The Square and the Tower | Niall Ferguson | Talks at Google

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[MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER: Please join me in welcoming, to the stage, Mr. Quentin Hardy. QUENTIN HARDY: Well, let's get right to the real wattage here. We have a lot to cover today because Niall Ferguson has written very interesting books about networks and power, something of interest to more than a few people in this room, I'm sure, inherently, and considering current events, which we will touch on towards the end of our talk. Let's go about 40 minutes and then, please, if you have any questions, come to the mike, bring them up. It's great if it's interactive. I'll say a couple of opening remarks that struck me in reading this book. You really, what you take from it more than anything, and we should talk about this as well, is how much you learn about the present by looking carefully at the past, and how important it is, even in building cutting-edge technology, to have with you the lessons of the past and a grounding in previous experiences and human events because one thing you can say about the future is, it's going to show up consisting 99% of the past. And if you don't take those lessons, woe betide. Now, the question becomes quickly, how does one look at the past? From the kind of relationships that we're seeing in traditional histories, those of hierarchies of power, the kings and their armies, that was one way, but it's become a very insufficient means of analysis. And we quickly move through Marxist histories, focusing on social and economic strata, that became particularly apparent as work standardized and wealth grew in the Industrial Revolution, and it became very much a standard means of analysis of the world. More recently, hidden social histories of feminist and marginalized groups, which tend to be stories of repression and resistance and overcoming, reflect the growing empowerment of these groups, and their getting a voice in the world, and their own efforts to recapture these stories and place them in a proper context of human experience. Then, we come more recently to science-enamored areas like big history, which look at people as a biological event within the existence of the universe, or Cliodynamics, which attempts to make history as predictive as a Google search. Explaining our fates through the prisms of geography or disease or its ecosystem influences is another popular means of analysis at this point. In most of these cases, though, you tend to have systems focusing on the primacy of conflict and power relationships, usually in fairly stark terms. Our guest today, Niall Ferguson, has become interested in a somewhat different and very timely approach to historical analysis. Professor Ferguson is the author of 16 books and currently Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He wanted to examine history through the prism of human networks which is to say lattices of understanding and information and, yes, power, along with the primacy of key nodes in the connections and influence that cause some networks to succeed over others. As he himself says in his new book, "The Square and the Tower," is not an either/or way of approaching history. Traditional and nontraditional hierarchies, or towers in this context, are also social networks, the squares in which people exchange information and relationships. And successful networks often take on aspects of their time's systems of power. But his network-based analysis of history focuses on distinctive ways that information was shared, often towards a particular end. The book looks at this in the time of Luther, the Republic of Letters, and the rise of European nationalism enlightenment, and in several other examples, many of them more recent. And while, as I said, hierarchies are a type of network, they tend to be rigid and highly codified and concerned with formal concentration in management of power, whereas social networks are somewhat looser, more diffuse, and mutable. If any of you are seeing parallels in this topic and current events, you have come to the right place. But in some ways, this is also a book about the tensions, information, and power over the past 600 years. And it seems appropriate to begin by talking in terms of historical events, in order, as I say, to better inform the present. That is, we will use the past to look at how recent advancement in networked society, primarily the internet, web 2.0, and massive data capture and analysis, are now challenging traditional hierarchies in ways occasionally seen in history before. So let me begin by asking, what led you to seek this new framework for historical analysis? NIALL FERGUSON: Well, thanks, Quentin, for inviting me here. It's great to find that a free talk has an audience, even on a beautiful sunny day like this in California. I had worked, without quite realizing it, on networks for much of my career as a historian. I had, for example, written a book about financial networks, looking at the rise of the Rothschild family, and specifically German-Jewish financial networks, which I talk about a bit in this book. And I'd also written a book about the British Empire which was partly a book about networks too because, although we tend to think of empires as very hierarchical things, actually the British Empire was built by networks of traders and missionaries and the like. And so I had been doing this for years. My natural proclivity was not to go and study kings and presidents and field marshals, but was to go and study more informal social networks. But then I realized, as I was writing a biography of Henry Kissinger, who in some ways is a super networker in his career, that I didn't have a formal understanding of networks. So I thought, hey, I'm moving to Stanford, leaving behind the stuffy east coast and coming to a university right next to Silicon Valley. I'd better do my homework. So the idea was, I'm going to study some network science, get a little bit more familiar with concepts that many of the people in this room live and breathe, and then try and apply those concepts to historical study. A few historians had been doing this, and I try and cite most of them in the book, but it's quite patchy. History tends to lag behind all disciplines. So although sociologists and, heaven knows, neuroscientists, and economists, and others have been talking about networks for decades, we're kind of catching up belatedly. The other reason for doing it, I have to admit, was that after I came here, which is nearly two years ago now, I was very struck by how uninterested people in Silicon Valley were in history. Like history begins with the Google IPO, dude. Everything before that is the Stone Age, and we so don't need to study it. So part of the point of the book is to say to people here, actually, you may never have studied history and you may think