The Spiritual Battle | Angels & Demons - #4 | Pastor John Lindell

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[Music] well this morning we continue in our series on angels and demons it's a fascinating look at a topic that maybe we hear a little bit about but honestly within the church we don't talk too much about the fact the matter is that we live in a supernatural world we live in a world that is populated by unseen supernatural beings whose activities intersect our life whether we see it or not does not negate the reality of their activity for our purposes we have generically classified them into two groups angels who are the good and godly supernatural beings and demons who are the rebellious and evil supernatural beings now the reason why we're taking time with this is because there are three things I think we have to settle in our heart number one as believers we need to be reminded and as unbelievers we need to be a people need to be awakened to the reality of the unseen world and the beings who are a part of it second it's important for you and I to think biblically about celestial beings I'm afraid that much of what people Christians believe about angels and demons ain't necessarily so it's conditioned by legend by myth by sentimentality rather than by the word of God so it's important for us to hear what the Bible says about it third and I think maybe most important of all is it equips us both to understand and the fight the good fight of the faith to engage in spiritual warfare because there is a spiritual battle now I'm gonna say at the start of this because I'm gonna get you ready to take a little bit of a journey with me is it very unique I'm gonna I'm gonna venture to say that probably if you've been a Christian for very long you have never heard somebody cover the text so I'm gonna cover with you this morning but I want to and I debated about doing it from before we started this series and and really thought probably I won't but then the more I thought about it the more I thought you know this is a very important topic for people to understand it has a lot of bearing on as you'll see at the end as to how we view life how we fight spiritual battles I think you'll find it very very fascinating but I'm just going to say up front that you're going to kind of have to lean in you're gonna have to press through through passages that are from what you might call the pots and pans section of the Old Testament you know places where you're not usually reading for inspiration and encouragement but you'll find that when you do that it is very interesting I want to talk to you today about the second demonic rebellion that scripture tells us about over the last two weeks we looked at the first rebellion the rebellion that happened in the Garden of Eden when Satan rebelled against God tempted even mankind fell we learned in those messages where evil came from where Satan came from what Satan does and where Satan is headed let me say this though Satan may arguably be the most powerful evil being there is nothing in Scripture that indicates he is over or in charge of all the other evil beings that while they may share a united opposition to God it doesn't mean they are united in their allegiance to Satan so as we come to this second rebellion we're not going to be talking about Satan but we are going to be talking about evil spirits who did something that is shocking as we talk about it today and as Bible readers or Bible writers and authors reflect on it in the New Testament they find it to be equally shocking the text we're going to start in is Genesis chapter 6 and so if you have your iPhone or or your Bible you can turn there we'll bring it up on the screen Genesis chapter 6 this edge of the stage is is the chapter where we're introduced ultimately to a man named Noah remember he built an ark and there was a flood and the animals came onto the ark it was God's preservation of mankind and the animal kingdom in the midst of a worldwide Cataclysm prior to that we have a prologue in the four verses that tells us a bit of what's going on on the earth at that time later in that prologue there are statements like this that God looked at man and the thoughts of their heart were only continually evil all the time I mean mankind was completely to the to the core and to the person evil with the exception of one man in his family Noah it's it's an unthinkable thing to realize how evil the world was compounding the evil of humanity was the work of demonic beings who did something that is shocking let's read it when men began to multiply on face of the earth and daughters were born to them the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were attractive this is a shocking thing and they took as their wives any they chose angels marrying demons marrying women then the Lord said my spirit shall not abide a man forever for he is flesh his days shall be 120 years the Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of man and they bore children to them now that passage will introduce more questions than we can possibly answer for two reasons first and foremost the Bible doesn't answer every question that we might have on this passage second as we move through it there are things we would ask of the text that that there's just no way to be able to know some of the answers but the bible does give us some insight into some things let's pick it up in Genesis 6 and verse one would just go verse by verse when men began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them so what it's saying there is it's not saying that as men began to multiply on the face of the earth only daughters were born we know that is not the case because in Genesis chapter 5 it's a genealogy that lists someone's helping out this son and he pick