"The Sin God Cannot Forgive" | Pastor Henry Wright

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we another comforter or one like unto Christ and we have learned that the Holy Spirit helps us even when we are going astray when you sin you sin in the presence of the Holy Spirit he's there with you we've learned Holy Spirit is a person with the characteristics of any intelligent being we've learned that the function of the Holy Spirit is to lead you to understand God and understand yourself we've learned for the merchant that the Holy Spirit has feelings that can be offended today we're going to talk about how much the Holy Spirit loves you I cannot stress enough to you the I cannot stress enough to you the intimacy that the Holy Ghost has with you he's in your head he's in your life he's in your thoughts I sometimes wonder if the thoughts listen to me I want that sometimes wonder if the thoughts that that passed in my mind make the Holy Spirit shudder let me put it to you simply I I can shut the Holy Spirit out but the Holy Spirit can't shut me out because He is God and those all things are you listening to me so I wonder sometimes if if if the stuff that goes through my head causes the Holy Ghost to wince because its purity his purity must must must somehow find a way to handle what just went through my head and I'm a Christian I'm gonna take my time with you today this is a serious sermon it's about the love of the Holy Spirit this this this person of the Godhead who has been summoned by God assigned by the Holy three Morris to get all up in us there is no secret core of your mind from the Holy Spirit there is nothing you've ever thought or known he does not know and dr. de chelly he is so intimate with us he anticipates where we're going and what we're going to do by the look on our face and then he feels the thoughts behind the look on our face and so even when he knows we have made up our minds to go wrong he sets himself to stand with us let's read the statement we've been reading the beginning of each sermon read it one more time next week we have it there we go come on the promised blessing claimed by faith brings all others in its strain it is given according to the riches of the grace of Christ and he is ready to supply every soul according to the capacity to receive let's keep moving keep moving if all we're willing I start that again if all we're willing all would be filled with the spirit I think Romania that's the most troubling sentence in this quote for me because even though it's a promise pastor Cheatham it's also an indictment if all were willing they would be what so if all are not filled then all or not so Jean I like I like the promise he wants to fill me but if I'm not still then see the holy spirit is possessed Gary with an honesty a deep honesty and that honesty is he knows just how weak I am and so Rodney he stands daily on the tiptoes on his holy tiptoes just anxious anxious to give me power that I'm not even asking for and I need it how often brother Pearman does the Holy Spirit's that goes with the day ache inside he knows what's coming he knows what I need I do not ask and he must sit there inside of me and watch weakness my weakness when at my fingertips is the strength of the eternal God and I do not even ask a king to pick me up I won't even ask because this is the amazing thing Larry Bailey about the Holy Spirit and that is he has so much respect for me even though he has the power for me he will not provide the power to me and as I asked for the power are you listening to me yes more respect for me than I have for him and that's amazing to me the Holy Spirit is God we're still reading whatever the need of the Holy Spirit come on catch up wherever the knee of the Holy Spirit is a matter little thought of there is seen spiritual drought spiritual declension and death whenever minor matters occupy the attention the divine power which is necessary for the growth of the church and prosperity of the church and which would bring all blessings and it's train is lacking though offered an infinite plenitude in our previous sermon on the Holy Spirit we learned that the Holy Spirit as well as the father and the son their love for God is what their loves their love love is the deepest emotion known they the Holy Spirit the son the father love deeply and love eternally don't forget I taught you I taught you because God is love when the saved have been saved and the wicked have been destroyed God will wipe all tears from our eyes and give us eternal bliss but because God cannot forget and is loved he will hurt over the loss of the unsaved for eternity did you listen what I just said and so when nao are all of the whole III sense that their love listens since that their love is totally rejected they allow the fruits of that to occur in other words this unpardonable sin we're gonna talk about it isn't God's choice it is yours God never chooses to lose a soul but a soul can choose to be lost and so the ultimate fruit of the rejection of God's love is separation from God and so the passage that addresses this is found in Matthew 12 turn your Bible to Matthew 12 Matthew 12 even more of a teaching mode today than a preaching mode Matthew 12 and the dear sister read it very well verse 31 therefore I say unto you every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men