The SECRET War between Conor McGregor & Dana White

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[Music] before we start do you have insurance what your coverage good like you have dental so witty I remember using that line on a kid when I was about 8 years old I hope your dentist is ready I just slapped you are you all right what genuine I'm going to be honest the only people who could suspend belief enough to believe Jake Gillen Hall is capable of being Bruce Lee are like virgins and w fans no I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry I do like a bit of wrestling too I can far easier I believe the rock can kick someone's ass than this [ __ ] idiot Jake Gilling hole now he was far more believable as a gay cowboy It's a fight you ever win no one ever wins a fight like you'd [ __ ] know you [Music] [Applause] pic I should elaborate this is actually a remake of what was a trashy but classic uh old school movie featuring Patrick suy who was actually believable in that movie some people just have the aura of like I could just kick your ass right this Jake fell doesn't have that which is probably why they brought in Conor McGregor who can't kick people's ass just can't act unfortunately that guy's got a knife under his shirt he's just take a big step back and pop me in the face you can do it this is the dumbest movie I've ever heard of the idea that you would just recommend someone just go yeah he's got a knife just take a step back pop him one in the face yeah it's that easy hey fellas looks like you're having a smacky Conor's on the gear again we'll work it in just keep rolling we'll work it out in the edit I got a tip for you don't let no one get this close come on it's just shy in it's so [ __ ] once KNX is on the job it's over baby he doesn't sound remotely believable you know I don't even want to hate this I I genuinely like this whole ah here Conor McGregor thing I don't honestly I want it to be good it's [ __ ] trash and that's when you know it's bad it takes a lot to get me angry but when I am I just can't let go it takes me a lot to get angry but when I do I just can't let go they've really tried hard to make him this really nice guy and actually like that's not the character the character originally was like a cool [ __ ] badass but one who didn't try so hard that make everyone intimidated they've turned him into a [ __ ] school teacher and I had more intimidating School teachers than him man take him out shut him up shut him up killer be kill that man is the least believable tough guy in the history of Cinema people give Steven calaha time way more believable than that couldn't lce Jean clae Van Dam's boots and then you've got Connor don't let anyone get this close it's going to be a horrendous movie and as much as I'll hate that movie I'm glad Connor has something to do with himself cuz it doesn't look like he's fighting anytime soon as you remember the back end of last year Connor McGregor was appealing in every interview he could that he wanted to fight soon Mac has L to offer and L to deliver the talking many I don't give a talk many here in Saudi The Lads in the UFC aren't really talking any so this is where he's mourning about the UFC not giving him an offer he wants to fight Manny Pacquiao and Saudi no one's ever been treated for all the figures we've brought in this game are Mortin all them combined yeah sell more than every one of them combined no one in the history of the fight games ever been treated the way we getting treated at this minute yeah that's kind of what this video is about is the Way Conor McGregor is being treated by the UFC because all of the smoking mirrors and I'm trying to really work out what the [ __ ] is going on here because there are two completely conflating stories coming from Conor McGregor and Dana White and I think there there's a power struggle going on here now you'll remember Connor after this interview said I'm fighting in the summer for international fight week June the 29th so he says I'm back summer and even that was a delay on the original plans of him fighting last year in 2023 so at that point we're thinking all right it is a bit of a delay last year it was supposed to happen but we'll take it because as much as I've said things about McGregor Conor McGregor is the biggest show in the UFC he's the most entertaining guy and I do want to watch him fight at least one more time but Dana White has completely contradicted his main man Conor McGregor's fighting Chandler uh eventually yeah hopefully this year no I heard I heard we got a date imagine that eventually just to hear those words when Michael Chandler has been sat waiting for this fight for what feels like a [ __ ] decade the guy has been completely inactive sat on the sidelines waiting for his big payday and Dano white says eventually so McGregor last V in 2021 Michael Chandler last for in 2022 and Dana White has had these both guys both just sitting there waiting the fight and they ask him after all this time when the fight is going to be and he goes eventually but Dana does clarify we didn't have a date Chandler's pushing for a date people are pushing for a date Connor said he knows a date everybody has a date you're the guy that got to set the date you