THE SPY - English Movie | Holywood Blockbuster English Action Thriller Movie HD | Pierce Brosnan

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[Music] I'm going back to [Music] work don't worry I checked her out scenario agent falls in love with girl agent runs a up girl gets kidnapped the other guys want to know the agent's Source what does he do what do they do to the girl is there a point to this yeah over your right shoulder user then how the [ __ ] should I know does it really matter you feel the need for a relationship get a [Music] dog channel four [Music] [ __ ] as give us a h of this m William you I'm going to put your corsage on too miss prom queen yeah yeah yeah sit on this and twist you're funny andley right we have confirmation there definitely a credible threat we've got 20 minutes ready Mason you ready yeah I'm ready come check one two good hunting copy hi there Ambassador I'm going to need your clothes we believe there may be an attempt on your life this morning Target is male caucasian 35 to 40 want to bet your life on that no I'm betting on you this is it Peter I'm in the yellow building green shutters left of the clock tower how many potentials too many I don't like it call off the op we don't have the coverage we're not calling this up body armor is not going to stop a head shot been having these headaches anyway Lo to the club got him he's moving hold your Shar hold your Shar check your line of fire don't shoot no he's moving on do not shoot [Music] [Applause] [Music] Deo he tagged you I have to hit him what the hell was I supposed to do learn to take orders no no no Peter there is a man outside by the water he says he knows you that's it no hello Hanley good to see you been a long time you still out of Berlin Berlin Christ no the actions moved my friend the front line is now in Belgrade you look good better than him at least cargan retirement got him fat not her though oh God Craig they knew the risks we all did we ided the killer Alexa The mistria Contract Killer out of Moscow she's cutting a SWAT through people who have no business dying agency thinks it's arcade fed off killing anyone or anything that reminds him of his past the guy's going to be the next Russian president what's this got to do with me what H you'd be proud of her Peter after you left she got very close to feder off but she wants to come in she has something on him something that's scaring even her what a name claimed it changes everything and if she's right how long before you think she's going to join these you go in you get her out Moscow to Petersburg across the border to Helsinki I'll meet you there she asked for you only you she won't give you the name until you bring her out right she always was a ball buster inters gaze for spee fore foreign Jones Airborne exilon standby [Music] monitoring for G bravo bravo [Applause] [Applause] [Music] bra [Applause] where is C for n party fore [Music] speee [Music] do you have a link to the Drone yes we do rendevu with the extraction team in 4 minutes we have eyes on the prize traveling Northbound on Tara [Music] message received from prize we are 5 minutes from xville Langley's online what time is it there Perry you don't need to be on on this one if our girls actually got something on federov a lot of people are interested subject's nearing extraction location [Music] sir we have an [Applause] issue who it looks like FSB the Russians have made her [Applause] St they get in the car Peter why you here whose car is that she got into wherever it is it's not us how is Lucy H she misses you I miss her too both of you we're tracking from parallel streets plotting intercept location to verco Boulevard Belgrade control send 42 Mason's got the ball no Perry you can't Belgrade control send 42 Mason's got the ball up one GOI 42 confirm 42 confirmed you have a name I need it right now I need the name M philipov yes Mir Philip miror Philip overa Peter you're blown [Applause] [Applause] 42 complete [Music] Peter she was one of ours Weinstein it was over when the Russians made her we did her a favor go J get out [Music] I've tapped into a CCTV feed what the hell's going on op one this is control respond what happened op two [Music] respond who's Deo who's goddamn Deo what was he doing here who's Deo Peter Deo one of ours active 7708 used to work with Hanley I'm on the next plane there bring Mason in aort sh miror Philip overa go go go down coming oh Smokey I think this belongs to you come here you dumb cat I'm so sorry she spent so much time in my apartment she should pay some rent she likes you better than me would would you like to come in for a cup of coffee I I just made some tastes like home sorry work hello hi I'm looking for Alice fornier Alice can I help you yes hello my name is Edgar Simpson I'm an investigative journalist I work with the New York Times I want to talk to you about this man aradi federov he's a Russian politician I'm researching a story on him ladies come on I have [Music] [Music] reservation [Music] why didn't