The Shining Face of Moses. Exodus 34:29-35. Dr. Matthew Everhard

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and then thank you camera and love your brother hey let's grab our Bibles now we're gonna turn to the book of Exodus in the Old Testament chapter 34 at this time also children are dismissed for children's church you can stand for the reading of the word of God also this time our Spanish Bible study will be dismissed as well they meet out the doors to the right in the corner room if you speak Spanish or know somebody who does feel free to join the Spanish Bible study the rest of us will be in Exodus chapter 34 today second book of the Bible almost one of the last chapters we're gonna start on verse 29 and go all the way to the end of the chapter and as I read just remember that God's Word is holy it is infallible it is inerrant and it is the authority over our lives let's listen now 29 when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain Moses did not know at the skin of his face shown because he had been talking with God and Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses and behold the skin of his face shone and they were afraid to come near him but Moses called to them and Aaron and all the leaders of the congregation returned to him and Moses talked with them verse 32 and afterward all the people of Israel came near and he commanded them all that the Lord had spoken with him in mount sinai and when Moses had finished speaking with them he put a veil over his face 34 when Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him he would remove the veil until he came out and when he came out he told the people of Israel what was commanded the people of Israel would see the face of Moses that the skin of Moses face was shining and Moses would put a veil over his face again until he went in to speak with him let's pray father it is our delight to meet with you and your holy presence Lord we are not standing on Mount Sinai today but we are in the church the Church of Christ where you meet us in the word and at the table Lord we are in your holy presence and so god I would ask today I would ask that all of us who stand before you worshiping you praising you thanking you that our faces like Moses would shine as we depart this place today and that the world would see the love and the holiness and the peace and the Justice of God as they see it in our faces even as Christ reigns in our hearts and we pray all these things in Jesus name and all God's people said amen thank you very much may be seated you know the human face is one of the most amazing things that God ever ever created if you think about it the face the head has all of the sensory faculties of the body it's through our our face our eyes specifically that we see and it's through our ears that we hear and it's through our mouths that we that we taste and also we have the sense of orientation spatially and in our inner ear and we we have the touch of the skin it's very sensitive part of our bodies the face is and it's sometimes it's the face of a person that's the very first thing that we use to judge them right for better for worse we judge people by the look on their face sometimes you see a person in there they're so beautiful or they're attractive or they look wise they have some look about them that is that is drawing to you and every once in a while you'll see somebody and you know it's rude but you just want to look at them I remember thinking about my wife like that when I first got to know her her face was just so perfect and beautiful just caught myself staring at it still do today and other people we see their face and to be honest maybe we make a snap judgment and we think that that person is intimidating or that person is strange or unusual the face says almost everything about us just in the look of our of our consonants we can convey a thousand different emotions just by the moving of an eyebrow or the wrinkling of lip or puckering of of the mouth we can convey our emotion some of us are very good by the way at hiding that and we say that a person who can hide their emotions by their face has a poker face have you heard that before and then there's some of us that are exactly the opposite I have exactly the opposite problem they say about me that I wear my heart on my sleeve and some of you do that as well your emotions are easily convey it conveyed by the look on your face and people can tell they can tell what you're thinking just by the way you're hanging your lips or your ears or wrinkling your nose the face is one of the very first things that we recognize when we're children we stare up into our mothers face and we recognize the human face and likewise mother stare down at their children's face doting on them loving them that's why we we tend to see faces and inanimate objects if you ever thought about that before you see the front of a car and it looks like a face or you see the strange look of a rock formation on a cliff and we see a face or we see a weird-looking cheeto and a bag of Cheetos and we say doesn't that look like a face it's like from the very womb where designed to find and see and and look at faces and when you get to the Bible it's interesting that the Bible both in the Greek language and in the Hebrew language this is kind of a commonality between them is that both languages when they want to convey being in somebody's presence it literally is translated towards the face and both Greek and Hebrew I think that's interesting and if you ever see somebody who are getting their faces close together maybe they're even touching their faces or their foreheads together you probably know that these people are either gonna fight or they're gonna kiss one or the other we don't normally touch faces with somebody because it's a very intimate or intense thing to do and every once in a while in