''The Social Experiment'' | ALL 4 PARTS IN ONE VID / VERY BEST OF NOSLEEP 2020

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So many experiments so little time

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blackfridayswitch13 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was a great story. Hats off to the author and the narrator!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Polterguy619 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
the people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses ba society exists on is a mental concept in the real world there are only individuals time once again to sit back and relax with your favorite drink my friends bliss let me start off by saying that I joined the experiment a while ago I tried to talk before two people about it but nobody believes me I can't exactly blame them I haven't been out of properly sleep eat or live since I made it back home played by feelings of tremendous guilt I hope sharing this will help ease my conscience day one and the apartment looked pretty decent it was small but had everything I needed one room with a bed although pillow and blanket were missing in the middle of the room was a table with two chairs not sure I would need to is the main part of this experiment was me being alone in the room isolated from the outside world in the back was a small food elevator like the ones you see in old movies that's how I'd receive my meals they were big abstract paintings I had a chalkboard to write on and of course there was a laptop so I could communicate with with who exactly open the laptop everything was wiped away no internet access no apps or programs only one little icon in the middle of the screen social a double clicked it thinking it might provide some more information social will start soon makes your laptop is charged at all times all right I guess I have to wait I walked over to the chalkboard somebody must have been in this room before because he said day's been on top with white chalk underneath for 10 strokes I drew a circle around the seven strokes instead of wiping them away next to it I drew one stroke for my first day I took away my phone I had no calendar or even clock so I figured it could get difficult to keep the day's in check I realized I didn't remember if they taught me how long I'd be staying my winter view didn't offer much well I could see what empty feels and I could tell that I was pretty high up I tried opening the window to let in some fresh air but it was blocked probably so no one could jump out after going crazy from the solitude I was the kind of person that loved being alone though it had a pretty apartment food being provided for me decent payment and I'm living my dream I would have been dumb not to participate ding ding the laptop was lighting up in neon green lights I guess things were getting started the social app was running in the form of screen have turned into something that looked like a chat screen welcome John you're very excited that you're participating in this real-life experiment I am social everything you need or what we need from you will be communicated through me you will not directly talk to anyone else join your time in make sure the a laptop is charged at all times do you have any questions so far hello so show me I'm also excited I haven't received any sheets pillows or blankets in my bed yet could those be sent over please that will be up to the other participants as you will soon learn are you ready for the first round yes as you know you will be receiving all your food and drinks from us what exactly that will be however will be chosen by another participant for the first round you can choose a meal combination for participant Julie well I was actually pretty excited about this that was awful at making the right decisions probably one of the reasons I changed my major three times it might be interesting to put my fate into someone else's hands I scroll down the list of food and drink items wondering what Julia might enjoy there are a number of breakfast items such as pancakes eggs bacon wood also a lot of random disgusting sounding stuff raw liver bull testicles sausage water is pretty nasty you'd really have to hate the other participants to send any of that except if you were hunter power wounds eventually I pick toast with Jam scrambled eggs and cheese with a cup of coffee in the glass of orange juice happy with my choice I sent it in a minute later the laptop started ringing again julia has chosen your breakfast well did the food elevated now to pick it up I wasn't too hungry just yet but I was hoping for something nice to drink they opened a small gap of the elevator and got the trail piece of bread with something green on it I picked it up just to realize that the stuff on top was mold i gagged and let it fall back on the plate I guess Julia was one of those people that like power plays I grabbed a glass next to it I think she sent me some water my throat felt extremely dry so I started shutting right away I really should have smelled it first when I was drinking there wasn't water it was vinegar as the acid he tastes filled up my mouth I couldn't keep it in anymore I ran to the bathroom and studied puking into the toilet the bitter taste of vile made me feel even worse but I had no toothbrush or toothpaste either I waited to rinse out my mouth but there was no water I couldn't even flush the freaking toilet and all this experiment was starting off pretty badly it's just about to our social about this when I heard another ringing noise you just lost 50 social points what the hell what are social points during your participation you collect points more points equal more power and more accents sure in this experiment you have to make many decisions one of them on who you want to be do you want to be nice or game power I'm not sure I understand but not feeling great is there any way I can get some water that's not up to me John you have another decision to me this time you'll be sending an item to Manuel please select one item out of this leaves to move pace a shop car and I well this lift seemed even more random but this time I really had to think this through if I sent toothpaste I probably get even more negative points although at that point I wasn't sure what exactly that meant the knife sounded like a terrible idea I figured if I picked the shot-caller he could just decide not to wear it congratulations you just received 30 social