The Silver Secret | Dino Charge | Power Rangers Official

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[Music] [Music] and then the rest the universe will finally be mine [Music] doomwing should be here soon better get into position be careful i will shops dino charger [Music] oh there's doomwing so kind of you to personally bring me an enemy i'm leaving here with two energems you're not leaving here at all [Music] unleash not yet shelby tyler has to wear him down first so he'll transform into zenowin i'm just getting started hold on tyler now it's my turn [Music] now you know why they call me doomwing goodbye red ranger he's starting to transform miss morgan do it what's happening [Music] yes it worked [Music] curse you rangers you may have released the thinner wing but i still have the silver energem tyler you're okay yeah i'm fine [Music] doom wings leaving don't let them escape go on i've got zenowing the rangers are about to face a bigger problem let's fight fire with firepower chargers ready dino chargers engage this chicken's gonna skewer activate dino charge ultrasource it's about to get wild [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's pluck this turkey i'll tear your swords apart dino head spike let's use kendall's new attack oh yeah let's try it titanocannon [Music] final strike monster extinct you half wits i'm defeated but not destroyed you'll never get the silver energem there he is don't let him get away time to fly tyler will take scrapper you finish off doomwig got it dino charger ready didn't destroy you but i will yes again [Music] let me go you're in trouble now look who's squawking you were foolish to count your chickens before they had now your cock-a-doodle's doomed [Music] this is the end red ranger yeah the end of you angel alpaca activate [Music] [Music] weapons combined triple spikes [Music] [Music] not these three creeps again we defeat these monsters before we'll just destroy them again take one each your friends are in trouble and so are you these three chumps you know how many times we've beaten these guys already doomwing but not alone [Music] you came yes that's what teammates do then i'll destroy you both [Music] they chose me it's more than time energize unleash the power [Music] titanosaurus you won't beat me that easily dino saver power chopper blast time for a supercharged finish [Applause] t-rex supercharged extinct again any last words action will crush you don't count on it extinct welcome to the team zenowing thank you my friends it's an honor remember we have a deal right on time perfect [Music] [Music] my beast powers struzzle my morphex is low looks like you've only got enough for your cheater speed i'll send more if you say please i don't think so hey what are you doing fargo needs that morphex or he could be destroyed oh no oh wouldn't that be tragic oh i get it nothing really you traitors fortunately i'm still more than a match for you transport i might not remember being a ranger but i can still handle a fight bring it kid [Music] i'll beat you with your own beast power tired yet no way [Music] oh man almost there [Music] i remember everything now he did it still my memories are back still you're strong red ranger but not strong enough to beat me that's the last one great so what's the plan for these mega transporters oh well [Music] i think something's wrong with the memory pulse what the heck is going on we were just leaving [Music] they just stole our mega transporters and i think we helped them [Music] [Music] ready [Music] your time is up vargoyl i i don't believe it and that's for messing with my friend what happened to him he climbed up the electrified tower to destroy the pulsator is he gonna be okay i don't know [Music] rangers we have an incoming giga drone deploying zords roger that hey if anyone can fix your brother it's you i believe in you [Music] gorilla mode [Music] beast x megazord combined [Music] watch out [Music] [Applause] [Music] blaster these eggs [Music] virus eliminated he destroyed my computer without the control circuits we can't deploy our swords can you fix it quickly well of course he can my brother can do anything because he'll have me to help him we'll take care of this you guys stop the robotron tell me what to [Music] act do nothing like a clean getaway now i'll just oh brother so you like to clone rangers huh but now you're gonna have to deal with the real thing smurfette activate beast power [Music] this is all gone terribly wrong it might be a good copycat but it's not much of a fighter we've got him don't be so sure okay get back here nate we need those swords we're on a commander quick make it now straws zoneless rangers easy systems are back online we're still working on the others thanks nate oh i'll leave you two to handle this faker hey no need