The Secret To Edit VIRAL Instagram Reels (Devin Jatho style)

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creating viral Instagram reels in After Effects can be really easy and that's what we're going to do today Devin yth does this all the time as you can see these are minimalistic animations that go really viral on Instagram now before we begin a template of this is available in the description down below for a small fee and if you just want to follow this tutorial the SS are available in the description down below now let's jump into it credits where credits do look at these views and look at these videos they're really amazing and also the editing is really great so we're going to use this as inspiration for today now also some credits to foxic and Chris who suggested this video in the videoo suggestions in our community I really love seeing all you guys in Discord let's now go to after effects first the example as you can see he introduces the video and then you'll immediately see a whole animation basically it will show a small text animation then another text animation it will scroll up and then it will break it down now what you might have noticed is that this animation is actually the full animation that you see in the beginning I want to explain you how to do it but also how to do it efficiently that's why I always do these quick breakdowns at the beginning of my video ideally we'll just create this whole canvas with all these elements and then we'll animate them later so let's do that first first a new composition in a vertical format and all these elements with the minimalistic style are quite easy mostly it's just lines and strokes so in this case I'm just going to create a fill none and a stroke maybe five pixels we can change this later and I'm just going to drag and make a box maybe 10 pixels then we'll select the shape layer maybe call this square with play button and we'll create a layer new null object since this whole scene is not 3D it doesn't make sense to work with a camera it over complicates things and also making some things 3D will make everything slower so we create a null and we call this animator and then we link the square with the parent button button to the animator and now what happens if we press P for position and we move the null it also moves our element now what we're going to do is link everything to this null object so we can use this to animate everything later I'm going to go to align I'm going to Center this and I'm going to go to the star tool and drag this out now with the arrow tools while still holding it you can increase and decrease the star to make a a triangle now I will first have it point up because I'm going to rotate it later we'll just add the rotation here so I can precisely typee in 90° then turn off the stroke and turn on the fill there we go align it to the center now we accidentally created it in the other shape so go to layer new shape and then paste it in here and then we'll delete it here and why it's important because otherwise we won't be able to align it in the center I'm going to move it down something like this and this doesn't have to be perfect you just now know how to create these basic elements now what we can do is link this to the animator and of course move this up so we can start creating the other elements and if we look back at the elements we see some basic text animation but we also see these lines animate now again this is all the same effect and also just different types of shapes or different types of lines I will show you one or two uh but for the other ones it's exactly the same so make sure nothing is selected and then I'm just going to create a line maybe from here maybe from here I'll hold shift so it's a straight line and then down a bit something like that make sure the fill is off and the stroke is on white and maybe also 10 pixels that's fine now you can just duplicate this by pressing command or contrl d right click transform flip horizontal and there we go same line but then on the other side now again make sure that they're linked to the animator so you can move things around and make it a bit more clear to see you can even if you want to press s for scale and scale it down to have a bit more overview which comes in handy now for the animation and we've done this before you just open the line you press add and you press trim paths you open it and here you can animate the end for example we'll press the key frame move it out and we'll press to zero and then when you play it as you can see we get this beautiful animation you can even select all the key frames and easy EAS it so it goes a bit more smoother and put them a bit towards each other like that and same goes for the other shape layer we can even just copy and paste this on the other layer and it will do exactly the same press U to see all the key frames as you can see it now pasted it there I will show you the proof to move this over you can see this one also does it now if we go back to our example here you can see the circle it's the exact same effect I'll show it quickly just go to the ellipse tool use the same stroke I'll move everything over with our animator so we have a bit more space here and then I'll just create a circle now a trick to do this is to hold command or control on Windows and shift and then drag it out so it stays on the center of this line and then we'll move it back down in a in a bit something like that press P for position move it down and again link it to our animator and then for the outer line just duplicate it increase the stroke to for example 50 open the shape add a trim Puffs and you can animate the start or even the offset and as you can see that's exactly the same as in our example now all the effects are exactly the same except a few things first the numbers second the text animations they all use the same blur effect and then third these progress bars so let's do the number count now to do this we just go to layer new text we open it we open the text we go to our effects and presets and we'll add a slider control now hold alt and click on the stopwatch this code is also in the description down below and you can just copy and paste it over now what happens if we move the slide lier it will also increase our number and that's exactly the effect that we want so we move this into the center maybe make it a bit bigger and then we'll key frame the slider we'll press U to see the key frames and then maybe move it to 70 now if we play it you'll see the numbers go up now you can align it to the left or you can align it to the right depending on how you want it to be moved in this case I'm going to move it to 20% and this is how you do the count up now for the text animation there's a couple to do this there's actually some presets that we can use but we're going to do it the real way I will show you how to adjust your own effects and text animations so for example text here I'm just going to move it over let's open this and then we go to animate and then go to blur we'll set this blur on a blur that you like maybe something around 70 75 and we'll go to animate again and I'm going to go to opacity and then turn it to 0% now you won't see your text anymore but what happens when we end animate the start you will see your text animate in which is great exactly the effect that we want and we can animate the start to the end like this and then justplay it and here we have our effect if you want to increase the blur you can do so by changing it to 170% for example and we can also easy EAS move it maybe even move it out maybe increase the opacity a bit and we have the exact same effect now other than that we don't really have special text animations we have one that comes from the above which can be done by a mask and the other ones are all the same effects that we already spoke about and as I said the progress bar is something that I would like to show I'm going to duplicate this over and let's create a progress bar so rectangle tool make sure nothing is selected fill maybe a cool blue color like this turn the stroke off and then we'll just create a really long bar something like this now let's duplicate this open the toggle switches mode and make sure that this is a alpha mat progress bar mask and progress bar we can call this progress Bar number let's link the number to the progress bar press P for position move this out and then let's move this to the left now one thing I'd like to do is to link this all to our animator like we did before and I'm going to scale out so we can see what's happening here move it up press U for the progress bar and let's move this in and then if we play this we see this progress bar going up now make sure that these are aligned so press U again right click easy ease and make sure that the number and the progress bar start at the same time now again these are all the same effect but now the question is how to do these crazy camera animations well animator to the rescue we can animate everything with this so we can for example go to the beginning press P and S for scale make sure when you select everything toggle switches will make sure that everything has motion blur to really sell the effect we'll scale this up move the null object something like this maybe to the center we'll set a key frame and then after for example we want to move to the other side you can just really easily move the key frame can e can even easy ease it maybe a bit quicker and then if you add everything you will get something like this don't forget to subscribe to my channel and share it with everyone thank you guys for the 3K subscribers I'm really happy about that let's go to the 10K subscribers keep your comments coming and then I'll see you next time bye
Channel: TomsProject
Views: 14,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: devin jatho, devin jatho editing style, after effects, edit like devin jatho, devin jatho animation, devin jatho animation tutorial, animation tutorial, instagram reel animation, minimalistic instagram reel, minimalistic animation, black and white animation, joey edits, instagram reels, instagram reels tutorial, instagram reels editing, how to edit like devin jatho, devin jatho font, how to animate like devin jatho, animate like devin jatho, after effects tutorial, tutorial
Id: vMsATQQ1cCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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