our lives you know we'll see somebody whose face is just so attractive and winsome and generous and kind and you can almost know their whole personality just by looking at the softness and the kindness and the generosity in their face sometimes we'll say that that person shines right but I've never seen anybody and neither of you whose face was literally shining like the face of Moses in Exodus 34 we're talking not not figuratively now not not like this person shines kindness we're talking about Moses his face actually emitting and in Ethel ginsa a brightness of radiance we're talking about his face literally glowing and I have questions about that and we're gonna get to some of those questions in just a few moments but we've never seen anybody in our Bibles before have we or maybe we have whose face was literally shining radiating emitting light and there's Moses chapter 34 of Exodus it comes down from the mountain in his face the Bible says is glowing or shiny now here's an interesting fact I've researched just a little bit this week and found out this that Jerome when he translated the Bible into Latin remember the Bible is written in a Hebrew in the Old Testament in Greek in the new and Jerome when he translated it into the Latin language the language that stood really for a thousand years he missed translated this word shine because the Hebrew word for shine in the Hebrew word for horns actually are only one vowel sound off and so if you ever look at some of the medieval artwork or the pictures of of Moses either in statue or in painting you'll notice that Moses is very often painted with horns how many of you have you knew that did you know that isn't that strange isn't that strange it's curious that Jerome got it wrong by one vowel and he said that Moses had horns when he came down from the mountain changes the passage really doesn't it we really kind of convey something different than what the Hebrew actually says what it says is that he came down his face shown or shined with a brightness and we want to talk about that this morning I'll give you the outline right quick and then we'll get down to work in our exegetical portion of the sermon so we're gonna look at the shining face of Moses from three particular angles today first of all I want to ask question that I think we're all probably asking and that is what caused this why is his face shining what is the source of this shining brightness from Moses's face second of all we'll pivot and I'm gonna ask what about the humility of his shining there's a little hint here that Moses is a very humble and meek man we'll touch on that and then finally we're gonna wrap it up with the discussion on the veil what is this veil why does he do it why does he veil his face so we'll look at it from those three angles number one the source of the shining number two the humility of Moses is shining and third then the veil over his shining so if you closed your bibles let's go ahead and get back to work here I hope you have your Bibles open and with you here at Faith Church that's all we do that's all I've got by the way is just this beautiful authoritative perfect book every Sunday we come and we read and we teach from it so number one the source of Moses is shining look at verse 34 whenever Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him whenever okay so I take that to mean that there's some regularity here there's some repetition involved whenever he went in before the Lord to speak to him so that's what he does while he's in the presence of the Lord there's some sort of converse happening here some sort of conversation taking place to speak with him he would remove the veil until he came out and when he came out and told the people of Israel what he commanded the people of Israel would see the face of Moses at the skin of Moses his face was shining and Moses would put the veil over his face again until he went in to speak with him now it doesn't take really a scholar to figure out what the source of this outshining is it's obviously not Moses his personality okay Moses could have a little bit of a temper you remember that scene back in the early part of Exodus where he gets angry he strikes an Egyptian he kills it okay so Moses isn't a perfect man far from it he's a great leader his faithful follower but he's not perfect it's not as person now that's shining out from him nor is it necessarily some sort of leadership ethos that he has about him which draws people to him because in fact it actually says the very opposite of that when he came down from the mountain the people did what they were afraid okay so it's not some sort of charisma that he has about him some leaders by the way are very charismatic I don't mean that in the Pentecostal sense of the word I mean that in the sense of there are particularly ders that people are just drawn to they just gather around them but apparently not here not after this the people would rather to flee from Moses because of the outshining of his face so it's not as personality it's not his charisma nor is it his self-righteousness because the Bible says that nobody is right just know not one except for Christ and so this is not His Holiness that's shining out if you if you think for a moment here that Moses is shining because he's a really holy guy and that the rest of us need to just try to get up on his level we are really badly misinterpreting this passage it's not a holiness emitting out of Moses the source of the holiness or the shining is what its God it's God and so we're told rather particularly here that it was because Moses went into the Lord or went up on the mountain look at verse 29 it says Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone and here's the reason here's the reason it's shown right here because he had been talking with God there it is there's a source now if there's one thing that we