The SMALLEST Toaster Oven Ever?

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welcome back everybody today I'm back with an interesting one this is what I would say is probably the smallest toaster oven I've ever seen and that is the dash mini toaster oven now as a toaster oven this size even practical let's find out in today's review so last night I unboxed it and here's how that went I bought this on clearance for about 15 bucks at a Target usually runs about 20 on Amazon where it's pretty popular and on Amazon's choice almost looks like a CD case here I'm assuming that's the instructions I'll read that over all right here it is and the claims that it's a mini toaster oven for bagels toast pizza or even cookies it's small size makes it more efficient than using a full-size oven includes a baking tray and rack also has a timer and auto shutoff feature looks like we've got some some toast settings on there now on Amazon a lot of people like it some people say the small size say it's good for making toast or Bagels while praising the price a lot of people use the word cute to describe it now the biggest complaint on Amazon I saw people talking about was the size saying it's too small to really make more than a slice of toast or half a bagel some people point out there's no temperature setting so it's easy to burn items quickly I should also point out that most people on Amazon seem to be using this for some type of bread so I'll probably focus on that first of all there's a heating element inside they refer to it as being fragile so you have to be really careful around that they also say that not to make toast more than four minutes or it'll burn they've got a couple different settings here basically two three and four minutes are light medium and dark they say it's not good for meat or poultry or anything uncooked really so mainly it's going to be for bread be warming up some leftovers that's about it but it's very small look at the size of my hand looks giant next to this thing something kind of funny I noticed in the instructions they have a recipe ideas here which is kind of cool so I've got seven recipes but six of them are just a matter of making toast and then after it's done putting on top of it so they are recipes but most of the recipes aren't really done in the unit itself all right so let me start off I'm just going to try making some toes and see what happens now you can use the tray or the rack we've got both here I think I'm going to try making a piece of toast on both and see how they compare I've got some white Wonder Bread which usually does a good job of showing how well a toast Let's uh stick one right on the rack here it does hold just about one piece of bread close it up now they say two minutes for light three minutes for medium and four for dark we're gonna go medium to start off we're already on the way here there's a rather loud ticking sound and it is heating up in there because it's kind of one of those twist timers you're not really sure if you're exactly on three minutes or not so it's kind of small so I think I was around three minutes so we shall see I mean it looks like it's pretty well toasted in there already I'm not sure how much time's left It's gotta be almost done I mean where it's at now looks pretty good to me maybe I should just stop it because that looks pretty good there's a little bit of smoke coming out of here that rack looks quite warm look at this first piece from the rack the top is very even happy with that now there's obviously going to be rack marks in the bottom which is understandable but I'm going to try one now with the tray itself now what's interesting about the tray is they say to flip it halfway through but elsewhere the instructions they say don't open during the cooking process so I'm not sure how that's going to work I should also point out that there's one temperature it's 400 Degrees that's it there's no temperature adjustment it's 400 Degrees like it or not I think I'm going to use my stopwatch for a little bit more accurate timing I'm going to go in on the tray this time close it up I'm going to go a minute and a half flip it another minute and a half and then we'll compare the tray versus the rack and then whichever one's better I'm using the rest the time here we go three-ish minutes but I'm going to stop after a minute and a half and flip it we shall see all right we're in a minute and a half let's flip it oh look at the that bottom is not done at all you know I can see a big difference on this one I don't like having to flip it though it's already kind of cramped in there I have to use these tongs kind of smash the bread a little bit I don't really like the flipping process I'd rather just use the rack and not to worry about flipping it we're three minutes foreign actually it's pretty good on the tray too to be honest even though I had to flip it that's pretty even in fact the edge is a little bit almost burnt I would say after the first test I'm pretty happy with both of them to be honest I don't like that though that's come when I had to use the the tongs to flip it but otherwise look how beautifully even that is on the other hand this one if you don't mind the wire marks didn't have to be flipped so I think both did pretty well to be honest Next Step I'm going to try probably the second most commonly reported item made in here which is a half a bagel I'm going to try it on just the rack and we'll see what happens I think I'm gonna go right in the middle of number three once again and see how that goes just for kind of a second opinion on time I'm using my stopwatch for these tests as well so I'm going three minutes whether that timer goes off or not unlike the first toast test I'm getting smoke on this one they said it might smoke after the first use but this is the third use oh it looks like it's burning I gotta turn this off it's burning oh man that didn't take long at all I was only at two and a half minutes it's already burning great and it smells like it's burning too wow oh that's burnt that is not good three two and a half minutes some people online were complaining the temperature control will be nice now I see why two and a half minutes that is disappointing but I want this cool down a little bit and try another half bagel and see if I can get it right because that is not good man