you shoot here why didn't you shoot yes Mr Mason why didn't you shoot there was no threat sir the man who just assassinated your entire team is pointing a gun at you and you say there was no threat Deo was disoriented he didn't expect to see me there he was doing exactly what I would have done we tried to kill him he killed us you gleaned all this in less than two seconds yes sir question remains why didn't you shoot why didn't he shoot you think you know Deo just let me find him if I can talk to him maybe I can stop this from getting crazy you don't know him I know how he trained you no connections but there were things in this world that mattered to Peter Deo people he led inside people he loved perhaps and we just killed a very important one and now he'll come after us with everything he's got that's how he's wired he killed three of our people the call is to terminate Deone do you have a problem with the call I do what I'm told to do sir hard drive is okay I think I've got something here what do you got that's what we're looking for it's the last search that Hanley ran see what else I can find uh everything's a real mess what a cluster [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] hi hi I got some stuff for you look this girl mirror eyes Belgrade late night is UN Refugee she's br processed by these two that I handed off to a social worker this woman Ellis ferer two or three other girls were friends no prostitutes junkies last trace of your mirror was a decade ago if she was anything like her friends she's probably dead give me her here you go she has launch plans by Y in a restaurant you're very welcome biometric match from Belgrade Airport arrival is coming up this is 4 hours ago there he looked right at the camera yeah I have the crew from hanley's they have something cleaners at hanley's have a possible hit authorization and access codes positive go ahead yes this is Jorgen I need location information on a subject fornier Alice cell number 75 3654 23 search the location of this cell phone forier Alice cell 75 3654 23 current location Scara 32 I believe that's a restaurant thank you how many on station at Handley two call the other one there's no answer Deo [Music] thank you for deciding to meet with me please sit down I won't stay Al thank you would you like something um water is fine thanks so let's talk about aradi federov in the war AR I do its name I hear a lot but he's old news atrocities are like reality TV there's always some new show for people to forget agreed however now federov is about to become president of Russia that makes him a person of interest to the world and to my publication and when federov was just a general I'd say he was pretty much Untouchable but it's different now he's he's vulnerable what you don't think that makes him dangerous these guys always talk a big game but at the end of the day they're mostly men who just like the sound of their own voices you want your story and your bullet surprise huh you haven't seen what they're like when they come to us many are just girls frightened girls have you thought about what your story might do to them there are crimes federov is guilty of he needs to be exposed no if the girls from your Center were willing to talk to me to tell me their stories I help the victims I don't use them for politics these girls have been through enough I'm sorry maybe your heart's in the right place but nobody can stop federov you've agreed to meet with me there must be some way you can help me excuse me are you Alis for yes uh there is a call for you in the office they say your cell phone is not working this way please excuse me oh yes hello stop stay right me you are listen to me very carefully the woman you're with is a killer if she panics you're a dead woman turn around turn around I'm right behind you turn around run now run Alice out the back and one eyes on [Music] them come on come [Music] on are you what's happening side [Music] door he's got to be in the market I want eyes on him right now now Mason can't believe you still got the same phone number how's it going actually I'm a little busy right now can I call you back in a few minutes get the soul scan no let's just talk s you can keep doing what you're doing I don't mind scenario hard target with a female accomplice took a 30second lead on me into a crowded venue mhm tell me about your target male old used to have skills used to H he probably thinks he still does yeah he's arrogant confidental evade he's already made his first mistake you really think six agents are going to do it h tell me de [Music] who those men were the police no sort of then who the hell are you who are you what do you want let's go me what's happening I didn't do anything I believe you but they won't now if you want to walk out of here you're going to have to trust me [Music] okay Alice [Music] wait down to the other you [Music] okay I knew you call back you're losing your perimeter Too Many Bodies moving you're losing control don't you want to know what I was