The Shark Cage S1 ♠️ E10 ♠️ Ft. Victoria, Kara, Griffin, Ole and Mike ♠️ PokerStars Global

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eight came to London for the shark-cage final table all aiming to take down the million dollar first prize but as soon as the feeding frenzy started the Sharks showed no mercy when it came to chewing up the competition first out was online qualified Gareth Cole's an early mistake menti barely had time to finish his pint before heading for the exits jack on the river the worst move I've made in a long time next to get gobbled up was German High Roller Phil gruesome but I guess I'm their bread taken down by fellow countryman Hashem Ian I'm not happier I played the hand third to go the businessman bill Perkins he became Griffin Benzes second catch of the day that's the way the cookie crumbles the yetis have more on so we're now five handed and a little bit closer to the million-dollar winner-takes-all price we started this competition with 48 players and now we're down to just five but it could sue before James talked to me status report where we at mic Tyndall's tournament life is on the line decision is on Kara Scott that's right Kara raised with King Jack Mike moved all in with ace Jack and its domination nation but carat doesn't know that now clearly this is a huge decision for huh so huge that she used one of her time Bank chips in that time is almost up so what's he gonna do will she call or will she fold I need to know 20 seconds on the clock first I thought Kara was priced in and had to call then I realized I can see the whole card said no don't do it Kara no ten seconds oh it was probably so terrible call she calls terrible right terrible oh you sweet thing is it bad that my thoughts are negative right now but it's gonna be a king I shouldn't even say that out that boys it's a jack all the way five blanks work to Mike roughly a 70% favorite to double up here ace Jack still ahead after the flop yeah poor Cara she can still hit a king to eliminate Mike and win the pot well she's gonna need to hit on the river I think Cara's anti-violence but she's probably making an exception to kick herself so with Mike doubling up with still five handed at the final table is a reminder of where we stand out in front with nearly four million chips is Canadian online specialist Griffin venture now that I have the chip lead I think normally I would I would really go pedal to the metal but because it's winner-takes-all people aren't gonna let me run it over the shorter handed it gets some more money we play for it's gonna be tough to shake them off again just behind him with around 3.1 million is poker boondock in polish Mei Griffin is obviously the biggest threat because he has the biggest stack and she's one of the best players you always give your best with the power of will you can achieve a lot of things following his double up rugby legend Mike Tindall is in third with around a million chips I'm really happy to still be here you know I've been through a couple of tough spots always being over so people told in one side I've got trying to flip that around my mentality at the moment is I'm still as far away as what those eight there they stole a long way to go yet in for his hometown hero Victoria Koren Mitchell she has just under half a million I don't feel like I'm completely on Form today I feel like the deck is not really with me I'm missing things I've totally got my iron the momentum certainly seems to be with Olli and riffin right now they've got huge chips and you know they're hitting cards and they're they're playing their snacks well but I can still change and the short stack is Canada's Kara Scott with 435 thousands I made a bad call it's not great I'm not in a fantastic situation in terms of chips but I am very happy to be sitting there I might not have all the chips right now but if I do at the end then I get a million dollars and you got to keep your eye on the prize Kara's pretty upbeat not sure I would be yeah she has around nine big blinds now applying 25,000 50,000 for the 15,000 ante the action fold that around to Mike he's out Kara all-in with eight seven suited how to do it good luck and Vicki calls with ace nine carries up against an ace but it could be a lot worse could be a satyr a seven or eight nine of clubs all worst scenarios 40% of the time she's gonna win this she flops decently 13 outs 47% of the time she's gonna win this that's the same number of Ronan there are my favorite movie with a number and the word Ronan in the title and she gets there on the turn with a straight I know he's talking a bunch about what a good shot here had to win this hand but I still wasn't expecting that Wow pokers really easy when that happens you know and Vicki is left with just a chip and a chair no no Vicki why do I still have to lose I just can't handle it this is why I don't like giving them names Nikki's been left with one and a half big blinds and on this next hand she has to post the ante of 15,000 and the small blind of 25,000 on the shemin's first to speak he's got King deuce suited and he limps interesting or remember Vicky can only call all in that's what she does good luck I'll end player and Griffin checks his option not looking good for her I haven't notice I don't