points walk over to the elevator now to see what Manuel sent you it was a blanket I felt like a real dick but I kept telling myself that this was part of the experiment maybe those people didn't even exist my laptop let out another sound there was a new icon on the screen a green circle with a smiley face on it I pressed it but nothing happened Manuel has received an attached the shock collar around his name press green circle to send over shocks [ __ ] had I just shocked him without even knowing and nada that couldn't be true they cannot purposefully hurt participants I grabbed my blanket and took him there the experiment has only just begun and I was already exhausted the taste of vinegar and puke in my mouth wasn't helping either when I woke up again it was already getting dark outside I miss lunch I walked over to the laptop but there were no missed messages I was really getting fed up with his experiments where my laptop made another sound dinnertime pick one meal for Jackie let's go through the list again but I had no idea what to do should I go with something decent and risk losing points I went with a safe choice and sent a cup of vegetable broth something I was really craving myself after throwing up wasn't a real meal but wouldn't make them sick either after my choice was sent over I went to the elevator to see what Jackie had sent me it was a BLT in a bottle of coke Oh Thank You Jackie I shouted out now I felt a little bad for only sending her broth but at the same time I was so happy to have something decent to eat and drink that would also kill the terrible taste in my mouth day two the sound of an alarm blasting through the apartment pulled me out of sleep I had no idea where it came from but it wasn't from the laptop the sound was followed by a robotic voice score to love wake up immediately we're still dark outside I felt like it was the middle of a night I got up from my bed which felt like pure concrete my head was aching from not having a pillow but I was grateful that I had least received a blanket it was freezing cold I realized then that I didn't have any spare clothes haven't I brought in as walked over to the laptop a loud alarm finally stopped good morning John your social score has gotten dangerously low increased score now by pressing shock button no one as a negative player you will lose all perks including nutrition remember more social points equal more power I don't care I don't want more power when music started blasting again I felt like my eardrums would explode shielding them with my hands wasn't helping as if this wasn't bad enough a foul smell filled up the room I thought I'd throw up again [ __ ] this this isn't real I said out loud and press the shock icon I took a deep breath and pressed it two more times finally the siren stopped congratulations John you are now the highest-ranking participant oh yeah because you freakin forced me to it is now time to pick a meal for Jackie I felt bad for only sending her broth last night so I chose pancakes and orange juice after a few minutes I went to pick up my mail from the elevator this time I almost threw up by just looking at it on the plate I found the head of a chicken raw and bloody next to it was a glass of what I can only imagine was blood as well I guess I deserved that I was really fed up with this whole operation I was hungry tired and sad no money was worthless torture I want to get out of this experiment now I'm done you can't believe you will stay until the experiment is finished what the [ __ ] you can't force me to stay I never consented to any of this yes you did and you will stay until the experiment is finished I started thinking about that did they give me a contract Oh as much as I tried to remember I couldn't know I couldn't even remember what day it was today do you remember how you came here John I didn't do you remember what you did before you came here I was so certain that I had joined an experiment they'd offered me payment as much as I tried I couldn't recall how or when that had happened I remember things isn't sure who my family and friends were I remember what my home looks like that what I've been doing lately I started studying psychology after giving up on coding but when was that my mind was blank what the [ __ ] did you do to me we do not make any decisions for you play the game right and you will be leaving the experiment happy and healthy who are you what is this I am social time for another decision you can sense something to a participant of your choice pick from one of the following items begun a bottle of water a death threat I decided to send a bottle of water to man well it might cost me some points but if I'd really shocked him he deserved this after what must have been an hour the laptop started ringing again you just received a video press play now it was a video of a shirtless man maybe in his mid-thirties he stared right into the camera and I could see the shot-caller around isn't it about a word he picked up a knife and cut into his palm with his other hand he dipped his index finger into the blood and started writing something on his chest Mary no way I thought this must be a coincidence I think he tried writing something else underneath it would have been really hard to recognize what it was with the smudge blood but I knew exactly what it said it was an address one that I recognized very well it was the address of Mary my mother day three I hardly slept through the night I wasn't too afraid what Manuel might do just yet considering he was locked in here as well scared me however was whatever these people were they knew where my mother lives and I had no way to warn her I needed to talk to social figure out if they were a real person maybe I could do more somehow level with them I couldn't contact social if they didn't initiate the conversation and I didn't know how long it would be until it messaged me about breakfast so I impulsively walked over to the laptop and removed the charger laptop needs to be charged at all times the robotic voice filled up the room again hi ignored its ignore the sirens and the smell and stared at the laptop in hindsight I was a pretty big idiot instead of going through this in a clever way I just tried to force a reaction out of it the smell got stronger and I started feeling weaker I could hardly think any more or move everything - I woke up on the bed my head was hurting like crazy it took me a little while to get back to my senses but and I