The Sonic Unleashed Iceberg Explained!

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sonic unleashed it's one of the most controversial games put out by the blue blur that still somehow manages to have a very loyal fan base so today i want to test just how loyal that fanbase is with a sonic unleashed iceberg if you're living under rock i'm going to explain what an iceberg is so basically at the top of the iceberg i'll tell you some facts and information that is well known however as we go deeper into the iceberg we will slowly uncover the more obscure facts about sonic unleashed i tried my best to find the best facts about sonic unleashed and i'm very confident that i'll teach you at least one interesting thing about the game so without much else to say let's get right into the iceberg [Music] the boost was a gameplay formula that was introduced in the sonic rush series when it came to making sonic unleashed sonic team want to make something revolutionary to combat the failures of sonico so they decide to translate the boosting gameplay formula from sonic rush into 3d and that is how we got sonic unleashed believe it or not this was the most praised part about sonic unleashed most people genuinely found this part of the game to be very enjoyable it was so fun that sonic team brought the formula back for the next two mainline games honestly the boosting gameplay clearly deserved the praise it got i mean it's absolutely amazing the werehog was a transformation that sonic enters when it becomes nighttime and sonic unleashed the werehog is the most controversial part about this game for a multitude of reasons those reasons can be anything from the design of the character to the longer levels unfortunately unlike the boost the werehog was not well received and actually brought in quite a bit of hate towards sonic however as the years have passed the werehog has gained its fans but it's still not very respectable yet when sonic unleash released it was met with some pretty poor reception one review that was very infamous inside the sonic community is the sonic unleash review by ign when seeing the review it's clear that the reviewer was completely confused and understood nothing about the game like sure you can think that sonic unleash is not a good game but this review was just terrible this really shows when he gave sonic unleash a lower score than sonic 06 and why that stupid is self-explanatory considering that this game was meant to be a comeback after sonico6 it's pretty sad to see this game get torn apart whether you like the game or not sonic unleash brought in a new sonic model that was then carried through the series for a while you know the design the iconic modern sonic model that has a million renders made out of him but let's be honest the model looks awesome and iconic and that's why they kept it [Music] [Music] in the united states we know this game has sonic unleashed however in japan sonic unleash actually goes by the title sonic world adventure this is very interesting because sonic world adventure pretty much describes the entire game while sonic unleashes throwing the werehog aspect at you i don't know which one i prefer more but i will say this the world adventure box art looks so good as a poster if you guys can get me a poster for that i would pay for it i want one so badly but i can't get one like seriously you cannot tell me that you're not looking at this right now and imagining it on your wall it just looks so good the unleashed project was a mod for sonic generations which ports all of the sonic unleashed daytime stages into sonic generations so basically you're playing an edited version of the daytime stages from sonic unleashed for lots of people this is the main way to play sonic unleashed either way whether or not this is your way of playing sonic unleashed you have to respect the amount of hard work and love that was put in this project if you haven't tried the project i recommend you go play it because honestly it's probably the best sonic mod out there it literally ports half of another game do i need to say more the meta era is an era of sonic where there is terrible writing terrible goofy jokes and low budget games there are many people who consider sonic unleash to be the beginning of this era and all i have to say to that is [ __ ] you sonic unleashed is far from the meta era the writing actually has impact because the characters are not one note writing and yes the game has some goofy moments but they are actually charming in this game unlike the meta era games i can see the comparison because of the goofy moments but really the way i see it sonic unleashes everything that the meta era wants to be so in conclusion sonic unleashes definitely not in the meta era [Music] here is the sonic unleash logo looks pretty normal right well think again because this logo has actually seen some short-lived controversy back in 2008 why was this logo controversial well because of the weird gap between the in and the eye why is there a big gap here but not in any of the other sonic logos many other people have had the same question but thankfully was answered in an interview with takashi zuka he said it was a design choice and that we should take a closer look into the gap so that's actually why i'm in photoshop right now if you zoom really far into the gap you will actually find the logo of today's sponsor skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creators with skillshare you can learn new skills or sharpen up the skills that you already have as i've stayed in the previous sponsor i just recently switched to premiere pro for editing and the class advanced video editing with premiere pro 2020 by jordy van put really helped me get things rolling i mean you can learn so much from skillshare you can learn animation creative writing film and video fine arts graphic design illustration music all of these are important for the sonic community i've seen a lot of people create some beautiful things also skillshare was made specifically for learning meaning that there are no ads and they are always launching new premium classes so you can stay focused on wherever the creativity takes you finally the