The Serpent's Tooth: Inside the World of Espionage | Real Stories Full-Length Spy Documentary

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there are two kinds of history official history the kind which is taught in schools then there's secret history a scandalous kind of history which explains how things really happened this is the story of Australia's secret history a CEO is Australia's leading Intelligence Agency set up to identify spies and subversives who threaten the state from receivers it is opened files on hundreds of thousands of citizens creating a unique history of dissent these files are dark biographies in which all suspects are guilty our series tells a few of the stories from the previously secret intelligence files of these persons of interest [Applause] secret Azio minute paper 5 for 10 solid bilk boyish appearance Raj emulous he is one of the leading distributors of communist propaganda at Sydney University definite leadership ability a CEO became interested in me because I was the son of Bruce Millis and they were already following Bruce Miller's Kitumba party member definitely read he is frustrated but dangerous in that he is the complete Marxist Leninist the story of Roger and Bruce Millis is one of idealism and self-destruction a dilemma the Communist Party embodied perfectly regarded as subversive and possibly KGB spies they were watched and their lives recorded in detail and some of the earliest files opened by the new intelligence agency azo and slowly these files changed their lives many young men returned from the Second World War of disillusioned with the system and hoping that communism offered an alternative the Communist Party was more popular than it had ever been but the US had the atomic bomb and to maintain a balance the Soviet Union needed the secret from Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic and I on the continent it was a very very tense time what was called the Cold War it was a generation or a couple of generations that had lived through the most terrible time in history on the one hand people's idealism was high I hope to build a better world on the other hand people's fears of what might happen were higher and there was also over everything the possibility of the ultimate which would nuclear war the Soviet wartime spy network was now targeted at the West's nuclear secrets using foreign communists and sympathizers bribery and blackmail the Soviets hunted secret of the bomb all over the world however the Allies had a crucial advantage one of the biggest secrets of the 20th century Venona banana was an intelligence operation where the West CIA mi6 and so on had broken into Soviet codes and they could read Soviet intelligence documents that is incredibly difficult bit of crypt analysis for Nonna's groupings of four numbers revealed the code names of Soviet spies around the world and some of these spires were Australian with code names like tourists girlfriend and clot but who were they the Australian spy ring had to be eliminated the British informed Prime Minister chiefly that Australia would be cut off from all Allied intelligence if he didn't establish an agency to identify the sparse Asia was formed in March 1949 there was a pretty humble start the staff in any number one two three four four other people and I was the fifth I was responsible in the early days for establishing a record system and I can remember I mean the first file a Theo's first job would be identifying the spires behind the code names and tourists tourists I think might have related to Jim Hill but I'm not sure members of the Foreign Affairs Department or External Affairs Department as it was then called were leaking material to a secret member of the Communist Party see is Claude Walter said in Clayton I think it was a full-time functioning of the Communist Party of Australia what I'd read into this is that Clayton was in fact running this group of agents himself for the KGB Walter Clayton was giving the material to Soviet embassy official FM I think was probably McCarroll's it was then sending it by cable to Moscow so began the secret war that was to last for the next 40 years Accio soon identified most of the people supplying clayton with information as many of the Murray the members who had close connections with the Communist Party of Australia the party itself became the main target and the party gave Asia a vast supply of persons of interest my father and I were very close exceptionally close I was fascinated as a kid by the tales he used to tell his first glimmerings of political ideas all those things were like a legend that I grew up with he was a very devout Catholic and had joined the Labour Party when he was only 17 but as the Great Depression of the 1930s took place he moved further and further left and finally unknown and 37 joined the Communist Party Bruce Millis this man is the number one open party member in the district he was particularly active and very ambitious there's no denying that he devoured Marxism in much the same way as he had previously devoured Christianity so does that extent he could be described I suppose as zealous person Bruce Millis was an enigma a prosperous businessman a communist and campaign director for labour Prime Minister been chiefly at the end of World War two the Communist Party had an enormous influence in Australian society