noticed that laptop was attached to the charger again somebody had been in here suddenly an excruciating pain went through my entire body I felt like somebody was choking panting and shaking I slowly reached over to my neck where my fingers touched the metal not only it's someone been in here they'd given me a shot car they slowly walked over to the laptop social had been messaging me I have received information that your laptop isn't attached to the charger somebody is on their way to fix the issue breakfast time please choose one of the following items on the list for participant Josh Josh is there a new person josh has selected your items go to elevator now to pick up your meal please choose one of the following items to send the participant Julia a book a gun five minutes of fresh air the item that Julia selected for you will arrive soon and will be attached by one of our workers oh that [ __ ] I didn't even get a chance to send anything because I'd been passed out another shock went through my body and even more painful this time I pick myself up from the ground and got back to my laptop and noticed before but the shock icon was gone that's at least the chat was still open this was my chance to contact social social are you there hello John you've been very quiet today remember less activity equals less social points oh you inside my room I never visit the participants I thought about what to say I had to be more careful social that you were real person I am social I started thinking that I was talking to a box well if that was true I could get some answers out of it as long as I ask the right questions what's my current social school your social score is plus 10 you are now the second lowest ranking participant who's on top I am not allowed to share this information with you I figured it must be either Julie or a man well Josh or Jackie would be the lowest ranking why is it beneficial to have many points higher points equal more power define power in this experiment we want to see how much it will take someone to get to the top being on top means more options for decisions decisions such as getting food comfort and freedom freedom as in being able to leave dinnertime you may now choose a meal for participant Julia I was about to pick bull testicles when another shock went through my body my hands were shaking and I could hardly breathe anymore she was sending me a message I had to be careful she had total control over me at the moment I picked steak potatoes beans and a bottle of wine the best options I could find it felt awful sending someone that was torturing me these things especially while I felt like I was starving but I didn't want to risk getting another shot I was still hurting from the last one after a moment I went to pick up my dinner for the night a chicken sandwich coffee in a bottle of what the coffee was called but I didn't care I hadn't eaten anything decent since that BLT I was even happier about that water I took a few sips and decided to ration the rest obviously couldn't believe that Julia had sent me something decent if it hadn't been for the shock collar around my neck I would have thought that she was actually starting to be nice well at least you didn't shock me again for the rest of the evening I spent the rest of the evening making up a game plan I was done just playing it safe if I wanted any chance of getting out of here I had to make it to the top still wasn't sure if social was trustworthy okay Who am I kidding it definitely wasn't trustworthy but it felt too calculated in a sense I think it wanted to torture me it wanted to see how I would get through this well the meal gave me some new energy I went to the chalkboard and started writing down the info that I had so far together with things about myself things I didn't want to forget that will remind me and I had a life outside of the I made sure to keep it vague just in case they came back here 25 my age Kiwi the name of my cat psych my major K and F the first letters of my two best friends Julia [ __ ] Manuel has leverage and a knife Jackie neutral so far Josh question well well my thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the laptop time for another decision pick something from this list to be sent to a participant of your choice a tower a death threat a bracelet keeping the participant from sleeping I'm not sure what that last thing was supposed to be but I guess it was another form of torture I decided for the death threat if I got the same chance to take a video then maybe this could be my way to communicate with Manuel either way if he sees that I'm wearing the shock collar now he might go mild on I want to send a death threat to Manuel great choice would you like to receive leverage information yes the most important person in the life of Manuel is Sabrina currently working as a nurse at central hospital always takes a bicycle to work Oh [ __ ] hell social a video recording app open the microphone was blocked our [ __ ] I was planning on speaking I had to get creative and fast social will probably check the video and make sure it's an actual threat when I grab the glass of blood that jacket sent me the day before smelling horribly but I kept it just in case started filling up my mouth with the blood I really had to fight not to vomit I press play got up to the middle of the room looking straight into the camera I started spitting out the blood trying to be as theatrical as possible choking myself coughing with a freakish look on my face recording complete video will now be sent a participant Manuel I could only hope that he understood what I'd done you just received an item from participant Jackie walk up to the elevator now to beginner hmm a pack of cigarettes day for the day started off with another lovely shock from Julie I started cursing this person and her evil [ __ ] mind she was in here to win showing no remorse she had to be on top at this point what reason could she have to shock me even more I tried to get up from bed I was feeling extremely weak at this point my legs were shaking I was smelling horribly and I was starving after only having one meal yesterday walking around the dried blood on the grounds I made my way to the table I picked up the pack of cigarettes that I got yesterday I usually don't smoke but thought it could distract me a little I opened the pack and noticed that it also contained a lighter well obviously you'd need one but I didn't think about it until then relax it