The Spoiled Twin: A Sad Roblox Movie

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[Music] sometimes it can be difficult to have brothers and sisters sometimes you argue but most of the time you get along that wasn't the case for twins Ben and Bruce they were both treated very differently by their own family Bruce was given everything he wanted his birthday and the holidays were filled with so many gifts but for Ben who was the opposite he never got anything from his parents and he was always stuck doing chores but Ben got something more than gifts he learned what was truly important this is the story of the spoiled twin [Music] good morning mom oh hi Ben why are you bothering me well mom little league soccer signups are coming this week and I was wondering if I could join you play soccer do you even know how to run you're not fit enough for that what do you mean I run all the time I'd love to play soccer it'd be so much fun some of my friends from school are even playing I don't care if your friends are playing are they at home doing their chores like they're supposed to I'm sure they do their chores at other times just like I could well there's no time for you to have fun you're supposed to do chores and that's it but mom that's not fair hi mom Oh Bruce you're home how are you I'm doing pretty good what are you guys talking about well Ben over here thinks he can sign up for soccer practice and I don't think so Oh soccer that sounds like fun do you think I could join sure thing honey whatever you want to do mom this isn't fair I asked you to join soccer and you said that I couldn't well I don't care what you think and for speaking back to me you're grounded can't believe this this is so ridiculous why are they always so much nicer to Bruce I wanted to join soccer so bad haha hi Ben what are you doing Bruce how was your soccer practice oh man it was way lamer than I thought they told me I had to like run around and stuff so I just quit I can't believe you would do that I wanted to play soccer so bad and you get to join and then just quit like nothing happen yeah man I mean it was like totally lame you know what I mean you don't appreciate anything that you have whatever dude you're just jealous because you're such a loser mom and dad hate you I'm not a loser okay yeah you are and whatever men like I'll just get something else if I don't want to play soccer I'll just have mom and dad buy me a new Xbox or something you can't just get an Xbox this is so unfair hah dude I can get anything I want don't you understand that I'm Bruce this isn't fair this isn't fair you're such a crybaby Ben I'm not a crybaby you're spoiled you get everything that you want and I get nothing well it's a bummer to be you then isn't it I don't understand this I wish I wasn't part of this family you guys are so mean huh whatever cry-baby Ben I'm out of here I'm gonna go see if mom will take me out to dinner [Music] hi you wanted to see me principal Jackson yes Ben I did what's going on I don't think I did anything to get in trouble or anything well Ben I wanted to be the one to tell you that this is your last day of school wait what do you mean this is my last day of school it's the middle of the semester I don't want to go home well Ben your mother called and said that you're gonna be homeschooled from now on wait what I don't want to be homeschooled I love it here school is the only place that I feel good well I don't know what to tell you Ben your mom called and said she doesn't want you coming here anymore that's not fair well I'm sorry there's nothing I can do about it she's your guardian and she gets to tell you what to do please principal Jackson is there anything you can do for me I'm afraid not Ben you got to go and say goodbye to all of your friends and your teachers because you might not see them for a long time please please you can't do this this is horrible it's really bad at my house school is my only escape Ben it sounds like you're overreacting I've met your mother and your brother Bruce and they both seemed really nice no my brother Bruce is terrible he's so spoiled and so mean look Ben it's not up to me to get into your personal life okay all I'm telling you is that today is your last day of school this is your last day of school so go say goodbye to everybody and then don't come back you're no longer enrolled here fine principal Jackson whatever [Music] mom this is ridiculous why did you get me out of school well I think you need to be home more to do chores and homeschooling you will give you just the right amount of time mom I don't want to be homeschooled just to do chores this is ridiculous I'm really good at school I have a future there I don't care about your future and I'm sick of hearing all your excuses Oh mom my car is so dirty can you have been clean it Oh Bruce of course Ben get out there and clean his car no I don't want to not go to school so I can stay home and clean Bruce's car this is so messed up quit your complaining I don't want to hear it yeah my car's not gonna clean itself Bruce no this is not fair Bruce gets everything handed to him and all I want is an opportunity to earn my own way and you guys can't even see that well there's no point earning your own way because you're worthless Ben this isn't fair guys please let me go back to school I don't want to clean the stupid car ha you'll clean the car dude cuz I want my car cleaned okay mom tell him he has to clean the car now Ben get outside and clean his car now and you know what you can't even do your own chores right so how do you expect to make it in this world well I'll show you guys I'm gonna [Music] Bruce what's wrong my car somebody stole my car be really a car's gone it was just here last night yeah was gone now okay Ben boys what's going on my car is gone somebody stole it Ben I can't believe you would steal Bruce's car like that I didn't steal Bruce's car where would I even put it I don't know and I don't care but this definitely seems like something you would do because you're lazy and you don't want to clean his car I don't want to clean his car because he's able to clean it himself oh this is the worst thing the first time I've ever not gotten something that I wanted this is