The Sixth Trumpet: The Road to Armageddon Begins

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I'd like you to look at that text at Charles read to us and Revelation chapter 9 verse 13 and following it is about the campaign that is going to become world war 3 that is going to be called Armageddon that it will end on the plain of megiddo somehow when you just say the word Armageddon is one of those words that even if you're not a Christian you know what it means but that's the last battle if you say the apocalypse it's apocalyptic everybody knows what that means if you ever go see the movie Apocalypse Now it's as dark a movie about evil and the conquest of evil that you can watch and somehow you don't need a nun and explanation as to what apocalypse means well we're going to look at the beginning of the final campaign that will end in the final battle when the nations are enraged at God and come together it is off the analogical chart there's no language you can use that is analogous to what is happening there's no paradigm you can say it's like the fire bombs in London in World War two you can't say that simply says fire and brimstone three times half of the earth by this time it's dead that's four billion people so we have nothing to equate to it the only good thing about it is we're not here and we're not in chapter 9 and verse 13 after that encouraging beginning let's take a look at the text here in verse 13 it says the sixth angel we have sounded five trumpets of judgment here is the sixth trumpet the sixth angel sounded and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God in the Jewish temple you have an altar as you start to enter into the court of God and it is an altar of sacrifice and that's the turnstile if you don't go through sacrifice that God ordains you don't get to come to God that sacrifice is the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through it now once you go through that that sacrificial altar is you get into the presence of God there is a table of incense it's very small it's golden it has four raised horns on each corner and that is where incense was placed on the coals of the altar and it would go up as a smoke before God and so in God's presence it was just like in heaven that he is covered with a cloud and it is a sweet aroma so is God's presence the fullness of joy and what it means is simply that this is acceptable approach that you have come the way of God and it is acceptable and the prayers of those who come that way it's a picture of prayer and of worship that it is if you enter by this way by the the sacrifice that God gives you pass by the the lamp stand it is light you pass by the table of showbread that it is nourishment you passed by the brass Laver it is cleansing and then you enter into the presence of God and the way you have come is is pleasant and it is sweet and you don't have to worry that it is ordained by God Amen when you die you don't have to worry about your entrance into his presence because you have passed the ordained way and so it's interesting but the first place that the golden altar of incense is mentioned in the New Testament is as Israel would pray morning after morning during the times of their captivity they would pray for God to send Messiah and to send deliverance and in Luke chapter 1 there is a priest named Zacharias has a wife named Elizabeth and he approaches once in a in a priest lifetime by a lot he could approach God with on the altar of incense and he could place the fire and the incense and let it go up before God and it so happened that it fell upon a man named Zacharias and he entered in and he placed the incense and all of a sudden he sees the angel Gabriel and the angel Gabriel says your prayers have been heard as the incense goes up your prayers have been heard and Messiah is going to come and the forerunner is going to come before him and not only will I answer the nation's prayer but I'm gonna answer a prayer that Zacharias I know that you have been praying and that is for you and your wife to have a child because your child is going to be the forerunner we're gonna name him John and so that's the first time in the New Testament you see the altar of incense and it's a prayer for the first coming of the Messiah the last time that you see the altar of incense is in Revelation 9 and verse 13 and it is acceptable prayer that is accepted not for the first coming of Messiah but for the second coming of Messiah and so this incense goes up before God that is called earlier in Revelation the prayers of the saints thy kingdom come Thy will be done come soon Lord Jesus maranatha how many times have you prayed and in the groanings of your heart that you have said O God that you would fix this mess you ever prayed ed yeah I read teenagers that move you to great prayer God that you look at the news God would you intervene well all of a sudden this incense goes up before God and the answer comes in verse 14 that one saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet I'm sorry verse 13 says I heard a voice from the four horn of the golden altar it's like the golden altar is animated and it speaks and the prayers have gone up long Lord how long and all of a sudden the altar answers and it's the answer to the prayers and the answer is verse 14 release the hounds one saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet release the four angels who are bound at the great river euphrates what does that mean release the angels who are bound never do you see except in Revelation 9 angels who are bound and I talked about that with you two weeks ago from Genesis 6 that you saw fallen angels