The Spectacular Underwater World of Coral Reefs

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water the liquid that oceans are made of and it fills endless depths only few will venture   out into the endless open ocean  of this vast underwater world most of the ocean inhabitants live in the  city as it were like human societies very   close together with friendly  Neighbors and nasty cotenants while dangerous robbers lurk  around at the edge of town   to assert yourself here you have  to be equipped with all kinds of   tricks and clever strategies or lie and cheat   foreign coral reefs are the largest structures in the  world they're giant submerged metropolises   different inhabitants live in these cities a  universe with coral palaces and soaring Towers every neighborhood has a chief the entire Street  belongs to the sky no trespassing okay okay   a typical large city with all the noise and Ruckus even this little porcupine fish bleeps around  it creates this sound with its swim bladder   two small Harlequin shrimps are  nibbling on this blue sea star if someone else shows up he will catch hell another Harlequin shrimp busy  pulling a bite out of a sea star moray eels in disagreement thank you scorpion fish shuffles across the ocean floor everything and everybody makes a  lot of noise a boxer crab threatens   everybody that comes by holding  two poisonous anemones in its claws at least the anemone Reef looks  peaceful or does it the clown   fishes are having a huge squabble  who does this anemone belong to we can hardly see this fish but  he's easy to hear a crocodile fish   does this giant puffer fish hear something it's a ray that's getting away a dispute amongst the members of the cichlid   family who is stronger and  especially who is louder two Walkman fish are noisily  trying to woo a female titty noise especially when a  large structure is being torn down   but he lives in their own  way in this noisy Metropolis   some hover above it all but others are more down  to earth and literally live in the coral sand is goat fishes for example they plow through  the ocean floor and catch smaller animals   between their teeth foreign they use  their baubles like a dowser with them   they can detect even the weakest electric  fields that point them towards small prey these gobis also dredge through the  sand and feed on what they find in there there's another way of finding prey  in the sand this blue-spotted Stingray   uses its wings like shovels and there's  always a chance of stealing something while one works others just stand by and feed on  what's left over maybe a piece of crab or a muscle you have to be very familiar with  this area to find the best morsels this Triggerfish uses a strong stream  of water the fish blows away the sand   to unearth whatever is hidden inside it  others are quick to steal whatever they can the Triggerfish is a commanding fish  and most Reef inhabitants are easily   intimidated by him except for these strange  visitors that don't seem to show Fear in any case it's best to cover them up with sand foreign it's not easy for a small fish in a big city  there's always somebody with bad intentions   and you have to be extra careful not to get  swallowed like these Moon rashes for example so it's always safer for the smallest Among  The Reef inhabitants to show up in schools   it's difficult to keep an eye out for only  one little fish and as a result the Predator   often grabs blindly at nothing and comes  up empty to show up in a big mob is always   safest others are easily distracted at  the sight of so much prey all at once   this easy going giant puffer fish would never have  a chance here anyway being part of a school of   fish is always the best protection from predators  the slow ones are being ignored no danger here foreign School distributes the danger if  there are a thousand fishes any   of them can be the Target and  999 are going to be just fine but what about loners or  those that live as a couple seahorses for example camouflage themselves to  look like the coral branches they're holding on to even more difficult to see  where is the animal here only the eye betrays this  trumpet fish's camouflage foreign they do everything to not look like  themselves ornate ghost pipefishes they're Inseparable a couple the female is  already carrying eggs in her extended belly before long the male will fertilize her eggs they are still regular fishes  despite their unique costume this one looks like torn off seagrass the spiny wasp fish rocks  back and forth in the current not a monster but ingenious camouflage a spider   crab that's decorated its head with  a sponge this will deter any predator another great camouflage a  barrel decorated with rocks   only the movement of the  gills betrays this stonefish even a smack with a fin doesn't bother him the   fish knows it will not hurt him it only  shoves him a little further to the side foreign ly tough are its cousins the scorpion fishes  they lie there as if dead especially when   others around them freak out and even when  moray eels fight with lionfishes for food the scorpion fish lies in wait for  its chance and then immediately   becomes completely emotionless again foreign is that it raises its Dorsal  fins with the poisonous barbs   inside is completely