The Serial Killer Targeting Hospital Patients While On Shift | Diagnosis Unknown | Real Responders

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in a Cincinnati hospital patients are dying at an alarming rate one day they would be fine the next day they were gone nurses search to discover what is killing their patients you can look in his eyes you know he's dying you say what the hell's going on something's wrong here The Unexplained deaths keep piling up and the only way to stop them is to solve the mystery before more lives are lost to this unknown [Music] [Music] killer Cincinnati Ohio 1986 at a long-term care hospital Clyde Douglas is gripped by a sudden and unexplainable pain in his chest he cannot breathe he is in total respiratory failure okay where shock him I'm Char and goes into cardiac arrest I'm charging clear the staff Works frantically to save him they do all they can but Clyde Douglas is dead he was gone just like that he was dead just like that he was gone within 20 minutes or a half hour at Max he was just gone his death is difficult for the nurses who treated him Clyde Douglas was not not the first of the patients at the long-term care hospital to die mysteriously of sudden respiratory failure one day they would be fine the next day they were gone and totally unexpected totally out of the blue the facility was full of the city's sickest patients but in a hospital where death is common these deaths are suspicious they showed no signs prior to that that there was anything going on how could nurses protect the patients they care about when something in their hospital is killing so suddenly and at random July 8th 1986 paramedics respond to the scene of an [Music] accident 44-year-old John Powell is slammed by a car while riding his motorcycle to work when paramedics arrive Powell is unconscious and unresponsive suffering massive head and chest injuries the hospital is only minutes away but there is little hope that Powell will [Music] survive at the hospital doctors prepare for the incoming trauma patient riding without a helmet Powell's head smashed against the concrete he was then dragged over the pavement producing multiple deep [Music] abrasions Powell's injured brain is beginning to swell and doctors know without immediate surgery to relieve the pressure John Powell will die John's wife is notified of her husband's condition when I arrived at the hospital John was in surgery I was told that his condition it was a life and death situation Heather my oldest daughter she started to pass out and Holly my other daughter was almost hysterical and my son was just speechless John Powell miraculously survives surgery and is moved to the Intensive Care Unit I really didn't know if he was going to make it at that point but his prognosis still doesn't look good I was just concerned though because it it didn't look good but he had just come out of surgery looking he was swollen and very bruised for his wife Patricia it is a shock to see her husband incapacitated he was an assistant scout master and he liked wildlife and he loved camping and the Motorcycle he was a rock weeks pass in intensive care but Powell does not improveing doctors tell his wife that if he does not begin to make some progress he will have to be transferred to the long-term care facility the same one plagued by a rash of mysterious deaths cuz we're all rooting for you it was a long-term care facility that had a lot of people that were not expected to survive give some oygen okay this facility was a place for the chronically ill the elderly and patients that were incapacitated or in comas very few that came to that hospital uh were expected to leave very few did leave most of them uh you took down to the mar the public perception was that people were sent there to die but even at a place where patient deaths were common the recent number of sudden respiratory cases were staggering I would take uh about three a week from two different floors uh to the Mark we can't do any fation was the hospital staff slowly recognizing a silent killer lurking at their Hospital even if they were there was no way to stop it and no way to predict the next patient to fall The Killer strikes at random and without warning the smallest sign of distress turning deadly in an instant Matthew Matthew an orderly notices Leah Matthews struggling to breathe check on this Matthews he asks the nurses to respond to the patient come with me only a few hours earlier Matthews was stable and recovering well Matthews nurses rushed to the room Matthew but it is too late Matthews is [Music] dead the official cause of death is respiratory failure but no one can explain why Matthew's lungs and heart suddenly failed if you uh got a spike temperature and your respiration is erratic blood pressure shooting to the Moon they may give you this an an IV to take care of blood pressure this for the respiration or something to combat all these symptoms but if you doing all these things normal and then bam you did it don't happen back at the Intensive Care Unit doctors caring for John Powell have no choice but to ask John's wife Patricia to to consider transferring him to the long-term care hospital there wasn't anything more that they could do at that point but he needed to go for rehabilitation Patricia finally agrees to transfer her husband she has no idea it is the same hospital where patients are mysteriously dying of sudden and unexplained illnesses after a horrifying motorcycle accident John Powell spent 6 weeks in a Cincinnati hospital struggling to recover in an intensive care unit was on a motorcycle knock the motorcycle down when doctors finally felt they couldn't do anything more for him they recommended his transfer to a long-term care facility you can come in now when