the demonic realm that were confined and the bottomless pit that in Revelation 9 were released from for five months to do great arm to introduce men to what was coming a judgment they couldn't endure and they couldn't escape well here are four other angels and they are bound at the river Euphrates the term binding is never used for a heavenly angel only for the Fallen and so these are fallen angels that are bound at the river Euphrates Euphrates is the separation in the Bible of the east from the West we have been watching great warfare begin from chapter 6 on and the West in the kingdom of the Antichrist in the 10 nation power we looked at in Daniel chapter 7 and 8 and 9 we looked at well this war in the West is now to be met by war from the east and these angels are released and their job is to inspire war and in verse 6 verse 15 an amazing verse the four angels who have been prepared for the hour day month and year that is the most providential exacting verse in the Bible these Ames fell in Genesis six see also first Peter 3 second Peter 2 Jude verse 4 5 and following I showed you those about these demons that were bound that occurred in Genesis 6 and here at the end of the Bible it says they had been prepared for the hour day month and year God is sovereign these this demonic occurrence at the beginning of the end of the old world of Noah they now are seen again at the beginning of the end of the second world of Revelation how sovereign is God that things can come down to the very mind you tick of the clock that I have a plan and so they were released that they would kill a third of mankind chapter 6 verse 8 says already we have seen a fourth of mankind die now we see a third of that three-fourths I wouldn't know this not being a math major but my brother-in-law who had a smartphone is and he checked it out I said what is a third of three-fourths he said it comes approximately to 1/2 1/2 of mankind now has died that's approximately 4 billion people have been killed and right at about 6 and 1/2 years I'll explain that later is that a lot of mankind to die and in verse 16 here's how they do it they do it through the inspiration of war the number of the armies of the horsemen huh there's a cause and effect from 15 to 16 how do they kill a third of mankind horsemen it isn't it's a war and the the army is beyond anything we can comprehend the Greek text just says ten thousand 10,000 that is used earlier of the myriad of the angelic hosts 10,000 times 10,000 so it has said it's 200 billion again I trust dr. Riley I do not have my my pen and paper here with but that is 200 million and so here comes from the Euphrates from the east maybe it's China Korea Japan Southeast Asia who knows that they come together for a war and apparently they have watched all the action that has taken place in the old Roman Empire if you were here for me with me for Daniel you have watched these 10 nations come together you have watched Antichrist arise and begins to demand submission begins to become warlike who even demands worship and they have watched these wars begin and apparently they equate the judgments that have occurred with the actions of Antichrist and they come now in a war I'm going to show you here in a couple of weeks when we get to revelation 11 although I'm not sure about preaching revelation during the Christmas holiday you know but in Revelation 11 we find that through the first three and a half years with all of the judgments there are two men that announce them so that you don't think they are just cosmic phenomena are geopolitical military phenomena that they are given as the judgment of God how did Pharoah know that the plagues that hit Egypt came from Israel's God somebody told him who was it Charlton Heston if you remember the movie Moses announced this is coming so that when Pharaoh he couldn't fight God but he wanted to kill Moses if I see you again it'll be the last time I see you Moses well during the tribulation people are not going to be ignorant in Chapter 11 we see quote two witnesses one looks suspiciously like Elijah the other looks like Moses I don't think they're those two men reincarnated but they are Jewish prophets that are like the law and the prophets Moses and Elijah that are announcing to you the judgment of God and when they are put to death by Antichrist the world rejoices it's the only time in the book of Revelation you see people happy it's when these two mosaic like creatures die because they have associated them with the coming judgments and so all of this together Antichrist his warlike attitude demanding worship the judgments that he precipitated here comes an army of the east I'm not going to go into it but all during history there is a almost an omen like nature whenever eats east meets west it is one thing for England and France and Italy and whoever in to war with each other for France and Russia to war but when east and west collide when Persia and Greece collide it is a frightening thing this is why it's interesting that in the Bible one of the great missionary movements is when Paul is in the East he is in Troas of Asia doing mission work and he tries to go east or tries to go north and God stops um he tries to go back east and God stops him and then he has a vision and there's a man in the vision that says to Paul who has on the galveston of Asia Troas right there on the coast it's a vision and the man says come over here and help us where was the man of the vision from Macedon of Europe its east and west and so paul invades the west with what the death of Christ and you see the churches now of Europe begin to spring up isn't that something and so