it had 20,000 plus members it controlled either directly or indirectly around about half of the trade unions in Australia it had huge influence amongst scientific and technical workers its principal aim was to overthrow the entire established order a revolution in which the Communist Party would be the leading force the only way to know what's happening in the Communist Party of Australia is by the recruitment of people debris control agents of course to join that organization and provide information on what that particular a part of the Communist Party was doing unlike azo officers who were full-time employees azo agents were typically young men who were generally unpaid volunteers azo aimed to have one agent in every communist party branch they called this operation sparrow I didn't even know what communism was about and all that sort of stuff you know it's politically night at the time you know and I you know oh and while I'm CIA I played footy at all mates and I was an azo agent for 23 years I was sitting in my car in High Street a man of about 55 came over to the car and knocked on the window and said are you Phil Geary and I suggest he said well I'm an azo officer and I sit in and explain why I'm here you would be appealing to people's willingness to do something to serve their country in in this way so the motivated motivation I think generally would be one of loyalty to our country a lot of the Cold War was fought in secret the government set up a Zeo as a secret organization at the same time the communist party also had a clandestine side to it and it had some members who were actually in the labor party my father was the member of the Communist Party while still retaining his membership of the Labour Party in other words he was what they call a double card holder it would have been common as party policy to try and swing the Labour Party's left to socialism he became very close to Chief Lee who was our local member and Macquarie and he became chief Lee's campaign director in three elections chief Lee was selling off factors which have been government owns a private enterprise my father attacked chief Lee to his face as an apologist for the capitalist system there was criticism by him with Prime Minister chief Lee whom he described as a stooge for capitalists but in those days it was one of the greatest himselves you could throw against a Labour Party leader and say my father was parenteral II expelled the few months later he announced that he had joined the Communist Party even though it was pretty wide knowledge that had joined ten years earlier when Marga and our in China there was a sense of disaster so he was a new Menace for Asia but this time a kind of Red Menace when the Soviets exploded their first nuclear bomb and signed a non-aggression pact with China the fear of communism escalated menzies was able to develop a very powerful anti-communist thing and to tag the Communist Party in Australia not only as subversive but as a fifth column for the Soviet Union not only an enormous majority but an enormous task in 1950 the new Prime Minister Robert Menzies appointed Colonel Charles prize director-general of a zo spry and Menzies were committed anti-communists who blurred the lines of impartiality between azo and the government to the mutual benefit of both just to have schoolyard arguments I remember I had to run the gauntlet of the kids leaning out the windows saying go back to Moscow meliss you commerce by that I could take that on my chest I didn't bother about it so I was sort of politically precocious and I followed very proudly in my father's footsteps but it did affect my mother very badly her old family friends used to Pat her dead in the street it was very difficult for her very difficult for her as far as my father was concerned that ostracism contributed to his won him to leave the mountains I like my brother just couldn't wait to get down to the big smoke [Music] I was snapped University laboring through an arts degree which which must have been one of the worst graces to the university ever awarded anyone Roger Miller's first came to a ciose notice in August 1953 when he wrote an article in The Sydney University newspaper condemning the execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in the US on charges of passing atomic secrets to the Russians his position in the university labor club stance against conscription and involvement in a demonstration and riot to have a footbridge built outside the University were also noted there were about 3,000 students I would say in this area here the biggest demonstration that Sydney University had seen there was a group of overheated engineers gathered there and they just picked up the barricades and the rest of the crowd just followed them so I was left here swinging from a lamppost while this extraordinary safe stream of students took over the Parramatta Road completely so that's when the police called in the riot squad and they just hired into everyone left right and center the demonstration got a fair amount of publicity but it also attracted the attention of Asia inquiries have revealed Millis RW is adversely recorded by police Special Branch he is very talkative he was once given the task of elaborating on a particular theme during the council meeting but was eventually reprimanded for wandering off the point Roger merely let me