The Shooting Board - Must Have Shop Jig

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[Music] today we're gonna make a very simple shooting board now this is a very complicated one that I made that has a magnetic saw guide and everything like that but you don't need to make this if you want to there's a link here in the corner today I'm gonna show you how to make it a quick and easy one sort of like the crosscut sled we made last week this is the manual version of a crosscut sled but first I was watching a little YouTube this weekend and I saw this clip until I had an extra set of hands in the shop to get it done enter self-proclaimed tape ball longshot expert Shawn now Chris Salamone and Shawn Boyd are not experts I am actually the tape ball champion Shawn is just my protege and chris is still playing in the minor league so let me show you how this is done all right I just measured Shawn shot and all I got to say is this is what 30 yards really looks like all right Charlie Chris new record 30 yards at 90 feet all right you can tell by how sweaty I am that only took one try Oh Bing Bing see and if you don't know Shawn Chris which I'm sure you do their channels are linked below go check them out because they're sure to retort very soon so let's get into what a shooting board is for okay a shooting board has three basic components it has a bench hook like this one here and I just use this one to lock into my Moxon vise and then it has a fence and that is some degrees from your shoulder here which is where you're shooting plane goes and normally that's about 90 degrees or 45 degrees and the way it works is you take a board and I'm gonna release some videos coming up on how to saw correctly and one of the reasons that a hand tool would worker uses a shooting plane is to get things perfect now when you saw a line typically what you want to do is be slightly away from your line because unless you're somebody crazy like Rob Cosman or Matt s Leah you're probably not going to be right on that line and then you go to your shooting board which you know has a 90 degree fence and you're going to use your shooting plane to bring that line into square and what the fence does is it's like a backer board like we talked about in that tear out video it keeps you from getting tear out in the back and when you're done you should have a perfectly square board and that's how you get down to your line so let me show you how to make a simple version of one of these now shooting board is gonna have three basic components and that's gonna be the body which I'm gonna use this scrap piece of half-inch MDF the shoulder I'm going to use this is an eighth inch thick piece of plywood and then a fence and I'm gonna use this cherry for our fence a fence should be removable so that you can Reese quare it up you shouldn't glue down your fence so we're gonna cut a quarter inch groove in our body and our fence and then we're gonna put in a piece of hardwood in there so that the fence can be removed and that way if we need to we can rescale pense so let's trim these up now Shuman board doesn't have to be super wide because you're cross-cutting when you're using a shooting board so what matters is sort of this length so I'm gonna cut this to about 12 inches will cut our shoulder to about 16 inches and that'll give us something for a plane to ride on and then we'll mill up our fence and our fence should be about as tall as the thickest material that you would use on a shooting board so let's get into cutting these up [Music] okay so now what we want to do is cut it groove in both our fence piece and our body now this needs to be Square to this shoulder piece here because that's where your hand plane is going to ride so I'm going to do that on a crosscut sled and then I need a matching groove in our fence and I'm going to do that along my table saw fence and you want it to be the exact same size depth doesn't really matter because you're gonna cut a runner that fits in here and that's just going to stick up and you want that to be pretty tight when you put it in because you don't want any play in your fence what I do is I cut it really tight I kind of tap it in there with a hammer and then I'll bevel the top edges that way my fence sort of gets on there and I can kind of tap it in and that way your fence gets secured in place and creates that zero clearance for the piece that you are cross-cutting with your hand plane so let's go ahead and put I'm doing a half inch dado stack you could do a router bit as long as you get it square so let's go ahead and give these a cut [Music] okay now we're gonna go ahead and put this thing together the order that this is going to go in is we're going to put our shoulder on there first and one thing I learned on past shooting boards is don't cut your shoulder too short this way it doesn't really matter how long it is but if it's too short when you sometimes come to the front of your cut it tips your shooting board up so we're gonna put that on first I'm just gonna glue it and probably add just a couple screws just so I don't have to use clamps and then we're gonna put on our bench hook now there's two ways you can put this bench hook on you could put it on the bottom here or on the back like this I don't know that either way would be stronger or weaker than the other but I like to have a little bit more reference area on my bench hook so I'm gonna put it on the bottom then from there we're going to glue in our little key here and make sure that that's fitting nice and tight for you and you want to try and minimize squeeze out on this and if you did it right this should be so tight that you almost don't really need glue so I'm just gonna use a little superglue a little to p10 in there with a couple drops of wood glue so that way I can just keep working on this and then once we get it together we'll give it a quick sanding clean everything up and then I'm gonna show you how to use it so let's get this put together [Music] okay quick little mistake I just made so I probably should have used not MDF for this bench hook as you can see this split right here but in the honor of showing how we fix our mistakes what I'm going to do is just take a little glue put that in that crack and my other two screws are fine they didn't split so and and granted I can always replace this bench okay it has no function other than to keep it from moving around so it doesn't matter whether it's working or not so then what I'm going to do is just back my screw out throw a clamp on this you can see that get to that crack gone I'm gonna put my screw back in and leave that clamp on for a little while and just let it set up and there we go that should be just fine so we're let that set up while we put together the rest of our [Music] [Music] okay so here's one of the coolest things when you know your hand playing is sharp and usually for angry and I like to use a low angle the low angle jack or block plane even but look at this these look like shavings but they turn to powder I mean that's just so cool so this came out great one of the things to know is if you are not getting square boards it could mean that your fence is out of square and you can just check that by going off your reference edge and seeing that your Square touches it all the way across if it's not that can very easily be fixed by Rheem ihling your piece you still have your groove so it doesn't matter or you can use a hand plane to square it up by taking it off and running it up against this piece or putting it in a vise so that's one way to fix it and the cool thing is if wood moves over time you know that's the reason we use plywood and MDF for the body that way that stays really flat but if your fence moves over time can either make a new one really easily or re square it up really easily one thing you saw me do is put a heavy chamfer on this that just makes putting your fence down a lot easier and makes it easier to adjust this is just such a valuable tool and it's finished you saw me use this stuff's really cool it's something I made for cutting boards and it looks so good and it dries nice protective hard coating for something like this that's gonna be having moving parts it's just beeswax and mineral oil I think it was one two four four parts mineral oil to one part beeswax and you just heat it up till it all melts and then it goes into this nice cool like gel when you're done and it works great for for this kind of stuff so we're gonna use this for one of our next videos which is going to be a video on how to saw correctly we're going to be using some Japanese saws I'm going to show you some tips and tricks for getting really good cuts and then getting them absolutely dialed in with a shooting board and with a hand plane so guys thanks for watching if you do here please subscribe best way to support the channel its head over to the cats moses store and pick up one of our awesome products or t-shirts thanks for watching guys stay safe in the shop [Music]
Channel: Jonathan Katz-Moses
Views: 148,069
Rating: 4.8995485 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, shooting board, how to make a shooting board, shooting board plane, shooting board plans, shooting plane, veritas shooting board plane, shooting board jig, shooting boards, easy shooting board, make a shooting board, mitre shooting board, shooting board miter, shooting board tracks, using a shooting board, shooting mitre, stanley shooting board, what is a shooting board, making a shooting board
Id: YnYczLJscYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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