The Spinothalamic Tract

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okay welcome back two hours to the continuing series of spinal tracts and so today we're still going to go and talk about an ascending spinal tract and attending spinal tract and this time what we're going to go through is this tract called the spinothalamic tract this time what we're going to go through is just quickly once again if this is a spinal cord segment the spinal ceramic tract is located here okay so that's the spinal for lamech tract region and so I'm what I was trying to say was in the last episode we've gone through pretty much what is a primary neuro and secondary neuron tertiary neuron and those are what those are those are the three neurons that make up the transmission signal from an ascending spinal tract can we also went through what if see lateral and contralateral and decussation means so same thing applies into these episodes and if you're not too sure go back to the feel free to go back to the last episode and have a look but now the question is what does the spinothalamic tract contain what information does it bring to the brain pain temperature coarse touch and also pressure so these are the sensory informations that I brought up through the spinal column ik tract and the reason why it's important to know all this is just so that if you know whereabouts these information are contained if you notice that a patient is lacking in these sensations you can probably more accurately say for which particular region of the spinal cord may be is is it's possibly damaged now we're going to go into it once again we've got a cervical spinal cord as well as a lumbar spinal cord over here okay we're going to start off with the parameter neuron and it brings these pain temperature cause touch and pressure sensations into the spinal block and different to the dorsal column these guys sign up straight away so these guys are pips electoral neurons which they stay on the same side they sign up straight away and what happens is the secondary neuron comes over here crosses at this region called the ventral white comma CO and Ben goes up so crosses their heads up so the two travel together and we're going to go up now into the medulla so whereabouts do they go in the middle and they follow this tract called the spinal lemon discus and we went through these little productions over here they're called the medial lemniscus whereas with the spinothalamic tract they go of this thing called the spinal the meniscus it runs really close to the medial lemniscus but not quite so goes up and over here so you see these are further back because this front part is still a medial lemniscus in the mid brain and the spinal eminence which is the one at the back okay so they come up and take a piece where is this this is same place as the dorsal column to thank God so it's still same anyplace so it's the ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus and the legs come here and the arms come here so upper limb and this is lower than legs okay and so once again this is still the somatosensory cortex and there you go that's the spider thalamic column so just a quick recap just as a summary so we've got primary in turn your primary neurons bringing sensation to the dorsal column their hips lateral and then they sign ups with the secondary neurons which decussate at the ventral white ramus and a send contralaterally through the spinal column attract up until the medulla in the medulla they ascend in the spinal lemon discus through the pons through the midbrain and then synapse at the cranial hemispheres in the ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus and then what happens is that they synapse with tertiary neurons in the thalamus and reach the somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe these tertiary neurons they send in a it's the lateral direction so yeah that's that thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and also stay tuned for more tricks
Channel: Common Rounds
Views: 78,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spinothalamic Tract (Anatomical Structure), Anatomy (Field Of Study), Medicine, Education
Id: yIoVbxyTj5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2015
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