"The Silent Part Of The Library" Creepypasta

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I was once upon a time an architecture student at the University in middle England as one task is part of my grueling studies we were required to analyze and study our campus library to complete this it would survey every tiny detail of the library's interior fire escapes elevators lifts the staff rooms toilets and so on this exercise was set as an entire month long but I could really tell in the briefing lecture that the excitement for this task was little to none as I glanced around the lecture Odyssey disgruntled faces and exasperated sighs my friend at least heard back at me from across the hall making a face in my direction to confirm she was also apprehensive I certainly didn't feel any different than my fellow students on that day as libraries go ours was old dusty and giant the building was unfortunately bond in the war and much of it was left unstable which led to the remains of the library being demolished to introduce a modern a slightly hideous refurbishment it stands as a modern ayah surah compared to its neighbouring buildings which were perfectly restored to their original 1850 aesthetics the campus - a library was an inspiring wonderful place to study and many of the locals refer to it as Hogwarts due to its resemblance we were given the library to survey it is the ugly duckling of the campus admin like my tutor told us in the briefing to truly appreciate architecture you must first understand its faults and this library had many faults to start with its connections from each floor made no sense him there was no consistency at any levels an original staircase which was spared by the bomb which circulated through the building was missing in parts where it would make no sense to remove it meaning that on certain levels you would be required to walk from one end to the other to find a staircase to the level below which simply confuse people and myself without a floor plan acting as a map the fresh face acceptable first few students found it virtually impossible to navigate I spent the first day of the project making my way through the building with Emily we're counting fire exits getting the boring bits out of the way we knew from the plan said there is a top floor however there is no signage at all to suggest were to find it typical Emily Anne literally no interest in the task and couldn't be bothered to figure out the way to the top so she gave me a hug goodbye before skipping off to home I had a huge crush on her and to be honest and always manage to enjoy the course projects with her by my side sometimes I got the impression that she liked me back but how am I supposed to know that I wouldn't be able to tell if she was flirting with me even if she had it written all over her forehead nevertheless I scoured the building to what I assumed was the top floor which is virtually empty - a few master students and there was no sign upstairs to the rooftop and I walked around the top floor for about 20 minutes before I decided to follow the original staircase pattern all the way to the top of the building I realized that if the staircase still stood the entrance to the roof would be situated in the northeast side of the floor I eventually found it hidden behind and they can speak to his black door with no handle with an unofficial looking fire escape sign I push on the door realized that it would only open if I pushed it with much force most if not all the students at the University didn't even know that the building had an elaborately furnished roof terrace with pieces of sculpture and art where the staff went to smoke cigarettes when I stepped out onto this wooden clad modern Japanese theme garden level the teachers and directors that were stood with their cigarettes scowling at me one teacher was Carly Diaz a fashion tutor whose wrinkled face suggested she had snow since the day she left the womb she stood with her clique of pretentious tutors and they asked me what I was doing there with a lot of disappointment and anger I explained the situation my tutor was called in told her the project would end immediately it turns out the students were supposed to know about this roof terrace at all busted and Mark Woodhouse was my tutor for five years it was unconventional and often publicly discussed in the families of the University which got him in trouble often with the other staff he took a warming to me and as a female and sometimes made me uncomfortable there were rumors circulate in the school that he and mrs. Diaz had dated and she called it off after he became creepy I would go out of his way to visit the fashion department under the pretense of washing his many elaborate suits and the large washer dryers I realized that after a couple of years and Mark admired by tendency to bend the rules of university life and social convention center success driven environment when the staff called mark that day Amin was said and the project was canceled apparently this was the first year that this project was attempted in mark was accused of manipulating the curriculum and said in this task without full permission from the school board maka was suspended the staff in is what the course leaders accusing him of conspiring against the other tutors for having what they referred to as a campus staff recreation space when he was not welcome due to disagreements I felt partially responsible for this and I harbored a lot of guilt towards what I had done however in the stress of an architecture degree soon distracted me a few months after the roof terrace incident I will - a facebook friend request from mark the tutor I promptly messaged him and said that it would not