The Smash Archive - Vol. 9 SNES, Game Boy, & Virtual Boy

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hello and welcome back to the smash archive the series where we look at every game franchise represented in Super Smash Brothers ultimate in the previous episode we looked at all the smallest series that originated on the NES so as a follow-up let's look at the games from Nintendo's next console the SNES as well as their first two handheld consoles the Game Boy and Virtual Boy [Music] now originally I was actually going to give the SNES and Game Boy separate videos but I felt as though they didn't really have enough content to Warrant their own episodes so I decided to combine them into one bigger episode along with the Virtual Boy due to that system easily being the least represented Nintendo console in Smash also because I know some people might question this when I say Game Boy games I'm referring to games that released on both the original model game boy as well as the Game Boy Color since whilst there are some people who consider the two separate systems Nintendo often bundles them together as the same thing without the way let's get started [Music] yakuman is a simple Mahjong game which was a launch channel for the game boy in Japan whilst Nintendo has been making mahjong games since the famicom the one on Game Boy was the first one to use the yakuman name with this particular entry being developed by intelligent systems releasing just one year before the release of the first Fire Emblem giving these games are just Mahjong the games are almost all entirely Japan exclusives the only entry to release outside Japan being a switch Port of the arcade game versus Mahjong because of that and the fact these games are quite literally just Mahjong and nothing else there's not much from the yakimon series The only thing taken from these games being Spirit number 1141 yakaman player a one slot novice support spirit with the effect critical Health attack up this being the guy playing Mahjong on yakuman's box that Arc though he doesn't actually appear in the game pilot Wings is a series of flight simulators that focus on being missions in various aerial vehicles with all the games being launch titles for their respective systems with the original pilot wings for the Super Nintendo which used mode 7 to create the illusion of a 3D space pilot Wings 64 for the Nintendo 64 which furthered the concept with actual 3D models and pilot Wings Resort for the 3DS which connected the games to the Wii Sports series by having you play as Mees and being set on the central location of Wii Sports Resort woohoo Island there's actually a good amount of content from the pilot Wing series most likely thanks to its reputation as a launch title series and the connection to Wii Sports to begin we have the stage pilot Wings which takes place on the wings of two different planes the fight starting on top of a red biplane resembling the Light plane from the original pilot Wings Which flies over the island Runway from The Game's third level eventually Fighters will switch to a yellow mono Wing sea plane from Pilot Wings Resort Which flies around woohoo island with it being possible to see knees flying around with rocket belts around the island until eventually returning back to the original plane outside of the transitions between planes the only real stage Hazard is the plane tilting as it makes turns affecting how easy or hard it is to land on the plane's wings next is six music tracks four versions of the Light plane theme from the original pilot wings with the original song foreign [Music] to smash 4 remixes with both a regular and vocal version [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] and a new remix [Music] [Music] a Smash 4 remix of the turbojet theme from Pilot Wings Resort with the track also containing the game's opening music and part of light playing from the original game [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] and a Smash 4 remakes of the panel glider theme from Resort though the song itself actually Bears more resemblance to the hang glider theme [Music] thank you foreign rocket belt this being a jet pack which has acted as a recurring vehicle in the series since the original game in Smash it allows for extra jumps until eventually falling off of Fighters exploding if it contacts Fighters or a ceiling was going upwards with it also being possible to knock it off early by being attacked finally their Spirit number 1088 plane a one slot Advanced support spirit with the effect strong wind immunity the ark coming from Pilot Winds Resort where the plane's designs are identical to the ones from Wii sports resorts Air Sports Games [Music] oh the super scope or nintendoscope in power regions was a light gun accessory which was effectively the super Nintendo's version of the NES zapper however instead of modeling the accessory after a pistol the super scope is instead based on a bazooka with the accessory also being Wireless and powered by batteries the controller was bundled with super scope 6 a compilation pack of six smaller games with another 11 games being made compatible or requiring the scope to play it like the zapper of the super scope has had a few small cameos in other games with a modified super scope even appearing as a prop in the live-action Super Mario Brothers movie since this is a case of something in Smash being based on Hardware as opposed to a game or series there's only one thing that directly references the super scope this being the superscope's appearance as an item where it can shoot yellow energy shots with the size and power of the shots being based on how long the player holds the attack button with larger shots also using up more ammo the ammo count allow coming a range of 72 weak shots or five fully charged shots [Music] X is a 3D vehicle combat game for the Game Boy which was developed in collaboration with Argonaut games who are most known for creating the super effects chip and developing the original Star Fox which due to both games use of 3D Graphics sci-fi sayings and both being inspired