know what I'm four six or three and there is a three Catherine zeta-jones she dips beneath the lasers is that my kind of luck that could be action on the side all the bets is pair of deuces Griffin faults okay show me what I got to be okay Oh give it to me come on I was a nine nine o'clock the best situation I've been in all game but will the three hold she just has to fade a king or a deuce on the river to more than triple up Vicki survives still alive for the million thank you very much Nikki just won back half what she lost to Kara and she got to make eye contact with the hall a shammy win win but he's still short 118 win with king queen and it starts all over again Griffin with Queen Jack potential great spot for her subliminal advertising Griffen coals how can you what is this it's not money Mike it's chips oh I'm in good shape I'm good shape you are yeah Vicki is a 72% favorite to double up through the chip leader you're not gonna need those value cards oh I'll allow it remember she's at risk here if Griffin gets lucky she's out Griffin catching a case of the fields he's looking for a jack here's Johnny nope nice try to cause I would actually funk for your card in this like three chip I was just making another movie reference so they'd have to you can't handle the truth to console Vicki to avoid on the river she pays her queen she survives again to the delight of Vicki's pet giraffe Matthew her Miniato the qualifier from her Heat everybody be Dublin they're saying about only he's a chip in a chair it's really true you know I have won tournaments coming back from a very long way down when I won the EPT San Remo I was the short stack from 16 players all the way into three I mean 16 15 14 13 was the short stack until there were three of us and then sudden L was the big stack so it doesn't really rattle me I never have that much emotionally invested like anybody if I get it in with the best hand and lose I'm annoyed and like anybody if I win a tournament I'm very proud but you meet with triumph and disaster you treat them just the same can Vicky's comeback continue all the way to the million dollar first prize Tiger tweets shock age welcome back to the shark cage where the two big stacks are bossing the final table and know how important momentum is in terment poker especially in a tournament where you have to acquire every single chip on the table to even make its and between them griffin Benja and our Shamian hold over three-quarters of the chips being first left with a good stick doesn't affect me too much I'll just wait until something good happens our three short stacks need to make moves quickly to stay in the hunt with a million-dollar first prize it's a million dollars for first and second gets nothing right now Griffin is the chip leader and Vicki still the player at immediate risk Hashem Ian with King ten makes it a hundred thousand cars he's raising Mike Tindall with ace three suited rear aces Mike should probably just be shoving as a professional poker player he should know that um he's little professional oh that explains why I never saw him before they show action back on Allah he definitely can't fold 400 K more it's one chip nickels and that's why I might needed to shove top half a Mike a straight drawer for Allah great flop for Mike it's a board all it can't really fold on Mike continues for just 75,000 morphologist calls here decides to put Mike to the test for all his chips all's clock is running he calls the turn card is a five changes nothing well it checks a second time Mike Bettes a second time 100,000 such a small bat all I can't fold Mike's plan is kind of hilariously but if the board bricks out it's gonna work out beautifully for him all the coals we're going to the river I'm the shark Kage's and play the board does break out follow will he Bluff it what a run-out no he checks will might go for value now he moves all in max value five hundred and ten thousand all-you-can-eat this is amazing oh I can't call and this is a shove for value obviously Mike Kendall just out swagged all a sham Ian no one does you just give me that two pair you wish it was two pair give a man a fish he eats for a day teach a man to fish and everyone the table hates it when he sucks out on you so we're still 5 handed and still no cage action halitosis big blind Mike's first to speak 8 10 off suit he faults kara all in with pocket threes and Vicki calls all in with sevens round to Allah he's out Cara's all I hope it's deuces it's not Kara a four to one underdog but Vicki's the player at risk sevens holding on the flop like someone who just ordered 11 shots of tequila for a table at the back of the bar Kara is looking for a tray she picks up no additional outs on the ton just a two ounce of the Kara no dice someone celebrated for you out there they keep doubles up again yeah you guys Cara is right there she's now the shortest stack at the table a seven suited for Griffin he raises all our faults as does Mike Kara all in with ace eight three hundred thirty thousand total Griffin calls really good shot Kara's about to be back in this - she says Griffin dominates it but there's a seven on the flop really good shot Kara's about to be back in her hotel room too there are only two cards that can save her she needs an 8 on the