The Sinister Truth Behind Jake Evans' Confession

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Placer County 9-1-1 where's your emergency okay what's the emergency I I told my mom what I just killed my mom and my sister you just killed your mother and your sister how did you do that do you um is there any reason that you were so angry at your mother and your sister oh no I uh I wasn't it's weird I wasn't even really angry with them it just kind of happened I've been kind of uh planning on killing for a while now the two of them are just anybody pretty much anybody it was a typical day at home for the Evans Family a day for lounging around the house after running a few errands the family lived in a wealthy quiet conservative neighborhood near Fort Worth Texas a neighborhood known for being a safe family friendly Community but that was about to change what started out as a relaxing summer day would soon turn into a dark and chilling night without warning a 17 year old boy known for his friendly yet shy demeanor would make the horrifying decision to pick up a gun and take the lives of his mother and young sister no one saw it coming and no one understood why it happened it was discovered that the young man had spent the week watching the movie Halloween over and over did the constant exposure to violence provoke this team to commit such a horrendous crime or could there be another reason for such a mild-mannered person to become a killer before we begin we would like to send our sincere condolences to all of those who suffered from the abominable acts described in this case [Music] God [Music] whether it's video games movies or the news there is no lack of violence in today's realm of media anyone with an electronic device and access to the internet can find an array of violent images to absorb including impressionable adolescence what exactly happens to the minds of children who grow up watching violence on a daily basis well some argue that it has profound negative effects and is the root cause behind many violent crimes committed by young people in 1997 Michael carneel a 14 year old from Kentucky opened fire on a youth group who happened to be having a prayer session in front of the school killing three of his classmates and injuring five others one of the survivors of the youth group recalled seeing Michael as he appeared to snap back to reality Michael dropped the gun and surrendered to the school principal saying kill me please I can't believe I did that it was reported that Michael spent a lot of time playing violent video games the parents of the three children who died soon the entertainment industry for 130 million dollars claiming media violence inspired Michael to kill the specific movie Parents believed played a significant role in Michael's actions was the movie The Basketball Diaries in the film The main character has a dream about shooting a bunch of his classmates and his teacher in 1998 16 year old Mario Padilla murdered his mother with the help of his cousin Samuel Ramirez of the same age while his cousin held her down Mario stabbed his mother a total of 45 times investigators discovered that Mario was obsessed with Ghostface from the Scream movie franchise the two boys had watched the first and second films numerous times Mario flat out told investigators that the movies inspired him to kill and his exposure to Violent media caused him to fantasize how to do the things he could not do the case of Jake Evans has at least one similarity to all of the cases we've mentioned violent media was made the culprit for Jake's violent choices Jake appeared to be a typical shy quiet teenage boy he lived with his parents Daryl and Jamie and younger sister Mallory in a beautiful home on a two-acre lot inside a wealthy gated community of Alito Texas Jacob was the the only boy of four siblings the children from oldest to youngest were Emily Audrey Jacob and Mallory their mother Jaime had worked as a public school teacher and assistant principal for 15 years for unknown reasons Jacob in his sophomore year of high school and Mallory in Intermediate School left the public school system to be homeschooled by their mother in 2010. the family were Avid churchgoers who used to attend a local Methodist Church before they changed to a Catholic Church during his high school years Jacob found himself more and more annoyed by the behaviors he noticed in his peers he couldn't stand watching them bully and discriminate against each other traits that Jake viewed as evil is it possible that Jake chose homeschooling to escape this Behavior what troubled Jake even further was when he began to see these disgusting behaviors in his own family including his little sister Mallory seemed to be transforming into one of the race most self-centered people he despised but it wasn't only his sister Jake soon realized his entire family took pleasure in belittling others I really liked uh people's uh kind of attitude right I think they kind of they're very uh like you know emotional I don't know verbally rude to each other and stuff like that right I don't know it it's okay it's just my family I don't know they're just kind of really I guess this is really selfish to say but to me they I felt like they were just suffocating me in a way I don't know over Time Jake's disgust deepened and turned dark and his thoughts began to turn to murder Jake envisioned killing those he felt were unfit to exist since they all wanted to harm others by 2012 only Jake and Mallory still lived with their parents Jake now 17 and Mallory 15. while his sister still had a few years of school left Jake was nearing the end of his high school education and could look forward to beginning a college career a world of opportunity lay at his feet however these were not the thoughts that dominated his mind Jake's Obsession about killing had continued to Fester he had recently found himself fascinated by the movie Halloween and its antagonist Michael Myers Michael Myers is one of the horror genres most well-known fictional serial killers after committing so many murders Michael showed no signs of remorse or guilt giving the appearance that murdering people who quote deserved in was easy at least that's how Jake perceived it through Halloween Jake could visualize his murderous fantasies but after a while it was no longer enough he wanted to try it for himself and he had already chosen his targets his family on