the Bible has its own invasion and it comes by pulling down speculations and taking thoughts captive to thee to the obedience of Christ well here you see east and west collide I still remember as a kid you'll remember the Pueblo incident who was around in about 1968 was any human okay I remember Steve that was scary because it wasn't like England Germany France these guys not even Russia we're talking about Korea and that was a scary thought of East and West coming into a collision is there a little tension with that today yeah well here they inspire and you see from verse 17 John looks at the army that is coming and it very obviously is there's something bigger than an army I don't think that he sees a demons on horseback I think that what John sees in verse 17 coordinates with the first part of chapter 9 where you see the demonic horde come forth but here it is related to a human army I think that what John sees is he sees behind the curtain he sees what is behind this horrific war that takes place you remember when they came to arrest Jesus the Roman soldiers and Jesus seeing them come to arrest him said the god of this world is coming and he has nothing in me was he talking about the Roman army he was not he said the one behind them is coming the god of this world who is in that's Satan when Judas him John said Satan entered into him everybody else saw a guy get up and go get and head off but John saw what was behind him in retrospect that it was satanic Paul said we struggle not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the forces of wickedness in the heavenly places there's something behind it we don't get to see in the Bible a lot of it what is behind human wickedness when I was in seminary I had a professor in angelology and I remember him making the mention he said we have a lot in the Bible about angels and demons and the devil but he said it is a lot of relatively shallow information God can't tell us too much about the super natural and he says the reason is because we would worship it that man has a natural movement beyond the physical to want to know what's up there the answer is if the infinite personal God of the Bible that makes himself known very clearly and I'm gonna give you a little information on Who I am but man doesn't want the God of the Bible because he has to repent and worship he would rather have demons and angels and so he said God can't tell you too much we only see the name of three supernatural beings we see Satan Lucifer we see Gabriel we see Michael he can't tell you a whole lot all the Angels have names probably all the demons have name but he can't tell you simply because men would worship them that's why also God can't tell you a whole lot about the the physical presence of what heaven is like because we could not handle it Paul said I saw third heaven and I saw things which a man is not permitted to speak I can't tell you we only see a little bit about the lake of fire because God can't tell us otherwise we would repent for the wrong reasons and so John sees something behind this army the vision of horses and those who set on the riders had breastplates the color of fire and hyacinth and brimstone the heads of the horses are like the head of lions out of their mouths precede fire and brimstone a third of the mankind was killed by these plagues by fires and brimstone proceeded out of their mouths it's the same kind of vision as the early part of chapter 9 but it's simply that John sees behind the veil and he sees the demonic let me throw something out at you do you remember in your reading of first kings okay that God is going to bring to an end the wicked King Ahab and a hab summons up a godly prophet that he has put in jail named macaé and he says you tell me he and Jehoshaphat are about to join together and go to war against Syria the Arameans and he said tell me what's going to happen and mkhaya said you're about to die and I'm going to tell you how I know this he said I saw as a prophet the presence of God and all of this the angelic host gathered about him and God said to them who will go down for me and entice a hab to go to war and you remember who raised his hand it was a demon and the demon said I will go God said what will you do I will be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of his prophets and they will preach an optimistic message that there will be no judgment and in other words these prophets I will inspire them to say you shall not surely die and God said go and he did and Ahab did and they have was destroyed and that is a very interesting text because it tells you that Satan can't do what Satan would like to do are you glad we may never know what it could have been if Satan had complete reign God said I'm gonna give you permission and that's also key that God does not inspire men to war is the efficient cause the instrumental cause is the satanic realm they are not allowed to do what they would like but only what God permits God is the efficient cause but he does not get his hands dirty he allows Satan to do it that is in philosophic terms a very important text in the area of the theodicy the judgment and the judging of God God does not do evil but God does not permit any evil that is not his purpose are we glad the worst act in history of man is crucifixion of Christ the best act in the history of man is crucifixion of Christ God was the efficient cause Satan brought about the killing but he was delivered up by the predetermined plan and the foreknowledge of God and so Satan brought about war do you remember the book of Judges you got a guy named Abimelech he leads a coup against the sons of Gideon and