THE SIMS 4 || Create a Sim "The Young Twins" + CC LIST

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okay let me stop fooling around hi guys welcome back to my channel my name is mar or retrograde today it's a very exciting day I finally got around to doing a male cast for you guys so I'm very excited to show you guys what I came up with today we have Jabari and Jakari originally it wasn't supposed to be twins it was just supposed to be one sim but as I was making Jakari I couldn't decide on if I wanted him to have locks or if I wanted him to have long hair so I was like why not just make twin now you're probably looking at the screen right now and you're probably like uh-huh right this is the Sim All I'm gonna say is that whenever it comes to making mail Sims whenever I'm creating them you just gotta trust the process because there are times where I'm like does it look good does it not look good and most of the time I give up I'm like that's it I'm done I'm not doing this clearly it's not working out there has been about two or three male cast videos that I have tried to film for you guys and I just didn't Vibe with the SIM I didn't feel like he looked good or they looked good and I was just like nah I can't post this I don't I don't like it I think creating mail Sims is way more complicated because typically if you're not giving your mail some facial hair and you give them a wide jaw or a narrow jaw it kind of looks weird so you have to play around a bit when it comes to creating Mel Sims and that's what I was doing a lot with the skin details because I'm like okay he needs to look great like he needs to look good right off the bat or I'm not going to use him I'm not going to post this I'm not No One's Gonna See this and I really love putting facial hair on my mail Sims there's times whenever there's a specific beard or mustache or goatee that I like and I try to put them on all of my male Sims I'm like I can't do that we have to switch it up we have to give variety we can't just have all of our middle Sims with the same beard it's like can you do anything else sometimes sometimes I can sometimes I can't but Jabari and Jakari they're both I was gonna say they're both twins like obviously they're twins but they're very different so jakari's introverted Jabari is extroverted Jakari his traits I honestly can't remember them but he has like moner traits lovable um he's just the way that I see him he's very he's just like a quiet non-confrontational person and I think making twins that's exactly what I wanted to do is like one of them I want to be quiet and introverted and the other one I want to be like not loud but outspoken extroverted you know and I think it translated very well with maybe it's just translated well in my mind I'm just like you know since he's like this I'm gonna make him look like this and since he's like that I'm gonna make him look like that but I mean I don't think you can tell by their Style their style is very similar I would say I mean I'm still working out dressing my Sims a particular way based on their traits or based on the vibe that I want them to give so I'm still working that part out but whenever I was creating Jakari I was thinking like maybe Jakari could be like a skater or something like that you know gave him a septum piercing like yeah I I definitely could see the skater Vibe for him and then whenever I was doing I think chapari I was like maybe he's like a dancer or something I don't really know what my initial thoughts were but whenever you're sitting in Cass for a long time you tend to forget what the original plan was so I really just ended up creating outfits that I thought looked good and that's basically what we went with I was like you know I think I like this you guys already know whenever I'm creating a Sim I'm gonna look at an outfit I'm probably like yeah that's the outfit and then I'll probably change it I think when it comes to making male Sims I'm more confident with the outfits because I can just put the outfit on and I can tell if I like it or not just like that but with the female Sims I have way more CC I think my female Sim clothing folders maybe like is it is it 1600 is it 7 000 I don't know I have a lot more clothing in my female CC folder versus my male CC folder this is the first time that I've been playing Sims 4 for all these years that I decided to expand my mail CC folder and I'm not saying I just always with CC shop for one well no yeah I I was always CC shopping for females and then I would rarely CC shop for melson's but there just wasn't enough male Cc or good enough CC that was Alpha there's so much Maxi's match I'm not a Maxis match player we've been through this so I didn't really know where to look and I think the biggest help right now with the my CC being expanded it has been Tumblr if you guys do not use Tumblr for Sims or use Tumblr to look up anything that has to do with Sims I definitely think you should because a lot of the items that have been added to my game recently has come from me seeing a post on Tumblr there's so many talented dope Tumblr creators and I definitely should probably show you guys my favorite ones one day in the video maybe yeah maybe I'll do that it'll be different not like a cast or anything I'll just show you guys my favorite CC creators because there's a few of them and some of them are behind a paywall and some of them also release their content for free after a certain amount of days or weeks but yeah Tumblr has been a big help in the way that I create my Sims now not only just CC wise I follow a lot of different people who create different Sims one of my favorite things about Sims 4 and the creators on Tumblr is that you can see one person Sim and you can see another person Simmons like they're in two completely different games everyone has their own style some people like to do the fantasy some people like to do the realistic some people like to do you know the Maxis match or some people I've seen someone whose Vibe is like Pixar and you'll see their Sim and you think it's from a Pixar film and I think it's so cool how unique and different everyone's Sim can't look so yeah I just I I definitely think Tumblr is helpful as well just getting inspiration there's so many people I've been inspired by with me being on Tumblr for such a short amount of time it's crazy but yeah I I definitely think that if it wasn't for Tumblr and if it wasn't for the new CC that I found I probably wouldn't I've been making this video or successfully making this video and I really