it's all completely boring, but it's highly relevant to what you're doing. And I think the book makes a reasonable case for that, partly because I think it saw the crisis coming that began in the election of 2016. And in that sense, I think the book is quite a good guide to where we are now. QUENTIN HARDY: Actually, you've made me jump ahead to this week's interview in the Washington Post where you said, you saw two years ago that there was a crisis coming in tech and politics. What informed that? NIALL FERGUSON: It was deja vu. To be honest. I mean, I've been in New York from around 2002-3 when I moved from the UK to the US, and I had encountered the same moods that I encountered in Silicon Valley a couple of years ago, the mood of, we are the masters of the universe. Resistance is futile. And you, little professor of history, you just run along. There's nothing you have to offer. That was very much the pre-crisis mood on Wall Street, and I wrote a book called "The Ascent of Money," which was published just before Lehman Brothers blew up. It was written 2005-6-7. And the point of that book was to say, massive financial crisis is coming, and you'd better understand why, and you'll only understand why if you know some financial history. So when I got here, I thought, wow, this is so familiar. These people running the big tech companies, with some notable exceptions, do have the same attitude that the Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley people had circa 2004-5-6. So my hunch was, this is the kind of hubris that is nearly always followed by nemesis, and pretty quickly, it became clear to me that the 2016 election was going to be that nemesis. And the kind of ways in which the network platforms were being used in the election, those were obviously problematic. Whether you look at the way the Russians were able to instrumentalize them, or the way that the platforms themselves incentivized fake news and extreme views, even before Trump's victory, I could see trouble coming. And that spurred me on to write the book. QUENTIN HARDY: Mm-hmm. Now, we'll return to our putative hubris shortly. But let's talk a little bit about network theory, generally, since you were able to apply as in 2016. You had seen certain patterns going back-- well, the big start for you is probably Gutenberg. Talk generally about what network theory in history means, and what you saw in terms of Gutenberg and Luther. NIALL FERGUSON: Well, the general point, which will be obvious to people here, is that any historical phenomenon, any organization of human beings, has some network architecture. And everybody is a node, and their relationships are edges, and it doesn't really matter what it is. You ought to be able to plot that if you have the data. And this is a pretty powerful tool just in itself, and not one that has tended to be used much. As you mentioned, for years, people tended to think of social change in terms of classes. A class is a very blunt instrument for historical study. It worked for Marx, but the fact that historians are still using that framework so long after Marx wrote is odd, when in fact, you can capture much more about any social movement by graphing the network. Point one. QUENTIN HARDY: It's interesting to talk about the proletariat. It's equally interesting to talk about certain Vietnamese and Cambodians in cafes in Paris in the '40s and '50s, forming communist cadres. NIALL FERGUSON: And the revolutions, and this is a point the book makes, that were so powerful in the 20th century, beginning in the Russian Revolution in 1917, are actually better understood as the results of networks of revolutionaries, than of great historical forces propelling one class up and the other class down. The big insight for me came from a paper published by a guy named Dittmar, who was working at the London School of Economics. And Dittmar's paper, which I cite in the book, says, if we compare the impact of the personal computer and the internet on the late 20th century/early 21st century with the impact of the printing press on Europe in the 16th and 17th century, there are some striking similarities. And he has a couple of great charts which I reproduced showing that the impact of the printing press on the price of content and the volume of content is comparable in its size and shape to the impact of the personal computer and the internet. The big difference-- I mean, there are a whole bunch-- but the big one is, it happens faster in our time, roughly an order of magnitude faster. But the same processes seem to be at work, and so the key analogy in the book is that if you want to find a time like our own time, it's much better to go back to that period 500 years ago than to expect to find good analogies in, say, the 19th and 20th century. And that's because of the way communications technology changed between the printing press and the internet because most of the innovations of the 19th and 20th century favored centralized control because they had a hub and spoke architecture-- railroads, telegraphs, and so forth. And so there's a period where hierarchical structures are very powerful, and distributed network structures are very weak, and that period is the 19th and 20th century. And most people, if they study any history, in my experience, have studied the 20th century. They know the 1930s, but if you only know the 1930s, there's a tendency for everything to look like the 1930s. Part of the point of this book is, this is nothing like the 1930s. If you want to understand why we have tremendous polarization in online networks, if you want to understand why crazy stuff goes viral, and seems to go viral more readily than sensible stuff, look at the 16th and 17th centuries because I think the Reformation is a perfect kind of analogy-- not perfect, but it's a pretty good analogy-- for what we're experiencing today. So combining network science, which tells you that if you create any decent-sized social network, there will be homophily. There will be self-segregation. And you also can see that in any social network. Stuff will go viral and it will go viral more rapidly, the denser the network. If you combine that with history, then I think you have quite a powerful set of tools for understanding the present. I mean, I do applied history. My main goal in writing history is not just to indulge myself in nostalgia for bygone ages. My interest is in trying to illuminate our present predicament and the plausible futures that we face. And I found that applying this combination of network science and history is a pretty good way of thinking about where we are. And it hasn't proved unsuccessful in anticipating the crisis that we now find ourselves in. Cambridge Analytica is just part of a gathering crisis around the power of the technology platform. QUENTIN HARDY: Another element of this that I like about the advent of a powerful communications technology-- what