The secrets within your Name | Your name holds in it your purpose in life - Find out more!

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have you ever wondered what your name means [Music] what can your name teach you about yourself more than you already know does your name hold information such as your purpose in life [Music] the holy result teaches that when parents name their child they get a glimpse of prophecy and the name is whispered in their ear our name is the essence of the soul the word soul in hebrew is pronounced nishama in the middle part of the word nishama you can find the letters shem which means the name our name holds in it all the information about our soul our personality our characteristics and most important our purpose in mind i want to invite you to these amazing events where i will be teaching and revealing the core information about our name the information about your name that you need to know that will help guide you in your life add purpose in your life and enrich your connection to your soul and to god come and join me in one of these events that i can promise you will change [Music] we want to talk about tonight about a very very interesting topic and i like topics that not only teach me and inspire me and educate me i like things that the torah can offer that can practically change my life if i'm just following the torah like a machine then i'm losing out 90 percent of what the torah has to offer to me that's why many people they're turned off by the torah because the torah doesn't have such a good pr but when i turn to the torah not only to learn the actual torah but if i don't take the torah and i actually apply it then i'm kind of wasting my time our sages say hamas the action is the main part sit and learn in a shiva 12 hours a day but you don't bring it into action you wasted your time and in regards to how much reward you're going to get for the torah is questionable because you did not take the torah and you did not apply it so when i turn into topics in the torah i'm not talking about that you have to know what to do the torah is is everything we called it it's our life and it's our not only in my life it's my way of life so the torah can offer not can the torah offers all the answers to all the questions to all the information that i need to know and if i know how to take the wisdom of the torah and to apply that that's when i really really gain from the power of the torah now there are many topics to talk about in the torah especially now in elul when i we started planning the strip unfortunately not unfortunately but originally the trip was not supposed to be in the u.s the summer trip was supposed to be in canada and hashem kind of somebody in america has his foot and it switch the entire tour and of course when we start planning a tour then everybody's asked what's the topics what are you going to talk about so everybody's like talk about it i think there's another 500 rabbis talking about oh well what can i say more anniela okay you heard that already how many times 700 times so and since we're in such a powerful month that you want to derive more juice out of the month so there's no point of talking about chuva even though there's never there never enough but i like learning and then giving it over the topics in the torah that are a little bit harder to understand that are easier to to to get attention and not only that that you can actually take it and change something in your life so the point of tonight is that you hopefully going to walk out of this room with a little bit of information to apply to your life i hope you don't think you're going to go out of this room tonight thinking that you're going to know how to analyze the name because we got a lot of emails a lot of people saying am i going to be leaving the room tonight and i'm going to know how to analyze names so no this is not a crash course to to open a business so hashem i have in here i live in one of the holiest cities in the world and we have a yeshiva very beautiful yeshiva for all the men we have a women's center for ladies that want to learn torah and bo hashem so it's growing of course so we already started learning this entire topic more in depth tonight you're getting the very general overview later on you can continue learning with the course is going to go online but we started already learning and the local people who come and attend of course there was a lot of questions and there was one person taking a lot of notes and he was asking all sorts of questions and he was like no no when am i going to know how to analyze the name what are you opening a business what do you mean so and then i told them you know that's actually a pretty good business and it's fat they bring all the tourists the city of kabbalah so all the tourists they come down you should see the scene a bus comes in all the tourists are walking down like wow and then you can sell them air they'll buy the tourists they will buy anything you say you tell them this is a holy phone wow they'll buy the phone so i told him why don't you open a little store and you analyze names and i start giving all these ideas take twenty dollars a name and then you'll sell them a necklace and a picture and this and a stamp and then every person goes in and goes out with like 250 20 people the couple bus comes here you're going to make a lot of money he's like wow that's a good idea so you're not going to master tonight how to analyze a name it's much more complex but you're going to learn bizarre shame a little bit the idea behind it what does your name hold how can you derive something from that what you can do to apply to your life to actually change and better your life and of course much more now before we even start i like to present a few questions that you don't have to memorize them but it's the questions that you have to ask yourself very often and the first obvious is what is the purpose of life if you don't ask yourself at least once a week what is the purpose of life then what are you doing here why are you in this world what's your purpose you think you were created to add another account in facebook there's enough accounts there you don't need another another profile there so there's a purpose why you were created and if you don't know that purpose then start looking for it because you're wasting moments of your life if you do not know your purpose in this world now i'm not saying that you're going to type it in google what's my purpose and google will answer you but nevertheless this is something that should be on your mind i need to find out what is my purpose in this world because i was not created for nothing and i was definitely not created to become a number on a social network or a number on a views on a video so first you have to constantly wonder and and and go after the quest what is the purpose of life then you want to ask yourself another question is am i walking on the right path because i know many people that they're walking on a certain path for 50 60 years and they're on the wrong highway they're never going to get anywhere they're just going on a certain path when i came to new york 20 years ago i'm from israel i'm israeli i came to new york i'll never forget the first time i went on the subway now i just went out of the israeli army i know how to navigate this is nothing for me a subway and i'm looking at the looking at the map all i see all these lines the black line the red line the yellow line and you know and i was like who's the nut this architect what he was what was what was he taking when he was uh you know this you know the guy i i lived before that in toronto the toronto the subway is up down left right i mean it's like here it's like uh somebody was drunk when he was designing the subway here but nevertheless i went on one train i'm sitting all excited i'm in i'm in america and then i'm waiting for the stop and another stop and another stop and another stop and suddenly the colors change on the train you know it works you know the train you know something the whole atmosphere on the train changes i found myself in some loch in the bronx i don't even know even where i ended up go out of the suburbs like what's going on this is a different country well i was on the summer for like two hours and that's when i figured out i'm on the wrong path i wanted to go there and i went over there because i didn't analyze the map the right way so you have to ask yourself many times am i on the right path so i'm not going to be wasting my time and you know sometimes you go on a highway and the next exit is 70 miles you have to go 70 miles that way make a u-turn and another 70 miles go back so you have to constantly ask yourself am i on the right path because if i'm on the wrong path i'm wasting my time and a lot of people think they're on the right path and they you know when they find that 60 years later wait a minute i wasted half my life i'm not supposed to be an engineer i'm supposed to be an educator i'm not supposed to be in business i'm supposed to be in a in charity whatever it is so you have to constantly ask yourself if i'm on your right on the right path now you want to ask yourself even a bigger question am i fulfilling the mission that god gave me in this world because this is another thing that most people fail god created you not to be another number each and every one of us has a purpose in this world it doesn't mean that you have to be a president doesn't have to be a ceo but you have a purpose here even if you just have to be a mother or a father but most people they don't fulfill their purpose in this world and therefore they start becoming uh sad depressed they're not fulfilled and their life becomes without a purpose and so forth and that's how people fall more and more into a place that they're not happy they're not satisfied so they start blaming it it's my husband it's the car it's the business it's my clothes it's my financial situation and so forth but it's just because they're not fulfilling their job in this world now asking all these questions now you have to ask another one well then we'll stop with the questions do i really know myself sometimes people think that they know themselves and they know their characteristics and i know who i am i find that most people don't even know what they are they don't know their potential they don't know their talents they don't know much about themselves they think they know about themselves and then when you tell them something about themselves they get very upset because they think that's not them so you also have to ask yourself do you do i really know myself now to know myself is not to know if i'm a doctor or an engineer or whatever it is to know myself is to know what do i need to refine myself in this world you came to this world with a mission each and every one of you possesses a soul the soul is a very holy soul you've got the soul very dirty like a dirty diamond and hashem tells you start refining it start cleaning it and the great teacher of kabbalah who's known as he's the student the main student of the arizal rabbi he teaches in one of his books the book is called and he says there yes we have to fulfill them it's what we have to learn we have to do with the torah says but the main reason why we came to this world is to refine my character traits he calls it tikkuna midot and different sages different great rabbanim that teach about it they call it in different ways they're gone from vilna calls it the shabbiri tamido to break the middot but each and every one of us are born with a long list of good character traits and a long list of bad character traits i need to recognize these character traits in me and to know how do i need to nourish the positive ones and empower them and how do i need to build up the negative ones and not to be immature childish and and ego driven to get upset when somebody tells me i'm lazy or somebody tells me that i'm judgmental or somebody tells me that i have a issue with anger or jealousy or whatever it is most people you tell them listen you're a little bit lazy they get upset if you tell a person you have a problem with anger they'll get upset at you so i need to know myself not if i like the color blue and i like red wine instead of white that's not what i'm talking about the question is do you really know yourself what is my middle that i need to work on if you know what you need to work on in this world you won the lottery because you are hitting the nail on the