in Moscow what my orders were who sent me keep him talking you Why'd You Come In Deo we'll talk about it no this is my scenario I make the rules Come on kid just give me enough to keep it interesting maybe I'll make a mistake you owe me that much I don't know you [ __ ] Jay give me your phone where am I come on Mason where am I huh the call is being broadcast through this phone the scanner thinks Jake's phone is deo's phone that's why he seems so close how many people have you killed do with mason what now or in the next 5 minutes you think about it sometimes maybe having a coffee or a screw you see a beautiful woman or a child then you remember all the lives you've taken that way stop your cold doesn't it no [ __ ] I sleep like a baby I don't get you Deo I'm the one you want why not take your shot tempting give away my position though I'm always willing to die for the cause he Mason fears the enemy you taught me that yeah well I haven't finished teaching you yet son and here I am about to take you down all the same you're not going to take me down kid you're a blunt instrument at best no perspective no knowledge keep talking old man this is humiliating embarrassing just like in Moscow huh isn't it what is it Mason no one there to hold your hand no one there to tell you to pull a trigger he's still in a car where's nearest parking lot let try to head this way so no regrets not one and you know what I don't give a [ __ ] about the people I've killed and if by some stroke of pure luck you managed to kill me and I won't give a [ __ ] about that either he's here he's around here somewhere that was quite speech you bring out the best of me gas get back get back get [Music] back [Music] miror Philip over where is she how do you know that name when was the last time you saw her I don't know uh maybe 3 years ago I was her case worker a good friend of mine died trying to find her I'm sorry I have no idea where she is the woman who approached you at the restaurant she was a professional killer Russian the man on the motorbikes was CIA CIA now whatever that girl knows a lot of people wanted and if they can't find her you're the next closest thing do you have files on the women you help yes we're going to catch this tra why do you hate him so much the man who wants to kill us why do I hate him I don't hate him no he's probably the best friend I've ever had so all your friends try to kill you eventually where can I find her I told you I don't know you must know something friends places she frequent that people don't just disappear I don't know okay in my line of work yes yes they do they disappear one do you think that they the next to just gone she stopped coming to meetings people said she was using doing tricks do you know who this man is a pimp he brings girls in from the caucuses sells them for sex his name is lebedenko no his real name is Simeon denov he was fed's right-hand man during the last chin conflict do you know where he is right now yes he's here in belgrad how do you know Denis just people you mean I'm here to see leeno no just tell him Peter deo's here wait come on you look like [ __ ] yeah well you don't look too good just so why are you here pet I want information someone is here in Belgrade to kill you and it's not me I can tell you who it is but I want something in return okay you tell me I go you that for all time sake Al ktie ferof he's killing just about everyone who's close to him from your good old days now my information is that he's going to try and kill you me yeah so what's this doal why does he want to have a clean slate now what's his game turn around you should turn around just now chur this ugly dirty little God forsaken country oil however lots of it filthy church and terrorists didn't want to give it to us so one day a building blew up good Russian soldiers with mommies and daddies back at home get sent back in pieces and just like that fedro got his dirty little war and Mother Russia got its own oil you dropped the building ah Fed was smart enough to know that he couldn't handle an operation like that keep it a secret we ran it for you that's to ask how all we did was sit back and watch everybody die [Music] would you like some water sorry about the treatment it makes a difference I argued against it you ran Peter Deo from 1998 until his retirement in 2008 on April 17th of this year you went to laan under the name Sanders and reactivated him show me your tits excuse me I assume that's why Weinstein sent you isn't it it certainly isn't for your Acumen [ __ ] you would you like being on top working your way up the ladder I like the other guys better where the [ __ ] are the other guys room is soundproof you don't think I know that I approved the use and design of this facility I wrote the manual you're going by I know how long until you switch operational procedure you stupid [ __ ] you may know the procedure but then you also know that I have the right to vary the procedure if I deem it necessary based on the tenor of this conversation I