The Sound Couple - Corporate Bliss!

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well good afternoon everybody it's the song couple bird Stacy here and it is a Tuesday so it's a little bit unique that we have a gig on a Tuesday but it seems like about we're averaging about once a year Stacy where we're getting these corporate gigs with a band that typically you wouldn't think would do as many corporate as we do but that just shows the flexibility it's a street dance band it could be a wedding band we've had a couple of those lately and it can be a corporate band so that's that's good for us because that allows us to do more different types of gigs this is a super early gig it's I think we're playing 330 to six it's for a company party we like these I'm expecting really no surprises here I talked to their facilities person I know what we're getting for power they've actually offered to lend some hands of loading in I think we're going to be able to get pretty close to the test this should be a pretty non-eventful gig but a fun game we will see you at the gig we'll see if there's any surprises hopefully not but you never know until we show up when we get there Bart I think I need to uh take a little detour before we get to our gig what do you think I'll pass that was fun at Junior High but yeah I don't think I can do any more of the uh rolling rolling side down pieces the infamous Valley Fair where actually a lot of the musicians we work with spent a lot of their Summers no it's that's true that's a good gig for a lot of people getting your getting your chops down that's for sure because it's pretty intense scheduling you you're expected to know a lot of music and I think yeah and actually I think some we've talked to it stay there and lived there for the summer not for me but good for them and yeah there it is I haven't been there 20 years probably well the most fun thing is to try to find where we're at on gigs like this so we're driving around looking for a tent uh looks like it's more of the loading dock Stacy okay um I don't wait oh boy I think we're getting to be officially lost here what isn't this isn't what I was expecting back here okay this yeah we're gonna need to find our address address here because this isn't looking promising is it this actually looks I wonder if it was that other place no that was a different company this is this is just wrong there's a lot of businesses around here I'm sure some of them in shared space but this just doesn't look we're gonna have to check double check our address in here yay we found it yep we found it I see some other speakers up there that I wonder what those are going to be for but we'll figure it out I think we can just pull right up on this path that's what I think we can do okay foreign the question is what do we put up for PA I can't see us I mean I was yeah I'm gonna be mixing over drums already thank you foreign there you go it's not that hard yet not that up there you know perfect now straighten them there you go straight there perfect now even cut it a little bit yep yep now you're perfect keep going you're fine you're fine we're watching those are just power cords they're okay now now start cutting around yep nope not that far there you go perfect straight back straight back just watch the back end there okay we did something similar to this about three years ago like right before the pandemic yeah the same stage and we set it up along the building over here okay and it's fine for room and everything but poor performers had to be in the hot sun all day and we said sure no way we're doing that again right so I think this will we the only thing we were down to a choice was to put it mid tent here or on the end shooting the whole thing and I prefer the end of the tent but I understand for people and the food and all the other stuff it's probably better this way I asked Bart about that I said no probably 100 feet away there's a concrete building wall is that going to cause you an issue and he didn't think it would like Echo right but as much as I like music I don't understand how it happens so but I do know that in like our conference rooms and meeting rooms and stuff we fight Echoes and stuff like that all the time yeah yeah it's funny where the word sounds can happen yeah because we've done like a gate up at Anoka and like they have kind of like an Amphitheater type seating in a way and boy you stand right dead center for you guys well you know it's curious because like I said I mean I I listen to and watch a lot of different music and stuff like I don't know what the performers themselves what they like prefer as far as that goes right oh yeah you know because I mean I'm sure there's pluses and minuses to all that stuff wrapping her brain a little bit of both safety sure if you don't want to leave broke to yeah we probably want it back to school back and leave space to put a tree there ready one two three okay I feel like we gave ourselves a little bit more room on this side than uh okay so are you saying we should move this one out a little bit maybe not good yep I haven't heard of sonar like this tripping hazards aside thank you that must be the year of the turtle everybody here we are at another turtle uh hopefully we won't have any issues popping any of the gfis as well it's very familiar this is the hey here's here yeah this is Stacy's Rhino which but it's a turtle we're checking out the power here that looks good it's on the high side but it's okay yeah looking good I'll just check one more fired up ASAP just to make sure that there's no problems with that these have built-in gfis so there's no need for us to GFI with our stuff or with our gfis and they already have a system plugged in over there that little system over there so I'm just doing our due diligence making sure that everything is good which I expected it to be and I'm gonna say it is but that's a nice little setup here for sure but we're moving along and I think we'll be up and ready to go and no good Stacy you got the Rhino rig hey he said it was every man for him for himself and I said hey I'm not a man you're