The Shang-Chi Cast Reveals Who's the Biggest Marvel Fan and More | Superlatives | Seventeen

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- This is the best thing ever. - You want me to get on a plane? To help who? No. - Hi, I'm Simu Liu. - Hi, I'm Awkwafina. - Hi, I'm Meng'er Zhang. - And we are the cast of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings here to play superlatives with Seventeen. (upbeat music) - Before we start, don't forget to subscribe to Seventeen's YouTube channel. (upbeat music) - Oh, unanimous. (Meng'er laughs) I would say I'm the most enthusiastic dancer. - Okay. - I wouldn't necessarily say that I was the best, but thank you. - I love it. I love his little um. - Little drums? (Awkwafina and Meng'er laugh) - Little drums, I never thought about it like that. (upbeat music) - And you. - Yeah, I feel like. - You're a big, you're a big Marvel fan. - I am. - But I mean, he's like a Marvel nerd. - I saw like every superhero movie, including the like obscure, like I saw, you know, Punisher: War Zone and I watched the two Nicholas Cage Ghost Riders, you know, like deep, deep Marvel cuts. So I don't know if that's like a flex or anything. I don't think it should be, but. (upbeat music) - Meng'er. - Yeah. - Really? I would love to. - I think Meng'er would be like Snow White of magical creatures. She'd get all kinds of weird. - She would just go (sings in soprano) And they would just land in her hand. - It would be like a bird, and that's like, and it would be like, "Hey, Meng'er" and she'd be like, "Oh, hey, what's up?" You know, and then we would try to roll up to it - Yeah, yeah. - and it would be like, "Why are they talking to me?" The bird would be like, "Why are they even addressing me right now? I hate them." (upbeat music) - No, you. - No, you're the only, yes, you. You took drifting classes. - Well, you drove in Australia. - I did. (all laugh) - You were driving in Australia. - I did, and I was like this the whole time. I was like oh my gosh. - I can't drive on that side of the car, man. - But you did for the preparation of your role in the movie. - I did drift. - And you took some Tokyo drift classes, some Fast and Furious classes. - Made a U turn with one finger. - There you go. - Wow. - When you know, I had other things going on, that other line going on, yes. (all laugh) - That other line that you have. - Had a lot of car improv, let's just say. - And the most important thing about Fast and Furious class is that you learned the importance of family. - That's true. - Thank you, Simu. (all laugh) (upbeat music) - She, she is the best at archery. - Yeah. I draw it back with my pinky and I let it go. - And also the toy bow and arrow, you really practiced. - I couldn't acquire an actual bow and arrow to practice because I guess that would be like highly illegal. So I bought like a plastic one, but it was one of those things where like the string wasn't tightly wound and whatnot. - It was fun. - It had lights and stuff. Yeah. - But an actor prepares in any way that they can. - Thank you. Yes. (upbeat music) - (laughs) Yeah, I mean. - There's something very relaxing and calm, I think. There's something about driving something so big and kind of, you know, when you're not crashing into like eight parked cars, it's very leisurely. I spent many days driving that bus. - I want to take that bus ride. - Yeah. Well I would go to the limit of what you were allowed to do legally. (upbeat music) - I am. I'm definitely the most like my character. - Def, yeah. Yeah. I wish I could say it was me. I really, I really do. I am not the master of Kung Fu by any stretch of the imagination. - Well, no. I feel like Shang-Chi is like brooding and there's a lot of like, there's an internal monologue that's always going. - There's nothing going on inside of me. - No! No, I feel like you have an external monologue as well as an internal. Like Shang-Chi can hold a secret in for years and you're just like, "Dude, Kevin, yeah, I'm not going to talk about anything." - Oh my God, this is the best thing ever. (upbeat music) - Oh no, in real life? - You're like, "In real life I'm busy." - You want me to get on a plane? To help who? No. - Everyone here are such incredible friends and we really did grow really close. - Where are we going though on this plane for each other? Because if we're talking like. - If it was like Hawaii, I'd definitely be there for you, you know? - I'm going to take that and I'm going to keep it, I'm going to keep it in mind. (upbeat music) Oh, Meng'er. - Yeah. - Meng'er