could get really [ __ ] useful I left the cigarettes where they were and put the lighter in my pocket social open the chat to inform me that I could choose breakfast for Manuel I was already dreading what he'd sent me at least this was my chance to talk to social some more social is there a way to remove the shotgun only if another participant decides to send it to someone else hmm alright that's new info is there only one of each item like the knife from the cigarettes correct choose food combination for Manuel now oatmeal aunty social how long have the other participants been here for Manuel has chosen your breakfast well to the elevator now to pick it up for [ __ ] sake I had to be more precise with my questions he gives me a really short timeframe I walked over to the elevator expecting something smelly or rotten I almost cried when I saw what was sitting on that train three Kiwis while I was going crazy in the middle of the room last night I'd made sure that my chalk would would be in the picture just enough for someone to notice if they really paid attention and he did why did he pick the three though did this mean he'd been here for three days just like me I spent most of the day thinking of other ways to send messages well of course this could all still be part of the experiment I thought was always in the back of my mind but somehow I felt sure that Manuel and the other participants would just met participants somehow tricked into this nightmare just like me another alarm went off my room turned red sirens started blasting suicide attempt suicide attempt suicide attempt what the hell I definitely wasn't trying anything like that I walked to the laptop but there was no information and just like that the alarm stopped again you are now free to send another item to a player of your choice bandaged shotgun death threat this is where I made another foolish mistake guided by pettiness not logic I should have tried to send another message or at least get someone the bandage maybe there really was a suicide attempt look even if that's true I wouldn't know who in the end the hate and pain ruled over me and I sent Julia the shot car as I logged in my choice a collar around my neck snapped open it must be automated move shot cut into the elevator now at least a better option and being drugged again I don't think everyone gets the same options because I was sent a book from Jackie I was so happy that I'd finally have some form of entertainment but that's before I realize that the entire text was nonsense I spent a long time going through every single page to see if maybe there was some secret message in there but I couldn't find anything eventually I gave up congratulations charm you have received 200 social points tonight you may pick your own dinner under normal circumstances I would have been ecstatic about this finally I could get some decent food some vitamins some protein and more water under normal circumstances I would have been proud but how could I be proud if I got all these points through letting out my anger and frustration like this Shiva went down my spine when I thought about how painful four shocks in a row it must have felt for Julia that night I couldn't fall asleep as much as I tried I kept thinking about everything that would happen I jumped up from bed as a thought struck me oh please please let this be true I mumble to myself Jackie had sent me two items today that couldn't be a coincidence I opened the first page of the book and how the lights are underneath oh god I remember doing this when I was younger she must have somehow gotten lemon juice help me I can't take it anymore I opened another page this was extremely weird the message said I'm Jon are you real day five I know that many of the choices that either I or the others major in this experiment seem questionable malicious or just occasionally pathetic this is no excuse I'm just asking you to keep in mind that we've spent days in solitude hardly sleeping or eating physically and mentally at the limit or at a certain point all you care about is survival no matter what the cost breakfast time please choose something out of the list for participant charge breakfast apparently the new day had already begun it's still dark outside I had been able to sleep at all I kept thinking about everything why was there a message with my name in the book had I been here before home was it a way to mine [ __ ] me again after everything that had just happened last night I decided both Manuel and Jackie were trustworthy I didn't trust Julia she was my strongest competitor and she was ruthless I want all of us to get out of here safe and sound but if I wanted to have any choice of getting control I needed to play smart and game points but first I had to pick breakfast for Josh this was good I hadn't had any interaction with him so far I needed to figure out if he was an ally or a competitor social before I picked Josh's meal did you inform me about my ranking you were currently the highest ranking participant John can you tell me how many other participants are you have that interaction with every object that is participating in this round this round he came here for Josh now I went with a safe choice and sent him oatmeal and water nutritious but not luxurious I was really curious what he would get me or if I get any breakfast at all yesterday I wasn't able to send him anything because I'd passed out hmm chicken sandwich coffee and a bottle of water how strange this is exactly what I got yesterday except this time the coffee was hot so Julia probably skipped giving me dinner yesterday and the things I'd found were from lunch that Josh had sent me I sent a steak dinner and she decided to give me nothing I felt a deep urge to shock her again something inside of me was changing and it scared me it's as if I was just realizing that I had a dark side a revengeful side I was hateful I've never talked to this person or even seen them and still I wanted to torture them just because I could I stopped myself before actually pressing the button these people were playing with my mind and I let them this is probably what they wanted for me to stop caring to abuse my power I was at the top should be enough for now it is time to make another decision you can now choose to send out one of the following items to a participant of your choice headphones bandages razor blade I decided to send Manuel bandages I had no gameplay here just seemed like the safest move