ridiculous mom Ben I just cannot believe you would do such a mean thing like this to your brother and all because you got kicked out of school you're such a brat oh I cannot stand you go to your room what mom I didn't do it you have to believe me I'm not gonna believe a liar like you how could you hurt your brother this way I'm telling you the truth it wasn't me I don't care get out of my face [Music] [Music] good evening ma'am oh good you're here bad get down here Oh what is it mom that's him that's the one who stole his brother's car officer what I didn't steal anything mom what are you doing well that's not the story that I'm hearing right now there Ben yeah he stole his brother's car coz he was jealous and he's been jealous since the day he was born mom I'm telling you right now I didn't do it why are you gonna get me in trouble with the police Brandon stealing is a very serious offense you know what this means look officer please you got to understand I have a really spoiled brother and my mom likes him better than me and they hate me and they're just doing this to get me in trouble for no reason that doesn't seem very likely Ben yeah this kids just a liar he has been since the day he was born all I want is for this family to love me why is that so hard because you're not lovable that's why well man that seems like a pretty mean thing to say to your son I'm actually starting to kind of believe Ben here seems like you might just be overreacting overreacting you can't see that this kid is horrible are you even a police officer at all Oh ma'am I've been trained to tell if people are lying and he doesn't seem like he's lying Thank You officer I'm so glad somebody finally believes me yeah no problem Brad and you seem like a good kid yeah you know all I wanted is an opportunity to just work and do something else but my mom won't even let me go to school anymore now look Brandon we could always use honest people down at the police station we need an office assistant if you want a job oh my gosh yeah that would be great this is unbelievable I'm calling your manager [Music] so excited my first day at the police station [Music] all right hi Brad officer Larry hi it's great to see you all right it's great to see you I'm really happy with the opportunity that you given me I'm sorry that I can't be more flexible but I kind of have to sneak out of the house in between chores so that my mom doesn't know our man Brad I'm really sorry I know that you're having a rough time over there were their family yeah it's awful my brother Bruce is out of control he just throws a tantrum and gets whatever he wants well Ben that's all right someday you're gonna be better for all this I promise oh thanks officer Larry I really appreciate that look I think you're gonna do a great job here you seem like a really good honest kid and that's what we're looking for on the force thanks I really appreciate it I hope that I learn a lot because someday I think I want to be a police officer just like you well KITT you got the personality and the goodwill that's very important when you're a police officer yeah I understand that's all I want I just want to do the best that I can well let's get started then and see what happens awesome thank you I'm looking forward to the new job [Music] I can't believe it I just graduated from the police academy officer Larry I just want to say thank you so much for everything hey you know I bet it's not a problem at all no I mean it really means a lot you were there for me when no one else was you're a great friend ah geez don't worry about it it's really not a big deal I knew from the start that you were a good kid and that things are gonna work out for you you just needed somebody to tell you that I really appreciate that well now that I'm a police officer nobody can ruin this for me no one can take it away that's right Ben I'm so proud of you I know that you'd grow to be a strong independent person and you were right I was better for going through all that stuff I think get everything handed to me like my brother Bruce and now I have a great job and I'm working really hard that's right Ben everything's gonna work out and I know that you and I are gonna make sure we keep the city safe I'm so excited I can't wait [Music] he's that bruises car Bruce what's going on oh hey Ben um my car broke down I'm not really sure what to do your car broke down versus this car got stolen like years ago uh yeah man I don't know I guess I just found it you just found it man no I didn't just find it okay I'm sorry the whole thing was a lie just hit the cars he'd get in trouble how could you do that to me Bruce huh I don't know man I thought it would be funny you thought it would be funny to almost ruin my life uh yeah man I did that's so messed up nah look Ben like I'm really sorry okay I mean I know that you're like a cool cop and now and everything like I'm still living at mom and dad's house just you know figuring it out and I don't know I got a lot of respect for you now man I'm really sorry you got a lot of respect from me I don't think that's true Bruce I don't think you have respect for anybody well look you know I just thought it would be fun that's all I don't want to hear that man okay this is messed up look please can you just help me with the car I don't know what to do I don't know how to change a tire no you know what Bruce why don't you call mom if he need helps and she's always doing everything for you I actually have to take care of this city and the people in it ha typical Ben just running away from everything you know what I'm not gonna let you do this to me anymore I don't need this I'm out of here hey guys thanks so much for watching if you want to see some more awesome videos from me make sure you click here and here and if you're new to the channel make sure you hit that Bell subscribe turn notifications on so that you never miss a video that I post thanks again for watching [Music]
Channel: ShanePlays
Views: 3,425,556
Rating: 4.697485 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox Movie, Roblox Animation, Roblox Story, Roblox Roleplay
Id: 9X5l8eDgbkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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