would give snacks to us every day. There was a different snack and each one had like a relevance or like an inside joke correlated to it. - The mint candy, the chocolate mint candy. - Oh man, what are those called again? Mintia! Mintia. Anyway, but you had like the best Asian snacks. - She had the inside scoop on like where the best Asian snacks were in all the Asian supermarkets in Sydney. - Not to mention always snacking. - So she had just piles and piles and she was always physically snacking as well. You got me this shredded, this shredded squid once that was so good too. It was so good. - I didn't know that your snacks, that you had savory snacks as well. - Oh yeah, savory snacks too. See? Custom. Customized our own preferences. - They're all customized to our own inside jokes and cholesterol levels. (upbeat music) I feel like these two, I know I did that in the movie, but I feel like Simu would. And I also feel like you would. You're a pretty good karaoke-ist. - Meng'er would turn a bully into a fan. There would be a bully. And then she'd be like (sings in soprano) and then the bully would be like, "Oh my God, let me manage you." - I think that you can really turn people with your gift of song as well. You have a beautiful gift. - Oh, thank you. You are no scrub yourself. - Oh, thank you. - Just really, let's make a band. - I'm down. - Well, what do you think is the best name for a band? - Hot Messes. - Burger. - Hot Burger? Hot Burger. - I love it. (upbeat music) - Oh those two. - No, Simu, you do. You do. - I throw parties that would be fun for like 14 year olds, like pizza and pop, pizza and pop or pizza and soda and everyone plays video games until two in the morning. Like that's. - You also throw like dumpling, like gyoza parties, like when it was the holiday. I do throw parties. I can throw a good party. - Yeah, they're litty parties. - I'm a very empathetic host. I try to give every single guest a hello. (all laugh) (upbeat music) - Well... - In what way? Are we talking about strictly personality or? - Most wins in NASCAR history or? - I mean, again, you drove in Australia, you drove on that left side. That's a passenger seat for me. And you're sitting in it operating a motor vehicle. It's like a driving instructor. - It was a very big deal. You feel like there's this whole chunk of your car sticking out on your left that you just like didn't have before. So you feel like you're just constantly going to crash into everything and then like left turn is, you know. - How would you do, what would you do on those lefts? - Oh my God. - You would want to make a right? - I definitely scraped the curb a couple of times trying to make that left. I don't know. I had a great driver with me in Sydney. He would very patiently kind of sit in the passenger seat with me and just like, kind of guide me through and get a very calm energy so that was, that was good. - I love that. - Like I definitely needed help, but I got like near the end of the production, I got a bit better with it. - That is literally Jeff Gordon's journey. - I'll take it. I'll take it. (upbeat music) (Awkwafina laughs) - I mean, I pretty much just outed myself at this point so there's really not even any room for me to defend myself. - Did you feel that silence? - That should tell you everything you need to know. I don't spoil anything really major with this, with this, you know, it's a fine line. - I don't even know what is a spoiler. - Snape kills Dumbledore. That's a spoiler. I don't even know if I'm allowed to say that. - What? He does? I haven't gotten up to that one yet. - Oh shoot. - I heard it already. - Okay. (upbeat music) - I just married my best friend. - Oh yeah, you just did. - It was the sweetest thing. - They met on the film. - Yes, we met on the film. - But they met on Tinder, no, just kidding. - And Nora threw them a big, a big party and it was so fantastic. - Those guys, they're really like family to me. She booked the whole venue to celebrate for us and he took us to a Disneyland trip. It's just the best memory. - Well, we love you guys. You are like family. Love you guys. - Yeah. - Everyone go watch Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings coming soon. - Bye.
Channel: Seventeen
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Keywords: seventeen, seventeen magazine, seventeen youtube, 17 youtube
Id: y-SCic6WrXg
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Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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