Powell arrived at the hospital nurses knew his injuries were severe there were lots of bandages that had to be taken care of he also had a a feeding tube and a stomach and that required a lot of care but even with the odds stacked against him Patricia Powell believed her husband was getting the right care the nurses and nurses AIDS were so good to John and they were so good to the whole family and um I felt that he was in a good place I really did and um we visited every day to be with him so I sort of felt like you know we were one big happy family just as John was arriving at the long-term care facility other patients with severe head trauma joined him Leon Nelson was transferred there after brain surgery left him in a coma Nelson's wife Sandra had heard the rumors about the hospital well I didn't want him to go there because we had always heard that we just went there to die good for over time Nelson's condition stabilized I would go and I would go and visit and I would talk to him because the doctors told us that he can hear you just just talk to him about what was going on in our lives what was what was happening sometimes I would go and I would wash his face not because it needed just for something to do um but we would we would talk with him I really really needed you to try to get better Leon Nelson's daughter lesan who was at the time in her teens was devastated by her father's condition and we need you at home so I'm the baby girl and very close to my dad I was just spoiled absolutely spoiled I could go to him and say daddy and he would just say okay here you go and it was just one of those things where I loved my dad a lot wherever you saw him you saw me so we were sort of inseparable he was my dad and I was a little girl just hanging on his leg Sandra and leson stayed by Leon's side and he started to show signs of improve movement I had hoped that he wouldn't be there long I had hoped that he would come out of the coma and be able to come back home Dad I remember telling him daddy I love you I'm getting ready to go and he squeezed my hand three times I was so excited and it gave me a little bit of hope you know that maybe he would get better Leon Nelson seemed to be on the road to recovery but things took a major turn for the worse after several months in the hospital a nurse discovered Leon had stopped breathing I thought his condition was stable I I didn't have any reason to believe that he was going to be dead I mean I was looking forward to going to see him by the time the nurse summoned doctors it was too late Leon Nelson was dead 10 after N I have a child that I have to raise and I I don't know you know how I'm going to deal with this because she's lost her dad Lyon's condition was stable he had been showing signs of improvement doctors told his wife there was no reason to think he would get worse what could have caused his sudden respiratory failure Leon Nelson's death was out of the blue the staff did not expect him to pass away it was a shock certainly to everyone on the unit the whole staff felt uh dejected especially the nurses that were charge of that patient and you feel that for the simple reason is you do the actual application of care yourself daily it's a family like thing so when somebody's hurt in the family everybody Hurts but when somebody dies everybody you know feels the the hurt especially the nurse that's been close to her Leon Nelson was getting better there's so many there how could someone who was beginning to improve die so quickly and without any warning signs his unexplained death coupled with the other respiratory failures convinced Hospital staff that something was terribly wrong a they went to checking charts checking who gave medication did somebody mess up and they come to the conclusion nobody messed up something happened and it happened more than anyone originally thought in their search they discovered Leah Matthews Leon Nelson and Clyde Douglas weren't the only ones to die unexpectedly on that same Hospital unit there had been many others we were talking about the number of deaths that had occurred in our unit and um wondering what was going on why we were having all these deaths what was happening to the patients could there be a deadly and unexplainable respiratory epidemic in the hospital it throws the whole staff into turmoil because uh you don't know what's happening but you know you say something is wrong in the midst of the tragic deaths John Powell on the other hand came out of his coma he began to respond to jokes from the order guess who one day I walked in and Donald Harvey was there and he had said John guess what your better half is here that was the first time I really saw John smile that was the first of many smiles but he [Music] smiled after 6 months Powell was gradually showing signs of recovery we had been told that he wasn't expected to come out of his coma he defied [Music] everything Patricia Powell kept a diary that she hoped to read to John when he recovered fully John we had a good visit you exercised your right fingers with your left hand you're progressing more and more all the time I love you Pat but like many of the other patients at the hospital Powell's miraculous recovery would suddenly stall in his tra he woke up one morning with a bizarre bout of bleeding and respiratory distress he would bleed from his traite and and from his um Tu feed side he was just struggling and there was a lot of blood never could figure out what was going on it would be severe enough that we thought we were going to lose him he would be sent to a hospital and an ambulance because we were not an emergency hospital John Powell's sudden respiratory trauma was further proven that something was terribly wrong but no one knew what it was in 1987 nurses at a