should say the date there is no date come on I'm hoping for uh I'm hoping for uh the fall so fall for Americans we we would say autumn that this the last third of the year so it's still [ __ ] ages away and all this time I was thinking are they holding McGregor back for UFC 300 I mean he still is the biggest star in the UFC so that might make sense but then you think the UFC would never put a non-title fight usually in the history of the company as the main event it's always the title fight even at UFC 200 when Brock Lesnar was fighting they had the female title fight as the main event because Jon Jones got popped for steroids yada yada yada this is mindblowing at this point at the level of like treatment Conor McGregor has being given by the UFC and he did say like I've sold more than all of them combined and when you look at when the UFC was sold to WME when they were bought for the billions that they were bought for it was off the back of several pay-per-views that Conor McGregor carried and did the leg work for he brought them to the big league he was actually bigger than the USA for a minute there when he fought Mayweather it was [ __ ] insane so for them to just be sort of like treating him like yeah we'll get around to you when we can be bothered some's not right and as much as I've criticized McGregor for many different things I will never dispute who the [ __ ] he is and that's the most important fighter in the history of the UFC as a company so to be treated with anything other than the red carpet by the UFC would be mindblowing especially when the UFC is at an all low in terms of stars like we have never seen this few stars in the UFC and he is one of the last remaining ones that you can hang your hat on to generate insane interest in buzz and yet they're deliberately pushing him away and dismissing him it's bizarre now there's a few things we can rule out because I know the comments will be coming in as possible explanations it's not us because they're not a factor anymore and the UFC have done away with it and replaced them with an identical situation that they themselves run had that confirmed by UFC fighters it's not Conor McGregor's leg because we've seen him sparring plenty of times and while there's no doubt he can never be the same fighter he was he seems to be training fine and and relatively healthy but then you start thinking like all right he's wasting months and months of his career and now Chandler has also roped into this with him and you realize like since the Nate Diaz fight even this situation has been going on between Conor McGregor and the UFC for over half a decade and by that I mean McGregor claiming he's ready to fight wants to fight immediately and the UF see acting like he's not telling the whole truth and that he'll fight when it's time as if Connor's just talking out of his ass cuz he wants to sound like oh yeah I'm ready and I want to but he doesn't he's not really about that and they've been acting like this for so long so there's a few possible reasons why they might be playing these games with each other number one Conor McGregor really just wants to sit on his yacht do a little bit of training pretend like he wants to fight soon whenever he's on camera when he goes to these boxing events and talk the talk but he doesn't really want to walk the walk and he he's not actually pushing for a fight behind the scenes in order to make one that's not saying I believe that I'm just saying it's a possibility another possibility is that the UFC and in particular Dana White has deliberately slow played Conor McGregor's career as much as possible to diminish his influence within the company on the farm base so that his star power is reduced so that the UFC Remain the overall most powerful thing in the situation because as I said at one point McGregor was bigger than the UF and by that I mean there was people who didn't really know much about the UFC or cage fighting as they'd call it in Main in mainstream circles but they knew who Conor McGregor was or there's a third situation which could be tying into these and could all be a part of multiple problems going on which is that Conor McGregor is negotiating behind the seals regularly for more money more money and the UFC are trying to keep it to what they think is reasonable and all of this public you know I'm fighting then I'm oh no he isn't is Connor trying to put pressure on them to give him what he wants and then trying to cool the pressure down by saying no it's not happening yet which would potentially line up because the rumor is is that Conor McGregor has only two fights left on his deal the last thing the UFC want him to do is to do what Nate Diaz did which just fight out that deal and then be able to go off and do whatever the hell he wants without them getting a piece of the pie like they did against Floyd Mayweather and if he does fight those out you want it to be as old as possible and as ineffective as possible in terms of the impact that can have if he goes and fights for a pfl for example cuz you know what the Saudis would throw quadrillions at him in order to get him fight for them so the older Connor is and the less good fights he has on the way out the door the better in the eyes of the UFC and