I was looking forward to eating that Bagel too all right well I gotta have to try here all right we're going back in I will not be deterred I'm literally gonna try like one minute and see what happens two and a half minutes is way too much let's try one a minute and see what happens I'm just gonna watch it I'm just gonna sit over here and watch it and we're one minute let's check it out all right one minute it's not very very toasted just keep going something happened between one minute and two and a half minutes to burn this last time I'm not gonna let it happen again I say two minutes is good for this one you're done two minutes two and a half minutes big difference I'm starting to get the idea this is not something you can just leave unattended but it's so fast maybe it's not really that big of a deal I did open the oven after one minute for this one so that's another reason there's probably a difference I don't know let's break out the uh the thermal imager and take a look inside and see how warm it gets in there give me some readings in the 500s because we're in the element itself just it goes over 600 it's pretty warm in there it's it's pretty warm it's pretty warm the outside's hot too they say it gets hot and it gets hot they say nothing touch the outside of it and I can see why I would only touch this handle and pretty much nothing else how about something even thinner like this half of an English muffin throw that in there see what happens I'm not even going to worry about the timer I'm just gonna I'm gonna Crank It Up I'm gonna watch it when it looks like it's brown I'm gonna pull it out but I will run my stopwatch just to see how long it takes pretty much have to sit over here and watch it and imagine this is going to be quick as thin as that is all right about two minutes and I'm starting to smell something let's see we got here interestingly I would say it's not as done as the bagel after two minutes that's weird two minutes English muffin two minutes Bagel but this is got a little bit of smoke coming off of it I guess from right here in the end I mean this is about where I'd like it but it's just weird at the time of two minutes here versus two minutes here so different all right so I have a pretty good idea as far as all the different bread products how it's going to work I really would just watch it I'm not going to trust the timer because the timer is a dial you're not really sure if you're at 2 15 or 1 45 Riot too it's kind of hard to tell it's just better to watch it and see when it gets Brown and then take it out but I want to try one more thing here they're showing on the packaging they show a mini pizza going in there obviously I'm gonna have to use the tray because I don't want any cheese or anything spilling down on the heating element all right so I've got one of these little Red Baron pizzas here I'm going to put it directly on the tray which it barely fits but it does fit it's going to stick it right in here now the Red Baron instructions say 22-24 minutes at 375 this only goes up to 15 minutes I'm just going to crank it up and watch it when the cheese melts we're going to pull it out and see how it looks so here we go I'm going to crank it all the way up this maxes out of 15 minutes I can't imagine cooking anything in that heat for 15 minutes but we shall see I'm also curious if it's going to cook the inside as well we're just going to burn the outside and leave the inside cold I'm going to keep an eye on this when the cheese starts to melt I'm pulling out cutting it open and see what happens all right we're about five and a half minutes now the top of it looks like it's getting kind of brown I wonder how the inside is going to look I mean the cheese does seem like it's kind of melted it doesn't look burnt yet and the cheese doesn't look real melted so I'm gonna let it keep going all right at the uh almost seven minute Mark it's getting kind of brown I'm going to pull it out of there one small issue with this is just so cramped in there from here to here is Pretty Brown this side not as much let's look at the bottom not not so Brown the problem with this is that if I keep cooking it this is just going to be completely burnt all right the unit it's pretty warm I'm gonna move it over here I had to use my hot hands to get that out of the way I use my Star Trek pizza cutter here so the problem that I'm seeing with this one is you've got burnt edges on one side not on this side it's not real crispy on the bottom the center is warm I will say that at least the center is is warm no cold spots all right so right here is dead center it doesn't feel cold but let me think about it and see what happens it's cooked I'm actually surprised only took seven minutes as opposed to 22. so it is cooked all right so as far as I can tell the dash mini toaster oven does work it seems especially effective on toasting bread which that's pretty even with or without being on the wire rack I just think it came out quite nice other types of breads it was kind of all over the place but you really have to just watch it because that heating element is cycling on and off the amount of time almost seems to vary it surprisingly worked for the mini pizza I don't think that was quite as good as a full-size oven but it was fast and it was cooked all the way through so it did work my only real concerns about this is that it's so hot and so fast it's easy to burn something so you really have to kind of watch it I'm not even sure the timer is even really useful it's almost as better off putting it in there and just watching it until it's done another thing I do like about it is that it has such a small footprint that it would really go well in very small spaces it doesn't make a lot but what it does do it seems to do pretty well but as far as I can tell the dash mini toaster oven does work if you've tried this or something like it tell me what you think in the comments low I appreciate you watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 113,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, review, as seen on tv product testing, toaster oven, best toaster oven, toaster oven review, dash mini toaster oven, best toaster ovens, dash mini toaster oven review
Id: BkcZcjakxS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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