The Sopranos Best Moments And Quotes (Season 3)

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you tell me what the help no age driving over here I was thinking about how it's gonna handle this and working on my anger lately so I figured it'd be good if I could just quietly say any kind of problem you got financial or otherwise you know you come directly to me please leave come out of the [ __ ] out of it you know like that of course then I saw the Cadillac the money I give you you're driving a Cadillac and you're looking for more shut the whole plane remember this you see my wife you talk about oven cleaner anything else you come to me but think twice before you do there was a fat [ __ ] husband of yours and what he did to you him not me listen I'll save you some gas I'm just going down to the stationary store then I'll be right back you don't got to follow me like yesterday hi what the [ __ ] you're doing lunch is ready wash my hands you just wash your head then I tied my shoes so what I can't stand put your [ __ ] shoelaces never gonna tie your shoes and you'll notice the end your laces are wet come on why would they be wet I got no [ __ ] idea you go to public bathrooms you stand at the urinals oh [ __ ] come on with yours asking me out telling and frankly it's important even if the lace is dry and even if you don't touch the body the shoe bacterium virus migrate from the soul of your average man [ __ ] ass is a [ __ ] sewer you look at ladies John's you're gonna make more warm than ice cream from the toilets Hey there's exceptions but a men's hey piss all over the [ __ ] floor urinals Jim with cigarettes and mothball cakes and they can pull all the [ __ ] and I say one time there my friend it does nothing kill germs even if you keep your shoes tied and you're not dragging your laces through urine oh shut the [ __ ] up who wrote the star-spangled banner Martin Luther King Francis Scott Key Porter what were you much what holiday was celebrated for the first time by the American colonists Martin Luther King they [ __ ] made me but on your application of Columbia you didn't check Jewish did you know they can't ask about religious affiliation all right of course would you check african-american so we do understand each other your bitch'll excuse me uh charcoal briquette a [ __ ] what's your problem I think you know what my problem is you see a little friend up there she didn't do you any favors bringing you into this house no I don't know what the [ __ ] she was thinking we'll get to that later yeah what are my sister's ever brought home a [ __ ] butterhead you know my old man with dope did you say something to Noah you're smart you'll keep walking down those stairs well you didn't hear me maybe if I say in Swahili my daughter brought home a black they were on a couch watching TV snuggling and she went upstairs and I had a frank conversation with buckwheat you know I told him to stay the [ __ ] away from my daughter AJ cheerleaders any hotties huh there's no cheerleaders for freshman ball e you're a captain Ralphie when I say you were captain and I'm gonna turn up my hearing aid so I don't miss it what your father never cut off anybody's pinky you got your favorite Santa Barbara off leave me the [ __ ] alone hold this from a slice I got a goal [ __ ] [ __ ] go for the touchdown I need another [ __ ] five points to cover the spread Oh what'd dad say Anthony would you go downstairs and wait for me I would like to talk to your sister oh I know what he said go this [ __ ] is gonna be sorry she ever [ __ ] with me I think you're drinking and dialing I can smell the vanilla Stoli from here because soprano is very high up if he was just some button man you wouldn't be treating him Elliot please halt with the terminology not a stick a shish kebab up your ass World War two generation and their music is exemplified by MA what the [ __ ] are you kidding you're gonna sell him on the Internet ja ja this young buck he'll [ __ ] your wife until she moans [ __ ] Sam monkey on 17 he's holding out on us yeah Ginny sack told Gabriella she needs a bigger house jenny sacrimoni what she needs is her own zip code Jersey's a small State she moves in she could tip it over I like a woman you can grab on to something you grab on to ginny sacrimoni your [ __ ] hands all disappeared she's so fat her blood type is ragu she's so fat she goes camping the Bears have to hide their food when Ginny hauls ass she's gotta make two trips whoo guys can [ __ ] at the same time and still never me Oh Johnny Jesus what you the guy look like well I don't get how long I need 200 hours for November to put my student account you don't talk to me for weeks but my money's still green [ __ ] Do You Know Who I am do you know who my brother is mother what what did you say mother [ __ ] African Americans go to Colombia dad some of them are my friends friend my ass under a blanket on my couch watching television with his shoes off will you strength and honor scotch and soda yeah well John awaited avoir maybe you should explore your own behavior maybe you pass out because you're guilty over something maybe the fact that you stick your dick into anything with a pulse you ever thought of exploring that as a root cause every nice it's very nice mm-hmm it's incredible it's like people who smoke their whole lives and then they sue the cigarette companies when they get cancer I'll forget it this is [ __ ] ridiculous right to sit there silence anger and then you pass out and you blame the rest of the [ __ ] world you're both very angry yeah you must have been at the top of your [ __ ] class Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] God how you doing that new shoes so a little heavy do you know why I stopped you sir yeah I do I'll tell you what why don't you and your wife have dinner on me and you could tell her about it you believe this [ __ ] - this [ __ ] smokes actually waiting me up stay in the car Tony moment of action [ __ ] he's gonna be a vegetable time [ __ ] [ __ ] oh look at the bright side wasn't that smart to begin with lung cancer oh [ __ ] Bunnel another toothpick what the hell kind of way is that to talk about a sick person my [ __ ] is wrong with you we're try to have a meeting here Oh two minutes he's in charge he's [ __ ] Lee Iacocca worried about my father he can't do this it's been retired for seven years what's this we're in the Navy all right obviously you told a cop you don't know who did this I'm upset but please I had to keep my mouth shut unless of course his slimy sandwich around hey I had a helper wafted toilet he's so weak you're shut the [ __ ] up with the toilets wait a minute let this one in here Oh Wolfgang [ __ ] you better be good tonight girl you're [ __ ] huh best hostess I ever had this piece of [ __ ] steals her away oh come on huh huh come on he knows I'm breaking his balls good seriously no I'm you hire a food taster you don't want to [ __ ] with his chef my friend what you think you're only one of those how to swing a meat cleaver [ __ ] you Teddy Roosevelt gave an entire speech once with a bullet lodged in his chest some things are a matter of duty are we gonna grow if we don't take risks going into business with the gangster isn't a risk that is a guaranteed disaster does seem a little extreme but hey my man Joe Koontz he knows what he's doing at glad I have your [ __ ] approval whatever you say Cappy product brandings beginning with the letter V make people think of vagina it's just you know me send in an old man what's he gonna do gum the guy to death you should let me do it I'll take this guy apart of the joints with him conscious he old man I don't know what you look like like an old [ __ ] man I don't know what your problem is but you've had a hair across your ass all week her bike was stolen from outside the library two weeks ago the tennspeed did you lock it up they used bolt cutters some black guy from the neighborhood one of the other kids saw what did I say anything black guy Marga night Tony it's just you know I can't believe it what is it my fault you're twice as likely to be robbed by a black is so [ __ ] racist happens to be a fight good now you got something you can rat me out about in therapy hello anyway so when it opens we are so there you and me oh you excited to see me but try to control yourself VIP work VIP prices it's 50 bucks to me plus a blow job later on oh look at that it's like an ad for a [ __ ] weight loss center before and way before I have come to reclaim Rome for my people I don't get it what do you mean [ __ ] gladiator yeah [ __ ] or the movie I didn't see it an ass hey baby I was wondering where you work Oh [ __ ] kiss me how many cops you suck tonight skip I [Music] where's Tanya Deniz weasel greased OH you keep right is he Rafi they're gonna find this piece of [ __ ] in the trunk something I'm running ragged here I wanted to work 18 hours a day I could get a job at Denny's like they'd [ __ ] hire room what are you crying keep it up buggy some cry back [Music] what's the braces honey I'm pregnant it's Ralphie's by glitch I don't know what to do he acts like he doesn't give a [ __ ] Jevon think he's not active rage your situation you need another kid like you need a [ __ ] hole in the head so you think I should get an abortion believe me but Ralphy is the father you be doing this kid the next regeneration is a favor this is a great gladiator movie look at Kurt Douglas his [ __ ] head they didn't have flat tops in ancient Rome and mind your [ __ ] business Ralph away that the walls are concrete is coaching to me and we're one of my [ __ ] balls you little [ __ ] do you'll pay what you owe that shaved [ __ ] of yours belongs to me you understand hey college boy huh school good you know back in the books almost Dean's List what's this almost give me his name no more almost it's a boy will name him after me it's a girl we'll name it tracee after you this way she can grow up to be a [ __ ] sucking slob just like a mother oh you're gonna be on that school bus to DC tomorrow you all packed and paid for and you're gonna pay attention you're gonna learn something for a change we're going to FBI headquarters so that's all they haven't Kings these days balsamic balsamic balsamic my mother never heard about Simon me you say sign I signed you tell me to take a crap on a deck of the Queen Mary an hour later they're hosing it down with disinfectant whole issue of u.s. news on seniors and help bring somebody with you to the doctor's it said somebody they asked questions you asked one dumb [ __ ] question about my diet you could have called now everything's cold father schwate invented microwaves for inconsiderate husbands I was there with georgette he filed me into the ladies room and he acted Oh wife contour get the [ __ ] out of my sight [ __ ] [ __ ] bad in the [ __ ] bathroom [ __ ] he's a sick [ __ ] he was sniffing her [ __ ] panties what you heard me you should have that girl's panties they told you that [ __ ] baby gotta apologize hey I'm not apologizing you had a line he's gonna marry the girl for Christ's sakes as of the wedding day anything that touches a [ __ ] is off-limits [Music] if you're gonna lie to me tell me there's a Broadway turn the car wants a tongue my balls well you don't got enough on your plate I mean in your blender you were gone a long time when he White Castle did you have I didn't I swear I can smell them you come with me to listen and ask questions Anthony is a [ __ ] hair away from owning all of northern Jersey and I am that [ __ ] hair yeah let's two pricks alter the hostage she's Italian choose your better food you're not even married yet you're dipping at the who is already for you titanium I use one they did 10 yards to my drives thanks but I really can't accept them anyway what am I gonna do with it I already got one in mr. Williams here you don't play right still be the [ __ ] game wait a min suck my dick [Music] let's wipe this [ __ ] would be done with another time Anthony [ __ ] turns his back on the boss dad I couldn't believe look at the purple of his [ __ ] head you think I'm afraid of that fat [ __ ] no offense need you to call Rosalie and cancel with them Thanksgiving why just do it alright enough for this Jetson [ __ ] they've gone over to mr. spacely's house for dinner you won't know what I'm interested in men's fashion not the [ __ ] part of it Bob Hamman is Turkey I had a shoving trump stick up his ass I'm telling you John he's not leaving me a lot of options here don't talk crazy want to commit suicide pills are a lot easier but she was a [ __ ] Tony no I want to talk about that situation ever again with anybody he's reserved you that in Israel got called up god Bless America huh did she call your emergency number no that's not the point Elliot oh these [ __ ] interruptions Ralph er uh not yet oh my given call please let's just enjoy the quiet huh it's pastoring it's part of the game [ __ ] the game he's going down Oh what are you [ __ ] stupid coming in here talking to me like that I don't give a [ __ ] anymore and he's drifts I should be down in Boca draya's it's like the [ __ ] Amazon jungle in here I thought you're gonna ask my advice about Ralph Cifaretto when Danny touch what else do I have left what the [ __ ] you lookin at call 9-1-1 hey there are worse ways to go even still on the pisciadood pretty [ __ ] your Millie ate all good questions great it's the [ __ ] answer who says there is one that's what being a boss is you steer to ship the best way you know sometimes it's smooth sometimes you hit the rocks in the meantime you find your pleasures where you can did you [ __ ] yet my body is mad right yeah what did you [ __ ] it yet she's cleaning for me man haha you even [ __ ] yet look at the ring your father gave me I already saw it I was gonna wrap it but it's wasteful to the environment the matrix I haven't seen it yet right up our alley please the [ __ ] Oh when I took it over you could use a little of make this place in the 21st century yeah it's like permanently 1987 in here God there try Kings nobody misses the extra point so they had the one little kick and now I'm ruined no bitching with me hmm that's with your head no over it huh don't tell me you were happy when she was going out with that the Jamal Ginsberg the seated homeboy his pie was found at a crime scene I [ __ ] I never hurt nobody come again sir you don't find any bacteria in here kids broke into verbum dei high school broke things they left us there now you tell me their names I go put my foot over - I got it on me right now I find it these bastards up amazing thing about snakes is that they reproduce spontaneously what do you mean they're both male and female sex organs that's why somebody you don't trust you call a snake how can you trust a guy who can literally go [ __ ] themselves with geologists don't you think that expression will come from the Adam and Eve story when the snake tempted Eve to bite the Apple hey snakes were [ __ ] themselves long before Adam and Eve showed up T my sister was a Buddhist she's a whack-job see you later what was that oh that was my hard-on no snakes can [ __ ] themselves little still hey Jackie jr. took her to the city to see Aida I eat her a big man God kept dreaming you want something food no we're just gonna talk Oh high level she went to Morocco who is she bada bing crosby you vilify a man behind his back and then you smile in his face your wife her ass may be improved Aarti but is it the designata drive me no you're the dancer gonna get it right no no no yo yo yo nah and Porter Martin right yeah yeah that's a go come on Oh [ __ ] hole you're right what are you talkin about you want to play Santa Claus at the party this year no I can't do that why not I don't know I don't know how Oh what's a No yes and what they want for christmas you get my nice toy and that's the end of it nah not me I can't yes you can I can't why not I'm shy the boss said his family told you you're gonna be Santa Claus you're Santa Claus so shut the [ __ ] up about get the [ __ ] out of here we're - who gives a [ __ ] well metal think she'd still be going out with the Oreo cookie if it wasn't for me grant did I get most of my information from the movies and Bill Curtis but I was