long-term care hospital in Cincinnati Ohio began to fear something was killing their patients patients continued to die without showing any sign that they were growing worse they found themselves battling a mysterious illness that struck at random without knowing the source the staff couldn't protect the patients they cared for like family the deaths seem to be occurring more frequently mran I'm back a nurse would check on a patient they had seen only hours earlier and discover they had mysteriously stopped breathing Mr Nan it didn't seem to matter how Vigilant the nursing staff was in checking on patients mran they could not save them Mr Nolan the deaths came on too suddenly and what was worse the deaths were becoming more frequent something is wrong he wasn't like that cuz I'm taking his blood pressure I'm taking his temp I'm talking to him while I'm taking care of him and uh just next you come back off a day and he's dead I said maybe it's the very breathing the nurses had seen death many times before but never such a pattern of unexplainable respiratory failure is a small Hospital the shot showed you this that this guy had made Improvement doing better one day he's smiling the next day he's dying all of it comes into Focus then you know the mysterious kill killer was taking patients at record rates uh staff were definitely talking at the time when we noticed all these people started to um die on us um we may have had maybe a death a month and now we were up to in 3 months maybe 11 way over what it should have been and was definitely not normaly James hail and fellow nurses assistant Donald Harvey couldn't figure it out either me and Harvey worked together all the time I said man what's going on he said I don't know you I said man something wrong he said yeah you know we here just a a shift I said yeah but I'm working 12 hours a day at least three of these days and you know seven days a week and uh so I know something's going on no one on the staff had any idea what or who might be behind the mysterious deaths and it wasn't only the deaths that concerned the staff John Powell had been suffering strange attacks while at the long-term care facility when John pal was having the hemorrhaging episodes and the respiratory problems everyone was talking about it trying to figure out what was going on but each time he was transferred for emergency treatment he miraculously recovered Patricia Powell had no idea what was wrong since he was progressing I I guess I didn't really understand it but I really didn't know for sure what was causing his problems Powell returns to the long-term care facility but in a matter of days he inexplicably gets sick again what was it about the hospital that was slowly killing John Powell I I'm no doctor or nurse but you can see the change in the color his complexion something's wrong here you know or like the lips dry up you say well maybe something wrong with his kidney or liver or something you know but uh just in one day yes sir yes sir right away this guy is sick I mean sickick you can look in his eyes and his face when something happened to him you can see his pness yes sir come through you know something's happening but uh what it was uh you don't know even with the setbacks Powell did make progress the staff I believe was very surprised about his progress and at one point they called him the miracle patient Patricia Powell continued to keep a diary John we had a good visit your progress is terrific Holly was with me and you waved goodbye love [Music] Pat nurses worked tirelessly with Powell to help him regain some limited motor function and we were really working diligently with him to try to get get him to the point that he would be able to go home that that would be a viable option for him and he was reaching that goal little by little on but each time Powell would take a step forward he would have a major setback I looked at him and the skin you could see the ash in the skin I asked the nurse what happened she said Jim something as bad is happening here they know something's going on over the course of the next several months Powell would suffer a number of respiratory emergencies each one Landing him in the emergency room send the doctor to this he would have one of these hemorrhaging episodes and do great come back all healthy and then while later he would have another one of these episodes and the whole thing just kept going in a cycle maybe because Powell was younger and stronger than the other patients he was able to barely fight off what had killed so many others heing but still no one could find the source of his problems Mr pal they would run tests on him never found anything two weeks ago he he he would have looked he was lethargic I guess for a lot longer I couldn't see that bounce coming back like before but even surprising his own wife Powell would battle back he started to maneuver around the hospital in a wheelchair it was so unexpected the feeling of seeing someone do what you never thought that they would do ever and how excited the family was um because they were getting their dad back he was overjoy and uh you Overjoyed for him and you know you can feel tingle little bumps you know Powell was making such good progress that nurses started preparing him to leave the hospital perhaps Powell would overcome the odds and beat what had killed so many other patients we were so excited just made us work work harder to help him because he he was a young guy he he wasn't that [Music] old John Mary Jane and I were here but didn't see much of you because they had you all over this Hospital Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy uh the podiatrist all kinds of things and wow you were all worn out but we had a short visit with a few Smiles love Pat how you doing as