be appropriate for me to accept the invitation see here as I was a student he brushed this off and proceeded to tell me the information I now know related to a suspension mark also told me to continue with the project he said that what I discovered is only a beginning and he knew I was capable of revealing the truth and emailed me several files which he said worthy unseen original plans by this point I was angry and I pin mark as a madman obsessed with phone and his fellow staff and using me to get into their heads for a moment I felt that my discovery of the roof terrace was justified now perhaps mark was completely obsessed with this conflict with the other staff and he's irresponsible and shouldn't be allowed to teach I told him this and to leave me alone in the future I blocked him and spoke to University officials the next day to inform them that he had contacted me in this led to the full discontinuation of his employment and it was permanently fired and what about my studies that I worked hard we were required to write a five thousand word essay on a chosen subject and I picked 19th century public buildings in England but to achieve this I was required to use as many books from the campus library I hadn't been to the library since the incident and now not a shame but because I bought a new desktop computer with top spec so and I could work at home I hated the library the acoustics were awful and most of the students rejected the one rule of silence chatter and laughter would resonate through the entire Bowdoin due to the central atrium and ran is a void throughout the whole place other than on the top floor underneath the terrace which is enclosed I was actually able to navigate the building very well I curse smart for teaching me something believing that he didn't deserve the credit I started to spend a lot of time in that library and that quiet top floor with all the grumpy master students however there was one look in the basement that I needed for a section of my essay so I set off down the original staircase that day I was in a little bit of a daze I wasn't quite concentrating for a lack of sleepin and it smoked a joint that morning to calm myself down as I struggled with anxiety in my early 20s sorry that's no excuse for a wake you make I was a student don't judge I reached the ground floor completely forgetting to head off to the basement stairs on the other side of the building and this led me down the original staircase to a section of the basement that was on the opposite side to the book I needed I was annoyed at myself as the walk from one side of the basement to another was through a labyrinth of archive books up and one uses anymore dusty old hymn to be honest it didn't smell great and the basement was still intact as it was in the 1800s and the bookcases were positioned in an odd fashion my curiosity however increased one remember that my essay would probably benefit from investigating this forgotten area of the building I treat my phone for my pocket and I open notes to jot down any interesting features that I found when I helped with my phone and I pondered how I would reach the other side of the building noticing that the model version of the library map doesn't include the pathway through the bookcases in the basement I remembered marks evil of the original plans all those months ago which would include a floor plan of the basement level as it was in 1850 as I stood there opening the attachments I started to slowly walk through the bookcases taking glances around back in my phone back at the bookcases to try and find my bearings now I've always had a tendency to talk to myself and exclaim calmly I wonder how I get to I stopped speaking as I spoke the words dropped dad and by that I mean well I'm not sure it I mean the son that came out of my mouth didn't didn't sound right have you ever been in a place so quiet that sound doesn't resonate imagine the silence of a recording studio or a soundproof padding surrounds you and when you speak it is almost as if the sound waves reach your ears but no further I realize that I had not noticed how far I was walking to the basement because my footsteps are virtually silent it made me very uneasy that they were making us a lot as a sound as usual so I started to walk fast I almost stopped my feet to achieve a noise when I'm just to prove a point to my ridiculous self I walked for a while I don't know how long I was walking for too long I was met again and again by yet more rows upon rows of bookshelves stanked fallen and it just felt like my footsteps got quieter and quieter I started whistling the sound again dropping dead in front of me zero amount of sound resident in the room even though I know that basement is huge the bookcases and books must have been padding the room so well that the sound can't bounce off of anywhere after a while I came to my senses I laughed at myself for what I was doing and I stood still and closed my eyes enjoying the silence it was so incredibly calming after about two minutes I glanced back at the original floor plan on my phone defy man wait at the part of the basement where there was a touch of civilization which is where my book was placed for a moment I craved the annoying chatter of students on the computers as I steered it on my phone reading the plan I realized something I had no clue where I was the bookcases were inconsistent I had walked deeper into the archives it was dark in there very dimly lit with small halogen lights scattered on the ceiling and in places it was completely dark my claustrophobia started kicking in but I calmed myself down and tried to trace in my step-son and I took from the staircase after a while I realized that I had completely