what demand for himself can no help and I said I'm not a man he's like oh yeah you gotta hurt all right are we gonna lift this up then we are oh I don't know this is impressive instances here but okay we got it we got all the things ready one two three thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very much [Applause] foreign [Applause] all right who's in charge [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] outside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] here we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and I'm so excited to be with you today it seems like so long ago that we last were able to celebrate together a Summer Outing here in Shakopee and the sustainable facility that we I just love the fact that we have this many people here today to participate this I think we have [Music] we have a great uh series of events today from things to do to food to the band really excited to just be able to be here and spend some time with you so just again for those of you who watch the uh the business update all colleague meeting this morning just to get a giant shout out to everyone here thank you for uh delivering a strong first quarter and first part of the Year despite some pretty big challenges that we face just really makes me so proud to be part of this organization to watch what you guys are capable of when channeling so uh I hope you guys can enjoy everyone can enjoy the event today I'm really looking forward to spending some time and having all of you be here collaborate play some bags and put some food just enjoying being here so welcome thank you all that's going to give you a little bit more information about the rest of the day Stacy it's 3 16 we start in 14 minutes yes there's a lot of people in the tent right now one thing I just wanted to mention or we wanted to mention is that we're running some front ladies [Music] see us it's so they can we add a little bit of color it's kind of an overcast day uh typically for an outdoor I call this an outdoor we don't typically run lighting right but I mean outdoor meaning two 3 30 to 6 p.m yeah 3 30 to 6 p.m but we're doing it to add a little color again we have the Luminaire we're just running it on the uh MacBook Pro like we I think we've shown before that's a subscription we already paid our 100 bucks for it so we better get some use out of it just doing some front lighting they got their speakers here and we're just gonna leave them up there we'll turn them down before we play we're using those first features and stuff so it was nice that they recognized that from that they just didn't assume that we were going to do it even though we could have but the fact that they they just took it on themselves it's always appreciated that we're recognized for our time and our resources so that was good but we'll get some footage here once the band starts thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] you've done this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] this is nothing here [Music] forever me please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh okay [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] well it's 6 35 we're ready to load out but we're getting held up here a little bit I don't want to be driving in a spot that we weren't designated to drive or authorize pre-authorized to drive in priors want to go on our same path but until this moves they're in a little bit of a up they're clear hopefully we'll be able to pull up we got Stacy standing way over there waiting waiting you wait we wait all right now my question for you is this you're packed up and leaving and oh I think I can get it we'll get it on the other side the drummer is still here curves curbs curves curves [Music] for cheese curds we didn't get any but we got some good ice cream at least I thought it was good sorry Adam well there he is so long beating the drummer we are done with the gig and I think to get well we think the gig was a success the band did great and I know we we talk about it a lot but once again the in-ears we didn't have to do a sound check we just did line checks I had my headphones on we did have a little bit of issue with some with the drums getting those wired upright but we did it all in silence nobody knew anything nobody knew any differently at the end of the night the the client was extremely happy the people there had a good time you know it was a carpet thing you don't expect like uh people to be up there but they actually they were dancing a little bit yeah that was fun yeah I think if the maybe if the beer truck was flown a little bit longer and and all of that I think that had the feeling that that could have been quite the party another example two things another example of in-ears just win-win-win number two uh a band being able to adapt which this band can do very well they could do corporate they can do weddings weddings they could do casinos and dances Street dances bars we got some bars coming up with them and the results are is they're busy they're working all the time they're working everywhere that's what they want to do but the most important thing is they're adaptable they play a wide variety of Music we adjust to our environments and it just yeah it's it's a win-win-win-win for everybody it was a great day we got more gigs coming up with them in the future and we got more gigs with them and other bands as well and that we'll share with you guys so thanks again for watching well hey can I say something oh you want to say something okay go ahead I just want to say that particular type of gig the best part for me was the ease because we had just had the two lights and the system and that was it I mean we were torn down and packed up in 20 minutes yep that was yeah we'll take those any day so all right stay sign off for the sound couple we will see you at the next gig foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: The Sound Couple
Views: 19,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ySlEIVv4460
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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