first 1000 people to click the link in the description will receive a one month free trial of skillshare premium i highly recommend you guys check that out because it's one month for free come on guys you can sharpen up your skills easily with this service go check it out eggman land is one of the best callbacks to a previous sonic game that we have ever gotten ever since sonic adventure 1 eggman has always been claiming that he will eventually build eggman land and guess what he actually built the place eggmanland also lived up to expectations very well with daunting visuals hard difficulty and a long length of stage eggman land is an interesting level because this level is hated by a lot of fans because of the difficulty in camera overall though it's really cool to see a nice throwback even if it does kill you a couple thousand times a sonic unleash pc port is something that sonic fans have been waiting for for a very long time however for some reason sega just won't port the game we don't know why they just won't board it man they have given us zero reasons and i'm starting to lose hope i will give you so much money if you port this game i will literally shower you but they're not gonna listen to me and i'm just gonna say it here this game isn't getting ported hopefully what i said ages horribly but honestly i don't think it will the user interface of sonic unleash was a bit different in the beta version of the game it looked very simple and it was very out of place it didn't look sonic unleashed like you know what i'm saying i'm glad they changed the ui before the game came out because i really don't like the beta ui i'm sorry if you like it that's cool i don't [Music] jason griffith was the voice actor for sonic the hedgehog and sonic unleashed he is a fan favorite voice actor and many fans today still consider him the one true sonic however in sonic unleashed he has had a bit of a different experience not only did he do sonic's voice he also did the werog's voice and apparently that caused some major strain on his throat to the point where he was fed soup just to get through a recording session on top of that jason griffith voiced a random character that was professor pickles assistant and i gotta tell you this is the funniest performance i've seen in a while kidnapped it was a little bit before the tremors hit this old man showed up with a and a and a whole pack of robots they carried poor professor pickle off lab data and all it can't be that sure sounds like eggman during early development for sonic unleashed the game was originally planned to be sonic adventure 3 because sonic team felt that this was the one true way to come back from sonico6 but not long after development started they decide to not make the game an adventure game and instead to make it its own thing and that's how sonic unleash came to be honestly i'm glad that sonic unleashed was its own thing because i love this game to death however i think sonic team had the resources and they definitely had the budget to make sonic adventure 3. and if they did that i feel like sonic team would be in a much better place right now just imagine sonico 6 being followed by sonic adventure 3 that had the budget of sonic unleashed you can't beat that reality oh well i really like how sonic unleashed turned out and i wouldn't have it any other way the chip bracelet is something that is left behind after chip restores himself back into the earth at the end of the game sonic puts a bracelet on his wrist this was seen as an iconic ending to the game but unfortunately the chip bracelet never shows up again in the future i guess chip really didn't matter that much to sonic because i don't know where that bracelet is overall though it is pretty disappointing that this was never explained and i understand that the chip bracelet isn't going to be on sonic's model in every game i'm perfectly fine with that honestly i think sonic would look a little bit weird if he had the chip bracelet in every single game but i mean they could have at least given us some kind of line of dialogue that says something like sonic left on his nightstand or something i don't know anything many years after sonic unleashed was released sonic fans have come to realize that maybe the game isn't as bad as they say it is in fact some sonic fans will even go far enough to say that the game is their favorite in the whole series an example of one would be me i made a whole video essay on why i love this game so much that you can watch down below the positivity of sonic unleash has gotten to the point where an article has been written about the random growth in supporters that the game now has it's so nice to see sonic unleash get the love that it so desperately deserves especially after the torment that i received in its past there is a popular rumor that's going around about how sonic unleashed source code was lost this would explain many things like why sonic team won't port the game so that solves it right i guess this is the reason why sonic unleash one get ported right well whenever i see this argument i ask one simple question proof and that's when you come to find out that there is zero evidence to support this i'm not saying that it's not true but if you're going to throw out a claim like this i expect some kind of evidence to go along with it but there is literally nothing people are just throwing this out here and there's nothing to sport it not a single bit of evidence where did this rumor start how did it start i can't tell you so at the end of the day we will never know if this rumor is correct unless sega directly tells us which they want or if they port the game to current hardware which kind of proves that it has a source code still so if you couldn't tell sonic unleash has a massive budget you can especially see this when looking at the cgi cutscenes because there are multiple of them in one game on top of that you can find more cgi cutscenes with the in-game collectibles that you find if that still wasn't enough cgi for you there was a cgi reveal trailer and a cgi advertisement called night of the living werehog that has a lot of love put into it the amount of cgi for this game was crazy