forgotten where I had come from I had a solution though what came to mind was minecraft crazily enough if you have ever played Minecraft you'll know that when you're exploring a cave and discovering that you can't find your way out you father we did the right or left wall depending on whether or not you're going deeper into the cave or escaping from it it's very simple and it stops you from getting lost in the only way that I could keep calm was to follow the bookcases on the ride all the way around him eventually I would find myself somewhere significant then I would be able to identify in the plans in front of me as I followed the right-hand side I noticed that the clip into my shoes became completely dead silent I will sit again and now song came out at all I started to feel frightened by this dank dark place which no longer felt peaceful but like a looming labyrinth when I thought it couldn't get any worse my wife I had cut out so I'd might say no I must have been so far away from the connection then I couldn't connect in a panic I accepted the plan to turn my Wi-Fi off and on to no avail fortunately I had saved the PDF to my phone memory beforehand but I was not loved without any connection upstairs completely lost in this archive of dust I carried out if I play it off sticking to the right button after in there 10 minutes I felt that I wasn't getting anywhere for God's sake I had been an architecture student for years and I should be able to read a floor plan the noise of my fingers such in the phone's game was making me uneasy as there was literally no noise no matter how violently attacked it it put me at her so much Jessen I couldn't concentrate and I started wildly scrolling around the plan when my fingers brushed across and landed on a small piece of tags which read sub-basement floorplan I couldn't believe my eyes I wasn't reading the basement plan at all this was the plan for the building sub-basement which I didn't even know existed I slumped out onto my knees on the floor staring at the screen it felt as if this unit was closing in on me if thought as if everything was tightening in all I could see in front of me was walls and walls of dirty dusty flaking abandoned pieces of literature followed by deep menacing darkness iPhone tears one up in my eyes and in that moment I felt completely trapped this has to be a horrible nightmare I exclaimed I did however in my own voice but extremely cloud and once again it felt if I had said the words into a soundproof box in front of me it was so unsettling I got louder can anybody hear me I screamed but but I could tell that only someone who stood a few feet away from me would be able to hear it I started weeping with my head on my knees after a while I realized that I was lying on the floor I stand up to my right hand side and I caught a glimpse of the book of dead by ei Wallis budge hanging out of its bookcase my nan feeling emotionally strained body took my index finger and put the book back into place when I heard a noise a loud echoing resonating sound I felt like it was coming from turn eath me as if there was a cavern below my feet with how loud the noise was it even felt slightly as if it were coming from every angle I had placed my ear on the cold stone ground and I heard nothing I carried on pushing the dusty old books into the slot and I heard the noise again quickly placed in my ear back on the floor I couldn't perform both things at once so I placed my ear in the ground and I look for my body to push in the rest of the book left foot when it slotted in all the way I heard what sounded like a door clicking open and then slamming against the wall I stood up my mouse smiling from the joy of hearing a sound that could have come from civilization what did the book have to do with it a wave of curiosity flow through me I picked the book out of its place as quickly as I could and heard what sounded like a lot of slim of a door I had ever heard in my life I screamed and I jumped in I dropped the book to the ground but I was laughing I was starting to go mad down here this loud noise was the only salvation for my madness and laugh it was the answer for me in that moment so I pushed him pulled at the book trying to figure out what the law of slamming noises were coming from however as soon as I got over the initial feeling of hearing realistic noise again I came back to the reality that I was living I was using a boat to what I thought was opening a door like in a ridiculous old horror film or something what the hell is this I shouted the sound drop it again like a lead balloon irritating me it's hell I heard softly smoke it into my right ear I span around slamming into the bookcase behind me and there he was Mike Woodhouse his dark bearded face staring at me through the space where in the book one sad I ran around the corner to confront him but I was met with another row of bugs I turn back to the space in the bookcase where he stood where he smiled back at me smugly is this your doing get me out of here before I report you report me again he replied his face turning from a smile to a malicious frown with that he walked away disappearing from sight I glanced through the hole in the shelf but he was swallowed by the darkness I didn't want to be left alone no matter how much I hated him in that moment mark please don't leave me I'm sorry please don't leave I screamed through I heard a click and the lights went out I was surrounded by complete and utter darkness after about five minutes and my eyes started to adjust to the light I heard a clink of metal and I looked to the left to see marks face in front of me and I screamed in Pride but at the same time I reached out and touched him gaping the fabric