happened with print and the Reformation and what seems to be happening now-- is, in both cases, certain powerful and seemingly extrinsic factors give new life to the medium. The printing press comes along just as Constantinople falls, flooding Europe with all these texts which people want to translate. Just as the bourgeoisie are rising and being able to read in your vernacular is an interesting thing, not so long after the new world is discovered. So there's all this stuff to read about all these voyages, which also creates an industry in piracy, not sea piracy, but book piracy. Columbus's narrative of his travels appear in 10 different versions around Europe within a year. Everybody's just wild to read this. So the act of reading becomes important at a whole new level. NIALL FERGUSON: Absolutely. QUENTIN HARDY: And the church tries to control information in a new way. The first book burning is 1510. It's too late. They don't understand. Like, you can't keep up with the velocity here. And the last step is Luther, the first bestselling author, 1519. 5,000 copies in a year. Oh, my god, what a home run. NIALL FERGUSON: Doesn't sound like much, but it is enormous by the standards of the time. QUENTIN HARDY: Fast forward to today, where you've got technology, and in particular, the internet coming around just as the Berlin Wall falls, free markets appear to be triumphant as a global dominant idea-- you get into this very peculiar space of Fukuyama's history ending, but that's a different story-- and the idea of individual empowerment arising. World War II ends and 180 countries are created, and they all get sovereignty. So you've got these new ideas about how the world ought to work, combined with these very, very rapid new forms of information sharing and information consumption in both cases. Now, that's really interesting. The bad news is, the wars of the Reformation killed a third of Germany. There's an enormous amount of turmoil associated with changes of power. Do you think we are headed for not a similar level of crises, but some kind of turmoil in the social order? Is that the lesson of history Here NIALL FERGUSON: I think the lesson of history is that polarization processes don't necessarily stop themselves, that you can think this country is very polarized today, and you can go on Twitter and look at the extraordinary vehemence with which people debate political issues, but don't think it couldn't get worse because this is nothing compared with what this country did to itself in the 19th century over the central issue of slavery. So I think if one takes the analogy that you sketched there, a couple of further points arise. Number one, the printing revolution did indeed coincide with other variables that rendered the Roman Catholic hierarchy vulnerable. You mentioned an important point. There's not much intellectual property rights protection in 16th and 17th century printing. It's a super distributed network with each printer really doing his own thing in each German town. So it's kind of early internet rather than current internet, this network. But what's very striking is that in both cases, people are optimistic about what the new technology will do. So Luther himself thinks that the printing press will really help improve Christianity because everybody is going to be able to read the Bible in the vernacular and have a direct relationship with God, and the priesthood of all believers will be possible. So it's a little bit like the optimists about the internet in the 1990s saying, ad nauseam, if everybody is connected, then everything will be awesome, and this has been said in multiple ways. John Perry Barlow said, in the '90s, with his declaration of the independence of cyberspace, and Mark Zuckerberg has said it repeatedly-- until relatively recently-- we're building a global community. We'll solve all the world's problems and everything will be awesome. So you start out with the technology and it just seems, intuitively, this has to be good. And then what do you find? Well, in the 16th century, as you mentioned, very quickly, the new technology allows severe polarization to happen-- QUENTIN HARDY: And those in the tower want to reassert themselves. NIALL FERGUSON: And the church says, whoa, whoa, whoa, stop all this. People like me from northern Europe say to Luther, you're absolutely right. But you haven't gone nearly far enough. You need to meet Calvin. And then the people in southern Europe go, you are all heretics, and we are going to burn your ass as well as your books. And so the whole thing escalates into 130 years of extraordinary bloodshed that culminates in the 30 Years War. When I look at where we are now, I worry that we've created engines of polarization online. And it ain't just Facebook. It ain't just Twitter. It's YouTube, and you know it, and the problem is that they're designed to polarize . They're designed to move people along the spectrum from more moderate to more extreme opinions. QUENTIN HARDY: Those are neutral, Niall. They're not designed-- NIALL FERGUSON: This wasn't meant to happen, but nor was Martin Luther setting out to start 130 years of religious war. That was not the plan. QUENTIN HARDY: Fair. NIALL FERGUSON: The only law in history is the law of unintended consequences. And here we, I think, need to be quite careful because what worries me in the current climate is that what is already verbal violence may not stop there because there is a history of crossing from the verbal to the actual. The American Civil War was prefigured by roughly 20 years of ferocious debate on the whole gamut of issues from slavery itself to states' rights to the nature of racial difference. It's certainly towards the end of this process that actual violence begins. Or take another good example. Islam is the religion that's been most affected by the internet. I don't think anybody would have predicted that at the outset, but that's what happened. And it's because the internet coincided with two great waves of fundamentalism in the Sunni and Shia worlds, circa 1979, just as the internet is getting going. And since then, what's happened is, the different networks that have evolved have become very powerful tools of propounding what we'll call fundamentalist or literalist versions of Islam. That already is violent. A huge proportion of what we call terrorism is currently conducted around the world by various kinds of Islamist groups, notoriously Islamic state Boko Haram and so forth. So I think it's already the case that our networked world has become violent, at least in one domain. There is no reason why it should not become violent in the realm of secular politics. That's my big worry. QUENTIN HARDY: You're not a fatalist. You think it's in the hands of the people in the moment. NIALL FERGUSON: Absolutely. QUENTIN HARDY: And the tools are neutral. And most of the online groups, it really is notable that