suicide attempt suicide attempt suicide attempt the siren and robotic voice filled up the room just the mention of suicide sent a shiver down my spine my heart didn't stop racing until the sirens stopped again you received a video from participant Julia it was a young woman the clothes were dirty and bloody Manuel had made a rough impression as well but and Julia looked like she'd been here for a long time she looked tired but her eyes were filled with rage this didn't look like the decoy rage that I had acted out in my video a shot-caller was gone but I saw the bruises around her neck that's when I noticed she had a night she slowly moved it towards her throat my eyes never left the camera I thought it was her way of threatening me until I saw the blood she was actually cutting herself and that's where the video paused I hadn't noticed it before but I saw it in that moment she was sitting in front of a chalkboard and there was something written on it dai-jon I felt frozen to the screen even after the video had disappeared tears came to my face how this was all so much not knowing whether this was just a trick a mind game or whether this girl had been pushed over the edge was ripping me apart had I give another push was she really in danger was it too late after you a few hours of internalized terror I calmed myself again this could or we just a trick if it was then it was working I spent the entire day just jumping around in my room no decent thought coming out eventually the ringing of my laptop got me back to reality hello char I want to personally congratulate you on how well you're doing in this experiment I'm impressed by your score and the choices you are making you are constantly improving if you keep going strong you will be successfully completing the experiments we're proud of you here at the social team as a special treat you'll be having dinner together with the second highest ranking participant today enjoy who is this social hi char this was a personal message sent to you by our head of research can i message them as well I am afraid now today participant Josh will be joining you for dinner the meal will be picked by social join me as in face to face yes well I thought I'm not allowed to know how other participants rank I am not allowed to share information with you hmm all right social try to keep up the illusion this is a legit experiment with phony fricking loopholes almost type-a but decided to delete it it might just cost me points again I really didn't trust any of this but if it meant that I was actually meeting a real human being I was all for it I wished it was Julia just so I could set things straight but maybe it would be good to meet Josh figure out who this mysterious new person was pick up dinner from elevator now where's Josh the other participant will be joining soon I picked up my meal steak jockey potato greens and champagne this look pretty great no no I only had one of each whether war bats my laptop I realized what social had really meant by face-to-face it was a video chance on his side it was still buffering I made sure to turn my laptop in such a way that the chalkboard would somehow be visible when I sat down Josh looked like he was about my age you could see there was mentally exhausted but not as bad as with Manuel or Julia so you John I was surprised to hear a voice for some reason I thought this would be muted I had to be careful with what I said though well first of all I didn't know if I could trust him and second social was probably recording all of this I had to keep up the illusion and I was still trying that I was a good participant so um you're my strongest competitor pretty good for someone who just joined last I said I have no idea if this was actually true but maybe this will get me some more answers huh forced out of smile - what he said nodded over I think he was hinting at The Strokes on my board so I was right about that I was really nervous I wish I'd had time to repair for this look I did something pretty intense to get this high he looked at the ground some participant hasn't been sleeping in days because of me I could really hear the remorse in his voice but then he continued he must have made him even stronger the decisions to be the one on top I guess he was trying to get information from me guess we both know how to play the game I said and swallowed I still felt the guilt deep inside of me I took a big gulp from the champagne I guess so well we're not at the loser dinner he whispered you mean the others are talking as well he nodded how do you know they asked social which one of them's our lowest he shrugged I guess social really does keep the other ranking secret I was about to ask him something but the connection was already gone at least I gotten some information if Josh could be trusted I know that some of the other players probably taught today as well I'd have to ask social about this see if I can get more insights and I knew that Josh probably gave someone that bracelet that keeps you from sleeping I started feeling woozy and they put something in the drink I somehow carry myself to the bed then everything went dark again day six the morning had started off with the usual breakfast routine I sent Manuel oatmeal and water he sent me a glass of blood delicious haven't had fun Athos in days I didn't know how to feel about Josh after last night he seemed somehow calculated but he made a genuine impression well so far he'd always sent me decent food sleeping bracelet feels like something social pressured him to do he was playing the game to win but wasn't extremely evil he was smart though he'd figures things out pretty quickly and he wanted to have control just like I did that was the only chance to get out presumably it also meant that he would probably be coming for me now I've been here for five full days already day six was starting off as awful as always I tried to look for the book to figure out a way to send a message it was gone so were the cigarettes they must have taken them last night luckily I put the lighter in my pocket my hopes of getting out of here in the healthy way were getting smaller by the second and I couldn't let this get me down if I started losing hope now I'd probably die in here I had to get into survival mode ding ding hello John today we have a very special assignment on the planet you will be live-streaming the other participants and play a game of choices there are many points to be gained here so do your best