by Argonauts earlier work with the star glider series X is sometimes considered a spiritual predecessor to the Star Fox series the game being set in the future where an earth Colony on the Planet tatamus 2 is under attack from an alien force the player being tasked to fight them off using the space tank vixiev whilst a US release of the game was planned under the title lunar chase the game would end up being Japan only however in 2010 the game would receive a sequel as DSi were titled X returns this game being developed by Q games who made both Star Fox command and 64 3D with X returns actually seeing a release outside Japan under the title Xscape in the US and 3D space tank in Europe due to the original's Legacy as a spiritual predecessor of Star Fox we have a decent amount of content from X first we have two music tracks with two versions of the tunnel theme from X with a Brawn remix [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] and a remix taken from the sequel Escape [Music] [Music] in addition their Spirit number 1142 Commander a one slot novice support Spirit which lets you start the battle with a staff also known as the training academy coach this is the character who assigns your missions for each level effectively being the spiritual predecessor to Star Fox's General pepper [Music] foreign race is a series of jet ski racing games which started on the Game Boy which allowed for four player multiplayer via the Link cable peripheral whilst this game specifically isn't well remembered it did sell well enough to Warrant two sequels which are much more well known the first being wavery 64 which was both the Nintendo 64's first reason game and in the US was the third N64 game to release after the system's launch titles Mario 64 and pilot Wing 64 with Weaver 64 also being a launch title in Europe the game mainly being pushed with its at the time impressive water physics similarly the third and currently last game in the wavery series Wave Race Blue Storm was a launch title for the GameCube which doubled the number of playable characters from 4 to 8 and added weather effects which can impact the race since blue storms released Nintendo has been pretty content to just re-release wavery 64. because of this there's not much from Wave Race the only thing being Spirit number 1158 ryota hayami a one slot novice support spirit with the effect swimmer a Japanese racer from Waverly 64 who is the older brother of akari hayami from the 1080 degree series he's sometimes considered to be the main character due to him being the first character on the select screen and being the average all-around character recommended for beginners the art is from waverous Blue Storm where he removed his goggles and helmet to gain more recognition with him once again acting as the game's all-around racer oh [Music] or in English the Frog For Whom the Bell Tolls is an action-adventure game made in collaboration with intelligent systems this time releasing the same year as the second Fire Emblem game the game having you play as the prince of the subway Kingdom who sets out to save Princess tiramisu of the meal fuel Kingdom from King dalarin and his croaking army with exploration requiring the prince to make use of animal Transformations given to him by the witch mandala the game's exploration is very similar to Legend of Zelda with the game's engine actually being reused for Link's Awakening the main difference between the two being how combat is presented by having fight dust clouds appear when you touch an enemy with the person who's stronger ultimately winning the only input the player has been to use items or run away due to its connections to the Zelda series we have a good amount of content from this game first we have an assist trophy of the game's main protagonist the subway prince in Smash attacking Fighters while driving them in a dust clown attack with him jumping in large Ox in his frog form or slithering across the floor in his snake form to reach opponents then there's three Spirits number 1143 frog and snake a three slot Advanced primary Shield Spirit which can be enhanced at level 99 this being the two animal Transformations the prince of sablay takes with him turning into a frog from touching cold water and a snake from eating eggs number 1144 Prince of sabley a three slot Legend primary Shield spirit with the effect transformation duration up the prince's human form which you can retake by eating Joy fruit with him also turning back if he runs out of health and number 1145 Prince Richard a three slot ACE primary neutral Spirits the prince of the custard Kingdom who is competing with the prince of Sableye to be the first to save Princess tiramisu acting as a friendly rival battle Clash is a futuristic action game which is played using the super scope taking place in a dystopian 21st century where the world governments have fallen with it now being ruled by a group of chiefs piloting mechs called standing tanks or STS for short led by a guy called Anubis with the game seeing you play as Mike Anderson who points to fight Anubis and the other Leaders with his own St as Revenger his father being killed by Anubis with the game requiring the player to shoot the enemy mech's weak points whilst defending themselves from attacks once the game would later receive a sequel with metal combat Falcon's Revenge given that they're both fairly obscure light gun games there's very little from Battle Clash the only thing taken from these games being Spirit number 1150 St Falcon a one slot novice primary attack spirit this being the mech that Mike The Game's main protagonist uses to combat against anubis's forces foreign FX is a cartoony racing game with its name coming from its use of the super effects chip to allow for 3D graphics with stunt race effects being the second game to use that chip after the original Star Fox the game has you play as various vehicles with cartoon eyes with races requiring the player to complete three laps before the timer runs out without destroying their vehicle or coming fourth place along with a stunt mode requiring you to