The Search for Siegel Zeros - Numberphile

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So Brady Yitang Zhang, the famous Chinese  mathematician, well he's done it again. It's   about 10 years ago we did a video on the twin  prime conjecture which was solved - well not solved   entirely but sort of a big progress was made by  this unknown Chinese mathematician. It came out of   literally nowhere and made huge progress. So just  to recap what that was about, so the twin prime   conjecture, that's where you know we've known for  many many years since the days of Euclid that there are an infinite number of primes. What the  twin prime conjecture says is that there are an   infinite number of primes that differ by just 2.  So if p is a prime then p + 2 would also be a   prime. And there should be an infinite number of  those guys. Now Yitang didn't prove that result but   what he did prove was that there are an infinite  number of primes that differ by 70 million.   So that's still a, you know, a finite number. And  then since that remarkable proof, mathematicians   have got together, they've collaborated in  something called the polymath project, and   they've managed to bring that gap down to I think  246. So now we know that there are an infinite   number of primes that differ by 246. This is all  down to Yitang Zhang; but now he's done it again   in another big result, you know, possible big  result, in analytic number theory. And it has to do   with something called Siegel zeros. - (Brady: Seagull zeros?)  - Siegel zeros, or Landau-Seigell zeros. (What are they?) To really understand what this is we have  to go back to the Riemann hypothesis; which I know   you've done videos about before. So just to quickly  remember what that's all about; so you know, you   think about this- the the uh the so-called zeta  function which we've we've seen before in lots of   varyingly controversial contexts. This is where you  take the sum over n greater than equal to 1 of   n to the minus s. So this would be like, you know, if  you'd have 1 to the minus s, plus 2 to the minus   s, plus 3 to the minus s and so on including  all the integers. So this is known as the Riemann-Zeta function. You know, for example, we know  that if we set this number s to -1 then   we have the sum of all the integers, or all the  positive integers, and we know what that gives us:  without any controversy it gives us minus 1/12.  - "The answer to this sum is remarkably minus 1/12." But this is this is a very interesting function  in analytic number theory; we know that for- if this   s, if it's real part is bigger than 1 then this  this sum will converge. And we can extend the   definition of this function to the whole- to all  complex numbers using this sort of mathematical   process called analytic continuation. So this  thing can be defined in principle for all complex   numbers. What's really interesting about this guy  is is where does it vanish? There's an interesting   result that you can link this to prime numbers. This is a famous result due to Euler that if I go   through through all the prime numbers like this,  if I take products of prime numbers like this:   to the -1, 1 minus 3 the minus s to the -1, 1 minus 5 to the minus s. So 5, minus 1- and so. I take  all these products, so I take these combinations   of prime numbers, so these are all prime number  entries sitting in here, and I can carry on all   the way up to infinity - this is also related to the  to the zeta function. This is a result due to Euler.   So I think you've discussed this before right?  That this- so knowing about this function tells   you about prime numbers, and how prime numbers are  distributed. One of the interesting things to ask   is where does this function vanish? We can draw the  complex plane, okay; so this is the real part of s,   this is the imaginary part of s. If I draw the line  where s equals- this is the this is 1 here, 0   here, so this is the line where the real part of s  is 1, this is the line where the real part of s   is 0. And we know the the function converges  in this region here to the right of 1. I can   continue the results to the whole complex plane. I  know, it turns out that you can show quite easily,   that there are 0s at -2, -4 and  basically all these sort of negative even values. This is where there's- we know- these are called  the trivial zeros of the zeta function. They're   not so interesting. What's interesting are what's  called the non-trivial zeros. And it's known   that those non-trivial zeros will lie in this  critical strip between 0 and 1. The famous   Riemann hypothesis says not only do they lie in  this strip but they actually lie on one particular   line - where the real part of this complex number s  is 1/2. So the claim of the Riemann hypothesis   is that all the non-trivial zeros of this very  important function which is related to prime   numbers will lie on this line here. So they'll  all be here, here - wherever they are. That's the   claim of the Riemann hypothesis. So now one can  generalise this- have something- generalise this   idea to something called the generalised Riemann  hypothesis, it's very similar. So what we do is we   just generalise this function a little bit. So  what we do is instead of considering these sums   over n to the minus s, we consider a related set  of sums. So it's still very similar, so you still   have your n to the minus s's like we had before,  but now we weight it with this weighting factor.   Basically it's very similar to what we have  before but they're just slightly weighted, each   contribution is slightly weighted by this number chi.  