The Sniper Character Build (D&D 5E)

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Hello friends welcome to Dungeons and dragonfly where I adapt various characters for you and d and d I'm dragonfly 9078 and today I'm building TF2 Sniper after the build be sure to check out my channel to vote for the next one so what do we want from this build well surprising no one the sniper needs to be a sniper making precise shots from a distance that deal massive damage to be most effective we need to go unnoticed and find a high vantage point to cover the most ground so we'll need good stealth and climbing speed and the sniper used to make his living as a game hunter in the Australian Outback so we'll need the outdoor skills to survive looking over at ability scores I'll be using the standard Point array if you want to roll for stats that's fine just make sure your dexterity and wisdom are high enough to multiclass starting off with a 10 in strength we don't need it for much but it does get used for our kri dexterity is 15 we need our ranged attacks to have high accuracy then we'll make Constitution 13 sniper isn't the toughest of the crew but he does have the endurance to sit still for ages waiting for the right shot intelligence is 12 new zealanders and TF2 tend more towards the intellectual side than than their Australian cousins and wisdom can be 14 we need it for our perception and really sitting far away from the battlefield is just good sense then we'll finish off by dumping Charisma sniper isn't exactly what you would call a people person and he's perfectly happy being alone as much as possible sniper is a human of course but since he's one of the last surviving members of New Zealand he's a little bit special so we'll go with the mark of finding that'll bump wisdom to 16 and Constitution to 14 and give us 60 ft of dark vision since we're accustomed to Knights in the outback our Hunter's intuition adds a for to any perception or survival checks we make and we get a little bit of magic both the Spells Of The Mark which are added to the spell list of any of our spell casting classes and finders magic which lets us cast Hunter Mark once per day for free and locate object the same way once we hit third level then just like the rest of them sniper is a mercenary veteran giving us proficiency with Athletics persuasion and land Vehicles we'll start off as a ranger giving us three skills from the ranger list like stealth perception and insight we're going to be using the official version of natural Explorer so we get a favored terrain and since who most accustomed to the Outback we'll name desert we double our proficiency bonus for any intelligence or wisdom checks we make regarding deserts and we get a bunch of bonuses to Overlay and travel in them like ignoring difficult terrain not getting lost and better forging and tracking that sort of stuff that said instead of picking a favorite enemy we'll use favored foe since the sniper is one of the most if not the actual most professional of the mercenaries meaning whoever he's hired to kill is really his favorite enemy a number of times per day equal to our proficiency bonus we can Mark a creature that we hit with a weapon attack the first time we hit them on each of our turns we deal extra 1 D4 damage including the hit that we used to mark them they stay marked for up to a minute but this does actually require our concentration like casting a spell wood for our fighting style archery is the obvious choice adding plus two to our ranged weapon attack rolls then we get two spells off the ranger list first up absorb elements can give us resistance to an energy type as a reaction we'll mostly use this as Darwin's danger Shield against enemy pyros then fairy fire comes to us from The Mark of finding and is weirdly accurate to the gerate we lob the jar which splashes on everything in a 20ft cube unless they pass it deck save on a fail affected creatures can't become invisible and attacks against them have Advantage I don't really like any of the Ranger subclasses for Sniper so we'll jump over to Rogue for a while dipping into Rogue gives us a free skill we'll say intimidation and upgrades two skills to expertises stealth and perception are probably the most important for us so go with those most significantly we can make sneak attacks adding a D6 to the damage of our ranged weapon attacks if we have advantage on the attack or a friend within Arms Reach of the attack Target that damage goes up as we level up and is going to be one of the keys to getting our head shot action at second level lets us Dash disengage or hide with our bonus action so we can shoot then duck back behind cover then Steady Aim at third puts a scope on our gun as a bonus action we can get advantage on our next attack in the turn which means Sneak Attack On Demand the catch is that scoping slows us down as we can't move before or after taking aim but at least our sneak attack damage does go up to 2d6 so there's that as a scout we get expertise in nature and survival so we can expand our Wilderness expertise past the Outback and as a skirmisher we can move up to half our speed as a reaction to an enemy ending their turn within 5 ft of us we don't even provoke opportunity attacks by moving this way so we can get some distance and make use of our rifle if someone sneaks up on us fourth level gets us our first feet and you knew we would be getting sharpshooter in this build our rang attacks ignore partial cover we can attack out to the long range of our weapons without getting disadvantage and when we make a ranged weapon attack we can choose to take minus 5 to the attack roll for plus 10 to the damage our sneak attack ticks up to 3 D6 at fifth level and we have uncanny Dodge letting us have the damage of an attack that hits us using our reaction we do have to be able to see the target though so if a spy backstabs us we're out of luck then at sixth level we get two more expertises we'll say Athletics to offset our poor strength and insight to predict our