go sit down on your bed with a wall behind you for video screens opened up I recognized Manuel and Josh julia was there as well alive I've had a feeling of relief wash over me I didn't trust it but I didn't want her dead either the last one must have been Jackie she looked a little older than the rest of the group the bags under her eyes let me assume that she was probably the one that hadn't slept in days I must really screw with your mind welcome participants all of you have been doing well so far some did better than others but don't worry this game is a chance to change everything let's get started Josh choose a participant to fulfill the following tasks eat a raw deer heart he didn't even seem to think about it he responded right away Manuel Manuel Walter the elevator and pickup the heart now if you choose not to you will not receive any food or beverages for the rest of the experiment I could see him struggle his eyes were filled with hatred eventually he got up looking into the camera with tears in his heart he bit into the dark red or finishing it off piece by piece Josh didn't even flinch and Julia looked more confused and revolting next round John and Chao you can both decide to either remove a tooth from fingernail choice must be unanimous what do you choose tooth do aside if he'd pick nails we probably would have had to do both Josh wrapped his shirt around one of his teeth closed his eyes and abruptly pulled it out blood filled his mouth see how the tooth to the camera I followed normally your mind tries to protect you hurting yourself like this takes a lot of willpower for me it wasn't willpower though it was fear fear of whatever the alternative to this might be it was painful as [ __ ] still felt harmless compared to what came next we all went through the game no questions asked nobody dared to disobey julia can have a broken nose for all her burned off their scalp Manuel decide which option Manuel was just shaking his head his face was still red from the blood and his eyes were full of tears he was genuinely scared Julia showed almost no reaction something had really broken her spirit Manuel send your choice now or lose all your privileges finally be tight no just like that Julia turned towards the wall and repeatedly banged her face against it as she turned around blood ran all over her face her nose was completely out of place still she was calm not a single tear John it is time for you to decide well Jackie cut off one of her fingers or be prohibited from sleeping for the rest of her time I could see the desperation in her eyes how long can one survive without any sleep a week two I knew what she would choose if she could finger as Jackie is not in possession of a knife at the moment one of our helpers will arrive soon to fulfill the task Jackie looked it around and smiled you all did very well so far your wounds will be treated by one of our doctors shortly only one question there one of the participants has to die majority wins who do you choose this couldn't be real this was a whole new level of [ __ ] up well I hesitated when I possibly answered this question Manuel seemed to think the same because neither of us answered we didn't have to it's the majority had already made the decision John John John participant farce round four participant John rounds for ranking not applicable obedience level strong subject went through significant grow but the start decisions were of pure altruistic nature as personal gain was made transparent change of tactics at the end of the round signs of resignation have become evidence a need for power and authority was established after rising to the top one score level participant John had given up own well entirely made earthly choices for a number of participants without sighs of remote participant Julia rounds three ranking to obedience level intermediate the subject showed resilience and willpower all throughout rounds two and three in consistent emotional state was almost removed you to repeated suicide attempts strong determination to eliminate participant job at the end of round four participants showed signs of apathy level of obedience is stable at this point participant Jeff rounds 1 ranking 3 obedience level strong the subjects showed occasional competent decision-making skills started off with a subjectively altruistic mindset however would let other participants influence their choices interest of future testing participant Manuel rounds 1 ranking for obedience level we the subject has poor decision-making skills less actions be guided by emotions has no explicit benefit for the experiment at this point and will therefore be eliminate participant Josh rounds 1 ranking what obedience level intermediate the subject has passed expectations they grew fast and showed remarkable pattern in decision-making however level of loyalty needs to be further examined day 7 I don't even know how to put into words how I was feeling last night I didn't sleep at all for hours I was sitting on the bed staring towards the door waiting for my end of course I didn't know if I would actually die or not but but in that moment the adrenaline was flowing through my entire body fear can be a hurry or rush my mind was not ready to die I thought about key we had been left alone for days I thought about my mother I think she'd be safe thought about my friends about my childhood at the summers we went swimming in the lake about the Sunday mornings watching cartoons with my dad I was not ready to die I fell Haines pure revengeful bitter hate for social for the experiment for the other participants this entire situation which is so [ __ ] up I wondered if I'd done the same as Josh had he been the highest ranking player part of me was scared to admit I probably would have if it meant that I was free I thought about the other two well especially betrayed by Jackie they couldn't have known that I was the highest ranking player I kept staring at the door waiting patiently but but he came maybe it just been a mind game after all maybe last night was just a fax ding ding breakfast time today you will not have to choose go to elevator now to pick up your meal prisoners on the death penalty usually get to choose their last meal no answer I walked over to see what would be on the tray maybe it was some sort of clue it was a finger was his a sign from Jackie was the reason she picked me to die because of the choice I'd made for her let it fall to the ground broke down in tears I lost