anyone who speaks a word against the Son of man it will be forgiven him this is amazing Rooker's anyone who speaks a word against the Son of man it will be forgiven him but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit evil what church either in this age in the age to come Matthew 12 has nine sections now follow me section 1 verses 1 to 8 Jesus declares himself to be the lord of the Sabbath and what takes place in Matthew 12 happens on the Sabbath one of the things that you learn from studying the Gospels listen listen one of the things you learn from studying the Gospels is that there's always extra holy spirit power on the Sabbath some of Jesus's most outstanding miracles were performed on the Sabbath this is why the devil tries to keep you away from church on the Sabbath there are manifestations of God on the Sabbath don't occur any other time that's why the Bible says forsake not the assembling of yourselves together in so much as you see that they're approaching it's a it's a it's a very unwise thing to just carelessly miss church on sabbath because you don't feel like none of that was in my notes I just thought I would just put that in there so here we are Matthew 12 was a Sabbath passage verses 9 through 14 the second section jesus drives home his point by healing a man with the withered hand on the Sabbath section three verses 15 to 21 15 to 21 Jesus is declared to be the servant on whom the Spirit rests verses 22 to 30 Jesus demonstrates the power of the Spirit of God upon him as he heals a demon-possessed man stay with me he's accused by the Pharisees of casting out the demon by using demonic power Jesus asks the question that sets up our key verses he says in verse 26 if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how then shall his kingdom stand if I just put this demon out using a demon he says then the devil is stupid he just let me use his power to kick him out then he answers his own question in verse 27 he says if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God surely the kingdom of God has come upon you if what you've just seen it's really an act of demons being kicked out then God's Spirit is at work right in front of you watch me watch me and then this section of chapter 12 ends with these blistering words he who was not with me as against me he who does not gather with me scatters abroad in other words it listen if you do not recognize and acknowledge and respond to the work of the Holy Spirit in the human life through Jesus you're against God see this chapter is about a human being being able to recognize that the Holy Spirit is at work and if the Holy Spirit is at work I cannot ignore that the question is do you recognize the Holy Spirit's work in your life if you do you have an obligation to respond to it and then that sets of four key verses there for connecting to the previous verses I say to you every sin and blasphemy so forth and so on so forth and so on and then he says anyone who speaks of word against the Son of man it will be forgiven but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven him in this age or in the age to come and I'll finish this chapter next week now the STA commentary makes this statement listen it was this deliberate this.what talk to me this what rejection of life that was leading them the Pharisees step-by-step towards the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost now two sermons ago I said to you that one of the functions of all the ghosts is to teach you about yourself you can never afford to reject the light that the Holy Spirit teaches you about yourself people may call you nice but the Holy Spirit knows if you are mean people may call you kind but the Holy Spirit knows if you are not are you listen to me people may call you generous but though the ghost knows that your generosity may be rooted in your desire for self praise are you listening to me people may say that you are a good spouse but though the ghost knows if you have a wandering heart and so the function of the Holy Ghost is to reveal to you who you really are to reject see see we're so concerned about rejecting the light of truth we're focused on the wrong truth the greatest truth Holy Ghost teaches you is not that the seventh day is the Sabbath though they ghosts great truth is to teach you that you are a hypocrite on the Sabbath his work is not to give you a list of Commandments though the spirits work is to reveal to you step-by-step that you are just plain old messed up and when you reject that light and are determined not to face the need you have of God that really upsets the Holy Ghost because he's living in your dirt he'd like a clean place to live in are you listening to your pastor from his birth um until the time of the events in Chapter 12 the Holy Spirit when trying to reveal to these Pharisees themselves that they were hypocrites Sabbath keepers but hypocrites tithe returners but hypocrites law keepers but Jesus haters the function of the Adventist Church folk is not to give you a set of doctrines that are truer and better than anybody else the function of the of the of a sudden Adventist Church is to turn you from being and almost to a really something and if you have been sitting in this church all these years and are in the same spiritual condition you were when you first came in then you have been in