write down to a tea made a 1959 this would have been the Teachers Federation contingent I would say there's Dennis Franey over there very close friend of mine and associate we will assume that there could well have been an ACO agent in either that University labor club or the Communist Party and I know that there were many many agents like myself and we will call sparrows simply because as a sparrow nobody seemed to notice little birds that fly around so nobody noticed us what we were doing I went to three sake conferences there were frightful things and you'd sit there listening to people talk a whole load of rubbish and after the meetings are over I was debriefed very quickly there'd be a probably a hundred to two hundred photographs that I was to try and put a name to the face Frances Henry Hamill from bass Hill machine again acting his dog this man is of no interest Mavis Jones Robertson who is very active in the Eureka youth work Ray Lewis appears to be giving this woman directions and she is of no interest the man with the cardigan and I hope next shirt is Mick or John Berlin Andy on the left that's not mine yourself looks a bit like a member he's getting better looking all the time I could be a yeah Andy on the left followed by George Bentley Atkins of the Sydney District Committee of the Communist Party and now they're being watched anyway had that suspicion because there were always shady characters around at medium into particularly of a night time you'd see people lingering around where the meeting place was you were taught how to what's your target how to move on different sides of the street what you would need to do mean the the distance which you would need to keep from people I don't say was always successful dogs surveillance people to spend your whole career basically sitting in cars watching people you've got to have a very high boredom threshold [Music] they're kept away from us generalist intelligence officers in case it was suspected that you'd gone bad and they wanted to to do surveillance on their own people I mean that's an extension of the intelligence maximum there's no such thing as a friendly intelligence agency so basically you don't trust anyone no one I used to keep a little pocket diary and I thought I was being very smart by writing down abbreviations of people's names opposite their phone numbers and what did I do but lose it I think I left it in a public phone box the Diary is the personal diary of Roger MELAS of 14 Chandler Street Ashfield Bob be known as Robert James Brown well-known to headquarters cliff get no record inquiries being made to identify it was this new person appears unknown steps would be then taken to you properly identify that person and then result in a file being opened so it doesn't require anything more than that the purpose of all this surveillance really was to underpin a system of vetting so that if someone applied to become an Australian citizen or to join the army or particularly to take a government job if that person were had had contact with the Communist Party Asia would have at its fingertips when where to what degree this was really one of the fundamental purposes of azo I knew many people who lost their jobs simply be closed as soon as I got a position was one company or another the next week in a co man would come round and see the manager of the company and that particular person would get set to a CEO nothing was what it seemed the list of suspect front organizations ranged from mothers clubs and film festivals to the Teachers Federation the peace movement World Council of Churches and new theater secret Roger mirus is about 24 years of age and has been teaching for two years he's becoming a leading light in the new theater League is now well dressed and well-spoken acting had bedazzled me I don't mind at minigun I always wanted to play Hamlet but unfortunately nobody offered me the part when I met rudran he was a passionate light-hearted man he was so admired by members of Sydney new theater a poet and a writer and I was self flattered that he seemed interested in me but an azo agent inside new theater saw him differently secret this boy surely is bitter probably a high IQ but couldn't possibly be as high as Roger considers it gives me the impression of a patient hanger-on awaiting the inevitable revolution so that he can assume his rightful status of the chief tax collector chief of police or what have you I couldn't warm to him if he burst into flames idea when I read that at the age of 65 I can just remember saying to myself ouch ouch ouch finance was always a problem for the party but Nazi talk threw a lifeline when he agreed to trade with Australia through the Communist Party my father was approached to take part in commercial projects which the Communist Party was trying to get underway Bruce Melissa's business experience would be invaluable to the party he agreed to operate a number of businesses and from then on he dropped out of sight he never attended party meetings and was barely heard of again this in itself attracted agios attention bruce's timing was perfect he was soon moving a third of all wool sold to communist countries had a huge line of bank credit and provided much-needed cash flow to the Communist Party Bruce Joseph Millis February 1958 my unofficial view was that without any question a great portion of the money