spot and if you apply that in your life you're going to have a very happy life now it doesn't mean that you're going to win the lottery and everything's going to be beautiful and everything in life is going to work out life is designed to have challenges and you don't get rid of the challenges it doesn't matter how old you are both of the institutes that we're running in israel are specifically designed to older people so the yeshiva that we have is for older men we have an 84 year old student who did shivan in his 70s imagine an 84 year old man going to the migraine every morning coming to the shoe and learning the maga and to see that you're saying so much more so about me our students are old i mean i'm the young one of the youngest one i have a black beard and all of them i can be my grandparents and i teach them but nevertheless the even the the women's center our oldest student she's 79 years old she became observant now she has a lot of free time she comes and learns and people learn and a lot of people in that age group they don't have where to go a 50 year old man does juvenile where is he going to go i'm going to go to shiva with 18 year olds he doesn't even know how to read the text it's embarrassing i'll be a kid but you still learn with three years old four years old and why am i still telling you that because i hear from these people they're in their 70s that they also have challenges i think that the challenges that they go off they stop when you become 40 or 50 or 16 no they stay the same the guy the student that he's 84 years old he also has challenges with the grandkids with the health with this with that challenges never change you just need to know to have the right tools how to deal with the challenges but nevertheless you can have challenges in your life but still be happy and still be fulfilled and still be focused on what you need to do and that's when you really know what do i need to do in this world and if you don't know anything of what i just told you all these questions then you're lost and don't take personal where my or how i'm expressing myself i'm just saying the person that doesn't know that they're lost this is called over the thought that i go and ask a a a atar advice from this guy and advice from him and advice from amen so the point is not to put anybody down the point is to give people the right tools with that said there are many many paths in the torah that will teach you what you need to do the torah is not about boring that you can't reap letters on shabbat and you have a way how to make coffee on shabbat and how you wear your clothes and i mean i know sometimes the torah can be very boring but the torah is much more deeper than that the torah is like a vault and it doesn't let you in so easy you have to prove yourself before you get into the wisdom of the torah the torah holds it in a lot a lot of moth a lot of wisdoms so one of the many that teaches me a lot of what all the questions that i just said is in my name the names we know that the jew jewish faith is a very textual faith a lot of text it's all about the text there's no other faith that our faith there are so much text and not only that we are our torah teaches us the power of the words the importance of the words look at the one of the the the list of the worst sins our sins with words lying and cheating and slandering talking bad about people because the words and the letters are very very powerful so the name of the person teaches a lot about the person and way more than what we can talk in a class it's much more than that tonight is just to open some type of uh a new horizon to start learning okay maybe there's something even greater that i can take from here now the name is not going to tell me only about myself it will tell me about the essence of my existence and the name holds in it so to say the spiritual dna of maine take now a dna cell and give it to a doctor that knows what he's doing he will able to tell you everything about the person the height the pigments blonde hair blue colors whatever it is the name is so to say the dna of the soul the name holds everything in it now we know based on the teachings of the rizal na rizal is a famous sage about 450 years ago he's known as the arie hakadosh the the holy of the teachings of kabbalah comes from him he explains that when the parents come to name the child they get a glimpse of prophecy and the name of the child is so to say whispered in their ear and they look at the child and okay david is a good name therefore it's extremely important especially for the ones of you who are instilling the in the time of naming children don't let anybody interfere in the name i know sometimes the parents they put a lot of pressure called name me after the uncle named him after the car named him after the first place like this whatever it is they can't can't let people interfere in the curling of the names that the parents have to let the name come out because the soul is holding in at the name the parents get a glimpse a prophecy so for the ones who need to name a child when it comes to naming a child don't look at the at the computer names the nice names you have to refine yourself spiritually that this information is going to come very clear and you look at the challenge like okay this is a moshe it's a time whatever it is every time i i i have a child we have six kids above hashem it's just to look at the child channel yourself and open the name comes to you and you know what every one of my kids are exactly their name there's not even a difference here one of our students not really one of our students one of our members of the congregation although he learns with us he just had a boy today was the breed we missed the breed it's such a perfect planning and we missed the breed so don't tell anybody i was looking through the security cameras i don't know people know we have security cameras in the building i don't know i don't want people to know where the cameras are because then i catch everybody with you know and then they're putting things under the so so i don't tell people where the cameras are so i was looking at the bridge through the kids through the security cameras but nevertheless of course he was telling me how should we name the child i was like it has nothing to do with me don't come for me to to me for an advice but nevertheless they named the child the beautiful name joseph and they i'm assuming they they named him after the banishkai but nevertheless i wanted to name my our child one of my sons joseph ryan we had a three options of the videos and uh anyways i remembered how we wanted i wanted yesterday for my son and when i looked at my son i was like he's not jessica totally different so the parents get a a glimpse of of of a prophecy when they look at the child now why specifically the name so we know that every letter in our name and every letter in in the existence of the universe letters to take a little a side note letters are called in the kabbalistic terms kalim vessels now a vessel can be something that contains something but in hebrew the word cli can also be a tool so there are many different meanings to the words in hebrew if you're looking at the name the the meaning of cli of a vessel it's something that contains something to give you an example what it means most of the people they have in the kitchen all these tupperwares these plastic containers and i mean i'm not the pro in the kitchen but sometimes when i'm in the kitchen so i tell my wife where should i put this oh put it in that container where should i put that put it in this container so when you have a very small portion you're not going to put it in a big container you put it in a small container and you have a a liquid that goes into a certain container whatever it is the same idea is that these killing these other containers they're containing certain energy when you're saying the word energy it's very hard to define what's energy can you define what's energy sometimes you wake up in the morning you say full of energy oh yeah what is energy can you define it's energy you cannot now a lot of people think that energy comes from from food or from sports or whatever it's not true the the the way to know take now a dead person and give him an energy bar is he going to have energy he's not going to have anything why because then the shaman is not there then is the energy it's true the nutrition the environment and so forth it supports it helps but the energy comes only from the soul and a lot of people say no no the energy comes from what i eat yeah you're right what you eat is what gets digested and gets part of your body and allows your neshama to express itself so the energy really comes from the neshama and there are many different types of energies now to kind of explain a little bit what it means in energy because there's many different types there are two ways of explaining it one of them is it's not accurate but just to have an idea it's kind of like mood sometimes you have you have a good mood sometimes you have a happy mood sometimes you're a sad mood whatever it is sometimes you upset sometimes you're impatient different moods same idea there's different types of energies a better way to explain it and do not take it as a source or as that's how it is it's just my way of expressing it so we can kind of relate with the word energy how many colors are in the world two no not two come on too many come tomorrow we have a lecture about colors there's seven colors in the world seven colors that's what they are but how do we have infinite amount of colors how many shades of blue are in the world how many shades of green how many shades of yellow because when you take two colors and you put them together they change their color now take three colors and put them together they will change their tone now take another color and add in it and put 90 of this and 10 of that oh you have infinite options of colors so the world is colored with unlimited amount of colors if you want tomorrow we have a beautiful lecture in long island about the secrets of the colors how colors affect my personality how they affect my health how they affect my soul how they affect my behavior this is not a problem for tomorrow but but nevertheless nevertheless if you take many many different types of shades and you put them together you'll have infinite amounts of colors these are different types of energies take one energy take another energy put it together it will change its nature now when the qadosha who wanted to create the world he wanted to shine into this world and that's why the kadosh boku is referred to many times as a light turn in the kabbalistic term we call the cannonball oh oren soft the infinite light now you think the kadosh book was a light bulb it's not a light bulb why you call him o because he in lights now if you have a projector of light and you want to show it it has to reflect on something if you take a beam of light now and throw it into the space it's not going to reflect on anything you're not going to see this light it has to reflect on something so the canon who takes his wisdom takes his hesit takes his attributes and he reflects it into the world he shines it into the world now in the beginning of creation the slide was had to be contained somewhere the vessel that was supposed to hold this light could not contain it and broke this is known as the kabbalistic term shivaratha kilim the breaking of the vessels when the qatar wanted to create the world he wanted to share his godly light and he needed to create tools and vessels to hold this light and each one has to fit a certain amount of light and a certain character trait of a light so we created the letters and the letters are tools we see them as some scribe and some some shapes but each letter contains in it a certain energy and it's not only only by the shape or the color or whatever it is every letter is a vessel is a tool that contains a certain godly light in it that's the easiest way to explain it take now a beam of light and shoot it at the wall but now put in front of this beam of light something what's going to happen you're going to see a shadow on the wall so if you take a a piece of paper and you cut a shape in it then whatever the shape is will be reflected on the wall so these letters are light going through a vessel and they're reflecting into the world according to the shape of the letter there's a big question in kabbalah what is the shape of the letter what