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what is up guys and welcome back to the channel in this video I'm going to be going over what I think is the most important shot that you need to master in order to be a competitive tennis player so without talking too much about it let's get into it [Music] and before we get started guys don't forget to like And subscribe the channel is growing really fast we set out the goal of growing to 25k to start a collaboration video and we're almost at 5000 already so thank you to everybody that's joining the team in this video we're going to talk about something that's probably not super exciting but it's something that you guys have to give it the respect that it deserves we are going to be practicing or training the neutral ball the reason why you have to give the neutral ball more respect is 90 of the game that you're playing is going to be spent in the neutral phase you're gonna be spent trying to avoid getting attacked you're going to be spent trying to set up attacking positions for yourself most people always want to work on how to be a good Defender how to attack how to finish how to hit transition shots all that stuff is important but you spend 90 of the game doing none of those things and then one shot or two shots are gonna happen where you're not rallying and not being neutral and you're actually using those other shots so in this video we're going to train the neutral ball what needs to be going on through your head what needs to be going on on the court tactically Tech technically so let's get into that right now so when we look at hitting a quality neutral ball you have to do two things well thing one is being light and Nimble on your feet thing two is looking to step in as often as possible the reason why you want to have those two things happen is it allows you to maintain High shot quality and more importantly it allows you to maintain good depth on the shot death isn't the only thing you need but it's definitely a key to keeping your opponent neutral as a guarantee in most cases for example if I was to hit a heavy shot that lands closer to the service line I have to make sure that shot quality is really high so that the bounce keeps my opponent neutral but there's no guarantee because they can be proactive in step in and take it early when you have good depth on your neutral ball it actually kind of almost guarantees that the person can't do whatever they want they can attempt to be aggressive but they're actually ending up taking more risk and it takes more preparation for them to be aggressed up on a shot like that so the two things you want to do is stay light on your feet so that you can make quick last second adjustments and then two have enough space with that that you're able to put your body weight in at least a little bit I'm going to be calling on a lot of things that I've talked about in other videos to this exercise that we're working on today so if I set up the ball machine which I'm going to do right now I don't need to be super loaded to hit a good neutral ball I can be light on my feet and hit that shot every time move easy through and then coming back into a position where I have the ability to keep myself light on my feet every shot I hit I'm looking for at least a little step forward which allows me to just put a little Bobby weight into the ball and keep my ball Landing farther back taking it to a different angle you can see what the quality of the shot's gonna be see like both shots there if I'm leaning back and planting I end up lifting in my ball land short but if I can get my body weight forward there's my depth forward Falls all the way back there splitting light weight in and I'm able to step in that ball landed right on my feet the ball machine is actually doing a good job of keeping me neutral based on the way I have it set but if I step in even just a little bit my ball guarantees to land far enough back where I can stop the person from hurting me depth is key on being neutral in most cases as a guarantee but as I said it's not the only way it's just the one that most people don't do a great job of so then they have to rely on other ones so you're probably thinking that's all well and good I understand what's supposed to happen but how do I do it here are the things as I said the two main points are staying light on your feet and getting your body weight in but that doesn't guarantee the depth of the shot what will guarantee the death of the shot is a combination of these few things we want to run through I'm going to do them really quickly so you can pause the video if you need to but the first thing I want you guys to pay attention to is something called the 9010 rule what that means is two things I break it into two different parts the 9010 rule states by definition ninety percent of your results are going to happen from 10 of what you do as long as you pick the right 10 percent and then the other part of the 90 10 rule as it pertains to tennis is the ball movement versus your movement the ball is going to move 90 of the distance and most people wait for the ball to move that extra 10 and get to them and then they try to do all the work here if you just take a little space away and then use and fill up that last 10 and go out and meet the ball you're