out their son and it lists all the sons so it's not it's not saying that what it's doing is the writer of Genesis is setting up a contrast in verse 1 to what we're going to read in the verses that follows in verse 2 it's a contrast between the daughters of man and the sons of God look at at verse 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were attractive and they took as their wives any they chose now the question immediately arises who are the sons of God and and this is not as complicated as some people would want to make it because that sons of God appears five times in the Old Testament and every single time it refers to celestial beings you have it twice in this passage and then you have it in the book of Job in job chapter one in verse six we read this now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came among them remember we've talked about the divine council we've talked about angelic beings good and evil who present themselves before the throne of God and there is there are things that happen we looked at that a mess in the first message here you have this council and the sons of God these are these are celestial beings sons of God the the term itself doesn't necessarily mean that they are good angels Satan's among them so we know there are evil angels in this gathering we look in verse verse 1 of chapter 2 again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came among them to present himself before the Lord then you have the phrase in again in chapter 38 verse 7 when God is saying to job where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy so the term sons of God always refers to angelic beings the use of the terms sons of God is is confined in that way and the oldest interpretations of this text the traditional Jewish one the views of the rabbi's and the conservative Jewish commentators people like at Hebrew University a man who's since passed away Umberto cassutto who wrote it a two-volume set on the first twelve chapters of Genesis would say that the sons of God refers to fallen angels now back to chapter 6 in verse 2 the sons of God's you've got fallen angels saw that the daughters of men were attractive and they took as their wives any they chose it's a shocking fallen angelic beings having sexual relationships with human women means the stuff that people make have made movies about it's it's it's shocking it's hard to imagine you say but I thought Matthew chapter 22 says angels can't marry nor are they given in marriage it doesn't say they can't it just says they don't we have then two options for understanding what's happening here either these fallen angels are inhabiting male human bodies and producing demonic offspring which i think is a I don't think that's what it's saying or it's actual angelic beings who we know can appear in human form we know that I mean whether the writer of Hebrews say he says in Chapter thirteen numbers to be careful to entertain strangers for in doing so some have entertained angels unaware so you know that that that angels can appear in human form and and look exactly like human beings whichever way you go on your understanding of that what you have is fallen angelic beings overstepping their bounds and here's what's interesting the New Testament commentaries on this in 2nd Peter we have this in chapter 2 and verse 4 for if God did not spare angels when they sinned but cast them into hell and committed them to change of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgement so whatever these angels did it was so bad the Peters talking about that you look at this phrase cast them into hell tarter OSIS in the Greek we would transliterated it he harder eyes them and that's not what you do with your fish when you're at the restaurant you dip it in the little no he put them in Hell in Chains the word has its roots in Greek mythology but in Peters day both to the Jews and the Greeks Tartarus was the worst place a person could go it was the deepest pit it was a place of darkness and it was the place of worse eternal suffering and by the way other demons know about this group and they don't want to go there you say how do you know that well because Jesus when he met the gathering demoniac remember in Luke's Gospel we'll look at that in Luke chapter 8 this demoniac comes and Jesus begins to speak to the demons and and he says what is your name in his legion for we are many and then they began to beg Jesus not to send them into the abyss into that place and they say now let us go into this herd of pigs 2000 pigs and Jesus let them go and the pigs rushed down the mountainside in the besi of Galilee and were drowned and the people came out of the village and said hey listen we need you to leave and Jesus left but suffice it to say the angels or the demons know about that place so the question arises really who are those angels that are in Tartarus and what did they do that would cause God not to spare them I mean and what did they do to deserve that kind of punishment I mean because after all you got to imagine there's a lot of really bad evil spirits running around doing a lot of terrible things and they don't get sent there well in Jude verse 6 Jude talks about this and Jude is a second for the last book in the Bible Jude incidentally was a brother of our Lord Jesus Christ so he was the son the biological son of both Joseph and Mary and the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority but left their proper dwelling he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgement of the great day so notice they did not stay in their own position of authority but left their proper dwelling they move beyond the sphere of their celestial limitations as directed by God you say in what way what did they do well verse seven the next verse says