Powell was recovering he got a new roommate a man named Charles ward he was one of my favorite residents one time I tried to give him a TB test and he told me that he would only let me do that if I went down to the candy store and got him a bag of butterscotch hard candy so I did often we had to do that with him like so many other patients Ward began to suffer breathing problems doctors and nurses struggled to revive him but Ward failed to respond you look at it and you're perplexed uh you make your report to the nurse you what the hell happened again you know what happened you ask the nurse we don't know Jim it keeps you on the roller coaster this patient's D for nurses Ward's death was the last straw I can remember standing back from him and watching him die and documenting in the nurses nodes everything that was occurring afterwards I went into the nurse's lounge and just fell apart at the hospital an unexplainable killer is striking randomly and with deadly force nurses frustrations are growing patience aren't safe and there is there is no way to predict who will fall next nurses at an Ohio hospital were working to understand a rash of mysterious and sudden deaths the most recent patient death Charles Ward fit a pattern it was too sudden to be natural that was another one of those deaths that kind of came out of the blue even patients family members started to grow concerned over the unusual number of deaths Patricia Powell began to suspect that something strange was going on at the hospital patients do when I would visit John I got to know a lot of the other patients in his room's families the very nice families and we would talk and one after another was passing away and it it bothered me after a while because all the patients whose families I got to know they were they were no longer there they had died and I did wonder about that I mean I just thought my goodness there's too many people in this room where John is dying all the time concerned Hospital staffers knew they could wait no longer to investigate Sarah they started by pouring over records of patients who had died investigated like a bunch of bees they went AC Crossing them charts up seeing who was here then who was there then when the nurses finally got together to calculate the number of mysterious deaths the resulting figures sent shock waves throughout the entire Hospital someone pulled out a piece of paper and started writing down names uh and we were all calling names out as we went and what we ended up with was a list of was it 11 maybe 16 the number was too high to be a coincidence something was terribly wrong nurses thought they figured it out and notified supervisors of their suspicions when we start talking about the list coming out and bringing all of that to the Head nurse's attention and the administrator and the director of nursing all of the the chain of command within that hospital I mean we would talk about it and we would take the list and we'd be told no there was no reason to even look into that but the nurses were met with skepticism from their superiors many patients died at the hospital and supervisors said there was nothing that should arouse the nurse's suspicions and I think it's something that needs to be looked into so but everyone was suspicious Patricia Powell had a strange visit with her husband soon after Charles Ward's death John seemed a little desperate with his eyes at that point you know they going back and forth and looking at me and back to the side John Powell may have known how Charles Ward had died but he couldn't communicate it to his wife and he may have feared for his own life I told him I said I feel you're trying to tell me something and I will do my best to try to figure out what it is I just didn't know I felt bad I didn't [Music] know what Patricia Powell didn't know that evening as she left was that it was the last time she would ever see her husband [Music] alive [Music] the next morning nurse's assistant Donald Harvey told a nurse something was wrong with John Powell Mr Powell Mr pow Powell wasn't breathing Mr Po Mr Po I'm not getting any response no breathing they did everything that they could do to save him and we knew that he wasn't going to make it all [Music] clear you could just tell he that he was slipping away little by little and he knew that he was crying he was such a fighter clear the one thing that always stuck with me through that was watching him [Music] cry I received a call from the hospital and uh um a doctor had told me that John had uh just died about a half an hour earlier it was I just wasn't expecting that I knew he was having um a little setback but I just still didn't expect him to die they asked me if I wanted to come to the hospital and see him but I was in a state of I knew I had to try to to break the news to the children and I just I just couldn't go back to the hospital that morning um in the state I was in at that at that time we're going to call the hospital staffers took Powell's death extremely hard when he passed I just felt the hurt I could see him with that one oh in that wheelchair I could see me helping him back in bed the nurses were infuriated nurses scoured their charts and medical records to make sure Powell's death wasn't the result of a medical error I mean they went to checking charts checking who gave medication uh did somebody mess up and when they come to the conclusion nobody messed up something happened I mean they were hot and uh you could see the air was Heavy I mean from one end to the other end that air was thick something happened to him frustrations led to finger pointing shows how many they quiz each other they want to see the evening nurse the Night Nurse they sit down there look they said no this is what we did and they checked medication