Wednesday October the 3rd 2012 Jake had an appointment with his allergist after the appointment he went out to lunch with his mother and his sister Mallory when they got home Jake took off to his room where he began his mental preparations for killing his family he sat and watched the movie Halloween for the third time that week as soon as he finished watching the film he put the DVD back into its case and trashed it hoping no one would find it and conclude that it influenced his decisions to kill afterward he went into the backyard to enjoy one of his favorite hobbies golf he spent about an hour just hitting golf balls around the yard as a way to pass time about 4 pm Jake headed up to his room to watch Family Guy when he was interrupted by his sister who asked if he would like to to watch a movie together Jake thought back to his allergy appointment that morning and an argument that he had had with Mallory Mallory had made a racist remark something she did quite often these days about a black man they had seen mowing grass outside of the building upset by her remark Jake lectured her about her racist Behavior but to no avail Mallory had shown No Remorse about treating people of different races or social status with contempt and nothing Jake would say could change that still angry Jake said he had no interest in watching a movie with her so Mallory went off to her room with anger flickering inside him Jake headed downstairs into his parents closet he grabbed his father's blue foldable knife put it in his pocket and made his way back upstairs pacing the floor he imagined stabbing his sister to death with the knife however the thought of inflicting so much pain on her was too much for him to Bear still the many times that she had hurt his feelings or upset him continued to flood his mind around 5 30 PM Jake sat quietly contemplating in the living room about how he should go about killing his family he decided that his first targets would be his mother and younger sister Jake's father was out of town on business in Washington D.C so it was just the three of them in the house afterwards he would go over to his grandparents house kill his sister Emily along with his grandparents Emily who was married and the mother of a small child the next morning he would wait until his sister Audrey came over to visit from college and then kill her too Jake sat and thought about it all for nearly an hour and a half so he headed upstairs to Mallory's room and asked her if she would like to watch Waterboy together Mallory plopped down on the couch in their upstairs entertainment area and Jake started the movie Unknown to Mallory Jake was plotting her death at that very moment Jake realized that when killing his family he wouldn't want them to suffer even after sharing a tender moment with his younger sister thoughts of murder continued to fill his mind therefore instead of a knife Jake decided that he would use a 22 caliber revolver he had stolen from his grandfather Jake told Mallory he needed to go downstairs for a little bit what he was actually doing was figuring out his mother's location who happened to be in their study with Mallory in her room and their mother in the study Jake made his way back to his room where he pulled out the loaded revolver at 15 minutes past 11 Jake ascended the staircase toward his sister's room the revolver still in his possession at the top of the stairs he paused he stood there staring at her bedroom door then unwavering he situated himself next to the door so he would be beside her when she opened it he held up the pistol readying himself he knocked on Mallory's door telling her that their mother asked for her to come downstairs Mallory opened the door and stepped out of her room and glanced over to see something pointed at her head that's when Mallory saw Jake was holding the gun now pointed at her face her response caught Jake by surprise she thought he was joking Mallory chuckled and told him to stop because it was freaking her out she started walking towards the stairs it was at that moment that Jake shot her once in the back and once in the head she fell to the bottom of the staircase giving himself no time to stop or think he immediately ran into the study and shot his mother three times Michael Myers had brutally murdered four people all in one day his victims suffered yet he sat calmly without a care when it was all over Jake had only killed two people and he had done his best to make it painless surely he would find the same peace but he did not panic fear and realization gripped his body he ran upstairs to his room and screamed at the top of his lungs saying how messed up he was for killing his own mother and sister he began to empty the shells onto his bed when he heard a noise from downstairs it was Mallory she was still alive engulfed in a sea of emotions Jake quickly reloaded the gun and ran down to his sister while shouting that he was sorry for what he had done he worked quickly to end her suffering by shooting her in the head again as fast as possible he returned to his mother and shot her in the head again as well just to be sure he placed the pistol on the counter and picked up their phone and called 9-1-1 what's the emergency killed my mom and my sister what killed my mom and my sister you just killed your mother and your sister how did you do that I shot him with a 22 revolver and what is your name are you sure they're dead okay I want you to stay on the phone with me okay are you all right yeah I'm fine okay hold on just a minute where is the gun on the kitchen counter okay it's a 22. yes okay hold on Jake yes are you on any kind of medication no well I uh I've been going to the allergist a lot lately yeah but no nothing other than that okay how old are you 17. okay do you um is there any reason that you were so angry at your mother and your sister I don't know oh no I wasn't it's weird I wasn't even really angry with them it just kind of happened I've been kind of uh planning on uh killing for a while now the two of them or just anybody pretty much anybody why why I don't know I people's uh kind of attitude right I think they kind of they're very uh like you know emotional I don't know verbally rude to each other and stuff like that right I mean uh I don't know it it's okay this is my family I don't know they're just kind of really I I guess this is really selfish to say but to me they I felt like they were just