all hope of ever getting out of this place the chat window is still open social am I still the highest-ranking player currently the highest-ranking participant is charr wait it's social just given me a name I never asked the questions on the rankings of other participants hello John I want you to know that I'm very impressed with your progress I understand that it must feel surprising to see the other participants turn on you remember the only reason they want you dead is because you are a threat wouldn't you murder someone if it meant getting your freedom back we are sad that it had to come to this point but we provided something for you to make this a little easier make the right decision who is this hello char you just received another personal message from my head of research you get to make another decision there do you want to continue and accept your destiny I'll put fate into your own hands go to elevator now to pick up the items sent to you by the head of research capital of [ __ ] and a gun one bullet last night the majority decided for the death of participant Xiang oh this was making things easier what was the alternative what kind of gruesome death that they planned for me I took a big gulp of the vodka I didn't even have to think about this Hey social come and get me just bring the head of research as well I'd love to meet them I could go [ __ ] myself because they thought I was gonna make things easy for them I grabbed the bottle of vodka and put it out in front of the door making a trowel towards the bed where I sat down I held the gun towards the door if someone came in I had one chance to shoot them my chances were great especially as I doubt only one person would come so I kept the lighter close if I had to go do this on my own I would take them with me I waited for what must have been hours but nothing happened every time I thought I'd figure them out every time I thought things were ending they just pulled another trick they must have cameras everywhere how can I have believed that this was it the laptop started ringing again the sound of pure misery hello char we see that you did not decide to use the gun you just gained a hundred social points we do not appreciate suicide attempts what is this why are you doing this to me come please just give me answers if I have to die at least let me know what the purpose of all this is with a majority of three voters the death of participant John was decided do you agree with this choice no no I do no adding your social score with a wallet participant man well you could overrule the majority what does this mean what's gonna happen now you have two choices team up with participant man well if you can agree on another participants death with our discussion it will be executed keep in mind participant Manuel could choose John now this was no option it was too much of a gamble what's the other choice you can join another round of decisions this time you'll be making them on your own if you gain a thousand points in this game the life of participant John will be spared oh this could only be another round of torture but at this point what did I have to lose first round give gun to participant Julia 200 points or the participant charged 50 points well she tried to kill herself before if I sent the gun this could end fatal but then again I just send it right the decision was all Earth's Julia 200 points I moved the gun to the elevator I hated giving it away but I doubt it would have been much use anyway participant Manuel is free to leave and go home minus 200 points or he will stay indefinitely 200 points [ __ ] I've really really wanted him to get out of it to get back to Sabrina but even more than that I wanted to live make him stay 400 points I felt like such a dick I just get the only person from freedom that spared my life Jackie will lose the rest of their hand to Andre or John will lose a finger 300 this was a really awful decision my finger is nothing compared to our whole hand and it will give me more points but was I ready to sacrifice something for someone who'd wanted my death Jackie 600 points but if I hadn't realized it before this game really showed me how weak the human mind is you do anything some authority asks you to do as long as it perks for yourself I felt like such a horrible human being and it got even worse Josh gets to speak to head of research - a hundred oh man well loses one toe 200 god I couldn't harm him even more Josh 500 points I hoped I wouldn't regret this decision you can end it all now Julie will be kept from all benefits including sleep and nutrition for one week 500 points do you accept Oh what she survived that I didn't know all I could hope was that she had something to drink saved in her room who cares she wanted me dead she didn't even flinch when she typed in my name you have to do anything to survive yes would you like to spare the life of John minus 1,000 points yes right after I typed it in I ran to the bathroom to throw up this had been the hardest moment of the experiment so far I never hated myself as much as I did in this moment oh I hope survival was worth this day 8 I woke up lying next to the toilet the memories of yesterday came back to me and I felt like throwing up again finally I got up to see if there were any new messages from social any sign that this misery would end soon dinnertime you may now choose a meal for participant John why did this say my own name maybe they want me to pick my own dinner last night I didn't care I should have felt hungry but the guilt kept me from even thinking about food what time was it I hadn't got a breakfast message yet as if social could read my mind the laptop started ringing again the text was not from social good morning social no I would like to ask a few questions if that's all right does it matter what I say it always matters your decisions are what brought you this far I don't ever remember accepting to come to this hell what do you remember if I answer your questions and you let me go yes Josh after this conversation you are free to go home do you remember your home did they just mix up my name I did vote for Josh to have a conversation with the head of research I just decided to go with it yeah I do I have a little apartment where I live with my cat but you probably know all about that and you think the cat is called Kiwi yes I can see that shortboard how do they know the name of my cat yes Kiwi what does Kiwi look like I couldn't remember there are