Ennio Morricone - The Spaghetti Westerns Music - Greatest Western Themes of all Time
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Channel: EnnioMorriconeVEVO
Views: 10,737,823
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Keywords: Ennio morricone, Ennio morricone music, greatest movie themes, spaghetti western, Faro este, Velho oeste, spaghetti western music, ennio morricone the essential, the good the bad and the ugly, the ecstasy of gold, the trio, once upon time in the west, man with harmonica, sergio leone, clint eastwood, cinema paradiso, my name is nobody, el bueno el feo el malo, inglorious basterds, fistful of dollars, debora's theme, the mission, once
Id: Q7tIqEgRwJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 57sec (5337 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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