the process of committing this unpardonable act which is to ignore God's work in your life now here's how he works he works by first dipping you down and exposing you then rebuilding you so why we would come to church and act like everything is all right rather the confess I had a bad week and acted in a bad way and let God sphere on the Sabbath he likes to heal on the Sabbath why be a hypocrite on the Sabbath when the Spirit of God is anxious on the Sabbath dressed up in clothes ties around our neck looking all pretty and handsome and the Holy Spirit knows there's nothing to you puts words in the pastor's mind puts a song on the songs just lips put the text in the text readers reading puts a word in the first net for a small thing that this will be the sad when the demon shall be cast out when the wizard hand the withered heart the withered spirit shall be healed it was there for system rejection of the light you see if you studied the Gospels and read the book desire of Ages the Pharisees hated the things that Jesus would say because he knew they knew he was talking about them do you know that 60% of the parables that Jesus told were told to the Pharisees trying I told you I'm not worried about who came here the sermon today I know that who came God sent she's got a work he's trying to do I think before I leave you guys down the line I need to preach a sermon I have on the power of God on the Sabbath folk this stuff that happens on the Sabbath you can't even imagine do you know that extra angels are assigned to you on the Sabbath did you know that because when the Sun sets on Friday Satan does not want you to come to church because he knows God's power is real there so all hours I'm trying to become about it I have extra angels there's a passage which he says when I when the pastor stands up to preach I'm assigned extra angels right now there's this unseen power all around me why the words gonna go out and it's on the Sabbath in a special way that God reveals he reveals he reveals to you your knee let me say it again before I go to the next section it was the deliberate rejection of the light about themselves let me read again Jill from the commentary page 395 volume 5 blasphemy against the Holy Spirit or the unpardonable sin consists of progressive resistance it's a fair let's read come on blasphemy everybody last see me everybody lasts me against the Holy Spirit or the unpardonable sin consists of progressive what kind come on resistance the truth that culminates in a final irrevocable decision against it remember the truth about yourself now you do you you bet you say to God I don't care what you say and who you say I am I'm not that I will not change I will not pray for forgiveness because I like the way I am now you sitting there say oh I would never do that mmm I guarantee you there's not a sinner sitting here including me who doesn't have seconds of their life where they face is hid to God I just don't see where I need to do that and the minute you say that you're in trouble because it's not about what you see it's about what he sees he lives in you he smells the dirt you got corners of sin in your life that you don't even know about that he does start with deliberately deliberately me and the full knowledge that by doing so one is choosing his own course of action in opposition to the Divine Will now I could be cruel right now and just close my Bible and leave you hanging let me talk about how the Spirit works in the life and then end with some great hope for you Isaiah 30:21 see the first thing the Spirit does every day he just warned you he just goes around warning him let's confess for a minute everybody look at me repeat after me I let's try it again I am stupid notice stupid was the quietest word it was the quietest word they were I they were strong and they were strong let's try it again come on I am stupid bastard loves this congregation CIC a 3021 says there's a voice behind you saying come on this is the who what when you turn to the right to the left Lata right it's a voice come on I have more than once in my life it's clear it's clear don't do that don't go there don't say that you know you heard this week don't say that you don't hear that this week he came in he was tired you've been cooking you don't have the right tone in his voice and you want to say here you are honey because the spirit knows us and he knows the setup see when the devil does the setup the spirit knows you don't know he knows he's trying to tell you you've just been set up you're walking into an ambush keep your mouth shut can I get a witness in this place come on y'all so the first thing he does is he got then the next thing he does put my next X up there brother next step next X yeah yeah John 16 9 down 69 19 and that's wrong that's wrong John 69 okay here it is was read come on and when he comes he will convict the world of sin I want to talk about the word conviction for a few minutes see when you went on and said it you didn't listen you went on and said it then he convicts you don't need man I shoulda said that you think you came to that conclusion by yourself you just admitted that you're stupid have you heard him yeah so the first thing he does is God then when you don't pay attention Cathy then he convinced you he makes you feel better hey thank God for feeling bad thank you Lord for shame