know about Moses is he is a passionate worshiper of God in fact if I turn a page backwards in my Bible it says back in chapter 33 that Moses pled with God verse 18 of 33 Moses said please show me your glory and so Moses has this desire this this quest is longing to be in the holy presence of God and and maybe that's what sets Moses apart the Bible says in one place that Moses spoke to God face to face like God spoke to no other man Moses had this intense personal relationship with the Lord and he would go in and he would speak to him and Moses we know would would meet God in one of three places first of all Moses met God at the burning bush and so far as I know that scene was never repeated that's a one-and-done encounter with God at the burning bush but Moses had to other places locations physically through which she would have these encounters with God one of them of course is the top of Mount Sinai Moses goes to the top of the mountain a couple of different times and the other place in which Moses meets the Lord is where the tabernacle or that holy tent that that pre temple structure in which sacrifice would be made Moses receives all of the instructions for making the tabernacle in this book the book of Exodus and so Moses has three places he meets with God the burning bush the top of the mountain and the tabernacle and I would tell you brothers and sisters in Christ today you too have three places to meet the Lord as you know that where do we meet the Lord on the top of the mountain no we we meet the Lord and the Assembly which is what we're doing right now we meet the Lord at the dinner table with our families as we worship and pray and and sometimes sing or study the Bible together at the dinner table with our families and of course we also meet the Lord personally privately in our prayer closet as the New Testament likes to say and so my question for you this morning is really this do you yes or no expect to actually meet God in those three places do you do you expect to meet him when you come to worship on Sunday mornings like you you woke up this morning saying to yourself we are we're going to have a divine encounter with God was that on your mind this morning some of us you know we're think about other things we're prepping a lesson or we're thinking about our clothes that we're selecting for this morning or the duties at that we need to do or where we're gonna go out to lunch after church our mind is on everything but God and yet there are some of us who who come maybe it's you and you come to the church and you say I want to actually have a transformative encounter with God here I don't want to just check off Church like it's some sort of religious duty that I'm gonna do I'm gonna check that off and then I'm going to go on with my day no we come to the assembly to meet with Christ because he's present in His Word and at the table yeah and so we also meet him in our and our family devotion some of you are very good at that you're very faithful the dads I want to thank you if you're the kind of dad that leads leads from the Bible open at the dinner table I thank you for that mom's a fewer doing the Catechism with your children teaching them the Bible verses thank you for that parents if you're at the bedside and now you tuck in your kids in and you're praying with them praying over them thank you for doing that we meet God here in the church and we also meet him in our family and our families and then finally of course we meet him in our personal devotions and I just want to ask you let me just throw it out there again do you meet with the Lord regularly in your devotions through your Bible do you do that do you expect to meet with God you know in Exodus 34 if we're thinking about the context of this passage it really wasn't clear what was going to happen here to be honest I mean we know the rest of the story but don't forget the context of this passage in Exodus 34 is that Moses has already been to the top of the mountain once and the Lord gave him the Ten Commandments and when Moses came down from the top of Mount Sinai what did he find the people doing worshiping yes but who the golden calf exactly right and Moses and that scene is furious and he smashes the Ten Commandments and he beats down the golden calf and smashes it into smithereens and he makes the people drink it you remember that scene and then and then God and His grace invites Moses to the top of the mountain again and if we're honest if we're reading this like for the first time we wouldn't know it was gonna happen because it could totally be that God judges Moses and the whole nation of Israel right there and stamps them out of existence could have done that God could have God could have swallowed up Moses and all of his people and obliterated them and ended the whole thing right then and there but that's not what God does instead God reveals his graciousness and his compassion to Moses and it says let's see back in chapter 33 it says the Lord descended in the cloud and he stood with him there and he proclaimed the name of the Lord and Lord passed before Moses and proclaimed the Lord the Lord a God merciful and gracious slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness keeping steadfast love for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression of sin but by who will by no means clear the guilty and so Moses comes down from the mountain and what is he shining out he's shining out a reflection of what God has shown him of his own nature and character His grace and His mercy and he's slow to anger he's abounding in steadfast love and so when Moses comes down the mountain with his face shining it's like a sign it's like a beacon of hope God is not going to destroy his people he's going to give them mercy an opportunity to turn and repent now I said earlier that we don't often see people shining literally in