you see the actual letter or the frame of the letter next time you go to show on a monday or thursday or shabbat or what do you see you see black letters what are the letters the black or the white maybe the white is the letters maybe the frame around it is the actual letter and the black is just there blocking the lights and you think that the black is the letter but maybe the white is the letter so there's a ma a deeper analysis in kabbalah that the letter is not necessarily what you see it's the frame around it but nevertheless this is not today we're not going to talk about necessarily letters is a whole different topic to talk about but nevertheless the letters are tools they're vessels that contain energy in them now this energy is kind of running inside the letter and every letter contains in it a completely different power so just now for the sake of the examples don't don't take it literally it will say just now for the sake of the example that every letter is a color so alif will call it blue and a bit is a yellow so each one is containing a certain tone in it and again don't don't don't now go home say olive is blue olive is not blue it's nothing to do with blue i'm just trying to metaphorically explain it now when you take these letters together if you have only an alif then it will create a certain it will contain a certain energy you take a bit different energy put the elephant bit together now you have a brand new k brand new energy a new combination now add to the aleph beta gimbal now you completely change it the more letters you add then you completely change the nature of the word that's how god creates the world now before we even start to talk about the name we have to understand what is the name of a person the book of formation the oldest book of kabbalah that we have although there is an argument if it is the first book of kabbalah there is another book of kabbalah called that some say that is the original book of kabbalah given to adam shown by the angel raziel the book of yetzila is after that it doesn't really matter it's irrelevant which one is the first one but this is one of the most h ancient books of kabbalah that we have a very difficult book to understand the information was given to adam richon who gave it to his son shet who gave it to noah who gave it to shem who gave it over and over till abraham avinu got the information and he summoned tribute sephiroth some attributed to adam richon and some of the tributes who received the information and compiled the book there's different versions of the book but nevertheless this is the ancient book of kabbalah that holds in it a lot of information specifically about letters a lot of information about astrology if you're following my online classes there's a class that we issue every month about the the power of the month what does the month mean because every month is controlled by a letter by a planet by a sense by a tribe and so forth so this information is coming from that book to open the book and to learn from him is is almost impossible it's very very difficult to understand what the book wants to say but nevertheless the book says that every letter contains in its energy that is running in the letter in three different channels the first channel is how the letter is pronounced and so forth every letter has a completely different sound the next channel is how you write the letter the shape of the letter a raise is like this and then alif is like that and so forth and the third channel is the numerical value of the letter aleph is one bet is still given is three and so forth when it comes to gematria to numerical values it's much more complex than aleph is one of the better two because if you take the word alif and you write it then it becomes al-iflamid pay now you have a completely different numerical value then there's another type of gematria it's called at bash that you make a column imagine a column of aleph bet gimmel dal and devas and so forth and then the other way around on the left column and so forth now the aleph will switch with the tough and the bet will switch with the shin and suddenly you get a completely different meaning and then there's many other types of ghee matriot when you switch letters when you add letters and oh there's a whole torah behind the gematria but the three channels that the energy is running in a letter a letter is not just a piece of uh it's a shape it's a very very sophisticated tool it's the tool that the kardashian who creates the world with when somebody wants to understand how does hashem create the world then we have technology technology is coming now not for me to making my life easy rather to teach me about godliness because mashiach is coming very soon and when mashiach is going to come and expose this information we have to be somehow prepared to start digesting this information so take technology everybody has a computer a smartphone laptop whatever it is and all day long you're using applications software's websites look at the website look at an application that's beautiful design beautiful colors the buttons are all aligned very well has pictures videos you click a button it opens another page it's interacting have you ever seen how the software is created now if you are a programmer you're a developer then you know a certain language that you can code a program and for whatever miraculous way you click a button and tara a beautiful website now if you're not a designer a code or a programmer you don't understand anything it's just a sheet of numbers and symbols and letters and you don't understand one one letter there but if you are a programmer you can look at the code and say this line is going to make this function and this line is going to make the button green the same exact way that's how god creates the world they have the alif of the lord not to compare god to anything but god is a programmer he sat down and he wrote a code and then he clicked a beautiful world the same way that software hardware and so forth they have bugs also there's bugs in this world not bugs and cockroaches are going on the floor there's a list of glitches and mistakes but this is a whole topic in itself how hashem creates the world but nevertheless hashem takes a code it takes letters puts them together and he creates a world our sages teach us with ten speeches the world was created god took a code and he created it and then he started developing the code and we know that god creates the world with the power of speech now god doesn't have a mouth but nevertheless what do we say when we pray almost the first thing in the prayers in the morning that he said and the world was created so we know that the kadash because so to say talking talking is not because he has a mouth rather it's the form of motion of talking what is talking if i have a thought you don't know what i'm thinking but how do you know what i'm thinking is when i start expressing it with my words if i don't express it with my words and it stays in my mind and you don't know what's going on so hashem has his thoughts and he also has his actions so hashem wants to express what's on his thoughts and he speaks so this is his expression of this world so the letters are holding it the structure of the universe and just try to imagine that every letter is a tool that's why in hebrew the kabbalistic term so it is a cli now like i said before klee can be a vessel but in hebrew klee is also a tool now if you are a carpenter and you need to build a beautiful closet you need a hammer you need a saw you need screwdrivers you need all sorts of different tools same thing here who wants to create a world he has tools and these letters are tools so next time when you're looking into the torah or into anything that has letters you have to understand there's something more deeper in these letters now more than that the letters are the secret so to say of the creation of the world if you want to ponder what is the secret behind the creation of the world these are the letters there are a few sages great miku believed that they were able to see beyond the restriction of the world and they saw the world as it is in the structure of letters i'm sure some of you heard if not maybe all of you my personal story when i went through a clinical death i was clinically dead for seven minutes and in my experience with zero knowledge in the torah i grew up the most secular individual in the world i had zero knowledge in the torah to have any type of idea and in my experience part of it was that i saw how the whole world is built from letters everything that i saw was a structure of letters and it was like a multi-dimensional letter it wasn't like how we see just on a on a paper every letter had like endless dimensions and every letter was built from infinite amount of letters and every letter had a meaning to it and when i share my story i always cut this show and say listen it's too long to explain that but the whole world was a code because the world the the structure of the world the physicality part of the world this is what we relate with but really in the world of the souls there's no shapes there's no colors there's no depth so the letters are the structure of the world and we do know about cern mikubaline certain great sages that they were able to see the the power of god that creates the world i mean with the famous one of course is adam rishon didn't see the world how we see it that saw the world in the godly power of it that's why everything was brought to a damage and he named it was sitting like this on a chair and the kadash started bringing everything to him brought all the animals all the trees everything in the damage says this is this is peel this is sho this is tapua started naming it why because he saw the letters that are running in in the creation and he saw in a in a line alif rejude hey it says okay this is arie so everything has letters running in it you're looking at a table table in hebrew so you have a shulkhand the letters running in the letter in the in the in the table so the letters are the secret of creation now comes the big question how can letters create a reality how can that be the easiest way to explain it one of the severe sins in the torah that the torah warns you from and unfortunately everybody fails in it that's why we're in such a miserable place is the sin of that you talk bad about somebody now is telling the truth that you say the truth about somebody but it doesn't benefit anybody it just hurts that person then you have another one it's called slandering that i actually lie about somebody i make up a story there's no benefit in it but it hurts the person then there's hosa diba that i'm talking better of giving a bad reputation about somebody then you have cheating and lying and cursing look how much money sins with our mouth there's a great sage rebir ezra says i have learned from all the greatest ones and i have learned that the best thing for my mind for my body is to just zip it just excuse my language shut up so the mishna says just zip your mouth you'll be healthy you'll be happy everything all our problems is from our mouth the talmud says life and death is in the hands of your tongue with one word you can destroy a person that's where you see that words can create an a reality you can come now and make a lie about a person you destroyed his business you destroyed his reputation you created a reality now the the more refined way to explain it that every word is a code you know i just came two days ago and i'm sure you'll experience once in your lifetime at least flying on a plane then you come with this little piece of paper and when you come to to check in they put it in the machine and they know everything about you how do you know everything about me you know something with a passport my daughter's here with me she she saw that they're swiping the passport like uh like a credit card and what do you know but look the computer knows everything about me especially the immigration here in new york they know everything where i blink where i spit everything the immigration here they know everything about you so how do they know so much information about me every time that i entered every time that i went how long did i stay because it's keeping a lot of data about me and it can be in a little bar same thing here the letters and the words are containing a code in it if you know how to crack the code then a lot of information will be will be obvious but every letter contains a