The Sensitive Drill Sergeant - SNL
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Channel: undefined
Views: 12,437,893
Rating: 4.891748 out of 5
Keywords: 90s, Emotional, Military, 1990s, Army, SNL, Saturday Night Live, Will Ferrell, Season 24, David Spade, Chris Parnell, Tracy Morgan, Tim Meadows, Sensitive, Drill Sergeant
Id: 0X5xql1G4QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2013
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Did Will Ferrell improv this? I didn’t see his eyelines go off camera hardly at all.
That entire '98 David Spade hosted episode was good from start to finish. And this sketch was one among them:
Another sketch from that episode I really like is 'Accruing Equity and Making Sweet Love'
What's the trick to see geo-blocked videos again? Almost every SNL video is not available in Canada.
ass pals!
I love this sketch. david spade delivers. too perfect! it seems like will ferrell really likes this topic of stoic vs sensitive masculinity. it's in talladega nights, too. the sketch is probably even better if you are a guy because it resonates more. when I saw "the big lebowski"..... I know it's very popular, but the pressures of masculinity don't resonate with me that much as a female.
in comedy.... how far can someone stray from your own experiences and still be funny?