the Bible is there another place in the Bible where somebody shines do you remember this where is that the Transfiguration let's go there right now Matthew chapter 17 let's look at the Transfiguration passage so Moses is shining but what I want you to know is that Moses is shine was like a reflection like the moon reflects the light of the Sun but here we're gonna see Christ shining like the Sun itself a more glorious and greater outshining Matthew chapter 17 after six days verse 1 Jesus took with him Peter and Jane and John his brother and he led them up on a high mountain by themselves okay so what do you notice we got a mountain again a similar setting right and as he was transfigured before them his face shone like the Sun and his clothes became white as light luke's gospel translates it like this his face became other his face became other almost sounds a lien doesn't hurt very for and very strange here what's happening but one of the things that we noticed is that Christ when he shines it's not only his face but what else his clothes became white bright as light and so I take that to mean and I can't say this for sure I take that to mean that if Christ's clothing was also shining forth that it wasn't just his face it was what his whole self his whole self is shining forth and guess who's actually here look at this this is very curious this is in the New Testament hundreds of years later verse three and behold there appeared to them Moses and Elijah talking with them and Peter said to Jesus Lord it's good that we were here if you wish I'll make a tent for you one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah and he was still speaking when behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and a voice came from the cloud and said this is my beloved son with whom I am well-pleased listen to him okay so it's really clear here really clear like who's shining brighter Moses or Jesus clearly it's Christ whole-body shining Moses is there Moses hasn't even mentioned to be shining here is Christ is absolutely overwhelming the disciples in this moment and of course they do what anybody would do it says that they verse 6 when they heard this they fell on their faces and they were terrified and so glorious is Christ that he's out shining is like radiating down on his disciples the love the mercy the holiness the power yes even the terror of God shining down on them so the only thing they could do is fall down on the ground so pretty cool that Moses is shining back in 34 of Exodus but how much greater is the glory of Christ at the Transfiguration Matthew 17 now let me add this before we go on to the second point is that one of the reasons Moses's faces shine and is because and this is really important for us all to know very practical is that it's almost like a like a symbol of the truth that we are transformed unto the likeness of whatever we worship you with me on that like you give something your praise and honor like Moses did on Mount Sinai you become like that thing in certain ways okay so if you worship for instance materialism what will happen to you you will become more and more materialistic okay because there's a principle there we become like what we worship if you worship the superficialities and the banalities of Hollywood like if that's your thing and and you get the US Weekly magazine or whatever magazines they are in the rack and you always want to know the latest celebrity gossip and you just love that kind of stuff Wow you know here's a warning we become like what we worship okay so if if Hollywood is your thing and that's pretty superficial stuff right there you will find yourself becoming more and more of a superficial person there's the warning contrarily if we worship the great in the Living God we find ourselves becoming more and more like him in his graciousness and his love and his compassion and so I have no doubt that when Moses met God on the top of Mount Sinai his face was shining because in some ways maybe some unexplainable ways perhaps Moses is more like God in His mercy love character than when he went up on the mountain so it makes sense alright the source of his shining is God being transformed like unto Him okay secondly let's go back to Exodus 34 if you are Matthew's Gospel let's ask another question what about the humility of Moses though what about the humility of the shiney now there's this really interesting thing here that happens go up to verse 29 start over in this passage when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain watch this underline this this is important Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone whoa I'm asking myself like how do you not know that right how did he not know wouldn't you know your face is glowing wouldn't you think you'd be aware of that maybe not if it's in the bright of the day maybe if the Sun is right overhead and it's it's bright out you might not be aware by evening you might suspect that something a little unusual is going on you walk it down the hallway and the halt you know the little nightlight doesn't need to come on because your face is lighting the way you'd kind of suspect that something was up at that point right you know Moses doesn't even knows they've been aware of this why not well maybe because here's a theory maybe Moses was not aware of his shining face because he's not the kind of person that's staring at himself in the mirror all day maybe Moses is not aware of his face shining because he's not the kind of person who's constantly like taking selfies of himself posting them online maybe Moses doesn't know that his face isn't shining because he's not like narcissus remember that old Greek legend about the the founder of narcissism who stares in his face and the pool all day maybe that maybe Moses just isn't that kind of a self-absorbed person maybe the deal is that Moses is so