The Shame of Deception | Chandler Halderson Case Analysis

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hello this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the case of chandler alderson just a reminder i'm not diagnosed anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first i'll look at the background in this case i will move to the timeline of the crime and offer my analysis chandler michael halderson was born on march 15 1998 in the summer of 2021 23 year old chandler lived with his 50 year old father bart and his 53 year old mother krista in windsor wisconsin which is just north of madison chandler had a girlfriend named catherine mellander went by the name cat for some time chandler had been perpetuating a number of lies he claimed that he had an internship with a company named american family insurance chandler pretended that there was some type of problem to explain why he wasn't being paid he claimed that he enrolled in an i.t program at madison area technical college also known as matc and he told his parents that he would soon be starting a job at spacex the aerospace manufacturer started by elon musk apparently he told other lies to different people including that he was a police scuba diver instead of working being a student and i guess being a future astronaut or something chandler spent his days playing video games he had attended matc starting in the spring of 2018 over the next couple years he withdrew from several classes and failed others by the fall of 2020 he was completely out of the college chandler created email accounts and pretended that they were from various representatives at the college and the insurance company he sent emails back and forth and argued with these imaginary people he created all the emails were sent from his ip address and those email accounts never sent emails to anyone else so they were highly dedicated imaginary friends on june 29 2021 chandler's father bart called a representative from the college to find out why he could not get chandler's transcript bart was upset because he believed the college was cheating his son he was informed that chandler owed the college about two thousand dollars he was not a student in the i.t program and three people chandler claimed he was talking to from the college did not work there bart scheduled a meeting at the college for july 1. now moving to the timeline of the crime starting at 7 26 am on july 1 chandler sent a number of text messages to his girlfriend kat he indicated he did not sleep the night before he said things have not been going well he had a plan for a great future but it was falling apart at 103 pm he sent a text message to kat saying that he overheard his parents might be going to their cabin with their friends at 2 10 pm bart sent a text message to chandler saying i'm ready whenever you are perhaps referencing the meeting at the college instead of going to the meeting chandler shot his father in the back two or three times using an sks rifle that he had received from a friend only two weeks earlier chandler sent his mother krista a text message indicating that his father's phone was dead and requesting that krista get him soda on her way home krista arrived home at 5 10 pm it is believed that chandler shot her immediately probably two or three times although her cause of death was never determined one minute later at 5 11 pm chandler created a list on a mobile device containing a variety of entries including hydrogen peroxide door handles move stuff upstairs get a job and clean the floor starting at 7 49 pm he communicated via face time with his girlfriend while he was standing in the shower at 8 16 pm he left the residence and drove to a convenience store he purchased 20 pounds of ice it's believed he put his parents in a freezer at some point that evening a neighbor smelled something burning he described it as pungent and like a pig roast surveillance cameras showed that chandler's fireplace was burning throughout the night on july 2 at 7 02 a.m chandler drove to a store and purchased a tarp he sent text messages to his girlfriend requesting cleaning supplies his girlfriend spent the night with chandler in his house on july 3 at 7 47 a.m chandler drove to the town of roxbury his mother's legs would later be found in that area after 10 pm he drove to another rural area on july 4 chandler spent time with his girlfriend and her family he sent a text message from his mother's phone trying to make it look like she was at the family cabin with bart when her phone transmitted this message it was in the halderson family home that night chandler's girlfriend once again stayed over on july 5 chandler pretended to go to a physician's appointment later that day he spent time in his girlfriend's mother's home in cottage grove bart's torso would later be found nearby as well as tools covered with the blood of both bart and christa throughout the early morning hours of july 6 the fireplace in the halderson family home was once again burning chandler contacted the police and reported his parents missing on july 7. he said that during the early morning hours of july 1 his parents were picked up by an unknown acquaintance they had the intention of traveling to the family cabin in white lake wisconsin chandler said he received a text message from his mother on july 4 indicating they arrived at white lake his parents were planning on attending a parade that same day the police discovered that there was no parade and chandler's parents had never arrived at the cabin the next day july 8 chandler made a number of internet searches starting at 9 44 am this was before any body parts were discovered here are the terms he searched for body found wisconsin woman's body found in wisconsin wisconsin dismembered body found dead body found in wisconsin body found in the milwaukee river 2021 after 3 pm he searched the term bart and christa chandler was arrested that same day after the remains of his parents were discovered he was charged in connection with their murders in january of 2022 chandler was convicted of two counts of first-degree intentional homicide two counts of providing false