The sole of this cow's hoof was ROTTING AWAY, it smelled HORRIBLE!

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this is the hoof GP and this is far from a perfect Coast foods I can spot the problem straight away can you believe me it's a big one comes [Music] [Music] as a professional cattle hoof trimmer second you lift up because her your eyes are scanning from top to bottom from Heel To Toe for any problems whether that goes lame or not lame this cow is lame and then usually was so the second I picked up her hoof it didn't surprise me at all to see what I spotted almost instantly despite knowing where the problem is we start by balancing our feet and modeling out that inner portion of our hoof then we go on the hunt or rather in this case the reveal usually when we work on cows like this they're perfectly calm the kvk keeps them really nice and secure there are two belly bands around her waist keeping her up and completely still right where is this problem yes obviously there is a crack on the inner claw but is that really where it starts I don't think it is truth be told I never even noticed that crack when I first picked up her hoof this is what high spot is the periodical horn around her heel bulb is completely detached that leads me to think this is going to be a very graphic trim the smell of this cow's hoof is extremely strong I can smell Rotting Flesh what you can see is dermatitis attacking the corium and as it attacks the corium the corium dies and it rots away it's congealed which is why it's slightly greenish yellow and that smell is seriously pungent if it gets on your clothes or on your fingers or your hands trust me you'll be spelling it for an awful lot longer than the duration of just this trim anyway we're progressing through this trim but there's a long way to go foreign [Music] by the way this one is perfectly silent it's the ones waiting we've now done the easy part the part that is visually pleasing and the part that is the quickest to do we've removed the bulk of the material from over the top of this lesion but this is the part that truly matters the nitty-gritty the finer details watch as I pull my knife through the hoofarn it flexes away from the interior part of her roof that lets us know that this is truly detached and if it's detached all it's doing is hindering the healing process of this cow tooth so it needs to go during this trend we are going to Endeavor we are going to absolutely do everything we can to remove every shred of detached to your phone try to keep an eye on the parts that you think need removed and see if it gets done this one might sound a little strange but I love cow's eyes it's like you can see right into the soul and see what they're thinking occasionally when I watch these videos back I think the swipes of my knife can seem a little rough but watch how gently I place the edge of my knife where I want to make the cuts and once it's initiated a power through it quickly and that's possibly why sometimes it doesn't look all that smooth and gentle in trends like this there's always one piece of perform that presents a problem and in this case it's the best piece right here got it the problem isn't removing the hoof horn itself it's removing it without cutting into the Corian as you can see I'm holding some blue roll tightly against the lesion in an effort to bruise the area that's because I touched the Corian with the back of my knife and that has caused it to bleed ever so slightly when you're trimming slices of your horn like what I've just removed you need to be incredibly precise one false move on slices like that can be cataclysmic they can be terrible for the cow and really hinder the healing process but as you're just about to see that was not a fatal blow all I did was touch the corium which caused it to bleed very slightly right let's take a proper look at exactly what we're dealing with this is dermatitis completely attacking the corium and this part here is where the lesion actually began that rougher part of protruding flesh you can see is an ulcer it's burst through the bottom of a hoof and that has let infection get in it's like dirt and debris into the cavity the dermatitis has done its thing from there on out creating this mess we've removed all of the overburdening reform and now there's no cavity for dark debris and bacteria to hide in this will be open to the elements once the bandage comes off the fresh air will really help it to completely heal in the meanwhile the salicylic acid and iodine will do its thing to kill that dermatitis and begin the healing process this has been the hook GP thank you for listening and watching and if you've enjoyed what you've seen make sure you've subscribed for more videos just like this
Channel: The Hoof GP
Views: 7,045,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _MQNjeLgQtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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