suffocating me in a way I don't know I I think I obviously you know I'm pretty uh I guess evil but uh that's you know whatever okay no don't be sorry it's all right I'm listening okay you have my undivided attention uh were your mom and sister in their beds oh uh this this is really gonna mess me up for this you know in the future uh see my sister I told my sister that my mom needed her she was in her room and she came out of her room and uh shot her and she rolled down the stairs and I shot her again and then I went down and I shot my mom just about maybe three or four times but I'll never forget this stuff okay that's fine my uh he came down the stairs and she was screaming and I was telling her that I'm sorry but that just hold still that you know I was just gonna make it go away you know but she just kept on freaking me out but finally she fell down I shot her in the head about probably three times so they're both downstairs uh yes okay where are you okay and uh to for I guess future reference I don't really want to see any of my family members you know I like it and visiting or whatever I I don't know how it works or anything but I I just don't want any type of visitors I don't want to see okay you don't want to hurt yourself do you um a little freak freaked out about guns now oh sure but you don't want to hurt yourself I don't know I I definitely you know I I assure you I definitely don't want myself you know but I'm just so freaked out by guns now and just to let you know like I I I I I hate the feeling of killing someone I uh it I'm gonna be messed up there there are people that will help you well you just take a deep breath we have deputies coming and they're going to help you we're here to help you too okay we're going to help you we're not going to hurt you all right I understand if y'all want to you know no we're not going to hurt you we're there to help you Jake all right all right that's the everybody thinks that you know we want to do bad things but we don't we want to help people right or wrong we want to help people and we're going to help you okay do you understand that yeah we're also here to help okay Jake where is the kitchen in the house is it the back of the house yeah kind of the back I guess yeah okay um we're talking with our Sergeant now he's almost at your house but we'll probably what I'll probably ask you to do Jake is when he gets there is turn your porch light on all right okay okay and what he'll probably do is ask you to come out okay okay okay so you'll be all right you're gonna be all right okay I'm gonna stay on the phone with you though and talk with you that's okay and you can talk to me I'll listen is there anything you want to talk about no not really are you okay Jake [Music] um I was thinking about my sister yeah how old is she she's a 15. she'd see what I don't know she had a really sweet side but you know she was kind she was kind of racist and I don't know kind of rude to me sometimes yeah yeah how long would this happen are you shoot your sister and Mom just a little while ago when you called about 30 minutes ago about 30 minutes ago Jake okay you'll be all right I'm like really worried about like you know like nightmares and stuff like that um are there any type of medication for that and stuff well I I think there is I don't know I'm not a doctor but you know um the the justice system and I'm sure your family will get you the support you need I don't mean to sound like a once or anything but you know this is wow I've never like done anything violent in my whole life you know you don't sound like a violent person no you don't help will be provided for you medical and psychological that'll be provided to you okay all right so you don't have to worry about that right now take deep breaths for me okay you're doing fine real deep I just thought it'd be quick you know I I didn't want them to feel anything that's why I use the gun okay suppose it is like everything went wrong Jake my officers are almost there would you be willing to walk out on your own yes yes uh I guess I should tell uh I forgot uh before I called yes I gotten on the counter uh for some reason when I put it down it was loaded just to let y'all know okay that's fine as long as it's on the counter yeah it's on the counter store all right I I believe you okay they'll be there shortly Bounce Down the phone with you until you know it's time for you to walk out when the police showed up to arrest him Jake surrendered without a fight after his arrest Jake wrote a four-page confession where he laid out the events of the day that he committed murder and provided vague insight into his motive while in custody Jake was classed as not mentally fit to stand trial so he was sent to a state mental hospital where he stayed for over two years Jake was held on a bond of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars his father said it didn't matter what the amount of Jacob's Bond was because he had no intention of paying it on April the 27 2015 he was finally released from the hospital and deemed mentally stable for trial his court date was scheduled for about a week later Jacob Evans walked into the courtroom still looking much like the frail 17 year old teenager of two and a half years ago when he killed his mother and fifteen-year-old sister he came to court to enter his plea guilty when you're telling me that volunteer yes sir Evans had been at a maximum security mental hospital after he was ruled incompetent to stand trial a competency evaluation was filed this week before the plea agreement the judge ruled Evans is now competent in court Jake pled guilty to two counts of capital murder in Texas there are only two punishments for a capital murder charge death or life in prison without parole however Jake was only 17 when he murdered his mother and sister thus the U.S Supreme Court found either punishment unconstitutional for his age instead he was sentenced to spend two 45-year sentences consecutively in the Darrington facility prison in Brazoria County Texas Jake must serve 22 years before being eligible for parole if he is denied he will have to wait until October 4th 2057 to be released Jake sincerely apologized to his family and the community for his actions and he expressed remorse for the pain he had caused not much is known about Jake or his family at this point the family did say they were not holding a grudge against him and 11 members of his