The Secret to Recreating FNaF Renders in Blender!

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hey welcome back or welcome it's your first time here Five Nights at Freddy's is known for its compelling Story gameplay and its other elements that make it special one of these being the game's Infamous renders now if you're incredibly bored and want to trick people on the internet you might try recreating one of these which is much easier than it looks if you know what you're doing that's why in this video I'm going to teach you how to recreate this render and how you can make several others with a few basic rules the first step to making these renders is getting accurate models hello to deviantArt in surface of Finance for blender 3.0 when searched you can hey it's me when searched you can find several models made or reported for you to use when making these renders it's important that we find the most accurate models possible to not stretch too far from The Source material just remaking a render from fnaf1 we'll have to find the most accurate models that matches when F1 spreading now this would be pretty hard to find luckily my buddy raspberry and his bestest with these god-like ports that we can use let's go down to the bottom of the page and click the Google Drive Link then select Freddy and download them just make sure to save them somewhere you remember as we'll need this location later now head over the blender and select file a pen and go to the location you saved them I've downloaded this model three times I think it's file and select a collection folder then look for his name on the list and select it once you're done hit a pen and he'll be summoned into your computer I explain both getting models and importing models in more detail with these two videos that will be linked in the description next reference to get the best look possible we're going to need some reference this would be pretty easy to find if there weren't a million people trying to recreate the same image yeah I think the ATM has created an entire folder full of snap renders from icons logos and images we actually see in the game simply click on the link in the description hit the download button and you gotta be kidding me bro we'll just finish downloading simply unzip the file using WinRAR or another program and save it anywhere on your drive alright now to set up our scene go to the upper left corner of your screen and drag it a little bit to make another window select this drop down menu go to the image editor then go to open and find your ref folder to import the finale 1 Icon easy next go to your output properties and make sure the resolution is at 1920 by 1920 pixels now this is like numpad 1 and try to align your viewport in the middle as best as possible then press Ctrl alt and numpad0 on your camera will automatically snap to that position so you might have to tweak the camera a bit if it isn't exactly in the middle go to your camera settings and change the lens unit from millimeter to field of view by moving this we can see that the render gets flatter and less three-dimensional than lord of the Dragon now how to get this number accurately is kind of tricky you can either ask around somewhere use S5 or a try and guess but personally I'm eyeballing it with an FLV of about 1.5 and adjusting the camera a little bit you should get this make sure to save your file for you have an unexpected crash and ruin your day going to viewport shading mode we're going to move on to some render settings make sure your Runner engine is set to EV with render quality at around 120. turn off ambient occlusion Bloom and Reflections make sure the Shadows are set to 4.96 pixels or 2048 if you have a lower end device to filament make sure filter size is set at 0.50 pixels go to color management and make sure make it set to standard after this it should be golden now for lighting such a whirl color to Black and head over to the rendered View Press shift a to import the light unlike the last type of the scene we'll be using sunlight instead of area lights by rotating the light the first thing you might notice is the fact that the Shadows are atrocious go to your Shadow so they can turn off smooth Shadows you can increase the power to get a better look at the scene and the Shadows still suck in your camera settings go to clippings start and increase the amount until Freddie is about to disappear then change the end to its same amount but increase it until Freddie appears again other bing bada boom now the Shadows don't suck something you can do to make things better is turn the shadow bias down in your light Shadow settings changing it makes more Shadows appear but they should now you might be asking B I don't know the color and location of the lights well that's easy if you look at Freddy's nose the reflections give us the exact location and color the lights the Shadows on his eyes can also help us replacing the main light we can make some small adjustments to match our reference until it looks good making these things look perfect take quite a while moving on to the next light we conducted this blue light on the left something that can really help with the place manager's light is the Shadow by Freddie's ear the shaping location can help us with where we can put this light rotate the light around to the shadow looks exact and increase the power to help a little more [Music] foreign we can move on to the color this one you can either eyeball it or if you're lazy like me and just eye drop it and adjust it a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] now for the red light using the same rules as before we're just going to change the position to match your Reflections along with putting the brightness in color [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so at first glance it looks like we're done but guess what we're not there's still this purplish light over here that I've seen a few people forget report another light increase the brightness and do your thing look at the reflections and find some Shadows to match the slide as best as possible if needed you can adjust some of your previous slides to get a better result [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ER let's head over to the runner menu and hit run your image and after a while we should get something like this now if you want to try something different and make some cool animations to go with Scott's style you can learn the basic to animation with this video here foreign [Music]
Channel: BTB Animations
Views: 197,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, b3d, 3d, Tutorials, FNaF, Five Nights at Freddy's, FNaF Movie, fnaf blender, fnaf blender tutorial, fnaf blender animation, fnaf blender 3.0, how to, blender basics, blender 2.8, blender 3.0, blender 2.79, fnaf movie trailer, fnaf movie, blender animation, five nights at freddys, fnaf, fnaf b3d, blender fnaf, fnaf accurate models, fnaf accurate lighting tutorial, fnaf sfm accurate lighting, accurate fnaf models, how to make accurate fnaf renders in blender, fnaf ruin
Id: 4os3qY0-J0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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