The Sopranos - People who got under Tony Soprano's skin

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uncle junior is my father's brother that's the one good guy just getting old cranky used to take me to yankee games when i was a kid i love my uncle at the same time when i was young he told my girl cousins i would never be a varsity athlete and frankly that was a tremendous blow to my self-esteem we got fresh air we got sunshine we got a beautiful day forget about that [ __ ] thank god for golf some days trying to concentrate here so did you get any golfing down and poke uncle joe [ __ ] manners please so you play uh manatee or what's that another one will you let the man tea off you yup worse than six bobbers if you to shut up doing that game against mountain lakes you wouldn't have missed that [ __ ] fly ball i was ashamed to face my friends good mikey better what do you mean better well you know it's better you're my uncle you want to deal drugs at your business you do it on association garbage which it's my [ __ ] business it stops today you got it don't give me your [ __ ] manson lamps just [ __ ] stop another thing don't tip a truck on a problem customer you know i [ __ ] hate the way you make me [ __ ] ride you i get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] municipalities went private so now we've been on a landfill down in west virginia started reading the epa's new guidelines on curbside recycling telling you listen i'm telling you just listen to me guys i got it right through the transfer station and listen to this it scaled out at nearly 3 000 tons 3 000 [Music] times about instituting a yard waste ban in half the states on the eastern seaboard oh my god tony call an ambulance oh my god tony i gave my life to my children on a silver platter i suppose not you're not gonna kiss me what you're cruel that's what you are oh [ __ ] this [Music] all right let me get the [ __ ] out of here how's junior he's gonna be all right tell him using our prez etc i'll be sure and let him know one other thing though john said he went to a cookout at your house yeah don doesn't wear shorts all right come on come on elevators okay so anthony how'd you guys do against delbon last season not so good we lost both times it's a line coach star ledger says doug mars is going to be even tougher this coming year with that chinese kid your father never had the makings of a varsity athlete oh what the what the hell's with you what it's not true i let it in football you never played college ball college those guys from seton hall were seven feet tall some of them an academic leave anyway small hands that was your problem yeah daddy always said that that's not the point what is it with you and his obsession with this varsity crop the other day you said it when i was a kid you told the girl because it's the same thing it was very hurtful tony relax it's not a big deal it's undermining and it's the kind of stuff i'm teaching my kids not to do so i don't want to hear it again end the subject honey pass me the record please hello [Music] hi sorry we're late the tappan zee was a nightmare yeah checking the trucks again well sit down and dig into this medley uh pastas that john has whipped up how you doing uncle june i don't like tardiness let me unwrap these this looks great thank you so coming down i heard on the radio looks like the jets are gonna grab that kid from tulsa that tight end we still get those season tickets big brother all i know is you never had the makings of a varsity athlete oh [ __ ] of a [ __ ] what did i just tell you not to say that again say what you don't like the way i talk get out of my house here we go tony no tony [ __ ] get your coat we're leaving i don't have a coat when i get moving god damn it well someone please tell me what's going on it's my last sunday dinner here that's what's going on uncle june was that really necessary he's a goddamn hothouse flower that's his problem
Channel: borko
Views: 190,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sopranos, Tony Soprano, The Sopranos best scenes, Junior Soprano, The Sopranos varsity athlete, The Sopranos Livia, The Sopranos Richie Aprile, The Sopranos Bobby Bacala, The Sopranos Janice, The Sopranos Carmine Lupertazzi, The Sopranos Johnny Sack, The Sopranos funny, The Sopranos jokes, The Sopranos new, Borko Sopranos
Id: Imh75XrUpho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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