just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire whatever they did it was like Sodom and Gomorrah now what is it that the Bible tells us happened at Sodom remember in Genesis chapter 18 that two angels come in to Sodom and when they come in they're sitting in the town square and Locke comes in from working in the field and lot says hey you need to come stay with me and they're like no we're just hanging out in the square and he's like uh you need to come with me and he no sooner gets him in the house they're having dinner and the men of the city the Bible says gathered around Lots house and they wanted lot to bring the two men out who were in fact angels so that they could have sexual relationships with them in other words what you have at Sodom is you have the men of Sodom lusted after angels here you have angels lusting after humans say when did that happen well there would be some indication that it happened at the time of Noah because in first Peter chapter 3 and verses 18 19 20 21 it talks about that we'll be looking at that next week and then in 2nd Peter chapter 2 in verse 5 it places that around the time of the but let's go back to Genesis chapter 3 for the sake of time then the Lord said my spirit shall not abide in man forever for he is flesh his days shall be a hundred and twenty years you know what that is saying is that that is not saying that people are gonna live to be 120 years old we know that's not true because the story is in the context of Noah and Noah as we're introduced to him in a few verses later is 500 years old he'll be 600 years old they'll take him 100 years to build the ark and then he'll live 350 years after that we also know that Abraham generations later Abraham lives to be a hundred and seventy five his son Isaac lives to be 180 his Isaac son Jacob lives to be a hundred and forty seven so we know it's not saying dad you say what's it saying well God is saying is in the midst of this evil as we read this prologue prior to the flood god is saying listen I'm gonna give man a hundred and twenty years to repent says something about the incredible grace of God and his justice he must judge in his love and care for people he doesn't want anybody to be there he would rather people repent and so he's saying listen 120 years judgment is coming then we read this the Nephilim I want you to remember this word Nephilim the word is plural in the Hebrew and it's translated it means Giants so the Giants were on the earth in those days so what do you mean giant just just how you and I would understand Giants the Giants were on the earth in those days and also afterward how where did Giants come from how do i would get giants in here when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them the Giants are the offspring the Nephilim are the offspring of demonic beings cohabitating with human women goes on and says these were the my men these were in the Hebrew the Gabor these were these were warriors these are demonic quasi human giant warriors fearsome who were evolved the man of renown so what you have is you have when the evil spirits cohabitate with women it creates Giants the Bible calls them Nephilim and you could read the story in Genesis 6 7 8 9 God judges the earth he wipes out all of humanity except for Noah and Noah and his family repopulate the earth but I want you to notice something here in in this verse the Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward in other words they were there during the days of the flood but then the Nephilim show up again a little later in the Old Testament it's very very interesting maybe you have read the Bible and you've you've come across this this story and you thought okay they're wiped out but then all of a sudden they're like well where did they come from they're back again I thought everyone's wiped out in the flood house how can they be back and this verse answers it and also afterwards so there's an angelic demonic rebellion that says God I'm not going to stay just in the spirit realm I'm gonna go cohabitate with women for the purpose of producing offspring that will be demonic warrior Giants and it happens before the flood and it happens again after the flood you said well where do you see that after the flood you see it in numbers 13 when you come to numbers 13 let me just set the stage now we're millennia couple millennia after the flood Moses remember Moses he leads the children of Israel the nation of Israel up out of Egypt and and you know there he's gonna lead them into the Promised Land and he says he says here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna take representatives from each tribe in Israel twelve of them and I want you guys to go up and spy out the land look around see how the land lay see what's there and bring back a report on the land whether it's good whether it's not good what it's like so that we know you know we can go up and take it and the spies come back and the spies say you know what the land is amazing and they talk about all the good things of the land and then they get down to the end of their report and they say you know there's just one problem and and it's a really big problem literally there are giants in the land yeah look at it however the people so it's great land great land love the land awesome land however the people who dwell in the land are strong and the cities are fortified and very large and besides we saw the descendants of anak there you say well that's how do you know that's a giant look at it in verse 33 and there we saw the Nephilim remember that name the sons of anak so the Nephilim now there's a well-known giant by the name of anak and the Bible tells us three of his sons names because Caleb who is one of the spies who believed they could take the land he kills the