still but now also armed this large anglerfish virtually Blends into  the background tangle of algaean leaves right now the anglerfish  is on high alert it ejects   a large cloud in order to throw off predators it's not the time to feed or catch  anything its angling Rod is lying   flat on the fish's back the white tip at  the end of the rod is used to lure prey the anglerfish feels threatened by  something finally it gives up its   camouflage and moves further  over using its fins to float as soon as the fish retracts the  fins it sinks to the ocean floor   anglerfishes come in all kinds of shapes  and sizes their trick is ingenious using   the angling Rod as a lure and every  curious little fish becomes dinner many animals including ocean inhabitants  communicate with a mixture of sounds and behavior   everybody has to look out for their  own Survival in this Metropolis of   ocean inhabitants but it seems maybe not  quite everybody does it by themselves the partner goby has come to an  agreement with two pistol shrimps   the Gobi keeps an eye on things while  the shrimps keep maintaining their hole larger rocks at the entrance  are ideal for securing it they're an experienced team the shrimps  keep in constant contact with the Gobi and   even massage the fish's belly the Gobi will  get nervous without these gestures from the   shrimps the pistol shrimps need a cool  and collected bouncer at their entrance foreign ERS settle with their poisonous  tentacles whoever gets caught   by those will pay for it dearly or lose their life no wonder that there is virtually  no one who likes to settle here   the little clown fishes are the only ones that  know how to deal with these tentacles they cover   themselves with the Slime of the anemone's  tentacles and are protected from the poison   the clowns are safe in here and in return  will protect their anemone as well as they   can this seems like a sensible deal but on  occasion the anemone will pull the tentacles   inside its column-shaped body which means the  clownfish's home is gone when this happens   they panic and look for another anemone  that they can hide in for the time being unfortunately this one is already  occupied and the next one as well   and this means having to fight its current owner there's much to lose for the clowns  without the anemone they can't procreate the clown fishes attach their eggs to the bottom  of the column-shaped foot of their anemone   hidden behind the poisonous tentacles   both male and female tend to the eggs  they fan fresh water on them the eyes   of the babies are already clearly visible  the clowns are very protective of their eggs it takes the two of them to protect their  offspring and only in conjunction with the anemone   thank you everybody in the reef has  to take special care of their young   if they don't it means their  species will simply die out   so it's not surprising that  everybody gives it their best effort this Triggerfish has hidden its  Offspring in a small Hollow in the   Sandy ocean floor and this means having  to constantly protect this open Egg site   on occasion they blow and fan the eggs but  mostly they keep an eye out for predators this means grave Danger one of the sea  urchins is wandering straight towards the nest   the eggs have to be protected at all costs but how  the Triggerfish seems to consider the alternatives but then it blows and then Rams the sea urchin again and again Until It Breaks the sea  urchin's guts spill out into the open a few more hits for good measure  the danger has been averted   everything else is easy two little damsel fishes cling to a coral  Branch a pretty and obviously Inseparable pair they appear to have something important to do there it is the female has been laying  eggs and glued them to a coral branch over and over again both of them  sweep past the eggs to keep them clean two very busy parents in the middle of town   not far from them the same kind of damsel fish  but this one is feeding on the eggs not tending   to them this damsel fish's priorities have changed  its partner is gone and it's impossible to bring   the eggs through by itself so it feeds on its  own eggs to at least recycle the nutrients there are many different strategies to give one's  Offspring a good start some are surprisingly easy the mass mating of the Black Sea  breams the males are so generous   with their sperm that often The Cloud of  it will engulf the entire wedding party countless couples and constantly in  motion a predator would have a hard   time to find its bearings  in this schooling Behavior the fish's instincts caused them to massmate in  order to ensure the survival of their species Cardinal fishes have their own clever  means of child protection foreign it's not time yet the couple are still   flirting and courting with each  other going around and around we'll leave them to it and take a detour to  a couple not quite as gentle with each other monkfishes live in groups and their  nests are very close to one another   foreign as a result all the fishes are  alerted to a predator nearing their nests hermit crabs love to Feast on  the eggs of the monkfishes so   the protective parents are all getting nervous the hermit crab is still far enough away  and currently busy with something else   the hermit crab's