The simple life of D. Gukesh | Room Tour in Chennai

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hello hello GES Hi how are you well uh we are now in your home yeah so tell us is this like in the next door is actually where your parents and your home is this is your space yeah this is basically my my room where I work and where I rest stuff so this is where you spend all your time yeah okay let's see what is life looking like for gukesh this is a chess board here yeah where did you get it from um I I got it when I became an I am I think in K Grand and uh yeah we were just starting to play a game huh but then you wanted to film uh film The Room T so we are here right okay and here we can see your laptop where there are lot of uh Novelties so we won't touch it yes uh and what is this computer it's just for you don't use it uh yeah I used to use it but nowadays I don't much like but uh yeah sometimes my dad uses it for some for some kind of works so the most interesting part of this room I feel are these books here mhm and these trophies with some of them here and some of them on the other side which are here yeah and then the last interesting thing which I find is behind this curtain which is kind of hidden it's like the secret place we'll go there at the end the last final okay so Gish firstly uh there are a lot of Chess books mhm here uh have you read all of them no surely not all of them but like whenever I feel like reading something I just take you pick it out yeah I pick it out so if you had to sort of recommend couple of your favorite books from here which one would they be uh yeah I've already mentioned this before that I love game changer that's one of the books I really enjoyed um but yeah also both these books like from Pure uh chess Beauty point of view like I really love these both under the Surface by Yan maros and practical CH by a why do you like these two books I think the exercises here and like just the um just the positions are so interesting under the surface it's like also kind of philosophical like Viewpoint of Chess a practical just Beauty the I mean a is a brilliant composer and this and the positions here are just I mean not all of them are like very tough or anything but they are so beautiful yeah so remember once we were in that Kolkata room I was giving you positions from this I think I was giving from this book right I think it was it was from the Ukrainian ah from from with from Ukraine with love okay okay got it okay coming to now non-chess books here I find some of them very very interesting because what I see here ukes is that mainly you are into reading books of great Sportsmen MH from other other fields like we have wishi book here mind master but then you have like Pete SAS sain Andrea gasi Jimmy Connor usin bold Rafael Nadal Abino bindra sa Nal milka Singh who is this muit of Excellence Ah that's not autobiograph ah it's not autobi uh so which one would you say is your favorite from this uh like I really like this one AB bindra short at history H you also seem to be a good I love it I love this so this one and like I I like pretty much all the books but if I have to pick one uh either usin bolt fils I think mostly uh philps but no limits but I don't see any Joo book jok I have but I I was trying to find it I don't know where where I mean he doesn't have a autobiography it's a biography no it it's written by him but it's mostly about like it's diet and stuff serve to wear I I finished that also but yeah it's not it's not his autobiography full autobiography so okay yeah this is probably my favorite one I also love it in fact I read it in 2012 M you read it in 20 23 years 12 11 years yeah 11 years apart but still we liked it which means it seems like a Timeless book yes okay here we see a trophy under 11 Nationals isn't it when we first did the interview right yeah you won the under 11 yeah soon after the last round we did an interview about the double Bishop double Bishop sacrifice which is still one of your favorite games in a way from a aesthetical point of view yeah so that is that has a deep connection for us too correct and here we have Asian youth Championship under 12 oh yeah this is also an important thing right is it where I won the five Golds yes probably yes you had all these medals on your chest this one is Blitz yeah that was epic he won everything there what is here oh this is a beautiful trophy that is the junior Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi you won the Juniors tournament and this one is dawn of a golden era what is that it's probably not a CH have you won trophies apart from it's probably my uh like it's probably my father's father's Cricket thing or something oh that would be nice okay I'm really not sure about that here on this side which one would you like the most out of all these Trophies the most important one I won is the Chennai one so this very yeah would you call that as the strongest tournament you won or I mean considering the stakes and also the first Super tournament I it's not was not completely Elite even but first super TP on okay also Olympiad I didn't get any trophy so I guess ah where's the Olympiad medal medal it's probably somewhere but I don't don't know where it is okay and and here there are few more that that one looks nice the I think that's super kids the no this one is the MPL seniors you finished second right over there naal Championship yeah actually that phase of 2022 you won this second and I think this one also here Delhi open you one second ah this was probably soon after Nationals yes and both tournaments give you very big trophies yeah of also for that was second Won Won both of the so his trophy would have been even bigger correct have to see where Arjun has kept his trophy and what about this one this is a beautiful picture of you and it's so nicely placed it like if you enter the room from here directly you can see yeah even if I'm not there you can see me and then and smiling GES like if if you're sad we can have a smiling GES in the room yeah who made uh yeah after after Olympia I think my school had a well ml school had a function and there we there uh like the kids in the school they they made it okay and here there's also another very nice one this is by ah this is uh after the chenai grand Masters like uh a few um I think kids from my school only they made this uh they made this uh poster by them so oh this is beautiful you know I love it yeah from the start to lot of achievements also we are here this is what we were talking about 11 right yes this one then here Nigel shot and you where you made your first GM nor then your GM title here then uh bat Singh hugging you this was an epic moment uh then Olympiad here then this micro sense Camp you and Arjun yeah this is oh man these are some amazing memories you and Vishnu Nakamura I think you won this game know against Nakamura yeah g move that G4 move it it's in the fridge trainer by yes yes we made this video of course and uh here your father and mother after GM title very happy the Fabby game in the Olympiad is also where where where next to Nakamura oh Fabby game wow nice and below the Magnus the first time I met Magnus ah Magnus you drew with him and here with Sachin and Lara oh man what an epic photo no the kids were really nice to make this and look at this one oh that was you know it was also uh Leon was the photographer yes Leon took it and the Central photo is also nice it's from this uh forment beautiful wow so now after doing this we have earned the right to open the curtain and go beyond in the secret Zone sure why don't you take us [Applause] there okay I guess like this so this is where I sleep this is where you rest the uh the next uh favorite thing to do other than CH is the sleep it's you know the feeling I get is that you are working and then you're taking rest mhm here like it's a it's like a life of a monk I do go out on all life I'm not I'm not a psychopath no no like very simple life like that yeah like most of the time I do work and the evenings I go for some outdoor physical activity then then I night I sleep what else can I do and also you have a lot of uh sporting G here so you are into lot of sports right tennis is your new found interest badminton Cricket also table tennis must be here I don't know where it is though H and also Kum it's my mom's favorite ah do you play with her I used to play when I was young I still love in the pandemic maybe you know yeah in the pandemic we playing a lot actually and okay I'm decent but my mom is super good in this ah I mean amazing well thank you gukesh for giving us an insight into your secret room here and we get we get a sense of how you live life mhm which is according to me very very simple straightforward you have a working desk you have a chess board you have a bed you have some sports gear amazing yeah all I that those are basically all I love to do so and books and books lot of books fantastic bye-bye St
Channel: ChessBase India
Views: 1,009,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chessbaseindia, interviews, chesstraining, improvechess, chess, how to play chess
Id: At6MLJywKH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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