three sons of anak but the anak are now will be known as a people group as anakims so if you have Anna Coren akin so it says we saw they're the Nephilim we saw Giants the sons of anak who come from the Nephilim and we seem to ourselves like grasshoppers and so we seem to them we can't take the land we can't go up there there's Giants and we felt like a little tiny grass and they thought we look like little tiny grasshoppers this is a very interesting thing that you see so if we could put it this way because I'm gonna read you some other scriptures the Nephilim are the sons of anak or anak him they're also the ref fights or ref I am because there are giants in that whole region it's very very interesting now let's go to Deuteronomy chapter two and Moses is recounting before he dies the journey God took the nation of Israel on and you remember this story that the children of Israel they were afraid of the Giants they said we can't fight him and they wouldn't go up into the land and so God judge them and said you can have to spend 40 years in the desert 40 years pass and now a new generations there and and they're gonna they're gonna go up and take the land under Moses and Joshua and the Lord said to me that's Moses do not harass Moab or contend with them in battle for I will not give you any of their land you say what's happening here so as the nation of Israel is coming up to take the land of Canaan they're gonna have to go through some countries to get there and he's saying when you get to the land of Moab you're gonna have to pass through there you don't get their land don't try to battle them don't try to attack them but then it tells us a little bit about kind of their history for I will not give you their land for possession because I've given our that's the land of Moab to the people of lot those are the descendants you know a lot was there was their founder for a possession the Imam formerly lived there a people great and many and tall as the Anakim so there are giants that lived in Moab they were called the mm mirrors tall is the Anakim like be a nakum they're also counted as racing so that's another name for Giants so you could call all of these the Nephilim could be called a nakum they could be called ref em they could be called mm but the Moabites call them mmm now hold with me here cuz you're gonna set yeah I'm going to give you more names and you gonna be like what in the world is about but hang on for just a second because when it all comes together it's gonna like blow your mind okay so get ready to get your mind blown okay here we go next scripture and when you approach the territory of the people of ammon now this is another so yeah blow up you have Moab you have Ammon and I'm gonna show you a map here and it'll all make sense do not harass them or contend with them for I'll not give you any of their land and and here's what he says it's also counted as a land the land of Eman as a land of the ref him what that lands got giants in it too ref the ref him formerly lived there but the ammonites called them Zam zoom in and the people in people great many and tall as the Anakim but the Lord destroyed them before the enemy ammonites what you have is you have God wiping out the Giants in that particular case is very very interesting now Deuteronomy chapter 3 and verse 11 they're gonna go up and they go they go past Ammon and now there there's a kingdom of called the amorite kingdom led by a guy named OGG King a basin he was the last survivor of the giant red fights he's a giant his bed was made of iron and was more than 13 feet long and 6 feet wide so you're wondering how big these people are they're giants so they're big Joshua will recount aughh and say he was a remnant of the ref ìiím and here's what's interesting about this he's from baizhang patient's literally the place of the serpent in extra biblical literature you so as I mean I mean literature that's not Bible literature do you gara text it says that beings came down from heaven on the Mount Hermon when over two Batian the place of the serpent cohabitated with women and produced Giants so the pagan people understood that to have happened and in the Bible we have a record and explain nation of some of them now what happens is Moses takes care of all of the east side of the Jordan River and now Joshua's gonna lead the people in to conquer the land of Canaan and when Joshua goes in there if you read the battles and we won't take time to look at he kind of goes over here and then he goes over there and it's like it's a targeted campaign and there's certain cities where he kills everyone and burns the city to the ground there's a lot of cities where he doesn't I don't know whether you've ever asked why does he kill everybody in some cities and burn it to the ground and why doesn't he and others and let me tell you why this is important because there are people who doubt the veracity of the Old Testament and refused to believe in the biblical God because they say what a nasty God because he goes into the land of Canaan and wipes whole people groups out how can that be a God of love this answers that question because what you have is you have Joshua going in and doing a targeted campaign and the places where he's burning the city to the ground and wiping everybody out are the places where you have the Nephilim living it's a very interesting thing to look at and to watch look at it in Joshua chapter this is a summary of the military conquest and Joshua came at that time and cut off the Anakim so that's remember the Nephilim from the hill country from Hebron from deber from anub and from the hill country of Judah and from all the hill country of Israel Joshua devoted them to destruction with their cities that means he wiped them out and he didn't leave anybody