also letters on there K and F Kristen and Finn writes how do you know that do you remember what they look like Oh what Mary looks like do you remember your childhood home I tried to think of my mom blonde hair brown eyes she was about fifty for some reason I didn't remember more what did she look like when I was younger why did my memory feel frozen it was as if I was thinking of a photo not a real person keep thinking the image shifted it was a woman with short hair a kind smile her hair was black when I was little but now it had turned gray her name came to my mind Margaret who was this one Gina who Margaret is I believe that is your mother who's Mary that must be the mother of John I am Shawn are you sure about that what memories came up Kiwi my dad my friends from the lake everything was wrong they were simply images they'd morphed into something else College a woman blood a girl she had tattoo on her arm a hospital and I started remembering more I had joined an experiment once for college I didn't remember much except that the research was corrupt and evil after I left that experiment terrible things happened to me to everyone around me I decided to leave and I traveled around Europe for a while but wherever I went things weren't bad for me they must have found me well did I find them they wiped away everything and gave me false memories Josh you did really well here I realized this experiment has its ups and downs but eventually you grew to the top you showed no remorse you are a true leader Josh social kept calling me John and I just accepted it I forget about my own name no I didn't I only did what you made me do I did what I had to do because of points numbers on a laptop you decided to shock both Manuel and Julia you sacrificed Jackie's hand you gave Julie a gun even though you knew she was suicidal although you did spare John's life who is John you got to know him as Josh we swapped your identity with his and added him as an additional variable he's on his way to become part of our team before this he'd been torturing Julia and it works god that's why she wanted me dead and she probably convinced Jackie to why why did you do all this all these people were normal human beings living their lives keep them in a room alone and give them power to make decisions and they will lose all sense of humanity and they are no exception we have tested this in many settings already some humans grow above however a very select number get to make rules not follow them and John is one of them no he had potential but he is nothing like you you're the only person that could remotely come close to me and that is why I need you you were always one step behind me and to make sure you were strong enough to be part of this to be part of the new life and now I know you have everything that it takes I'm extremely proud of you you want me to start doing these sick experiments on innocent people this is happening there's no way of you to change any of this our institution is far more powerful and you might believe and giving you the option to be on the side that makes the decision I am NOT forcing you to do anything just think about it you are free to go home now but we will see each other again soon goodbye Ann I that was the last thing I remember I woke up in my apartment my real apartment not the one from my memories chance or whatever they made me believe my memory slowly came back and I wish they thought about running away starting over somewhere far away but for some reason when I think they'd find me for the same reason that the authorities won't listen to me they powerful they're not just doing experiments they're planning to take control over humanity or something yesterday I received an envelope with the patient files as well as this postcard the next round of the social experiment will start soon do you want to be an object or a leader I thought about this a lot about joining them now there's a test subject but as a researcher thought about this a lot since I've been back home I don't know what will happen next but this study did teach me a lot about human nature and my own mind how arbitrary freedom and choice was I follow them blindly followed some Authority for made up points and false promises I know I have to get back there not to become part of the research team but to save the ones I left behind I will not accept being this terrible person I can do better with the knowledge I've gained the envelope has no return address so for now all I can do is wait hot off the press from no sleep yep part four of that four-part series was only um delivered yes to take and I kindly got permission from the offer to read it all for you so I got onto it immediately into there you go Oh a bit of a disaster on the way I have to tell you um the life of a narrator is not an easy one sometimes we press record and then we speak for half an hour or so only to realize we hadn't pressed record at all and we'd lost everything we just done yeah it sucks I can tell you yeah but I made it in the end here we go with a beautiful beautiful story for you for this Friday evening I'll be again very soon of course I will you're gonna join me out you yes you will till then very very sweet dream between you handsome me bye bye [Music] thank you so much for choosing to spend your time listening to me now if you enjoyed that dr. creepy experience then come find me on Facebook come chat with me on Twitter listen to the background music and downloaded if you like on soundcloud drop by the store pick up a t-shirt and importantly if you've got a story you'd like me to read send it to dr. kremens vault subreddit I set up so that I could read your stories looking forward to seeing you all again real soon so come check me out okay
Channel: Dr. Creepen
Views: 48,075
Rating: 4.920126 out of 5
Keywords: dr creepens vault, nosleep stories, creepypasta, scary stories, asmr stories, best horror stories, nosleep horror, creepypasta horror, The Social Experiment, social experiment in the hood, social experiment kidnapping, social experiment, dr creepen vault, social credit china system, social credit system black mirror, social credit system china vice, scary story, creepypasta stories, dr creepen, nosleep stories reddit, nosleep social credit stories, social credit experiments
Id: L2gMlZftoeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 45sec (4065 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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