thinking [ __ ] talking - stop [ __ ] interrupting [ __ ] is wrong with you [ __ ] you Tom the matter with you [ __ ] with you you would trust here I wasn't not yeah you are you are my lap five minutes ago no I wasn't yes you are now you're going on Santa's listen you get nothing oh I'm sorry sim that's better I love that cut sucker like a brother and he [ __ ] me in the ass it was a rat bastard cousin how about giving me some the Russians they're not all bad how about the Cuban Missile Crisis [ __ ] moved nuclear warheads into Cuba pointed him right at us that was real I saw that movie I thought it was [ __ ] huh KGB open up we didn't wake you did we or the other 30 people who live here look at a [ __ ] TV stereo DVD the foots this universal remote universal remote probably wiped your wrists barehanded till you came to this country [ __ ] Silvio you want the [ __ ] here [ __ ] you come to my house why'd you call me things are going good between me and comm you said so yourself it's all predicated on a lie predicated on my ears what's the difference much as I love my wife being with Gloria makes me happier than all your Prozac and your therapy [ __ ] combined hey yeah I can get sheep keep battling I'll put one in your head [ __ ] your [ __ ] mother your SAP will be our suka shut up we still don't winter Sonia hard now no uncle Armenian yet you're for yourself loc but you have you the guy you're looking for is an ex-commando he killed 16 chechen rebels single-handed get the [ __ ] out of here nah he was with the interior ministry guys I've got a Russian window ray you're not gonna believe this it killed 16 czechoslovakians guy was in a theory a decorator this house looked like [ __ ] could be him out there stalking us what what is Huck you're just gonna come over here and [ __ ] me you know what another time for this [ __ ] oh now you're gonna leave your lowlife pizza [ __ ] get over here where you going one time we went huntin suicide said bear left so he went home [ __ ] [ __ ] as you well know I cannot discuss another patient what if I don't you an extra five oh shut up by your own window I don't want to smell your piss [ __ ] you what did you say you heard me now might be polite got your kid [ __ ] you Paulie captain or no captain right now with just two [ __ ] lost in the woods was eyes a deep complicated I said deep you said complicated you said dark I spit it out whenever I bring her up you get this weird push and then you ask me did she seem happy like maybe she's not or did she remind you with somebody with that weird puss on like you don't like it ah mo for whatever the [ __ ] you call our relationship she's complicated I said complicated dark you said I should have eyes a duck he had balls and bigger than Irish broads ass where the [ __ ] do you get off this immigrant alcoholic [ __ ] probably HR Oh God slashes my tires and you're the [ __ ] ER to call my life into question she wouldn't do it I slept the piss out of her last time here it comes yeah when do you think that you could treat me like some stupid [ __ ] goombah housewife you think I'm gonna let some [ __ ] [ __ ] all over me just cuz he buys me some ridiculous gaudy [ __ ] ring but uh don't go don't go I'll call your wife would you say I'll go to Columbia that's how you thought about it Oh dummies area ah boner fraud you shut the [ __ ] up you're gonna make him in an artery he's gonna [ __ ] my mother I don't give a [ __ ] what you say you're never gonna convince me here the higher good is the good of the core as General MacArthur said in his farewell address at the point the Corps the Corps the Corps let us go to Columbia for chrissakes must be some kind of a professional woman like you a psychiatrist and after listening guys like me whine all day I got here first [ __ ] you're late well come on I can be on time well you'll be stupid seven hey Saddam hey look like a total jerk-off he took the old man for Dante in a funeral detective film on front seats Essex County Sheriff's Department you're under arrest for violation title 2c chapter 37 section two of the New Jersey Penal Code promoting gamma every [ __ ] Super Ball at DIA grabs a few popcorn headlines yeah good last year I made bail so fast my stoop was still warm when I got on all right come on Jesus Christ you told me 11:00 o'clock I'm sorry sorry that's all I hear Sean you look Julia don't you I'm sure in certain hope of the rest I had a pain a picture he was killed by some fat [ __ ] see-through socks take your pick they all look alike bad day mmm kid was always a dump [ __ ] though wasn't he didn't you almost drown in three inches of water look I'm not back in ten minutes they call the cops standard operating procedure here's some standard operating procedure stay the [ __ ] away from Tony Soprano shut the [ __ ] up and listen it's over babish over and done you call or go anywhere near him or his family and they'll be scraping your nipples off these fine leather seats and here's the point to remember my face is the last one you'll see not Tony's we understand each other it won't be cinematic
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,762,181
Rating: 4.6436009 out of 5
Keywords: The Sopranos, Best Moments, Best quotes, top quotes, favorite moments, top moments, Tony soprano, compilation
Id: 6krZH6FTjbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2016
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