most of the online political groups so far, and this would go to some elements of social media as well, are better at tearing things down than programmatically building new things, with the exception of things like Wikipedia, where the group knows the rules and can contribute in a very formalized way. But for the most part, something like an Al-Qaeda can destroy, but it cannot get the mail delivered particularly well, or deliver basic needs particularly well, or establish a durable society particularly well. NIALL FERGUSON: I mean, Islamic state turned out to be very bad at being a state, but it's very good at being an online network, and as an online network, it's very good at radicalizing young people. QUENTIN HARDY: So doesn't that also mean it exhausts itself over time? It's not sustainable. NIALL FERGUSON: Well. I'd love to see evidence that the network was shrinking. I don't see it at this point. If anything, look at what just happened in France. The network is growing, as far as we can measure it. There is something of a plateau in terms of terrorist attacks and casualties over, the last three years or so but there's no decline, no meaningful statistical decline, if you look at the data from the START folks at Maryland. So I don't see it. I'd love to see it. I would love to believe that the radical ideologies of the present will burn themselves out. But the bad news is, if one looks at the 20th century experience, that Bolshevism, which was the extreme version of Marxism, took a very long time to burn out. I mean, 1917 to 1991 is a pretty long period. And during that period, Soviet communism remained a very powerful disruptive force in the third world, right into the 1980s. It really wasn't until the mid '80s that you started to see this thing running out of steam. So let's not assume that things burn themselves out too quickly just out of a sort of Steve Pinkerish optimism that the world just has to be getting better. It feels like it's getting better. Make it get better. QUENTIN HARDY: Not to get all Pollyanna about things, but it is healthy to remember that in the long view of history, 1914 to 1989 is probably one long conflict about unwinding colonialism, in some form or other, with Bolshevism playing an act in that as well. NIALL FERGUSON: And rebuilding new empires that claim to be against imperialism, one Russian and the other American. Just to make sure your narrative doesn't get too simple. QUENTIN HARDY: They're still contending in cyberspace and elsewhere. I mean, the scale of human losses, 70 to 100 million people, just in the big wars. So we may have passed the crisis point actually, and not know it. We're not living in that era of violence that our parents and their parents knew. NIALL FERGUSON: Well, that's certainly right, Quentin. Unfortunately, I have to keep immersing myself in the 1970s to finish the Kissinger biography, and each time I go back to the material relating to the United States and the world in the early 1970s, I'm reminded of how much worse that time was than now. I mean, it's much, much worse. QUENTIN HARDY: '68 to '71, 2,000 bombings in America. NIALL FERGUSON: There's much more warfare around the world. In most parts of the world, there's some kind of conflict going on. Homicide rates are higher in the US. There's a lot more really violent student protests. Today's snowflakes, even on the Berkeley campus, are like such losers compared with the people who were running the anti-war demonstrations-- QUENTIN HARDY: Do not get personal! NIALL FERGUSON: --in the late '60s and the 1970s. But it's true, right? So when we tell ourselves things are really terrible, what we should definitely say is, but they're actually not as bad as they were then. But the reason that I hesitate to go full Steve Pinker is that-- and this is a really vital point that's been made most vehemently by Nassim Taleb, but I think it's right-- given the capacity for destruction that we have created, not least with nuclear weapons, it does not take much to completely destroy the argument. It only takes one nuclear exchange to render the entire thesis all the better angels of our nature and enlightenment now are wrong. QUENTIN HARDY: The cost of violence has collapsed also. NIALL FERGUSON: And it's only a matter of months ago that the President of the United States was talking about fire and fury in connection with the nuclear program in North Korea. So I think one thing I've learned from history is, don't be a trend follower. Don't just assume that the future is a projection forward of that nice line you just identified in the data because history has all kinds of non-linear qualities. There were plenty of people in 1911 who thought Norman Angel was right when he said war had become a great illusion. And three years later, the biggest war that had ever happened broke out, to the surprise of nearly all people. One thing that I did get very fascinated by, around 10 years ago, was the total unexpectedness, even to sophisticated players, of the outbreak World War I. Historians write about it like it was very predictable. Oh, this thing had its origins in the 1870s. Oh, no, it had its origins in 1815. But it didn't have its origins anywhere if you were actually there at the time in the summer of 1914. For most people, it's a complete surprise that they're suddenly in a massive war. And it's also surprising that it lasts four and a quarter years and kills more than 10 million people. So we have to remember, at any historical moment in time, we can't predict, with any model, the future, and we need to be aware of scenarios that seem really low probability, but could have very high impacts, the so-called black swans. I've come to the conclusion that if you're interested in those black swans, history is your best guide because it will help you think about scenarios that are totally outlandish in terms of your own lived experience. Most people in this room are pretty young. Looking around, I'm the oldest guy in the room, but this means your data set, your personal history data set, is laughably small. And you shouldn't really be running any experiments with such a small data set. History basically says, let's have a really large data set. Let's include the experience of all the people who ever lived, who vastly outnumber the living, and then let's think about what might happen next. QUENTIN HARDY: Now, let's open it up to questions in just a minute. But I also wanted to refer to the reassertion of existing power, which also happens in these moments of crises. We didn't touch on the 19th century, but really starting with the Congress of Vienna, and then moving through these industrial, as you put it, very centripetal industrial forces, there was a return to centralized control. Today, we see a call to regulate. We see a call for authoritarian states to use the new systems of technology to keep an even tighter handle on population. Are