kills 70 of them and God let Israel drink deeply of idolatry for three years and then he says I'm going to get rid of Abimelech and God sent a deceiving spirit God didn't do it but he allowed Satan to go down and create division between Abimelech and his cohorts the men of Shechem and a war took place and both were destroyed did god engineer it yes did God inspire it no did Satan do it yes is Satan sovereign no it's the best of all possible worlds we have our theological cake and eat it too you have any idea what I just said we'll just move on all right do you remember whenever Saul is going to be judged by God he's using Saul to temper a particular man named David and God to judge saw sins a demon and the demon becomes a torment to Saul creating in him paranoia that this general of his David was going to take over his kingdom and Saul was out quote the Hebrew says he was out prophesying our Bible says he was raving he was acting as though he was prophesying about God getting rid of his enemies and he takes the spear and he takes it and he throws it at the enemy of God which was David he was lying but he throws it and David now goes on about a 15 year run for his life and so once again it is Satan that inspires a man to kill that inspires in a bivouac in the Minish ekam a time to kill that inspires in a hab to go to war and to be killed do you remember the Book of Daniel in chapter 10 Daniel prays for 21 days for an answer to come because of the struggle Israel is having with the the Persian Empire and returning to build their temple and as he is praying an angel comes and he said I was sent three weeks ago to come to you but I was hindered by the Prince of Persia talking about a demon that was over the king of Persia inspiring him to bloodshed and to oppose Israel and he said I came but I had to meet up with the Prince of Persia and he said there was no one to help me except Michael who was the Archangel of Israel and he came and we set him down and now I'm here and I'm gonna give you answers but he said I have been left here with the kings of Persia you had a demon over Persia and you had an angel over Persia and they were colliding in this heavenly conflict you see no other text quite like this in the Bible it's all that God will give us and then he says I have to leave now to protect the kings of Persia because the the Prince of Greece is coming what nation was it that went to war against Persia Greece who is behind Greece a demon who was over Persia a demon he says I've got to take care of these Persian kings and I've got a we got to watch over Israel because this demons coming and so all we would have seen was Persian kings Greek kings and famous battles but when Daniel sees it there's something behind it when the Bible shows you when Samuel writes of Saul there's something behind him when John writes of the arrest of Christ there's something behind it when you look at the fall of man in the garden there's something behind it and so it just tells you what does Satan long to do to lie about God to crush his people and to destroy nature and his greatest creation and that is the glory of God and man he delights in the murder and in the disembowelling of these marvelous reflections of the triune God and that's something and so rightly is he called a baton and apollyon Greek and he in Hebrew destroyer he longs to destroy the thief comes to rob and kill and destroy your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to destroy and so be encouraged verse 17 John sees behind the curtain that this is murderous I remember dr. John Walvoord once saying that the book of Revelation doesn't just show you the revelation of Christ it unmasks Satan it unmasks evil it it shows you behind the curtain of all things it's rigged that you're not supposed to read it till you read the other 65 books and then you get your answers and you tie up the dangling ends and so and verse their purse 18 this demonically inspired army goes for three times it mentions its total war it's not the killing of armies it is total war fire and brimstone some have wondered is this a anticipation of what we would only understand in the 20th century where you take the very power of the atom and unleash it and you evaporate people of complete war but it takes place within just a short period and half of man is dead rightly did Jesus say about this period there will be destruction of such that has not occurred since the creation of man upon the earth or ever shall occur again unless God had brought mercy for the sake of the elect all mankind would have been destroyed isaiah says man shall be as rare as the gold of OFIR he is the destroyer and so in verse 20 what does the world do now we are after the sixth trumpet we are all the way up through the end of the Tribulation Period the seven-year period the seventh trumpet is going to sound in chapter 16 and we're going to see seven bowls of judgment emptied and those judgments can't take place over more than a few days or weeks because there's no water there is no sea life there is no plant life there is no sunlight it can't take long and so by the sixth trumpet we're up toward the end of the Tribulation Period we're going to in Chapter ten 11 12 13 14 15 we're going to take a little interlude and back up and show you the major players we're gonna look at God in his patients we're gonna look at unbelieving Israel believing Israel 144,000 we're gonna look at Satan we're gonna look at the Antichrist we're gonna look at the false prophet so he's gonna just various and supernatural ideas from 10 through 16 but chronologically we're now toward the end of the tribulation verse 