alive and you're gonna read that five times in the record he does it on five different places he wipes everybody out and doesn't leave anybody alive burns the city of the ground now watch this now there was none of the Anakim left in the land of the people of Israel it was a campaign to eradicate these demonic quasi human people only in Gaza in Gath - Dodd did some remain let me just suggestion see this name gas that town gas we know the name of a giant who lived in gas what's his name Goliath look at it in First Samuel Chapter 17 then Goliath a Philistine champion from death came out of the Philistine ranks to face the forces of Israel he was over nine feet tall we just tell you this is where Goliath comes from he is one of the Nephilim he is a he is the product of a demonic union between evil beings and human women you see you see he's not the only giant that David and his forces will fight later we read in 2nd Samuel this once again the Philistines were at war with Israel and when David and his men were in the thick of battle David became weak and exhausted and ish baybeh knob was a descendant of one of the Giants and his spear he had weighed more than seven pounds I mean it's got you got to be a pretty big giant pretty strong person to have a spear and the tip of its seven pounds and then it goes on in it it says he was armed with a new sword and a corner dave is about to kill him going to the next giant we'll just kind of read through these and there was SAFF another descendent of the Giants and during another battle like gob al hainan son of jr. from Bethlehem killed the brother of Goliath of Gath and then you read on and there's a nether and they encountered a huge van with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot and 24 and all who was also a descendant of the Giants but when he defied and taunted Israel they killed him I mean now the question is what's the point some of you're like what's the point remember we're talking about spiritual warfare this was a demonic rebellion intended to thwart God's plan put it to you this way Abraham a thousand years before David five hundred years before Moses for him the Bible says the God of glory appeared to Abraham and said leave your people your father's household your people in your country and go to the place I will show you as is inheritance and Abraham makes us several hundred mile journey and he winds up where in the Land of Israel and when is there at Israel at a place called Bethel Genesis chapter 12 the Bible says this God appeared to him and God said to you and your descendants I will give this land and through you all the nations of the earth will be blessed do you know what's interesting Abraham lives in the land he's at Hebron there's no Giants there when he's there he goes around the land there's never a mention of giants but the evil spirits heard God's promise to Abraham and the evil spirits said you know what we're going to stop him watch this this is a very interesting thing give me the map here if you wouldn't mind here's a map of Israel here's Edom and there were giants there here's Moab there were giants there here's Ammon there were giants there here's the amorite kingdom here and here and this is where all the the giant with the 13 foot long bed he's there here's the land of Phyllis the Philistines there's giants there this is all desert down here so when Israel's going to come and invade the land God has given to them they're gonna go through here there's giants there they're gonna go through there there were giants there they're gonna go through there there are giants there there are were giants there there are giants there and when they go into the land there's giants here there's giants there's giants scattered throughout the land one of those giants doing there why are they there they've set themselves up look at this they've surrounded the land with demonic Giants and then they filled the land with Giants because what they're saying is God you think you're going to give Abraham the land we'll see and what is it that when the spies go up to the land oh it's a great land there's just one really big problem there are what Giants it's a very interesting thing it's are the Giants let me ask you this are the Giants of physical enemy or are they a spiritual enemy both who does Moses have to defeat to enter the land he's got to defeat demonic Giants is that a physical battle or is it a spiritual battle it's both when Joshua enters the land there are certain places that he has to focus on there are demonic Giants is that a spiritual battle or is it a physical battle it is both Joshua eradicate the Giants from the land of Israel they're only left in the land of the Philistines you go to the book of 1st Samuel and here you have Samuel this great prophet he's leading the nation God is blessing him but the people say this they say you know what we don't want you to lead us we want a king and God says to Samuel they haven't rejected you they've rejected me and so the people are petitioning for a king who is their enemy going to be from chapter 12 to chapter 31 it's going to be a group of people called the Philistines who have demonic Giants so what do the people of Israel what do they want in a king look at it will you hear it right here and finally Saul Saul's the the one who they really really want him as king son of Kish is chosen and they're asking where he's at and the Lord said he is hiding among the baggage so they found him and brought and he stood head and shoulders above anyone else and Samuel said to all the people this is a man the Lord has chosen as your king no one in all Israel is like him and all the people shouted long live the king and do you know what happened to Saul in 1st Samuel 31 he was killed by the Philistines you see there's