The SHOCKING Truth of McDonald’s

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with over 40,000 restaurants all around the world and over 150,000 employees McDonald's is without a doubt one of the biggest fast food chains in the world but was the original idea of McDonald stolen this is the story of the two brothers who attempted to survive off of their dream while a business-minded man by the name of Ray Croc had other plans with almost 200 billion in net worth and over 370 billion Burgers sold to this day McDonald's history is one of a dream stolen by betrayal and here's how it all went down Ronald McDonald delicious McDonald hburg a Big Mac Sandwich you get l c Big Mac cheeseburger cheesburger McDonald's hamburgers McDonald McDonald [Music] McDonald Maurice McDonald otherwise known as Mack was born on November 26th 1902 by Irish immigrant parents that same year on October 5th Ray Croc was born to Czech American parents both children were born into lowincome households Ma's father worked at a shoe factory while Ray's father worked at Western Union on February 16th 1909 Max's younger brother Richard known as dick McDonald was born all three of these men spent their childhoods trying to find ways to hit it big while everyone else was playing and going to school Ray decided to be an entrepreneur by 8th grade Ray started working at his uncle's drugstore it was at this store he learned how to talk to customers and convince them to spend money at only 14 years old he opened a music music shop with his friends but unfortunately it closed after only a few months by 1922 Ray started working at the Lily tulup cup Corporation he was selling you probably guessed it paper cups by age 21 Ray was the top salesman at his company he was doing so well that by 1925 he was able to buy a Ford Model T straight off the lot coming from nothing this was a big deal to Ray but what about the McDonald's Brothers at this point in their lives the brothers realized that there wasn't much money to be made in New Hampshire so with the help of a family friend the brothers uprooted their lives and moved to Hollywood to work on silent film sets the brothers would do small jobs around the sets like driving trucks and putting up backgrounds to be frank they still weren't making any money which led to the brothers realizing they needed more around 1930 a theater called the mission theater was being sold the brothers ended up taking over the lease and by 1931 the brothers opened the theater and renamed it the beacon the brothers redecorated and even added a snack bar but the business was dead in fact it was so dead that a hot dog car outside of the theater made more money than the theater itself unwilling to accept deat in 1937 the brothers started a hot dog stand in 1932 Ray Croc had become friends with a man named Earl Prince Earl owned a restaurant called Prince castles where they sold ice cream and notably milkshakes Ray traveled a lot while selling paper cups and had once tried a milkshake that was Superior to princess it was thicker and colder Ray showed these milkshakes to Earl and Earl was obsessed he was desperate to find a way to make them and so he did Earl Prince invented the Revolutionary multimixer which was a milkshake machine that could makes five milkshakes at once Ray's eyes lit up when he first saw the machine he knew this could be his next Fortune from the late 1930s to the early 1950s Ray sold multimixer as Prince's exclusive salesman the McDonald's Brothers started their hot dog stand named the air doome in 1937 they were making decent money but it was still not as successful as they had hoped by the 1940s they decided to move East to San berardino with a loan from the Bank of America they opened a small restaurant and named it McDonald's barbecue the brothers knew nothing about barbecue but still pushed forward adding 25 food items to their menu they had a classic Drive-In setting with car Hops and tray Tables by the end of the year they had made about $40,000 which in today's economy would be around $800,000 as the brothers look back on their barbecue restaurant they began pondering new ways to save money while being more efficient with their father having worked in a factory the brothers had picked up a slight knowledge of the industry and were able to apply those same manufacturing techniques to their restaurant specifically they were obsessed with the assembly line of the Ford Model T and the efficiency in which it was made they took that idea and consulted with an architect in order to redesign McDonald's with the redesign the brothers also fired all of their car Hops and made a smaller building only being able to hold the cooks and their stations December 1948 the first official McDonald's was opened the menu consisted of six food items and their burgers were half the price of all the other burger places in their area in 1949 they were making $100,000 a year roughly $1.3 million in today's economy in 1952 the restaurant was featured in American restaurant magazine resulting in tours from all over the country coming to visit McDonald's in only a few short years McDonald's was booming and had already started to expand with 9 other McDonald's opening across California and Arizona by 1954 the McDonald's brothers were finally making money and consistently gaining new customers McDonald's was in high demand and the brothers needed to keep pumping out their food as quickly as possible this is what caused them to invest in a machine we've heard of called the multimixer when the brothers started ordering eight multi mixers at a time Ray Croc was intrigued in 1954 Ray Croc