20 don't look at verse 20 hang on don't you read your Bible after the six are seven seals and then six trumpets demons loosed on man for five months and then for demons loose to begin world war three that is going to press towards the west and we'll end up and where Antichrist puts his capital which is Jerusalem where he takes a seat in the temple of God just winged himself as God and a war will occur on about a 100 200 mile flat that is called the plain of megiddo as we approach that what do you think with a with half of mankind dead with a third of the sea life did third the drinking water did third the Sun Lake gone demons loosed on mankind surely verse 20 is going to say and man saith unto God son this is rough evil is a bad deal let us repent anybody want to lay some money down as to whether that's going to happen you know have you discovered that humans would much rather go on to hell than go back to God they will such as man's aversion to repentance and so here in verse 20 the rest of mankind those that ain't dead who were not killed by these plagues did not repent unbelievable they will not repent of the works now what we're gonna see is that all Ten Commandments are broken the law of God is broken and man will not submit himself to the law of God he will come up with different idols he won't be an atheist but he'll invent him some gods he won't submit to the rule of God but he'll invent him some political systems he won't trust God but he'll he'll substitute something for good and so they didn't repent of the works of their hands so as not to worship demons and how do they worship demons and the idols of what's the first commandment the first four Commandments about you'll have no other gods you will not make an image in the form of God you'll revere his name and you'll revere God is this God of creation god of Sabbath you don't make idols man does not repent of his idols and would you notice again the unmasking of religion who is behind the idol in verse 20 so as not to worship demons and the idols first Corinthians chapter 10 the things which the Gentiles sacrifice Paul was telling the Corinthians not to go into an idols temple and offer up sacrifice and to eat of the sacrifice and the islands temple he said if it's sold on the marketplace buy whatever is there and don't ask any questions because we know there's no such thing as another God but if you go into that idols temple he said and you eat and fellowship with that Idol he said the things that the Gentiles sacrifice they do not sacrifice to idols but to demons you're telling me Paul there is a Jupiter no but there is a demon behind it you're telling me Paul that there's there's not a Aphrodite no there isn't but there's a demon behind it that comes from a liar and the father of lies I had a guy at Seminary named dr. norm Geisler and he was talking about angelology much in this vein that error is inspired by particular world Force's of this darkness and that is their job instantly remember an author named Frank Peretti he made a load of money writing about the conflict between the good and Jellico's and the evil and he took you behind the veil he was a guy that waxed and made skis up in Oregon he don't know more because he made a load of money and what he did was he took a very valid point and he just kind of expanded and let you see it and so I remember dr. geiszler saying and talking about the demonic realm and somebody talked about that every error I don't care what the error is that there is someone behind it and he said God won't let you see too much he'll give you glimpses in Revelation and glimpses and Kings but he don't show you too much because we're too intoxicated with the supernatural we may not read our Bible but we'll head down to Lake Dallas and find a tear at card-reader you know sorry Brad but we'll look at you know we'll consult the astrologer but we won't trust the god of Revelation don't email me but I remember him saying a guy raised his hand and he said dr. geiszler how do we know I mean I mean what's to say you know that there's not a demon behind every bush and Geisler said there is and I remember the bumps I felt all over my body right there he says there is he said Satan would love to be omnipresent but he it's not but he said there is and God won't show you what is there because you can't handle the truth that's all you can take so you don't have to worry about combating the devil you just obey God and He will flee from you aren't we glad little sheep don't go against lions they become brisket when they do all right how does a sheep fight a lion you get up close to your Shepherd amen just get close to your Shepherd look for that rod and staff and they will comfort you you'll take care of well they will not repent of their idols in which you notice the idol gold silver brass stone wood what kind of progression is that more - less precious such is the culture of idols when you walk with God you go from a babe to a learner to a leader you go from strength to strength you are transformed into the same image as from the Lord the Holy Spirit when you follow the devil it is always Romans 1 men birds beasts and crawling creatures Satan always declines see also history we would like to think it gets better every day in every way we talk about the good old days we get better and technology veteran communication better than transportation but we go down in decency and marriage and in in love and human order we go down and so men will not repent even though their world is falling apart and in verse 21 we go now to the bottom commandments when you have no standard of truth now you have no sense of the