collect as many stars as possible on the track despite being one of the earlier games to use the super effects chip the game is kind of obscure mainly thanks to the game having only seen one re-release that being in 2019 as part of switch online because of that there's not much from this game either the only content from this game being two Spirits number 1151 F-Type a one slot novice support spirit with the effect on damaged speed up one of the starting Vehicles modeled after F1 cars which is recommended for advanced players due to its high speed and acceleration but weak defenses and number 1152 tractor trailer a one slot novice support spirit with the effect breaking ability up a semi-trailer truck which can only be played during the optional bonus rounds in the speed tracks mode which is effectively the main game mode foreign Virtual Boy game to be represented in Smash with tellero boxer which if you can't tell from the title is a boxing game specifically the game takes place in a first person perspective being set in the 22nd century with a technology called tele-robotics allowing people to remotely control robots in this case specifically for boxing matches telleruboxer is arguably the most famous original title for the Virtual Boy with it also being one of the few games to actually use the controller's 2D pads to control each hand despite that given the Virtual Boy itself was a commercial failure selling only 770 000 units before being discontinued after less than a year being one of the most recognizable games for the system isn't really saying much because of that the only thing from this game is Spirit number 1157 Harry a one slot novice primary Shield spirit with the effect fist attack up this being the robot controlled by the game's Main agonists which weighs in at 4 300 kilograms and stands at 3.85 meters tall yeah paneled upon is a puzzle game for the Super Nintendo which focuses on Switching around colored blocks in order to form in clear lines this being another game made by intelligent systems whilst the game was released outside Japan not only did it get reening to Tetris attack despite the gameplay having very little resemblance to Tetris outside of being a block based puzzle game but all of the original characters were replaced with wands from the Yoshi's Island series the series wouldn't receive a few sequels and spin-offs under the new title puzzle leading outside Japan namely getting Pokemon reskins for the N64 and Game Boy Color being part of a japan-only compilation pack for the GameCube alongside Yoshi's cookie and Dr Mario being packaged with Dr Mario again this time for the Game Boy Advance a DS game title Planet puzzle league in America and puzzle lead DS in Europe which also had a cheaper stripped-down version released as DSi aware and finally a puzzle League minigame was included in the welcome amiibo update for Animal Crossing New Leaf there's a decent amount of content from paneled upon though it only entirely revolves around the first game namely its main protagonist lip first we have a brawl remix of lips theme which played whenever lip was on screen with large significance with the localized Tetris attack version using it as the tutorial music foreign [Music] next there's the item lips stick this being the flower one used by lip in Smash hearing an opponent with it causes them to grow a flower on their head with the flower causing continual damage for a short period of time after that we have a nice swordfire costume based on lip with the sword being lips flower wand finally there's Spirit number 1153 lip a one slot Ace support Spirit which lets you start the battle with lipstick a flower fairy who acts as the protagonist of the original paneled upon who in The Game's story mode is working to save the fairies from a curse set by The Demon King Thanatos foreign marvelous is a series of action-adventure games which started Life as a four-part broadcast for the satella view a japan-only Super Nintendo add-on which lets players download games magazines and other media via satellite broadcasts the game would later see an expanded physical release with marvelous Mohit tatsuna tagalojima which was also Japan exclusive most likely due to the game coming out after the N64 was already released and the commercial failure of Earthbound though the game is recognized as the first game directed by asiao Numa the project manager for the Legend of Zelda series with his work on marvelous often being credited as to why he was brought on to Zelda starring with Ocarina of Time outside of another sir teleview game the only other attention the series has gone was a japan-only Wii U virtual console release a mini game based on the first marvelous game appearing in the Japanese and Korean versions of The Legend of Zelda 4 swords adventures and the game Triforce hero being sometimes considered as a spiritual success Assets in The Marvelous series because of the game's obscure Origins the only content from this game is Spirit number 1154 Dion Max and Jack a three slot novice primary neutral Spirit a group of kids who act as the series meme protagonist the artwork specifically coming from mohitatsu no takojima where they travel to an island to find the treasure of the pirate Captain Maverick [Music] or our last original Game Boy title we have molemania a puzzle game which centers around navigating mazes to get our ball to the end with it being possible to dig through soft ground to create underground tunnels to navigate between areas and levels later introducing enemies and gimmicks like weights pipes and barrels since this is a one-off puzzle game for the Game Boy which released well after many other notable Game Boy puzzle games more manure is mostly regarded as being the most obscure game which Shigeru Miyamoto was involved with him being the game's producer like a lot of the more obscure games talked about the only thing from this game is Spirit number 1146 muddy mole a one slot novice support Spirit which lets you start the battle with a drill the game's main protagonist who is working to solve the puzzles in order to