received by Millis would go to the Communist Party of Australia whilst Menzies railed against the communist conspiracy he had an economy in recession and the 1954 election approaching the master politician was able to denounce communists and at the same time let Bruce Miller's sell wool to the Chinese I would like top priority given to a full investigation on Millis both from B 1 and B 2 aspects already well I think of Bruce Millis as one of the three or four important undercover members of the party during the 40s and 50s clearly a real hardliner whose ideology was impenetrable and who a real dogmatist and someone who I think would have had a lot of secrets about what they were doing the main part of his business was exporting Australian wool to China but he also and became involved in importing anything and everything which could be sold in Australia Millis is the key man of new dawn films a firm engaged in importing foreign films he is answerable only to mr. Cavalli EV commercial attache of the Soviet embassy in the era before television huge crowds flocked to the cinema where American films had extraordinary influence Bruce Miller's did his bit in this propaganda war [Music] Misha tonight only cosmetic upstairs mr. [ __ ] were you more stopping everyone [Music] [Applause] Isaiah had a special section which essentially produced propaganda which they salted the media with they had close relations with editors of newspapers with even the owners of newspapers they assisted in the production of various films and so there was this clandestine propaganda war that azo was involved in with ATO support the Australian government produced anti-communist propaganda which Hoyts and 20th Century Fox distributed in the cinema Theo was about to establish its credibility in the eyes of its more senior colleagues in mi5 and the CIA and at the same time provide political ammunition to the Liberal Party for the imminent and closely fought election of 1954 my dear Prime Minister I acquainted you with the possibility that a member of the Soviet embassy whom we believed to be the controlling intelligence officer was thinking of defecting the Prime Minister announced that Vladimir Petrov third secretary of the Russian embassy has approached Australian security man and sought asylum this had been granted what Petrov contributed were a series of documents that had been left in the Russian embassy safe by his predecessors and these gave all sorts of very exciting clues to a Co one of those documents contained the name Bruce Miller's November 1954 mr. and mrs. Petrov have been questioned concerning their knowledge of the person named Bruce Millis to whom it was a happy coincidence Petrov could buy his freedom talking about KGB spy rings and Prime Minister Menzies was facing a Cold War election three weeks after Petrov defection Menzies rushed to announce a Royal Commission into espionage with political tensions rising connecting communist spies with the Labour opposition could win Menzies the election Bruce Millis would be a damaging link between the two in a subversive move director-general spry expressed his view to mi5 that if Labour won the election the British should withhold all further intelligence from the new Australian government in this atmosphere Bruce Millis was duly called to appear before the Royal Commission they were very tense and turbulent times and just to be mentioned before the Royal Commission on espionage put the fear of God up some people he was now a political greenhorn and he could see the implications of being caught and so consequently he was not going to give a CEO any more ammunition than he could help let me ask you were you ever an undercover member of the Communist Party before you were expelled from the ILP my father said no and in that he lied gyah Richards a very powerful man in Asia was determined to get my father arranged on a charge of perjury in my father's files or something like 50 pages prepared mainly by Richards trying to establish a case against my father but the government legal team refused to support a SEOs plan to charge Bruce Millis with perjury not used to being rebuffed force Brian Richards the hunt now became personal for the next 25 years they took every opportunity to damage the careers of the Millers family contact report Bruce Willis Reginald Dixon whilst entertaining a contact in the Martin place bar of the Hotel Australia I observed the above-named from 3:05 to 4:45 p.m. both men consumed four Scotch whiskies and water plus three glasses of beer with no apparent ill effect the drinks for both men were paid for from appreciable sized rolls of banknotes the identity of the blonde barmaid can be ascertained if required she might be a future use the death of style important Akita Khrushchev to power in the Soviet Union he spoke less of war learn more about peaceful coexistence between communism and capitalism even denouncing Stalin as a criminal mr. crew substantiation of stalin in his so-called secret speech had a tremendous effect on the communist movement it shook up to its foundations stalin acted not through persuasion explanation and patient co-operation with people but by imposing his concepts and demanding absolute submission to his opinion some denounced Khrushchev as an agent of capitalists others said well it's an attempt to shake off the terrible stallonus period