look maybe all three of those are true maybe Conor isn't pushing as much as he says he is maybe the UFC are trying to slow players career to reduce the the power he has and maybe the third problem of the contract situation is also tied into all of that clearly the fans are not being told the truth but but the truth lies in the numbers and the numbers are shocking since Conor McGregor last won his Cham Cham fight against Eddie Alvarez which was his crowning moment of his career in 2016 Conor McGregor has won one fight in those seven and a half years he's lost three MMA fights and one boxing match against Floyd Mayweather that was at UFC 205 we're now nearly at UFC 300 and it's three years since we last seen him even in an octagon and the only fighter he beat in that time was Donald Cerrone who let's be real everyone was beaten around that time it was nothing to be proud of it was a little comeback fight a warm-up no disrespect to Donald because he had a great career but he was finished when he fought him and when you look at the age Conor McGregor was when he beat Eddie Alvarez in his prime he was 29 years old that is your physical prime as an athlete now since then he's fought one time at 30 years old one time at 31 years old two times at 32 0 times at 33 0 times at 34 and 0o times at at 35 now he's 36 in July that's Conor McGregor's physical prime gone and we've barely even seen him in the in the ring or the cage throughout that entire period his prime is over and that's after a major injury and honestly I just think this is so sad and I'm not even being a [ __ ] here like I know I've said things about McGregor I don't care about that right I'm being real the guy was one of the most gifted MMA fighters I've ever seen in my entire life and I don't think we've even gotten close to seeing what he really could have achieved and that's with being the first ever guy be the double champ I don't know if his training was up to scratch the amount of times we've seen him gas out after two rounds or not be in there and be prepared for what he was in there with trying to box DUS POR in an MMA fight getting his legs smashed a bit not living properly we've seen his weight ballooning up clearly not living the lifestyle of a fight uh which is on him to be fair but what isn't on him is getting enough fights regularly to stop going towards those demons and actually staying active and staying out of bother cuz as we know the Devil Makes work for Idle Hands and boxers are prone to the Wild Side of Life they are wild [ __ ] and for all some of this is on him I feel like some of it is also on the UFC and I think that as much as D way gets so much credit for building Stars I think a lot of these stars have just fallen into his lap and have been horrendously mismanaged and Conor McGregor being one of them as big as Conor McGregor was if he had been with an Eddie Hearn in a boxing style situation where it's in Eddie Hearn the promoter's interest to push you as far as you can because then make more money and the promoter isn't worried about how big you grow and about maintaining the dominance of the UFC over the fighters Conor McGregor would have been 10 times the story ended up even that's what's insane he would have fought more regularly and he would have delivered a lot more of what he was capable of and we do have some new sparring footage of Conor McGregor we'll take a look at it I mean he's just cracked that kid right in the chin there uh who was just a Sitting Duck waiting for it this isn't looking very intense so far I mean the guy's chin is right on a [ __ ] plate there Jesus I mean nothing's getting thrown back at him this is what I'm kind of on about in his training do you know what I mean I'm not seeing all of the training I'm sure he has grueling sessions but it doesn't look good this [ __ ] me man it looks like a retired fighter just having a bit of a play around here it looks like someone who want a [ __ ] competition to be in there with them this body shot I mean it doesn't look intense it doesn't look Fit Fast sharp at all it looks like uh a bit of a [ __ ] kickabout as we would call it in football you know when you're just having a kickout with your mates the level of intensity is non-existent here doesn't give us much hope to be honest with you so since then McGregor's tweeted out saying that the Super Bowl is a great sporting event second only to the return of the Mac to the UFC Octagon this summer so he's doubled down on it and I'll be honest I I've just got no hope for him that that's ever going to materialize like the way Dana White talk it just showed no respect for anything Conor McGregor said I just completely dismissed him as not a threat anymore the way Dana used to talk about McGregor look he's still respectful but you can tell he's like yeah I don't really care and it kind of feels like the end is near now and the level of power McGregor has as a UFC fighter is almost at zero like it really is that low like they're like look we don't want you to go anywhere else you do have some value and we do want to keep a holding clearly there's some game plan going on behind the scenes but we're not really going to let you call the shots either so we're going to do what we do to all of these guys