certain code in it now when you're taking the letters and you put them together then the code is now a completely different code so the code of alif is one code code of bit is a different code put them together now you have alif bit this is one another different code and there you have all these combinations the almost infinite amount of info of a combinations now when you switch the letters around it changes the code now every letter that you add it's so to say changes the tone of the code that's why i'm using the analogy of colors even though again don't go home and say that i said that letters are colors i'm just it's just my analogy and a metaphorical way to explain it but in the same way that you take now the color red and the color yellow and you put them together then it will become orange you take a gimmel and a pay you put them together they become a whole different entity and you can take the same letters and switch the orders it will be all completely completely different and the owner of the letters will also influence how the word sounds now when we're asking how does the words create a reality when a canon who wanted to create the world he had all the information but then he wanted to bring it into this world the first thing that the torah says there should be light. who took the letter alif he took the letter of he took the put them together and the combination of them the energy the influence what they bring into the world is light take the the the order and change it it will be completely different but the letters aleph they create light that's why hashem says there should be light now every word if you put it in a certain order it will shine into the world in a completely different way if you remember some of you are very young when i was young when we used to go to a movie house they used to have this huge projector and it would project on the wall and it would take like 10 minutes 20 minutes before the movie started everybody would go like this on the beam of light and then there's going to be there was like all these shapes on the wall and this is the exact same idea that hashem projects light so to say into the universe and you will bring put your hand up it will block it hashem uses like this shape of a letter so to send the light shines through the letter and then it reflects into this world now we understand from that when you're taking this and this is really like the the tip of the iceberg when it comes to explaining about the letters when you take this information you can understand that the letters that are in my name they really will have a lot of meaning behind it it's not just a combination of letters all the names every name has a complete unique characteristic now we know that the name will affect the reality will affect my reality not only my reality but my uh my encounters in in life not only that it will affect my destiny and not only that it will affect any situation that happens in my life my name is so powerful that it affects everything in me my personality my life my destiny so when i take the letters of my name i can analyze a lot about my life now normally when it comes to naming a person it's always good to have at least three letters the short names are very usually not good names all these names they're not good usually now if you already have a name that has two letters don't running out don't run out of this room without freaking out oh my god my name is don what am i going to do so no no need to lose it it's not good to go out of this tonight and start saying oh my gosh he said i have an elephant my name oh my god what am i going to do now so i don't want you going out of this room now and starting to change your names but in general it's not good to name a person with two letters you want to name a person at least with three letters the reason for that because every letter is a pipe a channel of energy so you don't want to narrow these channels you want to have as many channels as possible now it doesn't mean that you have to call your child now into yojos so with like 17 letters something three to six letters is good enough no need to start developing new names here aspianos so you want anywhere from three to five six letters this is good why specifically three because our soul is a very sophisticated sophisticated being our soul is built from five letter levels from five components the highest level of our soul is called this part of the soul is a very part a very holy part of the soul it's connected to hashem directly it doesn't even penetrate into this world doesn't even come down to this world this is the essence of the soul the next level of the soul is called what is known in english as an aura a surrounding light or makif everybody has this aura around them and how you behave will affect this aura this surrounding light around you we have a member in our congregation that they have the machine the aura machine you know you put your hand on it shows you your aura around you unbelievable unbelievable to see it you you take a person first of all it shows the person's entire aura around the person and we do all these little tests you take a man you put fill in on him suddenly the colors change completely to white you put the deck that's filling off cars change again to whatever the color of the person is we did all these experiments there's some the videos online that people that post how when you do them it's how the whole aura changes unbelievable but nevertheless one time we'll do a lecture about that but nevertheless we all possess in our surrounding light this is one level of the neshama it doesn't penetrate into the body then there's another three levels that are in the body and they're called the sh every one of the letters of the name they correspond to one level of the soul so the first letter of the name is called otanesha ma the letter that is connected to the neshama the second letter of the name is connected to and the third letter of the name will connect to the nephesh if you have four letters or five letters then the middle letters are called oteyotemseyo the middle letters and they will connect to the work so you always want to have at least three letters in your name because you have at least three channels where the energy is coming from and not only that you have a healthier connection to you know shaman to walk into your nephesh now when you want to analyze the names then the first letter of the name is not only that it's connected to the the first letter of the name it's going to reflect and teach you all about your previous lives where you came from where where you originated what is your whole history of your soul a lot of people they want to know about it where did i come from how many times was i here we're not we're not here for the first time all of us are here for at least couple times if not dozens if not hundreds of times we all get reincarnated over and over and over so the first letter of the name will hold the information of all my history so to say not only that it's going to teach me about the destiny of my tikkun coming from a previous life sometimes a person will experience a challenge in their life and they don't know where the challenge is coming from either it's coming from a sin from a previous life and now they have to deal with it either it's coming from just a challenge it's just a a challenge that they need to work on sometimes it's just a test sometimes it's just a tikkun a rectification for something that i did in a previous life there's many different reasons why i'm going to go through a challenge but many of the things that i go through in this life is baggage that i'm carrying from previous life that's why our sages say don't get overwhelmed from your challenges because sometimes it's the biggest bonus that you can get that hashem tells you here i'm going to bring you again into this world you're going to have to deal with something for 10 years for five years for two years for 50 years this is a tikkun you're carrying with you baggage and you came up to shamayim and you were begging for us to give you an opportunity so we sent you back so don't cry don't whine accept the islam accept it because you are now rectifying something that you owe in the past so the first letter the letter of the shama will hold in it information about the destiny where i came from what i need to do sometimes if i know what i need to do then my challenges in life they become in a proportion now many times people come and tell me listen i can't stay my wife is driving me crazy i don't know what to do maybe i should divorce or i'm like no this is your goal you were destined to for a wife i'm sorry to drive you crazy and why because whatever and this is part of your destiny don't get don't don't run away to divorce because what are you going to get another wife is going to drive you crazy i'm not nothing personal about the ladies i'm just saying that sometimes we're trying to run away from my destiny and instead of facing it and saying okay this is something that i designed in a previous life deal with it so the first letter will tell me about a lot of my my destiny not only that it will tell me a lot about my talents and different qualifications that i have everybody has a talent there's no such a thing that a person doesn't have a talent some people their talent is very very dominating they're a great musician a huge i don't know artists or athletes whatever it is and some people their talent is uh pretty hidden it's very mellow but everybody has a talent there's no such a thing that a person doesn't possess something that they're very very good at not only that a lot of people have qualifications some people are very therapeutic some people are very a good educators whatever it is again this letter of the soul will tell you a lot about your qualifications your talents and and and and tools that you can use in this world now comes the middle letters and these are called otiota mercas the middle it can be one letter it can be two can be three these letters are going to be the tools that hashem gave you in order to fulfill your mission in this world i sometimes send my my kids to do errands you go and do this erin you go do that aaron the if i send my kids to do an errand but i don't give them the right tools how are they going to do it if i'm sending you now right now i need you to go and do a b and c i'm giving you a task you're telling me give me tools if you get hired in a certain job and they're telling you in the job you have to do this job okay give me tools shim sent you to the worlds and he told you here's your tools you need to know what your tools are and i asked you before if you really know yourself most people don't know themselves so you need to know first of all your destination where am i going now what are my tools maybe i'm an amazing educator i know of an individual that for 15 years tried to make it in business all he ran into is debts nothing worked he had the best best ideas the best startups zero luck in business and i kept telling him this is not your path no but i i'm never going to give up i told him it's not about giving up this is not your path 15 years took him to understand that his path in this world is not to do business and i kept telling him your path is to be in education you are an educator you have unbelievable talent in giving over information and now hashem finally you know the the switch went on and he's an unbelievable educator while you're banging your head at the wall hashem told you this is your path and now here's tools so we have to understand a what is my path i can find it in my first letter and now what are the tools what is hashem gave me not only that it's going to be the tools that are going to help me fulfill my destination it's also going to give me the purpose of my existence why am i here why i'm in this world not only that we are driven by our will the middle letters are gonna show to me one of the real will you don't do anything if there's no will if i'm gonna come and tell you now do this job and you really don't like it you're gonna say i'm not doing it and then i'm gonna whisper oh did i mention the 150 an hour reward oh yeah i'm gonna do it what am i wait should i be there so now the wheel changed why because there's now some type of uh reward here we don't do nothing in this world without a will this is called razon now if i operate according to my will i don't i'm never going to get anywhere if i'm smart then i tune myself to a shem's will