overwhelmed with God's goodness God's power God's grace that he actually sort of takes his mind off of himself for a while can you imagine that kind of convicting to me as I studied that this week thinking about myself how many of us are aware of ourselves at all times were constantly self-aware constantly self reflecting constantly cogitating on our being in our presence and our mannerisms and our looks and our accomplishments you know I was thinking about this you can actually chart this out if you have that chart up there in the PowerPoint and put it up for me right now there are four kinds of people in this world which one are you you ready here we go there are people who shine and they are totally aware of it they you these people we know them many of them they're talented they're beautiful they're skilled they are knowledgeable they are winsome they are charismatic and here's the deal they absolutely know it just as well as you do and they are miserable to be around aren't they people that shine and know it some of the most arrogant people in the world god help me I'm one of them forgive me Lord okay Wow okay what are you then let's go over this other category so there's this other category of people that you know they don't shine and they know it what does that mean well some of those people are some of those pitiful people to be around because they don't shine and they're absolutely aware of that and so what do they do they kind of go around drawing attention to the fact of their own inadequacies and ironically when you do that you're always like woe is me pity me feel sorry for me you got the Eeyore symptom don't worry about me nobody ever does you ironically you're drawing just as much attention to yourself as this guy over here right and then and then you go into the store carry this the worst is the worst category of law these are the people that don't shine and they don't know it ever watch American Idol like the early episodes where they fit they come in they think they can sing they think they're talented and like everybody in the whole world it's completely aware of this except for that very person those people can be so self deceived and they're miserable they're miserable to be around the times and yet and yet hold on hold on though hold on which category are you in okay because there's this other one down here of people that shine and they are not even aware because they don't even care about their self or the reputation do you know any of those people beautiful people aren't they there's shining you're just resplendent they're just gracious they're wonderful they're just amazing people we have so many of them in our church I could just close my eyes and pick out a bunch of them right now I think of art and Ellen Sanborn who just shine with the love of Christ and they're not even aware of how much joy they bring into their lives and Robin kid I think of her in the schools I just think of her shining the love of Christ and just totally deflecting all glory back to Christ and I think of Leslie Parker who usually sits over here not even aware of how wonderfully gracious and just kind she is and I think of Valerie King and Judy Bird and Jennifer Cox and I think of John Cleveland John and Sarah there's just so many Linda and Don Nelson our church is just filled with people that just shine and they don't even know it it's like these are the people I want in my life just reflecting Christ and His goodness I don't want my arrogant self you know I don't want to want to spend time with people that are boasting on themselves or trying to get everybody to feel sorry for that I want people that are constantly reflecting the mercies and the truths and the glories of Christ and the gospel so let me just throw that out there and just by way of application ask yourself which category do you fall in all right all right let's go on to the third point here this morning the veil of his brightness the veil of his brightness look at verse 30 Bibles back open getting hot up here jackets coming off I'm sweating and I'm aware of it what category is that we were sturdy Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses and behold the skin of his face shown and they were afraid to come near him might want to underline that that's interesting but Moses called to them and Aaron and all the leaders of the congregation were turned to him and Moses talked with them and afterwards all the people of Israel came near and he commanded them all that the Lord had spoken with him in mount sinai so there's authority here there's audacity on Moses's Park okay we mentioned his meekness but he also has the authority that God has given him in verse 32 and then verse 33 and when Moses had finished speaking with them he put a veil over his face now I think this veil thing is very interesting here because I would have you to believe that this is actually an act of compassion on Moses as part and you might say well why does he cover up man let the light shine but you see the people were terrified and you would be too I mean my goodness like hide the women and children Moses is shining like some kind of alien comic book hero what are we gonna do we're gonna run and Moses says don't like don't run come let let me reason with you let me let me talk with you instead and so instead of manipulating his people it could have done this by the way I find this very curious Moses could have used the power of the shining face for the rest of his life to manipulate into control with his authority don't you think give any leader a little power a little edge and many people will wield that power and they will use it to manipulate and to control Moses doesn't do that and said he summons the people back to him he talks with them graciously and he and he shares the love of Christ with them and he puts the veil over his face not so much because he wants