river to survive she's out we lose Kara in fifth place Bender's taken out three it was frustrating that's the truth was really frustrating maybe I should have taken a little more time with some decisions I hope that Vicki continues to double up to the point where she takes this down I would love to see her win this team Vicki I'm okay with that and I know my boy in the cow suits okay of that too I have pretty much exactly the chips I came in with this morning on the plus I don't know and he have three people to be on the minus side they've all gone it's been a long day for all of us cocktails king queen fala race there's a shock he makes it a hundred thousand no man I like all of chamois and he's got swag like you read about but I kind of hope Mike Tindall bosses the bejesus out of this kid again Mike with 87 offsuit and he calls the race is it that that I wanted the boss all that's not bad is it perfectly acceptable great flop for Mike a pair and a straight draw I don't assay Mike tinel's a boss but he's wondering if you got his memo about those TPS reports all his checked no continuation bet Mike checks behind three on the turn Mike still ahead mmm yeah I'm gonna induce a bluff now okay delayed continuation bet that's a gutshot expensive I might raise this I don't to say Mike kennels are boss but he just took away Milton's stapler okay so maybe he's gonna lose value by raising but whatever fifteen seconds left on the shot clock ten looks like he's going for a time bank chick but extends his call by 30 seconds all a sham Ian just had to use a time bank chip against a guy whose job it is to run with a ball to be fair he has to run really fast with it all really fast once again Paula finds himself in a position with time's running out ten seconds five seconds time is up all's hand is dead I don't say my kennels are boss so we're just gonna call all a shammy and Peter Gibbons wins 30,000 60,000 with the 2000 and we are going in the tank with Allah we will play this next hand from his perspective his whole camps a king 7 offsuit have you actually looked or is that you have looked at me when I know so I'm call it raising in the dark I call it raising in the swag oh please not Mike Tindall Vicki Vicki just jam so we can fold she palaces can we just fold now Mike Tindall has been out swagging us and swag levels are currently at an all-time low they're like under 95% the flop is 10 9 deuce allah has completely missed my checks fault we fall I know it's free to check just fold all the checks ooh a knight on the turn now Allah has an up-and-down straight trough great now my can bet we have to call we brick the river Mike makes us lick white dog poo oh really Mike Bettes 125,000 well we have the car he does call we go to the river where there is the prospect of the shark kage to do sparing the board great - Mike selecting a card why he's betting just do that to happen we don't know if this is a value bet or a bluff 250 if all I was even thinking about this he has played way too much on the EBT this is never a bluff he folds Mike shows value he had a Sten for top pair top kicker when I was really small stacked i sat there and i said to myself stop being a stop protecting your chips if you go out you go out it doesn't make any difference so then I was like right I'm not gonna sort of sit back I'm gonna be more aggressive expensive to go he said to me he's never winning parts and then you finally won one he was very happy about it you just give me that way I'll play some great players and I'm you know I'm not at that level so I have to do I have to try make them guess rather than me played to the beat of a drum you plays not so bad for people a took us four tries to get all of us say something that nice about Mike Tindall actions been folded to Mike he's got a Sten again oh yeah sign up boss hogg you're mashing the erases they keep with Ace King all right cool Mike is actually in big trouble here yes Vicky set to double up again oh there's a 10 right in the door with two clubs eight of clubs tennis Mike's flopped a pair of tens and he has another way to go yeah Vickey looking for a king on the river not such a long way to go now just 3-ounce she's out have fun yeah it'll be nice and quiet without me please no Vicki almost made an incredible comeback but finally fell short that was nearly an amazing story I was down to one and a half big blinds and I fought back and fought back to get myself in a situation where I'm in a two and a half million point pot with Ace King again stays 10 which ought to be an easy putt to win and then I really I like my chances to win the event unfortunately the ten came it happens this is not a risk-free enterprise so it's it's not an amazing story but it's a story I'll be telling everyone don't worry about that answer your chances of winning a slice of a million dollars you could qualify for the second series of shark cage at PokerStars calm we're now three handed at the PokerStars comm shark-cage final table and that means the shark-cage is no longer in play surprisingly no one's had the pleasure of visiting the cage in the final we decided to ask the players why easy 1 million dollars is fine it's a winner-take-all event it's a huge amount of money I think the massive gap between a million dollars or