dignity of man and they did not repent of murders you murder because you have lost your sense of the divine Nassif Levin and so life is cheap now and their sorceries it's the Greek word pharmakeia pharmacy you know a sorcery is soothsaying is where you try to find the future through looking at natural things the hood of an owl that this or that divination is where you try to find the will of the great beyond by looking at tear it cards are looking at tea leaves are looking at astrology would be divination trying to tell I'd be soothed saying I guess the future divination trying to get guidance you ever watch Andy Griffith the the darlings okay they're always trying to look at natural things to give them guidance sorcery is where you try to use natural powers to try to use them to bring about curses and blessings and often you would use drugs psilocybin mushrooms and the like to take you to a higher place when I say sorcery what comes to your mind it's a Walt Disney cartoon it's called The Sorcerer's Apprentice I said that in the first service and I said it's the Sorcerer's and Doug Barbara went Mickey Mouse and I soundly rebuked him right there I said no sorcery is not Mickey Mouse I said but you remember on the sorcerer pennis you saw the apprentice that was Mickey Mouse and I had to come around the pulpit and apologize to Doug publicly in church right there I said Doug you don't know Romans but you do know Mickey Mouse okay and so they didn't repent of their sorceries of trying we would call it the New Age movement of trying to find means of supernatural power through natural forces you all remember the 60s if you remember the 60s you probably weren't there yeah but the 60s Steve he'll do you 60 you were right on the edge of it I bet you had a blow-dryer you don't need one okay the 60s you know you remember LSD and all the other stuff those weren't meant to be recreational drugs they were means of sorcery that you would take them and it started with Timothy Leary a Harvard psychologist psychiatrist going to Mexico and doing a psilocybin and doing mescaline mushrooms and it was to take you to a higher level of consciousness a cosmic consciousness where you were one with the universe and you could bring about Redemption through natural forces it was pharmakeia it was sorcery cost us a generation and still does and so in verse 21 they wouldn't repent we would say other drugs and then the dignity of sex their immorality and then making wealth by others and stealing it the recognition of the dignity of private property and so man in his rejection of God at the end of the Bible completely disintegrates Genesis chapter 3 or 2 and the day that you eat of it you will most assuredly die you will cut the tether to the mothership and you will look at specific things with no earthly idea what they mean you will not judge rightly on the candy sitting on another man's shelf and you will steal it you will mess with his daughter you will mess with his life you will attempt to reach me through bizarre ways that have no final standard and your society will break down the thief came to rob to kill and to destroy I am come The Good Shepherd that you might have life and that more abundantly you turn it around amen man well I'm done I'm depressed but I'm done where are we by the end of this text six trumpets have sounded are you with me six trumpets have sounded the earth has been laid waste nature is defiled and the image of God and man is ruined half of man is dead it is indeed God's releasing the hounds on mankind we are now toward the end of the seven years only one trumpet is left when we blow that trumpet there's going to be seven more judgments they're going to be called bow because when you take a bowl and turn it upside down it's finished it's emptied we will see seven more judgments and these judgments can't take place over more than days there'll be nothing to drink nothing to eat nothing to ship there'll be no sunlight man can't survive in this and it is the wrath of God there will be finished with the last trumpet we will hear a cry go up in heaven that says the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ it's about to be the retaking of planet Earth we will see a sixth chapter break and we will end the chronology and before the last trumpet sounds in chapter 16 we'll back up and we will look at what is my favorite part of Revelation we'll look behind the curtain at the patience of God unbelieving Israel believing Israel 144,000 that preached and are martyred we will look at Satan we will look at Antichrist we'll look at the false prophet and then we will see the coming of the Son of Man and so he's going to tie up all the loose ends now if you're here this morning and you're a visitor you're probably thinking man I didn't walked into a meat cleaver over here how would you like to not be here well we study this to let us know that the end of all things is at hand we know what's coming but you notice there are no admonitions to the church on what to do because we're not here we simply are clued in to what God is doing we are gone we'll see us again in chapter 19 when the Lord comes with many thousands of His Holy Ones the bride and fine linen bright and clean everybody do this yeah we're gonna be there but if you are a non-christian welcome home that's you that's you and then you will physically die and it'll get bad it'll get real bad you will go to a place where there is nothing of God that will bother you ever again there will be no truth there will be no light there will be no love there would be no personhood that will be no life there'll be no children's of being a fellowship