love the UCC I got I think the one thing that I was searching for constantly with my middle Sims was baggy clothing I'm like where are the oversized t-shirts where are the baggy jeans personally I don't really like to see skinny jeans or tight jeans on my mail Sims because it just looks weird it's just so tight I'm like how do you have room to breathe and then on top of that I'm like what shirt can I match up with this tight pants it's so tight so it's it was it was a struggle trying to find the Peggy jeans or baggy shirts or sweatpants that were baggy because everything is so tight and if it's not tight the pants won't go all the way down to the ankle or to the foot it'll stop above the ankle I'm like how are my Sims supposed to wear Air Forces and Jordans if these pants don't even go all the way down to their feet foreign who who is using this ah it was it's very tough and I have a lot of different CC that you guys will probably never see me use on my channel because I I'm not a fan of it be fair um I need to figure out a way to get the CC out of my game but until then it's it's not going anywhere but yeah so Shakari I know at one point I was struggling on if I wanted him to have dark brown eyes or like the light brown eyes that he has now and then I came to the conclusion that whenever I make Jabari then I'll just give Jabari the darker eyes and he wouldn't have the slit in his brows and then I'd get him tattoos I just give him things that Jakari didn't have and I think that's also what helped them look a little different like they look the same because they're twins and they're identical and I wanted them to be identical but I also did want to change certain features up for Jabari I gave him pointed ears a bit he had tattoos on his face tattoos all over his body paints his nails it's just just different things just to try to make them look different I also think I gave him like blush on his nose and like on his cheeks like a little red color just to make them not look so similar but at the same time I don't want them to look too different because I wanted them to be identical twins if that makes sense now whenever it comes to creating Sims and you can ask any of my friends because my friends tell me this all the time they said that I like guys who have hair I mean it's i i i i i i i i i i i i faves are cool I like fades but that's not gonna be the first choice for me because I have a lot of hairstyles that have locks or braids I have a lot of Fades as well but sometimes I'm just not feeling them like nah he looked better with locks or he'd look better with braids or he looked better with a straight hair or he looked better with curly hair or Fro I'm if you guys see a mail Sim on my Channel with a fade just know that was the best possible option for that Sim just know that and believe that I did try to do hair I did I did try because what's wrong with her who doesn't like a guy with hair right but yeah so here we have Jabari and he has more outgoing traits I wanted him to kind of be like the party animal when like he he just goes out and has fun okay so let me tell you guys another difference between Jabari and Jakari so Jakari is straight it's funny because I really don't make any of my Sims straight majority of the time they're bisexual because why not Best of Both Worlds but I think I just like I'll just make him straight like why not so that's what I did and Jabari first I was like I'm gonna make Jabari gay and I was like nah I'll just make him bisexual because like I said Best of Both Worlds so Jabari is bisexual and Jakari is straight I think that I want to use them more on my channel because on this channel you guys are going to get a lot of cast videos but I am working on a Let's Play video I'm still doing the groundwork and laying out I'm actually doing a Sim say for that let's play so I'm just I'm trying to hurry up because I want to start doing let's plays cast is fun but I want to play my game so I I'm gonna try to hurry up and get that figured out for you guys because I think it'll be very fun to do let's play and I think I've said this in a previous video but look I'm just gonna keep saying it until we finally get the let's play but I do want them to pop up in the let's play I already have an idea of what I want to do because there's another Sim that I created and you've probably seen her on my Tumblr if you haven't seen her or if you don't follow my Tumblr if you just have never seen my Tumblr go look at my Tumblr it's retrograde not spelled like retrograde but spelled like it is for my channel I'll put the link in the description and I'll probably put how you spell it here actually the swelling is in the intro of my video so yeah retrograde but link will be in the description cool but yeah so the Sims that I have posted on my Tumblr Are the SIMS that are going to be on the let's play and I already have a plot for Jabari and Jakari for that let's play and I think depending on how that goes then it'll Branch out into another let's play of its own and stuff like that but I don't want to just keep doing let's plays with the same characters I want to or the same Sims I want to switch it up you know good variety like one will be a get famous maybe it won't be University I want to do high school years high school years is actually pretty fun but the thing with high school years you have to make parents for the damn teens and I just don't want to do that but it's gonna have to get done eventually if I want to do high school years or I could play with existing families that you guys have never seen I have existing families in my gallery so I could definitely just use one of those maybe I will maybe I will but I'm not sure if I really want to start over one of my existing families because the kids already graduated but yeah I don't really have anything else that I want to say and I've realized why I try to talk for the entire video if you don't have anything else to say so I'm just going to end the voice over here I hope you guys like these Sims right now you guys are seeing Jabari to clarify Jakari is the one with locks Jabari is the one who doesn't have locks so I hope that makes it easier for you guys but yeah hope you guys enjoyed this video hope you guys like these Sims and I will catch you guys in the next video [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: retrgrd
Views: 372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -7c2jXg02M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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