best defense is  its house that it carries around   for protection the patience of  the monkfishes is wearing thin now everyone attacks in order to  bowl the crab away from their nests they're clearly telling this hermit crab  to take a hike but they should have stayed   with their offspring because  there's new danger approaching   a gaggle of rainbow rashes takes advantage of this  unique opportunity and ravages the monkfish nests the Predators are quick brutal and in the majority  most of the monkfish eggs will be devoured an attack of this kind would never  happen to the Cardinal fishes because   they are mouth brooders and don't have  to watch over a nest that's out in the   open the males carry the eggs in their  mouths up to twenty thousand of them thank you a mobile Nursery  they're safe here in their   father's mouth unless of course he gets eaten during the night when it's  dark the danger is greatest these underwater cities have a very active  nightlife with special attractions basket   starfishes come out and sit in the current  it's a night active type of brittle star with their arms full of tiny little hooks  they filter Plankton out of the water to feed a very elegant feather star it's on the move  to find a better spot to filter plankton this Spanish dancer is even  more graceful and elegant   than the brittle Stars it's a type of nudibranch the giant puffer fish is relaxed and spends  the night dozing off on the Sandy Bottom others prefer the safety of their  quiet bedroom a surgeon fish   everybody settles in for the  night as comfortably as possible the parrot fish tucks itself away in its  mucus cocoon for protection against predators everybody's sleeping arrangements are different the poor Triggerfish has to stand guard by its  nest all night long there's no time to rest some of the Predators are quite soft-footed  a cone snail has spotted a small fish the snail is fast and the prey  disappears in the blink of an eye the night is still young and  still full of danger and Terror these lionfishes pose danger  to the Cardinal fishes lionfishes suck in their prey even if they choke on it they're hanging around waiting for their chance this poor Cardinal is sideways in  the lionfish's mouth eggs and all foreign fishes aren't the most elegant Predators  with all their attachments and frayed fins but this is all part of their camouflage  they're harder to see and blend into the   background Outside The Reef the  lionfishes hunt as a school they   drive their prey towards one another  with their fanned out fins foreign they prefer to attack from  above cornering their prey this is not a different location  just different light these special   blue lights totally change  the appearance of the reef now we can see that the coral polyps are bright   red and they clearly stand  out from their environment a new and fascinating perspective on the  communication of many ocean inhabitants   and suddenly an eruption of sorts it looks like smoke but in reality it's a   type of reproduction a Carpet  Anemone is ejecting its sperm in the blue light it looks  like a dramatic eruption a hermit crab as a magic lantern the blue light brings out these colors an entire group of lionfishes on a food foray the animals don't seem to know  any fear it seems that they're   well aware of the poison they  carry in their back spines they even use the light of our dive torches to   their advantage there's no  nightly rest to be had here with the first daylight New  Life comes into the reef City   they all seem to start going again  ponderously with armored fins as pedestrians and as light and quiet as possible mother and daughter elegant and synchronous some have to hustle along on ten legs this spider  crab runs straight into a brittle star Gathering Giant smash-up in the early morning wildly  flopping around everybody tries to get away as in every city there are also  shopping opportunities here this moray eel knows her shops well she  rushes to her favorite store every morning the same with this blue spotted  Ray but they haven't opened yet   it leans on one Finn as if to say it's waiting similar problems in a branch further up these  sweet lips are also waiting to be tended to   here they come a little late this morning  the small cleaner rashes are starting to   open their shop and are hungry they're  ready to rid their customers of parasites this Ray is also being served it  likes to have its gills cleaned   this is a barter business one side gets  cleaned the other fed a very fair deal   clown fishes seem to be excluded from  this business because they can't leave   their anemone in their case the  cleaner fishes make house calls this snake eel is also otherwise engaged and the   cleaner shrimps are also  making house calls for him finally it's the moray's turn it has a   lot of nutritious freeloaders  on its skin and in its skills foreign the cleaners leave why this Titan trigger fish is no better off the  treatment has stopped before he was finished   the cleaner fishes have new customers  clients that have never come to see   them before and they're now being preferred  over old customers the point is that these   new clients will like the service here  so much that they will come back again   the regular customers have to be patient  and wait until