for guilt for fun thank you Lord you shut up your mouth you and him you and her had words you stood out of that go out a corner somewhere and just say it shoulda kept my mouth shut so he can fix the work of the Spirit watch me no first he leads then he can fix what's next Romans 800 Romans 8:26 in 27 come on come on come on likewise everybody likewise the spirit also helps our weaknesses look at that Paul say Amen yes his work he helps you witnesses because he knows him so well remember he lives inside of you read on for we do not know we should pray for as we are pause now that that father text doesn't shock me cuz we just admitted what that we are so I don't know how to pray see look at it he tells you not to then you did it then he convicts you well once convicted you know you need to pray but you don't know how to pray because you are you see it Daniels yeah you see it yeah so see how loving the Spirit is so now having convicted you he has to get you on your knees but now look at it but the spirit himself read it finish but the spirit himself that's what he stop stop he gets you on your knees first he told you not to say it you said it then he can ditch you then you don't know how to pray so we help you you get on your knees you don't know what to say and so the text says the spirit look at this day I'm so excited the spirit says the day that's sorry just keep your mouth closed I'll pray for you hi with godly language we'll take what you would have prayed had you the sense to pray and tell god what you ought to say because you don't have no idea what to say somebody get the Holy Ghost a hand and so sometimes Rebecca all you need to do just drop to your knees and just say lord have mercy and just hold yourself and the Spirit will do your praying so are you still then he just rocked back and forth moan and groan and the Spirit takes that and interprets it to God he's hurting so bad father he's hurting so bad he feels so ashamed this is really what he wants from you and the Spirit says what you could have if you had been fully intelligent you couldn't pray a prayer like the Holy Ghost can pray in fact the text follows up and says God who knows the mind of the Spirit so he reads the spirits mind and does for you what needs to be done and then it acts 1:8 through 10 we won't take time to read it he then delivers you power I'm almost done first John 1:9 first John 1:9 most of us can poke this text by heart but don't show off read it come on yes the text the text starts in the subjunctive yes so it's very important in your dealings with God to constantly remember his respect for your individuality and your independence he does not make anybody confess if their parts of this thing that are your part we don't he is now we love that first part Sonya if we confess our sins stifle and just to forgive us our sins amen the text does not stop there what's next the Holy Spirit is not a slot machine putting a dimes worth of sorrow and get a dimes worth of blessing for the Calise the Holy Ghost is in the cleanup business now the forgiveness Cordell we like but the cleansing is painful because let's just pause and tell ourselves the truth most sins that we do we enjoy don't sit there all pious you enjoy if you looking at pornography it's God you enjoy it if you spend more time playing video games on your your on your phone then you do reading the texts of Scripture no I don't know why we have Bibles on our phones it hasn't caused us to use the Bible anymore how much Bible reading do you do in comparison to how much game playing you do on your on your iPhone we enjoy our sins if your sin is that you eat too much food of course we can see that you eat the food because you want call and say it and why were you you enjoy it you enjoy it I wrestle with eating late at night why I enjoy eating late at night and then the devil makes sure that the food commercials come on late at night but somebody just say man out there now I don't eat McDonald's but here it comes see the idea is hunger get big big fat piece of meat red tomato picking out mayonnaise slipping all down green bright let us sit in there I'm not gonna eat any hamburger but then I start thinking about those chocolates in the can you know and I got lettuce and tomatoes come on come on merchant talk to me then they trying to be old pious and I normal take me about of five minutes just put that put that chocolate in some bread crumbs come on somebody dip that boy down let it simmer get brown the mayonnaise is ready cut up the lettuce and it's 11 o'clock at night ought to be in bed and I'm eating Lord forgive me it's so good I think you've joined in this sermon now we sin because we enjoy it even people who gossip they like it you can't and you and call your best friend and get on the phone and before you know it you said any why you say that your conscious is beating you up but but the friend is fine yo so the Holy Ghost says I have to do more than forgive Henry I have to clean him out and the cleaning is painful sometimes embarrassing and sometimes it's like a dirty room you got that so much dirt you got to go back through and clean that thing again simple definition simple definition the unpardonable sin is committed with any sin any sin you refuse to both confess and forsake that's it that's a definition that's easy to answer if you worried about it