that was now on but never admitted while Khrushchev now spoke of peaceful coexistence with the West the Chinese demanded violent revolution when the Chinese and the Russian government's began to split at first asia along with the CIA simply didn't believe this they thought this was some kind of elaborate hoax after a while it became obvious that there was a very significant break occurring within the communist movement this film is a record of persons attending the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of Australia during Easter 1958 approximately 200 delegates attended from all states and about 90% have been identified that goes through a good friend Laurie Aaron's in the light suit with free to get a brown but Edward fella hill carrying papers under his arm the party in Australia split into two camps either following the Russian line or the Chinese party secretary Laurie earrings advocated peaceful change while central committee member Ted Hill supported violent revolution ultimately Hill would be expelled from the party and form the Communist Party Marxist Leninist an offshoot and bitter opponent to the Communist Party I think that in China there is a striving towards communism in the true sense years in our country which will enable us to achieve socialism without civil war people whom we call revisionist soon entered in Australia by mr. Arens we don't began as and left at all we regard them as traitors to communism more my father started to follow the hill line and take sides with the Chinese this violence split in world communism would have a dramatic effect on the Miller's family dividing father and son Roger Miller's followed the Russian line of peaceful coexistence whilst his father Bruce followed the more radical Chinese position for many young Australians right to passage at that time included a trip overseas and for Roger Miller's that meant to the Soviet Union I wanted to see the Soviet Union developed along the lines that I hoped it would take and so any positive thing that I could find I was quite prepared to report to Tribune Tribune was the Communist Party's newspaper in Australia Asia was a subscriber and large amount of its intelligence came from Tribune's pages mr. Roger MELAS was married by the Australian ambassador in Moscow to miss Suzy Maria wolf wolf holds a university degree she is mixed up in women's affairs in Moscow I worked on the African service of Radio Moscow and I was a radio announcer and producer and as well as being a disc jockey which I loved the late night playing sexy music the people as we're going to sleep but also I had my own program called the people yes [Music] a new wave in Soviet films took place and their films began winning prizes Venice and calm they could see that there was an increasing market for their films in the West and so they started to sell their major films to the overseas sort of both works and greater union and just had a devastating effect on my father intercept report evaluation b2 Soviet trade office as regards Minister all business agreements with him a cancelled you have to go and seamless and inform him about that don't be too colored on him solve export films betrayal as he saw it was proof that the Soviet Union was returning to capitalism this cemented Bruce's moved to marries him in a letter to Roger he wrote ROG Nazi tomb has repeatedly pointed out revolutionaries must despise the enemy dare to struggle against him and dare to seize victory [Music] to see his profound beliefs reduced to the catechism of the little red book and the simplistic s' the absolute ridiculous simplistic s' of Maoism just still leaves me you know like mainly say very very upset yes I met Bruce on a few occasions he was very an extremist when he went into the Marxist Leninist he became very bitter and and very hostile to people who were his former comrades secret consideration has been given to appointing Roger Minister the staff of The Tribune on his return to Australia some doubts are being expressed about his ideological standing particularly because of the Pro Chinese position of his father Bruce Joseph Millis this split between the supporters of Mao and Khrushchev spread from the world stage to Bendigo Teddy Hill who was the head honcho of the Marxist Leninist group was coming to Bendigo so the Communist Party wanted me to spy on that Marxist Leninist bookstore so I sat down about three blocks from the bookstore on this Sunday and no one turned up of course and it seems ironical that one communist party had me spying on another communist party and asked spied on name well Phil Geary gave a zio information on other communists the spy agency kept records on him and all their agents in documents called source management records these SM R's record a ce o--'s thoughts about its own agents a co refuses to confirm or deny the existence of these files before returning to Australia Roger and Suzie Minnis were intent on seeing the winds of change in Africa his colonial masters were thrown out and Marxist led their people to freedom The ministers broadcast wrote and taught from Kenya across to Ghana immersing themselves in revolution Asia kept track of them all the way their trip was interrupted by an offer of full-time work from Tribune in Sydney which Roger accepted travel control 18th February 1966 Roger William Millis watch will be kept in Sydney for