The SECRET To Growing MORINGA | Propagation Tips

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hey guys this is Alan in today's video I'm gonna be giving you all the tools you need in order to successfully grow your own moringa tree also known as drumstick Miracle tree trio life whatever you want to call it I'm going to give you everything you need to know in order to successfully grow it and also I'm gonna give you the secret sauce that I figured out over the years growing this plant which nobody else knows about I will tell you that under my personal tips towards the end of the video and also if you want to propagate this tree I'm gonna have a small section so where's the end how to propagate this tree successfully anyways stick to the end moringa tree if you've never heard of this tree before well that's okay because you are probably just starting gardening but moringa tree should be one of the first trees that you plant in the ground and the reason why is because it's the fast growing tree that takes a full sun and once established in the ground it will also take the winter depending on how cold you get in your area what makes history special well the truth the tree behind me every part of it it's edible you can eat the leaves you can eat the bark you can eat the root system and when you flowers you can eat the sea pots and the flowers as well everything on this tree is edible also a lot of people like this plant specifically because it has a lot of medicinal value to it I'm not really into the health aspect of it I just like the tree so if you want to know exactly what it does to your body well you can do some research online but anyways now that you know a little bit about the moringa tree let's get to the growing tips some requirement moringa tree needs full sun it will take full sun anywhere in the United States here in my area we get super hot in the summer and the Sun is no issue for this plant can you grow in the shade yes you can but usually what happens in the shade is your tree will actually grow very leggy very like tall and skinny trying to reach the sun if you don't want that well give it some direct sunlight now if your tree will eventually reach the Sun that is okay but as long as you don't have it in full Darkness you should be fine Remember full sun winter protection this tree in my area is Frost sensitive every winter this tree here we'll take Frost damage whatever the ice touches will die and that's fine no issues there now you have to understand your tree will take the winter it will take the frost the coldest temperature I've seen this tree take is in the High Teens but that is a tree that is fully rooted in the ground like this one right here this one right here has been in the ground for about a year and a half two years maybe I don't remember I lost count but it's been in the ground for a little bit and uh in the winter time even if the entire canopy dies off it will come back from the root system no issues now this tree should be a lot bigger right now it's about 15 feet tall but it's in my horse area and the horses love it it's really good for them and what they like to do is they like to chew the branches and eat everything so it took a little longer for this tree to take off simply because my horses were eating it now if your tree is small and you just put it in the ground and it takes Frost damage and it doesn't have a root system in the ground then your tree will die to the ground and not come back so keep that in mind if you are planting late in the season I do not recommend planting this tree late I recommend planting it early that way your tree has plenty of time to grow roots in the ground if your ground freezes in your area because you get that cold well this tree will probably not make it in your area remember High Teens briefly that's all I've seen the street take Frost whatever Frost touches it will damage your tree but it will come back anyways let's talk about the growth structure this tree naturally will grow upright with a smaller canopy on the top and what most people like to do is you let it grow for a year to two years then what you do early in the season before it starts growing vigorously what you do is you pick the height where you want your canopy to start and then you chop it don't be afraid of it just go ahead and cut it what that's gonna do is that's where your canopy is going to start most people usually cut it at about seven to eight feet tall and then that will give you that round nice canopy that people like if you don't cut it I will show you in a minute your tree will grow upright with a smaller canopy on the top it will make it harder for you to reach the sea pots the leaves and everything else so you want your tree to Branch out so my recommendation again is to prune it as your tree gets older this tree is also a fast growing tree Once you put it in the ground in a single year your tree can easily reach 8 feet Plus in a single year and I'm talking about from seed so yes your tree will grow very fast let's talk about the root system the root system of your moringa tree it's a Taproot what happens is it has like a very thick or two roots that goes straight down in the ground the older the tree gets the deeper The Roots the Sun goes in the ground so it's actually um safe to plant close to structures because the root system is not that invasive to the point where it's going to uplift anything but you have to understand the trunk or your tree as it gets older it's gonna get big so make sure to give it a glaze a few feet away from any structures so that way you have space for the trunk of your tree let's talk about pollination this tree is self-pollinating you only need one tree to actually pollinate itself and then this is what you're gonna get they flower usually early summer and the Sea pots as you can see right here they develop usually late summer sometime in the fall depending on your temperatures everything in here it's edible and you can see the seeds on the inside if you want to purchase seeds fresh seeds you can get them from our website