you could really see that slime team want to apologize for psycho 6. it's even more crazy when you consider the fact that this game has an overabundance of cgi while the later games in the series are lucky to at least get one cgi cutscene well i guess times have certainly changed i don't know sonic unleashed is a term given to the nintendo wii port of sonic unleashed the reason why this game is on the iceberg is because there is many people who are not fully aware of the fact that the wii version of the game is completely different from the hd version on xbox and playstation unleashed is entirely built up from the ground up as an entirely different video game but at the end of the day when people are talking about sonic unleashed they're usually talking about the hd version you wanna know why that's because the hd version is in fact superior i would say sorry but i'm not sorry sonic unleashed java was a mobile port of sonic unleash that was also an entirely different game built from the ground up except this time it looks pretty bad i mean i've never played the game so maybe it's the best game ever made but as far as i can see it doesn't look that fun so yeah psych unleash java hooray the whistling is something that blew my mind when i first found out about it remember this one cgi reveal for sonic unleashed [Music] well the full version of the whistling in that cgi trailer can actually be heard in an alleyway in spagonia at night time if you walk over to this point on the map you can hear a man showering while whistling the full theme also by the way the reason why you see low quality footage is because this was the video that popularized the easter egg this video was uploaded all the way back in 2010 it's so crazy to me that the developers put something as little as this into the hub world little things like that is one of the reasons why i love sonic unleashed the world just feels so alive the humans are gone is referring to how sonic unleash is the last sonic game to feature humans in sonic's world after this game not a human in sight as azuka has stated apparently sonic switched from the human world to sonic's world off screen and that is why we do not see humans anymore and i can imagine a lot of you are going to say we don't have to trust suzuka just because he said that doesn't mean it's canon you see i would agree with you but they're kinda making this cannon look at sonic forces not a single human in sight that's because sonic's in sonic's world i know how much it sucks to think about humans not existing in the same world as sonic anymore it sucks and i realize that but guys you've gotta accept this it is what it is i find this to be a real shame because i really enjoyed the humans of sonic unleash and i thought they fit really well within sonic's world but i guess not the dreamcast is an easter egg within sonic unleash that you can see within the cutscenes of this game sometimes you'll see a dreamcast on the seat of eggman's eggmobile i like the reference to the dreamcast it shows us sega hasn't forgotten i noticed that there are lots of extra details and easter eggs in sonic unleashed it feels like this game was the opposite of rushed [Music] so believe it or not sonic unleashed did at one point have a pc port being made but for whatever reason it never came out if you don't believe us we have this picture of sonic unleash being on pc in front of your eyes also there were some leftover pictures from the sonic unleash pc installation in sonic generations files that pretty much confirms it at that point this game was getting ported but something happened for some reason they just stopped porting the game i just hope that whatever happened was very minor and not something huge that is the main reason why this game isn't getting ported i hope it's something as minor as they just gave up because of the negative reception something like that [Music] i have a question for you what animal is chip it's surprisingly a kind of difficult question to answer because sonic team themselves have not told us either however we do have a few explanations provided by the sonic community the first one is from sonic retro which describes chip as a small purple flying dog-like creature another common answer is a chihuahua i don't really know where the chihuahua ants originated from but it's the most popular description of chip however through my extensive research i actually found the definitive answer chip is actually a everyone already knows about the reoccurring chocolate joke in sonic unleashed that's a pretty surface level fact however the chocolate joke has been around for a very long time it dates all the way back in 2008 with this very popular meme of sonic unleashed i'm going to play the meme because it's very old and it reminds me of old sonic videos and i find that very charming chocolate yes sir with or without nuts chocolate chocolate chocolate [Applause] chocolate [Applause] [Music] so in the hub world of chun nan if you talk to this lady she will ask a bunch of questions she will ask who destroyed the world and to answer that question you have the option to choose shadow the hedgehog you know i'm happy this exists little tiny callbacks like this is always nice to see by the way this footage is by vmax17 a sonic tuber that used the dx model as my talk sprite to that stupid piece of [ __ ] one day somebody came across the cgi intro for sonic unleashed except this intro was different it was actually the beta intro for sonic unleashed and the only difference i could see in this intro was a pretty big change when sonic was trapped by eggman was getting electrocuted you can see some quick frames of what looks to be sonic's skeleton that's right we saw everything from his skull to his rib cage pretty cool stuff right well i guess if you're in that kind of thing i really didn't see this intro as too big of a deal i mean like who cares about sonic skeleton do you care i i certainly don't care but you know what makes me care knowing the fact that we don't have this because us as humans are automatically attracted to things that we don't have which is exactly why i'm attracted to sex the werehog is a very interesting character a lot of