am inclined to to vary the procedure you know what I don't give a [ __ ] about the people I've killed if by some stroke of pure luck you managed to kill me and I won't give a [ __ ] about that either that was quite a speech you bring out the best in me not exactly accurate that last statement you made keeping him engaged was an advantage sir yes to him I don't know if he's too in your head maybe you're mad because you never had a daddy I don't know and frankly I don't care he played you for a fool I'll get him will you it doesn't feel that way from here son from here it feels like you're busy trying to please him well you still admire the man I did well here's what he thought of you hey you hey how'd you get in here all she wants is to be at your place my god you're an ungrateful [ __ ] Mommy's going to turn you into a handbag okay then okay then what is that we've been passing each other on the stairs for 8 weeks who are you anyway sure you're mildly attractive and mysterious but gets kind of tired after a while you know I mean I don't even know your name David well I'm Sarah did you ever think that maybe me is better whatever she is your girl witnessed Federal in a CIA Ag and conspire to start a war that killed hundreds of thousands of people so whoever gets to her first owns fov and believe me someone will find her come on [Music] what it must be like to be you take what you want a do as you please what happens if they come back we leave there you go do botoms up what happened in Moscow something unfortunate what was her name Natalia well killing him really make it better to start why did you save me don't put your faith in me Alice I promise I'll disappoint [Music] you [Music] game on we don't want and it [Music] [Music] out [Music] [Music] Sati what did you say means my favorite in Russia you speak Russian yes my parents were University professors they told [Music] [Music] me I found some clothes that should fit you what if they find mirror before you do then no one will need you your problems will be over they'll kill her one day yes what if no one ever finds her no one can hide forever I can't bring you with me where I have to go now so I can't protect you anymore go somewhere where no one can find you not even me use only cash and wait for this to ring Sarah Sarah for Sarah David I'm here it's all right everything's going to be all right he won't hurt you understand Let Her Go Let Her Go and you what bullets start bouncing around tell him he needs to listen tell them you need to listen you know what he's doing don't you he's trying to decide what you're worth he will not hurt you he still hasn't decided ask him ask him if you're worth saving am I worth saving he's not answering your question is he you need to make him answer your question am I worth saving death you are you like her huh yeah time to finish your training what the [ __ ] can you teach me you gave up on me remember what did you want I wanted to be better than you what does that mean to be better than me be better at something H to be a better man why did you drop me here it comes I took the shot what was I supposed to do I had no choice there's always a choice answered the [ __ ] question you made the wrong choice I came here tonight Mason to kill you I did not know what she was to you oh you thought this was about Natalia no this is about you you can be a human or a killer of humans but not both eventually one of those people will extinguish the other one all you have to do now it's just to show me that it's not too late for you come on second chance Mason scenario no your target has just severed the femoral artery of a woman has just SED the femoral artery of a woman you have been intimate with what do you do go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you lucilia do you want to know what I did I know what you did Mr Hanley we're discussing why no you don't know what I did or what I do Argo how the [ __ ] could you possibly comprehend why let's start at the top look what do you think it is we do here at the agency we collect information no information is useless that changes overnight knowledge isn't power people are power we collect people and if anyone's listening at Langley with half a brain in their head they know what I'm talking about I'm talking about the ownership of Ary federov are you listening Ary federov sir welcome to the Hotel [Music] Imperial Edgar Alice what are you doing here you all right what happened to you at the restaurant I decided to tell you everything I know about arari federov come in you know he's in town right now for European energy conference staying at the Imperial Hotel no I didn't I'm surprised to see you can I get you a drink a cup of coffee or something uh no thank you that's my Wall of Shame there were hundreds of girls that come out of the conflict we are a small organization let me get my dictaphone there was one girl Mera pretended she was a mute F of liked her kept her close to him like a [Music] pet for [Music] Mason David access code 3 