we moving to a phase of even greater control by a few incumbent powers? NIALL FERGUSON: Well, it's already happened in the sense that in China, the square and the tower are one. That's to say, the network platforms that evolved in China, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, are in a close relationship, shall we say, with the Communist Party that runs the country, and data on those platforms are essentially available on demand to Xi Jinping. So we already have an answer to that question for a really large proportion of humanity. The second problem is that in Europe, because there are no major technology companies there, they've embarked on the regulatory process ahead of the United States. And the future of tech companies in Europe is higher taxation, tighter regulation, and hefty fines, and the responsibilities being put on tech companies for, in effect, censorship. If you let hate speech be on the platform for any period of time, we're going to clobber you, and that is a responsibility that no major company can really want to have. The US is the unresolved puzzle, and I'll say two things. Number one, unlike in the age of the printing press, hierarchy evolved in itself and of itself in Silicon Valley, that what never happened to the printing press was centralization and the emergence of giant network platforms. And that's why very few billionaires were produced by the printing press. It stayed a distributed network, and not many people sought to make money, sought to monetize print data through advertising. Advertising, they're in newspapers and magazines, but books don't carry advertisements, and public libraries don't carry advertisements. So the evolution of print technology was different. Our technology evolved very rapidly in the direction of monetizing of data, and that led to the emergence of these network platforms, of which Google is one. And I think in that sense, the hierarchy has already formed. The question is, what's the relationship between the Silicon Valley hierarchy and the federal government in Washington? And that's the question that's going to be answered in the coming months. And I think it's very hard to predict, at this point, quite what the answer will be. QUENTIN HARDY: You talk to people on both sides. How would you characterize their feeling? Mutual incomprehension? NIALL FERGUSON: A little bit, because I think Washington is full of people who don't even use the technology. I mean, the striking thing to me is how many eminent legislators are totally clueless. QUENTIN HARDY: I was struck. Christopher Wiley was testifying about his work at Cambridge Analytica and Parliament, and he actually, in an aside, started moaning about talking to government regulators. I have to keep explaining to them how this stuff works. And they're asking questions no database engineer would ever ask me. Sorry, kid, you know? NIALL FERGUSON: I think there is mutual incomprehension in the sense that there has been a great-- I've been struck by it, in Washington, when I talk to people, that there is a kind of a duh response to much of what one says about what's happened. But I think at the same time, there's a lack of political knowledge, a lack of political awareness in some of the companies. Not Google so much because I think I have to give credit to your recently departed chairman, Eric Schmidt, who incidentally read this book in manuscripts and helped me get stuff right that I probably wouldn't have got right, just in my own reading. But he, I think, understood that the big tech companies have to have a relationship with government. Others have been more aloof, and I think one reason that Facebook is in trouble at the moment is that it didn't think it needed to stoop to-- hah!-- meet the mere President of the United States. That kind of hubris does almost always lead to nemesis. But as I said, it's not clear how this plays out, given the mutual incomprehension. We have a whole bunch of options that are going to be discussed in the coming months. Antitrust is one. Regulate them as utilities is another. Change the legal standings so that there can be more litigation is a third. I wish I knew which one it would be, but I'm pretty confident of one thing. The status quo is over or in its last inning, and things will look a lot different a couple of years from now. QUENTIN HARDY: Right. Well, I will not speculate on other companies' characters or motives, but I will welcome questions from the floor. Speak up to the microphone, please. AUDIENCE: It's such an honor to hear you speak. I've read a couple of your books, and I've never encountered an author who's like-- every single book that he writes, I'm interested in. QUENTIN HARDY: So far, so good with this question. NIALL FERGUSON: You're going to say the word "but" now. AUDIENCE: I have two questions. One is, I think it's really ironic that now that information is so easily disseminated, right, and everything is so distributed, that you see the banking elites have more power than ever, right, what's happening in the European Union. We're talking about one world currency now, and things like that. So using your framework of networking and power hierarchy, do you predict any future trends that you see? Like do you continue to see the global elites having more power and complete domination of humanity, or do you see maybe something like blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, something distributed, finally taking them down, right? So that's my first question. And the second question is, when you do researches on books such as the Rothschilds, right, I mean, it's really hard to really paint an accurate picture of what the real power hierarchy is in this world, right, just because nobody really knows who owns what and who calls the shots, right? So I was wondering if you have gained very special access to some of these systems or some of these people in order to do your work? NIALL FERGUSON: Two great questions. There's quite a line behind you so I'm going to give pretty brief answers so that we can get through as many as we can in the 15 minutes we have left. I think the financial elites successfully withstood the financial crisis by essentially going hand in glove with the federal government, and making sure that the regulatory cost of doing that was kept to a minimum. Look at the complexity of Dodd-Frank which, in any case, is probably going to be scrapped. The price that they paid for the bailouts has been pretty small, and if anything, it's entrenched the position of the surviving banks. What are the two challenges they face? Number one, populism-- the disgust of middle America, not to mention provincial Britain and many other places, with that outcome is real, and it isn't over as a political force. Number two, I think, and this goes to the blockchain point, that they still haven't really got a handle on what could be the next financial revolution. The