which is strangle you and starve you until you give us what we want which is the long-term future of you we'll throw you a [ __ ] bone we'll give you a few fights if you don't do that we're going to make it as hard as possible for you to do what you're trying to do which is set up your own thing now whatever that thing is with McGregor probably some high level boxing opponent like a Manny Pacquiao um in a mega event in Saudi which I think would people would be [ __ ] into it would do big views I don't think he's going to go to a pfl even as much money as they have I just think he has a level of respect for the UFC that he wouldn't want to associate but thees UFC can't take that risk because if you put enough money in front of a man it doesn't really matter whether he wants to do it or not right he'll do it and McGregor shown he's [ __ ] big fan of money but the reality is we are now looking at the decline of McGregor physically but also as an entity in this space and the the level of power he has is just shrinking with every month that goes by because our last memory of a great Conor McGregor performance was in 2016 and as much as he's entertained with since then that's not enough for McGregor and I think that's part of the reason why you know he has turned other things for you know his mental health because the level of high that this man has been on as a fighter few will ever understand let alone people you know regular dudes could not you know what I mean imagine the level of [ __ ] ecstasy that this man has felt in his life at being on top of that cage holding up to belts the world at his feet but alternatively the laws and the comedowns must have been [ __ ] brutal and then just see the UFC just be like yeah whatever 5 years ago Dana White would have broke his [ __ ] back to make Conor McGregor the main event of UFC 300 now he doesn't even give a [ __ ] and look I hope I'm proved wrong I hope I'm wrong and I hope Dana White does this because let's be real that UFC haven't got [ __ ] planned for UFC 300 they are scrambling the fact that Jon Jones just admitted that even with a rehab from a pectoral injury that they've asked him if he'll do it you know they're like [ __ ] me we're in a problem here and yet they still don't want to turn to Conor McGregor that shows me that this is a massively political situation and it's not just related to Conor McGregor's injury or us at all there's gaml going on behind closed doors unfortunately for McGregor you'll never win but if I was him I'd play the long game and think [ __ ] it fight those last two fights out demand relatively easy opponents and then go and [ __ ] fight Manny Pacquiao and be a free man because a mega star like Conor McGregor for everything he's done for that UFC and for what they made out of that deal the 4 billion that they were sold for the bare minimum he deserves is to be a free man out of his contract just like Floyd Mayweather is and now Floyd can go and do all these [ __ ] exhibitions if he wants and he shouldn't even have to fight these last two fights they should do that out of respect for what he did for the company but I mean there's [ __ ] no chance of that right I'm just saying what should happen here and this is a person I know I've said what I've said about McGregor but this is just what right is what's right is right and what's happened now it's [ __ ] wrong and the end result of that is exactly what I've said which is that we have been robbed by the UFC of the best of Conor McGregor part of that's his fault but part of it's on them and the real casualty in all of this is that poor bastard Michael Chandler who was sat there patiently waiting for this once in a-lifetime opportunity and he could have fought three or four [ __ ] times and banked God knows how much money and this is why I would always say to any UFC fighter never wait tomasel for example with the Jon Jones Never wait because there's some Fighters you never know what the [ __ ] going to happen to them and Jon Jones and Conor McGregor are that those two guys so that's the situation right now with Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler let me know in the comments how you think it unfolds for me personally I do think they will fight I think that's a great style for McGregor to have after such a bad leg break and I think it's a really winnable match for him and if he can't win it then we're no he's [ __ ] but if we don't see that fairly [ __ ] soon you know the UFC are doing everything they can to put a choke hold on Conor McGregor's career so let us know what you think in the comments below don't forget to hit that like button stay subscribed to the pay game YouTube channel thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: The Pain Game
Views: 152,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conor McGregor, Dana White, UFC, MMA, UFC 300, iFL TV, UFC Highlights, UFC Knockouts, Conor McGregor Highlights, McGregor Sparring, McGregor Documentary, McGregor Film, TheMacLife, Road House - Official Trailer, Sean Strickland, Michael Chandler, McGregor v Chandler, ESPN MMA, True Geordie, Tyson Fury, Ryan Garcia
Id: 2QXClK34Zcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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