people ate this poor guy all the way to his design i actually really love his design but that's a topic for another day what if i told you that the werehog was going to look a lot different at one point well the character went through many phases at first he was a yeti and obviously they changed it because that just looks stupid then he was a sleep paralysis demon then he became a live-action interpretation of hot wheels and finally became goth before becoming the werehog such a beautiful transformation call me biased but i'm really glad that they chose the warehog design that we got [Applause] [Music] during the early development of sonic unleashed they had many different ideas for the characters one of which was chip chip was originally going to be named whip this was because of the whipped cream from the ice cream that he eats in the game however this was changed in the english language because whip has some very negative connotations so they thought it'd be more appropriate to call whip chip believe it or not i prefer the name chip because it just works better like sonic and chip that sounds cool unlike sonic and whip that doesn't sound cool if you prefer the name whip you probably lick your ice cream instead of biting it like some kind of psychopath sonic is chaos is an interesting fact on this list because of multiple reasons number one it's not a fact at all it's a theory number two i don't know where this theory originated from i learned of this theory from another songtuber who was also making a sonic iceberg so if anyone knows where this is from please tell me down below because i i don't know i tried doing some research i can't find anything apparently the reason why sonic doesn't turn bad from dark gaia energy is because he absorbed chaos from the chaos emeralds there are a couple of pieces of evidence first off the chaos emeralds turned grey like how they did in psych adventure when chaos absorbed the emerald's power next chaos became good at the end of sonic adventure so obviously he's not going to become perfect chaos when he's awakened and lastly sonic just didn't become corrupt from dark eyes energy i mean chip does say in a cutscene that it's because sonic is a great role model and a cool dude but are we really going to believe chip over a 4chan theory i mean sure there are some plot holes like how does one absorb chaos at that given moment of time or about what happens to chaos at the end of the game if this theory is true does chaos die at the end or is he permanently stuck within sonic i don't know it's still really interesting to think about though because this theory has a lot of pieces already laid out for this to be an actual plot point also the idea that sonic was incorruptable because he absorbed chaos sounds really cool and yet again another callback to sonic adventure but do i think this theory is true hell nah but hey that's just a theory a game theory so there is this one person in sonic unleash that is holding a newspaper however if you take a closer look he is looking at the game case of sonico6 i don't know why he's doing that it's just terrifying to think about that game let's just hope he buys psychologiums of psycho six but yeah there there it is sonic oh six yay the final fact we have is shadow and knuckles you see when the game was first being made it was planned to be psychoventure 3 as i previously mentioned but that also meant that shadow and knuckles was supposed to be in this game that's kind of interesting because sonic unleashed barely has any other characters this was because we were going through the sonic has too many friends complaints but knuckles and shadow were probably planned for this game when they were still planning on it being sonic adventure 3 which makes me wonder is there any sonic adventure 3 concept art stored away somewhere probably isn't much if concept art does exist it would be something insignificant like a few sketches of sonic and shadow but the idea of psycho venture 3 concept are existing sounds cool even if it's so insignificant and it means nothing anyways guys that's in the iceberg i really hope you guys enjoyed and make sure to tell me some really bizarre things that you know about sonic unleashed i may have not mentioned a few things so i'm honestly curious to see what you guys know with that being said make sure to check out skillshare because they're really cool and i actually really believe in their service a lot anyways guys that's in the video make sure you leave a like if you like the video because it helps this channel get out there to you guys so yeah like comment favorite subscribe and hit that bell for post notifications on i love you guys yakuza 0 is awesome [Music] adios [Music] before i read off these channel members just note that i recorded this video a week before it's being uploaded so some of these chill members are probably different by now so i'm sorry if i don't get to read off your name my chill members are sonic pip sonic the hedgehog chaos control va thomas sunrise there's sonic rubik dash jnxv the loganeer saint crash d0d shot poser sonopedia the squeaker nerd super tracks boom snicks sonic extreme super saiyan sonic just kidding kidding scape and sonic fan thank you guys so much for supporting the channel my voice is literally giving out as i'm recording this because i've been recording for so long thank you guys so much for supporting the channel i really appreciate it sorry i'm not more enthusiastic i'm dying here thank you guys so much see you guys [Music] later [Music] you
Channel: Matthasnocuts
Views: 14,182
Rating: 4.9141326 out of 5
Keywords: sonic, sonic news, sonic announcement, sonic game announcement, sonic 30th anniversary, sonic 30th anniversary game, sonic game reveal, sonic 30th game reveal, sonic new game reveal, sonic the hedgehog, sonic movie 2, sonic 2 movie, sonic central, sonic colors, sonic colors ultimate, sonic rangers, sonic unleashed iceberg, ice berg, iceberg, sonic iceberg, sonic ice berg, sonic unleashed, icebergs, ice bergs, sonic icebergs, sonic ice bergs, sonic adventure 3
Id: 5bSX7zlPAno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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