to make it personal [Music] [Music] time to take you out of service for good it's on us cruise [Music] transport another blade [Music] no way it cloned our story but it can't duplicate our teamwork buddy [Music] i can't copy my way out of this one great shooting up top huh what's up nate your swords are back online they've been deployed to your location roger that heading out [Music] two racers [Music] which one's friendly devon wave to us well that's great i think we need to try something else any ideas yep but devin probably won't like it rabbit black [Music] megazord combined [Music] [Music] charging main weapons [Music] [Music] virus eliminated wow this place is so cool you must be redbot i like your book it was great oh i've never seen a hammer like that and you never will again uh emma the computers are over here please hurry i'm on it oh boy that's a nasty one this antivirus program isn't going to work you mean you can't help us i didn't say that it's like a ninja has a lot of moves i have a lot of tools i'll find something you're like a computer ninja let's try this one this program needs time while we're waiting i'll see if i can get any of your systems running again thanks oh good news the bus camp detector is back online oh bad news it's showing activity in the industrial quarter oh no we've got to go can you two handle this i won't give up like a ninja great be careful until the virus is gone your weapons will likely malfunction then we'll just use our fists the bus camps are right up here ah good come and get me your rainbow roaches let's give them a fiery attack using these elements ninja fire attack oh no redbot was right the virus is making our weapons fail without your weapons i can delete you permanently red vault was right the virus is making our weapons fail that's bad news but that is working as fast as she can try another weapon got it take this cow let's give our blasters a try good idea let's do it ninja blaster power up whiplash not even close this isn't good another weapon down just in time for me to do almost got it i think it's working yes the virus is failing got it fantastic you've done it rangers this is your computer ninja emma all your weapons are back online thanks emma great timing the weapons are good to go let's try our blasters again ninja blaster no my virus is offline you've destroyed it now i'll destroy you this is our chance let's wipe out this hard drive [Music] i corrupted [Music] [Applause] it sounds like you want to reboot typeface gigantify ninja blaze megazord ready ninja super steel mode ready watch this my space key moves me [Music] where'd he go you can't catch me we need to hold this guy still i know just the way astro sword star activate ninja spin [Music] ninja sword mode activate [Music] ninja plays megazord ranger blast [Music] thanks astro ninja sword show's over ninjas win lion fire flame strike final attack great job you said it sir yeah you'll have to do better than that because i'm as strong as an ox and i have backup don't you mean breaks up i've been waiting for another chance at you rangers oh no not him too didn't see that coming we've doubled the trouble for the rangers and now it's time to give the people what they want we'll take things to another level and gigantify them both [Music] what's the plan rats three words crush them all we're gonna need more than one megazord to take these guys on ninja steel mega sword combined ninja spin ninja steel megazord ready [Music] [Music] ready let's toast this gruesome twosome yeah looks like it's two on two abrax we'll handle gorox great idea we'll take down brax you're doomed let's do this [Music] sorry guys don't worry we got your back you're surrounded we're gonna need more power yeah ninja ultrazord combine ninja spin [Music] ninja ultrasource ready this is more like it no one pushes our ultrasource around we'll give them all we've got going up [Music] okay levi you know what to do begin final attack ninja spin [Music] ninja super steel blaster energized ninja ultrasort blast [Music] final attack no thanks [Applause] no more holding back whoa that was a hard hit i don't think these megazords could take another blast like that what should we do there's nothing you can do [Music] there's nothing you can do you're finished we need a solution fast don't worry guys i think i have an idea levi give me the blaster sure thing bro i think a different megazord combination may give us the edge we need to beat brax cool ninja ultra star lock in ninja blaze ultra sword combine ninja spin disengage ninja plays ultrasour hey guys thought i'd join you heads up cal thanks ready when you are brax may be strong but let's see him take on the ninja blaze ultra sword and that's not all sarah levi you ready yep the ninja steel megazord is ready for action time to take