save his family from the Cabbage farmer jinbei [Music] sweet a hakun is a series of puzzle platforms consisting of three satello view broadcasts and one physical release with all the games having the same gameplay with different levels the game requires the player to move and recolor blocks in order to navigate levels to collect all the Rainbow shards with points being warded based on how many moves it takes the player to beat them level starting at 1000 and decreasing with each movement jump and the taken and release of an object whilst The satella View versions haven't been re-released the physical game did get powered onto the Wii and Wii U's Virtual Console Albia in Japan only since this is another pretty obscure Japan only game this is yet another Series where the only piece of representation is one spirit that being Spirit number 1155 hakun a one slot novice support spirit with the effect transformation duration up a colorless blob who acts as the game's main protagonist with him being able to carry blocks by absorbing them through his needle nose famicom Bunko hajimari nomori was a text-based adventure game made in a similar style to the famicom mukeshibanashi series with hajamari namori only seeing release via the Nintendo Power cartridge these effectively been the successor to the famicom disc games being special cartridges that could have games downloaded onto them as a cheaper alternative to bind the full retail game was the game never received a proper physical release it would re-release on the Wii and Wii U's Virtual Console in Japan since the game is effectively a Japan exclusive digital only title this is another series that only has one spirit this time being Spirit number 1156 going from hajamari nomori a one slot novice support Spirit which lets you start the battle with a super Leaf a young guy named Kimora saki from the ayakashi tribe who the game's main protagonist meets and befriends in the forest with him going on a journey to find her after she goes missing [Music] trade and battle card hero is a card based RPG for the Game Boy Color made by intelligent systems the goal of battles being to use various cards to summon monsters and power them up in order to attack the opponent's MasterCard whilst making sure your own MasterCard doesn't lose all their HP whilst the US release was planned it was ultimately scrapped making it a japan-only title despite this the game would receive two sequels for the DS both of these also being japan-only releases these being kosoku card battle card hero and card hero speed battle custom the liner of which was a digital title released as DSi wear thanks to this series having more than one game we have a bit more than a lot of the other obscure Series in Smash gear Khan hero being home to two Spirits number 1147 maruhige shop owner a one slot Advanced support spirit with the effect item gravitation now this is the person who sells all the cards both the player and everyone else in the games used throughout the series they aren't coming from kosoku card battle card hero and number 1148 satoru a three slot novice primary grab Spirit the main protagonist of the second game a second year high school student who alongside their Channel friend Haruka Works to become the world's greatest card Hero player [Music] she giant alien is a creature collection game for the Game Boy Color the game being both developed and published by creatures Inc the same company behind the Earthbound series and the Pokemon Trading Card Game along with various Pokemon spin-offs the game focusing around using the Game Boy colors infrared scanner to find a race for aliens called chainlions with each one having a mini game that can be played by playing with them in a similar manner to atamagotchi story progression being locked behind extracting their Dark Matter the game would Lee receive a spin-off on the GBA with no no puzzled chainlion which was a mini game collection featuring The chainlions the Cod Apache 6 minigame eventually getting a standalone release as a DSi wear title which was also the only title to release outside Japan under the title spin 6. since this is a series that consists of one game and a spin-off but the only thing seen outside Japan being a digital only Standalone release of one of the mini games from the spin-off this is yet another series to only get one spirit this being Spirit number 1188 little blue a one slots novice support spirit with the effect fire slash explosion resist up a Chilean who can't be captured but provides tips acting as a guy for the player in the original game as well as providing facts for beating puzzles in no no no puzzle chainlion with little blue sort of being the series mascot and with that we've covered all the smaller series that originate on the snez Game Boy and Virtual Boy for the overall rankings yakuman super scope Wave Race battle Clash talera boxer marvelous mole Mania sweet a hakun hajamari nomori and chalian are all tied 153rd with 54 other series stunt race effects and card hero are both tied 109th with 42 other series exercise 88th with 20 other series is tied 73rd with 14 other series pundled upon is tied 62nd with 10 other series and pilot Wings has tied 43rd with Wii Sports putting it above Nintendogs and ice climber but below Rhythm Heaven and Pac-Man this also making it tied for the sixth most represented series which doesn't have a playable character from a recent poll the next episode we'll be looking at is all the content in Smash taken from Capcom so if you want to see that episode when it comes out know when the next poll is or keep up with anything else happening on the channel be sure to subscribe and if there's a particular series of video topic you want to see get covered let me know in the comments otherwise thanks for watching foreign
Channel: FindersFlanders
Views: 429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Frog for Whom the Bell Tolls, Puzzle League, Marvelous: Another Treasure Island, Tetris Attack
Id: oVdC2Y7Gi68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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