Niner [Music] 042 [Music] [Music] get in the corner you leave the poor girl alone let the [ __ ] you move I tell you didn't expect to see me in Moscow she didn't even know I was coming what did you do she was these past few months she was acting erratically analyst thought she was becoming a [ __ ] it happens so they decided to pull her I couldn't get to her without them knowing if she came to our side she was going to die sending you was her only chance why huh why agency suspected for years that federov started the war by dropping a building on his own man then blaming it on the chin nationalists then Natalya reaches out to me says she's got an eyewitness who will swear that federov was involved we did it we did it who the [ __ ] you been talking to people you should have been talking to who wasn't on our side now don't [ __ ] lie to [Music] me the same man who picked up Natalia's Mayday to me the same man who ordered her extraction and the same man who quarterb the hit on [Music] her come in Deo has a daughter her name's Lucy these pictures are from 5 years ago she'd be 12 by now Natalia ulanov was her mother and Deo raises her when Deo was in Berlin he recruited Natalia convinced her to spy for us here whole God damn family hidden from all this mirror can destroy Weinstein that's why he had Mason killed Natalya that's why he's going after Mera the girl wasn't a peasant or a mute both her parents were University professors she could speak English and Russian everything that federov said she understood I'm here to thank up why are you here Peter de needs a big favor what do you got this woman Alice forier deceased April 2005 cancer well then who was she she was in the restaurant with Deo I'll run a biometric match welcome to Hotel Imperial Peter where are you I'm going to visit AR federov are you insane I've made the decision to confront him this is suicide he will kill you don't be foolish mirror miror who are you I'm the gift from Simon Den what's this for okay [Music] [Music] upstairs in turn around Theo is very generous get in the bed I'd like to wash first [Music] get a I have an audio file match label's been changed border intake interview my name is Mea filipov my parents were murdered by the Russian general aradi federov I survived arade federov is in Belgrade right now for an energy conference find out where he's staying [Music] oh a you are not going to kill me you're wrong no if you were I'd already be dead you don't know what you're doing to you this is for my family oh my God n there so many people who aren't me dead and yet here you are the angry little girl who didn't know how to [ __ ] and now you talk shut up okay okay maybe you'll kill me we will see but making you into a woman it is one of the sweetest memories I carry With Me Shut up [ __ ] you forget [Music] who [Music] miror mirror don't don't do it I want him to die he will but once he tell us the world what he did where's your phone get it go get it now stop filming 1999 you supported an American operation to impersonate chch and terrorists who was the American agent who ran it you have seat on my shirt miror take this shoot them if you have to you are not going to kill me that's for you to decide we're going to play a little game I believe was invented in your country I'll ask you once more who was the American agent I'll ask you again was your [Music] Weinstein come on stairs piece of [ __ ] your odds are running out who was the American agent was it Weinstein Henley John Henley Hy was it this guy gu middle no Peter that's him the ball [Music] guy [Music] here you go take this use the service elevator what about you check into the highed hotel if I don't turn up go to the Dutch Embassy identify yourself and tell him everything ask for Asylum go okay said to the basement repeat that he's got to be heading to the basement cover the back stairs traveling where'd he go I don't know you go that way [Music] [Music] yeah check this out Jesus you need to see something who was the American agent was it Weinstein Hy John this is messed up Henley we're taking this to Weinstein right now you stay tits back to your desk sit you know who sits here your boss sits here I'm sitting here so sit down Peter thank God you're alive what happened you can disappear I'll help you name a city I'll get you there I have contacts people who can help you start again people who can make sure you'll never be found not running ever again running is better than dead thank you Peter for saving my life letting you die was never an option come on we got to get moving a lot has changed in a very short time what were you doing a week ago living my life what's in Peter de's life simple things a home in loan small business it's a cafe by a lake and a daughter never got to know her mother and who barely knows her father what's her name Lucy she's 12 where's she now waiting for our father to pick her up from boarding school Lucy never had your pay for the father type Peter that's such a lovely little girl could come from your DNA