link in the description let's talk about water in your tree there are two ways you are going to water your moringa tree if your moringa tree is in a container you're going to follow our 50 rule if you want to learn more about the 50 rule check the link in the description for more details by just to give you a quick summary you went until 50 of your container is dry and that is exactly how often you are going to water your moringa tree now if your tree is in the ground the first six months in the ground you are going to follow the finger method that is you stick your finger in the dirt all the way down and then the minute that you no longer feel moisture on the tip of your finger however long it took to go from wet to that point that's exactly how often you are going to water your new moringa tree in the ground the first six months after six months time you need to dewater so when you deep water you want to water and make sure the water goes down in the soil at least three to five feet minimum the first year or the second year and then you wait until a few feet are dry and then you water again so you technically are not going to have to water very often once you start dewatering by when you do water it's gonna take you a few hours depending on how fast your soil drains the water let's talk about fertilization to be honest guys I don't do anything and moringa tree grows just fine I don't do anything in containers I don't do anything in the ground so to be honest you don't have to do anything either you see the soil my moringa tree is growing in let me show you this is clay soil you see how dry that is a lot of people will tell you nothing will grow in the soil my moringa tree is growing in there I got my lemon tree growing over there and behind all this mess right here I have an ice cream Bean uh tree growing in there and back over there against the wall I have my Giant passion fruit growing in this soil so yes everything will grow guys the soil is irrelevant for Moringa trees so do not worry about the soil if you want to put some organic material on the ground it will always help the plant so it's never going to hurt it so you know just whatever you got just throw it in the ground but just to keep it simple you don't need anything special container growing can you grow your meringue Tree in a container temporarily yes every year we start our Moringa trees from seed in containers like this like I said earlier if you have put this plant in the ground early in the season this tree right here would have been about eight to ten feet tall by now they grow that quickly now that is in the ground guys not in the containers in the containers once your Moringa trees reach the bottom of the container they get stunted they don't like to to grow as fast as they would if they were in the ground so my recommendation for you is yes you can go ahead and keep it in the container for a little while but it will not grow as fast as it will in the ground now can you keep your moringa tree indefinitely in the container the answer is no and the reason why is because of the roots to sing of this plant remember it has a Taproot system that goes straight down on the ground well usually if you want to keep your plants in containers there are two options you can you can do the first one is your root room so every year you take your plant out of the container then you put on the root system and then you repot it into the same container so that way you don't have to put in a bigger container the option is not viable for moringa tree simply because when you start cutting the Taproot you will kill your plant option number two is a pot in your plan you take this plant and then you put in a bigger container If You're Gonna Keep Your Moringa trees in containers do not go wider you want to go deeper because the roots go down they don't go sideways so most times even if you see a moringa tree a big moringa tree in a container and you check the sides you will not see hardly any roots on the sides most of the roots are going to be down in the bottom and that's probably what's going on in here [Music] you see most of the roots are on the bottom and hardly any roots on the sides this plant has been root bound stunted in this container for at least six months it needs to go in a longer container but here at the nursery we do not do that guys what we do is we try to push things out so that way we don't have to Output him because they grow so fast the Hot Pot in them is just doesn't work because within a matter of months if you put her in a longer container this plant will root that new container all the way down to the bottom and then what do you do keep going longer it's just not going to work so remember if you want to keep it in a container yes you can keep it in the container for a little bit um but indefinitely I don't recommend it and when they are in the container they never grow fast or huge the only thing I've seen Moringa trees big Moringa trees in containers is because they rooted through the container into the ground and then they were able to grow so if you're buying a moringa tree always go the smallest because it's just not worth it to buy a bigger one because they grow so fast and that brings us to my personal growing tips what I'm about to tell you guys it took me some learning it took me a few years and it doesn't just apply to Moringa trees it applies to a lot of plants here at the nursery but I figured it out and it's not any you don't have to buy anything no fertilizers here no sprays here the secret to growing moringa tree is the night temperatures the hotter the night temperatures guys the faster your meringue tree will grow if you try growing moringa tree before from seed or cuttings or you put it in the ground or you got it in a container and then your tree died the reason it died was because you planted it at the wrong time of the year remember if you tree takes Frost damage it will die and if it has no roots in the ground it will not come back the hotter it gets at night the faster your moringa tree will grow it's that simple so the