and then i'm running on the right track the middle letters are going to express to me what are the will what is the will that the kardashian wants for me how many times did you have a bad day and you looked up to the heavens and says what do you want from me what do you want just tell me what i want tell me what you want i'll do it just imagine how amazing it will be if you get a text message i want you to stop saying so but you don't hashem is not going to talk to you but i'm sure you asked hashem multiple times hashem what do you want what do you want so here hashem will tell you i will tell you what i want i want you to be more patient i want you to be more courteous i want you to be more loving i want you to be more severe in your education whatever it is i'm just throwing different examples more than that the middle letters are going to tell you what is your potential in this world most people use maybe one percent of their potential when i was a little kid my mom kept telling me oh you you you're so smart you why are you sitting outside on the you know the railing and smoking and getting in trouble you're so smart you have such potential i was like i don't know what you're talking about oh my my tests are f's what potential are you talking here most people they have unbelievable potential to do something and they don't even realize that that's their potential there's a story that kind of will shed some light of what i'm talking about there was one man he went on a journey and he landed in uh some some land and he saw an unbelievable thing he saw a huge elephant massive elephant and he had a little string on his neck and the string was tied to like a little peg on the floor and the elephant was like this he would move and he looked at the owner of the elephant told him how did you get the elephant so so uh trained i mean he can rip the the peg with he it's an elephant how is the elephant just sitting there so the owner told him of course the elephant can rip the the the little wire and can rip the peg out over the ground but when the elephant was a little elephant and when i tied him to the ground that's when he tried to to get out and he couldn't then he grew and he grew and he grew and now he understands that he can never get out of this net out of the stair this peg but really he can he just doesn't know that he grew now and now his power is different and he can easily get out of it most people they know zero about their potential you know why because they're when they were kids their father told them you are a loser and the mother said you are lazy and the educator the teacher said why are you always late you know you know nothing's going to be with you and the person is like okay i'm a loser i'm nothing i'm not good for anything and they don't understand what's my potential you need to also find out what is your potential and to know how to nourish it and bring it into the world because you all possess unbelievable potential that is not used more than that we all have areas of interest some people think that their areas of interest is sports and it's not they're they're just bored or whatever it is but we all have i'm not trying to hurt anybody we all have areas of interest you can call it maybe a hobby everybody has something that they love doing that that's their therapeutic part and they just love the sewing or the knitting or the building or whatever it is and this is another thing you need to find out because you can express yourself with it besides the fact that it can be very therapeutic this is another thing the areas of interest another thing that the middle letters will going to tell you about you is situations that are going to happen to you in your life that you can be prepared to or you can understand that that's part of part of life everybody has to go through something life is designed way before we came to this world it's a famous story in the talmud can be found in attracted nida that when the parents are conceiving a child there's nothing there yet but there's a little drop coming out from the from the egg i don't know if that's how you call in english the egg the batit anyways there's an angel that comes and takes this drop goes up to hashem and he holds the drop and says to hashem te paso this is a job matilia what's going to be this drop is it going to be handsome going to be attractive going to be tall short blonde black hair rich powerful educated full what is going to be this person and hashem says everything is predestined by the heavens we know everything about this drop it didn't even wasn't even created yet we know everything how tall the person is going to be how much money he's going to make where is he going to learn who's he's going to marry everything is already predestined besides how much god fearing the person will have so our life is already predestined everything is known and the middle letters will tell you steps in your life and why is it so important because when you experience a tragedy in your life you know how to deal with it people go through tragedies in their life a car accident the death of somebody that they love a divorce loss of a business and so forth not only that the middle letters of the name will always expose very deep levels of the nephesh that i can relate with because a lot of people they have different i don't know if they call it the disease but different emotional issues that they need to deal with i think they do call it here in the modern size of an emotional disease in hebrew that's something they call it mahalatne fish disease of the soul now we're going into the last letter and again it doesn't matter how many letters are in the name but there's always the last letter the last letter is what's going to teach you about closing the circle it's the last letter this is the letter that's going to teach you how to take the power from the potential and apply it into action because a lot of people they have all the knowledge all the tools they don't know how to bring it down how to bring it into action and the last letter is the tool the power that will teach you how to bring the plan into fruition into action now we know based on many different sources and teaching that some names are good and some names are not good you don't want to name a child a bad name i mean you're not going to name your child bilaam so but believe it or not some people do name people with all sorts of weird names especially in israel in america i mean a lot of people get american names in israel people invent all these weird names a very common name in israel definitely not in their observant area or in the secular part of israel is the name called khanite khanit is a spear why would you call your daughter khanite about people calling and every in israel people invent also the names farmisha why it's cool it sounds like a nice twist so very bad to name people on bad names so again if you're naming a child don't name your child bilaam or i don't know haman this is not good name one name a child a good name uh you know we have in our institute uh uh converting program a lot of converts where they they're not converts yet but they want to convert and they need guidance they need help what to learn and so forth so we have a lot of converts and we have a lot of people that want to convert so not too long ago one of the ladies that she is about to convert she came and she said i have chosen a name oh good what's the name so she tells me a name of a certain individual in the tanakh then it's not such a popular profession so and i told her are you going to name yourself after that name oh i love the name i said but do you know what she did for a living and she was like oh what did you do i was like well she she worked in uber so why do you want to call yourself under this name this is not a good name i don't know something nice why are you calling yourself his name so some names are negative some names are positive now it's important to know that because some people will tell you oh my god you have a variation in your name oh my god no no no no no this is very very bad so every letter has a very positive side to it and also have a negative side to it you can take almost anything in this world and use it to something positive or use it to something negative same thing with the letters so don't be influenced by somebody in coming telling you you have a shin in your name change your name right away you know how many emails we got now when we advertise these lectures we got like hundreds of people my name is so-and-so what should i do should i jump off a roof what should i do like relax relax first of all relax drink something take a deep breath revenge because your parents called you shoshannah so nobody heard it's two shins okay [Music] big deal so every letter has a positive aspect to it and a negative aspect to it the important here is not to to hustle and freak out and what's important to know here that every letter it's how much pressure so to say you're putting on the letter how you enlightening or influencing the letter now it's important to know because the names holding it a lot a lot of power and there are many stories in the in the talmud in the oral torah about names there's a very famous story there's a famous tarnarby male he was a student of rabbi akiva and and he was known to be very into the names his name was he would look at the name and give you all the analogy of the name there's a famous story with him that one time three times they went on a journey they the talmud says they went to fundraise so i thought that only the rabbis in our generations go to fundraise but apparently two thousand years ago they also had to fundraise nevertheless the story says that they went to fun fundraise but uh not for their yeshiva rather to pid young to release prisoners as they were coming home they had a lot of money with them they stayed in one hotel for shabbat they didn't know what to do with the money i mean they couldn't keep the money so rabiot and rabiosi went to the clerk and they told him can you hold the money for us yeah of course comes will be mailed to the clerk and he tells him what's your name so he tells him my name is kido umail said thank you so much i'm going to keep my own money the story says that she went to a cemetery around the area and he buried the money there because nobody's going to look for money in a cemetery come to the clerk tells them give us back the money we're on the way back to our journey says what money why when we gave you a lot of money he says i don't know what you're talking about he didn't give me anything and he stole their money they ran away to rabim and said how did you know not to give this guy the money so rabimir says very simple i asked him his name and his name is kido says okay what's so what's so so special with kido so he quotes a verse from the tanakh from the torah in book of the man he says this is a generation of they turn around on you even though it's written with a coup and not with a calf but nevertheless he says this is a person that his nature is to turn around against you he will take your money and then he will run away so the name holds in it a lot of a lot of power so first of all if you're about to name a child then you have to very very calculate how you name him a child if you see that in your name your name is not like a one of an average name like a saga heim and so forth then you have to look in your name if there's any any negative connotation in the name and why because it might be coming to fruition this negativity and you need to know how to to diverse it to something more positive now the reason why in our faith most of the names are very biblical is because our ancestors and so forth they knew how to name chilled children yaakov had rojakodesh he knew how to put the letters together and he knew that this combination is a very good combination so if you're looking in the torah how the mothers name the child the children shimon levy and so forth they knew how to put the combinations of the letters together that the masala this shepherd this abundance can come down through the kilim so we kept these names so do you see the majority of our faith are the biblical names okay we in the last couple hundred years developed all sorts of new names but nevertheless even those new names that were developed mainly in the in the in the people coming from ashkenaz but even though even so there were greats that they came that they knew to say okay call that person such a