information about a missing person two counts of mutilating a corpse and two counts of hiding a corpse at the time making this video he has not been sentenced but the mandatory sentence for the murder convictions is life in prison at the upcoming sentencing hearing the attorneys will be able to argue whether chandler will ever be eligible for parole now moving to my analysis was chandler halderson actually guilty let's look at the factors both foreign against the idea of guilt starting with the inculpatory evidence both his parents were murdered and the remains were found in various places around wisconsin including in the fireplace of the halderson family residence and in rural areas the chandler visited around the time of the murders in the basement of the halderson family home a number of items were recovered including a bullet covered in bart's dna blood from both bart and christa and a case that had been in chandler's rifle when the cartridge was discharged the blood of chandler's parents was found on his shoes the fireplace an axe a freezer and on the tarp that he bought at the store on july 2. the tarp was found near one of the disposal sites it also contained chandler's fingerprint chandler's rifle was found near where his father's torso was found surveillance cameras on neighboring houses completely covered the area around the halderson family home his parents were never seen leaving the house krista's phone was found wrapped in aluminum foil in a shoe under a shelf chandler made internet searches about bodies in wisconsin he asked his girlfriend for cleaning supplies he created a to do list that included cleaning the floor and buying hydrogen peroxide chandler acted suspiciously for days as far as motive chandler told a number of lies leading up to the murders his father had uncovered some of the deception and his mother was about to find out moving to the exculpatory evidence there are no witnesses to the murders and no video chandler had no criminal history the time of death for bart and christa was never determined and christus cause of death is not known that's about it for exculpatory evidence there really isn't an alternate theory of the crime when considering all the evidence do i think that chandler was guilty there is virtually no doubt that he's guilty this is one of the few cases that can really be characterized as having overwhelming evidence of guilt chandler's public defender did try to help him during the closing arguments which lasted only about 30 minutes she admitted the chandler lied all the time she tried to say those lies didn't really matter all young people lied to their parents she said she believed the state had proven some of the charges against chandler she tried to argue that perhaps there was no premeditation for the murders so this was not intentional homicide it was some other type of homicide she suggested that perhaps it was an accident the accidental shooting defense is possible when there is one victim who was shot one time but this case featured two victims one of whom was shot multiple times most of the time when a victim is accidentally shot and killed the perpetrator does not dismember their body and scattered their parts all over the area i guess one could argue that chandler shot his father accidentally and then his mother came home and slipped on some of chandler's imaginary scuba diving gear or something it's just difficult to find any scenario where chandler is not guilty what do i think happened in this case this is just a theory my opinion chandler holderson was impulsive reckless self-centered grandiose arrogant and overconfident on his linkedin profile he listed one of his abilities as critical thinking skills chandler wanted to be successful but he did not have the corresponding work ethic he desperately wanted people to believe that he was important and special in particular he wanted to impress his parents somehow he thought that impersonating a scuba diving spacex employee was the best way which kind of validates any concerns his parents may have had about his abilities he wasn't even good at making up believable lies chandler hoped that he could keep up the charade forever but his father figured out that something was going on chandler knew that his mother would soon know as well she may have already known either way chandler was full of shame killing his parents was his way of escaping that shame and building a new future for himself so he could get back to his plan of becoming successful he overestimated his intelligence and believed he could outsmart law enforcement he tried all different ways of disposing of his parents bodies but left behind a substantial quantity of evidence i think he would have been convicted of this crime even if his parents bodies were never recovered he just left behind too much physical evidence at the house and of course digital evidence with those search terms now moving to my final thoughts between the murders and his arrest a few people became nervous or frightened around chandler so people who interacted with him during that time noticed that something was off they could sense that his behavior was unusual and they were concerned that he was dangerous this intuition is a valuable life-saving feeling that should never be dismissed bart and christa probably did not have this intuition because chandler was their son so they may have had it about other people but he was immune they figured that he was safe to be around they wanted what was best for him and always thought well of him chandler was able to use this against them in an ultimate betrayal his best chance of being successful was through his relationship with his parents he not only destroyed them he destroyed his future those are my thoughts on the case of chandler halderson please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis as intriguing as contemplating the behavior of dedicated imaginary friends thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 242,207
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Id: Z_wXCZhs3ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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