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[Music] foreign thing is self-esteem the people that we read about the people that we admire the Elon musk's the Steve Jobs the Warren buffetts Etc all have one thing in common they have extremely high self-esteem and of course you've heard me say this before self-esteem is built the first seven or eight years of life and unfortunately we're with our parents the first seven or eight years of life Ergo we don't have too much self-esteem but to build High self-esteem and the way you build High self-esteem if you're 25 35 or 45 is to be around surround yourself with other people that have high self-esteem show me your friends and I'll show your future and so you can still you can reverse your childhood by who you associate with what all you guys are describing so far is you're afraid or as they say in Scotland you're a feared you're a feared Because unless your parents were Agassi and Steffi Graf both both world champion you know gold medalists in the Olympics it's not likely you were trained to be a high performance person unless her name is Rockefeller or Kennedy or whatever it's not likely you were trained to be a high performance person and so you're afraid uh you're afraid of making a mistake you're afraid of what everybody's going to think you're afraid of looking stupid uh one of the one of the characteristics of high performance people are they engage in self-deprecation well most people in this audience would rather cut their [ __ ] toe off than have people laugh at them because you have low self-esteem 95 of everything you do has nothing to do with making any money 95 percent of no matter what business you're in So when you say I focus I try to focus on one or two things a day try to focus on one thing from nine till 10 in the morning if it's not complete by 10 focus on it from 10 to 11. if it's not complete by Focus for those of you that have more than one business just turn the keys on them everybody for staying turn the key close them close them down close them down 98 of all the business ideas that come to me aren't worth a [ __ ] and 75 percent of those 98 you've been fiddle farting around with for years that's your way of not having to face the fact that one it was a [ __ ] idea and two you got to come up with another idea and three you can procrastinate it's like again I go back to a bad relationship she wants to get rid of you but oh God I sick got six years invested in this [ __ ] or she he wants to get rid of her the girl seemed to be smiling more about this than uh than the guys I mean the devil you know isn't as bad as the devil that you don't know that's that that's right that's right keep shaking your head up and down that's right so you got just eliminate most of it go back and find where did you make your money last month if you're engaged in stuff that you didn't make any money in the last six months close it down I'm the only speaker that you're ever going to hear that really with all his heart doesn't give a [ __ ] if I leave here you liking me I did something wrong I [ __ ] did something wrong I'm not here for you to like me I'm here as a favor to Michael my mentee for 20 years I'm not here you know if you all died today I don't give a [ __ ] and I mean it but Steve Jobs didn't give a [ __ ] about you either Warren Buffett doesn't give a [ __ ] about you today Elon Musk doesn't give a [ __ ] unless you're going to buy a Tesla car don't you understand don't you get it you think Elon Musk wants to fit in we know the answer is no right you want to fit in because you had poor Role Models at home most everybody in this room is a pleaser you want to be liked when I read about that people commit suicide because they were unliked on Facebook it makes me sick to my stomach how can the world get that [ __ ] up that because of [ __ ] Facebook people are going to kill themselves what have we come to God almighty don't you see there's something fundamentally wrong with that in that regard the Chinese they're banning Facebook but 98 of the high performance people are introverts 98 of the high performance people on the planet um they want to be liked 98 we're talking I'm at The Cutting Edge the hard Edge he's not at the heart Edge he's someplace in the middle but being liked doesn't get you a raise when you're working for uh whoever you're working for efficiency accountability we have another test it's called super success test 98.4 fund that test because we decided to make a softer test okay well maybe the guys really believe that they shouldn't punch the guys [ __ ] you know stab him in the eye with a knife or spitting on your mama okay we'll do a new test it's called the uh super success test so we ask softer questions hoping praying that the results are going to be better boy never underestimate how long you can be kids so the softer test was uh based on what kind of sacrifices are you willing to be super successful 60 hours a week nobody is wanting to work 60 hours a week to be successful nobody's willing to miss an anniversary uh a wedding anniversary to be successful nobody is willing to miss a holiday if you booked a holiday and something important happened in business would you tell your family to go on the holiday without you and you're not going to go nobody said yes and it's got 27 questions or 26 questions and they flunked that test worse than the other test because you're not willing to make any sacrifices to be high performance I still work 56 I don't consider it work I still work 50 60 hours a week and I haven't had to work in 35 years I tell you to set goals beyond your lifetime I tell you to set goals as soon as humanly possible when kids come to me they want to make a million 10 million you know and and then when they've made 100 million they say Mr Pena we would have never ever dreamed that we could create a hundred million until we met you you will never exceed your highest expectation you will never exceed your highest craziest thought never that's a guarantee and so then why other than you've been taught by your parents in conventional wisdom to set low goals they've told you the theory is you set low goals so then you can stair step achievement and you won't be as disappointed when you fail that's the theory but normally the person or the person's that have proposed that theory are poor are poor forget your [ __ ] weaknesses forget that [ __ ] beef up your strengths to the extent that you got any and everybody's got at least one strength play off your strengths it's a lot easier to make your strengths better than your weaknesses good beef up your I mean play off your strengths you know and dress the parts Dress for Success people will give you the benefit of the doubt you don't understand that looking for money and Deals is a full-time job you hear me spot my flap and my old lips about it but looking for money and Deals is a full-time job looking for money and Deals is a full-time job and you can't Outsource it you heard Matt say I tried I outsourced it I hired somebody to make the calls it doesn't work why Matt said because they don't have the passion and they don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about you give some guy in Cebu Philippines a script he'll say the script but that's it you can't sell it so it's got to be you [Music]
Channel: Class Of Motivation
Views: 18,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: about self esteem, confidence in yourself, by dan pena, motivational, the truth about self confidence, in the business world, dan pena coch, inspiration, study music, sleeping motivation, how to be more confident, be a confident man, be a confident woman, building confidence in business, building self esteem, amazing speeches, world famous speaker, awesome speeches, best speech in the world, dan pena videos, best speech 2023, the secret, message
Id: qIHzwjzYit0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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