the new clients are finished fishes operate solely according to economic rules this guy has also come for the first  time and quite enjoys their service sometimes it's too much of a good thing though  this small black spotted puffer just wants to look   around and is not asking for a cleaning at this  time it swims away quickly and clearly annoyed foreign to go back to the regular customers  before they get impatient and leave for good digging deep where the gills are dirtiest one last time through the mouth and it's  as good as new and the teeth squeaky clean   now this male Moray can start  looking for a suitable female   foreign she is clearly not  interested in male visitors Dugout also does not look encouraging these two have already found each other a  strange pair with a triggerfish's roommate they seem to get along just fine it's  difficult to cut in as a stranger foreign it would also be well advised to  stay away from this giant triggerfish this on the other hand might be a different  situation it's important to be patient this female Moray does not seem to be  too reluctant she's showing her teeth   which is not a sign of aggression quite  the opposite she finally agrees to a date the two of them are getting to know each other  moray eels are very gentle with their mates and they're good for another surprise as  partners of a phenomenal Hunting Party thank you these types of hunting parties have  defined each other first in this big city the right place for the Moray and her partner   the more is cooperate with the groupers  it's not so far-fetched the grouper hunts   in the open and the Moray inside the reef  the Mori is able to get in between cracks   and crevices that the grouper can't  get to together they're a strong team   a grouper that's trying to convince this  Moray to hunt with him the grouper signals   this to the Moray by rocking back and  forth and shaking for all it's worth all for nothing this Moray doesn't  understand and stays in its cave next try maybe the more I will react  this time and swim with him again no luck foreign seems to understand the grouper and  is hungry the grouper tilts its head   and the Mori accepts his invitation  together they swim through the reef or a prefers to swim between the dark  Alleyways and the grouper decides it's   safer to stay on the main streets around  the reef this is not the right place the   group are expected to find scared prey  here the Moray takes a break and waits it's not going to happen this way  again another invitation to go   they continue through the  reef to another Coral Head also nothing for them here either the Mori is getting ambitious as well  now and initiates a hunt on her own she might be better at finding hunting  spots they're successful in this next   Coral head and then everything  happens very quickly the fishes   are panicked and both Hunters  are able to profit from that thank you this Coral City offers living space for Millions   many hideouts and crevices provide  protection for everybody my home is my castle while some Escape between sharp  corals others curl up in a ball foreign octopuses don't have bones  and are therefore able to change   shape their homes are usually  very tight and space-saving they like to live a bit further apart  from their neighbors because they're   not necessarily always friends with one another it might be best to put up a  wall of stones between them rival for many ocean inhabitants they can also be hideouts that  nature never intended to be there   such as this giant wreck 240 feet deep a research submarine on its way into the deep  comes across a sunken freighter it's an artificial   world with countless nooks and crevices to offer  protection and a home for many ocean inhabitants the wreck has long been overgrown  with all kinds of sea life the side   of the hull has become a living  wall made of corals and sponges sunfishes with their odd form of movement  Patrol this area they're looking for jellyfish in steerage where the current is strongest  filter feeders have found a new home such   as the sea fan corals they feed  on the tiny Plankton particles   a unit that has grown Together made of  technical man-made and organic structures even the steel anchor has grown a second skin made   of living beings it offers these delicate  creatures a solid structure to grow on   they have all made a comfortable home in this  sunken world not even the lights of the stub   disturb any of the wrecking habitants new  life has been created out of the tragedy of   this sunken ship the ingenious life-renewing  cycle of nature the morays are sharing a home   they seem to be exceptionally friendly towards one  another even with this congareal as their neighbor even the octopus Remains unharmed by the mores a unique environment made of steel that offers   many different opportunities  for ocean inhabitants to use it Even This fishing net offers  a Conga ear a place to hide the original destination of the  Saab is located a bit deeper a   picturesque underwater city full  of ancient amphora architecture an antique Merchant vessel sank here only  the clay containers once filled with Greek   wine are still visible now they offer homes  and protection to many ocean inhabitants   similar to The Reef hiding places are  essential for