of his blazer I let go when he tried to grab my hand when I saw the glimmer of a machete knife in his other hand resting against his Bell Buckle my blood when I scold what are you doing here I said I've always shaken in fear I like it down here it's quiet he replied with the spark then only made me more frightened I scrunched my face and closed my eyes and disbelief of his arrogance how did you how did you get in the library well I couldn't I because you got me fired he laughed don't you get it yes Sophia there's another way out and another way in he told me as he took my hand and raised it place in his other hand on top of mine you should have completed the project shouldn't you you wouldn't have been lost in here otherwise and that moment was he stared in my eyes ssam reached into his large blazer pocket and retrieve a piece of folded paper he let go of me and started to open it shining a torch on it from his other hand I soon realized that this was the real basement floor plan before that we were on right now bookcases included the copy was as old and dusty as the books that stood in front and behind us he handed it to me and asked me to tell him where the entrance was I stared down at the huge decane ripped in stained piece of paper and then I saw it the staircase so how do we get out so how do we get out he asked with the smirk I gulped I could see how he could sense my fear in anticipation to leave that horrible place I pointed silently at the staircase symbol in the West very good he exclaimed and in that moment a sick gratitude and appreciation for this horrible man raised inside of me my tendency to latch on to those who hurt me was starting to show I was still crying terrified but he was my only lifeline and I knew that he knew it now tell me now how do we get there I don't know I started out he turned the piece of paper around so that it face behind he started to talk he told me about the history of the building the basement the Book of the Dead and some other things I don't know I wasn't listening to him I heard that door slamming again and again each time I would jump in he wouldn't even flinch I was staring down at the plan behind water eyes while he spoke he stopped talking after a long time I don't know how long he took his hand and he pointed down at the page in between two bookcases and the center of the plan you are here he said slowly you hardly had to take a breath and before I snapped out of my stay snatch the plan from his Hanson ran in the direction then and he was towards the stair I hardly had to look down at the plan as I rushed to the stairs I had heard he analyzed the plan in my mind by the time he had finished talking it took me a couple of glances out of the paper to confirm which way I was going I started to hear my own breath panting at my feet on the ground my god it was good to hear again I reached the stairs and shuddered in joy as I ran my way up tripping as I went hitting my knee Anna stabbed I knew I was injured but I didn't care I didn't for one moment look behind me to see if Mark was there I figured without the plan you wouldn't be able to find his way back up I took a sigh of relief and I caught my breath before opening the doors I placed my hand in the wood when I heard screaming behind it I retracted my arm oh god what's going on I muttered under my breath I slowly opened the door the library atrium was filled with smoke and as I took a step into the room I realized that the fire alarms blaring I saw people Ronnie and ladida broken lambs and students crawling one of my course mates was decapitated on the floor in front of me blood everywhere on the floor I stepped out into the center of the atrium I glanced up through the void of the floors and I saw fire a large piece of wooden cladding came soaring down in flames I stepped out of the way in the last minute as I screamed for my life I knew that a fire exit was only a few feet away I'm dashed in that direction so Sofia please help me I heard Emily's scream behind me I turned before I push through the fire exit door to see her broken body crawling across the floor my eyes watered him I stood there still I couldn't move I snapped out of my stupor and I ran to her before I could reach even a foot away a huge machete came soaring down on Emily's head slicing it in half brain spelled out under the carpet I stomach back and I fell seeing Marc's face above me his face was covered in blood burned by fire and medicine I realized at this moment the whole thing was a trek the door slamming in the basement they were explosions oh god no I whispered to my self-realization flooding through me mark stepped towards me as he wiped the knife on his brown suit trousers and he laughed there were dead bodies scattered across the floor behind him students running for the live screaming there was so much noise from the screams and the roaring far above that an almost deafened me I saw one person fall from the top floor and hit the ground with a crack I will not in shock when I saw that it was Carly Diaz lying motionless deformed next to Emily's lab body Markit heard her fallin turned around to look he cracked up into horrible hysterical laughter he quickly turned to me with that evil grin which is embedded in my mind and through laughter he said these words and I won't ever forget as long as I live I lied Sophia it was all about the roof terrace you you
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 78,157
Rating: 4.6498966 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, audiobook, narration, scary story, creepy story, creepypasta narration, nosleep
Id: 0NJcF9zai1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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