brax out for good you'll never defeat me all right sarah levi you go first ninja steal megazord master [Music] slash ninja plays firestorm final attack [Music] i'm sorry i [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's all of this about these are the pieces the music can spare we need them to pay back mr smith oh you can't sell them these fossils are the heart and soul of the museum doesn't matter because even after selling them we'd still be short i'm afraid we're gonna have to face it the museum is lost i can't believe what i've done what if we get more gold coins yeah we have to go stop the monster anyway why not at least the gold's gonna be going towards a good cause well it's worth a shot tyler chase you need to lead these guys back to where the monster's treasure is oh don't worry i won't let anyone touch your gold coins [Music] keep following the trail of coins [Music] puts into two maybe there's two treasures or maybe they're both traps you can stand here if you want i'm gonna get that treasure not if i get it first ivan you included them riley and i will take this [Music] the trail stopped just like i'm going to stop [Music] [Music] guys [Music] [Music] jackpot let's flip this bird's [Applause] wings again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] supercharged [Music] is we were so greedy the coins must have lost their power i guess it's safe to use them to repay mr smith now so ivan should we go pay off your debt this gold once so evil will finally do some good [Music] i'll take her out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and when they get here [Music] the gps says aaron and my phone should be right here [Music] my goodness smells like the king's outhouse after a banquet okay looks like we're closed [Music] she should be just up ahead you've fallen right into my trap give me your energems and you'll get your precious pink ranger [Music] but i back [Music] power rangers [Music] better break up the birds [Music] what you really need is i have a better idea let's try our new victory maximum attack [Music] [Music] work great together quick [Music] are you okay yeah i'm fine now i am so sorry i should never have taken credit for what you guys did i i just got caught up in all the attention apology accepted a miss let's get you out of here okay come on it's this way i should let have baked fry for this dishes forever but i'll give him one more chance you need to go somewhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's time we turn up the heat on this doughboy [Music] is yes they're back what hey i feel like i haven't seen you in a while and i've missed you yeah we actually have something to talk about hills come on guys we have some business to finish yeah [Music] uh i'm really glad that you're all back with us but i might just leave you guys to handle this good luck rangers [Music] bring it on it's morphin time power stars lock in ready ninja spin [Music] yes [Music] [Music] you know what to do attack show them no mercy show them no mercy ladies and gents my foxbots will wear them down then i'll wipe them out he has a team like we've never seen all together he's all ready enjoy these bots are impressive but they're no match for real ninjas [Music] aero blast star blast we did it now let's find wolverine come on hey they beat my butts already no better i'll finish the job think again i'm just getting warmed up [Music] ninja clone technique on each guys [Music] guess i'm fighting the real one let's take him out lion fire ninja spin [Music] out of the fire into the fight blind fire red [Music] lion fire armor star lock in lion fire ninja spin lion fire whiplash strike oh final attack [Music] yes epic good job you sure showed him boom oh exciting don't count out wolverines [Applause] [Music] [Music] ninja steel ultrasource combined ninja spins [Music] let's give this guy a fight to [Music] take remember begin final attack [Music] ninja super steel blaster energized ninja ultrasource blast final attack [Music] hmm wolver means ninja medallion this might prove useful well fart but i'm not done rangers the galactic ninjas will destroy you all [Music] i'm your brother i don't need a brother i'll destroy you no you won't christian calvin get all the spell lyrics you got to put them back together i'm on it the name good they're all together i'll take all five stars i just need to read it backwards to break the spell each link opening i'll destroy you all hold up [Music] what happened was i attacking you guys yeah your girlfriend's a monster and she made you evil jess is a monster i can't believe it i hope i didn't hurt anyone we're fine welcome back big brother ruined my plan that's jess change may be the spice of life but this is ridiculous she's running away after hey rangers you ready to fight we sure are that