name like this and like that but we're not these type of individuals we don't know how to connect the the letters together better to stick with the with traditional names now like i said if you're already naming a child better to have three three letters if you possess a name uh that has two letters and you see a lot of issues in your life it's a question maybe it's better to add a name there are certain names that are very good when they're two letters for example god god is a very common name one of the shivatim but god means in hebrew luck so this is a good name this is a combination of two letters why specifically specifically god because in a month you're going to be sitting here and praying in a yom kippur what do we call the kenosha he gives to the poor and god is the acronym of gomel daleem of somebody who gives a giver good luck but nevertheless it's not good to give a child a name that has two letters it's definitely not good to name a child over after somebody who passed away very young somebody who committed suicide a murderer all these things you don't want to name a child after a name like that now what else can we learn from our name if you're looking at the word nishamah shama means the soul like i mentioned before every word has a lot a lot of meaning the words in english have no meaning and the words in french or whatever other language they have no meaning somebody just invented it the words in hebrew every word has a meaning to it is called adam because he was created from the ground and the ground in hebrews called adama so he was created from the adamah so he's called adam not only that he resembles the the spiritual human so it says i'm going to look like the person from above so he got the name adam but everything in the in the hebrew language has meanings so for example we take the name the word in hebrew means a soul now first of all if you're looking at it on the first glance it has a noon has a shin has a meme has a hay if you move the noon and the hay away the external part then you're left with the two middle letters that are shin and mem shining meme is a shame it's a name but more than that if you're looking at the word neshama don't look at it sideways imagine now in your mind the word neshama from top to bottom noon is on the top then shin then mem then hey this is another way that uh the letters and the words in hebrew can be read if you're looking at the torah i'm sure you saw there's some videos going on online now with all the torah code so the torah is not only read sideways sometimes the torah is read from above to below and you get a completely different meaning if you are if you align the words one on top of the other and you read the words instead of right to left you read them top to bottom gets a different different meaning and a different word if you take the name the word the shama from top to bottom the noon noon represents what is called the 50th gate there are 50 gates of holiness this is representing the highest level of spirituality only one individual area was able to reach the 50th level this is moshe albano when he died he was buried in the mountain called har nevo and nevo is that he reached the charanun he reached to the highest level of spirituality that's where he left this world so the noon represents the peak the highest level in the spiritual world and if you looking also not only the in the in the the the level of the letter looking at the shape of the letter noon looks like a bent over person if you're looking at the noon it has like a top and a bottom it looks like somebody bending down when i started before the lecture and i explained how we all are are here to refine our midota characteristics in the teachings of tikkuna midot we know that there's always something on the positive and something on the negative the most positive the most positive character trait is the character that is called anavah midatta nava being humble on the other side on the negative side the worst of all them is a person that is pride too much proud pride and every medal will birth more middleton the middau of pride will birth the midok like anger and jealousy and hate and so forth so when you're looking at both sides what was moshe rabbenu he was the most humble person so he was able to reach to the highest level if you look interestingly in the later noon and it looks like a person bending down you know noon has a twin it's called the nuns of feet the noon that comes at the end of the the word and this is like a long line because a person that is humble in this world and constantly is humble and in the world above hashem straightens him it becomes one long line he is then he's something in the world above but the noon represents the highest level of spirituality that in this world is presented by me when a person is humble this is called the the peak of completion in the spiritual world this is what one needs to strive for if you want to grow spiritually it's just to work on the midat the more you are humble the more successful and great you will become now if you're looking at the last letter of neshama is the letter hey hey is representing this world this is called la masiya the world below we know that the ecological created the world with the letter hey and how do we know that it says in the torah behind when they were created this is the the creations of the heavens and the earth but you take the word behind it it says hashem created the heavens and the earth with the letter hey not only that hey is the easiest letter to pronounce you don't have to move your jaw you don't have to move your tongue you don't have to move your lips you just have to say hey you can be a vancouverist and with the letter hey just say hey hey hey you don't have to i mean i'm pretty boring a show but nevertheless the reason why hashem used the letter hey is to show to us that for him to create the world is nothing it doesn't even have to move anything he just says and he creates a world but nevertheless hey was the letter that created the world but hey is a little bit of a dangerous letter because it doesn't have a bottom it has a pit bet for example has a base bet is exactly identical to a hay just that it has a a base the hay doesn't have a base which means that you can easily fall down and this is this world this world like this you fall to the pit like this you fall into the bottom of the world but the advantage with the hay the advantage of this world that if you look at the structure of the hay it has a little window here this is to symbolize it even if you fell all the way down you can still climb through the window and you do chewbacca if you fell into the pit and you left this world what is called that a person died in his sin sin is already closed doesn't have the window you can't climb in once you left this world you can do chuva you can only do chuva in this world hey is representing the lowest of all worlds noon is representing the highest of all worlds what is connecting between the worlds the shin and the mem the shem the name the name is connecting between the world below my name and to the highest of all levels in the spiritual world that's why the name is holding in it all the information that needs to be transmitted from the world above to the world below interestingly if you're looking at the letters sheen and memshine it is written like this shin comes from the element of fire ma'am comes from the element of water the fire you know fire always goes up that's why the shape of the shin is like flames it's going up and mem is a quiet and tranquility and peace and quiet so these are the two elements of the fire and the water now a great big portion of the name analysis is explained by which element is influencing the letter there are four elements that create the world earth fire water and air every group of letters belong to one of the elements what does it mean that the element is sort of nourishing the letter it is giving the energy to the letter everything in this world is built from these elements the physical and the spiritual now every element will hold a certain group of letters and it will affect the letters now very quickly you don't have to write it down very quickly just that you understand maybe you can recognize the name the letter in your name but the element of fire is affecting the letters gimel the letter is dalid the letter hey the letter ted the letter kaf the letter and the letter shin i'll say it again slower you'll see if you can find it in your name the letter gimel can be gidalia can be gideon can be i don't know what you'll figure that by yourself dali david and so forth hey hilah and so forth then you have a tit these letters are influenced by the element of fire but i'm going to explain what it means then you have the element of earth the mel the element of earth is influence the letters bit it can be but yeah it can be bella can be bachela and so forth you'd ein and pay so if you have any of these letters in your name you can mark down element of earth in the element of water you have het mem noon kufentaf and the element of air the element of air has a alif zain lamed pay and saddik and reish so every one of the elements is is influence these groups of letters we're going to explain in a second what does it mean now it makes a huge difference if the letter is the first letter in the name the second letter of the name the third letter of the name and so forth usually you will go to the dominating letter which is the first letter of your name to see to which element is most dominating in your name now for example the in the element of of a fire it means that the person will possess itself a lot of different qualities very entrepreneurial very warm person very optimist very positive individual very strong opinions very strong self sense of security very very hard worker and so forth a good character trait in the in in the fire we know that fire has six types of uh uh energies running in it three of them are positive and three of them are negative if you are utilizing the fire in a very positive way then fire warms fire feeds and cooks fire sterilizes and so forth this is very positive things in fire use the fire in the wrong way it will consume it will burn it will make things black so even if you have within you the first letter of your name is a letter of element of fire doesn't mean that it's just bad it depends how you're feeding it you can take the fire and burn something completely you can take the fire and warm food or warm the house or whatever it is now the element of earth usually people that they have the dominating letter in their name earth they'll be very materialistic they're going to be very excited by materialistic things nice cars now it's closed nice whatever it is materialistic they're going to be very affected by materialistic things but on the other hand they're going to be very practical person they see things out there they do things like very practically very secure and sure these are not the types of people are going to start making big investments in there and nothing they're going to invest in only in the good stocks not in the things that seem to them not so safe they're always going to look for a very safe environment they're very calculated very grounded very mature very serious very responsible you know some people then they do a work interview they're looking at the names and they want to see qualifications in the name and when the person is very mature very responsible you know this is the person's going to show up their way to the job i'm going to call you every two days and tell you i'm sick uh very high discipline individual very patient very strong common sense now it doesn't mean that if you have this letter that's all you are that's the potential so if you have the first letter in your name an element of earth and you don't have one of these qualities meaning that you're not bringing it up to the potential the element of earth for example earth when you're looking at it if the earth is nourished the right way what does the earth do grows will just grow if you do not nourish the earth you can have a beautiful field if you don't water it nothing's going to come out so the element of earth has unbelievable potential of growth and it also has the potential that if it's not nourished to become a dried dead land dangerous part of the element of earth that's it it's a very heavy element if has alone you empower the element that's where people become depressed they become sad they