disparaging remarks of certain bankers I'll not name about Bitcoin-- it's tulip mania. I can't take this seriously-- betrayed, I think, some ignorance as well as some fear. So I think there is a challenge. I think blockchain is a real potentially disruptive technology. I hate to use the word disruptive, but I think it does at least have the promise of some re-decentralization of the internet. But it's very early days, and my hunch is that the use case that matters is not money. And we'll look back and say, do you remember all that nonsense about cryptocurrency? We should have realized that blockchain wouldn't really provide a new form of money. Finally, you can't write a history of an institution like the Rothschild banks without access to the archives, and I did get that access at a time when it was quite restricted. It's now pretty open, since my book was published in the '90s. Now, scholars can go to the Rothschild archive in London and have pretty much unlimited access to what is there. And my view is that that's a very good thing because this was a powerful important institution, probably more powerful than any financial institution today, in the 19th century. But its power has been exaggerated often by conspiracy theorists, and it's very healthy to let the daylight of serious scholarship in and show that they had power, but not the kind of power that the anti-Semites used to claim. QUENTIN HARDY: I'll just footnote what he said quickly about blockchain. I, think symbolically and psychologically, it's certainly interesting because the dominant power form is the nation state. And it likes to express itself in controlling violence, in printing money, and in printing stamps, which are all statements about where the border ends, right? The police go to here. If we have to go past the border, we go to the army. A stamp costs this much. If you go past the border, it costs more. This currency is good to here. You need somebody else's currency past that. And email has pretty much hollowed out the need for stamps. I think state controlled violence is still its own thing, although there are these insurgent groups doing their thing. And blockchain is attacking currency on a transnational basis, so that these things are presented in a way that seem like a threat to the nation state. The dominant form is provocative. Next question. AUDIENCE: Thanks for coming, Niall. Recently, I watched on YouTube a phenomenal debate you had about a year ago with Fareed Zakaria at the Munk Debates on the end of the liberal world order, which was the proposition you supported. What I don't understand, is that something you still agree with today? And in particular, what does your research on networks inform about that possibility? NIALL FERGUSON: I lost the debate, as those of you who watch it will see, but imagine trying to say that the liberal international order is doomed in Toronto, where everybody thinks that they're liberal, international, and orderly. So I never had a chance in that fight. But of course, I've been entirely right in terms of what subsequently happened because here we are, in a trade war between the biggest economies in the world, the US and China. And it's real and it's serious, and it could escalate. I think there's no question that the high tide of free trade is behind us. The high tide of very free migration is behind us. And the high tide of very free capital movements is behind us. So my argument then, that globalization overreached and that the backlash against it is going to dial it back, I would stand by. And I think that one shouldn't freak out about this because it doesn't mean the end of trade and the end of migration and the end of free capital movement. It just, I think, involves a dialing back of those things. They had overshot in so many ways. So I don't look back and say, when I think about that debate, I was so wrong. Dear Fareed, I take it all back. Actually, I'm going to write him an email saying, I was right. Where's my damn apology? Can we rerun the debate? I want a rematch. AUDIENCE: Hi, Niall. I watched a previous talk that you gave about networks and hierarchies. Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to read this book yet, although I enjoyed your other ones. And in it, I believe, and I could be misunderstanding this, that you mentioned that a lot of times, networks occur. They kind of come out of left wing, and a lot of times, hierarchies will come and then co-opt them. And then the network will kind of cease to be, and they've kind of co-opted this. I'm curious. If that's correct, then, and you believe it to be, in this case, and you two already touched on this somewhat, it's a little bit different now in that there's these massive tech companies, right? It's not completely decentralized, as like before, we're talking about communication and the internet, what have you. I'm curious. In this sense, is the hierarchy that might come in to co-opt this whole network, is this traditional government or is this the private sector in the form of goals and what have you? Just curious. NIALL FERGUSON: Yeah, this is very much the right way of thinking about it. The book argues that because social networks are complex systems with emergent properties-- they can undergo phased transitions-- they themselves can quite quickly go from a distributed architecture to a centralized architecture, all by themselves. But what commonly happens, historically, is that the revolutionary network ends up in some way being co-opted by the established hierarchy. It happened to Napoleon. I mean, he ends up saying, hey, can I be crowned emperor? I like the outfit. And so most hierarchies, and if they're to survive, have to have the skill of absorbing the new network. And I think that's a fairly clear and recurrent theme of the book. In our own time, I think it's been an easy thing, in China, to simply take the square that formed in the big tech companies and say, seamlessly, you're going to be part of the party hierarchy. And the pyramidal structure of the Communist Party lends itself to that pretty well. I think in the case of the United States, it was happening. The National Security Agency was co-opting the tech companies, and then Snowden blew the whistle. Now, I keep asking people in the intelligence community, did that really change everything and stop it, or is it all still going on and we just don't know? And they all look at me and they say, but you don't have security clearance, so I can't tell you that. So I don't know. I don't know, but that's the process I'm talking about. AUDIENCE: Thanks very much for the talk. I really appreciate this notion that basically there are concepts that historians will use to reason about bodies of people. You reference Marxism using class based thinking, and ideally you would basically be able to look at network data and discover the communities of people that were most predictive