it is an eternal claustrophobic state of total darkness where you were stimulated only by you and you will be the I am forever or you can trust one who in the darkness cried out my God why hast thou forsaken me and the answer was you to redeem man back to what he should be and that is a sheep rather than a pseudo lion and so I would ask you if you would to consider this morning doing what Christ said to do and that was simply to believe on him to trust him as Savior and be born again the reason you don't have to do anything is that everything has been done God has come down to us God has been punished for us he has conquered death for us he has risen for us and he can impute to you a righteous stance and he can impart to you a new nature and put your name in the book of life and he can do it just like that or you can spend eternity contemplating on what you did not do let's have him let's sing father in heaven we thank you that you have let us look behind the curtain and to see what is coming and so we have no false notions about sin and Satan and false religion and false government and man's ambition to be God and to make something after his own image and call it God and then lose touch with all the rules and become murderous become demonic to become a thief to become an adulterer that we see the horror of man without God and Lord you could have let Revelation occur moments in Genesis but you extend it at this farm that your creatures might be wise you have given us every opportunity you have illumined every crook in the road and you have shown us where life is and so I pray if there is a man or woman here this morning that is not saved that their prayer would be Lord God I repent and I thank you for your word and for your son who came and died for me and I take him as my savior and I have no plan B but him Lord with your elect that you show your holiness they see only one escape through Calvary and it is precious indeed and I pray this morning that salvation might be theirs and we'll ask it in Jesus name Amen Nathan do we have a hymn about demon armies let's don't try it okay do y'all remember him that is called break down the bread of life it is a Methodist hymn that is written by a Methodist woman who was Methodist minister was her father had brothers that were Methodist ministers and the mid 1800s she was part of what was called the Sunday School movement that is America pressed to the west that they went with the West and they provided people that would teach Sunday School to the next generation of Americans because they felt that if we expand that as a nation politically and geographically but we didn't have God that we would collapse as a nation and so they had the sunday school union that later went obsolete and they realized that this was what parents should be doing and the church was teaching their kids amen and so this woman her name was Mary lassparri and she way up up north they would all come together in the Northern Lakes region of New York let's Lake Lake George and they would have conferences to teach in the Bible and this was a baby this was a Bible teacher to the ladies who would teach the kids and kind of an early BSF and she wrote 200 hymns and one of her most famous is a hymn that allegedly she wrote it in a moment of meditation by one of the northern lakes of New York and it is one of the only him I think and the most fervent him in our hymnal about the Bible most hymns are about the character of God character of Christ salvation heaven salvation but this is a hymn about the Bible and it is priceless you've probably heard the tune as you sing it watch the words they're the best I think that have ever been written back right around the Civil War by this Methodist ministers daughter and the hymn went on to enter the Methodist hymnal in 1911 it's called break valve the bread of life give me a couple of tunes there Natan [Music] you ready rathe of the bread [Music] dear [Music] as thou didst break the Lowe's beside the sea Oh I see Cleo by spirit and small [Music] truth [Music] just less [Music] yeah [Music] - OH [Music] shall find my piece [Music] March the bread [Music] we were not say that [Music] with the teach me to love light truth [Music] nice [Music] yeah [Music] and [Music] [Music] I [Music] if a hand for pious Methodists laywomen that's it then that good Nathan can flat sing you know I asked him one time I said you gonna sing parts he said yeah I said which one he said all of them and he does he can go tenor he can go Alto he can go what's that other base he just moved my sing tenor 10 or 11 miles down the road where you ain't got to hear father in heaven we're so thankful for this morning just the delight of the choir the beauty of Lauren and and this song that preaching of the word indeed we tried to confine it in 45 minutes but the world can spin forever these are words that are forbidden in the Senate they're forbidden in the house they are forbidden at the United Nations they are forbidden every place they're forbidden in the Universities of the exaltation of the righteousness the glory and the wrath of God but indeed they shall live someday and we ask that you might sink them deep into our soul in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Denton Bible Media Ministry
Views: 4,157
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: Denton Bible Church, Tommy Nelson, Sermon, Song of Solomon, Church, Pastor, Denton, Bible, Denton Bible Media, Media Ministry
Id: EhGi_n_r0Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 5sec (3365 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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