a lesson in all of this for us there's a spiritual world and there are spiritual forces and our human nature is to just look at the physical and just to say you know what I'm gonna solve this problem physically I I got this problem I'm gonna solve it so here's what the Israelites do we're facing giants what are we gonna do better get at the tallest person we can to lead us and what happens he's killed by the Giants what's God's solution God says when you're fighting Giants the issues never going to be your height it's always going to be your heart because the person God wants is a man after his own heart because when you're a person when you understand that there's a spiritual battle when you understand there's a spiritual realm when you understand that the problems that we face aren't just physical when you understand that there are powers of darkness that are working that there are demonic beings that are set against you then you approach the battle completely differently if you want to know how David approaches the battle he's the one the man after God's own heart watch this it's it's an amazing thing David goes to fight Goliath and when he goes he says to the Philistine Goliath you come against me with the sword the spear in the javelin in other words I'm not going to be drawn in to trying to battle you merely with physical weapons because Fizz weapons will get me killed some of you are making a tragic mistake in the way you live life you look at it only through physical eyes life is spiritual and there's powers of darkness arrayed against you Paul says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers the problem is not that you can't get along with your maid it's that the devil is in their [Music] problems not your manager it's that there's enemy forces arrayed against you trying to discourage you trying to stop you trying to thwart you the problem isn't that you don't have enough money or that you need a raise or that you I mean yes on the there is a physical dimension to life to be sure but can I just say much greater much more important and much more necessary for you and I to to understand is that life at its heart is a spiritual battle David understands this yeah this isn't a physical battle I come against you in the name of the Lord we're gonna look at that because the name of the Lord when we come in the next few weeks the name of the Lord is attached to a very important angel the angel of the Lord and the name of the Lord is very very powerful David understands listen when I come against you I don't need to know how to throw a javelin better or how to how to be able to fence with you with the sword I don't need to know that as much as I need the power of the Lord on my life and when I face the Giants in my life with his power with his anointing [Applause] he says this I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied listen he sees it as a spiritual battle he sees himself as as part of God's work God's kingdom God's plan do you see yourself that way to understand there's more at stake than just you and because there is your your you've got heavens armies engaged in battle he says this day the Lord will hand you over to me and I'll strike you down and cut off your head I mean this is a young man who doesn't know how to use weaponry how does he have that kind of confidence because he understands this watch this he says today I'll give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel and all those gathered he'll will know that it is not by sword or by spear that the Lord saves for the battle is the Lord's and He will give all of you into our hands he understands that there's a battle that on his own physically he'll never be able to fight and win do you understand that I mean you may not be looking at her literal nine-foot giant but you may be looking at some I just believe this room is filled with people who are fighting Giants and we have to understand the Bible is telling us something Giants have a demonic background you said boy John I think you're really you're really stretching this look at what Paul says again in Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12 for our struggle is not against flesh and blood your battle isn't just a physical battle but it's against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms your battle may look physical but it is to the core spiritual and if you try like salt to say well they're tall so I'll be tall or they use the sword to all learn to use a sword you will lose every single time but if you like David say this is a spiritual battle I may see a physical giant I mean he may have a physical spear but I know this the battle is the Lord's and the Lord is the one who will win the battle not me with my little slingshot is he gonna use a slingshot sure he is but he knows it's not gonna be his strength or his aim that's gonna place that stone in the Giants head it's gonna be the power of the Lord guiding that rock to the perfect place to slay that giant and God will get all of the glory you're in a spiritual battle [Music] you're not wrestling against flesh and blood that's the purpose of this series is to say you have to use spiritual weapons to win a spiritual war you have to have a spiritual outlook if you're gonna fight a spiritual battle and all of life is a spiritual battle all of it [Music]
Channel: James River Church
Views: 12,852
Rating: 4.8833332 out of 5
Keywords: angels & demons, sermons on angels, sermons on demons, sermons on demonic forces, demonic forces, pastor john lindell, john lindell sermons, james river church sermons, sermon series on angels, sermon series on demons, sermons on spiritual battles, spiritual battles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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