that's out medication was here and they cross this medication no medication is missing nowhere nothing is out of line when nurses realized they had made no medical errors in Powell's case they put their hopes in the autopsy to give them a clue as to the cause of his mysterious death because Powell's death resulted from an accident the law required an autopsy as the coroner Dr Layman made an incision in Powell's stomach he was struck by the aroma of almonds it was something he hadn't encountered since medical school and it terrified him and it was a scent that signaled a huge break in the case he was very ill he expected to die a cide just shouldn't be there the toxic poison cyanide makes it impossible for the body's cells to use oxygen so people with with cyanide poisoning are literally suffocated the cyanide could only mean one thing a murderer was running loose in the hospital but if other patients had also died the same way they weren't only dealing with a murderer they might be looking for a serial killer in 1987 nurses at a Cincinnati hospital were concerned about about a rash of deaths on one particular unit 44-year-old John Powell who miraculously emerged from a coma had suffered mysterious bouts of bleeding and breathing problems Mr within months of arriving at the hospital he began to Hemorrhage and suffer respiratory failure within hours he was dead an autopsy by the medical examiner detected cyanide in Powell's system but at first he couldn't rule out the possibility of suicide but how could Powell have killed himself Mr pow could not swallow he could not take anything by mouth the only way to get in the stomach was through the gastrotomy too somebody had poured the cyanide into his feeding tube my report John Powell had been murdered how indications are you have now a sense of urgency because if somebody killed one person they could kill another following standard procedures detectives started with a question of motive who would benefit from poisoning John Powell the only people would have any reason or motive for that would be family members 2 weeks after John Powell died detectives showed up up at Patricia Powell's home they showed me their Badges and told me they wanted to talk to me about some medical records of John's there was a few things that they wanted to go over with me as the interview progressed Patricia Powell learned that her husband had been murdered I just couldn't believe what I was hearing my heart was beating real fast it was bad enough that he died but to find out that someone took his life it was it was devastating incredibly police seemed to believe that John Powell's devoted wife Patricia had killed him they Read Me My Rights it was a horrible experience it was like a nightmare Patricia Powell insisted she was innocent she would never harm her husband to prove it she agreed to take a polygraph test it confirmed her story without any solid suspects detectives interrogated all doctors nurses and orderlies who had access to John Powell's hospital room we did some background on some of the medical people there brought those people in that we felt might have at least believed in euthanasia we had interviewed about 32 people one name came up repeatedly a man who had easy access to all the victims [Music] a man who had worked at the hospital for years one of the nurses there mentioned Donald Harvey's name said that he commented to her that that he had been involved in investigation like this before at veterans hospital it's where he worked previous to that this was the same person nurses had suspected earlier they realized that at the time of the deaths in most cases the nurse's assistant on duty was Donald Harvey we realized the common denominator was Donald Harvey there was quite a lot of discussion about Donald and whether he would do something like that it was too terrifying to consider that Harvey was murdering patients I was Defensive I said why would you say that about him he was an excellent AR I mean he was meticulous in everything he did did you know he was just uh he was tip toop it never comes across your mind that somebody would intentionally hurt one of these patients you couldn't even conceive that but no one could argue with the evidence and when they called me in and laid it down you have to be blind not to see Harvey had even heard about the the nurse's suspicions there were times that Donald Harvey would kind of joke about it among staff and make little comments and um as if it you know to kind of brush it off James hail whom Harvey called Big Daddy recalled a chilling conversation he had with Harvey I said hey something's happen these people Big Daddy ain't nothing happen you know people in here die that's what they come here dying I see y Donna but we didn't sent a lot of them out here you got to get used to it Big Daddy I said no you never get used to people D he said how you will police decided to investigate Harvey further they called him in to take a polygraph exam you all are guessing detectives told Harvey they knew what was happening at the hospital and how he was involved that we know about your investigation hospital after 4 hours of intense interrogation Harvey finally cracked he confessed to killing John Powell I did it because I felt sorry for the guy Donald Harvey told us during the confession that he used a Sinai and poured directly into John pow's G his feeding tube uh which go straight into the stomach tell somebody it was difficult to believe that a man trusted to care for the sick was murdering the very patients he was charged with helping the hospital is supposed to be a safe haven and Donald Harvey was accused of killing the vulnerable and virtually defenseless at first Harvey claimed that he killed Powell to releve his suffering as the