to not shine but because he knows that the people couldn't handle it if he did he knows that they couldn't handle it and so Moses leads with a veil over his face as an act of compassion like I'm not going to use this to wield power over you I love you you're my people I want to lead you I'll veil myself if I have to I don't want you fleeing from me he's a good pastor here he's a good shepherd he's a good bishop an overseer of the souls that God has entrusted to him and so he does this as almost like a like a compromise or a condescension of sorts so that the people will still listen to him okay that's good leadership now before we close up and we're gonna wrap up here in just a few minutes I do want to turn to one more passage this morning and just have this have a look at what Paul does with this Vail imagery in 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 so let's go to the New Testament I want you to see this Paul does something brilliant here Paul to something brilliant 2nd Corinthians 3 now this whole chapter is filled with allusions to Exodus 34 if you read the whole chapter which we're not going to do you can mark the number of times that Paul is clearly harkening back to Exodus 34 there's this whole bit about stone tablets which is obviously something from Exodus 34 Moses comes down with the tablets again but let's go to what Paul says about the veil look at this this is curious verse 12 since we have such a hope we are very bold yes we are we're bold with the gospel no doubt verse 13 not like Moses who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end verse 14 but their minds were hardened for to this day when they read the Old Covenant that same veil remains unlifted because only through Christ is it taken away yes to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts but when one turns to the Lord the veil is removed 17 now the Lord is the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom and we all this is austen's we all with unveiled face beholding the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another for this comes from the Lord who is the spirit question who's wearing the veil well in Exodus it's Moses the minister of God the shining bright messenger from the mountain come down to declare the truth to his people in second Corinthians three Moses isn't the one being discussed here who's got the veil the unbelievers are wearing the veil do you see that look at that again it's the unbelievers who are wearing the veil what kind of veil not a veil over the face this is brilliant how Paul reappropriation eval image but they are wearing a veil in fact over their hearts so that they can't see the message of the gospel and what Paul is say here is this the time for veil wearing Christians is over why is it over because we have a message that as great as the message of the law was that Moses brought down from the mountain we have a message just even greater than the law so why in the world would we want to put veils over our faces we want the world to see our faces now we've been transformed by the light of the glory of the gospel in the face of Christ we come down from the mountains so to speak when we meet with him at the church with faces aglow now for the glory of Christ and the last thing we would ever want to do now is to veil that up the unbelievers they already have a veil over their hearts we're not praying at that we stay there we're praying that the Spirit of God will remove the veils you see that's exactly what Paul says that God does when he converts a heart he says verse let's see he says verse 16 but when one turns to the Lord the veil is removed now the Lord as the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom and so it's the Spirit of God who actually comes in and the spirit begins removing veils from people's hearts the blinded hardened hearts of the unbelievers he removes the veils and so what are we supposed to do put on the veil again no way no way our mission now is to come down from our times of worship to go out the doors on Sunday mornings not veiling up the light but letting it shine for the whole world to see and so I want you to think about that this week as you go out to your job to your places of work to the schools if you're a teacher I know we just started school this week I want you think about the fact that you are going to shine a light of Christ through your face and through your heart that everybody would look upon you and say what in the world let's transform this person's art now let's stand together for the benediction now usually at this point I just go ahead and say it say the benediction I usually use the passage from Numbers chapter 6 the Aaronic benediction may the Lord bless you and keep you et cetera today I want you to really think about the words that I'm saying as we pronounce the benediction because once again in the benediction at the end of church every week we hear those same words the light of the face right think about this let it hit you right now let the light of Christ come over you may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord cause his face to shine upon you and give you peace may the Lord lift his countenance upon you and be gracious to you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now go out into the world and shine his light Jesus name we pray amen after church the elders will be here to visit with you if you need prayer deacons will be here if you need to talk about anything financial material situational in your life I love you so much have a great week
Channel: Matthew Everhard
Views: 1,606
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Matthew Everhard, Exodus 34, The Shining Face of Moses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 45sec (2385 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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