Staying Alive down here thank you the amphari have a very special  shape they taper towards the bottom so they   could be stored sitting upright in  a layer of sand in the hull of the   ship the amphery and their precious  contents were safe during transport spiny lobsters welcomed these types of caves Conga eels also feel safe in this mess of amphery   and shards of clay as if it was made  for them and their slender long bodies the city of amphi on the ocean floor   provides countless opportunities  to observe disappear and be unseen maybe that's why this city seems to  be very calm and orderly even when   the congareal swims above everybody's  Abode nobody panics because they only   have to withdraw slowly into their homes and  are safe the same goes for this Fork beard the conga eel's only chance to make prey down  here is to hide himself and Ambush somebody the sunfishes also don't have much luck feeding  here for the same reasons as the Congo eel on the other side of the globe the  Spencer Gulf in Southern Australia here hundreds of giant cuttlefishes meet up to   mate the rocky seabed offers great  holes and caves to hide the eggs the females are smaller than the males and seem   to be a bit shy keeping their  arms tucked tightly together thank you the males on the other hand present  every bit of themselves openly to   impress the females but also other  males that are potential Rivals when the going gets tough it's always a good  idea to hide behind the safety of a cloud of ink without much success Escape in reverse Only the strongest of them have a  chance with the females he's a winner   and courts his female by changing  his color to interesting stripes she has agreed to mate with  him and they hug tightly he   deposits his sperm package into her mantle opening   immediately afterwards she withdraws  into one of the caves on the ocean   floor in order to avoid courtship  from other males clear signal the mayor is protecting his  female from other rivals but there's always the unexpected a so-called  sneaker male tries to cut in this male is much   smaller and pretends to be another female  by acting like one very demure and shy foreign in the den he's busy chasing away other Rivals  from this new supposed female   especially now that there are two females  under his protection it can't hurt the two supposed females on the bottom below  him are getting closer to each other the sneaker   male and the female they mate in secret  under the protection of the strong male   soon as the sneaker mayor is found out it gets  dangerous for him but he has achieved what he   came for and mated with this female the beatings  are nothing compared to the glory of his success intelligent strategies and tricks are essential  for survival underwater and part of everyday life a final dive into the magical world of sharks this spot on the sandbank close to the  Bahama Islands has great attraction for   these lemon sharks they come here by the  hundreds and nobody exactly knows why foreign plateau in the middle of the open  ocean is easy for scientists to get to this experiment will show how  sharks react to their own reflection the metal mirror stands upright on the  seabed the animals that swim towards   it will see their own reflection coming  closer how will these lemon sharks react   now the researchers have to have strong  nerves things stay surprisingly calm the   foreign object is almost ignored  as if it had been there forever the Sharks either swim bastard or underneath it the scientists expected a bit more and soon  the Sharks lose all interest in the mirror some sharks even calmly  dropped to the Sea bed to rest the only ones alarmed by this Behavior  are the remoras that like to keep moving they let go of their shark and see if they  can't hitch a ride with a more active individual shark hopping this one isn't a good choice  either so they continue to yet another one all of a sudden something happens  to the mirror and the peaceful   afternoon on the sandbank changes  quickly into the complete opposite   the rope that the mirror is attached  to loosens and the mirror falls over suddenly and seemingly out  of nowhere several sharks   rushed to the mirror and show great interest in it foreign they smell and touch it  and they get more and more excited what happened all of a sudden none of the  scientists have any idea how to explain   this change in Behavior the animals that  were calm and collected only a second ago   and are completely out of their minds the  situation quickly escalates into a Mass   Attack on the mirror do they mistake  their own reflection for an opponent it's time for the divers to leave  because it's not safe anymore communication of the ocean inhabitants  continues to offer new and exciting insights   that we will probably never fully understand them foreign
Channel: Free High-Quality Documentaries
Views: 385,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free High-Quality Documentaries, HD, Full HD, Quality, ocean, language, fish, shark, Red Sea, Mediterranean, sea, diving, underwater, perches, moon fish, wrecks, communication, sounds
Id: nrI483C5Tro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 20sec (3080 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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