The Smallest Car in the World at the BBC - Top Gear - BBC

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Probably one of my favourite Top Gear moments (comedy wise, at least). This and driving across the American Deep South in their "decorated" cars.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/redmach1390 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2012 🗫︎ replies

I would like to see a convertible version.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/bluerein 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2012 🗫︎ replies

so if this was a driving lesson situation, the instructor would be going next to you in one of those as well?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/IwillNoComply 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2012 🗫︎ replies

Does anyone know if that BBC news shot was actually real?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SugarSherman 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2012 🗫︎ replies

That 380p encode is seriously fantastic.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/I_rarely_post 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2012 🗫︎ replies

No penis jokes? I am disappointed.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MorrisMoss 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2012 🗫︎ replies

not the smallest car in the world...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/the_television 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2012 🗫︎ replies
And there's more, because as the country becomes more and more crowded and the environmentalists become more and more noisy, it makes more and more sense than ever to have a small car. There are lots to choose from. I've got a selection here. Volkswagen Polo, Suzuki Swift, quite nice, actually, and the Citroen C1. The trouble is none of these cars are really small. They are in fact... massive. Forty years ago, car makers could sell you something much smaller... the original Mini, for example, or the bubble car. But even these aren't small. Not really. Not compared... to this. the Peel P50. That is 54 inches long and 41 inches wide. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest production car ever. And what I'm sure you're expecting me to do now is introduce Richard Hammond. But what I'm actually going to do... is drive it to work. All... 6'5" of me. No, that's not going to work. I'll have to... Hang on. Leg... Yes. Leg first and then... Yes! Built on the Isle of Man in the early '60s, the P50 was said to be almost cheaper than walking. It cost £198 and did 100 miles to the gallon. It sounds perfect, then, for the roads of today. Of course there are one or two drawbacks. I can't imagine, for instance, that it's terribly safe, not when your knees are the crumple zones. And nor is it very... fast. What I've got down here by my right knee, in the cabin, making an awful lot of noise and generating quite a bit of heat is the 49cc engine from a moped. Top speed rather depends on how big you are and... actually how much you had for breakfast. But realistically, even the skinniest, shortest chap with the whitest of teeth will struggle to get past 35. There's something else I've just thought of as well. I have to pay congestion charge in this in this part of London... but the camera crew in the Lexus 4x4, don't because it's a hybrid. How fair's that? It's not like I'm creating any pollution at all. The Peel then is not only a handy way of getting to work... but it's also pretty practical when you get there. Normally, the BBC make you... moor up in an underground car park, where the bays are only big enough for ethnic peace bicycles and Fairtrade gee-whizzes. Well, because this is smaller than an ethnic peace bicycle... I don't have to worry about parking... at all. The great thing about a car this small is that it's very light... which means that when you get to work, you just pick it up and carry it inside. Morning! In the Top Gear office, the team were keen to know more about the P50. I give you the future, young men and women! Peel P50. I think it's four and a half horsepower. You know those Little Tykes cars... that all kids have got? That's exactly the same, one door. I have never seen the Top Gear team so enthusiastic about any car. "Lads, I put a Koenigsegg down in the car park." "Oh, right." "Got a new Ferrari down there." Not interested. This... Even John Humphrys dropped by for a look. Hammond... No... Well, can't you just clean them? Really, £4,000 to whiten them? You white...? No, well, I'll stick with the yellow ones. Okay. Take care! Bye. Who's got the car? That's fantastic! Who's stolen the car? God, the power under this bonnet! It's impressive! Ah, Clarkson, you've met your match here, mate. Please don't just steal our things. Do you mind? Thanks very much. Jolly nice of you. Soon, I was summoned to an important BBC meeting. Most of the people going would be walking, but I was running late, and decided to use the car. Doors closing. Fourth floor. Fiona Bruce is standing here, the newsreader. Ground floor. -Sorry, Fiona, could you give me a push? -A push out? Mm, please, 'cause it's got no reverse gear, so... -Thank you! -You be all right in there? This is fine, thanks. She has got quite a nice bottom. I said that out loud, didn't I? After a short drive, I arrived at BBC Television Centre. Unfortunately though, this is the most complicated building in the world. I've worked at the BBC for 20 years and I still don't know where I'm going! Tomorrow's World was cancelled, not because the programme wasn't interesting anymore. It was simply because Judith Hann was lost in here. Remember John Noakes, Peter Purves from Blue Peter? They're in here somewhere, lost... Hello, can anyone help? Thanks! Which department's this? I'm really lost now. The police have held talks with government ministers about how to handle the number of claims that have resulted from last month's floods. The total bill is estimated at about £1.5 billion. Mark Simpson is here... Sorry! Sorry, everyone! Sorry! Eventually though, I made it to the top-level BBC seminar. I believe we've already made significant inroads into the implementation of an open and inclusive policy for the ethnocentrically homogenous objectives of this department. But I'd like to say that climate change is the biggest threat ever to face the peoples of this world. And minimising our carbon footprint through functional usage is a key responsibility of anyone who uses a photocopier. I hope that in this session we can discuss and address... Sadly the meeting went on so long, there was no time left for any programme-making. ... policy for the ethnocentrically... So, I headed home. I really think that today I have seen the future and it comes from 1963. This Peel P50 really is absolutely brilliant. If it had a reverse gear, I would describe it as the absolute ultimate, really, of personal mobility. You can't... That's Dermot Monaghan! Oi! It is! Monaghan! Monaghan! Oh! Thanks! Thanks for that! Sorry...
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 24,662,557
Rating: 4.9172044 out of 5
Keywords: BBC, Top, Gear, Car, Auto, Challenge, Motor, Review, Cars, Awesome, Vehicle, Video, Clip, Driving, Heaven, Smallest Car, Small, Jeremy Clarkson, James May, Richard Hammond, Stig, Peel P50
Id: dJfSS0ZXYdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 05 2008
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