become lazy they're not productive they're in bed all day long they sit in front of a screen all day long this is when you really feed the element of earth one needs to be extremely extremely cautious not to feed that element in a very negative way it will make you a couch potato if you feed the element in the right way you nourish it you water it anything you'll put in the ground will grow anything you'll touch will be successful it's hakavinu anything that he planted in the land bashana here it's times when why he knew how to nourish it now the next element is air and by the way each one of the elements are also influenced very very strongly by the signs the signs of astrology for example the the element of air is going to be very uh affected every element is going to be very affected by the signs so it's it's you can't just very quickly make an analysis it depends on many different things when even when you take a name it depends when the person was born because you know the biggest question that i get all the time is wait a minute my name is david all the vietnam my name is alone not the beat but somebody told me my name is david all the vids are the same and it can be well it doesn't it's not always the same because first of all can be a second name more than that whenever the person was born depends on that month the person was born the day the person was born the hour of the the birth and so forth but a person that has a dominating letter from the element of air is going to have a lot of bright ideas very good for startups if you want a partner that you want to start up you're asking what's your name so very very uh great imagination very intelligent very logic everything it has to be very very logical here very deep in their knowledge in their dot they're not they want to learn the on the surface they want to learn the deep things some people you give them some gadget they tell me just tell me how to click the button to turn it on some people says i don't know how you turn it on i want to take the whole thing apart and i want to know every little component how it works here this is the element of air very looking into things very friendly very positive and fast thinking very good in communication very curious and likes to learn a lot a person that doesn't definitely doesn't like habits and uh very uh routine very this would be a lot of difference and very open in their minds now when you why am i saying all this because that's how you know how it influences the individual that you you can later on apply that the advantage of the element of air that the element of air can influence all the other elements if you take air and you mix it with fire it can either empower the fire make the fire greater or it can calm the fire down you take air and you mix it with water it can make the water stormy and it can calm the water down same thing on the on the ground you take earth the the air if it's coming very subtle then it's very productive it will come very strong like a tornado it will be destructive so the advantage of the element of air that it can overpower all the other elements and bring the good in them and can bring the negative in them and then of course the last one the last but not least the element of water people will have the the letter dominating letter of the element of water they will be very emotional very sensitive they're getting hurt like that but on the other hand forgive very fast uh right away giving up you're right i don't want to get into any confrontation they always give up giving unfortunately whether it's good or not good there's no common sense in their decisions everything is intuition they don't work logically they work well how their stomach tells them how their heart tells them when it comes to make decisions there's no thinking really much it's what the heart says that's what the heart says that's what they do everything is from the heart very giving very loving very supportive very warm usually very good educators very good therapists very very courteous and generous and so forth now the negative part of it that they're very moody people they have a dominating uh dominating letter of water in them and the cloud or personality very very moody one they're this one they're the that because they're such sensitive people then they usually tend to build a lot of walls around them and since they build walls around them they're interpreted by other people being very cold or very snobby they're not now the thing is that when you have a dominating element in your name then usually these are the characteristics that you need to nourish but if you if the letter is second or third some people have a mixture of all the elements in their name and some people have a very dominating element in their name and they'll have four letters of air and one letter of earth so it will completely affect the individual but you want to find out what is the dominating letter and what is the letter that needs to nourish all these characteristics and so forth now since we're taking much longer than i anticipated it will go a little bit faster every letter like i said has a positive side to it and a negative side to it and you need to know how to diverse the letter how to empower this this energy now there's another very strong power that affects the individual's behavior and that's called masala and masala you if you translate it it's luck now it's not the luck that you go to atlantic city and you you know you meet the seven it's not the lux that i'm talking about talking about masala you go to bar mitzvah you go to a wedding what do you say good luck are you wishing me good luck we think i'm going to vegas what do you mean good luck masala comes from the hebrew word nazil nazil is very liquidy something that falls down when you have a leak it's called in hebrew water comes down the leak the masala the easiest way to explain what masala is is the spiritual system that is given to you to allow you to succeed in this world this is masala again the spiritual system that allows you to be successful in this world is the tools in this world that's why you wish people masaltov your your masali your system should be good should be positive 12 in hebrews the numerical value of 17 is the gematric of the shell of the name youtube so we wish people to have a masaltov now we talked i didn't want to get too much into the signs but astrology is not a uh invention astrology is right on the money even there's a book written by the ramchald and he says astrology is right it's true but there's only one problem with astrology that it's very limited so first of all i'm talking about the astrology that judaism teaches not astrology that non-jews teach and it brings a lot of confusion because for example a person who was born in the mountains of tishrei is a libra but usually the fra tiche falls on october but what happens if you were born in the end of october so according to the astrology that is not based on the judaism then you are a scorpio but if you are a libra if you are born into slate you are a libra you're not a scorpio so many people think that they're a certain sign and then they find out they go by the jewish mind and they find out i'm a total different sign but nevertheless the astrology is right the only problem with it that is very limited it doesn't give you all the details it gives you a little bit of details just gives you a synopsis it doesn't give you too much details in it an example if you remember the story in the torah that moshe rabino was born and parallel gave a decree to throw all the first borns into the yeo into the river why because he's a astrologist they told him the leader of the this nation is born now and he's going to be punished on the water so he says okay let me take all the boys and throw them in the water where did they they went wrong is that when did moshe bennu punish from the water when he hit the rock so that's where he got punished he didn't talk to the rock he spoke he ripped the rock so the astrologists of parole they were right but they weren't detailed enough to understand exactly what's the problem with moshe roberto so the the astrology will show you scenes just without details that's why astrology is not so good to look into it i know many people you know the newspaper comes up right away they're looking at their uh oh i'm gonna have a good week you know also always in the astrology today you're going to meet somebody special and all day long you're like maybe i'm needing something special today so everybody loves reading the the column the astrology usually it's a bunch of nonsense so this week is going to be a week of success and then nothing happens so nevertheless the masala is influenced it's getting its energy from something that is called goal goal is a destiny and it drips into this world now sometimes there's a block in the middle and the masala doesn't come down into this world now it says in the talmud can be found intracted that it says four things they rip the verdict of a person in the month we're going to be praying on rosh hashanah and what are we asking hashem to do rip it rip the verdict i talk leshon i cheat and i lie and i steal and then it comes down suddenly i'm a saint you notice everybody comes donkey poo hi how are you here you you sit you sit no no you said no you sit suddenly everybody is friendly and nice on yom kippur so we're asking hashem to rip the decree because there's a prosecution against us i do a sin then i get sued in shaman and then there's a prosecution i'm asking hashem just rip it the talmud says there are four things that rip the zardin the decree on a person one of them is to give charity one of them is called means to scream means prayer another one is called shinu hashem changing your name and the other one is called shinoi masim changing your actions when there's a decree on an individual there are four things that can change the decree either it's the cow as you know the famous story with rabia kiva be akiva he had a daughter and his his friends told him that we see in the masala that she will die on the night of her wedding okay that's not such good news okay so he waited and he says okay everything is in the hands of hashem comes the night of the wedding of course he gets very uh you know impatient comes the morning he goes and knocks on the door and bo hashem she opens the door oh hashem and she tells him don't ask in the morning i woke up and i came to take the pin that was holding my my my hair and i at night i stuck it in the wall when i pulled the pin out of the wall there was a dead snake i killed the snake the snake came to bite her and she took the pin out of her hair and she stick it in the wall it's not like today everything is fancy the olden days wasn't so fancy so she happened to kill a snake that came to kill her of course rabia akiva understood there was a miracle he told her what did you do you did something she was like i don't know what do you mean what do they do he says you did some type of an action you did a mitzvah that saved you and she said well you know it was a very big wedding can you imagine the wedding of the daughter will be akiva this was like the wedding of the century not like the prince of london a month ago that uh you know all the but nevertheless just imagine the winning of the daughter of rabia kiva everybody and who all the who's and who's are there and the story says that in the middle of the wedding the daughter of akiva saw a poor person walking in he didn't have where to say it he didn't get his portion she took her portion she sat him down and she gave him to eat and then kiva says the famous line veloute and charity will save you from death so she did a certain action of and she ripped so to say she destroyed the verdict that was supposed to kill her so that's why a person has a problem in their life rachel says gifts but don't give baby doesn't move a lot give something big this is where you tested so the next one of course is sakazaka is prayer prayer has the power to break all the walls all the barriers of the heavens the third one is changing the name and the fourth one is changing your action so again we see that the name has a lot of power and control of how the shepherd is coming down the shepherd is this energy this abundance is coming from above and it affects you now of course when you know when we advertise this lecture we got hundreds of thousands of emails of people coming and telling me what's my name what does it mean what does that