targets movements evasion lets us take no damage on a successful deck save and only half on a fail rather than half on a success and full damage on a fail and with our next ASI we'll grab the skulker feet that lets us try to hide even if we're only lightly obscured and let's us ignore penalties to our perception because of dim light of course we do already have dark vision Vision but remember that that makes us treat dim light as bright and darkness as dim so this does still help most importantly for us if we're hidden and we miss with a ranged attack we don't reveal our position then our sneak attack hits 5d6 and our superior mobility increases our walking speed by 10 ft next up is the piercer feet which rounds off our dexterity to 16 once per turn we can roll a piercing damage die and if we crit with a piercing attack We Roll an additional die for the damage 11th level Rogues are more consistent with their skills with reliable Talent meaning we can't roll lower than a 10 on any ability checks we proficient with and their damage gets even better as their sneak attack goes up to 66 we'll raise our deck area to 18 with our next ASI then at 13th level our snic attack ticks up one final time to 7 D6 and we become an ambush Master we get advantage on initiative check so we can rush to a vantage point before the enemy team gets going and the first shot we take uses the Sydney sleeper to make our Target easier to hit if we hit a creature during the first round of combat then any further attacks against that creature have Advantage until the start of our next turn we'll finish up our Rogue levels with blind sense letting us know the location of any hidden or invisible creatures within 10 ft as long as we can hear scoping in severely limits our field of vision so this should help us keep an ear out for any spy sneaking up behind us we'll close out the build with a few levels of fighter the Mariner fighting style boosts our AC by one and gives us a climbing and swimming speed equal to our walking speed as long as we aren't wearing heavy armor or using a shield and second wind lets us heal for 1 d10 plus our fighter level as a bonus action once per rest similarly action surge can also be used once per rest but this one lets us take a second action on our turn do keep in mind that even if we do use this to make another attack we can only use our sneak attack once per turn and Steady Aim only affects one attack per turn becoming a champion at third level slots in the final piece of the headshot puzzle by expanding our crit range to 19 or 20 and our Capstone is the fourth level of fighter for one last ASI to cap off our decks now at the build is complete let's take a look and see what we have done right off the bat we can deal massive damage with our rifle I'm using the hunting rifle stats from the DMG which deals 2 d10 piercing with a short range of 80 ft and a long range of 240 so our most damaging possible head shot is critting with a sharpshooter rifle shot with Advantage for a total of 5 d10 plus 16 D6 from sneak ATT attack and Hunter Mark plus 15 for a maximum of 161 damage in a single shot which is enough to down any of the other TF2 builds that I've made at their average HP except for the soldier who goes down to about 30 35 or so and with Steady Aim and sharpshooter we can get Advantage out to 240 ft with improved critical doubling our crit chance unfortunately we're a lot less strong in melee as best I can tell sniper K cream most closely equates to a hand ax in function meaning it's strength based and can't use our sneak attack so if we get cornered then we're at a big disadvantage we're also heavily limited on spells since we only know two and only have two slots though we can cast Hunter Mark and locate object for free once per day each also neither of our spells is especially useful at super long range fairy fire is the higher priority and it's only got a range of 60 ft while absorb elements is defensive and really more of a last resort Plus Fairy fire takes up our concentration so we can't use it with Hunter Mark or favored foe speaking of let's talk about favored Foe for a second I actually like it better for this build than Hunter Mark which is why I didn't pick hunter Mark over absorb elements to let us cast it more times per day now favored foe only gives us a D4 per turn at this level while Hunter Mark gives us a D6 per hit but since we're only making one attack per turn the difference is pretty negligible you also get twice as many uses of favored foe as we would have for Hunter's Mark which somewhat makes up for not being able to move the favored foe to another creature when the first one dies and crucially favored foe doesn't have a range we just tag a creature when we hit them even if they're the full 240 ft out whereas Hunter Mark has to a be cast before finding out if we hit or miss and B only has a range of 90 ft Hunter Mark does have a couple of other advantages like lasting up to an hour and advantage on checks to find the creature but for this build's purposes I do prefer favorite foe professionals have standards be polite be efficient have a plan to kill everyone you need thank you for watching friends I hope you enjoy the build head on over to my community tab if you want to vote for the next character for me to do this week is between Alex Mack from The Secret World of Alex Mack Rod Kimble from the movie Hot Rod our Juna from fate and our runner-up from last time shirro from Voltron if you have any feedback or suggestions for characters you'd like to see me build please leave them in the comments below and they could show up in a future poll leave a like or subscribe if you want to see more thanks again for watching I will see y'all later
Channel: Dragonfly9078
Views: 901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, 5e, fifth, edition, dnd, Team Fortress 2, TF2, How to Play, Character Build, Ranger, Rogue, Fighter, Scout, Champion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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