranteeing it's not going to be this positive this type of shift like a 50% increase from before to after in the the general vibe from the community interesting the neutrals gone down the disagree at 2.3% disagree strong strong 0.3 versus 0.5 2.4 yeah disagree is going down and it's minuscule like imagine the question to react devs how many of you disagree strongly that react is moving in the right direction that's going to be like 30% right now people are people are livid at the moment so if this if any chart in this entire thing emphasizes the gap between the react community and the react native Community this is the one building R native apps is overly complex right now this is a very clean split across disagree is pretty high but disagree strongly isn't and I I would agree it's like re native isn't the easy thing to set up compared to like I don't know nextjs but it's improved so much over time and it still is less bad than native mobile apps the re native ecosystems changing too fast mostly neutral to disagree but solid 23% Agree to Agree strongly again I guarantee this one's going to be very different in a react survey oh react native pain points I called it earlier debugging almost half unmaintained packages pretty high up there too thankfully Expo has made this less a problem because there's so many great packages in their ecosystem dealing with native code I bet this is lower than last year I'm curious if they measure that upgrades keyboard handling keyboards are rough in general but especially especially on react native keyboard avoid view is doesn't work yeah most of this stuff makes sense to me missing features better debugging Android Shadows oh Android Shadows are a show better flat you have a better flatlist just use Flash list it should be the default but just install the package it's not that scary better performance performance isn't actually I think it's interesting that performance is so much lower than a lot of other things think it's not a big deal people associate react native apps with bad performance and that just isn't too big a deal anymore fetch API stream support interesting didn't know that was a problem right now is that everybody's using axios I'm not going to think about that anymore it'll just make me mad you have advantages crossplatform hot reloading Community code sharing Expo whereas OTA updates is way too low this should be the top because nothing does it as well as react native Expo being near the top makes a lot of sense though developer experience cost effective easy to learn native feel yeah stable performance and other are pretty low on here stable and performance being low is funny another point from Thomas it's encouraging to see the efforts of meta and other major players in the ecosystem to actively collaborate and improve the capabilities in terms of debugging upgrades and dealing with native code effectively addressing the feedback from last year's edition of the survey the focus has shifted towards improving developer experience with unclear error messages ranking higher than stability or performance concerns confirming the maturity of the framework that's really interesting that error message is being unclear is more concerning than stability and performance now re is doing pretty damn good let's take a look at the conclusion last year was a good year for react native I'm inclined to agree with rising stars and The Styling space Innovations in navigation and improvements in debugging it's hard not to say that we're living in the best years of react native so far we're yet to unfold what server components in the new architecture will bring to the table I like to define the current state of react native as stable but definitely not boring it seems like in these uncertain times the ecosystem thrives hope you found the survey data reassuring in the same way I did sure you're going to use it to make better informed decisions fantastic stuff again huge shout out to software mansion and everyone involved in these surveys these things aren't easy to make it wasn't even easy to sit here and read through it all I hope this was this was a lot of work to do let me know in the comments what your favorite and least favorite parts were until next time see you guys later peace nerds
Channel: Theo - t3․gg
Views: 63,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web development, full stack, typescript, javascript, react, programming, programmer, theo, t3 stack, t3,, t3dotgg
Id: sJItBjarnr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 3sec (2523 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.