mean and not only that a lot of people say listen my my lack is very bad i want to change my name i want to add a letter i want to change it don't jump so fast into conclusions it doesn't work so fast this is not an atm that you're going to add a letter and suddenly the the things change you're right it does but first you have to see how is life going on you know a lot of people they they they want to come to a personal meeting to to to to for the name and everything the first question they ask is what's going on with your life is everything good everything bad if everything is good in your life why are you why do you worry about your name things where things are bad you worry about the name when you can't get married for 20 years oh wait a minute let's see somebody something's going on maybe you have can't have can't have kids for 20 years maybe panason for 20 years is very very bad maybe a severe sickness oh that's when you want to look and maybe maybe something you have to do a fine tune here and add a letter or add a name you don't just start naming names i know some people have like 17 names no just keep what you have but at least we know and we learn that the name has a lot of influence of everything that's going on in my life so to really summarize this entire topic tonight you can learn how to analyze the name this is way too much information to give in one class that you're going to leave here and you're going to know everything about my name but first of all the purpose here is for you to understand that your name is holding in it a lot of information and you can find through your name a lot of what you need to know about yourself some things are difficult some things a little bit more complex but at least you know you should know that your name possesses it a lot of valuable information now first of all and most important that we started learning in our yeshiva a lot we started we did already seven classes they're all going to go online they're going to be posted that you can go and start learning the course one segment after the other and uh and and learn for yourself again you're not going to become the pro how to analyze the name but at least you're going to learn for yourself a lot of things what is what is your first letter mean what does the second letter mean what is my characteristics what do i need to apply how do i need to apply it so really the point to take from that is that i have a cern goral a certain mazal in the world above and i have a way how to influence it how to change it how to to to control things in my life and it depends on many things like the talmud says it's screaming the changing the name and the changing of the actions i always say the changing of the name should have been the fourth one not the third one because when things are going on wrong in your life then you have to increase in stacca that's easy you have to increase in filler that's also easy i would put the third the fourth one the third changing actions don't be in a rush to change your name changing the name has to be the last one last resource okay i'm going to change the name rather what you want to take from this is i have to change the way how i give what i give how much i give how much i pray most people don't pray most people they they even when they pray and finish with it and needless to say changing the action so when something's going on wrong in your life don't look for hocus pocus focus spock is not going to do anything a lot of people that they come to me and they ask questions they tell them why you want what do you why do we think i'm going to give you a some type of a potion and your problems in your life are going to disappear you have to do action nah but don't don't know you know the last time i was on one of my tours i was in some city it doesn't matter where and now i had a nice big class and then towards the end of the class the the you know people start walking out slowly slowly we end up being like maybe five people in the class questions answers and then one of the ladies there told me listen rabbi i need you to give me a blessing i am a real real estate realtor real estate and uh business is not going so good i need you to give me a blessing i said okay i i rather give you advice and a blessing but i'll give you the blessing blessing is free i don't care but i'll give you advice do you eat every morning and she says of course i eat every morning a lot so says good so sergeant maybe start eating less but whatever but i told her you ate in the morning right good i told her i want you to when you before you eat i want you to wash your hands say i shall kick myself eat bread say mozilla jimin alex and after that i want you to say bill cat amazon why because he just asked me for her to pray to have a blessing in paranasana i'm telling you wash your hands and say katamazon she was like ah don't have something shorter [Music] he just told me you want me you're not behind the business i'm giving you another key to success just save your account amazon it's too long not too long how many hours a day you spend on facebook two hours or four hours this is too long i'm telling you for five minutes ten minutes open the sidhu and read now don't you have something shorter i wonder when something is shorter i just gave you now an open check so happens to be that this individual this class was in los angeles i don't know if you've ever been to los angeles if you think in new york this traffic new york is nothing compared to los angeles so i told you listen i'm going to do a deal with you you're a realtor right you're showing houses all day long i'm sure you're at least two hours a day in traffic on the road i guarantee to you that if you spend 10 minutes send me your amazon you're going to be 10 minutes 10 minutes less a day in traffic i'm giving you a guarantee you're going to be an hour and 50 minutes in traffic just say 10 minutes because amazon no so what else do you want me to do you want me to come and drive in friend instead of you so sometimes people are so stubborn to do a little change in their action i told her you are desperate now to fix your panasonic you're desperate right you'll spend hours on the computer to find promotions and and advertising on whatever and posting and i'm giving you a 10 minute loophole just sit and say with cut amazon you're going to open all the gates of abundance in the world above this is the secret for for for blessing in parmasa we're not willing to expand the 10 minutes no so people always looking for the shorts to the shortcuts rather than launch both says why are you looking for shortcuts i guarantee to you spend the 10 minutes on the bucat amazon i'm going to save you a lot of hours of headache instead of running and showing the apartment 10 times you'll show it one time and you close the deal but unfortunately a lot of people they have a you know an hero called batata you know the head is cement nothing comes in nothing goes out it's like a a brick so the point to take from here is that yes we do experience all sorts of problems in our life and there are many hidden messages around us that will help you solve a lot of the problems but sometimes you have to simplify things so i know you came to learn about the names i hope that i gave you enough information to open a little bit of curiosity in your mind about how to learn and again this is a topic that cannot be learned in one in one lecture it's a topic that you need to sit a few hours and learn get a lot of information start learning how to analyze it so i first of all definitely invite you to to to sign up to the course and to go online and to learn it it's going to be very interesting very long and and and very informative but when you want to live with something out of this room is you have to understand that you have a shepherd coming from above shift it means an abundance just wants to give you and wants to give you wants to give you you are the ones who are stopping from receiving if you're lacking something in your life it's because you are not on the receiving side hashem is giving you i can give you now and give you if you're not putting your hand out you're not going to take nothing how is it that you're not taking a lot of people says of course i want the shepherd of course i want this abundance and a blessing but hashem just tells you you just have to put yourself in the position to receive if you're not a vessel to receive then how am i going to give you the way to receive is the first three options of what the talmud says you have to increase in charity you have to increase in prayer and you have to change your actions if you see things not working out in your life change your actions something's going on with your action maybe you have to add another mitzvah maybe you have to add another action that you do that will change the route how the masala is dripping down and you build yourself new vessels and this is really what you want to take from this is that how am i changing my goral we're now three and a half weeks from from rosh hashanah what are you doing in the month of elul i know i said in the beginning i don't want to talk about the lord but what are you doing in the month of elul it's a month that the qadosh boho is giving you 90 of coupon he says now you can you can easily come and do chuval easily let it go a little easily forget just do a certain change and what do we do in the month of elul so we add another hour a day for our prayers at least i hope i mean not everybody does it but we say slichat in the morning another hour to add to your prayer and then we increase in stick up yeah this is a month where you want to give zakah i'm sure you got already 500 phone calls from all the charity organizations in town and uh and they're already telling you prepare your checkbook and needless to say the most important thing is the shinoui masse is the changing of your action is showing ecological i'm going to change my action what is these actions is how you relate with people's not necessarily how many meets what you do is how less judgmental you're going to be how more courteous you're going to be how much more caring and charitable and helpful and so forth so the point is not just to nod your head you know in lectures i have a lot of people you know i don't know if it's some type of you know they had they have this dog on the dashboard you know that goes like this so yeah in my lectures i see a lot of people go like this wow so i don't know if it's some syndrome in the neck or there but if you're just going like this then then don't just say okay what can i take and apply into my life if you're not applying something in your life then you're walking out of this room what is why did you come here you came here to take a few tools how can i better my life needless to say and so much more so in the minds of elul how i can better my life and not just to to nod my head so the secret behind the name that can come in the later stages you can start developing the the knowledge of how to change your mazal through the name but at least for now something practical is that you have to apply this in your life and bazaar shame you do that then hashem will bless you with a good happy healthy successful new year and i'll take the opportunity already to bless you with shanata hashem should they rip the sardines the exhaust in all the exhaust hashem should completely annoy it and rip it completely and bless you with an abundance and anyone who needs to find their other half should find their other half and build a beautiful home anyone who needs to their body to their soul to their mind should have unbelievable refua whoever needs paranasal should have an abundance of wealth and health and everything that your heart desires hashem should bless you with an unbelievable abundance just remember that you need to do a certain action you need to do a certain move that the canon will be convinced that he wants to give you more and bezel hashem you do a small step like a dodgeball who will do much more steps with you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rabbi Alon Anava
Views: 175,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Alon Anava, Torah, Zohar, kabbalah, esoteric teachings, Judaism, mystical, religious, eternal God, Ein Sof, Kabbalah center,, names, essence of name
Id: xVA-MQBhnfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 57sec (6477 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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