their arrival Deputy Director General ron Richards [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got back to Australia the whole world to change the whole salmon changed I do wish you and dine Patti a very happy and successful retirement yours CCF's prime the era of vietnam the era of drugs the year of music which I hated and still hate today I can't abide it I'll have to make that confession when we came back to Australia we lived like another door flat at the back of his parents house and it upset me terribly that this wonderful gentle man burst Millis that his son so accused with him so very mentally because I sort of I knew there was such great love there the officers of Tribune were in the headquarters of the Communist Party the most heavily watched building in Australia all phone calls were recorded and comings and goings noted Rogers life now became itemized in forensic detail and Suzie Melissa's attempts to get work at the ABC only heightened a CEO suspicions phone intercept Suzie Miller's contacted Roger Miller's and said she did not have much luck she said the secretary although very understanding said there was little chance for women deputy director general New South Wales in accordance with the Director General's approval to discuss important intelligence matters involving the ABC with mr Talbot duck Mountain he was informed that mrs. MELAS intended to seek employment with the ABC mrs. Millis was not so employed I was applying for radio work and not getting it and I felt so useless I remember I used to be I used to sit on the back step and I must have been really quite depressed secret be to David Millis around six feet tall a good-lookin well-spoken likable chap high IQ possible University background but now a thought it would change David Miller's life the Australia Council was set up and advertised for personnel and one of the jobs was for senior assistant to the first head of the council so my brother David applied a zio file note David Millis was the outstanding applicant and the interviewing committee would need compelling reasons not to appoint him but he had to get a security check and a CEO of course picked him up immediately secret it is considered that to allow David Ernest Miller's access to classified matter would constitute a security risk accordingly it has been recommended to the Public Service Board that he should not be appointed to any position permitting such access CCF Sprite director-general of security that was the end of any possibility that my brother had of getting a position with the council secret intercept report Suzie Millis contacted Roger Millis at the Communist Party of Australia premises and told him she would like to visit her parents in Melbourne as she was seven weeks pregnant and the doctor in Sydney would not do anything about it although she had told him they were in debt soozee remark there would not be it would not be good staying at home because of Rogers mother she said her mother would make the appointment for her and she will now make a train booking we're out Jerry marked favorably on her parents and said he would swap your mother for mom my own mother there I don't remember that yes so we must have felt that Rogers mother would want a child we were in no position and to have a child as you can say financially we're in debt but I don't think our marriage was strong in our favor isn't terrible that somebody was listening to that sound conversation but that's something so personal and listening to Rogers reaction and making that that now still exists luckily his mother's dead and it doesn't know huh it is Matty isn't it sort of smutty eavesdropping on people's private private talks it's none of ACS business and this is just another example of the filth of their material generally as far as I'm concerned from the Communist Party of Australia premises Roger Miller's contacted Mavis Robertson Robertson said she had seen Suzy Millis when Miller asked if Suzy had inquired about him and Robertson replied in the affirmative he said this sounded encouraging Robertson disagreed and said that Suzy had apparently made up her mind to stay in Melbourne I naturally reverted to my maiden name suzy wolf rather than Suzy Miller's because I was now single again during 1966 67 Millicent until she secured a position in Melbourne under him name of wolf see after six months of working as a typist with the radio Australia I applied for a job with the education section of the ABC as a script assistant and got that in the form where it said are you married then where did you get married I naively filled in was married in Moscow of course no idea that security would be showing an interest wolf has an extensive record of activities in the new theater and communist party it is recommended that a security clearance be withheld gia Richards went to see Talbot duck Manton the general manager of the ABC linking her application to join the ABC as an announcer and producer and nothing more linking that with a widespread communist conspiracy two white ant the ABC the boss called me to his office and more or less told me my services were no longer required which was such a shock I've found out since and it was 31 years later that I found out busting my ATO file that it was because SEO insisted I'm not work for the ABC I wish I had known that at the time because again I just felt