nothing like many people don't Bluff that much the cards that have been dealt haven't really created many situations where you know that the shark-cage is really gonna come into play there just weren't a lot of spots now where I haven't ages for people to really go for it make the cage more ejectives to put people in shock swimming around it would be fun this finals been like my poker playing career no visits to the cage blinds are now 40 80 with a 20k ante on a raises the button with a 6 mic with ace nine suited bossing it again a rear ace from Mike London bud Griffin's folded the big blind action back on Allah : he shoves it just got interesting I think that's from the one where they play on shark cage guys got a call oh cool he does cool I'm behind and at risk all I was about to get swag whacked right in the swag am there's a 64% chance he's eliminated here the flop is 10 8 deuce Mike still ahead and now a 73% favorite a 6 not drying dead yet 10 of Hearts boom what always looking for a six and all the ways gonna be dev ugh okay but I don't want to see now as an ace everything else is fine yeah I pull them this that's one spot I'll take can you get it is allowed but it doesn't happen this time what's our third place pay nothing all a chemin owned by Mike Tindall I had like a huge chip lead and then I just can't win any parts and yeah the momentum is gone but that's all ghosts sometimes I would want to win Mike as a person I think he's a nice guy but he's playing against like my experienced player so we're now heads up and playing for a million dollars or nothing our former England rugby captain Mike Tindall and Canadian pro Griffin Benja I'm feeling confident I'm chip leader I've played pretty well but Griffin's experience will favor him I have a lot of experience playing heads up but I'm not a very exceptional heads-up player Mike's been playing really really well he's playing with a lot of confidence I'm just still gonna try and play aggressive I'm just gonna try to take it like every other heads-up I'm still gonna try and get after him okay for a lot of money such a huge discrepancy between like a million and then carry the 2-0 it's a strange feeling to be one away from winning a million but you might as well still be seven away unless you win it it's just so brutal it's only brutal kill lose some mic with the chip advantage mine's 40,000 80,000 with the 20,000 ante Griffin on the button and the small blind calls Mike checks his option Griffin with 8 9 Mike with 86 Griffin letting Mike get a cheap flop all right both players miss the flop you know each of these guys played the online qualifier heads up to win their heats I would say as far as experience goes Mike's probably right around that same level poker wise but now it's for a million dollars and the guys used to performing under pressure white leads the flump for a hundred thousand don't really see Griffin calling this Griffin's not calling he's raising he we Bluffs two hundred and seventy-five thousand yeah and Mike really shouldn't be calling this either what yeah he's not done with the hand he calls for going to the turn he must have some kind of plan his his plan that's again on the turn a small bat 175,000 yeah this is totally unorthodox Griffin might interpret a bet here is something super strong it's not folding but this bet is for like a dollar it's like someone betting you a dollar they can fly you go prove it and let's make it a million Griffin raised Mike on the flop and it looks like he's raising him on the turn five hundred and fifty thousand total prove it and let's make it five hundred fifty thousand Griffin bluffing with the best hands no stranger to competition either although it's a different kind I guess my biggest accomplishment in online tournament poker was becoming number one in the world on official Pro cranking calm before poker I used to be a professional counter-strike player my first roommate was someone who I met through counter-strike and he'd already been playing a bit of poker and then he kind of took me under his wing and taught me I just started really really small in cash games and eventually I discovered tournaments poker is constantly changing and constantly evolving and there's so many different disciplines you know it's constantly in your head I want people to to see me accomplish my dreams and that's that's kind of why I'm here and that's why I love playing tournament poker poor guy had a Quidditch dream job of being a professional video game player to get the real job of being a professional poker player man reality bites blinds are up again mics on the button with Queen Jack he raised us to 275,000 Gryphon with a queen queen ate any course this is a hand mics pretty much always supposed to win but we'll see if Griffin's experience can give him an edge interesting flop top half of Mike's second pair for Griffin tough for Griffin her work has edge when Mike flops a very good top hair action goes check-check five on the turn might know a 95% favorite where Griffin's gonna take a stab of this a lot when Mike doesn't bet the flop there he goes 225 K at first I thought Mike might be doing the classic cycle but I think that's just what it sounds like when air passes through that dogleg in his nose I think that Thames runs trader