defies logic really you should say something I'll kill you if you heard her I'll kill you funny thing Peter turns out the keys to fed her off are worth more to Langley than any qualms Weinstein had with my methods I'm running the show here now Peter Weinstein's back in the states he seemed surprised when they sent him home but uh not as surprised as uh you probably are right now you know if it's any consolation it was your boy Mason who brought Lucy in for me I just thought well you should be proud he did good didn't he found that soft underbelly wasn't sure you had one yeah the boy did good okay The Fortress 8: a.m. where they play chess you bring me mirror I'll give you your daughter you're a weapon Mason a damn good one I value that we got to get out of here right now go to the train station book three tickets on the noon train to junic the Border there is weak he doesn't want you he wants me we'll meet you there he doesn't want you he wants me we'll be there and if you're not then I guess I didn't make it they're going to kill us all how would it happen you don't feel anything How can be so sure a bullet travels at over 4,000 ft per second four times faster than the speed of sound the effect of that velocity is absolute you just cease to exist just be there please [Music] attention please the train from chuk is late by 1 hour you tell yourselves no one's going to get hurt at least no one you care about you played it well though today you know what federov is going to do when he secures the presidency change the world Russia's going to join [ __ ] NATO why because I got my hand so far up his ass I'm moving his lips I own him this is what we worked for all those years you know it is [Music] yeah I I think I got something for you here yes she's a train station just bought three tickets to unic with a credit card she should be there thank you you think maybe just maybe you might have crossed the line with this a long time ago my friend you'll need proof of Life Of course hello your father papa is that you how you doing kiddo I know you're scared but everything's going to be all right I promise you I just wanted to hear your voice tell you I love you more than anything in this world I love you too Papa I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me okay where's Mira philipova Bus Station Boston novisad 9:00 a.m. bus station bus to novad 9:00 a.m. bring her in Jones you go with him you misjudge the kid he's a Survivor not like you bring mirror in you have my word you'll have your daughter back [Music] you know we used to call you Peter The November Man cuz after you passed through nothing lived you are one Bleak [ __ ] my friend [Music] [Music] must station is that way short time Slow Down slow the [ __ ] C down seat Bel stop the vehicle right now w Mason you ready yeah now I'm ready spe oh not one American life was lost in that Chet and mess not one oh you're right East versus West [ __ ] that from now on it's the Civilized World against the goddamn Middle East now that's a fight I can understand that's a fight we can win don't you get it Hanley what why are you swearing cuz it's it's [ __ ] [Music] hot pistol my pistol excuse me I'm still using this station thank you where's Lucy you were supposed to bring her here when it was done it [Music] is you just doomed us to another decade of conflict of [ __ ] I hope you know that the thing is I like it this way thank [Music] you [Music] Papa where is she where is [Music] sh Peter there she [Music] is let's catch a train come [Music] on my name is Mira Philip of when I was 15 years old aradi federov murdered my family and held me captive for 2 years I was repeatedly abused by him during that time I witnessed federov conspired with CIA agent John Hanley to bomb a civilian building that bombing was the start of the second Chan War the revelations of chian refugee Mira Philipa rocked the political world as evidence of a conspiracy between aradi federov and a high-ranking CIA official effectively ended aradi fedorov's candidacy for the Russian presidency Russian energy Minister's office issued a blank denial of all accusations as aradi federov takes an extended leave from his office while weighing his political [Music] [Music] options [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for
Channel: Hollywood English Collection
Views: 7,262,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood full action movie, Hollywood movies, Thriller Movie, hollywood movie in english, hollywood english movies full action hd, hollywood movie 2023, action hollywood movie, Action Hollywood Movies 2023, new hollywood english movies 2023, new hollywood movies 2023, hollywood movie english mai, movies 2023 full movie, hollywood movie english 2023, action movie, new hollywood movie, the november man movie in english, Pierce Brosnan, The November Man, the spy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 34sec (6274 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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