of the outcomes that you cared about. And I guess there's a sense that historians could basically take those concepts and use those to reason and to make predictions, and to build theory on top of, and ideally, make falsifiable theories. So I guess I wonder if there's actually a promise there, if you think this can be grounded inside of the massive amount of data that we've been able to collect. NIALL FERGUSON: I think there is. I'm skeptical that we'll ever really get to predicting history because I think the process is so complex that one can't model it, and therefore, one can only predict in rather circumscribed contexts. I mean, even predicting something very circumscribed, like what the economy will do next year, turns out to be super difficult. And as for politics, well, you remember the predictions of 2016 and how most people in the business of political prediction were wrong. What I would say is that if you take a thesis like Quentin proposed, that any radical ideological movement will, at some point, burn out, that, I think, you could really investigate using network science and history. It's fascinating to me that nobody has yet done a serious network-based analysis of either the communist revolution in Russia, or the rise of Hitler. I know more about the latter because I started my career as a historian of interwar Germany. It is amazing that we still are explaining the rise of Hitler with the statistical techniques of the 1980s. Nobody has really taken any steps forward to understand that better. And one project I have at the moment at the Hoover Institution is to try to take data on the Nazi party and the Nazi vote, and understand this phenomenon as something that went viral, that was very pernicious indeed, and try to understand its dynamic. QUENTIN HARDY: That would be one area where I would say in most historical analysis, you'd have a data quality problem, but thank you, German bureaucrats. It's a data-rich environment. NIALL FERGUSON: We have very good data on this process. Now, the bad news is that the Nazi experiment wasn't left-- oh, did I say bad news? The good news is that the Nazi experiment wasn't left to run its course. It was annihilated by massive aerial bombardment and ground forces. So we actually can never know how long the half life of Nazism was because it was destroyed by exogenous forces. But I think we can at least understand how it grew, and the dynamics of its rise. With the Russian case, we have something more to go on because although external pressure has played a part, I suspect the truth of the Soviet collapse was that it was internal. AUDIENCE: So to make sure I understand, you're proposing that we think of Nazism as this meme that infects some body of people, and you can predict how far it will cascade across your social graph, and what it's length of time will be. QUENTIN HARDY: Over time, it gathers you power, influence and charisma, AUDIENCE: Yeah. That's right, and I suppose as a function of tracking many other similar memes and the populations that we see today, that we have similar data for. NIALL FERGUSON: So there are people who work on this kind of problem in the recent past, like Nicholas Christakis, or Laszlo Barabasi. And my basic suggestion is, we take these methods which look at cascades, social and political contagion, and apply them to what was perhaps the biggest catastrophe of them all, that the most advanced society in Europe that was Germany in the 1920s produces the most disastrously murderous regime. I still think that's one of the big questions. And what's exciting about network science is that it gives us some new tools to work with to try to understand that process better. Will we get to the point that we can predict the course of comparable extremist movements? Probably not. But I think we'll understand a little bit better what to look for. And I'm excited by that prospect because I think we have enough data to chart the course of the movement, and understand what things accelerated that course. Why was it some places and not others that went for Hitler? Those sorts of questions seemed to me to be ideally suited to this approach. QUENTIN HARDY: How hard is our 1 o'clock stop? AUDIENCE: We can go for-- QUENTIN HARDY: OK, if you can take them, great. NIALL FERGUSON: At some point, there's an editor in London, as we speak, sending desperate messages to me, like, are you nearly done? QUENTIN HARDY: Where's my column? NIALL FERGUSON: This is the day I write my column. But I'm having fun, so let's keep going. My phone's on silent. AUDIENCE: OK, that's good. So this is maybe a bit of a naive question, but as you were saying, people generally tend to view the future through the lens of their own experience or very recent history. I mean, do you see in your study of history, any evidence that the proclivity of humans to learn the lessons of history has increased over time, or are we just doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again? NIALL FERGUSON: Great historians have reflected on this problem. One of my favorite observations was AJP Taylor's, that men only learn from history how to make new mistakes. That kind of council of despair was quite common amongst the older generation of historians when I was an undergraduate. And I'm much more, I guess I'm more of a positivist. I think it's worth a try. One thing's very sure, very clear. People who don't know any history at all are very likely to make obvious avoidable mistakes. And we've run this experiment in the US government for multiple generations, and I think we are now in the position to say that this hypothesis is good, and having people taking major strategic decisions who don't know anything about history is a terrible idea. QUENTIN HARDY: You don't favor going with your gut, huh? NIALL FERGUSON: Well, you know, let's just put it this way-- the track record's terrible. And what's fascinating is that even the recent past, the US government's bad at learning from. So I heard a great paper by a military historian recently on the lessons of Vietnam. And one very good observation he made in that paper was that even really obvious lessons of what had gone wrong in Vietnam were not learned, and we still rotate troops out of combat zones after six months, and we still ensure that no memory forms, even at the short time, in a short time span. So I think it's clear that not knowing history is a major handicap for decision makers. It's also clear, though, that if you have a theory of history that says the arc of history bends my way, then you will do bad things with great certainty. And I almost fear those people more than the ignoramuses. The people who think that history is on their side have probably done more damage than the ignoramuses over the long run. So when anybody uses the phrase "arc of history" in a speech, you should really be very wary indeed. There is no arc of history. It doesn't exist. QUENTIN