Mike raises 640,000 you know I love that Mike Tindall is bossing it like Mother Brain this is the kind of raise that it's gonna get a lot of worse hands to fold and better ones the call especially if you're playing against very excellent players like Griffin bender although sometimes the pros do get confused by the wild card with the loud nose ten seconds on the clock I'm Griffin faulds Mike back up over five million I really want to know what you add there you tell me that you had I'll tell you what I had I can't possibly do that you can't possibly do that and I won't lie I promise neither would I yeah but I'd you probably be ahead oh man now he's chat bossing it too it's almost not even fair he's someone who's got this you know like very imposing figure and like someone who's placed probably the toughest sport in the world people stab me down I'll stand that on the back and though most of the time I'll be a little bit bigger than women look a little bit we did a little try and use that to the best of our abilities I'm not gonna be staring down my Tindall anytime soon I don't keep the bad memories I think Mike's less likely to be offended by jokes about his nose than he is by the fact that we covered his feature with dubstep ah come on guys we have a reputation apparently all the young people are dancing to it Griffin limps with a snide mic checks his option with 9/10 and flops an open-ended straight draw least nine still ahead for now though Griffin is limping with so many hands which only works if your opponent doesn't constantly out flop you Mike didnäôt flop Griffin but he's not folding to a bed either it comes the bat from Griffin 110,000 Mike Cowles I thought maybe he's gonna put in another race the turn card is the seven of clubs so Griffin picks up a flush draw and is still ahead with ace high and shock that wasn't a Nate Griffin firing again 275,000 oh maybe it's finally Mike's turn after call call and then fold on a brick Mike Cowles go to the river with more than a million in the pot it's the four of clubs that's a flush for Griffin and it's a big break for Mike I think Mike's body language is pretty clearly saying he does not like his hand he's got ten seconds to make a decision five seconds he checks and I really don't know what Griffin will do here seems like a spot to just take a showdown looks like he's going to value four hundred thousand sometimes they'll get called by worse not this time all wrong you think Mike Tindall is watching this show because if so I think he played it great well after that hand they are almost level Mike with a small chip advantage over Griffin Griffin with a big hand pockets hence really big hand you raise this to two hundred and ten thousand I'm talking of big hands Mike Scott ace Jack Bell boy this could be yet it should be it it should all be going in here here comes a rear ace Mike three bets to 735,000 Griffin cannot fold tents and he probably wants to see all five cards I'm Owen he shoves Mike's got to worry about possibly being dominated here we go there we go yeah let's go hey coals this is huge and potentially for a million dollars so Mike and Griffin are about to be dealt the five most important cards of their lives got coin flip - to win a really answer I mean who can really who's ever who ever really does that how do you think the cards will fall Tiger tweets shark h here at the shark-cage final table it's time for the ultimate race Mike Tindall has two over cards Griffon Benja has a pocket pair and there's a million dollars on the line Griffin's got fewer chips so if 10's don't hold this is gonna be all over I call heads one of these two bands is a slight mathematical advantage actually that'll be the tens which aren't even big a favourite now off to the flop sweet flop for tens the turn card is the deuce of Hearts super sweet turn for tens that's Griffin's set for a big double up here and looks like he is astral projecting right now Michael be crippled how fast your heart go really pretty fast there's an Acer a jack on the river it's all over any other card we play on new Griffin is now the monster chip leader think you might have one chip left all it takes is a chip and a seat I thought Vicky's core and come back for nothing almost almost what she's out and you're still in Dagenham it doesn't matter how slow you guys roll out those cards it still feels like it's just all happening kind of at once I always thought it was gonna be a flip yeah you got pocket tens and buy to live cars you know knowing the bad spot it was obviously a huge moment to hold there and take a chip lead I sort of trusted my gut on it you just need to get a little bit appeal I didn't do it was tough his guts been working for him I think he's been playing fine you ever right now his chances of winning the million are looking pretty slim still too dream ends but me the better one freaking lines are up again sixty one twenty thirty pocket threes for Mike diamond oh yeah he's all-in and Griffin calls with ace Jack it's another race I'm ahead again potentially for a million dollars euros how about come on over if Griffin wins this he's the champion three are holding on the flop but the bad news is Griffin's got more outs ten of them a quick on the Sun card more and more outs Isis Kings Jack's