family signed a statement that read none of us want Jake and our family to be subjected to a capital murder trial which we feel would not be in his or our family's best interests family members also wrote We Wish to close this chapter of our lives in order to continue healing as a family because Jake mentioned the horror film Halloween the case received widespread media attention with many commentators focusing on the role the violent media may have played in Jake's actions some Advocates called for tighter regulation of violent media While others argued that the responsibility for the murders lay solely on Jake's shoulders can someone become a murderer simply by watching violent movies or playing violent video games attorney Jack Thompson and also Paul Levinson the professor and chair of communications at media studies at Fordham University and sir thank you both for being with us we appreciate seeing you today the fact of the matter is there's not a scintilla of scientific evidence that any movie or video game however violence has ever caused any damage in the real world the professor apparently doesn't know that the American Psychological Association the largest collection of psychologists in the world issued a report in August of 2005 saying that there's a direct causal link between the play of violent video games by adolescents and minors and violence that were seen in the real world so Professor how in the world could you say such a thing that there's no evidence there are 30 some studies in the last several years uh participated in by the American Medical Association and others that draw direct link between violent entertainment the teens play and real increased aggression and violence so it's simply a misstatement I assume you misspoke no I said yes you are ignorant of statistics and don't really understand those everything the American the American Psychological Association is ignorant you're apparently too rude to even listen to uh I'll ask you a question good those studies show correlations between watching video games and violence they do not show causation no no apparently to the matter is levels of violence which means that two things are happening at the same time causation means that the first thing causes the second so the fact of the matter is you can look and see the levels of violence have not increased oh no they want the Advent of uh video games no for example here in New York do I get to talk now New York City sir let me finish what decreased over the past 10 to 15 years beginning with mayor Giuliani and his uh cleanup of of criminals in New York okay it was an increase in the sale of violent video games so how do you explain that so okay that's called a filibuster when violence breaks out and lives are lost or destroyed it is human nature to immediately point the finger and find someone to blame according to forensic psychologist Jeffrey kelscheski violent media was not the cause it's not uncommon if someone is thinking about killing that they'll utilize fantasy as sort of a way to practice the behavior of killing viewing videos or movies about killing could sometimes help to exercise or indulge those fantasies violent media May sometimes correlate with a person's violent actions but it is not the reason for them in reality numerous factors play a role when someone decides to take another person's life Dr kalshewski provides a brief explanation in Jacob's case it almost seems like he had a compulsion to kill like he was compelled to kill his family for some reason like killing was going to accomplish something for him or remedy something to Dr kelseski there was a much deeper rooted scenario at play than merely a child influenced by violent film I suspect there was some severe internal emotional turmoil occurring with Jacob why was he compelled to kill why was he compelled to kill his family what was the killing supposed to accomplish for him psychologically in his confession he stated quote I now know though I'm done with killing it's the most Dreadful and terrifying thing I will ever experience so his experience of killing did not satisfy whatever he was aiming for and now he's done with killing because it didn't work for what he was trying to accomplish mentally what Jake was trying to accomplish we may never know Jake never gave a direct reason for murdering his family in the past eight years since his imprisonment no further Evidence or remarks on the case have been provided to his core Jake hated people that were self-centered racist and bullied others he truly believed that they were the most vile people on Earth what made it worse was seeing these behaviors in his own family perhaps he convinced himself that killing them was the right thing and maybe the only thing he could do but After experiencing the feeling of taking another person's life Jake said it was the most Dreadful and terrifying thing he will ever experience and that it will haunt him for the rest of his life Jake realized too late that killing his parents did not provide him with the relief he was expecting oftentimes when a person fantasizes a lot about killing others and then they finally do kill they soon discover that the reality does not meet up with the expectations of the fantasy I've talked to many killers who told me that after they killed they were shocked how quiet it was well if they used movies in order to exercise this fantasy in movies prior to during and after a killing there's a very stimulating musical score when you actually do kill someone there is no music you found this case compelling don't forget to like the video comment down below your take on it and please subscribe to the channel also hit the notification Bell in order to stay up to date each time we reveal a new shocking case did you know we have a second Channel with all new cases there is the beyond evil podcast which is available everywhere podcasts are available and some of those podcast episodes are being produced into video podcast episodes check it out under the channels tab until next time stay safe and keep your eyes peeled never know what's lurking in the shadows [Music]
Channel: Beyond Evil
Views: 606,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mallory Evans, true crime documentary, murder documentary, crime scene, JCS inspired, Aledo, Texas
Id: s4dYWfDqt4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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