HARDY: Beware any god that agrees with you all the time. NIALL FERGUSON: Right. I think a state of uncertainty is what a good historical scholarship gives you, a sense that there are a bunch of options you haven't even considered. And here, I'll go back to Taylor's observation that the study of history is a bit like learning to appreciate music. Another way of putting it was RG Collingwood who said, the thing about a historian is that he's like an experienced woodsman. He'll see the tiger in the grass where the unwary traveler won't. And I love that image of being able to see the tiger in the grass because you've just been wandering around the woods most of your life. AUDIENCE: Given all that, you're still optimistic. NIALL FERGUSON: Look, I'm from Glasgow, where pessimism is the default setting, and I moved to northern California in the hope of finding a cure. QUENTIN HARDY: We'll check back on you later on that one. AUDIENCE: Hi. Thank you very much for this exciting electrifying talk. So I have two questions which have been partially covered by the previous question, but it's very interesting, I think, to discuss. So the first one is about history and education and society. So I come from Greece, which is a country which, in a sense, has been stuck in history. So everybody learns ancient and medieval history very well, new history also very well. But people also have similar short sightedness and short memory, and they make the same mistakes that their parents did. So I think these were covered partially by saying that it's also the establishment that makes sure that no memory is created, and people don't really have this extra intellect to try to learn from history. And I would like to ask you, as an educator, how we could fix this. So that's my first question. The second question is about two things. One is the parallel with the printing revolution, and the other is about optimism, pessimism, and skepticism. So these do remind me a lot of another book that has been recently released, the "How to Fix the Future." I'm not sure if you have read that one by Andrew Keene. NIALL FERGUSON: I haven't. AUDIENCE: So in the similar concepts I discussed and how people are on the optimism side, technology will solve everything, we don't need to worry. On the pessimism side, it's going to destroy everything. AI will rule us all. We'll be exterminated, and things like that. And then the maybe people in between will say that no, we have history. We can study it, and you can see how to go to a good enough future for us, rather than hope that things all just-- let things take their own road. So my question is, I would assume that you are more on the maybe category, and how probably you see networks of different actors forming and actually trying to create the future that would be the optimal for us. NIALL FERGUSON: I'm conscious that at some point, people have to get back to their desks, so I'll be brief. I think, when it comes to teaching history, there needs to be a focus on the lessons of history. If one doesn't make that explicit in the classroom, then I think it's very easy for people to infer wrong assumptions about what they're studying. And so I'm pressing for history to be more explicit about the implications for the present of what you just studied because that too seldom is explicit, whether in high schools or in universities, whether in Greece, in Britain, or the United States. I haven't read how to fix the future. I think the first thing one should do is remember that there's no such thing as the future, singular. There are multiple futures, and both the futures that you sketch there, the "It'll all be awesome and we'll solve all problems" future, the kind of singularity version, and the "we're all doomed, it's going to be like a science fiction nightmare," I mean, both those are plausible futures. I don't know what probabilities you're going to attach to those futures, but the business, it seems to me, of applied history is to say that there are a bunch of futures. We get to choose. We have agency. And the challenge here is to make sure the techno optimists don't build a future that turns out to have the unintended consequence that the pessimists feared. That's, I think, quite plausible because I think that resembles, closely, past episodes. You don't set out to create weapons of mass destruction when you're doing the Industrial Revolution. Actually, the goal is to make cheap shirts. Let's make clothes cheap. That's really the Industrial Revolution. But it turns out to also make artillery vastly more destructive. And I think that's the main lesson I would take from my 25 or 30 years of historical study. There is a powerful law of unintended consequences , and those people who are too optimistic, too confident, about what it is that they're doing, those people who really believe the arc of history is bending their way and it will solve all problems and everything will be awesome, those people often are the ones who produce the most disruptive technologies without meaning to. QUENTIN HARDY: At the risk of skirting banality, the future is what we collectively will do today, and likewise, what we collectively will do today will always recast the past. There will be data, but we will read it differently. NIALL FERGUSON: Everybody is acting on the basis of an implicit or explicit historical model of how the world works. There are just those people who know that they're doing applied history, and those who are unaware that they're doing it. But nobody doesn't have some theory in their head of how the world works, and how their actions are likely to influence their futures. And that seems to me to be part of the point here. One's trying to get people out of bad models of thinking about the world, I mean, the bad model that says, well, it's Allah's will, it's God's will. There's nothing much I can do about it. And when it all goes wrong, it's probably the fault of the Jews. I mean, that is not a great way of thinking about the world-- QUENTIN HARDY: We've run that experiment a few times. NIALL FERGUSON: You'd be amazed how many people think about the world this way. One can find them online, including on YouTube. [LAUGHTER] AUDIENCE: Thank you very much. QUENTIN HARDY: My dude. I need another hour. SPEAKER: All right, well, thank you Quentin. Thank you, Niall. Thank you everyone for coming. Let's give them a round of applause. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Talks at Google
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Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, Niall Ferguson, The Square and the Tower, the square and the tower book, niall ferguson interview, learn from history, author interviews
Id: f3rhUZPNqX0
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Length: 58min 13sec (3493 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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