interrogation progressed his story changed changed and during that confession he commented too that he had poisoned John pal previously with smaller amounts and uh that could have explained the reason when we looked at Medical Records you could see that some days he wasn't doing well in other days he was Donald Harvey was booked on charges of aggravated murder and taken into custody [Music] after his arrest police obtained a warrant to search Harvey's home we didn't find anything there that would help the case there was no s found there at all without finding any more evidence Donald Harvey could walk a suspected murderer would be free the entire case hinged on a confession yes confession got thrown out then we would have a problem we um still couldn't find anybody body that could actually put him in there with any type of cyanide or or doing anything with John pal Harvey had only confessed to the murder of John Powell but the nurses believed Harvey had killed more than one person and the police investigation should focus on more than just po after Donald's arrest everything stopped and there was no other mention no other investigation we didn't hear anything it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that when you've given someone a list of names that you suspect died suspiciously and it's not looked into there's a problem and that's all we wanted was somebody to listen the nurses took their story to the media nurse Huber called a local TV anchor Mas yes I'd be interested in talking I can remember sitting in my bedroom on my bed wrapped in a blanket I was shaking so hard I couldn't I could hardly talk my teeth were chattering that's how difficult it was to make that phone call by taking their story to the media the nurses were taking a major risk that could jeopardize their careers if they were wrong about their suspicions there would be dire consequences but the nurses knew they couldn't stay silent when I was going in they gave the reporter a list of 18 deaths they considered suspicious Donal we are concerned they also gave him schedules showing that Harvey was on duty when all the patients died caes of death for these the reporter broadcast the story alleging Harvey could be a serial killer behind the scenes investigators were desperately attempting to find proof that Donald Harvey was involved in more than one murder the Corner's office brought in records from everyone that had died recently everyone with autopsy uh until the until the case was solved if we go through these records you'd find very sick people and they died but they all were expected to die just going through the medical record just wasn't working pressure from the media convinced Harvey's attorney that prosecutors were closing in Donald Harvey then made the ultimate confession in order to avoid the death penalty Harvey agreed to give investigators information on additional murders he had a remarkable memory who was there you know what nurse was working at the time what poison he used the reaction of the patient Harvey told prosecutors he had smothered Leon Nelson using a plastic bag he found in the room Nelson was in AA and could do nothing to resist his attacker the Revelation shocked Harvey's C workers Donald Harvey a person they thought they knew well was a coldblooded killer to smother a person to smother the life out of a person I want you to think about it who could do that who could do that and you know who you smother when I found that out you know how that I had to leave that profession Harvey then directed police to evidence that corroborated his story stuffed in the back of a picture frame was a handwritten list of his victims by dates and bed numbers he must have kept it as a trophy a horrible record of his murderous spree authorities exhumed 10 bodies the autopsies found residues of Arsenic and even cleaning fluid further confirming Harvey's confession a he kept on August 18th 1987 Donald Harvey pled guilty to 24 counts of aggravated murder and one count of felonius assault because he could not be sentenced to death he received the maximum punishment 80 years to life orderly Donald Harvey tried to explain why he chose his victims Donald Harvey said that people would bring their loved ones there and leave them and never never go back to see them never cared about them well he lied he lied he lied cuz there was somebody there to see Leon every day every day Harvey's murders might have continued for years if not for a keenly observant deputy coroner and the tenacity of nurses so attuned to their patients that they could recognize suspicious deaths even in those with terminal conditions but the case took its toll on all who were involved in it I never went into another hospital setting and from that point on I went to an entirely different type of Nursing and started I guess over and made sure that I got supervisory training and from that point on I was in charge I see a lot through the tragedy of John Powell's death a serial killer was stopped I felt that John's death was significant in stopping the killing of any more patients so I think of that quite often I guess in some way he was a [Music] hero
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 299,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Responders, crime drama series, crime prevention, criminal behavior, dark documentary series, dark secrets, deadly hospital, deadly nurse, deadly shifts, fighting for justice, forensic analysis, healthcare scandals, justice served, murder trial, mystery thriller, sinister nurse, tragic endings, true crime, twisted killings, twisted nurse
Id: 9CQGv9rQ1iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 55sec (2995 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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