So if you want to write it out in full it would be   chi-d of 1(1 to the -s) plus chi-d of 2 (2 to  the -s) and so on, right. These are called   the Dirichlet L-functions. And these guys, these  factors, well these are the sort of new ingredient   that we have now. They have various properties; of  course these functions that sit out front here,  they basically, you know, they they take integers  n to some complex number okay, and that's what   they are. They're just some function that does that. They have lots of properties that you can discuss   but we don't want to go into all the details. The  most important one is what this D represents and   that's called the modulus. And that's just the  statement that whatever this function is, it's   periodic. So if I take some integer and then I  add D to it then it doesn't change the value of   what this function does. So if I- for example  if I evaluate this function at n equals 1   then I get the same value at D + 1; you see  what I mean? So it's just- it's periodic, it just   repeats okay? So examples of this thing, right? So if  the modulus is- if D equals 1, if the modulus is   1, then this turns out has to be the trivial-  what's called the trivial character, and that   means that it's just 1 - it's always 1, 1  everywhere gives us back this. If the modulus   is 2 then you- then the the only thing you can  have is is what's called the principal character;   and what that is, that's either- that flips between  uh 0 and 1. And think it's um it's 1 for odd   numbers and 0 for even numbers. And so it just  has that sort of weighting. If you go to higher D,   higher modulus, you get just more complicated stuff.  It's just a mathematical construction. The details   don't really matter. The point is this is kind of  like a generalisation of the zeta function okay?   The claim is, of the generalised Riemann hypothesis,  is that for these guys, again the non-trivial zeros   lie on this critical line. That's the generalised  Reimann hypothesis. So we've gone round about, now   we have to get back to Siegel zeros. Siegel zeros  is a counter example to that. So Siegel zeros are   zeros which don't lie on this line; in fact they're  zeros that potentially lie very close to this line   where the real part is 1. In particular they'll  lie sort of around here; so they're real zeros   which lie very close to 1 basically. That's the  idea of a Siegel zero. If a Siegel zero exists   then you can prove all sorts of wonderful things. So there's there's loads of sort of proofs you   can do in analytic number theory that rely on the  existence of a Siegel zero. If it exists you can   prove this; if it doesn't exist well you maybe  can't can't prove it. Here's an example: there's   something called the Heath-Brown Theorem. It says  the following - one of the following has to be true:  there are no Siegel zeros or the twin prime conjecture is true. So one of those has to be   true, okay? They can't both be false. So- so in  other words if you if you find a Siegel zero, if you can show that it does exist, then that means  the twin prime conjecture has to be true, you see?   So so you can see that these the existence  or absence of these Siegel zeros is really   important for proofs in analytic number theory. Okay, so so this is what Yitang is thinking about. Okay now the the precise statement of where  the Seigel zero lies is the following: it should lie on the real line very close  to 1 - how close? Well that's part of the   theorem. It should lie within a small distance here  which should go like c, which is just some number,  over log D. So remember what these things are; c  is just a number, it's an absolute number, it it   doesn't matter what it is it's just a number - it  doesn't depend on D. D is this sort of periodic   property, the modulus of these of these characters  here. That's the claim of the Siegel zero; if it   exists it should lie in this little tiny region  close to 1 okay? And that width of that is c   over log D, right? If it exists, of course, the  generalised Riemann hypothesis is false as well. That's another thing right? Because you know if  that's the- if that zero is there then that's   that's off the line, that's off the critical  line right, so it's another important result. What did Yitang prove? He didn't prove the  absence of these zeros, he didn't prove that.   He proved- so what you would like to show is that  these zeros don't exist in any of this region here.   (Eliminate that area.) - You want to eliminate that  area, that's that's the that's the thing you're   striving for. He didn't do that. He managed  to show that zeros didn't exist in a much   thinner region, okay? And the region that  he was looking at, it had this width: Okay, so he was able to prove- so this is a much  thinner region, much closer to 1, and he was able   to show that there were no zeros in something  of that width. Okay? Now you might wonder where   the hell's that 2024 come from right? Well he-  he did this by proving a related result which   included the number 2022 - which was of course this  year, right? So it's a bit of an arbitrary choice. He himself says he can bring this number down to  order a few hundred; whether he can bring it down   to the 1 that you need to really capture this  statement about Siegel zeros and where they are   and the thing that's then going to feed into  all these other proofs - well I talked to some   number theories here at Nottingham and they were  saying well that's probably going to need some   new input to do that. But it's still a big  breakthrough, it's still it's still sort of you   know a real advance - if correct - compared to what's gone before. - (He's narrowed the search field a bit?) Yes. So basically he's been able to show that  if you go really really close to 1 in this   region here there are no Siegel zeros. But to capture the full statement you need to prove it   in this slightly larger region, okay? And as we  bring this number down that region is going to   get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and  bigger until you capture the whole lot and then   once you've got that then all these factors that  go into other proofs, and this that and the other,   will really kick in. Even this result can have an  impact on some sort of other mathematical proofs.   (Do you want there to be no Siegel zeros?) - No I'd like there to be one. Definitely! Because it disproves the   Reimann hypothesis right! Or the generalised treatment hypothesis. - (That's bad news if we)   (disprove the Reimann hypothesis) - New stuff is fun, Brady! New  stuff you don't expect. So most- by the way most   mathematicians would say that there's probably  no Siegel zero. It's generally- so the proof's- it's it's considered what's called uh illusory, that's what- that's the terminology they use. So   so you can prove this if if there is a Siegel zero but it's an illusory proof because chances   are there isn't a Siegel zero. - (Isn't there a lot of  mathematics that will just crumble if we disprove)  (the Reimann hypothesis? Like it'll be like, oh lots  of things we thought were true- Aren't there lots)  (of proofs that sort of say 'this is assuming the  Riemann hypothesis is true'?) - There are, yes, and but  then this then goes deep into proof theory. I mean you can have um statements which are   which are based on the correctness of their Reimann  hypothesis and statements which are based on the   sort of incorrectness of the Riemann hypothesis  actually. And then they just take into different   branches of mathematics actually. And there's this  really interesting notion, you know, that people   look at, which is like um trying to unpick the  theories of mathematics and trying to understand   um what proofs rely on what assumptions and  therefore- and then if you break those what does-   which branch of mathematics does that take you in? So, you know, very loosely you might say   well what if I say I only have real numbers? You  know what can I prove? Well then you can only   prove so much, but then you can say, well I can  extend my axioms, I can extend the rules of   the game to include complex numbers and prove more stuff. And and then there's this whole   game that you can play with with mathematics. So  you're absolutely right. It'd just be fun right   if there is one! Oh there's my little Siegel zero!  How cool would that be? - (They'dname it after you)  (It could become the Padilla zero.) - Well if I found  it, I don't think there's much chance of me finding it. It's in there somewhere right? But but you  know; so this of course has has implications in   in physics as well, at least the distribution  of prime numbers. So so the zeros of the zeta   function, you know, they've been connected to  um energy levels of heavy nuclei. So there's   a connection there right? So understanding the  zeros of the zeta function can maybe tell you   something about the energy levels of heavy nuclei, they're sort of distributed, you know. It's really quite   profound potentially. In terms of this this  result, this latest result that he's proven,  um the jury is still out amongst the mathematical  world - as it should be. Maths has this brilliant   uh sort of philosophy that what they do is is  it, you know, they really- the peer review process   is incredible in mathematics. They take a very  long time to unpick each other's work and it's   a really serious process. So that's going to take  at least a year probably. You know, people like   Terry Tao for example have already commented  on the- on the on the manuscript saying that the   um a certain sort of inconsistent equation-  equation referencing and sort of just things   in the paper that are making it difficult to sort  of follow the proof and check it. So um, you know, it   just needs a time to just to sort of tighten it up, tidy it up, and then say, off you go guys now   check it, see if you if you agree. And actually  it may be that they don't agree; I mean this has   happened before right? It may be that they spot a  small error. But then what normally happens- it's   such a healthy culture, what will happen then is,  rather than everyone going oh it's wrong they'll   probably, you know, try to work together with the  with the person reviewing the paper and actually   try and fix it and actually- You know this has happened in the past with Fermat's last theorem   and things like that of course. So yeah I guess  the jury is still out but it's potentially quite exciting. How do you build a brain that  will solve the universe's wildest problems?   Well you can start by giving it a workout at  Brilliant. Here's a world of courses, questions,   and puzzles that have been lovingly designed  to make learning an absolute pleasure. Look, they   even have a bunch of stuff here about modular  arithmetic which was touched on by Tony today. Actually they've got loads about modular  arithmetic! They've got loads about everything   really. Everything's so clean and elegant;  cleverly put together and really interactive.   You never want to stop you always want to see  what the next question is going to be - at least   I do. So don't be a 'FOOLD', be a 'DOLOF'. Get 20% off  your Brilliant premium subscription by going to - that link's also in the  description. You can also give Brilliant as a gift  . to the future or maybe current genius in your  life. See all the details on the website. Well I don't know about Siegel zeros but the  search for Tony's book 'Fantastic Numbers and Where   to Find Them' just got a whole lot easier because  it's been released in the US. You can see both the   UK and US covers here on the screen. There'll  be a link to that in the video description.
Channel: Numberphile
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Id: Bn946gIck3g
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Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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