best line to play moringa tree it's always going to be when the night temperatures in my opinion are at least minimum 50 degrees consistently every single night night I'm not talking about day temperatures here and expected to rise in the next month or so and that for most places it's going to be sometime late spring in my area that is going to be late March planting early it's not going to give you a head start your moringa tree is actually just gonna sit in the ground until the night temperatures warm up and then it's going to take off and that is a secret sauce to Growing Moringa trees if you failed growing moringa tree before this is why any other personal growing tips if you're gonna water your moringa tree in in containers what I've noticed personally especially when your plants don't have bark like this if you water from the top and then you let the uh the Water pull on the surface over here around the trunk and your trunk doesn't have any bark what I've noticed is right at the base of the container all the way down here where the trunk meets the potting mix it will rot very easily so if you have seedlings like this and then they keep dying they keep breaking at the base the base will turn yellow and then they will like shrivel up and then they'll break off it's because when you water you let in the water pool around the trunk and then that will cause trunk rod I only noticed this in containers smaller plants like this once your plant gets older he actually gets bark on the stem that is not an issue anymore so if you have plants this size I recommend you to water from the bottom just get a bucket of water sit it on the bucket of water like that and let it Soak Up From the Bottom instead of watering from the top because that will save your plant over time especially if you're having issues with drunk rot meringue does not require any special skills the only thing you need to know is the night temperatures when it's hot at night it's Moringa season and it will grow super fast if all you wanted to know was how to take care of your moringa tree well we're done but now what we're gonna do is I also want to show you how to we propagate our Moringa trees so let's go ahead and get to it okay the first requirement is you need potting mix what potty mix do you use to be honest it doesn't matter as long as it drains the water you are good to go but remember it needs to drain the water if you want to learn more about potting mixes I got another video where I explain in details what to look for in a good potting mix and it's really not the ingredients in the potting mix it's all about how fast it drains the water now this potting mix right here is what we use on everything here 100 of the plants at the nursery house plants tropical plants Citrus everything gets a spotting mix even house plants so what you do is you get a container it doesn't have to be big you can go smaller than this but this is what I use right here this is four inches uh from side to side and then it's about six inches long this is what I have right now so this is what I'm gonna show you so what you're gonna do is you're gonna get your potting mix You're Gonna Fill it all the way to the top just like this then you're gonna compact it down always compact it down so it doesn't settle down on you just like that and then you're gonna get your seats do the seats have to be fresh fortunately they don't these seats right here as long as they don't get wet they will last for years so all you got to do is get your seat and sticking it right in the middle germination rate for Moringa Seeds it's literally almost 100 so I recommend to put only one seat per container because most likely it will grow once you have your seat in the middle then get a little bit of potting mix and then cover it up just like that you're done it's that simple the key to propagation though is the night temperatures what temperature are we looking for at night for propagating moringa tree the hotter the better 80 degrees 90 degrees at night these plants grow like a weed median rate growth usually you're going to get it around 60 70 degrees so it all depends on the night temperatures if it's really hot at night and I'm doing this in the middle of July within week to week and a half Moringa trees will start sprouting that's how fast they sprout and within a month they will look just like the other Moringa trees that I showed you and that is how you propagate your Moringa trees can you do it indoors yes you can do it indoors but you remember you need to hot temperatures so I highly recommend to put a heat mat on the bottom if you're gonna do it indoors but once your ceilings come up like this one right here and it's called and you water from the top and you let the water pull around the trunk this will rot very easily so if you're gonna do it indoors you got to be extremely careful to keep the base of the trunk dry so if watering indoors make sure you water from the bottom because you will get trunk rot very easily and then you will fail so it's always best just to wait until it's actually hot at night and then propagate your Moringa Seeds if you're gonna do it indoors thinking you're gonna get a head start to be honest it's just not worth it um it's just best just to wait for hot temperatures at night and then go ahead and propagate your Moringa trees that's it guys it's that simple and that's how we do all the moringa trees uh we sell here at the nursery it's all right it took me a while so growing moringa tree all you need is just heat the hotter it gets the more successful you are going to be anyways if this helped you out guys as always don't forget to like the video subscribe and if you have any other questions as always comment below and I will see you next time
Channel: QCTropicals
Views: 115,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moringa, drum stick, how to, horse radish, tree of life, medicinal tree, edible tree, tropical tree, oleifera, propagate
Id: 3A_02gmDE8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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