decided to go to San Bernardino to see what the commotion was all about he spent all day watching customers flock in and devour their cheap cheeseburgers and fries he was astounded amazed and maybe a little envious by that night Ry and the brothers went out to dinner where the brothers told Ry exactly how the businesses operated the brothers even take Ry to meet their architect for the second redesign of McDonald's Ray can't get enough of McDonald's and ends up spending a few days with the brothers Ray was so enthusiastic about the future of McDonald's that he pitched the idea of expanding McDonald's all across the USA the brothers were unsure of the idea being okay with how far they had come and not wanting to risk the success that they already achieved this was the main difference between the McDonald's brothers and Ray while all three men were interested in being rich the brothers had decided they were Rich enough they didn't want to work anymore having to find new jobs or new locations they were content with staying in San Bernardino and working at their McDonald's for as long as they could however Ry was not done working being a convincing and experienced salesman Ray left with a contract to be McDonald's new franchiser the worst part of it all the contract was signed with a handshake and nothing more in 1955 Ray opened his first McDonald's restaurant however tensions began to rise between Ry and the brothers as Ry discovered an ice cream shop in the same county as his McDonald's also owned the rights to McDonald's the brothers didn't disclose this to Ray which ended up costing him $25,000 however by 1956 eight more McDonald's Had opened up under raised control tensions Rose between the men in 1960 again when Ry was trying his best to make every single McDonald's identical to the original however the other McDonald's in California which Ray had no rights to were messing up his plan these McDonald's were selling random items like pizzas and enchiladas making them stand out when Ry tried discussing this issue with the brothers they told him that they didn't care Ry had just about enough with the brothers and right around when the 200th McDonald's location opened Ray offered to buy the the brothers out of the business they started while the brothers weren't originally in the business to sell don't forget they had one dream to get rich so the brothers struck a deal with Ray they told him they would only sell if he could get them $2.7 million in cash Ray tried to bargain with them but the brothers said no it was strictly cash or nothing deep down the brothers were hoping Ray wouldn't deliver so that they can continue on with the business they had created however Ry knew he couldn't turn McDonald's into the Empire we know today with the brother still attached to the company so he was determined to make this deal happen with the help of 12 different institutions Ray got the 2.7 million in cash equivalent to around $28 million in today's economy and the McDonald's brothers sold with the official sale of the rights to the McDonald's brand Ray was under the assumption the brothers would leave the sand Bernardino location however the brothers refused as they claimed it wasn't a part of the deal but Ray was able to force them to change the original restaurant for McDonald's to the Big M out of spite and being drunk on power Ray built a McDonald's only a mere block away from the Big M this move stole business from the brothers and caused them to have to quit and close their doors for good in 1968 the original McDonald's restaurant that started just 20 years prior Was Gone Forever Richard and Maurice quit and never went back into the food service industry tragically only 3 years later Maurice passed away from a heart attack Ray never slowed down determined to take McDonald's to new heights he added new menu items a new mascot even redesigned the restaurant to include indoor dining Ray transformed McDonald's to be more like the restaurants we see today by 1984 there were over 6,000 McDonald's restaurants across the globe Ray had been estimated to be worth $500 million working up until his last breath even showing up to work in a wheelchair in his final years right when Richard McDonald was being served the ceremonial 50 bill milth hamburger Ray Croc sadly died of heart failure it's easy to write the story of the McDonald's Legacy off as a tragic story of two brothers who lost out on a fortune however The Story Goes much deeper than that the story of McDonald's is about three kids who grew up wanting more all three were intelligent creative and able to fight through adversity while Richard and morrice created what we now know as a modern fast food Empire Ray Croc was the one who saw the future in their brilliant idea and decided it was so Innovative that it could be more than the brothers ever dreamed of whether McDonald's would be as prevalent in today's society if Ray had never taken control is Up For Debate we're certainly able to say that these three kids got to live out their dreams and create a restaurant that outlived them all
Channel: kitchen
Views: 664
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Keywords: Mcdonalds story, history of mcdonalds, mcdonald's history, mcdonalds movie, story about mcdonald's, mcdonalds documentary, mcdonalds ray kroc, mcdonalds origin story, how did mcdonalds start, mcdonalds, McDonald's, mcdonalds business, mcdonald brothers, story of mcdonalds, story of mcdonald's, fast food, hamburgers, the founder movie
Id: FHkVqqfZ6qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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