taking your body weight through and the bot and the weight of the ball is colliding with yours and you're sending it out so if I shoot the video from here I don't hang out back by the back of the court and wait for the ball to get to me and hit here every shot I hit I go out to it and then I come back I go forward out to it and then I come back that's all it takes to create solid contact over and over again the other part as I said I'm just going to run through things quickly solid contact as I mentioned is striking through the ball obviously there's going to be a little bit of lift but you want to make sure you have good extension through the shot as I said from a little SEC a few seconds ago I'm calling on a lot of things we talk about in other videos follow through versus finish you have to extend out through the shot to get the exact power going that way don't focus on getting up to your shoulder for height because that's not actually true you have to extend up for height you have to extend forward for power versus thinking I gotta get the ball up in the air so as you're stepping toward the court have the racket path match the body weight back and then forward and if I'm going forward here I should be going forward here I shouldn't step forward into a ball and then pull up way up here because that's actually negating the thing that I'm trying to do if I'm going to do that with my racket I should have my legs match that motion so I kind of indirectly said it you want to make sure your legs match your racket path if you're trying to hit through you should be stepping through if you're trying to hit up and you should be pushing up looking at it on a tactical side the thing that you want to do in terms of ball placement and location remember we're not talking about attacking people we're talking about remaining neutral you're going to follow these basic principles if a ball goes cross you send it back cross if a ball goes Center you make sure you don't hit it Center and rule number three if you have to hit the center you hit the ball deep Center those are the three rules the ball goes cross you go back cross if the ball comes to the middle you don't go to the middle and if you have to ignore rule number one and Rule Number Two rule number three says the ball that lands in the middle should be close to the back of the court so the person can't attack you if you follow those three rules it'll be very difficult for your opponent to put any pressure on you because they have to generate that pressure on their own which means they're also creating higher risk and let's say they hit a couple of winners the amount of winners and high pressure they're going to put on you is not going to be as high and the amount of errors that you might end up seeing from it will also match that so if they're trying to attack you but they're attacking you from difficult positions it's not going to pay off as much as if you gave them short shots and some of you guys clearly already know this stuff but we're going to put like a framework to it so again three rules are cross goes cross middle gets out of the middle and if you have to ignore the first two you make sure that ball is deep to the center so switching to a live perspective I'm hitting with Gerardo and my whole goal here is to make sure that he can't attack me so any ball that I don't do a good job on I end up looking like that because I landed short and he hits it straight at me and I end up shifting My Way backwards so if I apply the 90 the 90 10 and I keep looking to make that step forward I should be able to maintain being in control or at least out of trouble forward back back forward now I'm in the court and that's really all I have to do I have to make sure that I'm not getting attacked until I have a chance to step in ninety percent of the game is going to be played from that position let's do one more so again just looking to step towards the ball and keep myself out of trouble forward back forward and then back so as long as I'm here I'm in good shape but that's going to wrap up this video guys as I said it's super simple but it's very under practice most times people don't really give the neutral ball the respect it deserves in practice they use the neutral ball for their warm-up and that's about it but they don't really give it the respective what makes it good what makes it not good when am I not doing a good job with that child when am I getting myself in trouble not because the other person is good but because I'm just not hitting a quality ball so if you know anybody that'll benefit from this video send it off to them but until then we'll see you guys in the next one foreign
Channel: Iron Will Tennis
Views: 62,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tennis, tennis, ​ tennisplayer, ​ tennislife, ​ tenniscourt, ​ tennisball, ​ TennisTV, ​ tennispro​, tenniscoach, ​ tennistime, ​​ tennistraining, ​ tennisgirl, ​ tennismatch, ​ tennisvideo​, tennisfan, ​ ​ tennisclub, ​ tennislover, ​ tennisplayers​, ​ tennisacademy, ​ tennisballs, ​ TennisTeam, ​ tennisworld, ​ ​ tennispractice, ​​ tennislessons, tennisislife, ​ tennisfans, ​ ​ ATPCup, ​​ slowmotion, high performance
Id: Cl7usXpzMrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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