tens force or working for Griffin what don't you mean it online qualifier Gareth on the rail Mike survives yes and threes they never let you down trustees I'm not your Buddy Guy does it even dent you Griffin still has a ten to one chip lead over Mike Mike is gonna need a couple more of those it's very clear the gareth is supporting the rugby legend right now ace deuce for mike he's all in again what's Griffin got come on King eight you ain't calling with this hand but you probably have to I call here we go again another flippy type situation this time Mike's got the best of it roughly a six to full favorite boss if Griffin hits a king or an eight it's over and he wins a million dollars he's high holding Griffin more like whiff and am i right sorry Griffin oh praise the ace pretty good hand adds up guy knows his stuff the turn card it's a for Griffin's still looking for a king or an eight six cards for victory let's have a thrill NIM greedy is this gonna be it the river is a ten Mike doubles up again Gareth knows we're indoors right Griffin starting to look a little concerned Vicky's corns come back made me very insecure and because Vicky came back from like that one chip you start to worry you lose and then you know suddenly it's just like he's back in the game there's no point in being doubt about it there's no reason why you can't just double up double up don't look do us how about come on hell up it's really really hard to have perspective when you're playing heads up for a million dollars you don't get anything for a second place guys obviously a winner and it's wise a professional athlete be that you don't give in you know I don't want losing friends simply you don't get anywhere in sport if you if you like losing being from Toronto Griffin is no stranger to sports teams that seem to love losing don't come on the Blue Jays aren't that bad at the moment at the moment they can for Mike ace Queen suited huge hand heads up huge not cool what he's limping 80 now you got a raise don't let him get a cheap flop Griffin checks his option and what a flop two pair for Griffin two overs and the nut flush draw for Mike now even if Mike raised this flop was still coming down check-check on the flop seven of Spades on the turn Griffin a four-to-one favorite that now would be for value and protection 225,000 ash of I call uh Nicole seven just to pair homie just to pair this could be it again Griffin Benja on the verge of victory it's good Chancellor huh mike has eight outs what else to be dealing with her to check my figures Oh 18% we play on thank you this guy misses less often at SEAL Team six Mike Tindall Griffin looks sadder than he did the day Joe Carter retired three times now he's been in sniffing distance of a million dollars I can smell it from here Griffin on the button in the small blind first to speak ASIS and he just course does anyone raise any more I feel like I'm taking crazy pills Mike his pad is five on the flop oh he shops I concur because I live you attend didn't have to Oh dad I didn't expect you'd ever so uh Griffin too nervous to even respond an 80% favorite hair well I didn't either hmm can't speak Mike does have else but can I have rudeness three and I said do be or just a five or reduce the turn is a seven Griffin's one card away from victory Mike's gonna need a deuce five outs for Mike they said ideal machetes five so much nervous laughter so much on the line is this the moment we crown our first of a shark cage champion the river card and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy or better poker player we love this kid it's the ultimate cliche but doesn't really feel like real right now it was just a lot of fun and I'm just I'm just grateful this has just been a great experience for it was so happy to have got there to be playing with the quality that was at the table I think Mike played great I think it's tough when you lose half huge all-in for everything coin flip to win a million sir I lost that coin flip so Griffin Benja is the inaugural shark cage champion taking home the trophy and the million dollar first prize in the world to me to win the shark cage I'm someone that needs to be taken seriously there's the bat and he dug put out the block card okay 180 cage I miss you guys so much it hurts every show needs a villain going to London to play for a million it is great but there's only one of us gonna be able to do it he raised right this is you know why we all play and this is why I came to play the shark aid poker has been a big gift for me in my life I think that that's really the right attitude to have when you have something like this I feel very very blessed you you
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 785,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poker, pokerstars, Shark Cage, Final Table, Episode 10, Live Poker, The Shark Cage, Final Episode, Grand Final, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Kara Scott, Griffin Benger, Ole Schemion, Mike Tindall, final table, final table poker, kara scott final table, victoria coren mitchell final table, griffin banger final table, ole schemion final table, shark cage poker
Id: z4WLxk3_dFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 25 2014
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