it's payback time bring it on yeah cause ninja rangers fear no danger [Music] where'd they go surprise yeah gotta fly where's she going we need to attack her in the air but hell let's rustle up a storm you got it ninja spin storm star lock in tornado mode ninja spin ninja tornado attack jump in got it [Music] red tornado strike no final attack [Music] you said it bro [Music] we make our giants [Music] [Applause] gigantic that's one huge umbrella better call in the big guns zord stars lock in activate ninjas let's form our megazords levi ninja steel megazord bull rider megazord combined ninja spin ninja steel megazord ready [Music] that monster messed with my head it's time to finish this let's take her down two against one you're finished you'll have to do better than that oh brace yourselves we're sitting ducks down here luckily we have a high flying ace up our sleeves right brody right astro zordstar lock [Music] time to join forces ninja fusion zord combined ninja spin ninja fusion zord [Music] this ninja super steel blaster is epic [Music] ninja fusions final attack [Music] show's over ninjas win if i never see her again it'll be too soon same with that new look of yours [Music] so you clowns are back big mistake ow my shovel get back [Music] i think it's time for you to shove off devin how's it going with those tronics [Music] under control barely it's just us i'm gonna bury you and your entire city in rebels [Music] i've got the perfect valentine's gift for the rangers and it ain't flowers or chocolate [Music] this data model will be unbeatable once you've morphed into a shovel drone two shovels can destroy twice as much last one devin i sent cruz to your location great robbie and zoey can handle shoveltron i got the big guy deployed the razor zord let's do this cruise [Music] [Music] okay here we go yeah [Music] systems ready in position just you and me buddy cruise [Applause] [Music] hey devon is it time to land some drone-sized punches yep we'll bury this digging tool gotcha [Music] [Applause] rocket storm come on this isn't working there are too many missiles that dies at once cruz we need to wait out run them you thinking what i'm thinking you betcha buddy on my mark ready [Music] now that's the speed we need [Music] well that didn't work zoe we need a new plan i've got an idea that might just do it stay down i'm gonna surprise him hey where'd that go [Applause] [Music] nice one let's finish up [Music] you you just morphed oh is that what happened fantastic i am amazing two more rangers ah no matter we'll destroy you both ha not a chance they're no match for the two of us this whole deal is going into the toilet this ought to help transport striker morpher it's all yours shiny i'd like it you're both going down [Music] wrong we're going up [Music] how are they beating us with flair [Music] good job obviously so long suckers we gotta get today you're all washed up rangers prepare to be destroyed to be destroyed this mess will be an optimal test of our ranger powers what's this what who are you it's me mate nate and this is not the best time for intros come on i'll explain later you'll be scrubbed those rangers will pay schozel send down a giga drone to crush them before master evox destroys us all you two said that boy scientist was a total wimp and now i'm fixing your mess again morphing gamma model into vacuum got a commander hey there's a giga drone in the city you guys go we can take care of this okay take that and this what's your status team in position in position all systems [Music] i have the giga drone in sight sucking more effects directly from the tower i'm gonna need backup almost there devin right above you he's got the same weapon we're losing power it's sucking out our more effects fuel thanks for the save i hope nate is okay too [Music] coming through [Music] there's so many nothing i can't handle hey smash let's go gorilla great idea lock all targets onto that giga drum rocket storm his vacuum's blocked nice beast x megazord combined [Music] charging main weapons [Music] transport cheetah beast [Music] blaster strike virus eliminated [Music]
Channel: Power Rangers Official
Views: 8,444,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power rangers, power rangers dino charge, power rangers ninja steel, power rangers dino thunder, power rangers beast morphers, power rangers mystic force, power rangers megaforce, power rangers spd, power rangers dino fury, power rangers ninja storm, power rangers wild force, power rangers rpm, power rangers power rangers, rangers, green power ranger, sentai, Super Sentai, power rangers zords, red ranger zords, Saban, pink ranger, powerrangers, power rangers operation overdrive
Id: O3RWjreEYX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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