you haven't committed it if you're bothered about the possibility you haven't committed it what the devil bother you the concern you have is created by your best buddy who's that Holy Spirit now you ought to be rejoicing czar rejoice for you hallelujah thank you God thank you God it's the Holy Spirit it's the Holy Spirit is the one that has you concerned whether you've committed the unpardonable sin when you don't care anymore you've committed it so if you sit here right now concern and worry that you've been there part of us and praise God you're you're safe you're safe because conviction conviction is still in your heart conviction is still in your mind you have not settled into sin and gotten comfortable just yet yearning to be what God Leah that's the Holy Ghost in you go on today and be at peace if your sermon bothered you you're not committed the sin hallelujah [Music] Hebrews 4 and verse 7 Hebrews 4 verse 7 read it it has been said I'm glad that in this sermon and all of my reading and studying over the years and in doing this sermon for this Sabbath you can't find any place in the spirit of prophecy in the Bible that tells you how long the Spirit will linger I had no idea what I know is this it takes a lot cuz he's full of love what pain the Spirit of God must have when someone somewhere at some moment decides they love themselves more than they love him you're not there yet you're not there but every day somebody reaches that point it's their decision not his God respects the individual Christian non-christian too much to make them love him it's gotta be your choice don't listen to him your best friend listen to him is your best friend and that's why South Asian is a miracle I'm speaking for myself now I don't know how in the world I'm gonna be saved but I know this he's don't save me I used to hear the old Adventist preacher say when you get to heaven you're gonna ask the Savior how he did it I don't believe that if I get to heaven I go ask him nothing I'm serious though I used to preach that stuff get to heaven you're gonna go to the Angels and ask ain't no I don't want to see the book I know what's in that book I don't see nothing in my book that's of my books a mess and I'm so glad we only get to see our own book I don't want you looking in my book ain't none of your business you got that Trevor we stand in side by side keep your nose in your book I'll keep my nose in my book I'm not gonna ask him how he did it I'm standing there in a white robe with golden tsipras I don't care how he did it he did it hallelujah I know this though it's a miracle [Music] [Music] it's call me my spirit [Music] and humbly see the bridegroom of my soul no more bison to grieve a or fly by sweet [Music] every American is 5v I just want to thank you for hanging in with me I just want to thank you that's how you feel when you want to would you join me down front on your knees [Music] increase my faith dear Jesus in my real presence here and make me feel more deeply me [Music] I'll wait a bit longer for those who want to come to come the rest in you can yield you are if that's your desire no pressure for anybody to do anything [Music] holy father I am 75 years old I do not know how you have lived in this pit for 75 years the stuff that you know about me haven't told us so thank you you've kept my secrets you've allowed me to walk proud and straight and stiff to look holy when sometimes I'm not you look strong when I'm inside very weak to be respected when I have not been respectable [Music] you've covered my back [Music] and you've stood in front of me and withstood the arrows of the devil I don't even have the right to call your name and yet you call me son holy ghost you are my friend my lover my brother my comforter you are the one who guides me phrase for me and empowers me you get very little credit you seek no praise you let all glory go to the son and the father and yet you were the one who does the daily dirty work of living in sinners oh how we must smell to you how ugly we must be to you but I forgot Lord you are loved and you love me in spite of what you see Holy Ghost and then you bring the presence of the son and the father into me every day and so Holy Spirit I I fall on my knees with my congregation and I thank you for the conviction for the uncomfortableness for the shame for the concern that lets me know you have not given up on Henry right keep me on peaceful keep me feeling guilty keep me filled with shame break me down oh lord save the church from itself thank you for revealing to me the truth about Henry sometimes I've argued with you I've said I would never do that or I couldn't be that bad only to discover that you told me the truth right off and so we kneeled together Lord there is no cry connected to this kneeling only deep heartfelt gratefulness so we confess and we ask you painful - what maybe to cleanse [Music] hear our prayer Oh Lord incline 9 near to us and grant us thy peace in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and the children of God said amen and amen Mariah's return to your seats
Channel: Takoma Park SDA Church
Views: 13,699
Rating: 4.8360658 out of 5
Id: L9KM40Zyc-I
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Length: 54min 44sec (3284 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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