I must be hopelessly incompetent incompetent the most upsetting thing in the files was that they traced my personal life right down to the nth degree relationships was women and things like that secret August 1968 Rodger Millis is separated from his wife Susie who was now living in Melbourne Millis does not know of her whereabouts and in the end the party folded here in Bendigo the see CPA or the school are coming this party of Australia and I thought well well my job's finished now but a Z I wasn't finished with me that autumn me to join the Marxist Leninist group so-called Communist Party of Australia Marxist Leninist led by Edward Fowler hill Ted Hill who had been a leading member of the CPA but expelled for his pro Tiny's stands back in 1963 when ever Hill came to Sydney he would invariably look at my father because my father would have been a source of Finance for the new organisation with chairman Hill as the antipodean now there would be no doubt that Millis is a Marxist Leninist the only doubt there could be is that the Communist Party of Australia Marxist Leninist are using him up for their own ends intercept report secret from the third world bookshop Bob gawd contacted Paddy George according to Gould the mouth open a bookshop in the mix Simmons building in George Street and it was Bruce Miller's who would be supplying the money Raj Mao says the atom bomb is a paper tiger which the u.s. reactionaries used to scare people pop I can only say I'm utterly disgusted by the bearers of Filth and absolute [ __ ] in Peking review pop how can you reconcile mass murder torture and terror with communism Rudge getting old now time slips away hey and I had very violent arguments in which I went for his jugular I must have met to my shame even though we're on the same side of the fence politically and he died believing that the Cultural Revolution in China was the greatest thing since sliced cheese one might say and as that matza tongue was a leader of the world revolution and he died a thoroughgoing Maoist [Music] information obtained by b1 Victoria and past a b-1 headquarters this morning indicates that Bruce Joseph Miller spied in Sydney yesterday Millis was considered a leader of the CPI ml in Sydney and a possible financier of the party Edward Fowler Hill and possibly other members adherents of the CPI ml are expected to attend the funeral service [Music] Hill's arrival was watched at Sydney Airport by it must have been three or four different people strategically placed around the airport it almost reads like one of those babies C Spire dramas they followed his car picked up another prominent Maoist Bert Chandler drove a liquid cemetery where the funeral service took place a co tried to photograph proceedings but unfortunately from their point of view they just couldn't get a clear shot of it surveillance report 11th November 1970 locations did not permit a full photographic operation however some photographs would a message to Sydney from headquarters Hill is to be placed under surveillance Jackson said there were not many at the funeral Chandler did not give a speech but merely asked people to remain silent in memory of Miller's headquarters have requested details of the disposal of Melissa's estate probate AC under them Bruce Joseph Millis deceased attached as a copy of a report outlining results of inquiries made at the probate office Edward Fowler Hill together with Melissa's sons David and Roger the third Sharon petrest his will to Edward Fowler Hill personally rather than the CPA mm there is no they went right through the probate office they got the details of my father's will and insert a debt in his files I got my files progressively from Asia and they totaled about 650 to 700 ages it reached the extreme of a file saying Roger William Millis and then the following two pages would be completely blacked out Roger requested reconsideration of some of these deletions and here are the words that were censored advice has been received from and that Miller sent his wife Here I am at the age of 75 drawing towards the end of my life and living on the 10 kilometers away from where I was born it's been a strange Odyssey basically the story of a father and son who shared the same ideals and values and yet unfortunately argued too long and too vehemently about them I still believe in those ideals and principles and I still hope that they will come about we anchored in coffee bars and talked of the working class we harbored in libraries and longed for the storm blasts the past is dead how much of what we were are we today [Music] [Music] Quasimodo [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 237,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Extraordinary people, government conspiracy theories, TV Shows - Topic, Amazing Stories, Amazing Documentaries, 2018 documentaries, espionage documentary, conspiracy theory, 2018, 2018 documentary, government conspiracy, spy movies, Real Stories Documentary, espionage movies, Full length Documentaries, BBC documentary, Documentary Movies - Topic, Channel 4 documentary, spy documentary, timeline, Real Stories, Real Stories Full Documentary, political documentary, Documentary
Id: ob_Y8F23ULw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 17sec (3137 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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